f '' Y I Y Y if it isn't in i the scout i ll.1*. because we didn't : | $ know it :j: The Official Org vTl.UME XXXV. Su. *? local attorney obta'v" "v "don fc .iu; g man Governor J< .tes Sentence of Macon County Man, After Long L-gJ. B.-jttlc On last Saturday. December 15th, G <u rnor Cameron Morrison announet?:. Lis d<c:-"i :i *.1 commute the sesienv of Jc^ry from death ia thc electric t .:a to an iadt terminate f. .tenre of fri J t' ,0 years in the ! ; r.ntary, came t,, a definite con. < n on* of the longest drawn out . i in many re?pects, one of tht most ii: itic eases in the courts of Nort^ r in for maany years. Young Dal{. \ had be:-n tried three tir.us and , itid of murder in the first de? three timer-, and three times hmi the Governor motfcd no th. day * execution, when the final d cit? commute the senteacv wa. .d. The case has been in the . a long time. For nt arly a year Dalton has been incarcerated in the death cell at Raleigh awaiting ex* cation his attorneys nd sympathy v? have be n nblt. to* stay the f\vi:: hand of the law and have hi* execution postponed on successive occas\>ns. Last week the final effort wa made. Attorney J. N. Moody of this place spent the week in Raleigh interceding with the Governor in behalf of his client, Dalton. Many prominent women 'of the state, e>peci \ club women of!Raleigh, interestc?! themselves in the case and also inUri>tid General Albert L. '"ox, and let.won them the Governor was ionv: ' <| thai the hoy was guilty of second degree murder instead of first do f t murder and so hi? death sentence w . < ommuted. Mr. Moody has been Dalton's attorney throughout the long histi-ry of the case, which dates back t(l 1918 when the crime wu3 committ <!. The fact that he was able to obtain two new trials and to have the the dat* of the execution stayed thr. c times show? that he has handled the case well, and the Governor to'd him as n\uch Saturday after the order commuting the sentence was made. In 1918, in a f.t of drunkenness and :?olousiu. s Jtrrv Dalton. then onlv 21 years of age, killed his youthful sweetheart, Maud Grant nnd hie rival Mearle Angel, near Aquone in Macon County. He was captured and twice tried in Macon Superior court and each tin?e convicted of murder in the fir-1 degree. An error was found in l'~uh trials by the supreme court and while Dalton was lodged in the Bunc mbe County iai; on his way back from Knleigh to tar I his t^'ul t inl. hi- escaped and was not heard of any more until about a year go, wh n he v captured Cal:forni;t r-d ?err hack here fer trial. Again he was convicted of first degree murder. While in Clifornia Dalton saw in a paper that hi* aunt, who lived near the Mexican border, had Trivcn birth t a child, nnd so got in touch with Her in hopes that he could hvar something from his widowed mother, who lived ??. Andrews, titis county. The aunt confided the whereabouts and the crime of Dalton to a friend and this friend made public the information in order to collect the rrwari. And thus Dalton was captured,and bruilirht hooV tn Com?lin- *11?1I" year ago. It seems that he hs been living a useful life while in California and ths, togther wth the fact that the act was commtted in a fit of nger, led to his commuted sentence. INFANT CHILD OF MR. & MRS. BAILEY DIES SUDDENLY the little infant son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bailey. died in an Atlanta I ?*pital last Sunday night, having I-iVed two ,days. The little child *as born Friday night, Mrs. Bailey suffered much during the This sad experience has Mr. Bailey in Atlanta all week. .Thursday ?night nothing had been "Hard of the condition of Mra. Bailey. The many friends of these popular, young people extend to them their ( sympathy in thsir pad experience and *?h for Mrs. Bailev an early reWeary. " II ' ! Wi) an of Murph> And Chei MERCHANTS ENJOY GOOD CUSTOM F.xpeat Saturday and Early Pairt of , Werk to be B'jj Trade ?? Locals merchants are pleased wirh I the holiday business they his v.- 1 enjoying and art l<A;kin? f > . : . : t0 Saturday and .he ar ? 7! : nixt week with a..iicii';.ti? . a. i | expect these day , :? e. j il! i ious salse rron. . r.c 1 wait until th? last t d? th C.i . 