. r. . 7 1 THE MOBNING STAR, WIIinHtmXff . 4, J i ft-- ;iv Weiv Books! if Ill il; f i ' t li'J! n 1 : t i- - t . NATIONAL LEAGUE Beiultt Ywterday. At New York. 2; Chicago. . At ferooklyn, 6; St. Lonis, 1.. At Boston. 3; Cincinnati. 5. At Philadelphia. 8; Pittsburg, 2. . Clvrt) : , WOU. JLrtJBl.X , V. Vil3 Chicago New York . Pittsburg.... Philadelphia St.. Louis . Cincinnati... Brooklyn.... Boaton... .. 41.. 6T 07 Oi 60 50 13 2T 43 ,45. 49 Tl , CO .600 .5!8 .559 .541 .4.r5 .391 .241 New York, Aug. 2. By defeating New York in the final game of th -ries here today Chicago , resumed the National League . leadership Richie, who occupied the box when his club lost toy a close, score on I Monday, was Bent hack against the Giants. He pitched a strong game and waa well supported. Chicago, toab the lead, by fiAdlng 'Wlltse for four singles In the fist inning, which, Wlth a -basa on halls and a wild pitch netted three runs. Wiltse steadied down then but iwas rapped for four more hits and three more funs In the ninth. Chicago .V'.i;r.3v 00 f003 6 10 1 New York ..010 000 0012 - 7 2 Richie and Archer; Wiltse and My ers. Time 1:44. Umpires Klem and Brennan. Philadelphia, Aug. 23 .Philadelphia won today's game from Pittsburg' by , three to two and captured the serfes from the visltore "by two games to one. The , contest was a battle of ipitchers until the seventh inning when the hom team scored the winning run, on Magee's double, Beck's saci-; flee and Luderus' single. Pittsburg . '.. :001 100 .0002' 5 '2 Fhila 100 100 lOx 3 8 1 Leifleld . and Gibson; Stack : and Spencer. Time 1:55. ' Umpires Rigler and 'Finneran. - : . 1 . ; ;- Brooklyn, Aug. 23. -Bt. Louis )ost its farewell game here today being m able to hit Rucker who was nt his best. Twice the visitors had the bases lull with one-out but were unable to score. The Brooklynites hit Harmon freely during the four innings he of rlciated, gaining a safe lead. - St. Louis . . . . .000 000 010--1 6 0 Brooklyn ... . .211 100 01k 6 8 0 ' Harmon, Golden, McAdams. and Bliss; Rucker and Erwin: Time 1:33. Unrpires Eason and Johnstone. :-V -' Boston, Aug. 23.' Cincinnati made a clean up of the present series with - Boston winning today s game 5' to 3.' Boston : . . . .... 000 100 110--3 '7 3 Cincinnati ..010 110 002 4 13 1 Perdue and Kling; Fromme, .Smith end .jClaMce. Time HV40. i Umpires OTay and'Emslie. , ' . ' AMERICAN LEAGUE. :- ftesulta 1 Vestertfay. No games scheduled. Ctub: - WOB. Lost. P.O. .049 .603 .509 Philadelphia Detroit . . Boston. . . New York, . . Cleveland.. Chicago . , Washington St. Louis . . 74 70. 59 58 50 40 34 40 46 Si 57 57 58 58 80. ,500 .504 .491 .458 '-" 'Carolina League ' ' At Greenboro 4; WInton-Salem 3. At Charlotte 4;- Anderson C. At Greenville 1; Spartanburg 8. Virginia League ' ' . At Lynchburg 0; Roanoke 1. At Danville 3; Petersburg 5. Second: Danville 5; Petersburg 9. At Norfolk 7; Richmond 2: :. American Association At St. Louis 2; Minneapolis 5. At Indianapolis 10; Milwaukee 1. At Toledo 3; St. Iul 4. ' Second: Toledo 3; St Paul 2. At Columbus 3; Kansas City 2. Second: Columbus-1; Kansas City nothing.' - f Eastern League r - At Montreal l; Baltimore 7. At Buffalo 9; Newark' s. . At Rochester 13; Providence 2. At Toronto 4; Jersey City 1. . Second: "Toronto i; Jersey City one. v - ' - ' South Atlantic League At Macon 8; Columbia 2. 1 At Albany 6; Charleston 0. At Columbus 7;'. A, W 2. At Jacksonville. 2;: Savannah 4. 8econd : v i JacJssonviile 8 ; Savannah one.- -. ? " ' - i . 8outneriv League At Chattanooga 2; Birmingham 1. At Memphis 3; Mobile 1. : At Atlanta 4; Montgomery 7. At Nashville 6; New Orleans 5. Second: New Orleans 6 j Nashville 6 ' (Called end .7th darkness.) ; Appalachian League. At Johnson City 8; Asheville 4. At Bristol 2; Morristown- 5. 