PAGE EIGHT Continued From Front Page RACK I’ROBI I M ciai . roup studied i! The survey was sponsored by the 1 ,-u.u. v ole Urban l t.u'ue and the Health -ud VVdfar, council. !ii *evking better police protec tion in Negro survey siics.'.ed the nn;ii j caret ul Miner vision oi t.ecr pi bn and low-m . spots . ontributing to the dt-linqucn . of colored eiU/.i-ns ii also asked S .;- linpiovviicnt of jail facilities tor colored oftenderr ..ip to (hi riationiil standards ('hurcbe- . .* to tc -uic mmc i eicrciitii.iuu! pi'rciii.c. tor the people Mil 'u L'.itid up pi: ci ail.- 10 ease racial 1,.- : !.,n. Tin it [lie l c* ipit sled Gt-n --f i'ti 1 ho, ore.l a ! lOVV Nr ! 0 p'i.S :.i - ciu,’.* to attend their own patieiie i a! the tac.pitai Although bill n • •t.:ii]' .„•< oil by ’lit general a sembl', civ: liorpalal hoard.-. Ihi permission t», let Negro m.t <>.t> use hospital facilities the Ge.ii-._ii ho. piral board hat taken im ...non in Hip. dn eel lea. Other etc-: n'liueiidoU.-itis ipi. li.idcii asKinp the bn.-.m *.f eiin.-'oioii to i provide a Itri >. oeatioiud yiu daner pi ce, am n,r Neproei. ..nil the t-lty • •,ui,i • health board to see the! iv t siurs nls in colored area* abide cv the health code.', govern ing them oki,a sin r.rov,cie he,- forthwith with educa lerded the Rtaie of O! i...-,.-.ii,;» to provide tier forthwith with edue.a• ttenai facilities equal to lit, re al forded i,i it,e uoiversit it id bet i.oia-j facibues equal i . i.liose ai tnan admit a Negro sludeat the state set up ;. makeshift lav school in Gkicaioma City Maintaining ;hai ;ne Jim Crow School was not equal cp the university ~,w s, hoci, Mt > Fisher declined to se-k admission. The , ha; had no siudc.v NAACF iawyt s'-. .--v p ivy - . pens ii, legal edueuoi. and. ■,■ vl.- logy. attempted to ci,; n- r -'. -.- .;, ■ tne We, schi.ol - ni . and - net be equal t.. Iht - i»r.v .* Fence 1 Tlie t a v iz. .via;, before Judge Hue 1 .. tie Li,strict i urt of * .r\, I Inly M: 11;!.,.'- mu i H.-n t ock-Wit'V:,i. took iln-ti < earn. Coin t alter IK., Uiiiv, fell* had rejected then applwat im f-r adniis.s.ion ' the yi.<duai> u )in,.i :n February .1 u*-,-e* Hmruvv .-. dt-ci-.i.'.i, ■ banded du I. ■ n .-Uiau-i ;■ .-u h.i fed the . 1,, . . J, Cl. ■ I f ciudinp Ncgiv student*. ( Oi l Alfii \ OHIO V€iltiGil Will L-t 'the? ilcfuii' - ? cl 5 ,r F.a : u ive ScCiMci •• t-.• ' i >tn, •. *! , Rcp-i t of Recent At/; : an i i ij. Dr. Somerville sepnt im ■. iti /iffita ii U1 i: I < the iii litlj-. £ i'irni D‘ ctinher to Keo;'ii3i.s Dr. N. L. Si.3rL.-oii.-tigh. .ii ilitnt of the 1.-mU Chi r v Coovenn.-m; Di \\ I. Rll omr ii i*: ho \ oa , Virgirua ii chuiman ut the ICol- ; tu jv« Board: Air R 1 HolloiGan. I'O rtoiK Vi; buiis PvtSldeiit •*f the luHiVb arid Mih A JtJ Uanduiph. Washington, u y is piciidfcnt of Hit "woman Auxiii ar>. (Ml ADMITS the bank, said fliai the shortage Vv'as I till;-. OtfVes'eJ h»_v a looiiri • ltd the Amerioaii Sui cty C** »ihpan >■ with whe rn the institution ha . Tiled -i claim. Tne young \v«..