THU R S DAY, ' i)j C R MB K It 16,71802.; Vol. VT. No. 3010- mm mats Wring elements and toxexfraa feliciiy and Vim the (London) Morning Post; CHARACTER OF THOMAS JEFFER. . . ; . . SON, ; 7 Now Prtftde tit of the Untied States. M rt. ii.iimn nnmt Ihe mr imnonanl i 'K"T ' ' ll'"ul M "" c,.v.irk...;i-, nv, ; ().,.. tue.and led it in the awful contemplation of 4V YjTay be acceptable 10 our reader: ihii ene l whlch bis humanity fliuddcrs. Imi pottjtf'o'CaT'great, and-juprighf Hatefman, N wonder, therefore, 'chat his. opinions are pamat antfuhilofopher, is the production of . the P1001 i'wova'rions of the philofopher, wba n American oeh. and wis drawn rlnrinrr wtfhes, to tepair the injuries which an uniufl -'ill. In noliiical ferment in th' nn;!5 policy' hat occafioned in the world i that he oide'r frci inilery and coafulion. Experience and bbfeivaiino havepointed out to him the wrecks iof ambition and defpoiifm, rof error and prejudiccTfiej: have con vejed hu mind through :he' various rrgions of fociety, familia. rifed it with the melancholy exhibition of loll HoweCfVsyer fell .i:,riftitn. ibahc.QiimiiAt'jif J't-'piAdit''ah(1 eight pence n notty provoi'iiori whTcb fo often illiirh little mindi. (tall o 8) i And for ih itrtt ,dne oaT HTt'coe'tembt for unjuft cenfure. his dignified t ihefe certificate, up to the dateA'of the "tefteo rferyteath the infolence of tni.nifleri! te. rjkiiijrujitaken feremly, whtle the Jwllot juic Woild, Wa moving around him, rnVitk ioapable of.boIdinV'wi'y t de. fianctlViiifcingmankjtid. u theyM.Hjr are, ' bia'iTcdlrffioti . f way ed by prejudice, and with iajfa citiioal!r ;Ootn to the mvotaimni of indwjdjal ititereft,r-be fland aloot in the tenemftit of hit own e'xaliedmind, and, Jike live purchafe?, I have ifTued, in Sedience to tfi -aft above referred todne hundred and twenty eight (l8) certifictrtjj amoqnting ia ,th .wkole ro eight thoufand fire hundred and Aine ty-nine pounda eight hillings and five' penc - In compliance wUh the ,direfliOni of the laft Aflcmbly, 1 hareVefted the 'too- nt)t h?rofey-e recetved by me for thel ule ol Npit-CaroUha, as the interefi Jupiter from 0!yn7ptuaryyilb iereitijVj : that he and.iilioce the ta .c tse i d rci0;bfernent. of her (loct. in the 1 n I , I I. ... L'.. ... ...mrm ikil nkU,. . -I "'' - - ... Sia.ev, ; : jcnenines t tie to a a peculiar triDute to nn o'n Rnn "'."H "i: y . . ' " ffunds of the: United States, uo to the TH Iperiordininaion which Mr. Tef. W con.hrpsV e; o. rnua, ot "! ' nR of December laft. in three oer t. Rfe tfon ha, .cT1ired,in the political orld i. ,h ran he.. Upon th.s ra. pno, . enor e ""VJrZi K " ' 2 8 per .flock, 6f the fa'id fondi, ' pnuinmropny mr. icnerion is ioc " T. k XS"" ' . Tl,nf. r.5 V i..' nf ihe wml.l t.;iri f, flj in attach - them bv aHa orpetuJincy and Dy . teq.iacnv. . '1 v uwu. bunded u;un the alliance of virtue and for ue. Great event! give binh to great 'ialentt t i not dimcult to Jay, however, that had the evolution in America never taken- place, he kouid nave men to CQniioeraoie tame in tne tpublic fit jetteis and phylofophy. The ad uniagss of an excallcnt education, liabin of pplfiatin and fludy, were circurnRances that ave to iU. mind an inclination for phylulo hical aiiil literary putfuiu. Mil " Notes on e flaii'df VirgiiMa,", is,a" work-replete with IIIC WUI I'll 1IAC V4I.V livn .mpii-".