2nd: Bristol 6;'. Morristown 4. At Cleveland 0; Knoxville 3. TOGO At "REGtNA. ' Japanese ' Admiral Enjoyed His Stay ' In United States. : ; Regina.Sas .Aug. 23. Admiral Togo arrived here . at 10 ; o'cl6ck to night rafter a Journey through the wheat fields of Canada. ; : " "The . "United States gOverhment made me ah honored guest through the ; States as far "as Niagara," ' said the admlfal, V'ahd I am enjoying now the hospitality of 'one of Britaln',s - greatest Colonies. On 'account Of toy indifferent health. I have not been able to accept any courtesies extended me by the Canadian, government, but nev ertheless, I am' tleeply ' grateful for the good will showti . HONORS FOR -ADMIRAL TOGO. A American 'Cruisers Afe'to Escort Jap ' anese Liner Oiit 'tn'Sea. ' ' Bremmerton, Wash. Aug. 23.Final redojnltlon by the' government of the visit to Amertca rjf Admiral Togo will be accorded by the navy, afccbrdfng to orders received at the navy yard here. With the sailing for Japan on Au gust '4 "of the Bteamer Tamba MarU', , which iS: to bear the Jabaheee' naval I hero honjeward, the cruisers : West Virginia pahd Colorado will , form an escort' ahd " betweeh' these 'war shlpB the Japanese merchantman will steam to ea. Upon their arrival In interna tional waters, the crulBera win fir a lareweu ealute, - , , HACKEN SCHMIDT: RESTING. Runs rfr Rkf Going Stale for Con 7 test With Gotch. ' Chicago. Aug. 23. Fearing; that: he i might go stale before the time of his match with t Gotch, t George: HacKran schmidt has decidedjthat he will, not do any more hard' work . until - next Monday. For almosH2 Weeks he has included hard mat work in his ' daily routine, and he , believes- that for the present he has had enough, of that sort 0f training. - T ; "On Monday,, said Dr.'' Roller, one of the trainers, "Hack will go the lim it on the mat with Americas, : Koch and myself. Hack' will not risk going stale. . He would not risk a chance of having anytEing hstppen 1 to his mus cles to keep him from being In -perfect - condition to ' meet Gotch. , " .' Prices on the result -of the contest were posted for the first time: yester day. Gotch is made the favorite : at four to ffvef by one bookmaker. "On Hocken schmidt he offers 6 to 5. ' Not much money -was posted yes terday, most pf the bets accepted be ing at snort oaas. mat . me event will be a big betting one is hot expect ed. ' Acceding to- local bookmakers, most . of the money ta be placed1 on the result will probably not come out until two or. three .days before, - the match. Requests from r newspaper for free tickets have been i filed .from 14 States, o i - STlMSON TO TRAVEL. Ci' Secretary Uf War Will Visit vArmy i :' .v;-,; Posts of Country, v : Washington, Aug. 23. In order to become better acquainted" with the military conditions" of the country; Secretary of War Stimson. accompa nied by Gen.- Leonard Wood,- chief of staff of.lhe.army, will start on a trip of inspection. 'of .army posts' and forti - " W -5 r if- C i v t' HJtMLSTMSOM ficatlons September 15th. They will visit the seacoast defenses - in the South . and . the Texas and Arizona frontier, the scene of the Varmy's ' activity- during the Mexican : revolution. They will go. as far west as Forts Hua chuca and Apachei : Ariz:,' returning to Washington by the way of Forts Ri ley and Leavohworth; Kari;, where the service schools will, be Inspected. ESTIMATES FOR ARMY.: Nearly; Hundred Millions' for Uncle Sam's .Military Establishment. , Washington, Aug. 23. The . esti mates for he army for the next fiscal year, it was announced - today, would be la the aggregate about the same as the .amount appropriated by 'Con gress for the military establishment during the current year, - which was $94,210,400. ; , ' : Practically the only item increased will be for field artillery and 'ammu nition. Officers. of the army contend there is a sorry lack of field artillery. In this connection. Gen. Wood, chief of staff -of the army, said in his last annual report . to r the Secretary of War: . '' ' 7 ' - "The existing deficiency In the field artillery constitutes one of the great menaces ' to our country. In case of If the. regular army and ; organized military at r-. war- strength were called to arms-today there .would be a short age of over 50 per cent-, in the field artillery neessary, to equip them. As this force would only represent -a por-; t ion of the force called to arms in case d war .. . with a first-class ; power.' the gravity of the situation becomes' at once apparent."