. \h 31 IT ! . it • •fcu-i' jl iciCib -vu»»»s>ir HOM . , «.r£s&E ★ ★ ; • ■ I \ >.\ One pt North Girolimi's newspaper ■ '•!(> , ( »nt -i suggested subject for this weekly ■i. : ole: ’People are worried about run-uway V.’ t;i-. squabbling a! out federal spending. <li sled that something isn't bein ', done about • •• just a lot- of talk." is certainly justified. There has been far ok tbout inflation and federal spending and >1<••!•> about it. Time ain't time at: . I have - • •: ii :..y «olleagues m the Senate fail to take of opportunities to cut fallen;) spending. And. deficit spending ■ by the federal goverri i great-est single contributor to t lit* ever ' .-ntWtinnai-y spiral. 1 • ehusis'.ently against "'any - increase in the ' Ter:. At every, opportunity f have voted to ,t .-tn’iidiiig. Atri almost always ! have Ixten it mind losing, as ;i personal thing. What t. ite 1 \ -ctoric.s enjoyed by the nig a. • r -.t.-.i ■»< \Ve simply cannot .-online •. to •(a*.; \y<* do not have. We eauiiol continue to fuel ;,4 inflation. Sooner or later, unless' controlled, it : n-p! Amei-iea, ; .. tius newspaper friend has bis finger on the i.i • . I'nqu tionably, uitiatioii indeed . ! t ttc problem. ■ this s.-mc line these past A-w weeks t:-t mei\ f>t|s ; ..- o i.-s f.-r those of us who ire ■; ''■note ,\- : k eii nr:- t oinmii tt < t’he Com* ,- ;! mao- Its report a die Fen,:.-. Nov. 1 ••>[;• i t the ' •it Pal!. i'U! i fed obliged io \ -ews oit tuo ~! (lie l>ii: i! to ■ in;, ! i wh:< i Ite : ..a or t■ • : ■ o s- .- t ■ ■■( '•• ,:c ’ y :. ~ -- .aie , -o- o or;di*ilit: h: . Id, jia:p- ir'i-- , pms ttiv did not mi • , ~di- i ip ,• od: - i.io.i ...iops i : i so tii, a . us: or as ill ago in the f: - . il;.-'' ( - o jo. .. :i( l , ■ : ,i - s statiiiit v and t f. slid I . !-. ( - 11 : ■ • eppol't till)', a "I -I ]■ dll a ■ ; d-SlUa' M ( )\\ !•': a, p, |s la'.CU I, ■ • a--: ~i t::'- ■ si.,, and second, lie must bear 'if - i ■•-'(-■' ...ids an i Sc;. v,;s. This. ' «• si. "■ ■ .o'liir; ol fo„ri -'o communist ■■ iu-n I! oe credit at -uk- id;/, d a':..- cent! . a;f: I; . , .I.dows the donation' of food- to some -.suttrtes sit does no! ..how f.xxl to he sold to. --.i!: itsii• To Committee pr - ,s 1 1 will -ii.,n . •d, sV. ;!1 be. .tll-atved. Now'. .1 ngro< hat if > eou.sr . food to our enemies., sttn it is is i pi M-i: it to 'hem. -• that wo should- do so or. a loin;, in eiOst r itrs of two per: cent. At th>- iha aom- : He tli.c the pitVfn* ■ t> ta «> T ..- ret, i to j .a.- f, .n it bv the I .S. lh e.e try - at; : ia* sAmc'- i-'Pi- tax:civi-v i hCn- a'quiad to ’■•'da. Os- toi** 1 *o ci-r sworn anemic -. In my . , IS. f. , , a . . , •-* rp, itu» it '-a < ..ta • m pro ' I.il'tl by \ cU’Ut* L»' ’iicis wit h SU'bsidivOx! f; 1. »i ; i niti",;. ks an (»xerci;v m tutjjyy -paid tor oy you. iPri>r un icasts] cosi.