‘ • -'.W'5 IMAX—W'-r-k Eliding April 1. 1950 fiYttiOTirwawii «i nunwniiiiftiM i ! 'jr* f\ f rvo T%~f\T%~r\ f 11 C, a%j£j iJ p gj| \ J jKL f, ff j| i .t* 'tf■ i X XT 1 - { *,. x jr"* fy 'sj* ffkf i i : ‘ ■ *&*'" i*( 'f J 3SI fit Jfc? J } \‘.v : ,$ r ’ *'-■■•;■■' ,/■'' X \ ; ? •*./'**« &'•'■’' V? •-;'. I OVER TisV A lill I laG »» lJ ,s\ v. n;s ! : a hr* a .- a -• • - ; i». t. M -.l ' *.*i.i.!'C* * I"* Oi ; I U.!?X VJV: IHTTLE . *,.r.rj fui •;:;r. firtnnns Tdt: c) :■> K. Mr,; *Ev* lyn Under. ' l* vi -Mr’ iv virihul* M; : iV A h. Ik- • ihi; flit:bt: i the holdup Mv ri■ uv; cvrstaiiifr vvho told h r ;‘r xv»:s . ~ lon<> kk«- ?>: m>. lit Tir': youth iiivolwd 3i*ddenly "••'• i>■ •,•’. k ~:ii • v'vik'rrrv. auk ordered Mi.-, 1 rnur to :;ut \;:> her hand:.-'., irk - d. dH; ducked ueder die cram : :'■ ■ \)( *-r turned ie-r lire. Otva f > ( rhe Thomas Wrh.ht. 22, H 23 ■ VI -. ! i r ve;i S’,reef was hit in tee - j M* d '.u m . Tin w>r: air.te cninn'iendcd the .■uri: . ' : District Attor ney T'.-us Keiilj a..'T r, t,i that she S 3 WORLD WAR if DIVISIONS PLANNING REUNIONS THIS YEAR Oh.-erving the fifth anrrtverssry :-f ;W end of Ix'stiiti<-=? iu '.V id V.';.• Si, r e'.'-tnons at\ planned '• i liflVrn>t divjsO.ws} and other ?ml h•s f • v i >; ■ ■ u?.»s :r> ]\•"«(». (' >ti ;pr • *■ . 13SU Vl';dO v-rat^'-riw i .*'<:* N. at«■.> ri a) As•• otu*t p ■ r. o-f C fi;;‘ Units lia-i released the following •h t of uoii.ions, veiled riled sot 'he I j■?nn, t aj-.d fall of 1050. Former i wrote’s Os any of tin listed «>rjs»ni yaitotn may ci-eure the details of h;s <>'>'. .:t is i , !:■•> by wrtinj? to N A FIT. i* O. fbi\ 1111. Washity;- t-n, i). < . All w.’h in<{u : > - io.« w:ll in ! ni .'.anied to the nu:;; :•* oven alumni for action, D:v' dona) tvunionft th..r far '-.•livdoicil are: i*l i\ ni.-d chi, < k’v v hi:• >3. ■ h* <’-;i at; > . 'b-. v Y<>: ><. Folium her 1-4. . .*, r..v; v >:«-•■ w v.-rk. New WrV. J.iiv 5 V ,tti.;Vy. N v.- j 0.," "i-iA '.k \\ N. V.. J A r^j . At. Sti 'rttSi - *.* >:‘h if-'f'iMift• hl't, July 21--22.. ■ ''( •*- > • t Sc ; i tmher JO- Oc- A-r 1. ; A.- rftj Chfcr-itro. *\o ?.*'}• ! . I rif*’ iitrv, v i. !'■ > vt’O'-itf-r 5-*t h A *Ar<!r\\ Chieagto, .h.jiy !!:-15. -Ah A t.i. i .eiil-v 1j; «7 .. Atejg-U.d V'.th A rr><- :'.hi «.'<.<!•; a ••bus {)!•< a SeMem -’if'h Chirifiiv., A- < i f.itSrv U':: •> - J..u- ;• !nfj».nl.r-v VV. -v, -.'t-r. ,}..•> v r/- n ;. * i IS rn »y - ; -Uir.s 1.1 % ' lie \ r \i v 11 IE Ai-.A* -■ ■Ynk Mrs. L)ci\; - is-: the torn;; ;' iM? 'p'if-ejp.j re )"•'»,■' 1 • »*■* i ATHUt THOMAS MONAHAX -Viv. V. I King, Mr. and Mis. Bi.,- - , Als.-:-. Hattie Brjkisf. ana V, C. G, - • Sr and V. C Grady Jr., were ■ ■ ■:*■ /: S ... f"»m Si 'Hi .mas’ Cidiio- ChiiVch ro Kinstnvi Snrtclav '' h f ’i c; i• ' •':•.•!• .i tile :•• /' i( , c-nnncted by the yhn.t Rev Jes. pn; \v. F. Bishop of a Brit- : . :■ ■ ,i .i. .. ;,ro\ nay.: in Fast Africa it O'ir 'if .tont’o cni Church ■\f : a I‘cntificai Ma-o;, i.ir King: ar; ! odiory pve-sentfd Bishop K.\v..r• oka a gift of money {or 'his -,vor> m: A frit*#, .rn person atU nded the rifts. C' C R;¥■ ()R A!. R() TJ ER T I. if E WILL'S * ■< the U. S Army i- v;sh tvuli hiv ■•vile. .ei.