I SOCIETY youth Fellowship Holds District I Rally At Andrews j The Methodist Youth Fellowship J C>T Play. Cherokee, and Graham ' ^unties in Western N'orth Caro- 1 hna held a rally at the Methodist I Church in Andrews on Sunday 1 evAfetf. at 7:30 o'clock Rev J P. Porter, of Brevard ColltW. brought the message on 1 the t opx "Traveling ". He has dad a \wde experience with young people and is an inspirational i speaker. A mixed quartet from Brevard College sang several numbers The Department of Music, one of the strongest in N'orth Carolina, is giving special interest to the train ing in religious music, Mr. Porter states A number of students in this department of Brevard Col lege plan to be directors of churcli music. Mi and Mrs. J, W. Franklin -pea* the week-end in Sylva with ' thar children and their families. ) B. W. C. Is Guest In Gentry Home Mrs. Bill Gentry and Miss Mary j Lee Huberts were joint hostesses j to the Business Women's circle of ihe BaptUt W. M. S. Monday eve ning. in the former's home, and tMrs. W A. Hoover was program leader. The subject of the pro gram was: "Christ the Answer in j the Rural Community". Mrs. I Hoover read. "The House by the | Side of the Road", and the follow- j ing discussed topics: Mrs. J J tffamilton. Mrs. J. W. Donley. Mrs. J. L Savage Mrs. Alvin Buchanan. Miss Addiie Mae Cooke and Mrs. R. S Bault Mrs. Alvin Buchanan, circle leader, presided. Refreshments were served by the hostesses. Those present were: Mesdames I'. G. Ivie. Don Gentry. Robt. Reid, Bill Gentry. J W. Donley, Lloyd Hendrix, Robt. Cheney Alvin Buchanan, R. D. Chandler. J. J. Hamilton. J L. Savage. R S. Bault. and W. A. Hoover, and Misses Addie Mae Cooke. Mary Lee and Kathleen Roberts. I SPECIAL I Y X y Y PERMANENTS | $3.00 up We will close at noon each Wednesday i t until September I . ? ! ? EDWINA'S BEAUTY SHOP DUCHESS BEAUTY SHOP PHOEBE'S BEAUTY SHOP CANDLER'S BEAUTY SHOP f[:..--:-[:DOOO:no]]onjHOOOOO?oooonnnnooonn?onof This is YOU Afa when you own a General Electric Home Freezer 1. Ju?t before dinner time, yon pick your food from 280 ponnda of frrth, nutritions food . ? . 2. Yon boy most of roor food at low coat, because 70a buy in quan tity ? ?t the peak of the teaion, or when there are tales. caaght fiih or game go to waatc. General Electric Home keeps most food delicious "P to a rear. 4. Yoo don't hare to ihop when the weather** bad, or when the children are lick ... or when un expected company calls. ?? Yon rest secure in the knowl n * tJ?at your General El?ctric Home Freeter is a dependable home "WEor? one that giref yon low cost operating efficiency. 6. The sealed-in refrigerating sys tem in your home freezer is the same type as that whioh has been giving satisfactory service in more than 1,700,000 refrigerators for more than ten years. will b. mighty proud to own ? G.n?r.l Elwtrt. YOU Hon* Fw??? "i*'! $219.00 up MURPriY ELECTRICAL SHOP "Next Door to the Post Office Phone 134-R Murphy, N. C. Foods, Nutrition Program Subject The Peachtree Home Demonstra- j tion club met Thursday afternoon | at 1:30 at the home of Mrs. Homer Ferguson. Mrs. Brown Caldwell, president, presided and the meeting was opened with the singing of "Hail, Club Women Crowned Through Service", followed by the collect. Reports were made by officers and talks were made by Mrs. Paul Sudderth and Mrs. Guy Sudderth on. "Foods and Nutritions". The meeting was then turned over to Miss Mary Cornwell. who spoke to the group on "Using Kitchen Tools for Greater Efficiency". During the social hour the hos tess served refreshments to the following: Mrs O'Neil Crisp, Mrs. Vada Witt. Mrs Franklin Smith Mr.: Brown