Jc**c M. Wilton, of Hamlet, wa it D ititi visitor ycrtnrday. J. L. Hnt"her and three children •' "t y.-tUtrd'.y in Fayetteville. Krt. Herfcrn Taylor la apr-nding ‘■•e '*«v* It. Raleigh with relative*. JiHuIk Atkla.on of Selma, U fen-Ul’j* t*»i wool; cod with Mira Ror.a VjM. Vies L'.aahilh T-trlingtor of Fay ; I rvii: •. I-; orcndlitr the win- with El de RagyrtL Hoy Hailey of Maxlon, It spending V- \<reb It. m with -tie parents, Mr. ..d Mr-. 1. F. Hailey. D. J. Dowd lav 1 eturned from Cl-al sent county whom ho epent sev eral -Inyr with hla fucher. J M. Shei wood, J. O. Warren, Jet. D. Dovh and C. H. Anderson tpanl y Onlay afternoon in Raleigh. Dur.n'a two banks—The Fint Na tional and the Commercial_will be - losed n- .xt Monday—Labor Day. Four new cotton gina hava recant ly bwn lie-tailed at the Barnaa oil ir.lil* replacing those bunted laat Oe tidirr. Mrs. James Farthing haa returned fiotii a trip to tiie western part of the Stat* where sho apent several weeks. Mina Mabel Ruaaell of High Point, fina returned home after spending temo time as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Ruaaell. "Lefty" Wilton, star pitcher for tic D tnvilic baseball team, spent yea* let da/ ht-rt- visiting hla parents, Mr. l.ui UlM. .1 >*alw P Wilann Mi" Novella It ear don it spending s few <lay« with her parents, Mr. and Mr». J. N. Reardon. She will return to her position In Durham next week. Hector Stone uxl son, Edward, at Oiiarvlo, Fla., spent Wrdncoday and Wednesday night hers visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Britt. Um. ]. M. Roams and grand daughter. Julia Reams Strickland, and eon, Marion, left this mo ring to visit relatives in Durham and Car penter I- P. Surles sper.t yesterday in Ralei*!-. where he went to seo Mrs. Surles who U a patint at Rex Hos pital. 'Mm. Surles wilt return home Sunday. J. H. Tyner, of Hamlet, spent yes trt.lujr here visiting at the homo of hi . eon ai.d daughter-in-law, Mr. and M s. J. Harvey Tyner, East Cumber land street. Claude H. Britt of Lumberton, npent yesterday and last night here vlsitlpg at the home of his brother and vUtor-in-lnw, Mr. and Mrs. F. Grover Britt. Mixae* Mary Lovie Floyd and Myr l'« Oolney left Wednesday afternoon for Orrum, Itobesoa county, where they will spend a week visiting rela tives and friend a hflrs Hvtdricka 'arrived this week from Baltimore to as no rue charge of .he r finery department of Johnson Erod ••;n for another season. This Is her t/.lrd season In Dunn. ■Ml iied Mr... Eugene Taylor of Now O 'lenr.s wore the guests this vetk of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Smith. Hi. : nd Mrs Taylor motored here from their home in Louisiana. A large dog was run down and hilled by an automobile on the thlnn Duke highway, just beyond the town limit, Wednesday night. It has net been learned to whom the dog he thut kHled him. Th» 8cnloT B Y. P. U. af the First Baptist church went a picnic to Holt's Laho, near Smithilald, Tuesday af trmenii. The party engaged in bath ing anti boat-riding arid sapper »sj served late in the afternoon. A nsoat delightful time was had by every ons peasant. P. A. Lee, president of the North Carolina Pharmaceutical association and O. K. Grantham, a delegate, wil; leave Sunday night for Asheville t< “Uend a meeting of the Americas rharmaceutieal aeaoeiation, whist meets In that. city September 8-8 This |e the second Hire this not* association has baen held la Mortl Carolina haring met in Asheville li 1898. At that Dime William Simpson of Raleigh, was elected president «1 the association. The American Pher m.vcoutieal association Is eoarpesed © editors, college piefeeeers, seientlfW research students, and retail drug gists from every State in the onion Local Schools Wffl Open September 11 The Dunn graded schools sritl opes Monday, September IT. The new building la bcir.g rapldl: completed. The cleat rooms are prme ! if ally finished now except the paint iptt, and this work Is now being dots by a large fores end wfll be rash*I t completion The fare hurt has orris ed end wl* be Installed within th next two weeks. gx.