*» of pro :i i ■ as'mo. t m^nufoetur ;‘ ; . -jjl ..ado, (-lit n would by -soiling at 27 Cent* peu n. No \Va% Ta Tut j oil . ?k <)u Table • iruUi ;pHo lucrrarcd farm of - irr IT7I f. c : , . Jl- :*;* .u chort mi cap o crov -mi In? fallciu'd • < i .-JOO-jmwruf s.tccr r(>ad> r 'S' ,y ■; T A t >PPiNG CENTER ; r, v. ~T* *** r~j • sJ -;U y W U rnw '"l f» rfj $£ (^1 —> NKV fy St™ Si w i'r-,. k 53 ivy ' . v r ■*;> f .. • - VN. .:iviii % T, J fcs m* 1 t i ■•■Kir - ; - e-2jritoay«c='t-.*.vrkfr.-o,udwc j :,1 .tvefisesre.Weetarchfosrtheb.vtantf • cropteyee. . . .‘uttjwjowt'Mki", ti. -.JigbJtv-' .r -. . . cad rsst ua ts they were it - ;.;rf e»!e - .1 tc.i f .isefii- ii.t sii ahwr/aaf* feuasiit to t ~. r. yui sii ippred*U;i xx * pmiert •'a’sMia «s a-lsMbr in retail prrfcjsioEsaltea, ear sirfes. bst pskl snivftj expwsses in re!*t«tii«, eat - ,Ib. <i vwaßfrta isd sick le.svs, mt jvcSt tb-' .-so;; f-Sitia Stare «r4 AtsSatanl Stesr* si Ussy kt .i tkii Use ciepecyT. erff-civc . a -disir grewtSl -.eicywa ere tbs bs.-ikix.-ae cf see ecmtway, snays 1 1 .. car spfvsdetivs and thaaSy “eaipltqree pacpla” . s - Tfca Destirteeat Stero. gad t .apJetcly ccrdld-oUel laKr/Srw for Asstetvat (. ' s. -. i-rs! , “V • Psfei VOdkßOCrf 4 .. . . Cntup tt*M«« 7 ■- . -:..u -'flc.i • • Profit Sbsrtna • afckteswe . - ; .: r1 ■ rwty L o lbr«cnt fc« a.- ...... * —; I C? if i! i, ; a y , ; .s;v'-' -.4. * ' - ■ i , - %\ | f W'- yf^' f - t K I > /y - IV. u : , ! ;:gj f \ S- V ■ . wt • / S' % ■ \ f >6- \ \ ( \ S.ior.i Ni-Kon ismJ*. . ■ i*'• 11;i 1 ,g,;" ■■■ photograplier when sin wont to til, !v;t< ii In a -sr " euting at Fort Walton Beach, . vacation resort a Noti.hwi FI rida’s Mir.uk- Strip. family ; csrm Proves \T'7 : Slmiici To Motherhood f yb^^j^Luff S (',to?':, " ••) 111 < I a-. !} tl „V id * ol , •' -'■ «' * \ • \ * ,/\ ‘ • / motherl-ood. re r.r.Nr m- ■ V..„- "tltutl.;: . "•"•N-"' On about i* a vjit of >.>- -• / C.S farms. A; oper." ;r a::d . . , , .. hi. : family supply th. 1t cm ’ ' '' " . it*/ ol labor luid ate : -. jitsr '" ' '' , b'e for two-thirds of the nn- he ,-n <>-*nu.-. c o-u t.r.n s farm production. ' TTVtpT 'K T T X |lv PPMIPPP¥¥ ii ibL Crhdj- ii,; y aurom Id V, fy r liu a. : . J *.• \ *u* ■* l l C*:>• '.W I 5 .. fx'a: ir'yivi ’l , t 1 ’ •«> t■* **>l^2 Colli) i' iti l l .' 1 , i.i 1 ... c . ihci 'i :. ' ; C . ' Ce Cribb. .James' !i„ »of 1 '. ■x. C 1 ~ Cuip..,T-:, WoorirTc V.', U KT tc. 0. lot 1:10 _ , see. D 'a..,_ C":nbiitolx ri ft.. !o! Cl ::<■<•. K:'l<H y.‘" MX. K 1.;v22 Cl- i-s N. and '.wu.-, k : lot ok Din jhei-itv, Antoinette -,.tui Benjamin T., loth 13-1 er-i iy 1 sec. if: Da-Vf-nno:-?. L.-rie; i'd'* ar;i.. 1.: RV -.-. ’•; i t Dav- .1 r.-in-v.r .lot To A ;,i. Ac. is ' _ y w" •*; KuL-.A ltd tv w .1. :".sl A: met to, fi ..a: A: "ipt-. IT,- VO njid T" see, p - _ _■ 3ii,b Bure,' Lit 1 her 11. -.ml 'w:‘,.. lot •3C set; A; lot •')•- ;c< K Kl-:.)-4 Ever-ui, Clarence K rvl wife, lot M7 'sec. tl Eenwsl 1 .