I— ’ * WtttllM w» FAQ MtWlfft «*» KIMf. (mil if-nii ■ K. VOMIIfft 'tOKil NUMBER SIS r FEAR MANY ARE DROWNED IN VERMONT CAPITAL • BIG RESERVOIR IS reported TO HAVE GIVEN I \Y Partly Rwlt as (kmtaat FW la History of Ntw KaftauM . •WHIT® aiVJCf jHWCTIOW, Nor T«port. of btavy l**s <* IK* <T MontjH*i« r «M *tgt* capital, wM* tti <M®aPß‘#( * huge ,yi#ToJr >»r«. m* *> hav* AobtUd ItafiUf k>n idolfht. Til* d»*ih Ugl rapartod a* (row 137 to i|S. MestpaUer I* al»#ut W miles fibs* beta »*d I* completely U»lU*a. ° T« !/**»• *sd; t*»**rnTfc g»; vice fW>» V> »W* # * ,UKI test evtaog M« .lore that Uni. «•> rt.ftnlU **W* hM MtfP rec’Wrf. Telephone |Hi wife l»tt Uontp#li*» lMt sight aa i art It m( °d*T water wo. running too ***t ttrop In the stioeta of the cl y (By Aaaselgtd Fr«»» D’.tt utf fwrtmouoa today «*d# •he crno* of *Mnr WBt#n< *** l ;«lrM to ntrtl f»ty ° T,r hr. new SKgtO*# *t*t*» H« of New York rife* tip. Into Can*<U. Tb* cots IK human III* aatl ta property asm u. could, not ydt, be conn ed (or the full trm*i «* t#*f «* moo ration wl b many of »ba mo* l Mrloogly ll»»N strict aUll wa» d«#t royed. ♦ n wan' UMT to aotm.a a, how-over, that tb. t®« in pmpmty "<"» w run into the mitt®*# *f mur. and » ™ f*rej*H»#** *■* of human itfo woo mndn l b* tout would bo mor. Man a acora/ Tbt flood boa an two day* op> * hfn dam. In rtrera ofcfaln'd >y Mreaatrc ralnfnU tapjWf'W to release no on tha v3»llwyo ihrnutb which they taa nwy’lwW* tor.en a |bau ln hamtanta had ♦*#* «w. Uoimd* wdfa away. »*♦• »-ork to diath. fiwtire* from he maktat Jnod *» r>> W rcw>> « «nd In* Vlw manufacturing ocntan ladaatry tAh hr.uflht to a ewmpl*'* htaadatUf, » • 1 ACCEPTS GIFT AS A TRIBUTE For Rescue * -»>*. v n.,. , BAYTOWN. T*x.* Noe. 4—l*l Th ' rule of |h* •*» •* ,fl» eap’alnsd It 2 caused Onpt- O* 6 "' ****** Dutch ta«ber portudrecht «o host (at. today receiving tbrcuyh the 1 agency of th*. Aaroriated I’ravo k token of HM»d- fr«(« Wh**ll«t Va., ditaeOf a* frutltode for »a»lnt the livea of Hath fc>d*r ** J O+'rgt Haldemaa at m* October 1J Kin illy, hi raid n*r*aa*ay he would a«fft»t the * token tjot a' - reward -b*d woatd itoaat‘> the ahbr» of hHnwtf t» a notch funi f*r the relief «f P*** 1 * ■•*n‘ ,!, ‘ , * aad orphm • Afar the Aaaodlated Pro*, reprc nut sum had liandnd him th* gift aid bad ebptalned b«w It wan thi Used Pitta hid b*dh ehow| to Uaudlt >• it* fund he trroea. fad'll the Ht'ie aud* (nice of ebip offlrerr. arwapaper men and expialn«4 bt4 pr.\lou« dl.larllnt iL'n ta areept Ilio He changed '«(r mind. ho'-**td» when he fame A? ■ ,«Mab tt&M tflltm** AAt m.*J>**~ . m eni for »errida*'. Won't Favor Cut . Os 400 MiHion • '• w~ ■ Washington. ' Nor, 4. tfln - While wta**oea btfore the IjeoeO waya and cbmmtttee today were auggaat ng an hauling ‘t the tintlon'a r*T#ntie lawa, pre.ldent Cooddge let It be bnown Dial the f*2S(iOO.MO reduction maximuiu aet by tb# trwannry mnat b« adb.red >« in drafUag the pew law. Tbe preil deot waa pictured la atandina agtMr#- Iy‘ b<blnd the tm*ury e.t'mato at d the W»i« Hatwe dlaeucatou of the tax eni. He og*#ted I*l »40©,Oia,flQO redhot'ea naked IT 4a United g|atea N..