Caldwell, Mrs. Noah Hembree, Mrs Meb Hendrix, Mrs. Paul Sudderth. Miss Elsie Sud derth. Mrs Guy Sudderth, Mrs. Julia Hendrix, JVlrs. Carl Stiles Mr-?. Dock Sudderth. Mrs. Julia Wells, Mrs. A J Barton. Mrs. Nellie Vee McDonald and Mrs. W. A. Boyd Mrs. Caldwell Is Hostess At Party Hrs. Brown Caldwell entertained with a party at her home on Mon day afternoon at 2 o'clock. Several games were played, and refreshments were served to the following guests Mrs. Burton Sales, Mrs. Wayne Holland, Mrs. Verlin Reece, Mrs. W. G. Holland Mrs. Tom Watson. Mrs. Hill Brendle. Mrs T O. Slayton. Mrs Julia Wells. Mrs. Eloise Crisp. Mrs. Vada Witt, Mrs. Guy Sud derth. Mrs Bruce Mauney. Mrs Grover Mauney. Mrs. Lillian Cald well and Mrs George Mauney. Mrs. Dickey Is Hostess To Circle The Elizabeth Hale Circle of the Baptist W. M S.. met Monday night with Mrs. Harry Dickey. Miss Janice Hall was co-<hostess. Mrs Juanita Hall presided. The meeting was op ?ncd with prayer by Mrs Kenneth Davis; minutes of the previous meeting were read by the seer "tary. Mrs B B Cornwell. Jr., and approved, and business was discussed Mrs. Marvin Hampton presented the program on Me tooic. "Christ the Answer in thi Rural Church". There is a Fount iin Filled With Blood" was the opening hymn, followed by devt -ional by Miss Janice Hall. Those taking part on the pro gram were. Mrs Hampton. Mrs. Hall. Mrs Newell McDonald. Mrs Charles Shytle, Mrs. Everett English, Mrs A. J. Headriek Mrs Kenneth Davis. M *s. Boyd Davis and Mrs Gwendolen Wilcox Mrs English closed the meeting with praye.*. At the conclusi ?n of the pro gram. refreshment were served by the hostess and d iring the social hour members c changed gifts, revealing their Po yannas. Fifteen members were pr sent. Upper Peachtree Pvt. Ray Lun-rford spent the week-end' with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Lumsford. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lunsford and family spent the week-end with Mrs. Lunsford's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Thomason. Mr. and Mrs. Ffred Br* idle ^pent Saturday night with Mr and Mrs. Math Leatherwood The Sunday Scihool attendance at Upper Peachtree Baptist church Sunday was 59. Bob Curtis, who is employed in the eastern part of the state, spent the week-end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W Curtis Mrs. Lawrence Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Anderson were Sunday guests of Mrs. Laura Barker. prz*y 4 * rvrvioes arc held at Upper Peachtree Baptist church each Wednesday night. Mrs. J. D. Galloway and chil dren are visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Moore. Mrs. Kyle D. Crowther, Jr., of Knoxville spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weaver Her mother. Mrs. A. E Vestal of Asheboro who spent last week here with Mr. and Mrs. Weaver, ac companied Mrs. Crowther to Knoxville for a visit. Mrs. Vestal returned to Murphy Wednesday and Will spend another week with Mr. and Mrs. Weaver. SUBSCRIBE TO THE SCOUT Among The Sick Bart Winkler who was severly burned on his hands, arms and face : a- h i ! e trying to remove the clothing I from Bud Morrow who was fatally ' mimed Saturday, is reported to be I loing very well at Petrie hospital, j Charles N. Sanders is confined :o his bed this week, with mumps tie is reported to be improved. Mrs. J. H. McCaLl who has been ,11 for two or three week-, is now , ible to be up at home. Mrs. Lewis Hodges has been ill j ?.t her home for the past two weeks. ; Mrs. J. W. Bariley is reported to ] be somewhat improved Wednesday. Mrs. Allen Loviragood is in Piedmont Hospital. Atlanta, under he care of Dr. J E. Paullin. Betty