National B and PW Week To Be Observed Locally I National Business and Profes sional Women's Week. September 23-29 will be observed by the Waynesville Club by honoring a "Woman of the year," neiected from nomiations submitted by | various women's organisation* of Waynesville. The "Woman of the Year" will be guest of honor at a dinner meeting to be held Tues day evening. September 25, at 7 o'clock at The Lodge. As a further observance of the ^Wrek. members will attend the -morning service at the First Bap Mist Church in a body Sunday morn -ing. September 23. ? The Haywood County Ministerial "Association Is cooperating with the ??plans by turning over to the club " the Morning Devotions radio pro gram heard over WHCC Radio Sta tion each weekday morning at 8 o'clock. The schedu.e of dates and subjects is as follows: Monday. Sep ! tember 24. "Love," by Mrs. J T. ? Russell; Tuesday. September 25. | "Christian Attitudes Toward ?Work." Mrs. Ruth Craig; Wednes day, September 2C. "Prayer." Mrs. ? Joe Liner; Thursday. September 27, "The Joy of Walking and Work ing With The Master," Mrs Rebek ?kah Murray: Friday, September 28. [*" High For New Levels of leadership." Mrs. M L Sadler; Saturday, September 29, "Faith," j Mrs, Claude Rogers. _ Business and Professional Wo men's tiny will be observed on Wednesday. September 28, when club members take over the opera tion of Radio Station WHCC for two periods, 9 am to 1130 a m and 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. During these periods regular programs will be taken over by Business and Pro fessional Women and only women will be on the air. On Wednesday and Saturday of j the week local members will meet and lunch together at a special "fellowship table" reserved at the Towne House j Under the chairmanship of Mrs. Lynwood P MrElrny, the follow ing committee members are work ing to carry out the plans for the week Mrs. G C Ferguson. Mrs. John Metgger, Miss Mary Cornwall, Mrs. Kurt Cans, Mrs, J T RunmII, Mrs P. H Gentry, MUs Nancy Killian,. Mrs. Kenneth D Fry, Mrs. Charles F, Fowler. Miss Margaret Boyd. Mrs. M L. Sadler. Mrs. Edith Alley F.moson. Miss Peggy Mc Cracken. Mrs M G Stamey. and Mrs. Fay Toy. Mrs. Ben Phillips is president of the club ? ? ? ? , . ? ., Mrs. C. B Witt has returned ta, her home in Canton after a trio to Ithaca. N Y.. where she visited j Mr and Mrs H. W Dirkerson. She was aeeompanied by her daughter, Mrs. D. C. Dirkerson, and Mr. Dickerson. of Daytona Beach, Fla. Women's Division Of Farm Bureau To Meet Saturday Haywood County farm women are Invited to attend a meeting of the Women's Division of the Ha\wood County Farm Bureau of) Saturday. September 22. at 10:30 am in the Courthouse Mrs. Irby Walker of CJreensboro, administration director of Farm Bureau Women, will address the it roup. The Women's Division was re* cently organized in <he county with Mrs D. J. Boyd as temporary chairman. At Saturday's meeting a permanent chairman will be elect ed as well as other officers and a board of directors. The purpose- of the newly or ganized group is It, assist In an ac tive. organized way In carrying for ward such phases of the American Farm Bureau Federation as enlist the creative interest of women, namely: to accent the fundamental Importance of organised efforts; to bring about better educational, so cial. and spiritual opportunities for rural people; to strengthen and support the executive organisation; and lo give rural women the means of expression and strength that come from unity in organized ef-1 forts dedicated to the development of a more abundant country life. * * * Mrs. Murphy Is Club Hostess The Merry Homemakers Home Demonstration Club met Monday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Don | Murphy. Mrs. Paul Clark, Jr. pre sided During the business session Mrs. F.ula Clark, chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, reported a profit of SISftftO from the l.abor Day food concession Plans were discussed for the completion of the Achievement Day exhibits Mrs Jack Rice and Mrs. Neal Hipps were named as project lead ers to attend the House Furnish ing school held here Wednesday Project reports- were given on , Home Gardens by Mrs. Arthur Wall, and Home Beautlflcation by Mrs. Tommy Robertson. The Demonstration on "Family Business Affairs" was given by Miss Mary Corowell ? Mrs Melvtn Henllne and Mrs Olen V Hyde wore welcomed as new members. I . . . , * * * 1 Miss Nancy Morrow, daughter of | Mr. and Mrs John Morrow of Route 3, has entered Mars Hill col lege as a freshman. ? bheppe s 0 VSJ = MACSHORE CLASSICS COMPOUND INTEREST 3.99 Just sit back and collect the praises . . . MAC SHORE makes it so easy for you with this tailored f delight in fine combed cotton broadcloth. Care fully computed with convertible spread Italian col lar< cluster tucked front, faked pocket. In white, blue, gold, butternut, moss, and red. Sizes 30 to 38. sk?pp?