—lj-a— i —Bg——f NEW RESIDENTS OF DUNN i»2»e are Mr. and Mrs. Lout * Baer and their children. The children are, from the reader’ a left to right. Pearl Gertrude, Rosa Reas and Anna Lee. Mr. Ba«r la head of Baer’s Dry Goods Co., whose store formal ly opens here tomorrow. More Than Fifty Bales Cotton Marketed Here More tbsn fifty IiIm of nest crof cotton hare hern marketed and pool* cd her* since Wednesday of last week wSrfl the first bale was brought in. The number of bale*, ibid increase! daily, and in a week or fen dfcys thi market ekR be crowded with the staple. Middling coLIju U falling foi 23 cents Iho pound. RECORDERS “COURT Fniluro to abaerve the North Caro liria railroad iioixinp "Stop" 1aa eauxi-il Jeff Tomer, negro, to part w:th ,t *1(1 flu# jjid roota when hail •'! beloic Kfi'or.lcr M. M. Jernigar yextarilay. Jeff vra* relieved of at additional Ann of $10 and tort or tSr charge of exceeding tho xpcec limit with the ram* automobile ami wa« taxed with tht coit In anothei '.aac charging that h« operated thi car without State licenxc number*. Waller Mcl^aurio, negro, found guiitr of the I treeay of a watermel on, wa< fined flu and coot—tot* $23. No doubt Walter figure, rh«i rather expensive for one melon. Kobe Haynes, negro, wax flnad $1 ur.d cox'l on the charge of simple a» suu'l open hix wife. According to th< *vi»».eace, Kobe threatened to ux* hit "raaah" upon hix best half. Archie William, and Mattie Wil Horn, negroes were found guilty ol immoral conduce. Archie wax ftnet $26 while Mattie wax taxed with tb< coat. Fianklin Sherman, Jr., was Acer |10 and cost on the charge of rack lets driving and running his car InU one driven by O. I,. Duncan He gavi notiro of appeal to the Supremt court. Louis McNeill, negro, was finer #10 Mil coot on the charge of nick | L. * driving. J. D. McNeill, alro col o.-eil, was taxed with the cost oi, thi rhtrre of driving a car without II ccnsc numbers. "KAIL THE WOMAN" Thomar H. lore's "Hail the Worn an.” which la to be shown at the Co 'or irJ Theatre Monday U a tribute b life’* achievements, a message • hope to life's failures. A drama o mal people, of human emotions, your and mine. A drama of mother* daughters, of father’s sons, woven to jfether with the deft touch of a mas trr. Through tears and sadnem -.hrongh hope and glad nets, you’ll n ■ipood to "Hail the ‘Woman’*. A grea producer, a great author, a wonder fjl director, and a splendid cast, fin'.ulicd cinema production. “Lefty” Wilson Will T«acli In Danvilk Danville, Va_, Aug. 28.—"Lefty L. Q. Wilson, star harler for tt _ 0 , Danville hnseball club, haa bean sign ed by W. C. Griggs, •uperintendan | of public ecboola, a* director of ath ; letica during the coming school year Wilson baa been released from fci< I agreement with the principal ol Greensboro high school, where hi w:m to hove had charge of athletics Definite announcement of WUeon'i engagement fotlowod the signing ol a cuntrsct this afternoon. Spratt Moore Will Teach Athletic* Here d, mU Moore, a graduate of David ,on eoll'gr, who was captain of thi Davidson football tram last year, hai accepted a place on the faculty ol | ’nr Bcmi -ehool* os teacher of sr; enc# and kthlvtiea. Moor* has nn en viable reputation as an athletic In etroctor. STOLEN AUTO WAS j RECOVERED HERE l __ | Car Stolen In Wilioa Lwf Standing On Waat Hur aatt 3 tract A 4-peeeenccr E**r* ants mobile which war stolen in WII*ori Hvoi «da] of l» t week, iru located here Moo | day. The e'.olei car wae found eland in* on West Harnett street and wa UWrn in -barge by local affiecn B. D Du'.e, owner of the ear, cam to Dunn ‘iueeday and identified H a the one *t<4*n from fata. He paid tin officer* a reward of pBP. whieh lx had offered for the recovery af Hu ctolen ear. The officer* learned after the eai had been turned over bo the owaei . that it we* driven to Dunn by Jaase Hatcher a negro, and that he ha* . driven It around town for two a . three day* after hi* arrival bare, lab Ttic-day afternoon Chief of Polio B. A. Rowland and Constable L. W Tart epled Hatcher, while ha wa ridiu* a bicycle on the etreeta The; *n*r eh«*e. hot lort *i*ht of Hatche after a three-mil* race. Hie ne*r . uieil hi* hieyrtc In the first lap af th i race, while the officer* uted a For r ear. Latsr he decided that hi* heel ■ were more traety than the bicyoi i end he abandoned the ‘wheel" an i took to hia feet. The race ended near Tll*hman' lumber plant, when Hatcher fade , Into the force:* a* nightfall came or ■ He ha* not yet been appnehendec t Chief Rowland admitted that aa - runner, Hatcher ha* bat few equal * -. Select your cotton seed this la from field* not infected with , ar thrarnose or boll rot. Tlii* disca* ( wa* unusually liad in Wake, John • «ton, Nash and Edgecombe Countie this year. Crop rotation and .