Jean Moore was able to return to school Tuesday after i being confined at home two weeks ivith mumps. Eddie King Is Honored At Party Mrs. Lewis Kin? entertained with a birthday party honoring her son. Eddie, on his seventh birth day Friday. After the playing of games, re- j freshments were served to the following: Jo Lynn Mayfieid. j Claude Mayfieid. Ginger Ann De- | Weese, Judy King. Jimmie Gibbs. | Jimmie Parker, June King. Bennie I Jo Palmer. Virginia Wells. Bobby | King, Clara Roberts. Grace Town- ] son. Sara Easley, Bobby Easley. I Tommy Howse, Annette White. Winston Craig. Beth Bailey. Ruth | Bates. Bobby Swaim. Nancy Lee Mills. Wanda Sue West, and Brenda Hampton. Miss Nancy Anderson of Moore S C . is visiting her sister. Mrs Jim Gibbs. Mr. Gibbs and family Miss Moore Is Y. W A. Hostess The Y W. A. of Murphy First Baptist church met at the home ol Miss Moselle Moore on Monday evening. Sally Barton, president, presided. Phyllis Monteith led the opening prayer. Miss Moore wa-, in charge of the program which v as on, "Am I A Jew"? by Eleanor j m u After the program, refreshments were served to the following: Miss ' es SaLly Barton Peggy Savage. Mary Lou Gordon, Phyllis Mon- ! teith. Peggy Baugh. Betty Swaim. | Barbara Iteid and Moselle Moore 1 Mrs. Gibbs Is ! Program Leader The Women of the Presbyterian Church met Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Sunday School auditorium at the church. Mrs. Jim Gibbs. newly elect ed president, presided and led the program on "The Household of Faith". Year books were distributed and filled out by the members, hostess- 1 es and program leaders being selected, and other business for ; the coming year was discussed 1 Following the program, Mrs. | Bruce Gordon, assisted by her daughter, Mary Lou and Mrs. J. Gray, served a salad course, sandwiche ? nuts and Easter candy with coffee. Miss Estelle Bennett spent the week-end at her home in Franklin. Mrs. Luzenia Queen spent Monday and Tuesday in Knoxville Mrs. Charles L. . Sarrazin of ! Chicago, spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davidson JANE PARKER C'hix . Enrobed EASTER Egg Cake 20 oz. Cake 75c JANE PARKER HOT CROSS ' BUNS pkc. 25c MARVEL HOME STYLE BREAD 1 1 *2 lb. loaf 18c FINE E ASTER FOODS /ORTHMORF Jel'y Egg 1 lb. box 27c Pa a? Egg Dyes 3 pkgs. 25c Fresh Eggs doz. 43c IONA Peas No. 2 cans 10c 2 10' _? oz. Cans CAMPBELL'S Tcmato Soup 21c low SLICED OR HALVES Peaches No. 2\'i can 29c PICK O" CAROLINA Pickle? swt. 16 oz. jar 17c SWIFT Jewel shortening 4 Ibctn. 79c Sl'NNYFIELD S. R. F'cur 10 lb. bag 79c BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. George Powell of Charlotte announce the birth of a daughter Mildred Susan, on April 8 2. Mrs. Powell is the former Miss ^ Mildred Akin of Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Pruden Davidson \ 1 of Dallas. Texas, announce the ! c birth of a son, Edward Cooper, on ' a Sunday. April 10. in Dallas ; e Petrie Hospital c Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ball of J Blairsville, Ga . announce the birth ? of a daughter April 7. | Mr. and Mrs Lawson Grave-: Route 3, Murphy, announce the J birth of a son April 10. John Jordan Heads N. C. E. A. The Murphy unit of the N. C. E. j A has been invited to the John C. j V Campbell Folk School for dinner * and a social hour on Thursday night, April 14. On Monday afternoon at a call ed meeting of the N C. E. A.. John Jordan was elected president for the year 1949-1950 Mr. Jor dan is a graduate of W. C. T. C and has his Master's Degree from Columbia University, N. Y. He now teaches a class of sixth grade . boys in Murphy city schools f Mrs. Boyd