PAGE TWELVE 1 IftfMM ' :f ' Bfc intiC* lf©l;¥r: s ,i ijsfcfc p§§tftS Holly S” 1 ’ "jig- i ic"'j «v roy ml. vwrwv: CHURCH NVU HOLi •; f-i'RINGS JlIrH 26, w .• ;jr - i . i (’; .'.l. First Bapt'-T ( . ! . Ushers v 'cn ■ : : congregation, while :!• ■ ;• • Choir rendered ;■ wi»! Ax :y at the pn: ■■. The children'' heard each . to have been i < i June 2(i o. D : >n .!■ ■i.: ton, was emitter: . > D F A. Bet; <• ; ... ! Covenant to i •.• m . -v. .ri Rev. J A. Av< " . | ■ , church. L>r■.. 1 . /. ; ■ •■ ■ tion '■> v.' nderful The Ed-e Os T ! To Go Up H from Nuor L ' , Many v,.?i the Tvi friend of Mis. CL. G and Mi- Hr-. A- ' more. Md . J The V ■r.l l ■ TA the Bapt's; Cm !k tng exercise .Tone 2V16 M ■■ song, Tin: Is The Dr., V. by B: -r ■« Rir .. . i.c. V-' • ' adder- s by E P.r. ' - ir,t: nr..' er by F: > ; • V Tr.c U. :'.. loved bt ai ? Tsz:-.- r»rc rent G. • Grove P S' took pn't in t>,: B. In V: ■■■ a-.thieve •' nt. ■-.-: Vr . N '■ • ■ ax leader. Thu rnmeinf "t v at- r, -... ./•- v:sion of T 5. - • A-•■ - S,Jm'-'.'s Dit ". ' !•: the Bnj. ’ .'!•-• ‘ ! spr. rpyt S LTi '. r*• t '> • ! ' ■ ■ 2f? £.* ;’.()0 n, yv ■ .Mr .*;\t Mrt. free r . commur: ties - to • ;/ "t? the service Thr L'-'.-i A ‘ ■ ' Church >: . :.V.--, :v the gnt- " /-■ Cr, I« ' 7 I <r* s?■■ r- '.-~' z £ -.- v> >.; . i ~,v> > 81' MRS. NAT ! D V ' BUNN I!I). 1 - ■ t.OUISBUFG 1) m. frf-.i. n BA; '. Mam S; closing f i- ■ norm, Jut:t Vk. A ;'i' '. and Wi; k m l -,- o; mm; " on exhihi . In:-:;; ;. ; v:- ' - : ' ■ lot Rev D i' I. i " •t • , •» t.. ? . ; . T.* t.t Mis:- ’ C .r: . :. ;i h:, Louise Pi! • Join: ' ‘ • ’’ ' hara J H;-r • ' ’ U . H.'.ycs. Vp>. A." i. ■ ■' M, ■ . -■ 1 Cf,, ■ f .. r., ■ . r A Chin:- '-n ' v s given a! Soutp Mi;:i ' T 3, .. \ V-. 1.., <.; lr . 1? rnoon, ■ ,n ■■ -hi r vii- - rectir-o o' i LI rs. Al: - H v i;. 1 .. Comm!'.' : V. . M:: t o Th.- . . t .■ F- • v . H ,vi . 11- Mi - M: ' II L , ; . - •pe' x i,' :: 1 ? fNti Mi Linds F;..',-v of Rp.; . ; : ri Mass :.- vo-v. o .>1 CJementiui I J : j-v. Mrs.. M- r... o dren {>. \" ,- i. IT visitin M. ..' ■ ■;■ . fatht i, d .- ivi'n . Mi.-, vs N.-: , ■ :• M-d (' ■■ Ridli-. of N- ■■ x : N . visiting tht ,r g:-;ind[. Mr.- Ltxlia .M Do. Mis.-- Barbu: a Ann G ;< Newport N; V • aunt. M".-. Anna Gret’n. Mr. V'.:"- G aria no H v h returned boi-:t fror. viMtir.g friends m Wa.-ihington D■ C Mr. and M;> Joseph Edsertou and family Os Balt : 'hi visiting their parent-'. Mv. and Mrs V,’alter E- -rton Mr. Rooert P; uj W.: "f New York C.ty it v -itinv | mother and grandiivii’n r, ?.l - Sal lie Stallings and Mrs. Estella Hill. Mr and Mrs. Willn Cl.ft: - New York City are hova v; their famiio's, Ms.- Subic J Cl:f Warren County News BV UK'. I.UCV M It.' tv MACON The \V..,ren bounty Sunday Sc two 1 Convention v.• held at the Phu- Gn>v Bryn-: Church on Saturday Sunday, July 2 and I; Children.' Dev servicer \v ere held at S>. Matthew’ Be' Church on S July 11 11.1. We are v , y In hevr of the illness of orn • no. :: coo Mr. Noniuil; Alt V>e RECOVERING We are v r, ~e oy . t• ■ Mrs. Ro-a Bulioik «,ve, : irem. her illjn - It was <;r; jij to re ' good now', of Mr !.': 1' tier’s return from the Is ,ta ana , that she is d 1 ).