ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXX.—dumber 22. Dave Tosh Is Appointed As Golf Pro And Manager Os Golf And Country Club Expected to Assume Duties June 1; Wife, Will Be Manager of. Dining Room Announcement was made late j last week that the Chowan Golf and Country Club had employ ed a golf pro in the person of Dave Tosh. He is scheduled to assume his duties as golf pro, manager and superintendent of the local club on June 1. Mr. Tosh will be accompanied by his wife Katheryn who is al so a golf enthusiast and will be ' in charge of the dining room at | the country club. She comes highly recommended as a ca terer. Both Mr. and Mrs. Tosh are natives of Scotland, but they met in this country when Mr. Tosh was at the Sunset Ridge Country Club and Mrs. Tosh at the Indian Hill Country Club, both in Winnetka, Illinois. Mr. Tosh came to the United States in 1920 from Caronustie and Mrs. Tosh is from Glasgow, Scotland. After they were married the couple worked as a team. Sev eral exclusive clubs they man aged are Paducah Country Club in Kentucky, Litchfield Country Club in Connecticut, Cheraw, S- C., Colorado Springs and Den ver, Colorado and Maysville, Kentucky. The local country club is now having a house built next to the country club • building which will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Tosh. The house is ex pected to be completed in four o* five weeks. 20 Years Ago) Ai Found In 1-4 Files Os j The Chowan Herald i .» Due to apparent friction and lack of cooperation and confi dence on the part of Edenton police, a shake-up in the Police Department seemed certain fol lowing a lengthy executive ses sion of Town Council- During ing the meeting each member of the police force was called sep arately before the Councilman for questioning. Continued on Page 4, Section 1 Commencement At Holmes High * Begin Friday Commencement exercises will begin at John A. Holmes High School Friday night, May 31, when Class Night will be held in the school auditorium at 8 o’clock. During the program Virginia Ann Wells will read the class history and Patsy Lee Penny will present the last will and testament. Betty Jo Elliott and Barbara Whichard Townson will act as giftorians and distribute gifts to members of the senior class. Leading Students At Holmes High School ■ . . H Ip /> <v . ..v . .. ..v- | « . .. Fisty -on* Motors at Jdhn A. Holmes High School will receive their dipiotaas at a graduation exorcise Monday night. Juno 3. Jo Amt Leery is valedictorian of the class and the salulatorian is THE CHOWAN HERALD Memorial Service At Bethel Church All Veterans and Aux iliary Members In vited to Attend A Memorial Day service will be held at the Bethel Baptist Church Sunday night, June 2, at 8 o’clock. All veterans of World Wars I and II and the Korean War and American Legion Auxiliary members in j Edenton and Chowan County are invited to attend. All others who are interested are also invited to attend this service. Legionnaires are requested to wear their official caps but are asked to remove them as they enter the church. 91 Make Perfect Attendance At John A. Holmes High School Cecil W. Fry, principal of John A. Holmes High School, re ports that 91 students in the school had perfect attendance for the school year and will be presented perfect attendance cer tificates. The 91 included the following: 7th Grade —Judy White, Carol Bryant, Ellen Cuthrell, Carroll Lassiter, George Ronnie Harrell, Billy Perry, Billy Wallace, Bud dy White, Harriet Barrow, Mar garet Nixon, Jane Parks, Steve Davenport, Louis Harrell, Kent Haskett, Frankie Katkaveck, Douglas Maxwell, Darrell Park- New Schedule Os Hours At Library During the months that school is closed hours at Shepard-Pru den Memorial Library will be as follows: Monday through Saturday 9:30 to 12:00; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 2:30 to 5:30; Monday and Thursday evenings, 7:30 to 8:30. yhe library will be closed Wednesday and Saturday after