>n'*an j> j i»i time resident Raleigh, a grad uate oi ilie Washington Higri School and attended Shaw Uni \ e rs i i y Sev'eral ~-t her inends arid a,; quainturue- t.i i tfj c l AROLIN IAI f that she had been Che .•nly regularly employed member of her iarni!;, daring five per;..a vpiicn the shortage; was i --;.cveo to have occurred. READY PLANS omntunity , enter building The rortferenoe ureet v.ll provide clinics to discuss and a,,a iyze problems of the Negro nr busint-ss as well as educational lectures by experts ,n inane fields of come venal enterpv, ,e tbernes to foe cliscu ■ - j ,?, elude factors in the successful roperation -f businesses. pecia! problems confronting the T orn in uncultivated fields for Negro businesses, and Negro business within and beyond tne color line. Businesses to be represented at the pre . \jki- :tioii me,ting in clude insurance, i,-ai e.-tate liran agement and construction, laun dry. eosmelics, women's and men's wearing apparel, food pro ducts. private schools and manu facturing. JTn- . .ml rrence is to be hand led in .er. 11100 with Enimn.' Mai tiii Laricastf ! of th; U. N D - partmeut of Comm ere <• and \ r « * 1 ;cr, S. Gordon. Atty. Oscar C. Brown is president of the local G.M.A.C IF you can- t lOTAinr Pjy' < A.K, KEEP YOUR ENGINE as low as NI.VV ■ Q New pkton rings save oil, gas,, and 5 J jive yi.u more power month SIR WALTER I 2£S£ CHEVROLET CO. INIW( ,' i>^m^iil^i>^iii^tHi |r iwi»«nrrflniTWfrr-f-n-riivirir^»n-irf¥r-f-tirr--‘ —— —•r-rtfmnr *. .•mnv.-rce group Mrs. Giutilde i 1.; he,ids the women’s division and Lewis A. M. Caldwell is ex position director. VA. BAPTISTS t-ri at. his request. Dr. A (hi throush whos« plan the' . . ... (,ii.-,1.t-ii n.oi i tn«h S2OO.- ’ 000 of debts following hu- adminis ,, plained in cieun! >ii- propo.val tor a .. V < ><a; }.->];* 1: it; I'isiSt- M.UUU.UUu tor j the college. In Aik-n lias dratlw* plan.N .tor JitJpi t,)\ t l£n 1 ;t Ot Uit J eoUegC CIU -1 :cui;.t , 11 ihi taen'ities to put the ci-ht'Ce in U pO: it loti to Win \ v lOicnoiT it I ns lust : ate coTlego j •vtamia: hi 'Tne instiuitiun lost Us, 1 .itifig with the Vir: i-na state: no;:un ot education during the ad- : ndi.nstariu>u ui Dr. Vernon Joints. ! Baplists in all pans of the eotm-; Li • V.ili help KiJSc tUUdb !«.'l *h' ctfool is operated under die pout-oi: i*xjt> t.i tne Vuginia Baptist mat. cultvt ntioii. Dai>t j t- make; *.ont/ ibutji.ns to the school h orn iiMeieu! :d.ties and oaMoiuj, g)‘>Up: much support comes troni vuu sicifc oi Vu.ynhit. S. VOTERS jeln M Vfj\ -inali maiii ei ot Nt gj ;« in tth state wi'io hc/ld Cion oral ejection eertitieotes In tlie wake of an efioit t* purge tne names oi all Negn. votm :i from tne book:: who did .not hoJd sueli Ot I til ieats■•.. J ledge VVa; ljjg handed