• rncvl (T-ÜBS Mrs. Rosa I !v.-a: veil’ attend the state ■ Fill oV’im.c l-i-u,iv in akers* Confei-uici'' at. Ut-wn:- • boro this week, July 5 through July 8. RE (MON Mrs. Leah Br'iv i> having a ( family reunion on Monday. Juiy 4 at her homo, i VISITING Mr. and Mrs Floyd Hudgins and family of Washing; >, D. C are visiting his family. M.. v M . Henry Hud in. (Ins v m. Mr. Wendell Hudgins r.f W i ington, D. C. and sister, Viola Hudgins of Brooklyn, N V are also the guests oM Mr. and ,m :Pra.,y n%«t m |ipi iiic. V' T* » C , :i r ri, f, j' • ' 'i„. ! homo or, F; Ir. W j .i «‘ I; n , \ i;-U.. 0. C. * Jv f 1 y Cfi ■ A .fch'i’V -r . T . , / - r*-z' ■*'' V;j]] r? .'.*■>a ■: '; ■• • ■ •v. • r t? :-i •*- >j t*. t •• V-V / - •> - -v-r>•-•*. * V ' T*"*- V V # * ••••*■■ T ■>., . w. aiA.w*', : t., ,yf -"l * ’■ 'U-yiK-r ; •' -’'w r M > > -./•p"-» j- Tr. r/.'.ifi, ViX ,f £ • a’ fr-or?. uir, v..! i:K (i'rxi. !*?i *:"7 piOV.’drP 'on.e r-ft * 0:‘ rKi.pJrh. V*’M, I*l3f Wi*.P.« , ' icpie pv'r- ■ • ■ ’ ; T cv lr. SO'^wh'rre : -***;(• ?• I. . cViVfl ;:hcr. “.Insi - .. are Sb’jne on vaci*** to { if !r.' ’: '< r, ?• •. 'f*. ''/‘'fit: V ('•' Wi'U&n'F -inti v>». WosUv Mrs. My nice Joth i; of -Spn op - < field. Mas.*, if home vi*itn:u her and the- E/lifes in Frankiiniwu. Mrs. Henry Hurium-i. Mr Cosby Reams o; B. ooklyn. and Mrs. Willie Reavis; this week Mr Jesse Clanton of Baltimore, Md.. is visitin'.; Mr. and Mrs. Hay wood Kcanicy Uus weekend. .Vir. Ji.rvK s A. Kjo Bu'L more, Md., is visiting his parents. Rev. ahd Mrs. J. S. Spruill this weekend. Mr Willie Spruill (if Baltimore. ' ’ Md. i> visiting tvs .family, Mr. and Mr: Dock Spruill this weekend. Mr. Willie Carrol] and family of Philacieiphia. Pa arc guests oi ut.v plea nts Mr ..act Mr.:., G. W. Carroll this Week. Mr. and Mrs. James O. Clanton and family hr■'* vjslttog ir. B.’.ti more, Md. this weekend. WEINER ROAST Mrs. Sarah A. Russell gave a twiner roast for her brother, Mr Clyde Smith and friends on FY:- day evening. July 1. Everyone pad ■ k wdndcrftti time. ‘t IIOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ! When thou Vi," st a um- i;r. ' a God, defer not to pay it. Meat, production through She 1 ■ ! four months of this year was 1 v".h per cent above a year ago. • E y nroducticsn in North Caro* ■in.-i ituriir.; t : v;'. »s estimated H 147 million coys. Co ,- n Belt studies show that bet ter and cheaper roughage produc tion is possible on many farms, j Gambling In ‘Chatham cot. r »STON PITTy-FtORO SILER CITY r. D VV P O Box by— Co,ld;,ton, North Carolina ( :: '• 'TN - - U. R, arte; ! •• » njovert « <- loFday and I','/, ••• tr»*r ore cl.-: routine h* .al Please keep up with ••<•• .. ■ ■ n b» T : v CA'Kn *NfAN each \nck‘' GOX»>h|.;N >!