«w at CMMNA THE GOLDSBORO NEWS * Q f 0 * .. BEAD IN THE MORNING .WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. -w ■ ■■ t h Formal Complaint Is j Filed Against Harry Sinclair And Another . * * a linat War rut Akalbhl SI pc lair But TWa la Later With.* fhrpwp CHARGBB ARtf OUTGROWTH •F JURY TAMPBR CHARGE Altai Pitt 4 Ordered tu Red Suffering With Conge*tion Os Lungs WASHINGTON. K»r. 4.-4An--P«*- mat complaint charging Harry Sin clair aad one of hi* agenta, lltnty Day, with coflbpirary to tamper with tha Jury which waa hearing th* criin tail oil conapl.acy charge /agn.nat Sinclair and Alher. Fall waa today by a Tnitr-d State. Commie alemer, A warruat eguiaal Slaclalr alaa was sworn out but Kubftequ.ntly be dia trlct attorney nald Uila no ion had been 3. mU ahe :mul that tba warrant had b< on rei-ok d. It dereloped, bow* orer. that tbe warrant simply wa* held pending flnal action by the grand Jury wbe:h Is lnr*eitgatln* ac ion of delectier m lu .hadowthg mambera of Th* tr ai hry, ;—•• The complaint wa. .worn to by the dis rtet attorney in rharg" o( the grand. Jury Inqu'ry. Immndiately after chief Juatle<* McCoy of th< Dta tikt of rolnmhla Supreme Court bad rdjDl that May could a« be com pel led to eeytlty before the grand Jury aluna In lnA«aalmpeei». noaMnu hpt nay er'dence be would glee might tend to incriminate b.m. While theee a Inrlng eventa were tran.piDng hi und around tbe court buGllng. Albert thll miff* red a re* tape# In hta apart mem at 4he May gowar Ho el and was Ordered to bed. His pbysc'nns »«ld -hi* condition was had on account of bis pr< rtona llln as. 'i I'ail't immediate allnsnt Is a con geation of th« lungs. PERFECT PLANS FOR BUILDING Major SlMkina Reports Post* office Changes Will Re Lwrg er Than First Planned "« Majcr fc A. B.mkins. postmaster, , * V .etnrued yesterday frum Washington having been called there f**r a cun ference with ofilcisls of the |>o<t <*f flc* depat nrent ami- treury depart ment regaisllnx the proi ond, ad llti<»a 10 the local p:ni office bul’.diog. Major Himkin. states that p eatn' indiialiobt »r* that the plnus and epecifications for the building will be is tbe bands of bidders during th* ragy part o( Jtuuary. The plam will he ready lieforc th a l iliO but it Is cgnr.idered be.t t« waif until »ftor Ibe Christinas and ho blay rush u«<»on before beginning w:rk. Under »be plan i a. d flnlleiy ilecid rd upon at the conference Wedn >Mlay ihc new addition will bp built on th* e*at aide of the preaent building, will *,e forty by forty thr<e and include* the li>*ta"»ilou of up l-Toxi r«t*ly ;W» a<UlltionrMock bone* and llirr* addHKnal wind'** n.»binr eluding two parcel poet wind yvn. Au udditionnl vault wt 1 Ihf bull' In itie buildlUK U» »«II a* man} o’ttnr lapraTomeute. Major Mlnipkiua retort* a very ple*»aut visit .aeri find* the «fficl» ■ * of Uie I’pst Office D-partroeut anti Ir. Mury IH-partaunt willing »nd anx- do everything poaalbl* (or ttie benefit of the local nrvice. Klrj.it Assistant Portn»a*t-*r (lenpral Bart, let detailed afpati from hi* of fie' to y» with Mr. Bltpkiai t* the Treaaury Department end nfwjr with him throuyhont the day to render any help po»*ib>. It i* ln ein*tina to/not that under i the plan* for the building ad? previous l ly drawn there were only iarl uded i approximately 160 additional lack tout and additional window*. . 