-Cotim.uve, lot ;7.' e. E V.iJ ?<..-be”, C-I ’-.t.-M in. r c i'.de -n ? ;.. Imt 1« ; 0 Forehand, Y.ulhun. B'. . wife, lot CO -CO. H: '.ot i ,‘j ‘‘A Frny.'o, NilJ K., m I'T .e,- AH’ : i . ; d Os -..e. i> KX (av, Edwin ’ :1. -. . I-': lot Ud rr K K'- Gen tan... !Tthi. ml wm, -e-I -11 ce. E 1 ; Gilbert. Ear! E.. 1- -lb - Hi e c. M Gl.utb’ve, Wi’lii F . -ot 71- ■ •-, I. • !>• y Gordon. 1r- tit-- 1..t .nr: house :• c. (' 1 ' Or ceil ■:■ t.-.itl (•*. .c. ’.an, 1-G HU, 102 .-.e..K. 0.'.! < Guihfie. Wilbur K . iv alt . re. C ’Hall, Alii? \h, .Ir, sivi wife, lot 223 sec. E 7.fC Hamme-t. .'a. - V. . .m v-Te, lots 123, 122 w. K 2 -he | Hancock. -.Willi: tn K. -.rd ivilc, lot 2 sec. .i ' Hanna, ivelvn lot-a - 121, 122 sec. F --Hare-, van,..-' Dots.:' t.. lot 122 sic. D Ifarpar, Thert'-n;A. a’"’ Gin* va, lots 173. 170 see. D V- :.4 | Harris, Paul P., .Jr.. 1c Mil stc. IvT Ht u, Tub. rt ,i.. a I.- ; :id -tii see. E; K ;;{) f y C , y 27.00 Hitt, Ilors n .J. ,nJ Fk--t. F.. lots 96, 07, 100 and .-el vise. lot GO sec i-: Jloifmaii. iI 1 i*iiao*i, IJU1 J U . c. B 1 Hopyr-.e, Edw.u-i I’.. lot 112 ce. J 7 c. Hogg, Jos'-ph C. -;:o wile, let 70 see. J. IrbyT Cliffoul lm 2f) - P; lot 50 see. I .Jacobson, EKellc. lot 1-12 see. B 11.12 Jakemrtii, Luv.-in-ikc Cl., lot 136 sec. C; lots i ;5 unci 1411 J 220 ! Jakemun, Mary r...1m 135 sec. C _ 7.03 Ernest I). ;uvd wife,'.-jots 173, 171 see. :! 13.31 Jockens, Kol« ;t .Sr., ;lnd wife, lot 7 fee.. A <-2*2 Johnson,. Milieu Ido ttd wife, lots 75, 7(1 sec. J 13.64 Jon.-. Clyde \Y Jr !• ■>- 126. 127, 120 sec. J 2<>.7ii Jones, William h. and wile, lots 115 and 11H -it' 13 49.35* Kennedy Michael J. and wife, lot 1-16 see. K 6.62 Knapp, Billy -K . sot ! -5 . D 7.‘)2 Ladoga, Liropoldo E. . in.' wit’e, lot -li sec. 1) 1 J.2JJ Lane, H. It., lot 131-see. C ‘ . 6.U? ’ Lassiter, Erne.: li., Jr., and wife-,- lot, 32 sec'. F; lot G 2 see. F 17.30 Lithrob, Pddjili - E-. h>t IP) yve. M 7.22 Lawrence, Herbc-tv. XV., let GO sec. A 7.02 Jaytoh, John TJaiiVtas u wiff, lots 13C, 130 see. 13 10.0:1 i-aiai: • v T. -and wife. Ibis 70, 70 and : House unit JuJ '66. act, K 52.0-1 Lewis, Rod. vie W. and Dorothy -T., lots 213 and 219 ;a-v. K and lei 30 and 39 dec. J 27.(3! McQuitty, Edward D., lots TO arid 11'see. J 15.22 MeJuit'ty. Edward D., lots 10 mid 11 sec. J 15.22 Manby, John !i. and wit-, lot 31 see. K 7.02 Mansfield; William M. and wife. Jot 72 see. L 11.12 Miller, Donald H„ lot JO4, „,cc. D; lots 33, 31, 44 foe. P G2.U3 Miller, Donald IL. lots 23, 34, 35, 36, 27 and 38 3d, 36, 37, 30 see. G 3J.,>5 Mitchell, Robert C. -iml Heleti, Jot 51 anci house blk. A; lot 52 blk, A; lots 163 and 104 blk. J 178.64 Mcorc, Jesse W., lot 100 blk. D 7.92- Mowerv, LjndSvv and wile, lots 20f>, 201, 215, 21ti and 217‘bn.. K 34.60 Myers, Marvin L. and Wife, lot 13 blh. G 4.33 Myers, Raymon Leroy, Jot 22 blk. J 7.92 Overstreet, Kenneth 