- - - j :i ('if J- I I 111 ent to hi Vountry but, like' Socrates, his . He'has 4 knowledge of humAn nature, teach- " haindred and forty dollars and Seaiona embrace the univerTe. If wiil be ing'biun -iafn M the itivohiity vbHt J fiV'5.?.U VJ'fetllriSL -i5)'JK' iffirult to"reroncile the prfnciples of fuch a ' en v,4fJl i cot.fck-d that it U- the-medium Vvhtch I. nave caufed to be pmhafed fix " ient a-S difficult to "reconcile the ptmciples of J charafler. wiih the views and inclinations that govern the parafne of defpotifm. Thefirft are s nt tonfirious of 'daferving reproach, .and ?Aj-j'' - L.r.. i' l i?ifi. r;." v....l.. m .u . ...... of thevka.';n dT truth is famficd that he founded upon a bails whole rru'.h 11 irrelmi blc, whofe Origin is nature, whofe aurikufe mofliiy, whofe effence ieifon. The lafl fe'i nature at defiance, confiders morality. as mock. lent J ir dilcoveied at one a unnd lagacious a,IU '"ion i a iwl-ii, uicreiote, rvir. i,d inqriifuive ; a mipd capable, by the gra; Jclferfoo differ it) opinion wiih many of his yal means of experiment and rational deduc coontry.metii, it is becaale he differs in the 'de. ''on, of unfo'ding the p'rir(ciles of. gr"e .f elUmation in which thefe things are t.,ih.' The fame great event which has im aiutually held. He considers itature the lonrce lortalifcd the fftni'M of American Damotifm. o( every human right, morality the baGs, and d rlrawn froid' oblcuruy the mo bnlliani Meaionne guide ot evtry nusnjn atiion.ut Ut.i in tbe field atvd cabinet, paid equal corfc, he perceives no grades of fociey, nr) i 1 .a: n . 11 r . j 1 niiiiti rnhtinri ma Marir.ia a. n.uie to tne virtues oj.ivir, jenerion, ana 1 -nivii. , vuunuv.. ,,.v. w mt jve hfm diflinflion in the firfl rank of lla'tcf. lource of all power, as the guardians of thetr . f n ' I r 1 ir yUt. tl - L .11-....-...' T.. .L- in. - A i ia nrii ihock oi iii. ronvii ian. vwn !; . iic uim iuf inc jhuh eventua'lv fcparated the .continent of particular fifVation in ' has found . - 1 1 . mtric.from Great. JSruain. the Dhilofaohi. manmna. ue endeavours to rccrTncila their I ..'.H 1--... t.!. 1 J ' t Atffrnt int.rafli ku I n ft i f r 9 irtna klrnlii. IA it apparatus icii iro'ii un iisru. uutazu i - wr iim.i.nunny n y that genuine patriottlrn which -Xiciifices produce the moll extcnfive and complete feli; rivateinierell lo.Dublic felicity, he exchanir-1 cir Coniuftirg nature, hii maxims of go d rural eafe and retirement for the buRIc of I jtrotriei are pure and titnpJe They do not ciive life, llie refearchts of itudy for the ; mote partake too mnefc of that over llramed energy iportant duties of the cabinet. In this li.l wntcn Dordcrs on opprenion, or ot that loole, jtion Mr. IctTerfon feems lo have been Je-l lieen'ioui fana'icifm, which is connefled wi h ncd bycha'acterA talent, td combine with 'be fubverfion of ali order and fecuriiy in go. e loiiaity me aaraoiiny oi rrputation ; nis i ","",,1 ntj pwmi sriuuiijr'i rciuun Ivtneement was gradual, and everv fleo of it 1 of abufei which have cenlliiuted the ffeaiell as tnatked by a difplay of abilities that was thare of mifery in fociety, which he confidersl pe,r invulnerable to the hafts of malignity ... ' . . '.... I " r n r I' r I ...l.:,L f.ll ...1 . . L " ' II . I a v honourable to himle l. and coraocient as tne excreicence ot nate ana germ ot aet-1 "" " nmmu ifp ciuntea the ..fhtulties occafioned by the nrecipi-l poiifm. It i faid, tkar Mr. Jcfferfon it a jney of events. There it a contemptible ac. philofopher, that conlccjwently he poHe Iff s a pe- v 1 1 v , which faenhces pcrfonal dignity and I culiar call f mud thai unhis him tor the dts. deprudence to the rage of ambition, and thel ties of a Aa'efman. Let this objection rclt in -fire of fame. Not contented wiih 'tlie in-1 the bofom of the illiberal