4". ■. | First Snowfall Os Season on c Friday The »n*w, the snow, th* beauti ful snow. Just like Die ii g snow of last ,\ia tli I but not <iu:te in aaah hgua Bui >iii»ii'itt-s. ««>way the first buow of tip- .eas<>K fell h'tween Kinston ant yesterday afternoon Th<- Newa wa/ informed from s.veral sources. • -Yes. it ce.ialnly did snow down hcrs’.f said he proprietor of |hf PatJetaLn -plug BU»i> over th. tele phone to The Newa. K'-pmts of tb* unusually early flurry of suow ’w*ro gathered from several “her aouieea alsh) The diapiay of wrath on th' par of Old Matt Winter waa also re ported In »h. d rectum of Snow Hill The flurry *f flah»* occurred about 3:ld <b th* afternomi and Vos n.lcajtkle .for about flftven minutes. It wa. of too alight du ration to remain on the g onad, being carried away in hi- high winds sad win which followed. BLOODTESTING IS UNDER WAY 1 ’ ’’ ' eV • » ' - - Oror One Thourutna Hens unJ PuUoio Haft Aironffy Iken Tented Iwi* Season 1 .0 The aias<m for hioodtesllnp, eb ck ena for Ancillary Whit- DiUrrh.s h.. again opened and the work ha. been bigun In Wnyna County. Over one tbaua.ia<i bvn. and pullets have al ready be«n tested this stasun Ik? irn-m. of J. A. Cox A Itro., M. K. Beat and H. J. Ib*s'. by H, C. Ken n'tt of the Plat* Veterinary Diffabm and T. T. Brown. Wayne County Poultry Agen . The Veterinary ld rrlslon mjulies that the pullrta b» in at ieaai twenty pereen i hefoy • th«g ure tested. There wiil be no more tenting done iu Iris coun ty before anklet in-e in December due to.the fact that many of ibe pullet, are late and ind r-d<jveloped. Tb' |«st ia not accura e nnleas the b:rd. are matured und have b'gun laying or are about mady to begfav Accord to the u»w leguiativna df b» R rl.iun, all pullrts that are n°t iu lay by December !»t.. will be cull»d out and on- tested. There ha* hen a Urge lt*£rea«* In | application* for blo»dU'*ting for tVayne UPhUly alone total* uppfoxl’ matrly 794k' b rd*. which Is au In crease of ihttO u» r last season. A flock must Ire Ire* from rvac o:a two yoar* !p auecosalon in order to b [la«f<l on 'he accredited lint. TBe teat ta made mice each year whether he Bock Ja fret from bacillary white diarrhea . net In order to revive Ihty r<actor* iu -cane tlie diabase Is introduced through new atoc.k, wild b rda. nhlmal*,*etc. The blowlte* fur ItadlUiry wh te dlarrh a la only about PH percent ac curate, Hence because u flock has been teat Hi oiftf'er twice la noieaaoa why rhlcka from that flock aliould le" ab solu ely free «f the dl»e**e. but th" chance* Os loa* are greatly I *sened. Then too In .a f'w year* time the teat ■will totally- M minute ho <n < n*c tw# a arwmu-tum. m - Tiie public 1* pmnr to th nk that click* frfitv blooc) cated