PAGE SIX Chapel Hill High School Lists Basketball Schedule For '53 CHAPEL HILT. Th ■ iris and boys of Lincoll ’ •"I' S • i«.»ol went book ;r)1 n •: ai -t I J'l hero Wednesday l ’ L ' when tl>**y i played host to ,R hn-o.n County Training School of Smithfß Id lu a tv*■ i•' bill. The I .ineoln cnv?'* n (; .'•tic duled ! o pin;, t. i o !|j! ; week. Merrick-Moore <y b, , mo County Ci •mink h ■;••• Bn be for a doublehcader. Bob Kornegre ••: coaching the local boys .■■<*.■ ,<i, while Mr;-;. M. D Fu’ford l.i tut• "O' t* <' kil l . The remainder ot Lincoln’:; sche dule folows: .tan. 12—Cent, k! H:..h here: 16~ at Roxboro: 20 et, Menurk .vloon : 2! —at Horton Tii,un ot Pitts&oro; 20 I Ht;,- Riv. I iK-c. ; «t Pic... sant Onivc of Burlington. Feb 3—at Lift!.. Rivn- of Dur ham; Pleasant Grow here: lien; 11 Howie. N e 17 H:,w Icy of Cri cd:nr Person CV'.infy ' • ) ('■ ’ !I.i■ ■ ’.• i - • i in - . t.uitc; 25- <•■ • 1 ' o'' Hifli boro: 27 —Hi!! i. -of Dark ■ i- March 3 !!• nd- •• u b’Miiui here BFC - POUO DRIVE VOLUNTEER , v . yl : Xw * i \ .. . . v Grant Reynolds, New York City, Grand Busileus. Omega Psi Phi I'ratcniit v. released the following state ri- at in endorse ment of the Mari hnf Dimes ! can think of no greater or more useful investment that Vmrri cans ran make in the vers wei fare of the nation than giving liberally to remove the dreaded 'disease of infantile paralysis, This scourge has demonstrated that it is no respecter of color or creed, ft threatens everyone. It must, therefore, he fought by everyone.” Failure of b T> 1! f j vo.:;; . .. :' m ... i !•' ■ widespread I).:; c,,k i '•>■>.; i• > today I tiro >.it M \t i:n \ <)1I RA t.KKOI I. i I.V \N “Airain>l U! Mags i t In Technicolor SI <riv inl.n IU V( KUI ARI) File Pintle In Ter Isnicolor j l.inda DARNELL Robert NEWTON STATE The FLAMING STORY of a wicked NORTH < \UOI IN \ Woman! . . She wrocked I A Whole Town Man By j Man Sin By Sin’ Carolina* Premiere! Starts SUNDAY! fIMBASSADOft GEN •IE CARE . gir'M mmmm . m ....jg&ft&x > M %. Registered Nurse Ruby Taylor is a isted hr Polio I’mergencv Volunteer Mary 1.. Robinson t right', in earing for five-year-old Brenda Joyce Rush, a convalescing polio patient at Red Cross Hos pital, Louisville, Kv. .Medical ind volunteer personnel joined forces to combat Louisville's 1052 polio epidemit while the Jefferson County Chapter and the \ I'oundalion for Infantile Paralysis backed them up nidi funds and -erviees. Join the 10.V5 March of Dimes, January 2-31, and help to (Ideal polio- Q a ]%j £\ * f y C.'.H'i \V. C Mom- ■ - ’ .pord, a .