down a teconJ ruling which declared in elhct that t a* party's action was a sub lertage airned at evasion ot tile court ..; findiQ^s In addin ui he promised prose cution and jailing of any found guilty ct luriher violations of the law ui the case. As a result the Primary was. fully open to Negroes in the stare mi tne tiis t time in mot t than 70 years. Early reports from the polling p 'aces, liu'.vr ver, indicated an ovorwjielirung vote Jo> the iv tf. iii motion .A Senator Burnet R ♦Vivt % . . iik pi the U. S. Senate v)e vpite effort', to dnvet an organic- A_ti Neciiv vote toward fhe_ sup- RUi» .-J }u'. opponent. Nc'. iiic Bonn it. I*ol.lo STRIKE ii',;- ';,i Fouiulatioi, I’oi In fanti)-. Piinil.vM', whu said tiut it wa- pr,:aable that th,- years toll might reach 2,00 La. :i a total it p.iimeii out, t,c more than doubit tiit: namber of .a-.r, which struck ih, -t.ilr during the Iq-l-l f-jjuit-ur vvhj.-h was the woist in the his ■ - -i iiii- .-Tate prioi to the pi, - ci'it iTulbioak. the 1 ~185 tigut'e w- ;t 1 ariseT an VV, dn» with the if-pui'trig oi M mw case;. This vtai s a. is now §9. •rn m toMiu 1 ■ a; decned at a meeting h, l.i ’ 1 1It Met. andless by Police Chief ’ >■! Hru-i; , Fat he. WHliam J Murphy, pastor of St Augustine . t ath. ,!it- Church and Charic 1 Steele Fhc ialtet two ate due, ’ and executive secret art <\; ■pe,*tj veij ..-t the local iL'ha leaeue The , W iil life Sfet up i'r Joseph Lotunan Limvers;' >• ••I (.'hicago s ictoloßist and ass,,.--: air i 1 ■,-,T;'I ut ttie American Rar. I*-:a‘, ■li 1 - C'.Tli i , el] Lfe i.- 1 u1 e • w. i 1 i-e p-.- -Tited 1 >-. experts and 1.,v men. 1 -»tii N«"jr > and while. Working in the gt-neial field ,r -■'it-.- 1 i.-.ii -!.- sa-d the classes .v.iui.J be -pattfenife-.J ~ti, j similar com-es £ivon police m Cimannati San Era.K-isco and i.T iiei -cities. , "Wi -- . nappy to he the first aiy in th- south to oilt-t this,' i.c -aid. "It tirneiv and cannot help but 1 -ait in good It ,s rud I- itii srt up as any .1, i.*t the police. 1 a ill atu.upt t, al ter, d all ii-dures myself and C'l,:el f feast is savs he will also. According to Steele. “Race re lations is a world question An ounce 01 p: , tion , \ : corth . tiouiid J cur,-. It is hoped that \-iih these, classes, it may-be pos -U)l,- to leant to avoid race ten -,ons or to cops with them when They arise” POST VI Al i IYM E Sumn nr S-hool Fur Office W n"k ers. a ;-ranch of the Americai. I-a i,c,f Education Service spans,),‘c i the confei ence. NAPE Pit.-udent Ashbv B. Car ter of Chicag. .. Wei fan n c cctpi William C. J> ot Phila drTphia Editor Snow F. Grtt-yb'. ~f Pi, trust legislative f umniiHe ■ Chairman .man C. Lymas of Phil adtlph'a, and Education Commit tec Chairman dame- J. S. Keys of Chicago acted a.-; res mice lead ns for the panel discussions. FVcu r.-.sor ,1.-i j 3 .--eidman ~1-, t,. <a;.