POLK COUNTY NEWS, TRYON, N. 0. MECKLENBURG "OVER TOP" IMPROVED (JiarORH fllTERKATlONA The Estimated Amount Subscribed by i City of Charlotte and the County V is $321,850 Over Quota. wmm mm CARE OF BACK-YARD POULTRY Phase of Home Production That should Be Considered by Those v Desiring Eggs arid Meat. 'spared by the United States Depart mrar ment of Agriculture.) The keeping of fowls on a town lot rr in the back yard is a phase of home reduction that should be considered !iV all who desire to supply the table -ith eges apd meat at a cost consid erably below the usual market price. Ordinarily, the keeping of from 12 to "5 hens is sufficient to- provide the average family with eggs and meat. For a flock l 5 hens a space of from oO to 30 square feet per bird should e allowed, and the yard so divided Es to permit them to be alternated from one jaiu iu uuo, lot of 25 by 30 feet, which Is even waller, than the Average town loU should be the minimum space .for a flock of this size. By having the vard divided cover crops, such as wheat, oats, rape, or rye, can be growing in the unused yard and when sufficiently grown the fowls be allowed to pasture it. " For a yard 25 by 30 feet, or 750 square feet in size, the above-mentioned grains may be sown in the fol lowing amounts: Wheat, 2 pounds; oats, iVz pounds; rye, 34 pounds; rape," 2 ounces. When available, lawn dippings make excellent- green feed for fowls. In this way the contamination of tfce soil and the possibility of disease sre reduced to a minimum, and at A Suitable Type of Poultry House for the Town Poultry Keeper Whose Space Is Limited. the same time green food is provided. The actual selection of the breed should riot be a difficult matter when one considers that more depends upon the way fowls are managed than upon the breed itself. Pure-bred fowls of the general-purpose or egg type pur chased for a reasonable figure are well suited for backyard poultry plants. However, when pure-bred fowls can r.ot he obtained,- grades properly cared for and fed will usually produce suf ficient eggs and meat for the table of the average family. SENSIBLE TREATMENT OF HEN Indispensable Requirements for Suc cess Are Comfortable Quarters and Good Feed. It makes no difference to a canary ether it is. kept in a cage that cost )W or 40 cents, or whether it has its ed and drink in china or eaTthen oisnes; but it makes an immense dif ference whether it has good care or 18 fleeted, and whether or not its - jeds are properly supplied. These are equally true of a hen. .-ensible treatment is of far greater "nportance than stylisn qUarters. tit 0(luiPment should not be de oea- It can be so used as to be ofth Value Sti11 lt is-' not .one t' . v;tal things. The indispensable trv f ents for success in the Pul--.hip ness are g00d stock5 comfort er ? healtllful Quarters; feed ana titv V i 200(1 qiiality' In Proper quan protert ''U suitable times; and full -"un from diseases and enemies. Wo,D:'swirusTY FOOD ere Losses Will Result From Use poor Feed During Hot Days f Summer. lWL h m ',veather sour or musty "to i IT m t0 be used for Poul an in winter, v Severe Will rAr.nU Poor ulL -rom tne use of act r r.n 1 IJays t0 ' ow the Cn - ... bins hr"on of the grain in the .lonS time. Ion 1 may have been there for Never allow portions 0n davS Lre,falD In tne tT& taQinated Z J may become w tog. then be eaten FEED SHEEP CN CORNFIELDS Practice Has Proved Satisfactory In Saving Considerable Labor In Many States, v; (Prepared Jby the United States Depart ment of Agriculture ) -' Ordinarily the management of the farm flock of sheep calls for compara tively small demands upon farm la bor. The labor cost per dollar's worth of wool or lamb is lower than for any other farm animal product. Yet, while sheep raising does not necessitate ex pensive equipment or heavy labor, it does require study and continuous at tention. However, the effects of the reduced supply 0f available farm la bor, brought about by the drain upon it by the army and war industries, may be counteracted in part by the adop tion, where possible, of one or more of the following suggestions: j Some labor can be saved on the stock farm by a more general adoption of the practice of feeding sheep in Sheep Harvesting Their Own Feed and Saving Labor for Their Owner. cornfields. This practice has proved ery satisfactory in many states. It, of course, necessitates purchases in the fall and marketing in December or January, and js, therefore, adaptable on a large scale only to such farms or eections as are In a position to ma.e a practice of speculative feeding ol live 6tock, as few farms at present raise a sufficient number of lambs to harvest the grain from a large acreage of corn. ; ;; ' ; " A larger use of forage crops for fat tening meat stock can be adopted with a saving of labor. This plan permits the putting on of large gains with crops which' are harvested entirely by the animals themselves. In many sections fall-sown wheat and rye can be grazed by sheep, there by making a great saving In winter feed as well as.ln