noons. Various awards will be pre sented including the following: Orion by Herbert Hollowell, Jr.; Business and Professional Wo man’s Club by Mrs. Lena M. Leary; bus drivers by Herbert Hollowell, Jr.; DAR Citizenship by Mrs. Mary Leggett Brown ing; Edenton Woman’s Club by Mrs. George A. Byrum; most valuable girl athlete by Miss Sally Blue Lytch; most valuable boy athlete by Jerry McGee; nursing scholarship by Mrs. Continued on Page 3, Section 1 idnii ANNIE LAURA WHITEMAN Sal ul at on an . Edentt » nowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, May 30,1963 [Dinner Is Plan, ft To Honor Chow 1| Gold Star Paret-J Affair to Be Held at VFW Building Tues day Night, June 4 at 8 O’clock William H. Coffield, Jr. Post No. 9280, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and its ladies’ auxiliary will have a dinner honoring the Gold Star parents of Cho wan County. The dinner is scheduled to be held Tuesday night, June 4, at 8 o’clock at the VFW Post Home on the old Hertford Road. Wesley Cullipher of Elizabeth City will be guest speaker. Invitations have been sent to all white Gold Star parents that are known by the post. If any parent does not receive an in vitation, please contact either Mrs. Doris Toler at 482-3474, Mrs. George Conner at 482-4178 or Noah Goodwin, Jr., at 482- 3039. Transportation will be furnish ed if desired, by calling the above numbers. er, Ray Potts, Paul Williams, Susan Johnson, Lanse Adams and Ervin Thomas Harris. Bth Grade —Sanfra Ange, Til lie Cordon, Phyllis Miller, Jack Jolly, Stanley Pratt, Tommy Robey, Iris Bass, Rita Wheeler, Jimmy Keeter, Francis O’Neal, Larry Parks, Bill Potts, Mike Spruill, Joanne Covington, Su san Skiles, Jesse Cartwright, Johnny Dowd, Danny Robertson and Tommy Willis. 9th Grade—Mary Boyce, Bren da Penny, Bobby Francis, Ker Layton. June Berry, Cherry '7ontiau*d ot» Pag* S—Section 1 Fishing Area Is To Be Doubled Project Five Miles West of Edenton to Cost $18,700 } Congressman Herbert C. Bon ner last week announced that five projects under the .accelerat ed public works program had been approved in the First Dis ! trict by the Fish and Wildlife Service of the U. S. Department . of the Interior and the State of North Carolina. The projects included access area enlargement at Coinjock in Currituck County, fishing access area enlargement at Eden House Bridge in Chowan County, fish- Continued on Page 3, Section 1 Switzerland Youth Visiting In Chowan Charles-Louis Besson, TFYE delegate from Echallens (VD) Switzerland, arrived in Chowan County on May 17. He will visit the county through June 12. The International Farm Youth Exchange (IFYE) is a 4-H peo ple-to-people .program for select ed young people from the Unit ,ed States to live and work with young people in other countries; and for young people from co operating countries to come to the United States for a similar experience. While in Chowan County his host families will be Mr. and Mrs. C- W. Overman, Mr. and Mrs. I. Lester Harrell and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leary. New Management For Sinclair Station ‘Another change in service sta tion management has taken i place with the Sinclair Service Station at the corner of Broad and Queen Streets changing hands recently. The station, formerly operated I by Erwin Griffin, is now under the management of John B. Simpson and C- C. Baker, Jr. ' Mr. Simpson is proprietor and Mr. Baker is general manager. The station will be known as Simpson Sinclair Service and both new operators invite the continued patronage of old cus-, tomers as well as new ones. I j Jerry Tolley Stars At East Carolina College . I HII ■ ’ - ■ 111 1 1 Pictured above is Jerry Tolley of Edenton, who scored 69% points for the East Carolina College track team this spring. The East Carolina Pirates posted a winning season with a 5-4 record. Tolley garnered his score in the 100, 220, relay, hop-step-jump and broad jump. Fishing Contest In Progress For Youngsters Under 16 Years