-itiv' • and! tarns., .Lie; being oa' ..in in Japan. REV A. I: S vIITH. minister and iindoidskfr of Smithfieid end (. imci’oo'Hn, v as a reet-nt visitor - •' ■ La JOURNAL’S office r?;v, i i ••'•'. VAUGHT and !vr dangther werp recent visitors with re'atiVi s in Raeforci where ;a saaKe si two churches. M nsmiw. TOD4V.I ■ • - . l : ‘ih infantry, Bittfsrnm'*.?, >- pu -nffi . = »;•• . J •,>;.«= • ;> 2 o In f a fit? y. Msdi so n, vV 5»... Ss yH: o - • h<-r 2-4. Airs: In';- Ary, £- : e» B-fp • .k /i, >. St |/y.:S , A», -A‘h ti. i .i-.filry. Ckvo:;i;i.h Scy,-; 'CT -4. • i. ir.fa.ntr>. V'n.rt<an<i. Or**#., A (riA chiU* Sei<?r»«•<?) s Dt-f i o>t. July I'S-iS. 4;•«] s>!«i Oi- hfcrd. Uair-c*. Sc?.- ! tcnitwr ‘i-ii. ] 4->vh infiifitry, Oe t-t U-r (no dsts SC‘h>!*i- > : .• } | . (Ski *•:?fantry, 'A-w Yvrk, Jure •V>{h Jr.funfvy. Aag-nxt (no • date r; icctiKi ) . •1 >t ir.fonfry Svve York. July IS-IT 7':;h rnKansar City. Attynst S'-..v. iStii Irii’ynti>., i4av> xoru, Sc-ptcir. r>er ssd Airiuirn# Phi-afictpb'a, ■■ y 1-4. Infantry, tl»r<tor». Atigrnst 17-12, ~’>?h ififaniry. \ow ;;i.,A asr-ur* -'••7 ? b fnffciitry. New York, Ssy u-t'C-t-r ‘ r , i Frifn rdry. Cine?nratti. Aayu t < rw. *i«IV -K ;• "t til ,i , ' ' 4 • • : '• y.'.ik AiCi.-itry, !S -: C. Infantry. Cifts-bar p;._ Ju !:••.•? i> f*» fami y.. isof»*s ivj'toh d;-r g-!0. 'd Asrlo.rne, W; f eh>i-r U.n, S :« -S . i i ‘ -.i frfi.iitry, St. t .lis’-p C ■{; Inf*;: try. M* vc Ye At, N c.a r S>4fh fafantry. Pittelruiph. Se: '■ -eiHir i-4. < ? Ts! «• ft U>; 5 TF. MK i .7 1 N #; -N'.’l Array S'vf|>. V» a.-.hS «:Mn. J une f?i. :-i Army. New Yvrk. Am#:; 1 ?, (no u;«t« jiffs' It-li I . 2th Army, Vv'ft ?.in< ; Say Jnr •* 2July 1. ' *“t 7}‘--' Snt . er: b'-ure. Hu'enr- M ",C V »!•■}* 'A 11.1-2. - j I s l;.»t i u Fresent<!(i § ! '4 BEE’Vxi 8 ' •the horn, of Mrs Elk. Boy tori, Si> : ;* : d -V•1 i. h -• 035.2035.2 ?s n«I pru ye- r ai i d tI; e lk‘t-.-hn : > >La Every one* enjoyed Kext r'A-ctins vv;ii be? held at the' I kerne oi: ' k-. G?ii*den»a Shavers. Ait: > .*•*• I a■. C.' iu b Report e e, : i.KNXON \\iV(H NCES BA VfEtANMMt Y v; as: .ass : P :us! work that de ! , w»ii a candidal for t s North I Qt rnoi"vauc. Vi/'i?.'!Kirv. A nr:live of Lennon • a a s * as Nc Hanover ; Si si He inter attended tmti 'was atas.aa-i fr.sw Waite Feast tisiieaa. * hew hw received the wi;i yea; ,f. he piactice of lav. : here ( -w, . s :?■■ ‘ ... • Dnnne e.gh; ... a-- of n! p- ioii. iw .served as ' Junta- s* i';, j. ;•(],.;!■ y court. Lent:: s has keen prominent in civil liftaiw he.v.ng served ns a , memo:'-! of She County Democratic Fixecuiiva Convruttee rand a mem* I a f pa Suae r>. s . ’ic F.X( 1.l- Ii V t;J Cbh'li'k'i itti'f’. i ■■ a.:.- s s‘ ;v.:,or of the 154/ as! x .a a e a,ri inducted among ok pctivilih:-: vc..- the introduction ; sutoeshtp! sporsf rshlp *<f leg. . i.a.itein urc>viainu an approprintioi. • of StOdcJOO for spi’i aition of the North Carolina State Ports auth- 1 ws ;/. If ret to the senate I so a.. -:.:d Would continue to • xf: t ins Erst efa-its for the de v.