-u University Profess'ts Ge- [ SHARE SPOTLIGHT | ' W1 . i TT ' y ysftnft&t liHEI si : m v <p^ .: ; ';: -i: - Toni Harper, 9-year-old Columbia I recording star, and Johnny, Philip Morris’ famed living trademark, shared the spotlight recently at the National Confectioners’ Association “Candy Ball” held In New York City. The youthful songstress, who is best known for her plush, whis pery rendition of "Candy Store Blues,” was presented with a "Queen for 3 Day" radio program doll by Johnny, Toni's "Candy Store” song is now the official song of the Con. fectioner* Association. ratlin and Alma Hmind of Ohu,-. _U.if In-.!ui- tov Aim pa, t:t E. Smith oi H ,dcliff> a ijsu-d Mies Eicanui (1 L-nt, ■ tc; tur ut tine- Auk- - ar. 1 -ah... l:,iiUL_it ; i;n Service, a-. Uiscu: Sion ■ leaders. The Alliance delegates roomed ut Neil Hail with the uity-seven litiifei pfeop ife iiuui tei, ;h' --a .ict ■ three foreign countries o im .-me in attendance at the buiumei 1 School For Office Wu, Reis ii eighty peoph. i'oomed together, ate togethr. attended !, j;.- ,-. dance-., and had a picnit togi-t lie; cl ii; ull the 1 :1" -fa\ ■!, 1 'limit* Hi-nuii Stveatl of MoU:- ti:i,. Tex.u., hem ul liv legal light !,. ent, ; th<* T« ;a J .aw Si r,,. 0. tiaV'.hlt-d the longi-.-’.t dii.laucc ui ally Alliance di I, gate in <•••<•11! at til,- Ohm, meetimt On Saturday night, NAT ■ ; President Ashby H. Carter deliv ered a stirring address in which i he stiv.tsed the development ul inteUig, nt militanev in r.andling Alliance problem the changing of verbal pleas intu written biicfs .end the Rr her i!',v<--:;t)eat;un :h j riniiiiution in the p .stai sfe, vice which saw Welfare Duec- J a-i in pJ a v the rial' part, lie poinu d out that the Alli ance i 1 ovennen ..1 Pits, aft,- a speech by Atiornev James B 1 vi;-;,h i.f WArhinyt-n, D. CT. lias -ei up a wo! k,‘t education pro i arid t hsli tDis \vo6k 6nd ivt • fc .t itme •Alt -. HilOthfc- i‘ Hi j 11:51 GJjiP i. '! • !i: p: itfi Tt\ tf'Aiii'd t? 111 i1 Ul 3 ting i Kfecond cl arc: citizenship. President i j.!,. state.! that the Alliance had opettfi up jobs in the South ; and scciufe,"! iOo.n: itiour in tiir ; North by using “tradition as a ; i -dii;r not as an anchor s.’iUloO 011 ERII) !?.e * if->>,' r ; .nill be lined ; j !a get nd *>r Uie ritaiiy in» uVr.n- ; . rIU.T of ?br old 31 T brig6liifcl i I S. i - ' vi!i \ >r- lot -j led atfcouT : tuoe or tr*ui ■tt-lc-- Ti f < :.i tilt ompciGi I its flic. bi il VO iii !.>* fOii 'hr 1 tim peri a) taiiftiiy > I'll MS of •! ji 11* -th V.'cl! hi ■>IJ i s'. C 5 jfid Lei \ ii.’ti. induct mg recopuor» : • 1 *lTf ■. 3i~i 3 tid iff TlCe i OO.U) a ltd -j I rjrbt room. if * c new sirucUiFfe wi)i rail toi g ’l3lllO -‘.f jviiit OJ tt .1 t’clj ■, j cte. htOiiir i fuasoory, bj o.'K partition #v.*i rift : ■• i. - . i hit! |hu! bu-T NH'li stone-; a*: the \oi , , i.!i a• - ot Arrib'i o, dark > ; • ioiet gx am! ot Hai ar and yellow j '•ti« ot K. st ban a. 1 til' OOftirST j:. (.ij.ri tU a* i ai'Cllf s.eetc and ti'a viiir-c i t hiiidihg hi^r. t.