the labor of feeding. In sections euch as Tennessee this practice has become very general, and Is found to work exceedingly well in the production of winter wheat Self-feeders for the feeding of hay to fatten sheep and lambs can be used to good advantage. Although their use in the feeding of grain to hogs will prQie very satisfactory in the saving Qf labor, it is not recommended that tilEy be used in feeding grain to sheep Und lambs. In range sections considerable win ter labor can be economized and great er eafety secured by the distribution of supplies of feed to strategic points on the winter range. Corn, cottonseed cake, or velvet beans can be stored In metal granaries at points which will permit of their ready distribution to the stock in case of storms, which commonly-make it impossible to get feed to the stock from the nearest railroad points. In the event of a very. open yinter this feed may deteriorate dur ing the following summer. In most eections, however, the climate is suf ficiently dry to allow .it to remain in storage for use in good condition dur ing the second winter. In the past, injury has been done by advocating sheep raising on lands where little or no labor or, attention is needed and farms are thereby, cleaned of weeds. So far as their ap petite for weeds, is concerned, sheep may be regarded to some c-xtent as scavengers. They will eat most weeds and on any farm will reduce greatly the amount of land labor needed to hold weeds in check on the areas of pasture and grain crops. It is a mis take, however, to advocate the raising of sheep where the main interest in weed control. While the labor required for sheep production is continuous, it is not heavy, and if properly supervised can well be performed by boys or aged men incapable of other kinds of farm labor and by girls and women. Sheep management can be learned and un derstood and the labor performed by anyone who is willing to observe care fully and think and attend to the de tails as attention is required. It must be understood, however, that cheep raising should not be engaged in with an idea that little attention ii r quired. The wants of sheep are numer ous ana varied, and frequent attention is required to forestall conditions that will result in ill health or lack of thrift. At lambing time frequent at tendance day and night is necessary to, avoid losses cf ewes and younj lambs. .'-.. POISON FOR JAPANESE BUGS Campaign of Eradication Being Waged Against Beetle in New Jersey Injures Foliage. .Prepared by the United States Depart wient of Agriculture.) The Japanese beetle, a small insect that attacks a great variety of plants,, has become established over an area of approximately 10,000 acres near Riverton, N. J. The United States de partment of agriculture, in co-operation with the New Jersey department of agriculture, is waging a campaign of eradication, or if eradication Is Im possible, of such control as to hold the Insect within a limited territory. The mature beetle feeds on the leaves of orchard trees and ornamental plants as well as a number of annual plants. It shows a fondness for flower ing plants, and is particularly destruc tive to roses. However, It is not fas tidious in its tastes. It feeds vqrad ously on the foliage of smart weed. In the control campaign poison belts have been established, one immediately outside the Infested area and others as intervals farther back, somewhat like a defensive system of trenches In hu man warfare. The, foliage of all vege tation in these belts is poisoned. Hand picking is resorted to, and the Insects are collected by bushels. The larva is a white grub that feeds on the roots of living plants and to some extent on decaying vegetation. The destruction of larvae in the soil is undertaken by the use of Insecticides and by plowing operations. The great danger of the spread of the insect Is In shipments of sweet corn. The beetle burrows into the ear and detection is difficult. All sweet corn shipped out of the infested area must undergo Inspection, and any that Is Infected cannot be shipped but must be canned or otherwise disposed of. HOME GARDEN STRAWBERRIES , . . ' - - - Varieties Having High Quality Should Be Given Preference Get Some "Perfect." In selecting varieties of strawberries for the home garden those having high quality should have preference, and a group of varieties which will give the longest possible ripening period should be selected says Farm Journal. In deciding which to plant be sure to get some "perfect" (Fig. 1) varieties that is, varieties which have both stamens and pistils in the blossom. The "Imperfect" : (Fig. 2) varieties have the pistils and not the stamens, and will not produce fruit unless ferti lized by pollen from other plants hav ing both stamens and pistils. The Perfect and Imperfect Varieties. common method of arranging the va rieties where the imperfects are planted is to plant one row of the perfect variety, then two of the im perfect, and so on. FILLING UP APPLE ORCHARD Smaller Growing Trees, Such as Peach or Plum, May Be Placed There Temporarily. (Prepared by the United States Depart, ment of Agriculture.) It is possible to plant between apple trees, when set 32 feet apart, smaller growing trees, such as the peach or ; plum, placing one between each two i trees in the row, as well as planting a ; row in the center, of the spaces be tween the tree rows. This is a tern iporary arrangement, however, since the apple trees will eventually need all the space. Before crowding begins the inetrplanted trees should be re moved. VARIETIES OF FRUIT SOILS Best to AvoioU-Ight, Sandy Land and Heavy Clay s Latter Diffi cult to Manage. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Most fruits can be grown on a great variety of soils, but where possible It is better to avoid light, sandy soils, and heavy days. The latter are often difficult to manage in the intensive way necessary for the best success with fruit, while the light soils are likely to be affected by the extremes of heat, cold and drought, KEEP ORCHARD PESTS DOWN Durability of Keeping Insects Re duced Cannot Be Emphasized Tod Strongly.. (Prepared by the United States Depart, ment of Agriculture.) The great desirability of keeping in sects reduced by modern orchard prac tice, and attention to pruning and other operations, cannot .be empha sized too strongly and is . well appre ciated by most , progressive and sue cessfnl growers Fig. I Fig. 2 l Charlotte. Mecklenburg county's Victory loan subscriptions will exceed $3,043,350 or an over-subscription in excess of $321,850, according to a semi final estimate given out by H. M. Vic tor, county campaign chairman; All banks of this county except one have submitted their final reports, and the bank not reporting informed Mr. Vic tor its total of subscriptions would at least equal its quota. The county quota was $2,721,500, all but about $65,000 being assigned to Charlotte banks. The award by lot of the six German helmets, trophies for service in the loan drive in this county, was held at a meeting of the team captains and members. Those successful in the drawing were Frank Boomershine, L. A. Dodsworth, G. T. Buxton, M. E. Boyer, L. W. Buck arid Father Je rome. Mr. Victor said the records of the teams were such that a fair plan of awarding the trophies, except by lot, could be devised. Wiseman Sentenced to Death. Sehlby. With no signs of flinching, Aaron Wiseman heard his death sen tenced pronounced by Judge B. F. Long. Having been convicted of murder hi the first degree at the conclusion of his trial here on charge of having killed Dr. E. A. Hennessee. of Burke county, at Glen Alpine, January 31. 1918, the Avery county mountaineer was sentenced by Judge Long to be electrocuted June 20. The defendant received theverdict of the jury with slight show of emo tion. The Jury had been out an hour and 10 minutes following the charge of Judge Long. It is leported that on the first ballot the jury stood nnle for acquittal and three for conviction. Two friends of the late Dr. Hennessee vent to the box and shook hands with Jurors after the verdict was ren dered. Husband Takes Vengeance. Wadesboro. Claming that he had been paying his wife undue attention, Sanders Lindsay, a colored carpenter, shot and probably fatally wounded a negro Baptist preacher named Hicks here. The shooting occurred at Lindsay's home in the negro section of the city. It is reported here that the negroes, John Liles and Paul Crawder, who were arrested on a charge of being Implicated in the wrecking of a Sea board train near Lalesville, have con fessed to complicity in the crime and have named a negro named Eli Ben nett, as being the instigator. i :J Increase In City Taxes. Wilmington. City council has ten tatively increased the tax levy from $2 to $2.10 on the $100 valuation and has also increased privilege taxes in several instances. During the past year demands on the treasury broke through the annual budget several times and other demands are expect ed this year, necessitating higher tax ation. " ' Officer Gets the Drop. Asheville. When Will Harris and Jim Lankford, said to be the most no torious bootleggers of this district, refused to let a. member of the local police force arrest them and drew guns on the officer, Harris was shot, ,the bullet grazing the scalp and wounding him enough to send him to the hospital. The M. P. caught the men in the act of transporting 11 quarts of moonshine. Both of the men drew pistols but he (was quicker than they and had the drop on them toefore they knew it. Summer Institute at Trinity. Trinity College. The second an nual session of the Trinity College summer school for preachers will be held this year from June 4 to 13. The first service will be held Wednesday evening, June 4, with an address by Dr. Charles L. Goodell of New York City. Dr. Goodell is now connected iwith the Federal Council fit Churches of Christ in America. He is a Meth odist miniter of far-reaching reputa tion and has held the leading pasto rates in New York City. Molasses Dealer Retires. Wilmington. C. C. Covington, ewn er f C. C. Covington, Inc., one of the largest molasses importing firms in the country, has closed out his inter ests to the recently chartered branch of American Molaises Co., of New Yerk, and will retire from active busi ness for a year, in order to rest. The business was founded by Mr. Coving ton's father, the late Edwin P. Cov ington. The first order plaeed was for five bajrrells of molasses. The other day Mr. Covington ordered 30,000 barrels. Opposed to Co-Education. Chapel Hffl.