t' ' r/' - k>' * . " ? ? ? ? ?< SOCIAL AND PERSONAL of INTE Attend Meeting In Shelby Mrs. P. <i. liulterii'o null Mr-t. I, 11 (intuitu I'epfeKOllUll ilie KllIK* Mountain Wn inu lis Chili at a log at tin court 1io:.sc it? SU. "-v U?M week. v> hcti |ilittle 4,.i hcaui U?u' , ?IIm* k round* a' tlie Cutivt it nut.' welro liUciisn'il Mis. liatleri'i i- ami Mrs (iofuith ate nivniboi s u( the committee a!i|ii>tuiu<] .the* cuuntv COBitii His ton its to at-tist Jn 'this liuit si j ? % WEEK - END t Specials FROSTILLA LOTION 39c ! 666 LIQUID 45c 25c Size CARTERS Liver Pills ' 19c EX-LAX 25c Size ' j 19c . MI NIT RUB~ 35c Cize ' , 29c 60c Size SYRUP PEPSIN 47c POND'S (Creams) 39c N. R. TABLETS 23c 65c Size PINEX e a ~ * 9W 50c Size TEEL 39c BILL FOLDS 49c DRENE 60c Size Shampoo Chamberlain's LOTION V 42c Kings Mountain Drug Co. The Rexall Store Phones 41 and 81 . '. i / f (jvrrwz/i \ QUd Alka-S And Ttfy Say It Do the members of YOUR famll If not, perhaps it is because you a thorough trlaL' All over the world people who enthusiastic in its praise. If Alka-Seltzer is as good as we si Icine cabinet; if it is not, it won't co the purchase price to any new us< Your family may need Alka-Selt you think. Our guarantee of sal < j , covers it VMM M ff?BL' ralgia. He ^itWyE ** te m i . "*' . c 1 I 1 HAPPENINGS REST to V\ v 4?. " ...N v i . v .- ? PHONES 10 R AND 88 ? ++++++ ++**++ ^+++*+**++4 New Club Formed ' , ^ Tin' I) I)j1' lu-i'l ilK-u- first luiH-t- ! s ill' Monday tiiulit. and the . urt.> u--4 v\orv (*!wlcil:' PivkIiIvMi I finiiia '.'onlw ll; Viin-I'lvcWfelli,'^ Ki'aiii'f> I'fiiUKi'; Si'Cii vary. Alii''? 1 lit l> Mauney; 'j'lfiihuii.r. l'uis> I Villus ~ I I t .i*- fiuij iii S' iitoix iijitl .I'tii*" U.aiJu.ii?s hi Kings MouM-nli HJkli *l Si JllioJ lias still led Willi JpltiVl'h clmr l .'akt* unitv.- in < at tltclr next meet--' iUK 1 11 Jii-VftiU cummllt Ws via re apiHiiul id ur.it till-, purpose of the i iub ills- . I. cusit <| Womans Club To Meet Friday ' *5 The WuttvaiiH Club will meet Krl ; day afternoon at 3:30 al the club 1 building. Mrs.. \V. J. Fulkersou will ' (lisOuss table appointments J Hostesses will be Mesdatnes If. * X Moss, J. M. Patterson and M. A. Ware for cot chs from colos ! . * ' that won't TORN loose ! . take oke stp ok MENTKO-MMLSSON " j _v/ait five minuses Blalock ; GROCERY t ( i Hie Store That Believes i J In. * ... ?Quality Groceries ,< ?Prompt Deliveries , .* * ?Reasonable Prices , ?Friendly Service Blalock Grocery & Market Phone 58 We Deliver eltzerfeffl With a Smile! y say this? have never given ADca*8eltzar f have used Alka-Seltzer are ty it is, you want it in your medst you a penny. We will refund :r who is not entirely satisfied. xer sooner and more often than is/action or money refunded s use in all conditions listed bemewacfc, Add lailaaatlaa. Heart rales AfW, Meat alar Pales, NrsaSacha, Plitrass at GsMs, as a Oat rj|^B ^ Be: ' ^v" V- v . .. V v. ** THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERAL! fOMEN Hits A H. PATTERSON. ++ ?* ++++? + *+++++?