paraft'ea of power. rnal cor.fciousnefs of defervtng applaufe,! wlio fit at -the foouQool of defpotifm, and CO ii- T.t lain. thoufand nina hundred and ninety-fix dollars ot three per cent, flock, ().6 996) and eleven thoufand one hundred dollars of eight per cent. tlock the nnt at yie rate ot hlty-ieven per cent. (57) and the latter at the rate of one lundred jand clen and a half per cent. in 1-2 1 as per the account and vonch era herewith prefcntel. I flatter myfelf, :. in s. - ;i : 1 j-j 1 n.wuvpc icauijy pcrccivea ana aamitteo, that there purchafes have been mad? cm advantageous terms, andon a commiU ion uncommonly low. ana tnac the le ;iflatiirc vrill approve of and be fatisfred with them. Unvctftd as, I was in bufinefs of thii" kind, and far tliftant from ihofe rlacea at whicb purchafes of flock might be made. 1 JtU it a little difficulty and cmbarraiTment when it became necefTary for me' t decide ori the morfe throug,hi ' which the intentions of the lepiflatur wiih rcipeci 10 it, mignt oe tne molt ad vantagcotifly and, completely effedled x 411 1 his uuncuiiy i applied to general St 1 el e, then at Wafhington, retueftinrf m uii.c auu aumance, ana witnai oi fering to him a commiffion on the in. tended irurchafe's, in cafe he weuld ef fect them. His anfwtr purported that he would readily,- and with pleafure ren.' dcr to the flate of North. Carolina, every aid and aflillance in his power ; but, that on this occafion, it mufl be explicitly underflood, that he would aflift me, on the ex prefi condition, that neither com miffion nor other compenfation or re ward whatever, fhould be effered him for fo doing, at ha would receive none 1 And thereupon, he obligingly procured me a warrant on the Bank of the United States arid advtfed and dire&ed be bu fi ne fi throiuxhout, This is mentioned,1 . t .1 r tm iiui uicrciy wnn.tne viewer proielling my petfonal obligations to Mr. Stiili for the afliflante he was plea fed to ren der meon this occafion but in juflice 10 Him.- and under the imareffinn that t II.U I M m . eniali of their fincerity, were qual.caii,.s I Jdufions of eirr. and the delufion of error lit rfiy duty, and took occaiiot. facn after the i CVVC 11 t0. he-fglflatofe afld 16 myfelf,' hich called him to the higheft drpiumrnis of I with the inofl brutal tyranny, - Urate the li. rile of the tail AfTcmbiy, 10 make ihe neeef-jj01 10 w,,l,no'J rorn them a CrYCWm a e. If I may be permuted to gve ao pi-1 cetdioufne't of covrt. andtbe'enormout crimes I fate remittance to ih Citv r( Vi(li!nion.! fiance which had fuch influence In the t f- 1 i . . . I rr I . ... . T ..I - ' . O fl. A . - it DiMincai pnnopiei vtviu jru.r-101 ambition nence tne ccid fnuotopny waicni me turn due at the balance ol this debi, a. "-.T7 nMnpiunmcnt or ine DUIinciS 11 ce oramn item ine aggregate qua itnnii tne warmm ol benevolence, and lacrs. I ihoun 11 fuch equanimity of temper, who. can rriaintain the compofnrc of mind, and iiflen ,'i hout the cooTetousnefs of defervtng it, furely fuch a man l enti led to the tirft place in our e deem. Thry Ure, attributes which few mep' poiTcfi, arsf; the mofl difficult of all artainmiitiivrhe nrMyU'dge and efleem of our. ff Iv'CfMl -Pow1. froftv an elevated philofdjTly that -dj&'fttffiY. in fonftiojis reftittide, which. rrachryfairVaVarce, whilft it re Lies out i kpAedgV' tof 1umn nature, and views 1 he 4tTHtf.faffio0'si.oian k i nd atcennetted wijl tl'delfiny focial life. To defcend froM ibia-t'igo'ififd Inhere of human reafon Wci'td hedoirg. violence to -the lancluary of philtfo)l.7. His enemies .may deli re it. and