■ i teclii,, :a 1 school tupiotnas irem al 1 • au.-us and all rue* trough out tne . oi Id. i t> dpt-raiivt 1 Srts Vl*i*'.> Met*iin:-* For Hus I i «<IdY jM'Mlt Du tint; ■> period of a bn. it T.i I months a group of far-sight.,l Ni a i citizens r>! Rairugh and i W:-il;- j i uiimy, numb, : nig nearlv 300, invested approximately $6 000 in an idea. That idea was dedicated to the proposition that through coope rative > ffortall men can achieve ' equality. Imagination and vision have been the chief characteristics through the ages, of men and | women win worked im promoted ; and achieved lasting benefits loi all mankind This group oi Ne gro citizens had the imaginatiu.i \ and ■ hey caught the vision of what .1 would mean in our group if we, through cooperative el lu.rts, began directing our re source t info clramiels of produc tivity for our cotnon good, It is with pride and gratitude! that thfc merivhers of the Wake , ’ Consumers Mutual Association ; took upon the unfolding of that idea oi cooperation because they t can itov. see the beginning cc the t•••aibtation of their imagina tion and vision. Wn k is now proceeding in (quipping' the brand new home nf Hi ;,ss«;iation with the very latest and most up to-date equip- : ntenl available and this complete ly modern departmental food . -Tore “/ili uesii serving ir.s mem- I bers and friends just as soon as J tiie installations have been com pleted. , P\. MARIS IITSTF Th*- ;i ci und_i H.-cu.s.sioo pi„- s th-t no mauistta’e shall serv* nt- representative oi any political Ca-, y less ional ot Sena ton a) District and that each magistrate shall devote : .1 enure time i.uti atlcr.uon to the duties of ins office. i- i-irec.g-a claitiied that lu l umuug foi C in. re*f. mi the Pioyn ssive tioke M-i'Ai-1. yi- ■ , • as representative of the Prof 0. The magistrate, who 1 ioiieiU ed a "very strong 1 ' chain * ol v u ■ o ii- .- is .list )■!,.•; suited that r.e j has no mleuTAon of withdi a win,- from the race >, oi le-iemng * on, tiie bench. i- i■ , termed l!i threal a manifeElatiOri ot lie pallein v.liicn is being followed throb -hout tl e countr' m au tftint to o - evci;. l" ibl niiiueuvci !o block On election of Tliird Pin ty e.-mdidaie TKNN. STOI TS -VIDE HAS LONE RECORD Among t!,e 10T: T-.T gi eey eniphi..-- ied as full time profew Ifacicrs i On is- 1 - l >. outs of ,-imenca. : Beiutr-iamp a*:; slant Scout 'Uthi- ;,i Memplti. renn.. has the 'longest, record of service 1 K'.i-.iiicinm,)' a native nf! ( •i.el'i-,'., 1.. , 'iii-, ed tin p; .if,-. • .*ional service of 'he organization .») October. 1927 us assistant to the *’l diit-' t.-i ; t interracial ac ti vi ties? ‘ i 1 eld lie po-l five and ;i hsJl ed 1 hcii , : tiie Phi. - raw Council at Memphis in Ma. (*i T'-'.-i "! i;:> C- uncil stands sixth m ■ r n.dtot: in a*.live members er.