■ .'ca.-iii.i Ci: ’isltca.- <'■ ,i- * The y.’vm: ! .ndics 80. :u! (Rut: ■'■a-’d a Christinas Tret eUei .; ,d CII >*l ‘ I'istlT:;.S i* \ • nil Id d i tar-, Sell rd. L'-Oh .hi! ij :r,il W--S .MV.-n ...if: M<- Wo H r Boyd died cucki. iGy c.n Friday moi-uki;.. Do; 23 m (,:■« n C.o y. N. C. .Mr !>" <i • a i».:l r. c of i'lis n" \ 'V on a! >. • *.’>D [Jf'c !..-j f. 41 .1 \ CCS ~ re o lira t*< i 0 I?i - atii vivinMr. Hoyd .U' h's •i- • re ud.ivi ; ar-.ii friends. (- ,r; l ■• : ■'((’ :1 * V'■ if ■ ' . • ■ Method News B> AIIS is DORA : v'K'i HUD Ti- d<- '- ••) :hat : o ''kit 'a-*- : . b: y , vi i y much a|h recintfi-i ami v. - .'.'.-•'i ?«• Blank < \ . ; ■ on. ho V - . V- i> special on ait ,U. Mr.-. Dorothy Shopp'd rind Mr-. Bc.-si-:- Wib'.iin fa) their hetii in ;wi!i Ik: lions for the same rn>:i , ; :t ..s' j; .iui-t ~iv. Mr ! ,-sv~ iitao: {(>■• hi; hi ;i. hr;n led ct».peration and financial, aid iii taking so ,'n.ich of ihe ex ,■ - . ot < jhe i. a nut 01 the or - M;<; C. all of y--u. Mr. ~1 Mr Will Smith.. hi ihi lustra-: Wo r- iilwiys to aI• • > r:< v. o - Han't, H ' wu. el on a 1i: s. ul.y wimi fin-, coma t.> ht.ilri t . i'egiilar rnonfhly er v.a, at t!a Christian Tama>; Cnur ...I* G or: : Si. A; ia t a 1 .'. n ;? Mot! ■ r ;>no 1.-uoy an d; in .. ilia.: Hon: '■ dr UK* Mi.v P-. - I i n.t? .. .on ;,t St Agm hospital . ,J;,n. !-{. Baa n,other inid bat a are line, ; ■ :aale Buy was Hie in i’v S Year, lie will ree. tv-, nian .mb b•• his no.';'; M a Ida '1 homos had for h• . day :.u :;t ■ th r e.tgh Christmas and New Year's Day Mr; Louise s Wheeler. Mr and Mi s J.imeb Wy.-idei, Yfis G' os. a. Mi ('.iil' i.a Mroa. Much and Kami."., K-d; a nil tram rkiladeipb: i, Pa. Mr Wyntier rnuimed dav.-.i to take is is.. wife, ad'a Mi] re. <.*' • bUiCk |a:iy.a,: M is. MU b rib a. era n ba ll foi a w aile Mr la. a riben... a. ~-! ci iklt'Cl., i uuletk, B.'lvin Aim and Lyman. • spent part of the bolide; with : A:,- TVionia , Mioir mother mid grandmother. They are fr n i j_ y . ii-eton. N <" Mr. Math.'and Imc and Miss i Linda Fomir.-'on left for Niv. Yt> k U;st "tcek Mr, Le. is serving in the Amy nnd Jittl. Miss FM-u"-. son hat h-'-en pep.riifi. rum. firm* . i'< :-e . "i", ;aHOdittOtUa ;i)bi i isurs‘l. Mr. Jen;.; Edv ad VVillianu ‘a.a.-' na-ned to ea tn p.i'ter *pc• <1 ihy th«- holiday •* i»h hi> parents nd; i other . claliVe:',. Mr. rial AD.-. Cu if ton Wall and ! son have retimed to Bet rot'. Mirl'i. after visittn;' hem dnaii'a j the uiu.]idnys. Mi:-s Beryl O Mel.' entertained for Mrs. M riel Dirk MoKrn prior ,to her vcrdrtim* on December 27. li was quite a lovely party. The • i.mijfw was aresented a beauti ful gift by Miss O Kelly. Me- Ca' io Stroud t aut tie 'O- dli hew tlapuh'e!. Miss Geneva V Stroud of Lincoln ; court and ..Iso Mr.