-. - - Vj. j " ; FRONTENAC 'HOTEL BURNED. , Famous . Resort Hostel ry at Thousand ; Islands Destroyed. '.-''!: - V Clayjtoni N." Y.v : Aug. 23, The Fron; tenac HOteV at the Thousand .Islands, one Of 'th'e'ijanes't.'. Summer hotels? in the country,' caught fire atVlO 'o'clock tqnlght: and at- midnight there appear ed little chance of sayirij: , the big six story. structure.:1 -r- -' '" : ; The . fire started ; in f the I Servants quarters and spreads quickly, In the hotel- "at . the : time ' wereM60 (gUeBts from many sections Of the 'country, the majority from New York City. The guests had ample time to escape auer ine nrst aiarm ana u i .siaieu there was too loss of life ) The , hotel was located on -Round Island, in he St. Lawrence river; The property- was principally ownea py. v;. G. jSmoryof New YOrand is valued at fSuOW.";;- .j'- i.i r?-; i '. :vWo G'fief About Marks tMy dear aunt had -not been dead 24 riourS .when her parrot , died too.? - Parks 'The rpoor bird 4ied of grief, I Bulfppser1 MarkH."No. Poi eon." Boston Transcript. : ' ;' W7? A1 kfhd" WK6 Let 'Noma h tet the -'world ' to talking,' bet Paul Mathulka,' Of Buffalo, N. ' Y., Bays he always 'KEEPS" AT HOME the King Of ill Laxatives Dr. 'King's ' New Life PUls--and thai they're a blessing tr-jaU ills lamnyf -Cure constipation, headache, indigestion, dyspepsia, fin. z&c. at K. tv. Bellamy. . 1 1 UNDERWOOD-SPEAKS. Guest of ; Honor- at Sanquet in": New vorK uasi wignt. . : r ' New York, : N. Y., Augusit S3,'-MI come with & message from the Democ racy if, the , .country; ;;We;have -kept Our ledges, we have Obeyed-the will 6f our constituency'; r Such: was the declaratioh of Oscar Vf Uhderwood, bhalrman of the Ways ;and, Mefans Committee of the HoUse iot Represent atives, at the banquet given at the Na tional Itallah."beimi6cratrc League here tonight. " Members' of the Ways and Means Committee twere guests ot ho Bor, and Mr.; TJnder.wood delivered the principal, address. , i. f - The President signed a tariff bill, Mr. ; Undenfood aeclared, praised as "the best tariff ever," but hardly three months had .'passed before -Republican orators were apologizing and begging on bended knee for a chance to re vis their own handiwork. ' v f "We nave presented to. the Preei delit of the United States, he said, ";flve great bills expressing our views as to what the tariff should be in the interests of the .American people and they would be 'la-w today If they had riot met fila veto: ' . : "The President of the United States without autdiortty.' without knowledge of anyone, negotiated a contract with a foreign nation . He negotiated commercial pact with the Dminion of Canada. - ' - i-fMy friends we have-presented to him the important schedules of the tariff' bill, the wool, the cotton, the iron;' and steel, the chemlcal and the free list bills', and there are 'other scheduled 'of importance, but he has vetoed every; bill that we have sent nun. . ' . ' ; "We have" temporarily ' closed our books.. We do not propose to unduly agitate the business interests 'of this country, "We wait with patience for the: President's message next Decem ber . ' The ' President of the United States has failed to keep the promises of the Republican ; party ta lower the tariff downward end - through the Payne bill he. failed to keep 'the Presi dent's pledges to the people. - . ? He-vetoed the bill we need for the relief, oft the people of the United States; and. I say td you candidly my friends, that we do ; not propose to eofmtpromrse' this . great issue. If the President 1 willing ' to : give honest, fair and. Just relief to the American people the ; Demociratic '. Congress is willing to uphold ' uis hands as we did - in the instance of the reciprocity pact. But if we are to be told to pass restrictive, , prohibitive tariff bills, that are ;only a makeshift' and not a revision downward, we wilKcarry this great question to the American people and confidently await 'their Verdict at thejiext geheral election," . ' - - ..