/.N KH/ • *’: of tor K\ • i’jtn «hr. wc. v ; 1 i dc/cl Stindcy of \j i< iyt.cls, J;*;c CC, r »'*a r ros* no me. . w C n »ESI.JN f -AN so/. ••an-,, from town ; >cnnr.s ano p/dred up -ii ? c-. h Ui: anu ha-1 ooi Ucn ; L . . •T'or’i'’ ofte r ;u‘ •>.*. o'ay hi ad S'ufdv/ rs h>s v; ner<t • o*. L, to Surtfla> cver-inp: »Ss 1 ’ ‘ C* >Si‘o vt'TP'-.l ?v*. V*l<s W T f‘o'.i& nnat hi* Ue w.w- hurioi a 4 ’ ' ‘thorn Chapj). A M E '• -v Church remote? -/ Monday He -sn/•■ d hy hi i:.' n tv 0 *;>:• t-Ti? Ofid t'ii‘OL |y of k* r.-LA rns r„ re: .'!',. ter '.V f;.\ \ OfC i 'it t*',« •hi •••> - l * ! 't.>v • \?c K Z i; n Chu r ch »ots :<;c hh)'c*P:u,'bori; Hiithvvav / V .. • .TC'<r*n V.'itj': t! f c • p/ . TIE - -t-- , f f-'o- '♦< «, th-l A ;j Qf t.V<* t-o A-• ros'Ui'? and Kltro Grr.en T ' f. Hv w';* Forr. *n Chn «. iM-.roh 22, He was Fuquay Springs -• •?s. i ■?•>:•;-lyA s'!ttt.t i FU 'v’ -. Y SPRINGS - Deer T-i,. i- ■ ■ Gi.: ' l you on for nr-t V •tling the news f - • ■;! i‘- ;i .ui ks. Os r r . I .V ' : t i! ivaltmg tnat ' ; bit 31 news from eurlv of ,- y. ! r-.i'.ty wc set to set Mr’ Lot «r know t i-xi-i jSiCji aronno A IC\\ y.-i 3•;*:t 1 \v?i \-f v rv ‘■•iir lochi Mnfov. Mn ; v Ann A- 4 -C-. M-i ••• s Str-\v;irt risrucd Governor of Girlv’ . ctlv ] * XO’-.i h/jfVn 2x “•v"- ‘■■j.’vf jf ’v' f-f a TM-dens t ■ ?. the Fuqu.t}* Scf.-K*] ’V•. A G ■'-VcTf/«r Cvf HiAY ■.> i • HiV :11"• * r ( ■' - i ; ".i;i of bihn' and Mi-- ■stewart. I am hoping that they i on an trsniratiofi to othr-cs y. bi;t thf'v need ocx />■>• '-Win : '.lit-nf o?*d . Let us nut ho a >’•: i 1 Li’• • i■; i ■»■ hlt>ck nor *ot -jf ?Ust «vad tnym in the wrong the streets dun-fog Church School oc jf the enut'cnes of our corn*• ! 1 -" - 1 x.:-:::-- rail it famiiy day ? ’ r< ity -*■ them to service. Fon-e make tho?n f<?el that they you would eel a Eoclnuj o! ; kondrod love the kind wc si:n.g ’iv;.,,v- the things we sing aad • ! ■■ : ' t 'O' f-Vr;orvCU. Let 'uf live and work a veil lie. and '* •- wd, iiuve. Aometfoin.y to T holiday weekend brought tivcH aud friend?. S<;me ot the-Fc 1- uk. i>.rr the ho!aim wore: Mr, and M:*.. Jam? ■ W ?mbh •- ' d , .k.nniord of Philadelphia, o ' : ■ L- eh Sit wart >i Lev. ; Ym k M.-. Fa low W«mb!c of ■Batti s:,‘i many more whose name?. 1 v as tUiable t-) obtain. M-r. F: a lie*. ?■ Utley retuiueb to work. XT. J. v :til ncr s -n and rlau.chter who vert- here for the ‘ l<,! nitty also. She >.•- planning a month i stay with them. Mr- Martha Kimble is vacapon •x’" Bot’v VAoriblf Uielt.s and ftvn daughters are here visiting tcirnuy. Mr- R n-:hi- .- :■ x-1 chit- : stx'riu I art -.wrok with her in - M. am; Mr;-:. David R....-: Tl-, • Trice fa:;iih- and Mrs. Vel ma Wilson motored to New York L',!' the holiday. Also Mrs Lula * urn a, -:;on and M - . and Mrs Ned Dave. Mi r Ii AT Brandon report 'd to me the early ;. .. t of last week tuit sne -was enjoying a v G fWiling w.ealiou. She bad wnw I’-ni Orcfurd u-iin >e!.-tives and frtewD: a short time 111 -II mom and Spring Ho.a A '■ • \ >r»n ended sen!;. M. ■: Hi. ee v. :..