Si?'-' "?'• -y ' TflKjS&t, . >; | t;ny. ' •, |X.Wii%T rOINTCir.: ! ' • ' -h «'"•••’* !: •■:»?£ • <•* - »f ?hs. f > V-ili-h it' :<jt ft; l -' 'XT.' •• ‘ r -t < f ; *. ♦«.’ L-H i’-i.l P1... ■ S.'U V. > ■<> P ' r '-' '. * n.fijn tnrc. \*;-! -■ , : ,4. < !i? ;1. j > 1.1 • ■ - L“ . /!:/!!>) 4 \ • * / 4TN f Y~' 4 1 f’"** | Gang reudhnds In Pistol Murder 9 ' ! •' f c.. - iei ! 151. V £u*)’« r. ;:. i: •u r f v• - • v.-hich ha; broken V r *h- COtVltl : ;■ ■ • ** f ;■ > ' :;! I -r. ; rol'mi week w- i.. -• Wt«jj*i*tind ■"> ■ charge V min* of . !•'. Ht' I n In Whi * O’- ;- '.;- i - i: . FIRST FIX VI.S Hr. It P Daniels former president of Show Vnlversity. Raleigh, officiated <s president of Virglna State to! lege last week in the commence ment exercises. Or. Daniels «;««. named to the post iast ynr to sneered the fate President To tfter Foster. Or Ralph Bijiirhc was commencement tpoakrr and «as given an honorary Doctor of Fan's degree by Virginia State Air Crash Kills 28 N. C. Farm Hands "TLirrGTofj m r . i.. . !!l the Send ff* 11 , < ?i<atj o) North Carolina and ■ und the ena;d.f>m' and western Mr : wherry -growing 1 .crests o f.n t' more than disappoint ed t!a. ■week when a plane hear in# lntg!atoiw laborers bound front Puerto Rico to their farms crash- . ed into *he Atlantic Ocean rack ing up the horrid total ' r ••i-.ypr.-x- ■ imatcly V 8 deaths Thlrtv-seven airvivnrs of the tv, in.engined plane carry mg M*e workers were resettled by a Navy destroyer the ship crashed info the ocean Mon day. Bight bodies were fished from the ocean some I’lHl miles cast of Miami, and hope n is git rn ap for the other 'iff per t sfns making the ill-fated trip MARKS IN VVA' n’e.rsons rescued from tile wafers after the crash of the life rafts, and that at least one of the Puerto 1 Pican laborers hud died from shark ; . .-, 1 ! e -i' *l r-i bC'r!'. : I.i B'.Ul? I {.:, . r i rjiil ..." .f.*. (\ilo ‘ •■ ’ -t* v:s-oti fvt S ’.rn; f :mr jig r., •' -•■••' vn- rt,. Ti.r. nvonrl !•' . *1).- f.'-n f,. f :.,| (I -is - ./o; ! Om. i \\t. M I II ! i.o .t i .ptfio-jit. . nfi - »(ji .f tjln'in ii'lotio- toojs pl.'-r (j..t i Sf.iiil) Sirret t > .r . ur.i n itrrr fli.* iu ?> lirsl n... * ~nd '■11;, 11l ,u>. irgUIIM'Ut police IT it'!. A (l)Slg-standiltK - 1 isl ! HlV'-Ml I!'*' two it.'ti *risen when <!i!l was iorrtij to mtu ; o-iHeiit-e n the i.«:pent t°i)tiiiv for sttiiitiriK Archib.ild \retiii.:t hi v.... . nv timer of t ‘ s;tng' w -.s to -get even" wifti lliil following hts rrrent r', popular rttm.n t oil, lend-- <; \\(:> Mt ! f According f<r repor'e. bofii fTill • and Areliit»id were accompanii.’:! jby mt-n- v'?) 