Old Will the youngsters beat out their dads in the current fishing contest sponsored by the Eden ton Chamber of Commerce? For the first time starting Saturday, June 1 and running through to the end of June, youngsters un der 16 years of age are com peting in the same classifications as the seniors, with the excep tion of rock fish. The compe tition among the juniors will re sult in awarding separate prizes in each of the classifications i which are speckled perch (crap pie), largemouth bass, bream and j white perch. tocttonMTr Open On June 3rd Evan Griffin of Wil liamston Will Be Auctioneer The Chowan Cooperative Ex change is scheduled to open its auction block at Valhalla Mon day afternoon, June 3, with auc tion of current vegetables such as snap beans, cabbage and squash beginning at 1 o’clock. Evan Griffin has been secured to serve as auctioneer this year. Mr. Griffin is a well known auc tioneer from Williamston who is well acquainted with the job of selling farm products. All produce will be sold at auction this year with sales be ginning at 1 o’clock each day. L. C. Bunch is president of Chowan Cooperative Produce Exchange, with Roy Byrum, vice president and Paul Ober, secretary and treasurer. BPW Club Meets At Smith Cottage The Edenton Business and Professional Women’s Club will meet Wednesday night, June 5, at 6:30 o’clock at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Percy L. Smith. This will be a covered dish sup per and each .member is urged to be present and to bring a guest. 34 Seniors To Graduate Friday At D. F. Walker High School A graduation exercise will be held at D. F. Walker High School Friday night, May 31, when 34 members of the graduating class are scheduled to receive their diplomas. The exercise will be held in the gymtorium begin ning at 8 o’clock. Diplomas will be presented by Superintendent Hiram Mayo. Sarah Mae Carter is valedic torian of the class and Alonza Augustus Slade is salutatorian, both of whom will deliver ad dresses on the program. Prayer will be offered by-Melvin White and Superintendent Hiram Mayo will be the graduation speaker. Special music will be rendertd by the school band. Members of the 1963 gradual ,ing class indude: Welma Au gustus Arnold, Barbara Ann! Prizes in the junior contest will consist of nationally adver tised fishing tackle. Dr. Ed Bond, chairman of the Recreation Committee, in re viewing the current title holders in the senior contest which also runs through the end of June, said that the largemouth bass to beat is one boated by Murray P. Bond, Route 3, Edenton, whose bass weighed in at B*6 pounds and was 23 inches in length. In the speckled perch classi fication the present title holder Continued on Page s—Section 1 Guest Speaker for Meeting Os Council Mrs. Walter Ward to Attend Meeting June sth Mrs. Walter Ward of Cora peake, Gates County’s delegate to the Citizenship Conference in Washington, D. C-, will speak at the Chowan County Home Demonstration County Council meeting Wednesday afternoon, June 5, at 2:30 o’clock. The meeting will be held in the ball room of Hotel Joseph Hewes. Items of business include: (1) Home Maker’s Week, June 18- 21; (2) State Music Workshop, June 24-28; (3) Plans for Home Demonstration Night at Lost Colony, Saturday, July 13; (4) County Fair, September 16-21; (5) Benefit Supper, October 8; (6) Achievement Day, October 30; and (7) Husbands’ Supper, November 19. Mrs. M. T. Barrington, Coun ty Council President, will pre side and Byrd Home Demon- Istration Club will serve as hos tess. BANKS CLOSED TODAY Peoples Bank & Trust Com pany and the Consumer Credit Branch will be closed all day today (Thursday). The closing is due to the observance of Me morial Day. Blount, Cleveland Augustus Blount, Sarah Mae Carter, Lois Jean -Carter, Robert Lee Cope land, Lloyd Alvin Coston, David Scott Felton, Vann Frederick Fleming, Jeanetta Hall, Clarence Earl Hardy, Calvin Jemigan Holley, Doris Lee Jenkins, Bren da Dean Johnson, Thomas