e'ek occaftoo fot that triumph which pertina cious nediocriiy fomeiimes acquires over, the fubGmity of genius. He fecks the tno'.l com. piete-security irt itirceietiiai tanftiiay.oi icif- applauie, m ire fteady difcharge of dunes committed to his care, in an inllexthility to ill, and in the hbltinacy otjutuce. The arts of malice, and the rude voce of failion, affail him in viin. The fenfclefs clamours of his e. ntniies ntlike no impreCion on him. He ap- wuun uii everj wucrc arouna mm, blunted by the istvihCble dignity of hit charafler and I .tbe nigh refpcclability ol his taleais. North-Carolina Igiflatiirc,. TiwfdiyrNo. . " The Sptilier laid beloic the hour. tH fotAnwiiif nd wailing with compofure for the period dread the influence of a ftngle auali6cation eomimiiilonromihe f nbiic Tictfuier, whi.h ws .hich (liall teflowit, it goes intfearch of that might foften the affliftioMot a nation. mmerited Itaielt, and courts the actjuifuion For ray patt, I fee not the incompatibility V liL IfUNOURABLE t the expence of everr feotiment of delica complained of. The philofopher is nothing ht Gtncrnl Affembly $ the Stat Staff of North- Carslina. CBKl LIMfN, IN the belief that it is proper, I woo1d a St ry ajd propriety. lh' imnutaiinn never I more than a beipg whole morality is elevated , IsrniQied the character of Mr Jracrfon. Thelfchofe opinions are drawn from the cnnvie- ilirages of hit country were wilely difpoled I Hons M truth and re a Ion j whole expanded f. He Jefrrtrd consideration and h ob.f iniellet't difdarna the that klos of arejodict leave to inform votv that owing-to a variety liiatd it- He never followed fame, bin fame 1 and whofe foul looks with complicency upon I cf caufes, which it iay riot be neceiTary here loneart to have vurfueJ him ihrnurh erv 1 the e'nuif and fal'ibililies of mankind. The I to detsil. ihe drhi eonirafled kv ihi Itet-arttneni in which fortune or circumflaace I reveife of ihefe trualtfieationt confliiutei the with the government of Martinique., during the resolutions war. bid never been fullv paid : To effeft- the eaiim uiOiane nt of i. and . Ipoach or private malice, and principles Mhcfe j chain which conncOs isnmuraliiy with I cvn J tn compliance with tbe wifhts of the' legifia laurdnefs and moderation, are the Ifll teQi iirmpi for truth, a contempt for truib with ihe hure, fmro time to lime exptcITcd, I confidcrrd i tipeari to have purtued hm through every the cnerf and lal ioiimts ol madRind. me tepartmeni in which fortune or circumflaace revet fe of ihe fa truil'ificst'ions con dilutes the uve p'scrd him.' An undriBaodmg clear and features of tyranny 'whenever it .is. blended 'ajsciou, integrity unpolluted by public re. with cxtenfive power. Thf re is an iriviribla of ihe it wi had remained long unpaid, had not wiih which 1 was charged by them. in- 1 Canons f his chiraaer. This mode, how. fues ori the polluted altars of defpotifm tbe incresfed, inafinucb at it was fr imered j ike I For the further information "of thtf s'r.O I ve, may commonly be a' ve,ry fallible one happioelt of mil iont. Difiaining ihe cha. debt wai therefore finally eaiingu feed by ihe j Gvreral AlTcmbly, it may not be imprJM lh In fofiomg our judgment, tecaufe ihe mofl tatter of a courtier, where pufilanimity'and payment of five hundred & mneiy-twopoundi, per for me to add thai it will be found lunly vittue., and moR brilliant intellect! la'iety are the fie pi by which the obfequious cgkteen hillings and eicht pence, on theafinhlliv th (Vmmln Arr;... .v.:-- . w :t oo of,eMo cocfl.a wttts the latent feelings aufe lo fame and d.ffiefi.on, Mr. Jetfeifoo day of January lafl, to M. Fichon, ihe Frenth infpecftion of mv Public accottnr . t frl- 2g IX tUe he.,1. D.a it would be in has rifea to .he highel effices of govetr ment Coi.ful refident at W.n,ig.on. 