-+<M"M~M~? iuher-llouston Wedding vuiemni^ed " The marriage ?i( Mis* Kv.1 Mm iiin i of Kiui(> Mountain .mil Hum s, I Illusion of Kings Moiiu'iIii anil Hit Jill'JtSllll. IllvilllbUl. S lOi'K lii punt tcrciuotiv last- Sutu. u\ (i veiling at (Vtltlill- iliitliodlH'. Iiiin li iv r It tie IiikIh'o pallor. Or , iti """/1"'*0 ' I'*. J.iub '! < annliiai (4p? in .in>ti i iiKl uiliia completed a simple i) aif< live M itliis lor tip* duplex iv< exchange <>f vow*. \lusi< wait . tunlirlied ov Minn ij'a jwkvuii. otgnnlst 1'iun to.The inuiuny Miss Jackson |?i:iv -<1 Avi .lai ia iiml during the ceremony. To i Wild Hose, 1(> MacDowell, was luycd. The Hridul (.'hocus ftom i^ileiigrin wits played for the pi onestonal and MiiuIIIssoUii'h WeddUig ditrch for tlie recessional.There were no attend.irtls and I ho ouph entered' the church togetlft-r. Th? bride. a strikingly lovely irunette. wore a becoming redingote. ostuine in beige with copper brown ccessorics and corsage of talisman uses. She is a daughter of Mr. and its. hi. it B fiber and a young woniiiti I exceptional charm. My. iidtislotl. a sop of Mr and Mfs i. !i. llons'toh. <;' l ata land. S. i., merle ol KiliCs Mountain. lie is a <Mthg IHiill of spi nidid . . si's of liaVdc iciv uijiti popular among " his i--oriiiies Ho l.-i'J .1 position ?i'li li<> Kings M-otintaiu Drug Company 11:tiS ho was called :o outer training utd ij iioi at Foil Jackson, l'oiain da. S- C. Mrs! Houston will rotnuln in <ings Mountain where she holds a xisitiou witli the Mnrgrace Mills. Only the families of the couple vilnessed the ceremony. The marriage came as a surprise o their many friends and was the .'ulmlnatiou of a love uflair begun 11 their early youth. Meeting of Vera Sargeant Circle Mrs. Monroe Khca was hostess to neinbers of the Vera Sargeant t'lr lo at her home on West Mountain street Monday evening. .. ^ ^ The meeting was opetieil Witli iraver by Mrs. Manly Morehead, fol owed by song ? America. Miss Mitchell Willfams had char ie of the, study for the evening the opic of which was?An I'rg lit Cos jel. Need of Homeland,. Those assist ng in the discussion were Mcsdanv ss J. K. Willias, Cline Farthing, Bry ?n Hord. Bill Baker, Wray Kirby tnd Miss Annie Roberts,. God Bless America ? was sung ind the meeting closid with a pray i by Mrs. A. G. Sargeant. A number of visitors were present Including the leaders of the othet circles. - . a iriii|ikiiiK ttaittu tuursf wnn ac jessorles was served. COMING ' WED.. THURS., ? THE SCREEN'S R( CAVALCADE OF THRILLS OUR GUARANTEE: More roa per second than any screen ment in history 1150 years of American drama . . V advc romance . <. telescoped int< utes of show wonders! Y*>^ iVn -BBiiA^i I rtcw^j l (? ?</ fcy~ l^*!*""^ M*tr?ii n<fv4 I Fradi nn IDI , ' ' ^ , OlOrlVwt*. > mt -%f America, Inc. ij Dixie 5 * j\ . ,?/ *.? -. . . ". '. - . U hffin im> r?ifi ti til _ ^ 1 * * -? D THURSDAY, March 13. 1941 Birthday Party Jean an.I Uitty Cash dPlebiftted ^ heir 9th anil 8th birthdays respec- ( ttvt'ly "ht the home of their parents >n KiliK street Monday afterno'ou. i ' The young people were entertain- .1 d with various unities .. ,| I'uncli. icecream and cake was, j *'er\cd^wlth the St.. Patrick'* motif observed in refreshments and favors " Those present Included AMa Jea'i J lltiviH. Mildred Mae tiofoi'h. Betty Howard. tti'lsv Stow'-. At.irjorv I)ii key Ann May e* Jean l.ynch ; la>.->ii- t.yin'a. Pin lli- Ware. Baity \':|i Neisler. H leaner Myers, lhlckfe ' .) n It in > Patty Parrish PuUieia.' thine.