- killed in on iHito -•>is ha>i in v. Our dr.epest :-vn,- pdtey to Miss Brandon. F.; r.ntS'- always remember God dee.-; at I tiling:, well. Tr.liiat trussed the annual Pitt,in given by the Your-; Mas Chris' ;r,ii League really missed -■ grand time. Reedy Creek State R.-ri; ' is an ideal place lo es the heat las: Saturday af ternoon 'irr 1 Ih.-i-e ..• :■• n plenty of b-diTn sr<--nTi fri -J eh: ken with -'i th, trinimiri--. The hall game ml' rc-Dtri" However. 1 tee! ■ u -;si : tre .each wile had to firs* aid : Joy at' ■ •. LYm.-.v.'jcr "The heat is bad, but hell is hotter.” Let us go to church Sunday, ! nr. CAKunmmu ' r-ii'niL" i . ? •}•-' irp-.on vr AME 7tan Church; a mem ber of t.Y trbhin-'i. aria-x; leader at"! r> i'.:en.bc’ r.-f the ■ 'iiptch's chmr He i., m -d Mi-' K.nren Nichson FcapL • who ;s i ret'rec "hi.ct tetcovr aft ,- 30 y, , inaching in Ciit<!!•.-■»rr. C'uu tv rr;-,. ■.. At p'esent pi v-'-'S N”'.ir; t‘->b u in C'.i-Vv'o-'rr. v o.mjuv : j, ivivor.' are: H:: nulw, M.-». I DUNCANS VlSn RELATIVES ROCKY MOUNT - The Jo,e-ph C. Duncan family, '.which m r-’udft? Mrs. Aviv n W ide Duncan .-"•,1 son Carl T.' s,. ~-n* a few days l,ere '/.siting Mrs. Duncans tv.ieru. Mr and Ms. Horace Wade Sr., r.yfreiurnuig tc. me., -.i..i,e h/-::.e and N. C CtJiege /urine'; .school at Dur* F"i;D c ,n who has serv ed four yc -rs as supervising t rin • in Ho? text it-- t-./.vn ieturned via f:-'ll Count;,, it -,s report ■• ! :,aii the .- :■ i Durcan famiiy at Salisbury. N C Goldsboro News BV rfFNRy C. >TTT; HEIX c-:n ?’.,rXer Street GOLDSBORO Miss Eunice VVV.itied. 42t; Mi'icr Street, let: S -ndsy ’mgh; fnj Washdrwix, D C where .« to he en^ploycd as a typist. M;ss Whined is a I •' L't’lvrii H;.:h Srhiyd Slit- is <>r •' of the few .-lucicnts eve! to 1- employed ns a tyjjjot before graduation She was IS mom .is by the Mi tchell Bureau and is the daughter of Mr ana Mrs. Earl "i V* i ]»?,-(•} Mr « t C-v-kc. 207 West Ehr, Street. at home after being a patient at the Wayne Mc-monal id.op; -:. for sc-.veral veeks Mis A-1,-,1 F'-o -■ :- S-.-n -.0 Si. ir- a patient at the Wayne Me morial H. itai Mrs. Bottle Barnes Smith. Mm ! ui,-; Smith. M . - Manuel anti !,! iford Barnes ir,; to Su; -.- While there, they were the gusts of Mr. ~i'd M- Theodore Barn* Mrs. Fannie Lee Atkinson of Yonkers. New York visit.,ng i/ I .the.-. Mr. Jo/h Howell. R'.-v. and Mrs, .7. Boy Alien. 313 West F,hrs Street, spent a week 'ii Camden, South Carolina, re o ntir. visiting Mj.y, Alien's root; - er. The East End Civic Club recent -y gave n basket to the T 3 Sana- : iv/r, a* Wilson. North Carolina. Finishing touches are being put on preparations f,->r the Generai Conference of :he Women's A f r i c .. ; Me-n.-inst Episcopal Los An>.>c!<- California. Mrs. rtha Forin, !;, pres.oiwn of the I 'ii rent Body Mis? ionar.v Society of St. James A.M.E Zion Church, veil! head the Goldsboj -.