1 , | mas shopping, th-. mi - h. *.s h v.-' 'learned, and arc pret . to t (care of the rush bu-i: . . I .iv J pcjple from distant points aie do1 tug th; .r Christmas shopping ii? Murphy this year and they hav in-, j variably l?..;i pleased as they have; 'bad a wide, choice qf rticles to ( , j.select from than ever before. The i . tores hi re are progressive and have provided a wide range of articl - of j j high class for their trad? and the peo-| I r.le of this territory hav( learned this I I and conn here to do th irChristma?! shopping. This year has not been an* (exception as any of th. merchants j j will confirm. MARS HILL SCHOOI RAISING FUNDS FOR DORMITORY Mars 11:11, Dec. 18?Twer.tw four! i years ag0 Mf- Treat, who ha* all. | along inverted freely in mer.i who J wtie tallied to preach, "discovered" 1 Mrs Hill and wrote to know if we had any young men studying for the minsitry. In 1905 he made a pift of $2,00 to th. institution <?n condition that the friends of the institution would raise anoth.r $2,00 for a four thousand dollar dormitary. He it o established a loan fund some years ago for the benefit of ministerial students. N.r.v h'. kn.- 'h.. best offer in he history of the institution. litwritvs, 'If you will raise $50,000 before April 1. 1024. at noon. I will lurni.-h $50,000 moie for another dormitoey, you t0 use the $50,000 for a young Ladies' dormitory, 1 to ytl te mhoney for a boys' dormitory." Friend^ of the institution ??"*' busy organizing a pl"n campaign to raise the $50,000 so that they may claim the additional fifty thousand i.tfercd by Mr. Treat. W. H. WOODBURY IS VERY SICK Mr. W. H. Woodbury, owner and I ?nanager of the Valley River Furnj ..-lie Company is in Ashevitfe in a J very serious condition, suffering from attaek of Penuntonia and Pleurisy. He took sick here the middle part of last week and was carried to Ashtviliee where he makes his home. His many friends are anxious about his recocery. SCHOOL CLOSES FOR CHRISTMAS j The Public School clcscs to-day at noon for the Christmas holidays. Mid term examinations were deld the last two days of the week, being completed at noon Friday The children then exchanged Christmas gifts and were dismissed ofr the day. ' Appropriate Christmas exercises were held in Chapel Fhursday and Friday , morning and every room had itj decorations and Christmas tree. I AT THE PRESBYTERIAN 1 CHURCH There will no preaching services at the Presbyterian Church, Sunday, December 23rd, qn account of the pastor being away. There will be Sunday School at ten A. M. as usual and ChristiaR Endeaver at 6 P. M. The pastor will be back during the ! following week and both preching services will be fteit on Sunday, uecember 30. Christmas exercises will be held at , the Methodist Church Monday even! ing and at the other twQ churches | Tuesday evening. t Ctjerc rokee County, and the L MURPHY, NORTH .CAROL1NV O 1 banta s LETTERS TO Dear Old Santa: The little* children, whoes letttr? appear below, sent them to us so we could tell you what you what they i wanted last, week, but because uT thing: beyond our control, we were i unable to dD so. I'lcase pardon the i delay and bring thP things they asked for . And we hone als0 that you < yill bmg all th.- children in th:s' whole com munity w hat they want, j whether they have written you or net. | c. . y y -a V - n!ty, large ' and small, have what they want for j, Christmas, is our sincer^-t wish, j And above all. bring us all peace i and contentment, and happiness, an .I i a spirit o^ cooperation and a deep, sense of loyalty to one another and to the community, and help us to reiiite our kinship one with another | and may we better understand that:' our neighbor and our town also ' helps us. The Editor. Murphy, Dec. 18th. Dear Santa Clause: j 1 am writing you this little letter : to tell you what I want for Christmas. ( 1 wish very much that you would , bring me a duck. My name in Britt j Moore. And I havc a little brother four years old and he wants a train. His name is Lakes. 