- . .. . . -v.: GEN. WALKER APPROVES. NHarm, in Proposition for Vicksburg ; ; ' parx mis view. Columbia, -S. C, Aug. 23. Gen. C. Irvine" Walker, - of Charlest6n, on whom the' supreme command of .the United Confederate Veterans devolv ed by seniority, at the death recently of Gen: George W. Gordon,1 of Mem phis, tloes not , see any harm in the proposition to have Congress appro priate 150,000 . for a monument at Vicksburg v Park to the ; Confederate navy., . ; .. ; He 'said,' when -interviewed .'while in attendance on the State reunion here, that to his mind the , action proposed wpuhl have no partisan' significance and. .would involve no Qurrender. of Southern ' pride nor anyv Exhibition of Northern magnanimity.. " U ,j ' ? "All of the much that has been done at Vicksburg . Park has been done," said Gen. .Walker, "-with the strictest htmpartiallty, so far as North and South are concerned. - Confederate positions have" been marked in the same fashion as Federal. positions. .It is not. a sec tion al-part , , . "The.ohiy" fault 1 -wouldhave to find Ih; the measure offered would' be in the'dedicatib?i of such a monument to the, Confederate havy: It Is appropriate- that ' thekexlsting';": monument to whfch the proposed shaft . should be conlpllmentary, ifabuid ne to . the Fed eral navy, for ' the "Federal navy did bear a large part in the operations at Vicksburg, but the Confederate forc es engaged there re all military. If the monument is reared,, it should be to the Confederate' soldiers engag ed.?' ' .:'ri' ' -'' - ; '- - - - Senator TlflmanV Interviewed al he passed through Columbia to visit Rail road Commissioner J. G.-Richards, Jr., at liberty. .Hill, agreed heartily with Gen. v Walker. - $ -Mi DEEDS, NOT WORDS WHrnlngton . People Have Absolute A! Proof, of Deeds' at Home", . : vIts.hot wdrils -but ;rdeetts, -that: prove true merit. . - .-. '. -i- 'i- - - The deeds of Doan's, kidney Pills., ,i Fr . Wilmington kidney sufferers. J. Have: made their local-reputation. - Proof . lies 4n the testimony of j Wil mington people' who -haVe been cured to ; Btay:- cured."-;-, -Mrs. J. A. Boykltti 5l4:. Princess street, Wjilmingtoh, N. C;, -says:, "For a. long time I suffered -from iacfeache and pains in my limbs. " I ould not stoop or lift; without enduring "much misery and despite -;ill'.'myj.-eiforts;-i w as unaole to . find relief until l got Doah's Kidney Pills at Bellamy's drug store. : ' They v entirely v. removed the aohs and pairia and L now have no cause for coniplajat.'' . -v; J' (Statement given j February:. 24th,(; ".'V'. j- No Trouble Sinee i,5v--''iij ' 'Mrs Boykin : was interviewed ' on DetentbeTi-27th,. l9I0, and r feiie.:-said? I have no need of a kidney medicine since Doanv Kidney frPills cured- me.j l ra willing to jagain recommend this remedy. -::i:v 1.., : ) For . sale by all iealeirsv - Prfceio : cents. FostMirbuTO?' Co.nri Buffalo, New TorS aoie' agents Tor the United Remember tbe namObenV take no other, f . , J fr ., , . ,,, ,. , m. .... ., . ii . mi,., ., .,, , ,1,,, rTpHE SPECIVU REPRESENTATIVE faced 5 a , seridus i problem He had a chance to close-a big cleal, but in order, tp do it, he would have to go outside his iristructions. t . . 'v; :.y: -: 'y ;.