11f their i ccpective 'Unit: ■" ui/.r) Mov rnff and t'!J imaged t." tiie- argument, -it tire res j lattrant The lev#' gangs ire said (<> have left file |-r taurant ilt (I Hashed later ts which time mu tod Arrhihabl staiteii fighting with members of the „'.ittgs reportedly looking on A- tho ! ■• • i ;ll uggh.'d, -police re : ori.-; say ~ a tm .vent off, and Ar ’fh.l ;ild fell mortally wounded. Hill claims that he was rut during the fray by a piece of broken bottle wielded by Ar chibald. \ neck of i broken bottle lotind in the pocket of the dead man upholds the con tention. T! if pistol ijs*’■ A In th<p shoot mg disappeared from the scene and had not been dls covered t| f .\HOi (NTW press time bite -hortly - * fr. ■, being fished out t'f the •' : 't".i. •m <ifavi fa i. tis ortti > The of the piffrie crash i> Maid to hcive ••• 'u die failure of •in engine. <auing lowered oil jprefesure it- tnaj-e the other etigitie jeonj, out i Tiie silane wa. headed from San jiii 'an, Puei'to Rico, to WUmitistoa i whom the v'irkci- were t.o have ibeen ;•)r«*i-rfti in positions on North iCarolina and Virginia farms. YFAKI.y VISITS 1 For many of the people who iinct theit live- in the crash the trip was an annua! event, wherein they cun' to the United States ta i'-vn’-jf as harvesters. Since Puerto tiiro is a pos sessiwi of the 11. S. a mini mum of requirements were ■ domaoded of the workers, ' some of whom made enuugh (Continued on page 8, this section; Jgrtt. SBjwSlsft TfllmKHr srsp*®vc rfkiv.feTi*•>**"(, wJ&srJ-A? <P»tB |jjjjv3HK£ jM|j|jp| jjjQ|lß|j!||j fgjjpjjj|jj} ■•' '.;-*,X' ■ t^ 4 y THE CAROLINIAN 24 Pages I \f)!,i MF XXIX f:A[.(■ k:h. north C UIONNA ’VKPK ENDINU .HWP !‘h I!U,0 \’(> XXV! 1 k k k k k k k k -fr k k k k k Jk k k k k k pnpi | rn 11nTr S|\nai ' N N j \ ij iiii> M J v I i pay iTsm f’ftniTu Il’IH! .jtISU Jlilfi TO Ofjiir ! ! u Hl~ i s \ 5 L ;,• .. ’ Tj> .-t .._ -/' ill: -. gjyjtH T' j. chiua.'l' •nnounccc! '''/‘MneHsay ■••■’■■ t'lrtg that ■•' t'/o’/id demand ■. ■ ecund ,- -. ■■ fO’!- ?:.T tile poyL'C | :;nr] ivyoi-pr-. hi -; chiUSCOcf tO'i : •pjprfion b= Uii Mv.n m the Ma?' jyt h. vo< *- »j» pi 5f h. ..? r» t «.*»H u»f ?nrur“ ij| ■.r.;!f• rH»b*n , ‘. !*»«• ibr {. i,{ U»r* *■ . ; f |»r <l''ri ,inn oi>l> -il'tt'f ? f ( ommifttv 2 ro !!p 0. jd hom {»»♦• .!.!!< wit} i i“!fpbi>iir fall . ? .»fho • |»fTr b a kjn jj {ji }* J \ f>j : h < i ; roih',.l oiti-'/pris use tbrir inliit *’IUV tn ♦vnvOijs Un; i «>j potation *'ou.usel so -• • t»a .* ** I <bf» i-i »»Mr! prbii.j! s f • th i; b-rjxr >4 ny -prirna *' ’•* jvotr. Senator Giah.arn, -\ ho *,v- r r;: | ap;.obiie/J by (P'v Kci: S. oM .i ~ nra Senator upon the death of: ; Senator J. ..To! vilio Broughton, • tb-Ci'ed the larger nimihcr »t popo-j haj* '. >s ; k.xidmg Smith by ;i3,0f)0 J The inter.-n Senat-e. ho*v evrr, o»d • i not .-.'t. the major;ty fy{ the vot**-, ; '.*»st with tho . oh*r car nored r.