1 also have a little sister. She is two years old. She wants you tQ biing her *a sleep- ( ing doll. Her name is Lona. I hope yau will bring our toys. You may ( please leave them at the Postoffice for us. _ . i Your friend, Murphy, Dec. 18, 1923. t Dear Santa Clause: |j I am writting you this letter to \ \ tell you what I want for Christmas.! i [ want a doll that can gay Mama. My j name is Ona Mcdre. I have three t little brothers. i Leonrd wants you to bring a little j wagon. him a toy^difck; and Blain wants,! you to brlnr?m a hor3e and wagon. I, You may please leave all of them j at the postoffice for mo. < Your friend, ONA MOORK ibee .eacling Newspaper in \ . FRIDAY. DECEMBER 21, 1923 Arrival r. .f * ?*, ? ? ' - ' i f OLD SANTA Murphy, Dec. 18,1923. Dear Santa Clause: I will write' you a little not, to tell you whut I want you to bring me. I want you to bring mc a box of randy. You can leave it at the Postoffice, please. Marga Moore Murphy, N. C. Dec. 13th. 1023 Dear Santa Clause: I want you to 'please bring me i .cur bco.,3, the nam:.- ut t.hich are these: 1. Bunny Brown ami his Sister ^ue and their Shetland Tony. 2. The Bobbsey Twins at School. 3. Dick anil Doll. 4. Joic, Tommie, antl Kittie Kat. If you can. 1 want you to bring mc these becks 2*tu a little Bible j but i lease bring other little children many hings. Thtn I want a little telephone and a little bracelet. Please bring it. I want a little swing that you can wing your dolls in and sing, and i want a paint book and some paint? and a little sewing machine. If you nnnot bring all of these things, dor.'t lo it. 1 wnt you to bring s basketjail. You know what else to bring. I Good luck tQ you. , Your Friend. F.dna Patto*. Dear Old Santa: ? yuu mjiuiw i m gvimiK my j etter irt real early. Mother says' he hasn't seen any in the paper j ret but I want t0 be sure and pet it. j I am a little boy five years old. ive out in the country on P. T. Road. Vow I will tell you what 1 want you ; f, bring me. I want a wagon and : i pun. I am not particular about he gun just so it will shoot. I I ilso want some candy, oranpes and 1 Fire crackers. I would like R harp | .00 but I don't want to ass for too j nuch, because you mipht think 1 am 1 selfish little fellow. ittle sisters. I think they would like 1 doll, one that can cry and p0 to deep. We have all been very pood children, so please do not forpet us. Good Bye Santa * Hal Leatherwood ? . ?cout this Section of Westerr REVENUE OFFICERS TAKE DISTILLERY NEAR MARBGLE 2 Deputy Ma:shali D?\v.?tsc ind Federal Prohibit: J .. :. Gricp took a larg copper di;iilJery[ on the water? of Little Snowbird! Creek in th edg of Graham County Wednesday d this w.ek and destroyed a ouaiiCty ;;f Ltcr and otn r iraphenaliu of the bloek&dThe outfit was about six miles North of i .Marble t,n what as known a. Long Bottom. The violatois of the prohibii, lavs w?ir at work atthe . idler.. when the officers reproach-' d and were warned by outposts -hitting off guns. Upon the warning! ienal? th y r moved the distillery j ii ni the furnace and carried it j ;hi?? h th?. woods -everal hundred; r before abandoning it. The ffi.-.r. were unable b> take any of the men at the outfit. W. N. C. BAPTIST ASSJCIATION TO HOLD MEETING Will Mrct With Vail.y Rive, Baptist Church December 28-30 Ac cording to announe: mcnt red nti> g.vcn out here the Westenr North Carolina Baptist Associatio wll hold unicn meeting with the Valley R:v. r Baotist Church on Friday, Saturday ar.d Sunday. Dicembtr 28, 29. and 30th with the Valley River Baptisi Church. An interesting program has bem arranged and a full attendance i urged and expected. The program follows: PROGRAM FRIDAY 11:00 A. M. .Introductory Sermon T. L. Sas-ser 1:00 A sau ly of Miracles performed by the Apostles. Alg.a West 2:00 P. M. A study of Ordinance: t.f the new Tcstement Church C. H. Whitaker. SATURDAY 10: 00 A. M. the program, the pledg.. lid the progress of Southern Bapt.^c^ C. F. Martin. 11:00 A. M. Echoes from the 03rd session Ba.ptift Convention L. P. Smith 1:00 I'. M. the'scriptural prog-ram of ? W w Testament Church sr. its own community J. G. Hogan. 