- Toole of Cl . • ' i-.iid M . ..a ’p Shout'! of Mctht-d Sli. retomeet to New York Cite on the Ist Mr. ami M<> Wiiiiam Wilcox i . ".a.. trVv trie CiS: \.. .1 b,i U'..'.. iMi os' O'; C F an I’ t ( .-lie c 0.,N C. li Boss C L.-iO. r ! I ; me ~!!;! Dorr,id " aide: ; :, , ci, N r cel JC icilt i, ri R .'coo- ... V MFC Roriert Hoy • .vis,, da te. (• Chiistmas. iioUdo'i... am 1 , cbai ::■ . j‘, r. a ; ?h,.- ij IS Personals RAi b'CH - M Fa.i ; M iia '•ei; of b!7 Blcd-'oe Ave. lias ro ti•riled -a. nicimf the a,- vs in y.-v.' i ork City a.iih io- M,.-' Eva Kioin on end i- r<w P .r-i" ,!•. of (lit P. a:.'i< St. ;ave i -t . eturned !'- o-n Bshimor*. , * ** There is no season for rom tnee, lithe.itch Dnn Cupid i' •* per tally honored on St. Valent me'; liny. And apeaking of valentines, there was a time wiicii a vaKntinv from a gentleman rouicl rightly he eon - b-r-") a profn'.-ial of man bigt*. 1 hr-,l' ilny,- t.heri' are ini -1 v. r - a:■ to valentine:-., though romanri- hui- not dimmed m populaiitv. Jannaiy or June it's s'vc-ethenrt turn SwffthriirU I cup butter <n nuivgni ir.e i ."-.ip honey *v cup AU-Kran S nips sifted Hour 1 teaspoon bakiriß soda I teaspoon cionsmitm I I ten.-ipocin c loves ' i t wi.spoon all.- pire Blend butter with honey and beat until creamy. Crush Alt-Bran slight !y Sift ti'crcthei flour, soda ami spices Add to honey mixture with Al!-Ih.'in. Mix thoroughly Chili Roll dough on lightly floured board to about 1/tt) inch in thickness. Cut with, floured, heart-shaped rookie cutter. Vince on greased baking sheets. Bake in moderate oven (360 r K.) about 10 minutes. Whc-n cool, frost and decorate if desired. Yield: About 5 dozen cookies THE CAROLINIAN YFAR j 3 la.** MS 6ii (*■:: S«4 -2 a S.P jl 11/ l '•.K i's KV'TI i ,e. \. C .P s i chuit .Himes W. Coatna ok, Prcsi c. *ni oi tue b a;, cttcvnle St alt Truehei College', FmU ulle, IS ; C . ,-nol;. L tore the •tu c,i t :iij. . • the ;»{.■ O'ljt abS. si;. I. r.lifs'i" •of Ho new on ,l;,m:;irv V H< dialled red tb, •:». com to '.:••• ! dr, t,i, new yea ; i.;.v ]ivim; up io 1 tl r-i•• best :.s !vt - and : y think.;, :' • titeiv way th rough the ever- la i. lire in.; ,'■'(. 1 ,‘,y 15. , icy wiil ; . cunter in the clmsroom and i,i he comnil'lllty. 