- * lied l;v--iii4 2 JIW Negro beys .u leaders in its units :*uu,. c - i Prairie Vie w >" iree Mr. Beauciiarop was teaeh r tot -t\ year? three at Jacks an - ilie. Fja . and three at Pori Arm;.,; i e.xus. In the latter city he was. ■Editor and Publisher of a newspap er me Port .- i fi.ur Revis ,v. i >r s time hr was also a yen mai contractor and builder Ah Beam-hamp entered the Bo;- O A ¥ ¥ ”* DUNCAN PH'V 1 S St.)FA rUK OALti WITH SUP COVER COl-'FEE FABLE, 2 FABl.i. LAMPS AND A WHAT KNOT. PHONE 2-1006. i^) f - iy „ rj ~ j! Y u-7. , /•' »\ /■" ) 1,,V . /i! 1L \\ |W'., b At. :A§r;o'%4 C «M Hp" ” hp • }§ t A\s u. J ■ mi J/t .2 '- ,1 • 1 ' - U * * ; Put Your MONEY To Work For You! You .-an Mat'! gefilimc i,-ui as tfii.-v thing' vuii’ve always w.intt ; ei and thought , l i>u iipvu*' ~-ould fsiiord i’ - >oii SA\’F, i'm ,hern. V\ ith a fivv il.iifc Satiiiy.' Acctunt al 1 •,i -1 i 'ttivt-n-. Bank & 1 nj-,t ( up;pan y ou cau set aside- any anv'mnt you like w i-hur vi-r yiio ’.vi -i. lutfei'cst <U\ bjfciHh k<;<rp your 1 h-i *:tnee jfi n•-% init. First Citizens Bank & i rust Co, 1 1 " Serving Eastern Carolina’' Well Buy few Rkky Wartime Tires 8 Here'* a chance to get top price if foi the present tires on your car — B mmsSliliMMl original tread or recaps! B With Top-Quality QeneroU on old- B , ' fr,e etsi Y terms, you ren hove P real tiie sofety tuui satisfaction K ogain and never miss the money! B Be Smart/ Be Safe! Be Thriftyl f 1 I Drivm in Todays M SAVAGE TIRE "cor" | vIcDOWELI ek CABARRUS ST PHONF. 2-0571 THE CAROLINIAN IMP V I SIT l Vittll INIAN I'l \\ 1 - A fniVc :n »* shown U»o Alls i and i>. Hughes o! Baltimore, ivtil- him euiiie to dirk a v til e* t s OI J norm r 1a) I a I While' hi the aly they decided to \ • rout M(svt m e n t a > a volun t e e i I* r.ifiri He beCcOTle. ‘A • Hii il:: 11.' i at i. ■ i;11 Ai * lut i Texas in 1 H2.1 an*-! • t-i ved i’ i a y ea •. and a naif. lae • ‘e.rvcd in ii;c earnr capacity a* J’.ioKh’tnv) lie 1 in., in tile fit nt Ne , gro Troop oi the city. LAST RITES HE! !l fOB HER HILL CHURCH LEAOFR ROCKY MOUNT Last rites ■ vore held b Diva;: P* v lit-; yn^i • ,i v- . ...f P *..i Kapti : l V nut ch July 23rd and inlet men* luck piaci: i,j the viiutf n c-tmeterv Li . <..11 Re-i.i hud ; t . CO, ,b u -th !htr .R*-i Hdl C1,,,; ,-i! i n;. ;*- ti -,, sis -* -.■ . ami a de-aeon for oO visit tin (’uroiiiiiuu plant. Here Hit t lit ■ liihmi wait hints the operation t«l a l>notype (iiu-mne it i .< t < Eiva ( arc luu in t iiiplnytt —»'arultiitan Fnutu b> Snepnaru yr-ftis ■ Be id was active alpsosi id li<. last, having been in bed ill; ,1 »K. although ii: •ii-. i.nUi,: lirallh fill’ 111. j Sst fe' ytSUP. llt IS Ihe H-liiwi dews is of the Ntuie Kr.t r Bt pti-t Aticieiutioii: inttat--it.-.i is; auti *t... i: paii m 11 omm unity ei.tei m a-vs. including Hit Brick Mutual Exchange an 1 Brick Fedct al fvedit X; ni- .n. The deceased t- xened a sane in ti pence up i. The community life .