< District delegation. The delegation will leave Goldsboro on the Ja--t of Jti- Mr. Melissa Dillard, widow of the. late Dr. Clarence D u rd Jr., prominent Goldsboro physician ’ some 20 years ago, was a recent visitor in the city. Mi Dillard, who n<wv make $ her home in Gary, Indiana, was the guest of and Mrs. George Fennell of fS’3 F.:i't Spruce Street. Charles Dillard, formerly of Goldsboro, now of New York City, amt now a gospel concert artist, ; vi- a concert at the S* James A MF. Zion Church Sunday. June 26. The concert was sponsored by the Parent Body Mi-'Sionary So ciety of which Mrs Bertha Fen nel: is president. Mr. Diilard. wno i was one of the key voices in the 1. High School Glee Club in '6:19-19-40, w/s accompanied at the piano by Mrs L. J Foster. Mrs. Mabir L. Gordon widow of the late D.. E. T Gordon oi Goldsboro, is visiting friends here. Mr? Gordon now make? her home m St. Louis. Missouri While here, ..-In is the guest of Mi?r> Sadie Grantham 108 W- /: Sr.-rue- Street. Mrs Beulah Worrells Diggs of Annapolis:. Maryland visited her mother, Mrs. Minnie Coley on Canal Stwl T-'-t vvi"Lend. Mrs. Classic Murray 333 West’Elm Street, has returned her.-. tom Wayne Hostiiiil where she v/a.i a patient. Sh is reported to be much improved. Rev. Jar ox M /, L:-.mb of Norfolk. Virginia. x> a ; t-.kem visitor ;,[ ■ mother Mr, Anna Alt Ltimb The firm' group of boys ar.d girls left last weel; end tor Con nection' to work di./iur the sum mer. M:s. C M Barnc-s was m Marge of the nro-'.p. assisted by Robert Wynn anu Booby Royal. Mr Mary France:: Hail of Rout' 2. Pikcvillc, died recently Piter a long>,. Funeral services were held from St. John's Church in Green County. Mrs. Hall is sur vived by her husband. Bennie Hall; three daughters, Mrs. Bessie Uv Miller of Lenoir County; Mrs. Alma Marie Campbell of La Grange; and Mrs. Fannie Mae Hal! J PikeviUe; four son/ Claudus ri Odell of Pikaville: B 'nme, Jr., of LaGrange and RooacvcJt of Wil son; one sister, Mrs, Willie Ann ; Sutton of Snow Hill, North Caro- I | lina. J Pr-oplcs; two b/'*-t<>*l-'- of Sanford and Eari st of W 51*1:; ion. D C . 0111: r.ijitcr. Miss Acme People? of Wdsh ingtr-n. D. C.; three ns, W!! C of L', uebbure V 1 , l. -.gene of Bronx, New York: cf the heme, two danr.r.t'. rs Mi..-,. Ln-o.ile Dowdy of New York City. Mrs. Ester W White of ’’Nit.- I—bury. C nn ; 20 grandchildren', two great-grandchild: en. Buriai was in the church cemetery. BISHOP C. VT. OKACF IN RALEIGH Th reporter chanced to get * piii'a of Bishop C. M. Grr.ce, founds: r-f the H • -e r,f Frayc.- f or Aii People h> parsed the site cf me new church building •which he 'Daddy G. :ce) :s erect nr it: the Capita! City 'R/i-.- gh) last week. Surrounded by uni formeo body-guarcs md anxious followers who supply pis every wish. D-'-idy Grace appeared tr. enyr. irtunensel> as Li sat ::. 