PAGE TWO <■ - ■! mmgMm J Jf A cm" UR HR » s ■■^^MBWWPWMP^MRkMM-... - . ... . ’--a- —,.>T:._a~W ■»' --*. - ■- - ■ | " JIJI ' ' '" j Ilf .- <** IUMn«i,IM <* » B'T Tell her * roftnt down 1 / t^ s rin^P 2s*] mu>* With * g|H Into MM XCUllt y»». L | P" • iw t snow which way ( L » ,a M- BhftßMa*t «m d«m taut , kUaMu- I haw walk ad and walk,*! „ !' *bMar wattle** Mr Not. I lnv. u’l , l ~wM M4ft I atoplwx salt from her «r «MMW eftto. WHftt shall I dnT , M» ftighr. novae did this torfor. Mv , MPmx Utile Mr), Oh. Ouy. ■ ( |{S WE'.SI""" | fMNMhTI#M MU’s arras and led u Mr qutotty bach U> S Us aast tn one jM •* lbs roun Oenlly ha quea i Mftsdl Not aatkt bs haft hsr quiet, a I bp iMMNUfttlWtiif Ml Imp MlWCfl. I VMM fH • Mash al lh« door #*** «|Mft»d It ft Has MrKau [ INaM*. jdr, I was just talking u> K fipH* M*M» » cM*iff«nr. who L Mm Mr mine jwopu. «ut on th- Mftth.ffhorh. ftha lira US lha *lr.<i I MmINHIH Ur was wrt-ok. d „ut on I Oft Mud na IMu a fence or soma [ oumr m*« »pur«»ch to «n« ot m. I bfttfM tm tin Motor Parkway-owr J PMBwßv.yftfrygy 1 x llwfc Wibbn*! tout! t*k'rU hid caiiKhr I ■MrtMfckfthft! ma'am. Thera |e''4pt'Mt * *m«o «d anyano Slauml \ > -|y M tho machine. left nMftN*4)#»'to tarrfMa. terrible IM*M I III SO and «... • m«hM» anft salted a Ikaw sum Mft fM* iMM sv«v <&tobly. «i if # Mil Mr bo M 4 asm In lha ; MUm** ** lb# fitntr Orel# #ml h#<i * i Miftft tft»n«U nots of. Nvulentiy h > “t&tf JTcMasft Hack let a brother." * ' M immslsKl "to ha iborar w.u, r f m Mdftr Whars 1 can rail hi.,.’ tfrlMk M's at tho Cecil r Thank " ttmrlok twrssA. Without betraying *' 5? hta ri7?" r ' ° »OMm totftht *tvs us I Suppose. Nits, rou have • ! ■ »#•#»• fts V pvOr to tha Oocll | -InKM'fMi #mKftft. M 0< l.« fMg w*** raondlns tha Omn.i «' "P#M| «•# oaaftht In treflk- whan j: IS®*? ***** on Lons Island " In Is M ftsasmosrtaft, mm bs gtarv»d ftown WM* Ma Mr hsaftllos. "Tha Parr In ; ■. „ •» WWMft. "wiftr. Mojr'rs frlenfts of bt Mftft Thar bava a baautltul place, m ma»»ta k MMinrs olreuawtancew. " wont an It "A mat and two Mf»i M ebaofcsft htmaatf. bt "Wb|T mat's Mb. tbs alfalr over at n< OMftftftlMM other I.tsl.t, SttpilUed el Ohraa at tbs Cast:, so MHa« a bh tossed. fr T'’* *” rl * ht - »<ra. Tl WsMsa.” h% hastened “Yes. I hoard v* SMftothtos about mm aeddoat. Just 5* Mrlii* mar want wroas Uut do matma quick enoush to wt from Tl Wiftsc and tha car took the ft nr. tn. in P' M tb. brtdso and of-ftt ta lamt Mat's what I board.- TMr karri aft irouni Hucklejr with hi aaosahma. but bs was awarded. H. in ftroteotaft that ha knew nothing pc Ks^'wir: Mar fts lift know aba's all H. Mtf laatotaft tWrlsh. M LINK UP 111 ■ Him LIFE jr . _ v- ' . City’s Pra«y«M Depend Vpon fc*k ClWtiy X. **r m »V‘* C*kllm haa ■ fin *' *** avrroumflng It than ' "HSr**- *• **•**!■« th# cilyV ' py* * 1 «l®tor association with the •grk Miami u 4 rM»i>n y dcvol.,,* •••W m U»i* Mlßty litovld o* rupv a }• *h# *!*•* of ioodsrohip. . . £"**** *^ U * 4 •< th# country nr, tho hwch country ** . »T» of tkoir *cr*ngih Thi* ••• »*lt fc*ww*ht rat at the recent m th* Aaaoctattun of C*<nm.r r’jgßte'rt.ytty #• y I Ah H t ntf ftt* a > . I j*»o**|rwont■* h* >a>d, ‘Vannot , ***** »*** f *W *•»** to a city rtrl ** —■»»»« *»d fin.need •MHBM d» •«Mwn. Mini th* I win. j •* *Sa city ta squally drvotop £J?JZJ*Lx* r - u - 25 cUtioa on til* •<!