'n,. remit. Jd w T rci Ue P'f "ftce to conceive a d.fpari.) bv intrinGc merit. The hmpliciiy ol tance for ihia pwrpoft I took ihe liberty of ad. .T .V" ,?r.l If n . t Uet lfh,lh "uh,, l0,fi,m4 ,u ,utr lk' ' 'be lefervedfefscfhis lem. drclirf to the Hon. Mr. Macon, of Con- r l , ! n ,r"rrT of flate, from the 'h . I ttr ItwouUba batbiroui in violate ike per, are ihe cbarafleriSliti of a vigorous mind, grefi, ard fhould U unjufl to bim, were I j J V, 0VeJ mbef ' 8tf 19 lhfirft . nitmenti of .benevolence, and lo reproach which grafps at higher bjefli ihan tt mt.e not loadd, that it was through hiiobtigiag aid of. November, iJol amount lo" r mi ui x mi uiitii w 1 1 1 va a i uiu mi acj. t airi an niriistrsr. mm ri m wm mm - sin arrs stn n srw a m m m r m 1 11 1 1 m wmr m n tLikaia tkA a m tww iiia aiiu 1111 iwarivaaK (eel rate B nter iiis . lorg vcr and lay lUre .vi. li U ianpoffille te'ti.ark the piortcit ! tile Ifi at once fo amiable and (m dlrn.hrd.lbeea 6oiIh?tI7aiid thai i in wh.rk UJ pttlofial mcrefl in the aflnni of a ns.n.and aona whofe minnert pofTcft ia a higher II hope will provi fatnfaDory 10 tbe Ccneial tvery patt of .tofecoudua has beta tonnett.l degree ihe iacomparahle felicity f inciting I AUrmVly. ... Br..,., mj a iai,9 ol unu.irm moi amy. ; tne combined emotion, cf attachment an J ref. I Uul of ibe moavi reraainieg in tbe Tteafury f hU lone It di fi.t. ihrfa flvl and l.n. I all.fl ..J . --.L. n- e .L. a . , . - inn (...) l lUI III Bl 101 Ol ige ate cW .nd nervous, whofe i femblr of ilot. for ihar ou'r.ofa adt and Mivey inti .y M jgrj.ce. and iheconvtc.l Mr. IrHerlon S"etrt. from the aeemra. I nrovided. lbav ourehaf f. ik. f f libit frlttiiy of bit temper, to have arrived at I Norih-Caroliat. md at ike rata af fifteen Qui. Al.aaalaa !.' m a, a . nt of and relietiion. iVna. itSl piiacipletofMr. ttlleifoa are dta.ii mm laeipandtd ieielleti, thai coofaltt the acles ofeaturt and renfn at in only ruides. -Boris a a priod when the who'e univerfe ihe mod elevated height of philofophv. Ha flings for I he pouod (in.) ihe faaa of pine hat aot efraped tin tviifonune, if it be en, iboufaod Cvabundred and frveniy'.fovr pound i, of having depreciate bit virion tad j fourteen Diilltngs & two pence (ro.74 14 s) . 1 I I. . . " " ........... w "t j .. 7J a ce1flu,,, ?ltr"'M fteauemly lura.n.ed pretence fyr the bitter- Under the authority o( tkit flate equal at thai aline. It wtt Oil fluJv to u k. .n ' i ' 11 . .' ....... I ...' . . . cttumnian bit ptiaciplci. Thefe viriuet have j principtl f ibe ccrnficatea htreiofore ilfucd niiJitd prciencet lyf ihe bitter lunacr int authority of tkn Date ; equal ai thai The tutienuy of bit Unptr, iat, lafavae ibtafaadtent bunditd aadcigh t . .... i a-- pounds, nine (hillings ,and ten-ptnceV UaSi8 9 ,0) i rlthat the difburfq- ments, for ihe fame period, Including the monies burnt by the . lafl Aflenbly,1 andthofe paid for certificates pu5hifed amount to thirty. five thonfand fourhon-' dred and futy pounds, thirtee miUingi f35.4 IJ oj leaving In the Trealury, on the hid eay of November, 1803, the fum ot fifty. two thoufaad lotir hundred and twelve pounds, eighteen ftlllingq andtwo-atncefl,4ta it 1) Ulorrinr J to the public and jet te bet itcdeate4 ttihe jge it r. aJtifM tWP 'i4mfiViiG tinow V clifc ly to " t

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