11. and Grace, lots 29 and 30 blk. L 33.31 Palatini, Carol A., lots 7<> and 77 blk. M 15.22 Peel, James N. and Allia, lots 231, 232, 233, 234 blk. K 27.65 Peterson, Norman A. and Judith A.. I t 73 blk. E 6.92 Phelps, A. Louis and other®, lots 101, 107 blk. C 15.22 Phelps, Tommie David and Dorothy B, lots 51 and 52 blk. J 13.14 Polansky, Leon E. and wife, lot 27 blk. L 7.92 Pclston, William and Mary, lots 68 and 69 blk. J 59.60 Purcell, heirs of Harry M., lot 95 bik. E 7.92 Rogister, Arnold, lot 53 blk. A 6.92 Rosser, Donald F., lot 76 blk. E 7.22 Russell, Ernest 8., Sr., and wife, lots 8, 9 blk. A 26.64 ■Russell, J. C„ lot 75 blk B 7.92 THE CHOWAN HERALD Sanderlin Gary L. and wife, lot 61 blk. E 11.42 Savage, Ronald, lots 123 and 124 blk. F 8-65 Sawyer, Robert E., lot 25 blk. M Scarano, Anthony, lot 13 blk. D ” 92 Scblegel, Lamar J.. lot 26 blk. F t Scott. George G. and wib . he 34 ate 2., i* ■■- *- ’ Sedath, George L. and wile, lots ..1, 33 blk. K 82.-1 Shearing, Kathryn R., lot 103 blk. D 17.250 Shelton, Jack D. and wife, lot 1 11 blk. D .>..13 Simpson, William C., lot 113 blk. M 1: Sulks, Billy G„ lot 143 blk; K . .9-92 Slouue, George and wife, lots 40. 41 blit. 5- 1u.22 Smith, Charles J., Jr., jot 12-1 blk. C Smith, Kay H., lot 7-4 blk. C Spider, Joseph -C. and wife, lots 1-16, 147 blk. M 15 22 Spruill, Bobby G. and wile, lot 22 blk G a ... Stancell, William M., lot 7;; till- V) Stone, Edna L., lots 5 and (i blk. F 9.6. Strothmain, Charhs E. .-11111 Norruhri A Pc-tt 1 on lot 74 blk. E 7.62 Strotliman, Charles E., lot 7.5 blk. K Slut/, Raymond C. and who 174 blk. F, 8 ','i Sublett, Cecil A., lot 17 tills. 6 T ./' h. Doris R. and Attdr. wH . !•;! J l 's- ' ! 7.9~ Thikhani, Jasper P. and Evelyn hi.. Jot 2 y 14.26 • Tv.'or. John E. and wife, lots 494. 1 •- |! 1 V.-ivacielis, Peßr G„ lots 126. 127 b". ' ’.s’': Vick, Florence Mopro and others, lot 7:92 Walkt::, Earl, lots 79 and 9 blk. J 1 22 Wallace Franklin and wife, lot 112 1.2::. 1 1.42 War'd. Ralph W. and Ethel JL. l.i’t- 14. 15 !;iu. •' n. 34 Wdi-t-sr. Daniel A and wifi-, lot It blk. M - '’.:l2 Wei- , T-'iy 1?.., I-.-,-- 191 and 193 blk. TJ White, Elu'it; E. and wile, lots 91. 92 blk 2 D 22 W l , j. -. bVihism p ;,i.d Luis A., Ira ’ f)7, Git b'a. J Kt. tt \’,h ■ . : il C . lot. l(-5. inti. 107. bik. 'I '22 : i Whitmore, .!. W, Kit 177 and house blk. C c Wieluibeek, Norris W, lot 193 blk. K • ' aIV iliiar. s. George, Jr.. I t 111 blk. J J W-! 11:.;? I(ji-i .'T- J. ; r.d wit,.: E\il>lt ji, lot 4 blk. F L.!2 \\ :.,e.b!e. Ja.m.-s V 2. an-; wife. 2 17 3,;. D: la j - ::l i and 214 bik K : ''-l •• Wei ley. Wayne, lot i2O blk X 7.92 - Voting Robert, b ‘ .-.-1 i h, F. I 1:: - Yeuru.. li >be: I ik :. i-, a ! 1;.; 0 -t. 1 bik. H R‘ I 'iitir,i> TOWNSHIP Cm jKiratiaiis ■ Ti V . Ira . A. .'a o' ;■ ■■ 53 :>'< !.; . . ;•■>•■■■ i 4J 2. ii ;1< a- K. N Eilt* ' : •••> !2 H, I I.' 1,-:.