- r y:. A personal cbnsultation whh his firm, was absolutely , necessary. He called them Up- op the Long Distance Bell vTelephpne, outlined the situation -aiid the deal was closed." : J.' -:a.) i . ; i , i ducn a taiK y ence. l he world s greatest business men make the Long ; I' -Distance Bell Telephone the means of woridefful achieve- 3 mciiu uiiii scivc yuu as yven. . if. The Resemblance., . The little Chap ''We're getting up a tug-o'-war between the married ahd single inen-,;' You're , naarried, aren't your, .The AmericanT-iNo-ive Just been seasick, that's why . I look that' vtt'ulfo&0 opinion:- -'";. Impsir Mental Faculties V acid siioal' not; be . allowed to be come chronic. ' - Whether caused by heat or .coldi.fitomaeh disorders or oervoixsness . ' ' " Hicito C A P U D I W E is th'o best ' remedy to" take. ' ltra liquid -effects immediate -pleas-snt tb'take. 10c, 25c and 50c at 3ruetores. -f V tt - ' ' . J. Old that refuse to heal are caused by poison in the blood. Skin etuptions of- all' kinds are due to the 6ame cause.; The cure fociuch troubles is hot" an ex- ternal application t of some Wive, ointment, etc . Such treatment -does not penetrate to the. cause of the trouble and consequently- cannot really cure. f ,':; .. . . Fpr obstinate sore and, other erup tions of the;ikirr4'thouiands of peo ple vhave ibund' proinpt relief and permanent cure.y. using; " til -ICETTERER'S brl -i X f., (K.E.B.P.) This successful remedy . is made from pure vegetable ingredients, con tains no -minerals or harmful drugs and f may be- used by. young or old withomjuribus eHect.V " K !. '. tivejguarantee that, it will help" you or your 'druggist will refund your money. It's -helped thousands of other people. fuii j-uu .mine re is rcasouaui iu beUeve it will help you, too?1 .. QUALITYi J The best 'Gas IhjglheTi 5. Oil jf ever produc-'iiA ed; : once tred,aiwairf iC used. V 'lts J cpmblnatlo nt oi tmexcelled ualitUs'W enable . Gaso- : ima " jaagines f tov'i. develop. K tnore power" taany-possibie j' when , nslhr bther V ; 'Gas 'j!? Engine "bit Mead aches 1 111 ;t vT5i,f .k- MfhM MI JJ I ' was as satisfactory as ataceito iace conter- By the way, have you a Bell Telephone ? fr . r- ' v LAST OPPORTUNITY OF THE SEASON TO VISIT -t- MiaPiiiiraMSPUffii BH P : I.O.UHJKr. UU. "Land of S.1 so y w em .w UM tiiW&v Tuesday, Tickets on sale for 'Southern Railway Regular Train No. 21 Schedule , and Low Roupd Trip Fares as follows: . . Leave Goldsboro . .... .": . . . . . 1 6:45 A. M. ..$5.00 Leave Sclma .iV. :i..V.7:33 A.v.M. .,...... . . .;. ..$5.00 Leave Raleigh .....v....;...8:35 A. M v.... ...v.$4.75 1 Leave Durham . . . r. . . . . '.; .9:50 A. M. .v.. .;.... $4.75. Rates In same Proportfdn From Other Stations. ) .. A day trip through the. Mountains of Western Carolina wiith -Three-Days. in Asheville: . Tickets good returning to leave Asheville on any regular train up. to and including Friday, August 25th. - SEPARATE CARS TOR COLORED , PEOPLE. x For detailed information ask your nearest ticket ageht oryrlto J . O. JONES, Traveling Passenger Agent, v. :.rir SECOND AtltiUAL MOUIITAItl EXCURSION A' '.: .r ft j t --VI SEABOARD AIR LINE .. - AND CAROLINA ' NORTHWESTERN LENOIR ?AND DGEMONt, ; N ORTH C A RQ LI N A. We dine -n.v: : - Wilmington ' and all intermediate stations , up to Wadesboro.. " . :. V - ' " $IkOO -ROUND TRIP- $5.00 - . , ''';.' SPECIAL TRAIN. -! " - PULtMAN PARLOR CARS' - ; J ; - : '- Spend a few (lays in Lenoir, Edgemqnt, .Llnville,, Blowing : Rock. Reduced rates have been made .'by Hotels' and Stage Lines. : .. - . VV V TICKETS 1BOOD TEN DAYS. . i :"- For schedules, and' full' information see large 'flyers. all ' l.agent,or; address, V ,; 't, .-i-y:. "'''": ' ':'. '; f f; Division Tassehger;Agent; " 1 ': . Raleighv N.:C. I.) II hSIL IT V'.'-. - ii the Sky" August Raleigh, N. q. . ,. s- :-iui A- RAILROAD'. sdaif , Aug . 30 FROM and Including on local " Commercial - '- I - - v;. Wilmi WilmlngtonZ-N.-C. & FIRE TEST- V ; Perfect; for r TGas ; Engine -r Lubrication, j VISCbSITY. x...; Highest made L J A . 7 COLD TEST. Best eter i manuractutJi ''J- edl ''.