'Tin or.'t't ot ~r’”e .boo," l.e affirmed to us • feet de ••i'-.ible ehanues , ; tie • tc ; talitv ot O'i.c’s yy.'sonali!;,. li you, 1 have V aimed to think crjlicaily ; accurate' • , and objectively, yoti , ' have achieved one <•( the rnuio l i.a's a coll. ..-in on. Ga Suivi.iy, 11 at h;00 o cloak i;i ,'lftel'n‘Oori. Dr y.a . bn-K'k S'mu d ... '• the ~ues! speaker i •! ;.|(> fleeke.atioa ■ xci .-esi •' of the i’npuia. Sire.' 3* M('. V-!TSO Clu'o at J;.ei. vn , i'le X (. • po' ariii.; ••; tl i oi ea.. ii vv‘.b 1 a. ai ■, Ma.i'ir Getiei'id !!■ r,i D. I ms<. u i :.f Ca up 1. it tu. . Mi .Tom. C \V By, Dii-'cto: of Peblicitv. IIT * c< . ‘Os i.f "r. 1 rVi' JO] it. X«'“.v Yen-.. V. a»:J Mr. -avid M Robin.T! { T S() F!x , .'t;. *- tiv.- .. .t : t ; ;■{ \ . ( I.f. Dr. S*hrook v. ;p ••ocincml Oy ,\'fi. • \ - ( ( : 'V r Vh< ~'io . vam \ as in *.;h^ vze vi ty'i Ha;-'- T .vita ".:•(> I • • ■ V.''Vi- .\v »f -•• d t• punvtil*- f 1 j l ' : 4. Lk L I it* "E AWARDED B,T,W, [T3TICN HOOK ‘‘.r WASH: : ::v: hirth r: ' HCC. VIRGIN!/. Ch • Far d ing'au; - ' ver ' 'll.-1 VC- :!(!!>; Km hi Mai;: . f I, ~, u | \r, ... ;s tif’Ui ;* , tVc>l'ti> -ura S Cell * T M ( IMIT.FU, ...Mr ia> iv in M|. !;..r .•! AG h.-.iir -. Fibldcla. *>>' •> •. I . Mi. Mssii pi. ia 1 rind Texa ... ben hi: efforts Mr., ’.e'en cull-, cent cak'd |e. ! 030, p.. . .enerl tie : eeveted H-'.'-num Av irr! for di ti i\U l - idled i i - :n field - ; faitnubti :>nd '■ b b In ’ -M '■ i-e was mew lb!' of .. .-.olr'-ted -i.n.'p appointed "•> ’i.e >,» go' to Ai,- |. | ’... ii «ke a • inch -T > U'i • cultural eonditi-.iv- The vork d‘ "• in !bi„ re!a;■'■’!ion bob tin. work Io; 'lt' ;<•< - ptanee of the Poml-4 I’l'o. i'::i:: emorig e:vol' V> ! eel areas thmiigi'.i- a the v.'o ; id- I Thousand f Nei*m farmer.- ,nd j Mnn farniti*- throtkhoiit 'lie So', th have be' i* - elpen • b -! he net I tb-mpbeii ■ •!'•'■> 1" " ui-u; them | t<. -epic k ■.•!',< •-d .e to pi - 'ft! ■w, ' tv. rx!ny b .b>' ~ BFC— ' DURHAM CHURCH PITHI AM .AM’J The ~io•- • rawi of aeCviii'. so- hi.--one White Hock Baptii-t ch*,e"h foi ! <A., reeetiUy .*- 'v.ii'o - ->v tee min i-iter, Dr. Milt:-- 'vb-.ib rb-Lvi He b . i'.-.l'i ii' . i till COlUbiega f.u>n since JS33. Aniong me guests scheduled to appear on tile program sic Prof. 1... Stacey Weaver, super iritciiiieut of Durham City schools on i hildrenV day, June H at it and Gov i William B. Dmstrad of North i Carolina at 1! a.Ui, on October 15. I Dr W i Kjiiisonic, pastor i;f Mrst baptist church, South \ Kichmond, V;t., will deliver pr I'ishers’ \ sermon ( Jan. JS a 1 II am Several other leading ministers , tid *««( (tors ill apnc.!!' on oro i all; . -.1 the Mi rhjl’tn 19V 1 E.t-'C- C-.R. SIMSROOK , * * V’ ' H •i ' ;N i / ft | i ■ i y si.i ;*■ <t r: ;.n i i\ itm >m >'r .Maria-i ' -.