flock* ■lia. Iwinunu—to- wU- dim *» ■*, --Mul the purpoae of the blood testing la only to remove.bird* that are carrl'r* of hac'llary wbi e dlu rhea which i» a germ itlnea*',' ThJ* d'aoaa* la very contagion* dur n* th • first few day* or a chick* life. The fuel ahoulil not lie overlooked, however. that there are many other ype* of diarrhea and other dlacawe* caused by aurh cendl Hetty n« chilling, ov rhrutine, over- UCedJh*. In prop ‘r feeding etc, Th* only way t* d'atlnxu ah the type «f diarrh'a for which we hlood •e*t. front tb-> other typ*a of'dtarrh**. I* to hav*.„a dlagnoat* made at the ItMiltry l’hi*‘>tigical l-abatory *t th*' 8M • Collcre Such a diuguoai* M fn* to §U citixea* of th* fttata, GOLDSBORO. N. C SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER S, 1927 j A Tubercular Patient Who Is Being Helped * ' ' vm *^. Wß ' 1 AgiitaMV- ■ ' \ I fc- ' - v BA A I Anti-Tuberculosis Society Gives Treatment For'Mqny AN . A v gg A <; & PUtl v E **ATiKNT^iPEHMajnri^yjuirTAlN' 7^rNoßsrMl' N4TY( HKST APPEAL. N 0 Vr» The Anti-Tuberealotita- Coinmjttv'.' 'reeks to give a’! patfeats in th (iinnty the i-U»in- l<» b:- ni,#f or have the .disease atr-sted h> sandliig thaai t H*aatdrrl«. 1 *tiiv .-a v-.giye hrme etre for limit-* who must r«ai*ln at .home and Ili»-re cnoibat the disease 11 lortt 1 licy caia*.’ fltlteueut by its chiirmun, Hr. W, ,11. Smith. ,* Knowfng of .h» work .mnim and forth 1 tubereuli.a. .1 am flinty c.)U-. vinetd of'its trsuu -u.'oj.i .rtiu. l, This? of ci'utv’h, i.-t from the viewpoint •)f s iiiiyHlcinn sud In liasvd on '.lt'' I • lr-| hand kmrwl^j 4 - gn**t many live* liave h-vn iru-ed. , This laying of li'vea hs« bean s dir. rrt cue by provl.linu lor tbe nnilnr turn Ireatiu in /f thpse who have the di.ras.' und '"n Indirs'c <n -by p a-- lruling the infection of others, ' Thoro •is wi way u> ; -i'll Just. >u»w~ n.«ny lives nuved in tin* louutry by thi. Indirect mum. Also, we cannot i*!| how ni»«> llvi*. have I►ri-u aaved by provldinx the curn fur 1 the *l« k, exe -p by i .kvart th# ayrrnga of «uri"> at th'* Sanat rlum and Dip Hvt:ug< <f th"*<- ah'* do noj take ih? cm#. WlDiln tbe men. iry "f a i'r#»t mahy <- r - cons! I. r* «-d an inNiriti'i- di an.l Du-*mly U .estion »asNv w man imib hs Ih unfortiiflatp i'nj|uN<v *, C tilravi this with tic* rtcor 1 I the Ssnftt>**ium which shiiw tlii't so p.’irCM o fijijr,, .out of every five pailsaitiA- th> B m t icrium leavi thaf insiilutlon w-II <n ugh to p<» to work. Today tuber o A (iil.ri* has drop-1 d froni- th • h-nd of. tbs list of can* s’ cf gi-glfl 1 lr. Will Curtail Alcohol Production Ten Million WASH! u pv‘v j|F . 4 « • jf '' '• cause about tea million Rsljojts "f in duMtial ah oh "I In 1 >i3 IVIt nil luff* fhr hemfs of- twysU* eg- »■ Be** alsotml tudim it Hits* UTT'-'d t»t redp*-e - 41* niitpirt fnun *i'..