Earl Johnson, Marshall Israel Jordan, William Kelly Jordan, George Delma Mizzelle, Dorothy Louise Morris, Rosa Mary Nixon, Em ma Jane Owens, William Ed ward Perry, Yvonne Earline Rid dick, Maggie Louise Simpson, Alonza Augustus Slade, Susie Ann Stallings, Ruechell Sutton, Clarence McKinley Vaughn, Wanya Lee West, Frank White, Lawrence Eli White and Melvin Ray White. I Continued ot Page 8 BecHoo 1 Fashion Show To Feature Meeting Os Woman’s Club Mrs. George A. By rum Appoints Divi sion and Department Chairmen A fashion show will highlight j the luncheon meeting of the. Edenton Woman’s Club Wednes day afternoon, June 5 at 1 o’clock at the Edenton Restau rant. Sportswear will be featured, by Belk-Tyler’s. This will also be the club’s j annual planning meeting for the year. Mrs. George A. Byrum, new president, urges all club members to be present. Mrs. Byrum has announced the following department and division chairmen: American Home: Marian Dow- j num. Garden, Carolyn Raines; Religion, Lucille Bond; Pilgrim age, Lena Harrell. Communications: Kit Fore hand. Yearbook, Alice Twiddy; Program, Mary Esther George; Pressbook, Patsy McGee; Pub licity, Jackie Ricks; Scrapbook, Continued on Page 3, Section 1 14 Edenton Teachers Tender Resignations From Faculties At least 14 Edenton school teachers will not return for the next term of school, for that number have tendered their res ignations, according to Superin tendent Hiram Mayo. A goodly number of the vacancies have already been filled and Mr. Mayo expects little difficulty in having a full faculty when school reopens next fall. Among the resignations are: Elementary School Ruby [20% Os Savings Bonds Quota Sold In Chowan County! R. Graham White Re-j ports April Sales at $4,457; Sales $22,314! For Quarter R. Graham White, who heads the U. S. Savings bonds pro gram in Chowan County, reports that sales in the county during April amounted to $4,457. Thus far this year county sales amount to $22,314. The quota for 1963 is $111,320, so that the county has sold 20 per cent of its annual quota. During April new purchases of Series E and Series H Savings Bonds in North Carolina amount ed to $4,223,799. This is 4.7 per cent above April a year ago. Totals for the first four months of 1963 show cash sales of E and H Bonds amounted to $18,037,- 776, which is 4.6 per cent above the same period of last year. Continued on Page 3. Section 1 Mayo Speaker At Pamlico Exercise The speaker for commencement j exercises at the Pamlico County: High School at Bayboro, N. C was Hiram J. Mayo, superin tendent of the Edenton City Schools. The commencement address was delivered on Monday even ing, May 27. Mr. Mayo is a native of Pamlico County and graduated from the high school in 1940. License Examiner Has New Hours J. E. White, driver license ex- I aminer, announces a change in | the hours he will be in his of- j fice at the Edenton Police De partment. Effective Monday, June 3, through August 30, the office hours will be from 8 A. M., to 5 P. M. EASTERN STAR MEETING Edenton Chapter No. 302, Or der of the Eastern Star, will meet Monday night, June 3, at 8 o’clock. Mrs. Elton Boswell, worthy matron, urges all mem bers to be present $3.00 Per Year In North Carolina Industrial Leaders Os Chowan County Honored At Dinner Tuesday Night Saluted By Seniors \ Mkf'% ? R. H. COPELAND Serving as principal at Cho wan High School for nine years, K. H. Copeland has tendered his resignation and the May is sue of the school paper, "The Chowanian," pays high tribute to him. Felts, retiring after many years as teacher of the second grade: Mrs. Martha Stanton, fourth grade. John A. Holmes High School— Archie B. Fairley, science, re turning to college to complete work on his doctorate; Paul Stanton, guidance counselor, to become principal of Chowan i High School; James D. Cozart, band director, to affiliate with 1 Continued on Page 3, Section 1 Mrs. J. Edwin Buff lap Breaks Arm Sunday Mrs. J. Edwin Bufflap had the misfortune to break her right arm at the wrist Sunday after noon. The accident occurred at [Rocky Mount where she visited her son, Martin Zimmerman, who lives at the Atlantic Coast Line Y.M.C.A., while employed at radio station WCEC. Mrs. Bufflap fell on the steps of the Y.M.C.A. building throw ing h@r violently down three or four steps. She was taken to the Rocky Mount Sanatorium nearby, where the broken arm was Xrrayed and put in splints. She returned to Edenton where the arm was placed in a cast a Chowan Hospital. 