- -v; a- : hi iby J. p. A. •■■ - T ii i - :kk p.ii. A. iii'i h-n;--: • 1 J. .’ .A. bid an I!- mil a. land, t-n in'it i i r.T in.ipj-’.al, i: uTV V, i'lil A. G: i! -.in ! mu * ".li :/.-p ■!. A. . r.d G; nr.v;' C. 1 A. W. !i; 2 A. eiiui a! i - ('"a .r.o I! .'a, v E, A, S it. Road C.bayy. d. S-. sad till ■ ’■ A. \A *’i i !' Re * ! - -J.t , _ ; . H' : ’u.:!i ami Eli. ah 2 A-dn.-w hum; V- A. J. ( a Yu iiu; I-i'ttiti 1> ■ . (••■■. !- n f J. ; dddi'at '■ hoc -t: 1’ r -1" K Ce'trr '-.rd, ’.'iv n o.‘ atvi - -if., J A. W. J. Out a t a ... . • T A V I'.-}, ! .T. - 51. a ~ \ ,i!ei- and v ii- .26. VS. 11. F ui, i t’• t i -. » . 1 i> I VA -.dan L, 7.77 \. 15 S Ra,d 4! ' • D: rie-n. A. D, .26 A. Twine l.md. C.mnx'n 1A r |-v Ready ' - .6-'- Elite:*. heirs of L. H, Ki.l A M >iurose, E. N. ... UlOTt . 21.71 EKii.t.f,' Richard Tii' • A and i Vi'r ;i-ni-■ R'.-'d. Kill ■’‘ 51.57 FtV tinao and vib 1 A It.- atid tic-u. t- ' 26 4;' . ,-id iieiof . ■ i> . ! • Twine ianri ' 2.6i> ■ V iit.ee Doit'.':.-. 1 \. B ‘-mu Wmetietd i; .- ! Blanche Ti, I A Ihnrutt. Pul: and home. V W. lend 40.32 li . a v heirs of Ck.-aruon C, 12.92 A. Georgt.tuiu liolb v, Welch land 27.38 ii C. J, Hi A. W. J. Hi-Uowe’l "1.2:; if I' ~tt. William Font.,!, -md wife, .'4B L. N. I'mphkU; .26 Humpb.h-tt-Ch ,np, 11, B. P. Road 62 07 11'l'.-rlle, JurL-nn .uiti 11.i! 1 . ,1 lot end home, Elliott 2,3219 J": -, -.Colunibus and Robert a.- A. Randolph- Twino-Lamb lp; 16 J-vaiat'., Oil ii Oik.’! ivi Bentrifi K, 1-a .!<-.l hou «.-, 1:1:. i Elliott 21 2 • Lamb. Bennie, and Chrislhie Ida.., A. Lamb rui: ( v Larbi.rt R ,v. 1 A. fi: cu 1 I’ii'yc-: :-V 66 I, -v. Mack and vift. 1 A. •!'. -V.’ Road Jiou-i ■-! -'2 M-Uu- Solomon, Jr, and H,, t A. :.r,i In.a. t . L. 1 •'• Twin.- 7-1 • '’t -n. iH-un i.-f Hit’. 16 ,\.‘ Niki n j-!;a ■ .4,'.3 Now !', h- tr., of Mi-I'cr f ’ A E N Ftlfeti. G: i.'t :■ i II 22,' 2 I a i. •• Wtiliatt! F . .3) !'lb I .ltd ti-.i ii. 11 : Rami !rb, J. G, 2! A. G. i, ,4 A. Gum F'-tt i: 2 A. 11(. I’d -n, h: n i d k, use • NT! Ratmir i. in-:.- o; Xiuit.i- » . 2" .4 ti P. Ro.ii, ■'-.it i. S. U. Rorai 5 ■ ; RoUifree Louis R, 1 .! O T • . Ifwhwav 42 39,49 Sanfo’-rl. Mrs. Gaia i v P,„ 1 A Davidson, Pm; Ilov-J 6 - .iliin;:s, Roliert I>. anil J. an \V . 2’. A.- Iu- :te White tract a r.d It. use 96. i: Swain, George .Alton, 1m .tvl , . 1, P, Chappil! 32.25 l\vies, Isaac and I .I'lil-1 . t i . . Eiiiu.-t 2.;. 15 i’,' lor, Slicrman I.i, lot .til hou-e, R. C. N.--a n 16. W rd, Gcor:v C, 76 IL N. W -! t-ict ud.'.e Win-lb'.e, T.arrv (7. and P* 9 A Had e-: T-UCt; T> A. Wri/hl pin r .ti hi x I'l.'tv SMiir (Curponitiiwi.) Chowan Credit I'm n. Ipe.. 27 H' > .- . 3 ii ' Wooii. icle ; 23 A, VA - i Pi :!, Neabi-,' 2 A. i i 'V .’ ~ Bond, Frank Jr., imil W<t . ' A Hi ii; G: oy, i.f< Hemu-r, Heirs of Ed, 13 A, Mnttisume-y Eottner, Hurry Lee, Jr, 37 A, lot and house. Alexander; * j A. .!. f. .Mexund.