«« of • *• Mara Bwoort T Would th* pr», jj **4 flwurt.a i»i business roprr MMM haw* today ho what they .re If I •wr city were located in th* heart ofj th# tirrat A Horten a Itenert f But the Mrh ttowwtry of wwr ritU. la the Reuth haa been sadly neglected hy the eity 4 wot Urn For oweeral yenr. pant | hare haaa fraarkitf th# dootrin* of eleaer ••want lion between town and .nuntry Mwah haa twhoa m* into the hart —say •M I*WH It I bring you thin , 'aad nee a*. Yea need .. y*4 tw» .—w# yaw. Ufa get to,eth tha lost year er MNaMwMkW.’twhWr.lh , "toccmvm I waa talk Ink to Vlrm oasr ft* wtro whan 1 made tbs ap pointment to meet bar at the V'“ rooms of tbs Champa Btf*- • ■ at Ibreo ao4 Sho said she W«4 That's hwvtng de- the Ctocif It Mas true that bis tan iky Itwaft bass to tko wtotee. bit lift »®r* bo rovtftvMt u in bio mind, tbs aoaso oasftlotoa. as (torrtM M bo «MM bast wlbim to ihS up tor f«kr at dropping aaotbar inttvortmt rosmtrk like that abou) tha Chainpo CJenn had not boon such ft bad kusaw-r. It was nearly thres when Oarrtck and Ikc’k saunterod into the tabby of the Champs Klysera. looked about cautiously, aad prooend.d to pot undi-r cover. Me tore tbs tsa room kit tbs mt» aanino floor buns a stsn: "Itadlo Ctracorts Iftlty.*' They noard In. saw that tbr coast was otaar, and selected a table In an angular comar, with a mirror so placed that It arms a verit able periscope An orchestra to Newark waa . ■ THKT RBLKCTKP A TABI-E IN AM ANOUUAM t OUN Kit. broadcast Ins soma selection they ml ftown at tbs ÜbTe srtd ordered tea and crumpets. It mrnm not mors than sbity sse ynds alter thrso that they saw Oleon 'em* to. Wmkiiis pals artC ttrod, se lect a (able at the other end of tha worn aad drop into a chair taotog bs entrance. Ton minutes later Vlra bustle! la. '•••iteft and mpjmr about aomsthlns -and worried. Olenn rose and greet id bar, all animation, now that a Art was Ik quest lon Oarrlck and Dtck. Watching and larrtok waa taking a cruel d.Jght n sounding IHck. “Dft yon know, JVs boon worry np a good d<«) about the handwtit ng on that autographic film." Oar tsfe otan«ad tha ottbfaM as ba bought out duplicate prtrtg he had sad*. "JMwmm- Is ItT Un you hap-’ an Is hlfo any note or latter from lathr irtek could not avoid the point dsnk Inquiry. Mo pulled a little iota from h'a r»cket. Instdo the nva'ops was a dainty handkerchief, larrtck loakvd up with a question kg rmlle. Ihck flushed. "A note com Ruth several weeks ago . . .» 'hen ba atopfrad. Ms did not need to xpAin the dainty Uttb> bit of loos. Oarr'ck took tha note and laid It own on the talUe btnldo the print. Skqp with bh pencil hs began noV "ft’tbs format k.n of letters. Ow cspl sla. a score of Uttls charactiwletlcs “Tha writing Is Iluth's, all right,” e remarked, passing both over to Uck and at arm's length In silence ointinc from one to tha other with »s pencil. "I think I’m potting a lino on loth," bo bald la a tone to reassure Mb. ““ha's a game bird—but atm Itww among tha eoaatry dwellers haa | Impressed me with th| fact that they ♦ , ** k “A®" tk * demagogue poluitian an ' thrlr friem! and savior, aad under thin had influence they have been filled Wh th# daac#roa* doctrine that the eltjr dweller, the railroad*, and all the corporationi ar* thrir cni-mle, .'