**-c selection will control it for -all pra< e Heal purposes. "■mwaamiMmmsahmiiiJii ■* . \ *. Biidweiser \j Cv«ryv4\»re r , ’ AWHtUaWrBUICll, mo, yf. LOUIS M- S. Dibs Distributor Dunn, N. C. BB9SSEe=BK9BaBaHSgB^KSaSBB9E99H9B9B9i AT THE CHURCHES — ■' ■!■ ChriatU. Chervil Rry., 0. T. Meltox, pastor. Blbl* School Sunday u.«5 ,, «. Preaghlng Sunday 11:00 a. m. Subject: "Xe.t Ashamed of the Gospel." Good mua>. Bread Iny Sunday »jOO p. m. ChrKtal Endeavor, Monday 8 p. n.;, Mid-woek sorrier Wednesday S >n-; chair practice Friday 740 p. W. The puhl'c is canllnliy larltnl FJiv* Resit* Church Sunday School 8 • • G s. m. | eefrlaa 11 a. m. Special mus'c an I thrnr., roV EvoMpg ctrrlee 8 p. m. I Anther, duet. Everybody u cordi j ally lne;ti*d to attend there n'-rvlcc*. At Tbs Mvtbodut Church , Tt.- p. yto'. Hnv G. T. AHnmr aril pnwh Sunday at 11 a. m. and > p. m. Tlie Sicrenifv,t of the Lord’* s.x -per will bo n dministered at this morning eenrleo. The pastor earnest ly Jeeiicr that every member of the congregation bo peasant. I B. Y. P. U. Program, 3apt X Subject: Devotional Meeting— “Loyalty to Chrfet" Scripture— Denial 84* 27; Acts 4:lS-20. Intro duction — Sally Naylor. Tall— “Chrirt Loyal to Those Who Are Ley I al to Him."—Eslanor Hatcher. Talk —“The Inner Motive Decider the Trend"—John O Harris. Plano Solo —Nona Britt. Talk—“Loyalty to God's Word"—M. It. Jernigam. Talk •The Lordship of ictus"—Mr* Wbylma Naylor O’Brien Quartette— Hy Member* of Group No. 1. Talk “Loyalty Ur God’s Day—R. L. Den nieg. Talk—“Loyalty to Ourselvrv and Other*”—Dr. Warren. Song— "Loyalty to Chriat." “fltriejica with j> distress 1» autnm-.r comujdfnt. I aougiJB—y old friend of forty gi-nw- pr. ARNOLD'S ntL-SAV tAvi.lt JuMrara had. It Uib. :in\ r n~\ ^nJidiate relief Our ra-e'ef r'.ironlcJia rrhoea vn cored by this rPPmttY" Bold by Hood und Gianlbam. Co-Op* Growing RbUi/tl. All*. 2«.—Report! from CetiOb Grower* Co-operative associa tion* <n pine of the twelve ovgenisrd : states abow that Cfl.oCC now member* hire been signed up during the pro gress of the tnembenbip rempalgn: Georgia leads with «,MS I Texas aee o.irf with 0.571 and Oklahoma is third with 6,M2, still larger addi tion* are expected bafors the elm pa'gn cloaca. Child Accidentally Kills Sister Wilton. Aag. 17.—A tarrihl* fra ud/ was enacted in Taylor* town 4Up, eight miles jwaet a/ this city, niff Ihle iaoraing7rf*i jeer-old f,* &oy, eon of Jaeopbwa Will lam*, aeei dentally shot aid killed hie two-year old sister, Lneile. while playing w:th a single barrel breach loading gnn, blowing the top of her head 30 find out into the pobfle highway. Franklin Phcciwn «syt that l:: cotton leaf worn will pT0h.ih'v l«‘ ejeden-ir rhi* faM. No need to wnr ry, though, for the jes! on*;. sir'.|e •hi lifive*. generally, after the ad ton u made. ; AT THE OFT SHOP I r *• » i • i i L I 1 P — Call and examine " them If interested ► IKON CAR • Copt. B. B ll-Mr WANTED, TO Rl/T NIC) <lry, pine lowaet price stating f1 Hit ta t>>* place Oan tell i load* cedar pec for fctieliur. I t. O. Box ITS Rald**i, If. a , . HAVE’EM REPA 'LoOi; in your closets foi one shoe that need g. Repair ed shoes r comfoi found on! ra nhoea 8c that the of the chi! i dren’s eh i straight an< solid befi _ r them t school. Agents wanted. Th Franklin ?W*Em-Quiek Flee trie Sfto* Shop, S. R. Holme* propr., Dana, N. C. Phon 480. / 8 14 U PsS^CeU B* t c. u* BATHIMG SUITS ! r t We have a big assortment of Lathing suits and w^Srill close them out at a big r^fluction. All wool bathii anita, old | roae, trimmed green, stne | to 44.'' red. trim good style. with white. , fine quality, np to 44. _ . all up to 46. Fifth Avenue >P I ==5=5555= 5— I -1 |L I k I ct § I \$ I i |p . »*- - - -. --i gs ; .a~j m+\rm it ' ' ' ■■■ iIM^mil I V{£ bA'/E JUST RECEIVED A 9J 1 Tomlinson Quality I 1 1?> bottom 1 I ! wcr i

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