-r Boh tier. Hairs ol Ricli ircl, ! . A. Aibcr* Ily rum Tract and house 22.-, Ijuone. Nieie S, 5 A. R-.b.rt : Tract; 4 A. V H, S'-iitmcr . - '• 15,47 Boone, Stanley William. 43 A. Robert 73.6, Bow it, Fred A, and Vii-turiu lb —of, 2' - A. Holley Grove, 17 A. Holley C ow 16. L. H. .i’ll. Fred D. 'i A. Holly Grey'- Tract, Bp '. n Store 14 57 Brown, John Willie, lot, J. li. Brown 2.60 Brown, heirs of Simeon. ’4 A. Hollty. Grow 19.21. Rttneh, Heirs of Oscar and Wife. 1 lut and Fill.it .2 Station 76. JG Carter, heirs of William, 1 A. Holley Grove • 3.40 Collin.--, Haywood anu Wife, .45 A. Warren Tract- Creighton 6.92 Collins, Heirs of Martha. 15 .\, Leggett Tract . 3.57. Co tun, Janies E., 1 A. Ilo!!yy Grove 4.46 Cranford, James F, mil Wife, house and lot, Bateman 109.37 Creighton, William and Elizabeth. 23.74 A. War ren Tract; h A, Yeapiti, Fork Tract and house 80.96 Crayton, William Ed. Jr, and Wife, house and lot, Alexander 99.56 Fleming, Willie and Elizabeth It, '_• A. lot Woou : ide-Horton 11.46 Granby, Charles Clifton Heirs ot, 10 A. Tigcrsville Tract; 22'A A. Gum Pond 36.82 Harrell Henry W, 44 A. Brinkley-; 48K A. Brinkley * ~ 51.7,4 Harris, J. Thomas, 2't A. Woodside 1j.46 Hobowsky, Jacob and Others. 10 A. VGiitehouse 8.65 Holley, Minnie and others, 10 A. Hclley Grove 4.4 G Jethro, Larry Lee and Wife, 1 A. Lowther- Twiddy 6.92 Jones, Leslcr A, .4 A. Oak Grove; 2 A. Holley Grove; building on leased land ' 79.78 Jones, Mattie M., lot J. J. Alexander; lot Holly Grove-Coston " 15.22 Lane, Walter Smith and Wife, house and lot, Twiddy 135.03 Lawrence, heirs cf Fred, s'-j A. Holley Grove; 7 A. Holley' Grove, Brinkley 25.09 Lawrence, Tharlton. 3 A. Holley Grove 21.02 Littlejohn, Calvin, 17.5 A. Johnson Littlejohn 159.51 Littlejohn. Wildred Linton, 10 A. Brinkley-Jordan- Littlejohn Tract 21.45 Long, heirs of Edgar and Camilla, 7’-: A. Holley Grove 3 25 Long, Priscilla, 24 A. Abram Paxton Woodard Balance 17.00 Lowther, heirs of John Edward, 2 A. Holley Grove 1.87 Moore, Russell E., and Wife, lot No. 6 Woodard Division 6-92 Nixon. Ernest and wife, .47 A. Rose Garden Sub division; lot No. 2 and house 125.01 Nixon. Harry, 36 A. Halsey Tract 57.09 Nixon. Heirs of Joseph, 66 A. Pratt-Nixon; 35 A. Collins; 32 A. Norcum 05.33 Nowell, Arthur, house and lot, E. D. Nowell 32.70 Nov., 11. Heirs of E. D., 29.7 A. Woodside Tract 31.22 Outlaw, Joseph, 2',4 A. Woodside 12.46 Overton, Noah, 5 A. Holley Grove 3.60 p.;u. on, Mnlachi, \‘t A. Holley Grove and house 13.34 Pi.i-t; . Haywood and Wife, lot No. 1 Woodard Subdivision; Nixon Beach 4.40 volt, Thelma M. and Sally, 110 A. Jordan 33.30 F Ear! M. and Earline, 29 A Holley Grove 14.53 .''-'bi.Tts George, 40 A. Woodside Tract 44.94 ' ■ Marvin L.. and Wife, .89 Warren Tract 6.92 ■ - bert.-. William T. and Mary W.. house and ■ Swindell land 174.35 Saw r, Joseph, 1 A. and house. Holley Grove Traci 41.78 Taylor. Heiis of Annie 8.. 