• N#wd ta Kata Barit fMher lj “Thta real development will earn*,” (he continued, "to th# city whone peo ple vtalt aad know and help the rvsi denta of their rural district*. With !th. advent of aoed road* and th# aa tnmohtle the eity dweller ban no *g jeoao for not knowlnt and bring on clowot friendly term a with the farm *ra_ of hi* country. Oa your Sunday af ternoon ride*, take year wife and 1 daughter aad. inatrad as .flying hy a •.farm houao In rloud of duat. killing 1 maybe name good fat keg a, atop and ■'•ay ’howdy' to tke farmer and hi* good ' wif# fad children. You Wflll get a wel ctdhe whUh wljl astonfrt! You and gwae ' your afternoon • outing <igi* to he long -remembered and oft repented. Tho city I Jfhould mohtliae it* I d»mwu* talent an* tab# out par 1 ties of ente rtainvra to the crossroad. I country n< hoel houaea. You ahould have Jig the party a goad *|waker and one who ran weld a strong: ling of friend ship between the Wt> and the country I Lit# oa the farm la a ham-dram mint jeaaw from dawn till ,dark. No ; hour day exiato there. Maal Hare KeM Raw. "By aurh meona you will make life liettor worth living far them. In thr eity there ahould he n well appointed 'and furatahed rent room for the coun 't 11 dweller, when he reman to town with hit family. The room, nhuuld l>e in charge of a well-informed, diplomat | *« pemoa who wilt art aa guide and in formant; it ahould have a nuraery with leya aad a naiad box. where th* miflk 'era ran leave their rhildrrn while they do their ahopping aad where they ran direct their par Amu** to be neat by , | your storeheepetpMr Thar* might be a , i I •’ •• iWi. nmjft . Tway sat tor a moment ns, tbs ■MMhAm glgwim a t Mll > ferysd Ilerfxlaii waves tots waves of emotion. g||JMfttoiv akk ba Ulra. ms.raft “PPM m vim aft ftft aft "Paging Miss Ruth WoMrn from k tie flea Vamp. Ma t me to the Pink » Hnom tonight. Jack." , Tbq dots and dnshto ceased, itum 1 . jF^ kh Ui * *•** I. <4 Into tbd mirror „ fWuEgove Mi i a reflection fit <liens fH fft .Tgi f lunlßot it,Kao. Thg - tfkts s hadftusati only in itirntbllemtoMLMt' to the fuofn. To . ‘T° f rr, ‘ % toftoage; to f tfto ifrhtr* they ‘Were 8 mystery. • s A tots moanaiftrs later, Ulecn paid , Iks qMsrk end the, two rose to go. 1 . Oarrlck hastily did -the Asms, r "They will tell Ruth,** bs nodded , to nicks as thby went o«ft. "She'll bs I there. " In tbS press to tbs lobby they man . sg< 4 to gat lust bock of tbs now ' earnestly conversing couple. "Well, If Jack's bt-re , . . then J Me Is. tod." * , lllenn looked more troubled. • (larrtck drew lack over toward . the news stand Ju*l to Ume to pro:, t vont thrill being seen following, , “Bo Jack Curtis has corns In I sgnln," ground out Wck. * "WoNre- just simply got to hear . what to sahl In that Pink Room ta night," considered Oarrlck. with a , glance al INck as much as to ssk, ’ "Are yotf ganwr* tkok's toco lighted up as If a aua ray arc had town switched on. **My wiretaae die tug ra pur' hs sx trtymad. CHAITRit VI THH WIItKLKkH OKrTAPiItAPR wireless dlctagraphT 1 Ptlllyr* exclaimed (layrkk. “W.. could use that little mechanical eavesdropper. Wtiers Is itr i "In nty laboratory." O.irrlck'a fare fell. He glanced || his watch and then ut the sun. "Yes ... I think w« can tusks U * . . W» mast." • Two boors later found thorn In Ikck's own wirebas workshop. It was the boathouse on his estate wheiw hs hail dons qpme remarkable fblrgg with wlre'eft. It waa true that IX foe had some wonderful equipment but ull the equipment In the world would not have availed him If ha had not hud that spark of Inventive genius Inherited from Ida famous father. Aw be