-. .luanita (lutuioift. -loan Hayits. It.iinhyii Allen, Betty Palls. Jennie llittin it piiiuy Maine v. -liarvv ' I iy Ituiiiiich llobhle Webb. Tommy Thompson . tu nc Mauiiey. Billy \lli-t liou rt Hden*, l?nu Pr"*Hley laiuelu I tola-lis l.any Punish and1tu I Waie rtnj-rii mfmiw/tmui ii* fW1 Hulijii dry nt t Personals Bill. Thl Olli bui u -spent th weekend with relatives in * AUn inarle. | - o? - * I Mis. MaUde Wilsoji had a? her j um-si Sunday evening Mr. Kd Ham* mefl of- M ins insipid." r I - o -~ I , Mr. Bobbie West of Pnion Mills J ! spent the past week end with ' ' friends here. ?0- - I Mr. Aaron Harisoe spent the past j ? i week end with iris mother. Mrs. Ml- I - I lie llurlsoe. -'o? } Miss Catherine Peele was "called j home Tuesday by the illness of her 1 mother. j/"' / Mt^'daiium J. -TV Davis. TV P. llaker i ami Fuller MiCill spent Tuesday in. ''iiarieMe. , . j k s * .-V ?O'?. - ' M i.iilie llart'soe spent the past -iilli tier si'iet. Mr-. . K. I. '\Vrirlit ot Shelby. ? M . :>i(<] Mrs'. .Lawrence Lohr and FRANCE S RAGGED REGIMENT OF AVENGERS How misearable mendicants of j France's once gay capital have band j ed together in their twilight world and have pledged their lives to sa- j botaging Germa nrule. A thrilling article in the March 23,rd issue of THE AMERICAN WEEKLY 1 the big magazine distributed with THE BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN" On Sale At All Newsstands S^^3E339l^sSE55Ess528B535553 ; ' CALL OR SEE Kennon Blanton At Terminal Ser. Station PHONE NO. 10 STERCH1 BROS.' Representative in Kings Mountain Territory . ? rtm ha vc i FRI, March 26-27-28 MRIM 139 1 FAMED STARS! * DON ARKCME * george alliss * Edward arnoio a B RINNIE MINES t i 10hn baraymore i ' * iionii iariymore w " wmnei baxter * wallace beery rino thrillc * waiter mennan ring iwriiis # george brent entertain- * Virginia irnce a.n ^ ROB RUINS breathless * ico carriuo inture t eUGOETTE Colbert insure ... ^ bart coorer > 100 min- * ?ette oavis * DUD END KIDS * richard oix * irehf ounne * HENRY FONDA * 1ANET GAYNOR * WAITER HRSTON * JOEl McCREA * VICTOR MclAGlEN * ireoric march ^^b * raymond massf y a 1 ^^b * rort MONTGOMERY vArl h ANNA NEAGlE ** A -^B^ * Mil RATRICK fe^B * GEORGE RAFT * IVISC RAINER * RAUl ROBESON * ann rutherford * JOSERH SCHIIORRAUT B ^B' * RANDOLPH SCOTT B ,*MB * JAMES STEWART * lewis stone * margaret sttuavan mm^^b * akim tamiroef I : * SRENCER TRACY * 10RETTA YOUNG M.I..f^Mti kpiimJll.kUi- *)?WUIJW* ' m i>n are visiting Mr. anil Mrs. S. A ;,,| operation for apponiltcltlff In IM latmey. <*lt> Hospital. Onstonla, recently. ?o?o - ? l)r ami Mre. E. 0. Poo pur spent 10 past' week-eml wltli Mr anil Mrs Miss Eva Plonk spout tho weekacob. Cooper I oru' Wiit^ton-Salein anil while ? o- - -I'there bail tho' pleasure of linariDC ?Mf<< l^auru Wattorsoir underwent . ti.'on,f'il'on Editorial page} . . _ " = ' . ' ' -v * IT'S SAFE :^ PASTEURIZED MILK ? ', * -v . ' ' ' ' 4 1 , Rowland Bros. Motor Co. 24 North Railroad Ave. COME IN-. . . AND SEE .77^ ' OUR COMPLETE, NEW GREETING CARD DEPARTMENT j I Br! i . V ilp's I ' v/*| J ? .3 . j . . J E>. Whether it be a word of congratulation, an expression of sympathy, a grateful note of thanks, or a greeting to bear good wishes, let a Greeting Card carry your message. To make it easy for you to find just the message you need, we have installed a new display of the latest type. Won't you pay us an early visit? BELK'S 1 DEPT.STORE 1 . ' : '* 4 . ' - ' " ' '1 GREETING CARDS FOR ALL OCCASIONS - . t . . -. \-m {-.>|M

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