2:00 I*. M. the scriptural program of a New Testament Church beyond its own comminity. A. 15. Smith. SUNDAY 10 i 0 A. M. Sun lay School 1! :00 A. M. Sermon !. L. MartinEachtipic on the program will be d:scus-cd from th ill., fol.i ,\.i , tl:e tudn.s on Let us have a large attendance at: this meeting. Program Committee > i BELLVIEW NOTES Wr. A. M. Hatchett has been very mi V **?i i!u' pa.i week aau *ias :.ul been expected to live hut the Drs. has latily expressed a hope for him recovering nine of his children arej fpresent at his home three are ib-j rent who are living in the western i states. Mr Arle Price and wif of Knoxvillc T?nn. are visiting his fath.r. Mr. Frank Price. Mr. Lun Connelly filled his regular appointment at Notla church Sunday. Mr. Johnnie Payn and family of ) Pine Log were visiting Dalyrimpelfc j < this week end. !1 I; The play Deacon Dubbg xvill be eiven at Bellview school Housc Saturday nigrht December 15th. Murphy, Dec. 5, 1923. Dear Santa: |-' t ? ? ++!? ^><1 I fro to school every day. I would like for you to pring me a wafon a bell; ,so? same oranges, apples, nuts and candy. Your friend, Horace Rcinhart \ f- ADVERTISE IN THE SCOUT I ; "IT WILL MAKE ? YOU RICH" ? % i North Carolina SPECIAL TERM SUPERIOR COURT IN SESSION HERE Power Company Cases Will Con* Consume Entire Week It is thought The special term of Superior Court in session here th:3 \v. _k ha~ brought together an array of prominent attorneys and wat r wer experts frrn: va ous natts of the country to ... i.jc ugni over tne right to 3 : !? the hydro-clc ctric energy cat th Iliwa-se. River. The princ!; : con . ndcrs nr.- the Carolina-Tenn P< . <.r Company and the Hiwa-see It - I' .wcr C <mpany headed respecW. \". N. Fowellson of New Y . a . H. F. Vandiv nter of Knox\illcr. T< nn.. One cases between i' - * s n >w before the Sup! (' u, t Lh United States. It is prohabi: that t:ii- on* will go then al. o. ' be greater part of the week has hem spent in taking evidence in this ?. Arguments began Thursday i rning and it i> xpected that the jury v. .1 got the case late Friday or ariy Satu .lay morning. Little, if any other business, will be dispatched by thS special term of court. Not only local people, but interests d! ovtj- th1- state ?nd in various parts f the country are following these ^ cases with interest as they involve the rights to one of thL largest undeveloped riv. rs in lie. =tuU* and ,in fact, in the Fast. IS IT WORTH WHILE TO GO TO SCHOOL There is a book called "Who's in America". This book contains the names of thoc-s persons who are well known for their good works and achievements. To get your name in this book you do not have an education hut facts and statistics show that the uneducated person has one chance in 150,000 to get his name into the book; tiie gramma,- school graduate has one chance in 4,250: the high school graduate one in 1,600; college has one chance in thiee. Docs an KUucation Pay? It Doc-9. it Pays to <?! i When you htar a boy or girl who is about to quit school and go to work, when you near ;of parent? who are indifferent about it-qufring their chiidrtn to attend school, just call ;n.i atignt'o.. to ih.ov facts: Eve:y day spent in school pays the child ?9.00. J. e Is hew it i.- figured. An The hgh school graduate will earn uneducated person tarns on an everagt of S500 a year. The average working life i* forty years. $500 a vrar for forty years gives the person a total of $20 000 earned, nn avt*3crr of $1,000 for forty years of $40,000. To g t the cdnmt'on required 2160 days. Thus the time spent in school yaid $9.25 nor div. adds that muc^ tQ the earn'ng capacity of the child. If a child stave out of school to work for le.-s than $9.00 per day he or she is loosing money?not making it. SAW FILER LOSES LIF AT MI' .1 OF CHEROKEE CO Late Tuesday afternoon, Mr. O. W. Anderson was caught in some machinery at the mill 0f the Cherokee Company and was found in an unconscious and half dead condition a little after the accident. He was carried to the local hospital but was M b?Hlv mantrln/1 JI?J No one knows just how the accident occurred. Mr. Anderson was an elderly man pnd was employed by the company ns saw filer. His home was In Chattanooga. VESTS NEWS There will be a Christmas tree and a box supper at Reids Chapel Church on December 24th. Monday at on?4 o'clock P. M. Every body are cordially invited and good behavery Is expected.

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