-v i Robert Be. : .'oold> any Oi to By 1.1 i'thf ! r.iUdi(ietCr for the po;;t ojV •'tig Mr. Smith the t ight to r!ere'»i s r] j i run-off. ( h w i s hi rn h ( atididate Stnit!* % riuin-r-s for elrrtion »n the verond pi i maty which will bp on Jtiue i ;irr seen as better than ! hee«'*nsp of the po : ibit»ty of a sntaJbr overall vote'. The machinery with which the | j May 21 candidates drevr \ record 1 ; (( ‘uitiinjcd on K, this section} ! ' ; 4; ; ■> •v ! ASKS IU-N OFF ~ WiJHs 1 j NmKo, I!;il«ish lawyer who came j in Nfvoml best in tht, Mn-y 27 I volinjf for Uir U. S.' SfMt#rship( j Wednesday demanded a run-off j ( »f the First Primary. Accoin j partying story reveals thai Mr. | Smith's eJiances of going to i .Washington are now better than \ ever. '"NORTH CAROLINA'S' f.RAPING WEIKLY '■ % , y_y . | - ya- ip " V; l>y : : ; ky3' '.■■ K ?« - - ' ■' : A ..y . Ws*T-4 1 r --sa / l|giv 'I •.» , .sS i; l J$ l^b«s • * -. -■* ■# v . , i _ - - . J .\ v- -. ""'»• . ' • .*• •'• .’ v ' 'pvirV- ... . • ■••■• v- V'V •• • v V.. v . . .... . ••».... ....... -A- <* if vrn r.ii. liihAv ~-. h v-ilie s t' linou .f|ll;td'; ( dauglltcrs of ‘'lr and Mi • {’etc Fult/., re ' I he Lowest Crime Os All” Nets Raleigh Man Sentence SUPREME COURT DECISIONS ARE WIDELY NAILED WASHINGTON, ti r . The decisions hand*;d down by the it S Sttprcme Cmui this we-k ruling thai segregation in tchools and in trai'iportation is 'tiicnnstitiitioiiah have be-'ii lmilr<l .is the grealf i foru-m d -inp:, in inlet! - !: f ' roliitions ever taken by (.!.•■ high i ribuiidl. Ly * l l s /.t icri vote 'Monday t’f Siinreme r mirt ! h tlt.-t the ■'■';rvg,!tjt-.[i of in i ail road ditiin.’. car v.’.t. jii oppyiition so the dnd.'tt" of the United t on.-tit ui ion Tht court declared that such segregation violates a .<•.-. lion of tin- luti'i ,t„i. r.. K ,v,,. ~ Art whir'll prohibits M nm iindt.te 01. u)H( inconvemejice ici Die raiii'onrt (<Continued cn page g, th (s .vertion) New Housing Pro ject Hailed : As Most Modern I n Vicinity I RALEIGH - Hailed ;* • one of the roost modern '.lousing projects t in the- cirinifv. Washington Ter - rare, new 267-unit, hotiain# facil- i ity located near the Raleigh city; line, will be officially opened | sometime ' chit trig the month of i .June it was revealed this week. The project, which covers !i huge trek of land lying in Bast and into Wake County, is composed of 3, 4 and ti-room separate houses constructed with asbestos shin gles siding and made in duplex and triplex styles. The units each include frigidaire, <' f *? t J y iiifsi fotitfii birthday in * (,*rnihhh ,t ? ripr^ fflOfit H’if' S, o:i\ vveff old f ii«Mi ?h • HA i.-LiGH eonimit• mg * i. :■ ha: once been, called “the ]ov e o. crime oi them all a Route 5. Ra leigh man * :r az v,-€sk sen ! tenced to a tci ni of n\orith;v joi j the roadk for ->!