packed the parts lhck hasti ly enumerated them, hta sending set. batterftw. colls of wire, small portable antennae, and lha rncoiytng set. Oarrlck had been thinking out a P nn tor the Installing ot the dicta graph. Up the street from the Inner Circle wsre two houses turned Into studio apartments. If• found tbs caretaker and tha conversation was lucrative to her. IMb selected and narrtod up so tha rtof tha apparatus and they went sa silently as possible across the Inter vening roofs until they name to tbs roof aT the Inner Clrcta It aas a curious roof. In the nea ter had bean bull! a great conqgbte box as big «s ia room. There was ns Urns to Investigate that, however. Oarrlck Ashed with alias down tha chimney, by sounding, until hs located the flue to the link Room. Th«-n. dangling down, he lewereft the dictagraph traiwmlt'er until It must have bung a foot frtm the floor of tho hearth back of the Iron grill work under th t mantel be'.ow tn the Plttk Room. Meanwhile, on the roof. Dick bad been busy placing his sending set and Cmrilck helped him complete the sv’.-up. 11 , As they had been at work on the rrof, \hey had determined on plac ing tbs receiving end lip at Oar rl-k's opartment which was only several blocks uptown. m At Itorhelors' Hall Dick worked rarddty. for It was new getting ilark to spits of the length of ths days. ’ Hs unpacked the receiving end of hla wlrvleaa fttetagrepb In the room, then went up on the root and erect ed the portable serial. Carefully and di-ftly hs began to tuns up. now that this second Instal- ' latum was compute. (Cowtlaaeft In Ou Next leans) t piano and a Vlctrola aa a part of the: V equipment, aa that th# tired women | a Iran rest aad enjoy themaelvea, while j • their hunbnnd* are attending to the baaiaesa. Such an Investment by any I * xlty will produce dividends far beyond I r your dreamt not in money, In the establishment of a better fooling be . tween town and rouatry. _„ "Why ahould these things Kerau.e it In a doty you owe them | Hera line it la an indisputable faet that j 1 the city is absolotely dependent on the prosperity of it* bark country. I ehal leage you to name a huninran or a far 1 tory in thin yity or any other eity that is not dependent for its nourre of awe- j reaa or raw material, directly or la-11 1 directly upon the bock country. Kvery II thing w* enter wear la directly trace-, I able to the production of the dweller* || i* the eoaatry districts, either fromil the noil, she forest, th* streams or the I mine. Prom the country dweller come* I your source of wealth. You owe it to I him and yourself to know him belter I f and should show appreciation 11 jof what' he does for you by making I Ma life bettor worth Uatgg. Ue should'l he üble to enjoy some of the comfort* I you enjoy, and it I* within yaur power 1 1 to bring him better conditions. I "Wbyn the city chamber of commerce j I com. » to » fuller rvalixatlon of they# I will io the city that-I which you arm aIL trying to aerom I plmh, namely... I The good old summertime In near, | When we will And wish, instead of buying lee. I It wan roal bills w* bad to moot. I Mrs. ('. A. K,, of Newtonville, send* I un this: ‘‘When little Bertha wan two 11 yearn old she mad.- her Amt visit to I chimb upon thg occasion of her little I ' sinter's christening She was very quitt I and decorous until tho oltor candle* I were lighted, when she eicinimvd. Oh, | daddy, so* thr man lighting thr eat- . R age."