(m.a (.Mi to Ao.Min.UOO, Th- leakage itil*> haotlsg ( hnnnctn wa. revealed today after a m-eting of the ab-oh-'l advisory louti-cl np po n el so io< p mM with pr«lill>iit*tn »ffir ;ils and lb- curtallm.nl i, aim ,*4 to remedy the case, JOE IH Mil l IKJtMil'll • $ - __ I —MM. IG« ANCKI.F.S N*v. 4 f/P) Jo- Liindee, world we tsr vvoigh Iwulng diampiori waa arrested tonight hy 1 .solice rr«m Posadtra, < Dlf., near l ere on * l-oa Angel.', warrant chaeg. i* ntg fate# wt roanocti.m with Uw t.Uv bout fight b*r* i*»t aigbt. O er cli.rJK fccaxl it a. ‘ Tha Captain es the meu of dsmth” to fifth pflgr* In the 1.1,1 of cuusea, - ‘ y The AnU.Tubrtcu'o*l» Comnfitt-e of Wayne county has been *n* of the cj'uae* ut thii d.-;.p Iu death rate, as tlp-ir re( onls thow thn* an *ver»g«» «f 'Tie jisiicnt. p r monlh ora' f# «an loriu for ih? trcsfnicnt of s . Figuring the avsrafla tf'y Os the patient: in the S*n.DK»lum *s ulna merit ha would give nbnut eight patient a j- «r treat'd. Figuring Hfl percent cttxcd w uid menu that uhout g j-.f people if ye.r were cured, f'.rt.in'y, half of the»s would liiitrr died without Santtortum tf«imdnt» ,! * I’.otn personal kuinvl dgc I know that a lanra p rcentsgp nl ill" tuber (U ars »re po r r ol they would be .' , ciil(sl this -chance <f getting wall v. Mhotif th- h“l|* of the Anti Cllhoff ( o i ' Finally, let 'm • stale that I have not done any ojf thii bnf th* -wa:U has been aitd 't. beiug done by ' tip women ii the commit! *e. Ther-f. re, f ran »pp?»l wl hoiit a fps Ifltgail intargit for this fund tmt with the L'Hnr.at of a ph>.ician who Tnmvs what a great life wring work i" h< lng ilnn • and a.i “* citfgen Os \V vpe County of a w rk thot I nnf proud Hr W II HniHh. */ Aiiimkl )>• (ailed Report «f Work s« compli-lied: 0 TfllHp-cu'lir call* helped »,.,.|S Tub'reiiM:* paiicntH in Sana* . tot i« per month . . S To *1 uirmber of patient^ fn .KMuH.irio. .... 9 Kanalml.i walling list ........ ! NEGROSHOT ON HIGHWAY Struck ii- Eorahend by Bullet* While Walking Near I'rlnceton ...... —ir.!,73— ——- ,i-L2£ negr.i hy the nsnv of flitn liar- I•' ii u.: -ti n le iw. tu the eyes on Tueeday while waking ul"ug <he highway, between Hue Level f and I C'l I: AI ' lillug 11 the rli ry v bo h the negro lohi h- w»s walking '•'pug >,rating a c.in of Ml Hi on when i- O' • hit with a Idillst. Two boys i.-s'saM to h»ve done the sho.tipg, Hit they I erncclla ely g t «wny. Tb. orgfo tv a*-pit krd up aad taken to l»r. It S. Htt'yens' off icy In Prince. to 1 ' Ur. Htcvciw In. turn brought him to (he Johnston county hospital wh«f* Lr. .1. 11. Fiiag-rnii cxtrac ed th# liul'et. • Cnlca* cumpiication* set lu. tha ttvgro la tapectid to Hr*. - ■ : f~~ - ' Carolina Conference ■ i Meets Wednesday In Raleigh For Sessions rr*.. ♦ -wop • % .rrm 3 Hurt In Accident At Sampson Co. Fair CLfbfTON, Jfiv. 4 (/Pi- John Oat land. 41. of Pfcllad -lphia. »*a . a jockey, was isrlously Injured MoJay when tAe tv-HHW h# sh» , rid lag in tb« H».i pon county nir ," race* stumb ed and fell. Twj other d ivers w-rro lea* a rlmisly hurt. T*o of flee other ho-ac* in the anmc he*t p led up on Oarland »nd hi- mount . GkrlafW »afr»r.