-h. of Us Lori of Wiltning ■ u'd Si.iU’a .wrn North Caro- H-a id ii it if nominaited and s.!eci; ’■ ■ tile -Kite sauiche for lasi U vaii ’re isy pu.rpo.fC to SUOJiOft .vie-; ,-isif-sOy ai: ws find pru •. •• hi • ■ wip- a that is in fin imeiK;! of the people as a whole' if. mum . .. judge, brought a neve r.i.s i -a lii-co:aCourt. He . a'a o aeputau.m of being fair : a, ■ d .■•• d impartial. He is held a. , . steem by Negroes haa-- FOR THE BEST VALUES Cash or Credit SOUTHERLAND FURNITURE CO. : j 207 N. John Street PW* 1055 < i I i Your Credit Is Good At , j I i ■ I FURNITURE | HE 117 East Walnut St- j GOLDSBORO 1 i IJABBERWOCK PLF.VSES \IJI)!ENi:E ' Uu'st imiqun vcith its various:- v:kcn>rc:.alic:' of : • .n«’ (>f ike most poetry of the yenr>. !;. i ' cijk ]iS ' 0 rij j, V. fli} > • vt v v S-. heiior32ac;e orice and ‘ Tke Vi IT :r : : . 5' • v w , of ■h i ■ A 1 ]' t • :; pw j ’Phi bii.-is Martha Hvrrison deiigbtsd the a.u'i *nca witii the sieging oi PKEjtiIMILUD 10 R\MO COl SOIL WASHINGTON. D. {ANPt E. D. Rirei’s. Jr., owner of radio Mutism V.TAS iii Derutur, <Ui.. this week "fharged the Savannah Radio Coin.- ii v, iui a:..;.-;-: iiijr to his pro !■ sal to open a sthtiou in that citj boeau.-v of hia liberal policy in rJ rwinr Ncgroea to* broatieasi ovei his present stalien. : Riv.s-f anpyai d m tii Feudia! Cihnn. l utiti’afiun .'ouvniission to .Ja sy iii, petit ion which the Savan nah Radio eotuts’l fHed with it f-'orn-e three weeks ago. in which it vKu-.K-il that Rivers' permit to (onsU'sCj a a(,vc .standfivd broad cast station in Savannah be “set The reply, fil.-d with the FC’C .Moivlav by his attorney Philip M. Baker, s.ta»e-l that Rivers has owne-i 'k - re-lin Ki f ; n XVEAS in’ IR-cafur since ’47, During this time lit has presentini many programs designed for the Negro papulation, for the farmers, and for the labor ing class. WEAR is proud of the number of programs if has carried that In terested the masses of the people, the statement continued. As a re s’.! ir of these programs "gigantic (rid; have beer! made in improv ing racial relations and In curb ing Negro juvenile delinquency ’. On Dec. 7. 1949. Mr. Rivers filed ati application for a construction pern-it to '-s'uiblisl’ a. new station at Savannah, and the request was granted on March ts of tbfe year. Two days later, the Savannah . )0K; LOOK? ! Turtle Theater. Inc., Goldsboro. N. C. F". wants “Wuthering Heights’" By John Davidson ■ ,\ l At t t'lav from the* Novel I ■EMILY BRON ft IT i>ti r \!-u. Hi :ii ,s«•)((:■« ?. xro, I AToDdnv Marco 90. S V M. i J. D. Middleton. Ur ■ ■ 'or ! 1 ; A. TT'irrton. P:'°s. i ADefISSION ,>OV - far: ~REX SHOE"SHOP ' ALL NEW EIECTRIC EQUIPMENT UonrteOMs and Prompt Service 203 N John St. Goldsboro , Phone 1836 .Mr. and Mr*, W G. Williams, Prop.; GARR'S DRY ' OLE \ PIERS | AND HATTERS JNE DAY SERVICE” | N. Center Goldsboro mV o ■*- ———l ———MW —t ELMORE’S RADIO SERVICE ar.d Service ! : | Street Floor Borden Building | Goldsboro. N, C. Phone 2135 , ! o-owggMcesTWWusvwr.ievMarejraairiMee'Tßh—tar'n.