33 Seniors Will Graduate At Chowan High School Tonight Commencement exercises be gan at Chowan High School Sunday night, when the bacca-1 laureate service was held in the J school auditorium at 8 o’clock, j The baccalaureate sermon was preached by the Rev. George; Cooke, pastor of Ballard's Bridge [ Baptist Church. The invocation was by the Rev. Warren Rollins, j pastor of Warwick Baptist I Church and benediction by the Rev. Henry Napier, pastor of Center Hill Baptist Church. Special music for the program was provided by the Glee Club! Class Leaders At Chowan High School sag * JUDY ANN HASTE Valedictorian Thirtv-one seniors will graduate tonight at Chowan High School. Judy Ann Haste, daughter of Mrs. Eleanor Haste Taylor, is valedictorian with an average of 9642. Frances Leigh Jordan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Elton Jordan, is tahitalariaa with an average of 94.32. The two girls will give the welcome and farewell addresses tonight. * . ; FIGHT CANCER * WITH A CHECKUP j AND CHECK Large Number Gath er In American Le gion Building Tues day Night Sponsored by the Edenton Chamber of Commerce, leaders of various industries in Chowan County were honored at an In dustrial Appreciation Banquet held Tuesday night at the American Legion Building. The dinner was served by members |of the American Legion Auxili ary and followed a delightful cocktail hour during which most of the industrial leaders of the county enjoyed fellowship with other members of the Chamber of Commerce. The cocktail hour was sponsored by individual business concerns. George A. Byrum, Chamber president, presided over the meeting and expressed his pleas ure that so many of those en gaged in industry were able to attend. He paid special tribute to them for their progress and important contribution to the economic condition of the coun ty. The invocation was made by West Byrum, Jr., vice president jof the Chamber of Commerce :and Bruce Jones recognized spe | dal guests. Following the dinner special j and very delightful jazz music was furnished by an Edenton ! trio consisting of James Cozart at the piano, Lyman Partin on drums and Jimmy Barnhill playing a bass violin. They were given a generous round of Continued on rage 6—section I [civic calendar] I - * The Wildlife Resources Com- I mission will hold a public hear ing in the Chowan County Court House Friday night. May 31, at 7:30 o'clock to consider proposed hunting and trapping regula tions for the 1963-64 season. A Memorial Day service will jbe held at the Bethel Baptist Church Sunday night, June 2. at 8 o'clock. Gold Star parents of Chowan County will be honored tJ a dinner to be held at the VFW building Tuesday night, June 4> at 8 o'clock. Edenton Chapter No. 302, Or der of the Eastern Star, will meet Monday night, June 3, at 8 o'clock. Continued on Page 2—Section 1 with Miss Ceceilia Willoughby and Miss Judy Leake as accom | panists. Marshals for commencement (exercises are Scot Ober, Bobby Hollowell. Lois Chappell. John ny Winborne and Danny Long. : Mascots are Anita Lynn Cope land and Stanley Hare. David J. (Johnson is senior class sponsor. The graduation exercise will be held tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. : The invocation will be by the Rev. Harold C. Leake, pastor of Continued on Page B—Section > ** ' m • ■ . MS a g i» a mb- Safe.- ,-M m WB I d FRANCES LEIGH JORDAN Salulatorian

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