-an :> t p*-°- fTdrr.i flrriii , ‘.t l . > in ?•<*}«»}-. n.«i\rfi xu*i? icijiT-: m • . si'SU’:-. s Ftori-rla 3wiiti y y I o im %fo§ .A i i li. »•% 1 C V'*WA :% Y-; we 1% f, ft «*.* fft. Sf if AA% MU nbi i? u<u i <-jf 4? i i ii y a ii . Corps oebuLmmn T.b A anil T Colic u- ' Ma\, K. Tv!. !. ooitnced this Sr. Tin ih.-u:- ■ i : ia. ! ih- KOTC hc.i '•! ... u' ■ ' If::, Air I'L'Tm A\a p • i' , Dt" \, n-f'Hi j'l* M.'..! • -- ; ' 11 jlf'T i. : ! i t ' ■O. jt t|}Hl ~i| !}'.••• - tv ; :f». n<] hv .1- Air lID'YV :jt x. A; L i r-cn*. The three Afii:*’r• vii! ~1 r u i i/ !■: a/1 :t \ wa y ''' #ii v? Mb'A' VA i--n A f %/ V i PL'e Shoii ii if Hit • '!' ' ’ iS I’.j i \.*> Mi'S .',ll -■ • aI (i n} -a ,i> (if . tii'li « ’ I ?a- >’■ it ri 'n tin Solid South 1 ' sodl'l! • >. .. .Hi . ovi policies ill order to hear lie' SEND YOUR NEWS TO US Week • ending sat i. bd \vj a: :ivn ■.• i n r-.. PROUD MOMENT % :4 f f ..Jap r* j., sssiiy 5' n 0 \ I! |g% : •4 i i| JiLj '^irSPSP®^ “i W f I -i. i i 4 '3 I,.U'i> Adams, !I, receives his tr ra (I r school diploma from ,\ Thornton. a spr'-ial home teacher front Chiraao's Board iif J'dhealinn. \ polio vj. ‘ iin, tarry iva., hi'lpaj I*v the Aiarrli of Dimes in his fijfhl <!;a<nsi the dread disease. A eonirihu! ton from ■'Oil to (he iJereh ol Dimes iil he erenilv np ;ro<*ia!cd. Ihe National i'ouiidation inr Intantile Paralysis is rondti -in- !!,; appeal January ' , ? y.s4 : " * at; N, < ’’iwf ji #JI • ... : | ■ v: ’••A •vj • **' » • ■’ ,-.v /V y " w- ! § . 1 ■ j, l i * * ■ '/mi jc \ ■ -s'.' . S' y - . ■. - ..■ & %% & -0* A .x sjlf ft" •' '- ‘ ;■"? r ■sF I’HOM l. l.isht }»<■ sv v\\ V ; M>' Moon wis lh»s wf i, ii-i- .ised Irom .iiiv obligation to a pi'ont isil Is * ■ h.lfi ir-dt* Jo J = ' ill o olirro i i.;h{ KaiMlj Turpin T: i’l.ncc a I **w »* lilt- HritisJi lioxiug 31 ii a r u ol , V* T ''' a- V 5 MISSES ( HAM V AT <!! \.Ml* —Kuhl> Turpin “ill miss his rhaiuio <t tli«* light heavyweight m< v> ti worn I>> Archie Aleur-s Ihe British Boxing Bunt of Control released Motive ti’fun tiis agreement tu make his l’irsl title* rtrfpßsf Turpin. A TO RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION |5 \dvertis-em^nt P. 4, Section 1 Toils Why f -nttoi rrvf ilcd tt'.it it ti Hi t'o ii .i.-f,! Moorr from his promli-^. new to 1 iJ>& Bit * «.# ... , * •' '■ T ; A s' V v>? !yl? PIN! kSf n on lj£ ’ -UHwuMHgl 3 100 PROOf LIQUEUR SOUTHERN COWFORT (ORP. ' f St. LOUIS 3. MISSOURI

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