7la A. Locust Grove 3.20 v, • .-worth, Hilton Earl, 1 A. and house, White lou.-e School 58.50 W Minnie Halsey, house and lut 111x112 ft. 24.74 vV !' .. Elnora C.., 1 lot and house, H. A. Perry 33.49 Wwon, M.-.linda, li A. James K. Brown 3.60 Welch, heirs of McKinley, J 6*.a A G W. Bi nneiL, 53.28 White, James Monroe, house. John F. White : T: u • 4.84 Wii:*. burst, D. T. and wife, 17 A. R. E. Cnfjcld, •167 Oak Grove; 30 A. Beach I-land— Balance 477.31 Lb Robert H., Jr. and Wife, hou-e and lot. : Perry) 60.29 William.--,- - Alice L. and others. A and house, Johnson Littlejohn 17.13 to. Warren Lee, house and lot. S T. A! bander 48.25 V '.' . heir.- of John H., 26 A. Holley G.o'-e. 13F • V William MeClennev 05 66 •' 1 . Joseph Leroy, 6.29 A. Cain-Benibury 4.07 '■' d Matthew U. anil wife, I A. Hollev Grow- Wi11... 30.84 William Ed and Othu . •'! A. Abram P xt'd: ' 3.30 nburne. Laura Taylor, 2'2 A. June- Lu Tr:..— 2.16 CAPE COLONY (Corporations) Aq’ia Co., lot 10 and 11, blk. 315 . 13.84 C '■ 1 Water Works, Inc., NCO Club: bid;'. r n D; (2) Quonset Huts. 1 te.. bid.:. No. 7 193.59 V/.iter Corp., 13.3 A.. Pun p Shed. W :tcr • tc. 452.42 Lev ell E., lot and ol 6, lalk 307 10 38 in", i'. Ernest, lot 5, blk. 303 7.92 ' rung, L. D., lot 10, blk. 310 7.92 Eddie A., lot 13, blk. 315 7.92 . William T., lots 23. 24. 25. 26. 27 md P. L:k. 315 41.52 . William C., lot 43, blk. 311 7.92 buy. lie K„ lots 13 -and 14. blk. 223 13.34 - .M ihlon L. and wife, lot 62. blk. 1: loi ' and house blk. 308 4LO! :• Andrew H., lot 7, blk. 304 7.92 b a. Marion 8.. lot 19. blk. 307 7.92 ; n. Winfred and Betty, lot 37 blk 310. lot 01. blk. 309 13.34 Boykin. Jimmy F., end Wife, lot 23. blk UJS 6.92 a James Ray and Nam-v. l"t 28. blk. 1 5.63 Bn iu.rd W„ lot 31, blk. 105 6.92 Pa if. Fred, Jr., lot 10, blk. 222 0.92 :. Daniel L., and Wife, lot 56. blk. uin 6.92 B ti k Dew- v L.. lot 20, blk. 223 7.92 Feed,n. ,i. !)., lot 23, blk. 108 il.. Daniels 1 4.46 a. ' -me, R., and Wife. lots 11 12. blk. 222 15.22 ■ rd. Reuben K., lot 65, blk. 311 6.92 - 1-iiJF, Thomas, lot 20 and 21. blk 306; lot "a blk. 301 15.57 ..... Michael and Edith V., lot 12. blk. ill 7.92 t'-r. Joseph E., and Dorotlu- H. lot 15. bill. 11l 15.22 ' James M„ lot 9. blk. 107 Balance 10.81 • • . P.rnddy 8., lot 8, blk. 107 2J.63 :.. Ruth Ange, 6.68 A. U. P Tenet (FI -and eifice; 7.523 A. Tract G-l 119.68 •a n. C. T.. 65 A. Tract G-2 3.66 tie Robert, lot 31, blk. 304 23 03 • Randall L., lot 8, blk. 309 6.92 ... linrer, lots 3 and 4. blk. 304 13.22 a in. ltd, Wesley 0., lot 23, blk. 220 6.92 laugh, Robert, lot 75, blk-. 310 7 92 ' a Frank R., lot 4, blk. 307 6.92 ti . CF urge W„ Sr., and Wife, lut 6, blk. 316 6.92 23 math M„ Jr., lot 41, blk 316 6.92 H a f. William E„ lot 6. blk. 313 7.92 Lit T. lots 22 and 23, bik. 3Ui H. 84 on. Bernard S. and Edith L., lot -I. blk 101 21.63 . : . Milton R., and Wife, lut 6, blk. 305 9.87 'it, Joann L., lot 24, blk. 306 4.33 . Ronney £., lot 23, blk. 30t( 4.33 h. Wi.