•wound ii< !• t Hch a! and Bed Hili |' p e nn f p,n ’* 11^'1 $3.15 » 11 Fifths 86 Proof THESTRAIOHI Willst-i i; IN IHIS PKOtiUf l Ant t, ifAKiOlt MUKi CIO Sal; tin* I lie t rniilUi t:i NSiiikAi SeiKiiS, DliOUtO EkGM GkAIN. eeoDfatcau t watts name, ?eosi*. iuiwhs nmwammmamnnmmimitmv i . i.imihww 4 / TftAILWAYS t ,M*M I sjv- ..... v (U^ p Buses • KiNSrON 1.5 S% w 1 . IKiPh V CHARLOTTE 3.P5 I ASH! VII I l 515 8 >-.* i FA VET I EVll I I 1.20 | i I.YNCIIRURG I* BO I I HANVII.I! 1.80 I 8 NI.W YORK 80 j ■ VA Bl Aril 1.00 M j j -A ‘ \w/ I Carolina TRAILWAYS WEEK ENDING SATt’RDAY. AIKIPST H. 1948 Mii'laitr.s and Is: iums alike s-oogif' iii.- mi”'ee and ro tins spoke evil of ‘‘Bii; Daddy Reid, ns Jit was ai ti-ctioriyudy called by all who knew him. An out?'ati;lii:j: ample oi the esteem in which deac-.m Reid war held by many wan shown by Di Fred 1. Brownlee iwhite) of tnc i\ l: ii u : 111 \ 1 bsiuiu-i V A. soaiv io 1 s who took lie '.rip ;vM the way from New York alieud the fun- m ,i,.i P>-m ei-M-. i>«t ifimr i t "Eli Daddy' Reid '3 he ■. no.- were conducted bv n.e t ,l iut if. ti Hart pa«lor v di U-f lit v O E. Dancy. O M. .lame a:... tins:. Prof. N. A M.-Lean read ' ol.iiiim y. Onfield Funeral K-mi- handled the burial Tin - i ’. is-ti - include tlit widow. Mr-.- Mie v A. Reid, two f.uns. i v.-u ilniiriu- i a !-, lei Uaushiet and -• . i i.raudeiuldien. I si- \\ AD j\ Till I.AROI.IMAN Beautiful New Patterns For Any Room in Tile House oxl2 RUGS If 6ft. Rolls and Off. Rolls Sf l« yd. to % j| | | sq. yd. I Cash or Credit DEPENDABLE FUKNI'tUKE 1-4 F, MARTIN ST. PHONE 7710 sVAUMIiMi .. - - - GIVE YOU LUXURY TRAVEL . ... AT LOWEST COST! Greensboro One way $1.60 7 express, 25 reg. trips Round trip 2.90 Washington, D. C. one way $5-00 4 exp resa, ‘1 reg. trips Round trip 9.00 Roanoke, Va, One way 3.65 3 trip? Round trip 6,6t> Norfolk One way 3.50 ! J express. 15 reg- trips Round trip 6.30 Pittsburgh One way 8.60 2 express trips Round trip 15.50 (Plus Fed. Tax’ UNION BUS TERMINAL 217 W. MORGAN STREET PHONE 5536 WOMEN LEAD AS POTENTIAL VOTERS i The potential voting strong*;) of womet' now outnumbers that of the r.uw by more than 1 1-2 miliion Tin is significant in that t!ii- solution -to the impending di- .e-tec expected because .<t vob oat.liy is i c-jiainly expect • id to be offset by the women who come- up to vote this tune. The official Party rosters in clude -. a i, on tiien rolls. They h»-'d high place;- in government 1 .od tin burden rests on their shr/uid. is to correct the appalling stab- of apathy that exists among Ann ~. .iii voter.-: An active cam ; pa so i n p iiticil education and act i. e v all ulong the line has L-e«-n initiated and vigorously tol- I.- ■• d op lo date The job mu V sain naan- alum every month. Follow C VROi TITIAN “Adi

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