-. sia m & f ' consistency .ytWlntef . f and ' ': Summer" . . . '. J. CARBON. -No Carbon ... ' '" 1 "The Harvester, by Gene stratf : Porter, author of "FreckiS ? ; -A Girl of the Limberlosr?.gd5 35 "Her Little Ladyship Kelley by Myra 1.25 , uu- H 1125 'Queed," by Henry' Sydnor Harri w" $1.35 "The Miller of Old Church" h ; . V.6U ... U5 The Long Roll." by Mary John ! !,son ..R40 ;'Mrs. Maxon Protests," by Antho uj noi j135 II014II V A t . o.m ujr Aiaeue lupin rNe'er-do-Weir by Rex Beach $u5 . x u v luumg ui DarDara Worth " by Wright $1.30 ine uiory 01 uiementlna," by w. g.,ich.e 150 Alsoa new lot of American cony, righted novels at 50 cents each. Market Street. NIAGARA FALLS SPECIAL EXCURSION VIA NORl FOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD. In connection with Chesapeake Line. Leaves Norfolk 6:00 1. M. Old Bay Line Leaves Norfolk 6:30 P. m Norfolk & Washington S. B. Co. leaves Norfolk 6:00 P.. M. New York, Phila delphia and Norfolk Railroad leaves Norfolk 6:15 P. M. ' Rates apply via Cape Charles Route August 29th only. AUGUST 29th Via Pennsylvania R. R. SEPT. 7th Via B. & O. R. R. and Le high Valley il. R.. Extremely low rates from Goldsboro .......... Kinston : Morehead City Beaufort New Bern Oriental -. Washington ...... $19.40 19.40 20.50 20.50 19.40 20.05 18.50 j Rates in same proportion from all intermediate stations. Tickets limited sixteen days from date of sale. ; Attractive side trips from Niagara Falls to Toronto, Thousand Islands and up the St. Lawrence river. - Call upon Ticket Agents for comr pleto information or write, a L. BUGG, , . . W. W. CROXTON, Traffic Manager. General Pass. Agt. ! ' :".NORFOtK,VA. au 23-10d. IfOTICKIQ CBFJITORS OF THE OCT0 RAKO MILLS COMrANV. Wbcreas, In n action pending In tin Cir cuit Court of tbe United States for tlie DIs trlct of ISonth Carolina, entitled: WUilam U. Chadbonrn, Trustee, Vr. ' . . - . Complaining 79. "' TH- Octorftro . Mills Company, IvfendiiBt The underslffnod .-was, on July lltli, l'.Ul, appointed Special Master by His Honor J. C. Prltchard Judge Circuit Court of the United States for the Fourth Circuit, to ns certala and report to tbe court tlie iiniiies and ohiountir tine the creditors of tlie H-to-raro MlHtj-Company ;, . Now, tlierefore, in obedience to and com pliance with said order, to which reference is hereby made, 1 Iiereby notify fll pei-Hon. flriBB, partnerships and corporations, nnd all other persons whouisoever, cluiinlnif indebtedness of Whatever nature i- kind against the said The Ootoraro Mills Company,-of Red Illuff, Marlboro County, I" t State of South Carolina, to promv ana file a complete statement of their hmIiI Im delxteduess or claim with the u1nerslpHMi at bis office in the City of Asheville, N. "., on or before the 10th day of October. 1!U1 in compliance with said order. - pa ted this July 22nd, 1011. - ' , . . T. I. HARKIK& t'" , , Snecial Master, .'- Box 33, Ashevill;. N. C. ' Claims should be filed in Itemized verltlert form and th nntnrp and amount of st-rur- ltj, if any, should be stated. Also tiny spe- ciai conditions as to security, or priomy. relating to. any of said cLfiins, should le completely stated and set forth In tbe ddinis or papers accompauytnij siPie. HU.t IMl'l. "BROAD GRINS" are' readily indulged vin by those who have perfect teeth they don't mma .displaying them. And broad Rrins are also Indulged in 'by those who have had - their teeth attended to by "s they have experienced satisfaction, n your teeth are decaying, or nenmh. ; come ,tO: ua and we will remedy tlie trCuble-; and : charge you only erately for our professional services. OR. GULBRETH'S Dental Parlors -;: i ; Front and Princess 8ts. i "t ' GET RID OF THE FLIES. rjBe Formaldehyde as recommended J'T Health , Authorities. We can supply ou in any quantity trom 10c. worta to a ton. . Do you boll the water you drink T Ask yur Doctor jabout H., Fontlccllo Lltm Water, -the. .strongest in Utbl" most wholesome table water, as y as v the best medicinal water n tne market.. i We can supply you with gallon bottles or live gallon wrtojj- W -also handle Harrlss', feUffalo, Lincoln, Poland, Mecklenburg, ead imany otters. ''.y:--yy

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