-ti r Glen and Wife, .65 A. md carport 4.60 ■an. J. hn E. and Wife, lot 13, blk. 3<-« 7.92 . A* 1111 am iL, lots 9 and 10. blk. 101 11.2,5 Oliver, B„ lot 1, blk. 305 6.92 John S.. lot 7, blk. 223 6.92 ek Alton R., lot 23, blk. 105 6.92 ■ ". H it'vty A., lot 39, blk. 315 7.92 • it Michael J.. and Wife, let 1. blk. 101 5.63 . James E., Jr., lot.- 10 anil 11. blk. 1n.5 12.11 I .-A'sun L., Jr., lots 11 and 13. blk It 38.06 ■'■:•:. Walter R., lots 3 and 4. blk. 312 16.61 • L-e K., lot 9, blk. 303 7.93.'-. • George, lot 5, blk, 220 6.92 • Arthur A., lot ,28, blk. KM 5.63 , Vvkilter C., lot 3, blk. 315 7.92 1 V G., Sr., lots 11 and 12. bik. 302 13.84 R lut 19 and house; lot 20, blk. 320 42.48 1 Anthony R., lots 11 and .12. blk, 308. 15.22 Maurice Lee and Josephine, let 12. bik 1 5.63 . . W. A., Jr., let 33, blk. 316 6 92 AN .J. ' A., lot 14, blk. 310 6.92 I r nee A., lot 15, blk. 310 7,92 R . i- ■-1 a!., and Earlinc, lot 10 and house . .27 A. P. 13, blk. 107 223.40 R- Mvrrmn- and Barbara, lot 4, blk. 303 7.92 W: Lam D., and Wile, lot 2, blk. 301; lut 2-9, Mk. 101: lot 19, blk. 313 116.09 Hi ton, George W., lot 50, blk. 309 7.92 Pa 1 rd-n, William H., lot 6 and house; lots 5 7, blk. 100 66*13, Ro'clivk, Mills J., lot 19, blk. 222 792 Roberts.- William H., lots 12 and 13, bik. 303 15.22 4 ■e, H .llett L., lots 20, 29, and 30. blk. 306 • 12.93 Ruedinger. Gerhard and Wife, lots 13 and 11 and bldg,, blk. 308 vo 34 Sadler. Allen A., lot 37, blk. 101; lot- 1 and 2. blk. 103 ' . a r, Mary H„ lots 17 and 18. blk. 302 20 55 Syr.air. .Arnold H., lot 28, blk. 304 c 92 Scots, Douglas Q., and Wife, lot 33 and' house, blk. 106 110.95 5 o;ti, Ryjand H., and wife, lot 22. blk. 309 8.22 Shackleford, Vernon L., lot 2, blk. 105 23 '’B Signctt, Henry 0., lot 5, blk. 312 22.41 Sine. Lloyd 1., lot 30, blk. 309 6.92 Singleton. John H., and Wife, lots 12 and 13, blk 307 13.84 Smith. Raymond E. t S-M-2 and Wife, lot 21, blk. 308 7.92 Spradlin, William A., and Wife, lot 77, blk. 311 6^92 Stanley, Luther, Jr., and Wife, lots 11 and 12. blk. 311 13.84 lay lor, William E., and Wife, lot 23, blk. 308 6.92 Toland, William E., and Wife, lots 2 and 3, blk. 101 43.25 Van Doyy, William, lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, blk 306 30 28 Wrlker. Elnora C., lot 5, blk. 316; lots 12 and 13. blk. 305 79.77 White, Dayid L., and Wife, lot 3, blk. 314 6 92 White, Francis Earl, lot 44, blk. 1 5 03 White. Harry Saxton, Jr., and Wile, 3.6 A. The Point (Jack’s Island) 34 25 White, H. R„ lots 38 and 40, blk. 315 13 84 Wmn, Clarence W.,-lot 16, blk. 224 7 92 Written berry, Luther G., lots 8 and 9, blk. 315 13.84 \ eager, John A., and Marian L., lot 64, blk. 311 7.92 Page 3-C

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