<?•? ling from a blind num n rawing the tnm \vfjs Hr *>c ft ftoveronr, who wax rb,irjmH with i.tkiruj futuls b< lon firing to r loe Krernviji, a Mind man who had hefr«e»Mtvjt h i m Mr. Freeman had befriended Governor by asking him into hi:; .home when Governor had reveal ed that hell ad no pum* so at while in Hie city. On en it j;mi ro to the blind man's home, ! Governor allegedly took the poc ! ketbook lx?lo?» to hva blilnd I benefactor >nd v.'a> making -wr,j" '■ ith it when he whs picked ip b ■ local Negro Officer Joe Winters while engaging in a fray near Freeman*?, home The pocketbook belonging ,fl *he blind man feK from (gov ernor’s pocket while he •onroillr to the police shitioo *fter being a ere-, tod op the H fry efuu'gr by Ofiifo€r Win bn ICoiiUrmed on pagre 8, this .yerdiimj Move electric wafer heater and ! uthej '.’i' ll convenience . tj,e r A | HAh Li IN IAN was advised The homes, were constructed ! under priv ate auspices with Willie ' I York md 11. K Richard;-; ias contractor and architect rc spectivclv j roof K VIANAOf H I Onncis Poolr. popular young 1 Raleigh native has been named j manager nf the project, A ! graduate of the local Washing- | ton High School, Mr. roole furthered htu education at West ! Virinia HU |e College, Ijpstl j tufty W. Va„ where he. majored ' ] SINGU 1 A r j COPY I. lie {a know w'hai a bittbday p? ? H r . means, and “ ich va >•- provided i w ith a < VU>\, rfplote with f «n. ; dies * r> i the occasion YOUTHS JERKED FROM DOOR Os GAS CHAMBER R/MTj.K.UI An clevonth-hoar petition basically a writ of habeas corpus, snatched Beniue and Lloyd Ray OunieJs, youthful Pitt, County yon - in.- from tin? yawning door .of ih‘.- lethal chamber at the N. C, Btate Prison ?• Federal District Judgf? Don C.ifliain of Tnrboro is ■ned an order in Federal Court, hero Fhi; week that the youths be grp-ar.,| a ~t „ v . 0( execiiticm Tip-, wprf Ip finvf ri Jt a ,-m Friday <>( nu. wi-ry irp- pip i *4fi fatal knifing nut bludgp auiugl *-( Pift I nurily „ t u m.ii i ori.irr < .u r Lifer Ulf n?f,,njojir. Hateipjl pcth i 'ihiih i-, ,i |f, His- process of » re .hearing he- If Atntimicd «ui (I,:;. g t (1,,:, action) >n hufsire*,;; and j is ,(!*,«> a graduate. of ? r’k.le,. [ f'oilege, Philadelphia. Tire new manager of Raleigh - 1 [ ' housing project is .» • deran' of two ■ and : half years of .--erviee the] j European Theatre of Operations i»nd i the on of Mr and Mrs j Haywood Poole >f Raleigh | AB3ESSXBL? The nen project, if was ; pointed out, is easily asssssible j j to local transportation, an ft ! will have landscaped 1 yards, j play areas ami all around “big i i city’* atmosphere, when finally j | completed, i “ "*******" ji \» nnior >f<-v rim* . w. j if ill i\h<\ i Hi* Htit,;*' 1 '? -*r I? 1 . -J ri«4 ? 