1 hade while being fan ned by- comely teen-ager who held 'a' fan? to cool “Sweet Dad dy ' win. Burial was in Arbs Cemetery w G e-cne County. Clifton Fay K- ueii, 13 yea? old. was drowned in an irrigation : ■■, r:. De’/i-a Bridges' farm near Rosewcod last week. The R-:--,k- C- vi the G:-d/horo F re. De partment was c.'i'ted t-t search for the boy, Captam Robert Denmark and Stanford Wiggins, both white, of she Goldsboro Rescue Squad. Lund the body atv tit 10 mimnos ' ft- r they begun dr«g.,ing the pond Tl:- y c/!;mated that the . - ■y' -"• >' ) :. at- ■ 45 mi nut* < wi'ra it v is re-covered. Funerai /ervif'-i; were held frran the Disciple Church -n rrtnccton The* Ha tn til oil Fur,'ml Hon.e -J Goidsbore- was in charge of th j arrangemenbi. Hr '-urvived by bis mother, C ne H - otc siste--. Evelyn, tv.- > .fame? Hor ry and F-bdie Mariuxaii; rratf-mai ar'indmf'ner. Mrs. Nancy Hr/.-.-:L all of the home. Burial -was in Garner, Cemetery in Way tie Coun-y. Mrs Maggie .Imhuson. 300 Diilard Street, died June 9 after a long ill- ' ness Funeral servicer- ?.\ err. u/Jd from the Howard Chape! DNrude Church in Selma June J 2. Airs. .Ldinso-: is survived >■■? four fin :ahi he ' Mr- Nnorui ' W.x ifu-rd with whom she lived; Mr. Louise Fordhnm of Richmond. Virginia; Mrs Lillie Whitley of Wasninc tsi I. D. C.; Mrs. L-s'.ira r'owicr nt Goldsboro: thr<?e son?. Herbert R. Johnson of Washington. D C Go:;■/ J l ,;,'-or: of Solm Ps-’.cy Johnson of Nr-v-xort New?., Virginia; one sixti-r, Mrs. Minni? B(-111; of S'L" , Selma Mr. Matthew Bryant of 200 Clan- I db Avenue died June 20 after a long illness Funeral icrmi'-s wet held Friday, June 24. from Greer• leaf Disciple Church. The Hamil ton Funeral Komo of Goldsboro was in charge of the arrange - merits. M-s Bryant is survived by bs wife. Mrs. Jda Johnson Bryant; three-, daushi-ers. Kay France? and Coro] Del.jrr,; : ae of ’hr home and Mrs. Doris Lee Joyner of Golds boro; two sons, Clifton Owen siriCt Hardy Lee. both cf the home; one sister. Mrs. Clara Ora Everetfe of Warshaw; four brother?. Leeks and Isom of Rose- Hid. James Con of Arlington, Virginia and Ira T. of Durham. Burial was in Grecnleuf Ceme tery School closing exercises of the Daily Vacation Bible School at the First African Baptist Church on West Pine Street wen held Friday nit.:lit, June 24, Mr- E. M. Larkin was superintendent of the school Daily attendance averaned i" er 70'1 pupils. M Joyce Holme?, who 'died the music for the d;d;y rior.r, also furnished tnr music for the closing exercises. Mrs. Larkin was presented a “ift from thr Bible School bv Mrs. C. H. O.fvid Rev. M W. Mo: ,u. pastor of the Church, presented j the perfect attendance certificate? to -10 students who wore pr - each day for two weeks. Instructors were Mrs. B S Bor den, Mrs D 1... Brown. M-r Ar lena Porks. Mr C H Cofieid Misse/ Taretha Mid'i'eton. Doris; Will: an-'?, Gloria William?, and. Orel Barnes. ON THE SPORTING SCENE Last week in the Summer Com munity Softball League. Webb town, last year-:- champions, suf - sered their first defeat of the sea-, son ".hen Little Washington stop ped the league leaders 50 to 5 be- ; hind the effective pitching of Har grove. However, the defeat left i Webbtown in first place at: they still lead the league by one and one-half games. Webbtown just missed gaining a half game on the rest of the pack when a game was ramec! out in which they were leading 7 to 0 a! the end of four endings. The game will be re scheduled later. Central of the County Division of the league failed to gain on the j league leaders when they were' n&jNxmsß." » : ‘ *> \y, •w" 4*s* *' S 2*V *■■■> ‘4 -4 ./«►;«••; fiSSi ■.