*d injuries to hla bwli slid bis itioj# in* phyateton sa,ld they may prove fa al. FINE MEET OF MUSIC CLUBS Btate Mrhlc Fedenitlon Head Urne« Formal lon of New Rodta m- r ("T-r.il"- ■ P The *#o4»wd^ meeting f th • Eisiem Un>t riet of the North Clroilaa FV<- t ration of Musi# Club* waa h*J4 hero ye .t'-rday al the Community HplUHafl with Mrs. Williams Spicer, ihairplajl. f :««idl"lr. * The -ewoHag opened wilh th* atas 4wg of ih# WnflaaPMoa kya. with Ur*. H. C. Sc hy Ml the pl*no. Iff# .lowing which Mrs. fora Oix Lues a. l •f (ireVnsboro, raid the Federation' ritual. Th» visiting guest* were wef ■ oinod hy Mrc. Norwood Ilolmcs, he . i bslrman of tbe Music Depaitmeot of tbe WtmanL. club, t> which Mra J. h'. Murphy, of Wilmington, rergonded. Greeting* Were -hssrd ffoth M*a. Thomas F tlpie of ftortingtoß, aad Mr*. J. fl. Com* I, of Ra'etgt. dir-. ' eel or o( the Fledmont and (hi pilot Uistricts. and fry» Mra. Ok*» Uox f ucaat 4iryi tor of the Sou'h Attar tie i Distriof of (he National Federation ol Muatr clubs. ' Mr*. W A. Harper, president. of the State Fcdeiatlpn. apok • pt rom? length on the *lm» and work cf tfe* Fed# a bn »nd the goa'a to he rrarb ed "I w.Hh every club in them* din. trlcts'’. ahe raid, "wow’d re«»lv» to ge to gome nearby town that hkf no c nb and Ur# one ineciing, ind (to wha’ they can to get tbgt club organised, "kod f»derated. I would give new Im pel u ( and Inspiration tJ any ctub to do this kind of work. If you do not have a Junior duh cr • Juvenile c nb in your town, you could help strngth • i.thf Fj-tleratlen might! y byw-rgania fng .one, not ronaidating wbst It won't! mean id your town to have the rhibiren grow gp in * music club We want ever to keep our motto b«- frre u<»: "A music cbib in every city; In etery eountry, In every (tat# in th* union, and Junior hoy* an l ftrts e'ub* auxiliary;* . * "W* want to gather all nuoical fore#* of high stiodard Into the fA»d erstiou and Go carry high the torch <fsgood muah- everywhere, through* cut the orgoniaation* of a I type* cf music groups into onr church mu .'lc into our home »nd c rnmunlile*. into ii u*lc in Indusiry, into puldlc school music, into oijr country fair", Into »ur mon’a civic o|*uiljtu lon**, and in to all the "Ir -<»Vn‘s» organisation*. Evriy«b* re. til" Federation mud car mn&f, f* mH* 1 Ninth fWtilirn the musical Stale that ► lie mu at lie " Bhc spoke of Ih 1 f ict that Ihun are Ks mu»lr club* fider ntoj in the state, 37 within the layt |«tr. Bltf dull* were in attendance li r«, thf Kr niout uJub. with the lara * v delegation. Inina ..warded the prise -jiff icd liy Mr». Hp r *r for attmdanca The rep rt» given by tho clubs were a revc’atlon a* to the nplendid muaieal wot It hoi "a done throushnu' the die tr-h-t. Th«y told at hand* urgaiiUt-d, •who ar-hlpi given. aitiaU curses •ponosorad and virlouJ other unique ‘nntanevH of civic actlvitiea. Mrs J. Normj it tILHa, of Oraeuiu boro, llnuvirary I’rerjident ,of th« 3tnt« Federation wh> ia aHo chalr man of Junior Club ext'nalm. spoke ihibuaiaaiicai y how the work haiag «#» wa a r Hf ' ‘ Mwnbar Hie Associated Press . MUCR n?R CRNTF HUle l.endcm WUI SuMpUpint By High oEccti > IHfnil|riM ,Ml G WpßWr HAI.NKIfK, Wav. t-4W-Gborth •(• " f aim oI North t'nro.mn and tie «o«tUi will be discussed and o program for the iiUtif «imnnl e*t mßott loaders' in tiw Method!