1! 1 vlrlU! f f> ’<• IV*on. *'**■ o,m, ' jn.d-* • v it.: fhf r \RO' ? { ?A 7 I FAyn 1K VU Li. A' th On l :’.n to M } \lsi r . fn or' 2 ldccclt d.t' iTr.-jAlcvc- ■ C-m early &>6rn i in:: 1'- *dOAV? 'A v-c 4? ' » {■ ; . ' t\f : > ,•t ; I ; ♦ Vld omijj' i. bo *'-*V i 'vo other bo<?fdfd Ho i ?A■> *• ;c tiH o. u Y>t_>nrf O 'ieCT! f ! 4 hj,- ; ,*) PibCf*‘‘Hif, ' ?!«**•« j -.hfA b*H p ti?r Ijfjs f-.mcf ijuj w A?' r-i®route to b* r ** r> 4T7 f ** T1 Hi*- f l»ntr»?1 ttL b « » i n f >i Du?n> h* *• lh e. fw'4 ♦<•!< llif i;ii t h»bi-li».rf h TD3fFV.S>- ! game of • ro.uX-StU*" irooie ;; n Tvl). A !2. t V BVit r \ , . r v> : ill} A. > . a \y - -Old Cl lt d. Mrs 'Mf'j.'in ..-.a Ip new born b > . ior» rir-jhtd } >-. ,«n* tul iru* in .< iori hospit'.l ,is -0.-ui :,s. the spp , ' < iini{ has pulled into the ternmui Ooctnrs it j the hospital r< ported that upon | 4 rrir.-.l tadh Mrs Melvin md j the h ,hi :-.. -,. none the WfU SC, 1 so, ,< r CHiC-'.GO (AXP) — I.hc annua! j ~eS c iwa'or the .., a aßp'r t A.hi i ’.■ C\ 1 hi V.--hi in (' \'S A p.'l .I’ll | V- \ ■ a.fill ‘iU'*’v-1 ?: •i v \ 4 | 3-Lore *h »n iO.OI'O <1 o!?ge t r ■*, ci• 1r f- ;olit ill g BHptl •ti.o l r ‘ V €■ ’’' UVi (> 1 \.. ,‘lity aikl cohir and niauv ('oiint'.'if*- i thfoughiuil th?> nvorld wiR h*-- ;w “ i ent I I V- t HONOPUt —■ Mis;. Betty **«« i eri '47, H;jr« ford, Conn, press “tv i l :t hoiifp'.fi rtl thirty rose*. so ! | At. it Mcl/Murin in recognition i j of her thirty years of service I j to Bennett College, on behalf of j ;lic Washington, !). ( Alumnae i Chapter «* the reef!'-*- fesUtncß- ) ■ » ' r»am V. <r\ t ; , hrfde *• ri i f*| |fe«* r>V' v -t ri- *•' < i )'( £«•;? IV •-»•'! ’• . Os ?.;M' vC.j v,»; ?» "'. X:--V ! P ,<..rv fhU \< i \ S} s VvHi i f MEI Iff ASS4 I_IT M.CO'iB - lice ev vested t-vo v ! .h a r-f" *** - ’ : . •, ■" • \ ■ - •: 'V £-r| Vtr.C ' V'h irQt>' |_ti , » ! .r. 'v, • •--•• § ' I: Wmm s*&. V v -■ /JwKhBHhBS ljfß| % Jr ifp MV / WSBBBm -• ■• ■“ iaypßy*;'''/ j^gp^i^.y fPflfSk: 'A W MR. PRKSIM--iNT t . O. Ha U'bm ♦*m, not'd educ<>'. n ! ."t «■ • iUr. t< ■*. ih* nr -‘ Hr pr . p t V'» '■* th|> r'. ~-' r t' - I t * r Mtittnr *t i H.&lti~nrt: i * M':ui .ji tho f ori ; I ■ I . 1H«■;;• i ji'igh ,md • 1 ;<• ■'-> tut! to the pro:; Went hr, Ih t fiidwini-t inrt ed.Hnr!*! tor tbp CAROUMAS f'»* m.xr. ,i (L-, site, :,>*-!■ Sturv on jr*4fr 1 j i;*[ ? Vf >;i?r!V* ~ {b*> ?.C | tf> iiw •>!';•* i'VJac .■% ‘g£&S.H?.t ,L f»f thft CQ?.lfc£ ’ Mrs*. M‘La\irln retired at the cs I lege’s 75th eommear.emeut exc ! rises. Looking on is Mrs 'Sa Wright Bmvffng. Crcersiiori ! class of ’«SB. -sV«rtj »•«<**'*

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