‘jo.,-'-;‘is*->■■ • . ■f ■ •„ v 3K«jf •<>;■ !. w. VV .'“■••fl6rvs^''' r V,14. 'St* ’4 •' •„ •„ •< i*, .;* •• •••.•.- • , „ •;». •>>« *> : '»' ‘•'■■gjp• ■'• ui- %■ % \ : . ■■ . ••Xr.v . •• - £, ;-T I } iM iV ' : "' v ’ ’4QteP '’•'%. »"W' ” ,y* . ■, " .- . ~ i v ., \,;V-.,,/ i .. & i • ■■-}■. •x-' ■ '*s?* •■■■ ■<... ■ v ■. ■ ' : . ; , # 1; ' - , ■ ■ ' ■ *#■ ■ - ■ ■■ y: - i ■ ' '"iv *sj£p3§s# WORLD’S RSX-OJW TUMB7 KH i ~,,,. J.J-. -J ohowrz JifVr f .;;, ; ping tt* • f ■ nvP . ? Notional AAV ir.vW : • ■ f t perfcrmanro- oJ l':o- :■■'<•,■ ’ V ■'.,•-"■•■■. :■■■<.-■ '• world rofoni h/'M •■ . . (left) cf Jfrw i’ork :■»!.• .• l;i ;i c j l :r ft-- ■• t- >'■*’ *» T'* ’ ,'• . ,7 MinX'AL IKTEHEST Varmor h -■■• ■. #•■ ••■.■<: Trotter Barrov Sjm! !i????[', ji r•» >.h wu % t|y ? p hiiC'H ",;•.• - ii ■ • ■ , {"S ews pt* sn 1 1 1* • -ti> >.. Johnston C. ’ -■■{ v \ BY MBS. LILLIAN -S. WAT X 315 foilirr Viren SMITHFIKLD - O , r gan WVkh: X . X;-St, ■ lend .included:; Mr. v h .M ■:■ '.*. w ■ <*h Wu V.imTc-v D visit; rig M" ;-nri Mr:,. W ' of WiLim Mills. v p, •. of AtT-i'r.G ■ . \T in: ■ . IT Slovens.: Mi. T '•*.:•* ! Coley of I’huadvlfsiX . V \: i Mr--.. Coley’s ma'ShW', fii Lt/:-.a j Sanders arid family; Mi C ,-y Waiver !. visiting he.- nwfh-" - h. -iyX Patsv Watson and Peer::! '■ Sgt. J'OT'ph Wri-r.V u>h" r tionod in Sfeii Arr :.r ited his v.-ife. Mr . Fn ■ Yb> F'Hr'iie Austin and P,m* at Washington. Mrs. Lou gen in K ■ rr; Tt '•* Mr. Charles Stevens; ST Ci< land Hi*",’a• who hr., P:T rr . from Japan i? tir.-r vi/hirn: res •.rife. IST Ret’v McL.-an, R. yri; ■ Mr, and Mrs. William Greye Daughter of Now York, v: hiiri Mr. Greye's sistet and • . it'.af .tir Mr. .and Mr:-- Willi/ S-mw*:*,. J and family, also ot N Y. \ * ■*'. • Mr. Surd" - .Tr*- {;vx ter, Mr Wdii San r :h Mrs. Laura HPX■■.*’: M: *■: *' X Earle Austin of Phih.di :oi,v v ing Mr . Man Dublin X sEtelie A : . nr-i family.. Mr. arid Mrs L , P* : <•• of ’> * lington. Va., visited the 7;, >ri ! family; Mi -r. Matisit. ... pollen ov Mra. Maggie Patterson. New 'York Vviiry her mX*": Mr. James T Fir; Herd n* N. ,T ;>*- tended the wedding of hi' wi/v r. Mrs. Ruby Raiford Robinson. Tr wedding toots place Sunday after-. noon at 2:30. Mrs Daisy Pvaro'k of New York visited h r w-.-yy Mrs. I.ouzetta Peacock. Mi.*.:- J phine Atkinson of New York vi.-:’ • ed her mother. Mr:-. Bertha A Smith. Att.rwx' r ' Tine New York Chant r 1 : ! Johnston (" e.r Trn'o.;. Alumni A,vo, i-.u I,in will !