-wc.'^iMßrmtri'-iwiexa m ■ PAGE FIFTEEN Radio council tiled a document, re* *ii** snug that the FCC sc* aside t.lis petition it had lust granted Rivers, on the grounds that the staiioa which lie now operates at D«watur iTir.urft too innch i o _ rc i I? i• >u :s r»ro r grams. Bak \\v c * a!rn ed ih at WE .A S v<■ r haps haa h. greater i-.s’enina u . mice ih&n any of ihe 1.0 nu;;r rj. tHo stations in i lie Atlanta area.. Because if includes Negroes <>a ir?, program, it holds- the listenisg a:- tension of ihe irarjori* vof ~.he 1 4- ) -* coo Negroes in Ai!;>>-.tr- If Wte r«i 1 aceordlßK to Bekci. that tic vr,p‘ s :, ; K, :o n "is nothing more lion* an ;;i-. - : ■ in oi Uavatinch ’’ The npiv ;*e<i that rorr*■ of uie r rKi.iii: ;, ■. iions •*. : j reo'ic: mjv !v?."ai ioiorfcrcinf e from tu,* nro posed 1 operation . . . they have u*. ;ij ing to com Plain.-’’ In j s i-iysng to the charge * 7 " much religion", : he siatemt 1 !*! ,>--?fnf <?u out that the southern seel.i*>i> ■... America in. ioiUng uk e •; > of (ieorgia. .- conitEtmlv .. -, to w the “Bible Belt", because I of the deep religious background i of people living rbet.*. "I;i order : to satisfy the desire of the popula Hons in these areas," it continued. “WEAS has tried to bring to theti; ihe type of religious broadcast that tiiCy un l to h ey.y. Thn station Inis niailo time available to ail religion* groups withou! regard to ra>.•*.- ■ ■ or. whl or doctrinal allgmaen’s. The small churches on the* back streets. the coun*ry 'meeting hou Fes’, in the rural environs, and sh*- humbl*- houses of wt.rshUi -f the Negroes have been accorded the -am.: fair treatment. They have been given an opportunity of airing tbeir own views and beliefs as k.ivb the more prosperous and berisir known churches and relic i-ms BAM) POSTED . CAMDEN. N. J. (ANP) . T.'e :, German title sigh tbetween lw-.vy . v,- ,e Us Jersey Joe Wnlcctt and He* . T.-n Hoff drew closer to reai - it'. !.'.st week, v/htn Germtst* pro ■roofr-r r-.romised io deoos it r 521.000 Ll-rnd a New Jersey bank. Pet')-: Hoeriilccio, Wait it's man , atcr. v.'ms ready to check the deal . early this week. Ts that arrarsqe -1 roent does not work. Bocchiccio said . he would send a representative in ; Germany to work out a plan. - CAFEL~ B«st In Barbecued Foods 404 Gulley Street Goldsboro, N, C. | j €OMPLET® LINK OF LADIES ' 1 APPAREL, The Glamor Shop 101 S. Center St, i GOLDSBORO. N. C. *, ~ LEE’S FUNERAL HOME Horn* Os • CHRISTIAN AID MUTUAL -. BURIAL ASSOCIATION i Ambulance Service i DaV or Night Phcns 3161 I W. LEE, Prop. Fremcni, N G. BELL-STUART ; Furniture Company j Qualify Furniture, Reasonable i ! 4 Prices ; 227-28 N. John Sireef | Goldsboro, N. C-, Phone 1760-J | ! Kavnor’s Beauty Salon ! PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ISIS Devereaax St. Goldsfcara Miss Helen Raynor. Prop. Phene 387-M it | For Fen and Recreation Visii I THORNTON’S J TEEN-AGE CASINO And » SHAVING PARLOR s 59” Alvin Street t Goldsboro, N. C F-. A. Thornion, Projp* ; Phone 337-M

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