* Bf»om|»1, fee* b. Milter here Novemberl If, for Uw anneal North Psrollua con ference, High dignitaries M the chart* wiU bo > upplemeatsd by tun t on* >UU laagers ftt reubdiag out tt»* ait*day pt+tmr V” /£T«JjV' " The eoaferooee wM. 'grt unde my Wedapsdey gottiigi KtrdbWt I Hi). Hi'hop Edwin n Mouyoh, or < harkOtr Utgtibwg «W --(Ions rill cofftno# fp Wo!4 the mora lon aamdg*/through |bo dbnßjrefw-*, with «*b*t» MOuaoo directing lbs gf fit-- otuHi anjihiifn tegnjjei* end toy OpntntitbM nl i hurcbee in the aMI treyggsc oil to attend. ' ' v-f*T 0 Feature of each lift toddoAl wit! be sermon* by EMr. (Htbfrt^.Jßv**. • hnreb at tn*b umaie bn* boob amßfeni fit Mt i t> I the sendees. Wednesday,* Thursday nod Friday ibe bu»lpo*4 amol inn «M Ifttt 4 ”°- tionola will bo fonthfud by vacillate from aH section! M ifeo Mat*. Ltacb. ( eon meeting* will tatervegs botwooit ;■ the haaiam and m luclonal iteirtaai of each d*r * • Sunday the aanufel fn» ff*a: of the conference will be hold, followel b> the Herman of Waiai Mooses. Tha onannl memorial rfltira tor meistFra of ('inference who both died dur ing tie year wtf) b* bdld bwaday as- , ternoea. Minieterf'attend! nf (be ron. foresee wiil fill the pulpits of the Methodist, HiptlTt. FMVtfrtertoa end Christian church of Mnlolfto, B«S? Outstanding tn tbe conference wiji bo tbe evening program*' voted l» de en f 1 nil MI ■ mill WOfc , UaiU. TW * ana vvms ff*VwT, i hurcb men nod adnohtwwi Dr M »V *». nrealdMt Os Dutof Uglvarr ty. will feature tbo Friday event** seaaion with an add rota on “JOaepb Gill Brown, rhrhtmg ftthFim n ” v “John King, Methodist Wonder tad Pa*riot" wfU be (be tbomo of Rev, * V. IMvis Tuajhf *«ht; (toy fobs 'V Hhachford wltf ffetdb night tad Dr. Gtlbart*T. RotN wilt U k Saturday night, OOvamnV M* I .can will eatend a few nf g»«t ring" when the coup reace data nadeV way. The conference will mark n time of uncertainty In emm as tie tU pes (oral chsrgoa, a* bj|iH|Rtointa *« made and change* affected dnrfbf * •ts srrufotta. Method**' nddlatera are, , appointed for a dingle yvpty and many transfer* ark likely at the bust. , net* meetings to i# held hero. Nino dletricta, tM'pnatortl charges, Ttt societies and 1-144 H member* ofh Included In ’ tpe c*hferonce. Left $4,800 For Odd ! Pnllnwe HniMf limiun. ■ tF'VSOMrwN nape ffwno , VKW YORK, Nwv. TXjFl^Bgna! V. Humphrey, who died toot Ifptam. cea of the lateroatienni Order of Odd KeFews Home at Odd boro, N. C., it w*« disclosed Kdsy when the wiil wair filed for probnto. The income fmm the.f4.boo mu t ts* used to aiucat* the gtrta to ibe homr. It wa* »fceified. MIKKM VORf RR HfiRISW WINBTON 4—OF)— An airplane bearitfg Mta gdeiaidk iHjug ss, Wanhiagton. D. <7. society gin and r mpsnlon , on route from Atlanta, to Is-aintong. «i*, made a forced landing near Moekavttta. A miles Mialbwaat of ittbl toglgbt. Miaa i 'ugiaa and coatgaalblg tm% nStor lursd. —JBpgjjggyjgjp^ \. u £; ; *tR

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