-The Philanthropic So ciety of the State University has gone on record as being opposed to co-education ; at this Institution. Signifl sane is the fact tkst this yropositkMt was the first to be brought up for dis cussion at the first meeting of the so ciety, in which the motion passed sev eral weeks ego, aking roviiom for the oteaaisatie of tfcs society iato a bsrfy BMdeled alter the State Legisla tvre, went isto effect. Officers lor Cx first Urea f-fcxt year we afe slectsd. TREES; FOR THE ROADSIDE Western Journal Advocates the Plant ing of Apple and VarFous. Other Kinds of Fruits." The example of a Minnesota village which Is planting rows of apple trees' along its roadsides Instead of the more conventional Lombardy poplars, Nor way maples, box elders'and white elms, is capable of adaption to almost every American community. The practice, like a good many others wfiich now commend themselves to favor, is the result of individual initiative. About 20 years ago, It seems, a retired min ister introduced fruit trees to the road way running through his own property. The school district, seeing their value, has now arranged for planting 250 more apple trees' of an approved va-' riety and has committed itself to care foi them. These are theoretically the property of the lot owner, but it is a safe guess that the public will harvest a good deal of the crop. It Is nevertheless a pleasing custom, and one. -which is not likely to inter fere seriously with the commercial side' of fruit growing. . The spring months must be particularly beautirul in this part of Minnesota, to say nothing of the annually recurring harvejst festival every autumn. One would not begrudge the passer-by his share-of the ripe pomes', and it is practically certain that the' privilege would riot "be great ly abused if planting of this kind were general. The experience of qrchardists in such regions, for illustration, as the great prune-growing belts of Oregon and Washington shows that When cer tain fruits become reasonably common loss f rom . pilfering is negligible. But part of the value of the roadside tree would be the tacit invitation to share in the product thereof. Portland Ore gonlan. RESEMBLES OLD LOG CABIN Remarkably Pretty Bungalow Fash ioned From Concrete, the Mod ern Building Material. ' American pioneers have handed down an affectionate . regard for log architecture, and many a city dweller would prefer , a plain log cabin to a modern mansion for his country home. ;A builder in Yankton, S. D., has com bined both in a j pretty and homelike bungalow whose "logs? are made of concrete. The loglike units are pre cast separately, flat on top, bottom and inside, but with the. outside surface molded round and with an imitation In This Pretty Bungalow the "'Logs" Are Precast Concrete Units, Laid Up With Mortar, Like Any Masonry, and Stained Wood-Brown on the , . Outside to Look Natural. bark finish. Ends are cast with dove tails, and interlock at the corners. Or dinary mortar joints are used, and the exterior Is finished to a natural effect with a wood-brown stain, preserving in form all the esthetic value of the rustic-model, but withy the cleanliness and sanitary value of the modern ma terial. Popular Mechanics Magazine. Proper Housing Means Much. , -In England the principal original investors in a garden city develop ment are not" concerned solely with the financial profit obtainable from the venture. The basis of Income re turn is sufficient to remove any sus picion of charity from the transaction, while lt is at the same time recognized by all the investors Including In part, of course, those manufacturing con cerns which may have a certain amount of selfish interest in the matter that the contented and more efficient work men thus obtained represent a better return than a few per cent additional ion their investment. From; a. larger point of view it is also apparent that the healthier generations that will result from workmen living under these better conditions mean greater power, wealth, and efficiency to the whole na tion. Pure Air. On every "mote that dances in a sunbeam" there rides many a disease germ. The dust particles sent flying by motor vehicles pr - gusts of wind are so many infinitesimal omnibuses carrying loads of passengers who wish to be put off in some warm nose, throat or lung where they may multi ply. And the same holds true of every ' partide of soot that escapes unburned from a chimney. To the man who knows this much of sdence, dirty streets, and sooty air are more dangerous than all the mur derers at large in the