Davis was elected vice- ?; president: Miss Jane Hill secre- 1 tary: and Lonzo Shields, treasurer, p These newly elected officrs will r take their offices at the beginning ^ of the next school year. i Becky Hoover Is Given Partv * Miss Becky " Hoover celebrated ^ her fifth birthday anniversary with I a party given by her mother. Mrs. W. A. Hoover, at her home Mon day afternoon. Twenty girls and boys were present and a number of games were played. The Easter motif was used in decorations and refreshments. The table was centered with the birth day cake topped with five pink candles. Refreshments were serv- j ed. and Easter eggs and biddies were given as favors. ! Marble W. M. S. j Meets Wednesday The Womaa'si Missionary Society of Marble Baptist church met with Miss Ruth Hall on Wednesday, April 6 Miss Hall had charge of the program The meeting was opened with the singing of the hymn "I Love To Tell the Story'' Mrs (' V Hall, president, led in prayer. The following members took part on the program: Mrs. Vincent West. Mrs Wendell Lovingood. Mrs Forest Abernathy and Mrs Victor West The meeting closed with all the members present repeating the Lord's Prayer *rhe next meeting will be held with Mrs Vincent West < rOITNG HARRIS REA iETS $355,000 LOAN A loan of $355,000 has been ranted the Blue Kidge Electric issociation Inc., at Young Harris, t was announced this week by .uther Cobb, president of the ooperative. Mr. Cobb said these dditional funds should enable the ooperative to complete full area overage of their system as well s to provide funds for erection f a modern office and warehouse uilding in Young Harris. ra <t ? HENN Theatre |j MURPHY, N. C. Thursday-Friday, Apr. 14-15 Hex Harrison-Linda Darnell a "Unfaithfully + Yours" y Also Selected Short Subjects , Saturday. April 16 {} JOHNNY MAC BROWN, In "Gunning For ? Justice" ? SECOND FEATURE TEX HITTER. In? A "Arizona Frontier" Also Serial: "Tex Grar ? kj LATE SHOW SAT. NIGHT * Maria Montez-J. P. Aumont "Siren Of Atlantis" Also Added Color Cartoon Sunday. April 17 ROY ROGERS, "Night time in < Nevada" in Color Also Selected Short Subjects Monday-Tuesday. Apr. lf-19 Greer Garson - Walter Pifgeon. In ? "Julia Misbehaves" Also Selected Short Subjects Wednesday. April 20 Kirb.v Grant and The Hoosier Hotshots. In ? "Song of Idaho" j Also Serial: "King of Jungleland" No. 14 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Most Beautiful!? that's what millions say about Hudson, for "step-down" design provides perfect proportions, wonder fully symmetrical lines in the lowest - built of all cars, and still preserves full road c learance! Most Roomy!? amazing head room and the most seating room in any car. Most Road-Worthy!? the lowest center of gravity in any American stock car, for road hugging steadiness. You ride down within a base frame, where riding is most smooth, most relaxing, most safe Most All-Round Parlor-mane*? with Amer ica's most powerful Six ? the new, high compression Super-Six, or even more powerful Super-Eight. Center-Point Steering, Triple-Safe Brakes. Fluid Cushion Clutch, Dual Carburetion, Drive -Master Transmission for auto matic gear shifting (optional at slight extra cost) . . . many more high-per formance and low-upkeep features that only Hudson brings you in one car! NEW Hudson ONLY CAP WITH TH? STfP DOWN Of SIGN 1909-1949 . . . Celebrating 40 Yeart of Engineering Leadership A New HUDSON prices start as lew as Delivered here fully equipped $2374.00 including Weather- Control Heater-Conditioned-Air System, local taxes to be added. FRANKLIN MOTOR CO. Murphy, North Carolina

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