•■> amnia! picnic Sunday, July 10lh in New Jersey. A number of i‘;: Johnston County Choptci m : bars are planning to nth , • t occasion. defeated by North End 12 9 The Other important ;.:m- - . . week was between Lincoln Hon-’ and Little Washingtoi Lim-fin Homes blanked Little Wsi;b;r 1 * 4-0 to move one-half rami v iin in the 500 mark for tile season The standing at the end <.>* 'u third week is as follows: Wins Lps-t Web blown f> 1 Central North End 4 2 State- Hospital .. .. 3 2 Lincoln Homes Mount Oiivo 1 2 Little Washington 2 4 Pikesville 0 & GFDGSG ; LuU. ff.ev, M:*. Jxrfg CTTv, *; || . : - ■ :. 1 . Fr{JTj ro r -’ 3 )fT '.Yb-;;;-: t ;hy : -Tv -f P ..* -*. . Ar-d pfi-Kty. anc; j A- »i titv l u' TjOV'.: n - N'HN S Mr tg T, H-.vTPv: SrT $1 ’•* -•: : \ 1 WV'S ’id ;j' at? ■>,! ’<f l\ A • ; \ , : :-,T-v i: :, -V . ’' . . , : ~ - . .... I . (V,-.-,. - visitiny rcDP u !..*./ ! ZiS-ATtfS M: XV . ’••if Mrs. sis . Phi,TV <:■ W: « 7.1 ■ died Ti.u.'sdii- r ; wrvk'C/ M'.-e he id S irviriy at ill 1 ' ■■'L-: 1.-wT. Fra re ■ > V, Por Mi 200 P i we :•*. ■ t 1.. ; - to; deli' .*; tiw ',•*•":■:• lii * nv IP W.-> ! - vTy i< ■ ■ the "c. f Trip KOREA G! SILL FOXSiffio ' 'PCFDr-JHEi-?’*' COUTSfS IN fipios. you ALREADY know. THE lAW PE3MIT& ONLY THOSE j ! COURSHS V/HICH LEAD TO A i I TPA'N'kti OSJPC.-nvJ you V«r ful! jrfojTit.vtain foriiat f v-m»'il VfcXKKANi-; A©MI>miUTK.LL 1 .ti:- ' r.-r,:;':*; ii}-*-? Tv s, VvT : r ILii-i «>}* Rhfeigh .Pru.-’V 4 H.u.-vt SiTtXt4 IV ■ - - .-i*. . .Tr.,:*. B- -, kv. U-- 1* P.'vP:u*-i. Vn. v, visv.^K. I A : . : v T r'clvi! 5! . • \oi : : ■ otter a:u ndnig , M C :* ; * , h {•'*';••'.•(.i ; AlfAirra. Gc, ./ *; ""* - •:-. : -sSf.o sss.Ptbi (. anP Mrs. -:.a.nVT I>.ckv,':th of H .■briiwuL v'a were- the noi:- ; do;.* us Mr. -Bteekwitii's pa ri.,.:.,.. Mr. ana Mrs. Mr.ihev.* |ec-k* a-lth of ' Johnson -at. M -.. IT-. J., .Jo: ;, lias returned heno* ;,T v r- vi.y iiuapitaiised for :iv G-o i Auh Puilrrei ~,f Per ry li St. is c"-:drn?' her vacation H. b*., visiting her "• 1 . Mrs. ft i tin deb Mnye. Suiidoy ,h.a P’ster Rust; Lee BiTi ..,*T m.:- : , • from bi. > VO* . . Holly VC'rl, ; V 0 mi for tbv r I' *"i-:o 11; ! *-■ 0 Cih .... ..u—r, sfefiU;!. Mo. riT Auhrrv/ Whits- ,-,na '.: o: ■ ■ L n ...v IP)*:;,: , -uj MVi-. of were ■ v got/l ol M:*.. Er.i,:lla 1 -- ' T : . •:.. y Si. Tr «!'>’«; ed ;•*> Grace C)'.:.'. v :r-i T- G*v - Church), rumuoo ‘ : . ;■! i.t •> r: t i the pro* •.< -T 1- l;:.|0»r.: :'*. r. i ;><*!r k ; •" a v *yy'f..* yr t *”.: *' :.*'. week “Lard, who shnil ; ..Piiv in '?'!•*- tab-" V,. ■.*) sball d*W P»n . } y : ii - C North Carol,;,ao cncumbvr g r ov--- (.*.,- . P * , j.<.•« about ■ ■ " ■'* .crs lor 'ro b IVi* t an average yi.vki > 10il i ;>er acre -*.n 0 iioi fir .st If rea ityed li would 1.-* tin•• largest cu oucuiribd jiroduction in the state since- 1939. *1 <-:■ v i o-. ■ lah yar gave TOO !•, oi; i: ,vi miik. Rut the iducti n is -M l>r: led Still es exports of all to ifeCo product, combined Sun •vifirh were valued :t f, i ijon dol'iiii:;*-. were aba-1 0... Mt cent lower than those of 1853 bat still were well above the levc-i «ls preceding years,

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