world. But to the average person . street dust and smoke are nothing more than unsight ly and disagreeable objrts. Engi neering and Contracting. ' (By REV. P. B. FJTZ WATER, D. D Teacher of English Bible in the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) v , tCopyrtgbt, 1919. by Western Newspaper Union.) LESSON FOR JUNE 1. FAITH, WHAT IT IS AND WHAT , . IT DdES. LESSON TEXTS Hebrews 11:1-40; 12: L 2. GOLDEN TEXT Ye believe In God. be lieve also In me. John 14:1. - ADDITIONAL ' MATERIAL Matt, t 13; Mark 2:1-12; Rom. 1:16-17; 3:21-30; ' 1 John 6:4. . IRIMARY TOPIC Story of a Man Who Believed in Jesus. (John 9:1-38.) JUNIOR TOPIC Heroes of Faith. - INTERMEDIATE TOPIC The Victory of Faith. SENIOR AND ADULT TOPIC The Place of Faith in Religious Life. In Hebrews, chapters 4 1-10 the grounds of faith are clearly set forth, ' In this lesson Its nature and glorious triumphs are displayed. " . I. The Nature of Faith (11:1-3). 1. Faith is the eye of, .the soul,' en abling it to see the, invisible , (v. l)., It" is not merely Intellectual, assent to( that which commends itself as being, reasonable,. but it is the soul's attitude? toward Gbd. . , ' 2. Faith' seizes the things of the future tfhd Jives and walks , In their power In the present Xy.; D." , 3. It enabled the ."elders" to obtain , a good report (v.' 2). j It mad God'a, promises so living arid real to thenV that lt became the dominant force In their lives.1 1 , 1 ' 4. Faith enables us to understand how the worlds were made- (v. : 3), No ( man was present when God made the .. worlds, so , the . foundation for . our knowledge is the Word of God. The one who has faith wholly believes that Word. - II. The Triumphant Victories s of Faith (11:4-38). 1. Faith of the antediluvian ; saints (w. 4-7). As representative of .this, period three men are , pointed , out : ' (a) Abel (v. .4), whoy displayed his faith in his worship. J He took his place before God as a sinner and of-, fered a bloody sacrifice, thereby 'show ing that he looked forward, to Christ's atonement, 'which is substitutionary- a life for a life, (b) Enoch, who dis played his faith in his walk in fel lowship with God (v. 5). (c) Noah, who by faith stood, loyal to God in a time of universal apostasy and wtck-, nedness (v, 7). Noah's task was a stupendous and difficult one. He exe cuted it in the face of many a . sneer and taunt, but his faith carried him through, securing , salvation for him self and his faintly.. . 2. Faith, of the Hebrew' saints (w. 8-38). (a) Abraham (w 8-10, 17-19).' Abraham went out not knowing whither he went, but he knew that the Lord had spoken and that was enough. By faith he offered up Isaac believing that God was able to raise him up from the dead and fulfill his promise that in Isaac the promised seed should obtain. (b) Sarah through faith received strength to conceive seed when she was old, counting him faithful who had promised (w. 11, 12). (c) Jacob by faith pronounced a , prophecy concerning Joseph's sons (v. 21). By faith he penetrated the , unseen and pronounced destinies which should be experienced by them both, (d) Joseph by . faith foresaw the entrance of his people Into the promised land and made them swear -to carry his bones there 'for burial, for even his body must not be left behind In the land of Judgment and death (v. 22). (e) Moses (vy. 23:28).' Faith in the hearts of his parents caused them to dfsreprnrrl tti k!riz' v decree. Faith caused him to turnf his back upon the honors of- Egypt and , identify himself with his enslaved " brethren. . ' . Faith's Grand Exemplar (12: 1, 2). ( -:: . " ' Christ taking upon himself human : nature and passing through the trials of life to a triumphant goal is the supreme example for us. Those who fix their eyes upon him will (1) lay aside every weight. To run with sues cess all burdens must be cast off. Things which may not be sinful In ' themselves, if they impede our progress must be laid aside. (2) Lay aside the sin which doth so easily ' beset us. (3) Runywlth patience the; race set before us. (4) Looking unto' Jesus. Our eyes must be steadfastly, fixed upon him. Having him as onr . example we will endure the cross. To follow Jesus means suffering and trials. Love as a Word. . Love, even as a word only.' must 6tand alone. It is one of the great monosyllables of,. our great language; Love.' It Is the invisible gravita tion of.tffe. With Its Invisible cords, , viewless but potent, it draws hearts together, over eternal spaces, and holds them together in an Indissoluble bond in Time and Eternity. The Wonder of Itf , "Lord, when I look on my own life it seems thou hast' fed. me so care fully, so tenderly, that 'thou canst have attended to no ene else. But, when I see how wonderfully thou hast' led the world, and are lendlnjr It, I am amazed that. thou host foul, , time to attend to , such as L'V-S t ; Augustine. Why Man Falls, Man could not fall so low were - he not so great. It lsifhe abused God in t man that turns him into a devfL r r.

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