^ Its MateMraat Strand Theatre Bnildin* r 11 ?? BACK IN SCHOOL AGAIN are clerks of Wavnes vllle area retail store*, attending salesmanship classes all this week under sponsorship of the Merchants Association and the State Distributive Education Department. Some 87 sales clerks from 21 business firms have been attendinc the srs slons, hrld in the basement of the First Methodist Churrh. with F. M. Sinclair, tralnin* specialist for the State Distributive Education Service as instructor. Even in* classes are also bcin* held for store executives. (Mountaineer Photo). I* Ratcliffe Cove Home Club Has Meeting The RatclifTe Cove Home Dem-' onstration Club met Monday night in the home of Mrs Frank L?opar<l with Mrs. James Medford as co-j I hostess Mrs. Edwin Russell, presi dent. presided and the devotional was given by Mrs. Bill Liner. Mrs. Hugh RatclifTe, chairman of the Achievement Day Committee, gave a report on plans for Achieve ment Day Project leaders' reports were giv en on Home Gardens by Mrs Owen Janes, Home Reautideation by Mrs Lem Leopard, and International Relations by Mrs. Hugh RatelifTe The demonstration on "Family Business Affairs" was given by Mary Cornwell. During the social hour a tour was made to observe Mrs. Leop ard's conserved whiter food sup ply, honie freezer, canned goods and supplies. Mrs. James Medford directed the recerafion Milk pitchers were pre sented as souvenirs to the mem bers with the slogan "have you had your milk requirements for to day' ? ? * Upper Crabtree Club lias Workshop-Meeting The Upper Crabtroe Home Dem onstration Club met Tuesday after noon in the home of Mrs. Frank Medford for a workshop on block printing. Mr* Lynden MeCracken, presi dent. conducted the business and plans for Achievement Day ex hibits were made Miss Mary Corn well, home agent, was in charfce of the dem onstration and workshop. ? ? ? CORRECTION Jim Caddis, son of Mr and Mrs. James A. Caddis of VVayesville, is a member of the freshman class of the University of Tennessee at Jinoxvllle Monday's issue of the Mountaineer erroneously stated thnt he w-as a student at the Uni y<ersltv of North Carolina at Chap el Hill. * * ? Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leatherwnod | and the letter's mother, Mrs Povre. of Everett, Washington are visiting Mr Leatherwood's par ents. Mr and Mrs. C. G. I.eather wood. WSCS To Hold Sub-District Seminar At Clyde The Haywood County Sub-Dis trict of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Methodist Church will hold a seminar at Cen tral Methodist Church in Clyde. Tuesday, September 25, beginning at 10 a m. Mrs. Glenn Hipps, sub-district i chairman will preside, and Miss ? Lr.ura Jones of Franklin, district 1 president, will present the goals , for the coming year. Mrs. W. B Harreil of Cullowhee will present the mission studies and program material. Officers of the Woman's So- 1 cieties of all Methodist churches in the county are expected to be pres- ! ent, All those attending are asked to bring sandwiches or a covered dish and remain for lunch follow ing the seminar. ' ? * ? Personals ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lankford have as their guests at their home in Clyde, Mrs. Lankford's brother in-law and sister, Lt. and Mrs. Wil liam L. Maughan and their chil dren, Kristlne, Lee, and Michael, of Albany, Georgia. Lt. Maughan will report to Cherry Point follow ing his visit in Clyde. * * * Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Caldwell and son. Brian, of Clyde, left this week for Chapel Hill where they will spehd the winter. Mr. Caldwell, who was recently discharged from the service will continue his edu cation at the University of North Carolina Mrs Caldwell Is the former Miss Janice Conine of Clyde. * * * Mr. and Mrs Ivev Cline have re turned to their home in Concord after a visit with Mrs. Cline's brother, Dennis Conine, at his home in Clyde. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mann of Sylvester, Ga., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Sloan, Sr. ? ? * Bobhv Ballance. son of Mr. and Mrs. Milburn Ballance. is a mem ber of the freshman class at West ern Carolina College. * * * Mrs. H. L. Liner, Jr., left today for a visit with relatives in Charleston and Florence, S. C. Miss Ernestine Edwards, daugh ter of Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards of Maggie Valley, has returned to Berea College where she is a mem ber of the Sophomore class. * * * Miss Ann Grant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Norman Grant of Waynesville, Houte 1, Is a member of the sophomore class at Berea College, Berea, Ky ? ? ? George M. Kirkpatrick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Kirkpat rick of Crabtree, has entered the freshman class of State College. Raleigh. * ? * Charles Eugene DaCis, son of Mr and Mrs. James M. Davis of Hazel wood, has returned to Mars Hill College, where he is a senior. -U"T 0A W5SS ^Polish like new in seconds! No liquid! No paste! Amazing polishing gloves that put the shine back into any high ft tush metal! *1 49 ? A PAIt Throw away your messy silver pol ishes. PUT ON THE CLOVES . . . and shine your silver like new! Brass, copper, chrome too! Takes one-third the tuna . . , does away with all the aggravation that goes with silver pot The miracle polishing agent la stored away in the gloves. Cannot scratch. Cannot spill and damage nigs or table tops. Guaranteed safe noo-toxk. Use on costume or fine jewelry with articl ing results. Each glove fits either hand . . . lasts for tnoathi. * ? ? ? ft. 4 m< Mr. And Mrs. J. O. Plott Celebrate 50th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Plott of Lake land. Florida, formerly of Canton. J celebrated their 50th wedding an ! niverssry yesterday at the Cald I well cottage in Maggie Valley where they have spent the past j eight summers. Mr. and Mrs. Plott were mar ; rleu in Hiawassee, Ga.. on Septem ber 19, 1906. Mrs. Plott. the former Mayme Penland of Hayes ville, is the daughter of the late James H. and Fannie Johnson Penland. She is 74 years of age. Mr Plott. a retired wholesale grocer. Is 77 years of age. He is the son of the late Pipgree Press ley and Haseltine Osborne Plott, pioneer residents of Haywood County. He was reared in the upper Pigeon Valley. Mr Plott has had varied busi ness interest in the Pigeon Valley section and in Canton where he established the feed and wholesale grocery concern known as the J. O Plott Company. In 1920. he, with the late J. L. Gibson of Bry ' son City, organized a wholesale grocery business in Lakeland. Fla He also built one of the earliest hotels in Lakeland and was ac tively interested in many real estate developments in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Plott have three children: Mrs. Ralph H. Upham of Cambridge. Mass., J. P. Plott of Lakeland. Fla., and Mrs. Philip M. Cook of Tampa. Fla. They also have three grandchildren. ? * ? Mr and Mrs. Kurt Gans of Gans Jewelers have returned from New York where they attended the diamond market. * * * Miss Ruth F.. Worsham. daugh ter of Mr and Mrs. W. H Burgln, has returned to her studies at ; Western Carolina College, where 1 she is a member of the junior class. . i Clyde PTA Meeting : Is Postponed A meeting of the Clyde School PTA scheduled for tonight has ! been postponed until Tuesday. Sep I tern be r 23. because of a conflicting ; teachers meeting. . Mrs. Carl Gillis. president of the PTA, will announce her com i mittees for the year at the meet i tng. ? * ? Miss Ann Coman Crawford of ! Waynesville. daughter of Mrs. Charles KirkpatricU of Marysville, Wash., has returned to Woman's College. Greensboro after spend ing the summer with her mother, i She is a senior and president of the senior class. Homemakers Meet With Mrs. Kirkpatrick The Waynes ville Homemakers Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Frank Kirkpat i rick. Tuesday night. Mrs. H. O. Champion, president, conducted the business. Mrs. Charles Isley, chairman of the Achievement Day Committee, reported on the progress of the exhibit and plans were made for an additional workshop. Project reports were given on Home Gardens by Mrs. H. O. Champion, Home Beautification by Mrs Ben Phillips, and Citizenship by Mrs. Jimmie Williams. The demonstration on "Family Business Affairs" was given by the i home agent. ? * * Use the Want Aos tor results. KURT GANS<<The store Brides GUARANTEED - A , REGISTERED^ So you may buy with ab?jP^~ lute confidence, Keepsake Dia V' mond Rings ate permanently ?J J B registered and the Diamond is B guaranteed perfect in writing ^^1 by Keepsake, Good Houselceep 150.00 I / > y A CINDERELLA ) MM J j] I ^ ^M4f-/\/f^f/4 ? ^JEW E L E R ,gteafeateategfeg^^^gfe^^feafe^gfegfe?isgfe?^fe?iB^8ateateai6a IN THE CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT AT RAY'S QiiAlfi ClMcti It's a girl's uorld oj wonderful coats, this fall, and we've a wide selection of the very newest styles, in the very nicest colors and fabrics. 3 We've coats with hoods, with back interest, X double-breasted coats, tweed coats . . . in short, just everything to please young fashionplates. COATS ? Definitely Schoolable COATS ?Girls Will Love COATS ? You Can Buy "Lay-A way"

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