—Bo.i on Transcript. 1 s.- , , 1 rmsißWliy Q ■■■■'■ ■ mi Hurry Gftvcn Win Wplcmrc Executive Manager Hanstu WlUl M PM- €«■! lint KAl.KKill, June ft. —A great gather t *sg us tobsscs grswer* from MrtV. ' , WtUM "N Yoftkls < wustlc* will cele firsts ths successful signup of Surry '(ou nty Farmers with the Tsbscro U.rowrM' roope, retire Asseclatlos. Bat krday. Ray 10th at Itlkin. With close to to per cent ot all ths tsbscro ia their area pledged to the Cl,operative Association the Horry County growers will welcome their Es ecutive Manager. Oliver J. Heads of Iticbniond, Va., ia a mamaioth mass meeting which premises to rival the record breaking reception of Aama Sa turn by 10,000 farmers during his tour of Easters North Carolina last week. A number of western Carotins coun* riles have now reeehed a 75 per eent •ignup. hut there Is great activity to rein more members In the western t-srt of the'State before the opeeing of the markets end* the opportunity for growersto sign up this year’s crop with t hyVeopr rat Ive Association. la Stokes <ftusty last week 126 000 popnds were signed op with the Assarlatiort sod extensive campaigns in Iredell snd I'svidson Counties will be put en dur ing the next ten days, j Fifty merchants pnd business men of Elkin see contributing to the eur rrss nf Saturday's meeting by full’psge sdverliscmests in the local papers and are securing a 20 piece band to aid - tin- celebration. * . toadi es of the Cooperative Move ment for tobacco will reach F.lkin fron. sis evuntiea to welcome Exarulive Msn sgcT Sends,-J. N. I’roguc. treasurer of the Asasriatlos sad F. D. Williams, manager of tha Dark Leaf Depi-rtmenl, who will be tho priscipsl speakers. i An important appointment in the person of Maynard Men gum ns Super vising Grader of the Tehaero Crowers' j Cooperative Association for the ham. N. C., District was announced this -week from the Raleigh headquarter* of the Asaoeiatian. Mr. Maagutn has men prominent for a number of years both in the warehouse business and as a leaf dealer. Hlk JINX CATCHES UP. FLORENCE, N J., Jane Jto—Chsrles Camp's peraonsi hoodoo esught up with him again today and he sustain ed 'broken ribs, a fractured arm aad other painful injuries as s result as ; being thrown from his wagon by a run. away horse. Camp was inland in' a railway,'accident at Rurltngts snd at another time waa in s trolley car that dropped through a bridge into the As slxrunk Creek, Xt Burlington, and bare ly escaped.'' c, If sittnre ls golden. Why de the apeak Cast as cbm du*i< yjw Allenlowe ReioriV — 111 -l >- 9 - I I .* **• I ■j> « B & * ‘ a • o m- m I Kentucky Governor Endorses Cooperative I I Marketing For Tobacco Growers I ■ • 4 1 * ■ ■ t ■ & B II | I OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR l| I FRANKFORT | ft I -BDWIN F. MORKOW —“ I I Governor I II ~'-r *' ” ... ' ".#x - s' , • f B I May 31, 1922. , I I Massey, „ | II " Zebulon, N. C. ft (I My dear Sir: - ’4- ’ 8. 8 8 I o I have your letter asking: me for information con- | I cerning: the Cooperative Marketing: Association in I Kentucky. By this I suppose you mean what we com- I I - monly refer to as the Tobacco Marketing: Association. | I Ido not know directly the bookkeeping facts of * - I I the association. I do know;-however, that the tobac- I co growers of the state are very happy and thorough- l( I ly deligrhted with the operations of the Association B I thus far, and that they have the most joyful confidence • I I in its success. The' sales, etc., have been en- I I tirely satisfactory to the g:rowers, and from every in- I I dication the Association seems destined to make a | I gfreat success. I know that the ]>eople who have pledg:- | I 6a and delivered their tobueco, as a whole, are highly I I J ’ satisfied. I I Most sincerely yours ? I I I. EDWIN P. MORROW, * I I Governor. I m • * w ’ "*? * "*r H •/* * *, ' . ' ft 0 s. ft.; I / >ottifUf tnc yiflft Dctorc the ■ 4 y4 py >Xl> v * ~ rr *mM Jr y^^^^EEj^^P^Eßrr^^^^F'Ei rywriL; _, *y **' ** ■; 4mEk * «iKMir\ ' mlHjc f itiJ&jß • ■ ' V V *, ¥f r ,t® H *^^L.!' B /■ *■ m B * M[ B •/ J ijjr 1 1 IjJf • *f ' Jt.' timn* puab Inatrad U (Mil. BUI Coburn. New York, miula Ida My .k_ ioiulii-d , , „ . *4 fhl* Btrurigc nqulpahc. 1 :*■ Iwet. crtpidrA rtnta boyhood * — * ***"" w - '* || 1 >‘'i 1 ■»—«» * ■ 11. in . I■ ■gj BANNA W AI.Sk A AND COCHRAN DIVOKCKiI BY t’RKNCH (OORT Preliminary in Paris Will NX MreSa* Final Until H Kira* as Annual. PARIS, June H.--(By tna Auarittril Praia.) A I'nria four! decree divert inn Alexander Smith ('orhran, wealthy American manufacturer, and Madame (ianna Wal-ka will automatically be roma final August 14, it waa announe ed today. The preliminary decree waa granted laat Friday, .when it waa derided that become final within «0 N day* un leaa aome protest la entered in the meantime. It ia ronaldered improtiablr that any proceeding* will ariae that will delay the final decree, aa both par lien were represented in the court Inst hriday and the eniirt’a action ««| tak en in the agreement that the fit) day period be rrcluisvc of Sundays, legal holidaya and eourt adjournments, in ah ! ing the divorce finally effective August 14. The divorce, la Entirely arparata (rum the financial settlement ‘ previous!/ an nounerd in America. Thia aetth ment haa been agered upon, but the paper* have not JSS. been klgned. Ttudley Field Malone, Madame Wal aka/ attorney, in aaaertint today that <he divorce waa not yet final, aaid there •vaa no truth in 4he reported statement that Cochran waa granted the divowy. 1 'Torhran haa not and never will ob tain a divoree from Mra. Cochran,” he derlnred. ‘ Well, how\.)our likkeg lobby com ing alonfi ' All we are getting j* light whines and jeeru." Louisville Journal. "Captain With Kollaroff la Molded hy Women," shouts a foreign headline A Captain with Hhirttiff would doubt lea* be murdered in that exacting tuun- ! try.— Buffalo Time*. „ A friend i* one* ‘ who - knovra how 1 worthies* you are and doesn't five a darn. Atlanta Constitution. * V THE BANK OF \ PROGRESS (ommensurate with the growth and import- ■ ance of Gofdstioro and in line with the commercial sc- (l Itivity of thia prosperous aection, this bank haa at all T times maintained a service to meet the needs of its (I customers. Make- THIS bank YOUR bank. 9 The Wayne National . 1 Bank | {) t i H 11 if I Dependable .for Two Generations /I J The poet write* a lay And make* a riffle. And what he ha* to say App< ara like piffle. Rut atill it Isn't bosh, Aa I'm a tinner, | For it get* oat his wash 1 And buya a dinner. - lAiuieville Courier Journal. j. a its ■TIB'S Headache Remedy <T Far NviJarkv, Nenratgta, ffarkxba. Toothache, raina as ffaan, (iMa, Bkc. baaraatead hy Draggtata « T c»

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