IP . - V . if and trouble attendant on the prelofmtBce cf Ti H them; norU it moreineccssary to say, thut j TT3 such diSerenccw ill always be fauna to De LKif ereatest when the. Sheriffs are on the toad 3 nd known to be charged w Ah 'the public ; money. A liberal and uniform compensation for tlie above mentioned, service) would not much increase the public expenditure, while ft would undou'rtcdiy be productive flwneficuil effects.1 In -cresf , event however, it is; boped and believed, . the iu'ulr7e will be admitted in apology for, my' having taken the liberty of Hm stating this naMertdtrW Legislature .T ; .! have the honor to be, '.;", -"V- "r'.;:-; ' ' " y. Qtatt Miiti" ' l :Jz Very respectfully, your abedietlt Servant,' il Mf JOHN HAYWOOD, Pub. Trtaturtr ' ;ust, Kaietgnt mv. sf leus. ipJ on iul eac lie ion eri.cj ;(1 W nenl eari iips. ei tr Mi C tq-i 1 Of lo'f :petf, y hi esc as the an rret he lotf nuld coui ,t ec4 SI utj) .TUESDAY, PtCEMBElV if; H05 ; PRESlDENT'slrlESSAGE. " WASHINGTON C1TY,.Jrc. 4. 1805. To the Senate and Ihiuenxif Represent otiics of: ': " the Untied States' of Jmcricj ' 7 AT a moment when the nations of Europe are irv commotion aud rnig against each other, whett those witbwlfcjm we have prin cipal Intercourse' are eng.rged in the general contest, and When the countenance of wm - of them toward our peaceable country threa ttn ihut even that may not be unaffected by 'Vhat'is passing on the general theatre, a j meeting of the Representatives of the Na- tion irrboth Houneii.of Congress has become - Wore than usually desirable. Coming from every stet ion cf our country, they bring with -. them the sentiments and the information of tbe Whole, and will be enabled to . give ft di' rection to t h e public affairs which the will and tlie wisdom of the whole will approve and support. ''.: . In taking a view of the state "of our coun- try, we in the first place notice the late afthc tion of two of our cfties under the fatal fever hich in Utter times has occasionally visited "jur shores. Providepce in his goodness gave' i: an early termination on (his occasion, and Jesitned the nujwVr of victims which have usuully fallen before it. In the course-of the several visitations by this disease, it has appeared that it in strictly local, incident to . citit s and vn the tkle i aters only, incommu nicable ii th country cither by persons under the disease, or by fjoods carried from dises ed places ; that its acctss is with the autumn, and it disappears '.with the early frosts. These restrictions within narrow limits of time and space gftve security even to our , maritime ciiies. during three-fourths of the ytar, and to the country "always. Although . from these fxcn it appears unnecessary, yet, to satisfy the fears of forit nations, and cau tionnon their pu t not to be complained of in o d inner whose limits are yet unknown-to them, I have strictly er.jomrd on the officers at the head of the fcutom to certify with ex- , art truth, lor every vessel Minns lor a loren - prt, the state of health itrspecttn this fever vhich prevails at the place fi-otn which she ails.' L'ndrr every motive from character ard ditty to certify the truth, 1 have no doubt thy have littiifiiHy cxecuttd this injunction. Much realinjury ha however been sustained from propensity tf identify with this cade, rule, and to c11uy the same mime, fevers of cry different kinds which have been placed am n those deemed contagious. At we ad nee In our knowledge of this disease, as facts devtlfpe the source from which individuals receive if, tfce State authorities charged with fheriraof the public health nd Congreis irith tint X)f the general conmerce, will be . corse able to regulate with efTcct their res prctue fanctions ht these depart ments. Theb'irthcn of Quarantines is Tclt at home s w II as abroad j their efficacy merits ti amuuliom AUhJtijh the health.laws of the itutc's should be found to need no present r?vml b.y conTss, yet commerc claims that th:ir attention be evcrwsketo them. Since on- U1 meeting the atpr.t of our foreign relations hss considerably ch tnged. Our coasts have heel infested, fend our hr bmrs watthrtl Ly private arnied sends. lini if thm wlllmut comnrnsiom, some with i!h;al cammU.ions, others with those of'cjvl t;rr, lut ComitHttii, piratical acts htyol.'l the amhority of their eenmmiW.rw. Thry "..are e'.i;nrel in the very e mraitce cf our hrboii' a w.H as on ih liigh seas, , riol only the vt"cls of our fritnds coming to tr l- wih u. but our nunaM, Thty hate canlr.l them off under pruertce of r-p ad im'icstion ; but iiot darpir to a??roih a f'il rf ju uirc, th7 have plu'ultrcd atrJ suak t In-r If tl. way. in obscure pUccs,. whtrsp pttdcnre could arise against them, mU trcand thi crews, and abandoned them itt btsin tl, upt ca, r fMidesert shores, Vtihfm food cf coveting. These tnormiiic ajKarinj to be unreached by any control el their torcrtii;, I foud it necessary lo equip force, to cruise ui , but ear mn sest to arrest all utttlt nf these dtc ripmn f mnd hoverintr on our csit, i l in the ! snitsnfthe g-ilf stream, and t ImIpj lit cf fen leri h for tritl as pirate. . ' Tbf sime afstem ef hovenng n rmr rossi f-l hsi.tir, wilder fdour I Steki ent r.ii?shit bccnalsorirrkd n by put he ar ti.e l ships, to the ;rcat annoyance and f-p p ess;o of our comtfierre. New ptinclpUa ! bie Wen Inte rpdtcd into the Vw I ti ns. f urtdH nr Ither h j:ctice nor Ue wvt r afknNmj f nations. Acrdlrr l?lh;r a Ullettt tskrato Hstlf a cm-r-n t itH t' n tetn, which it rfcnifs lo "enemy iti the n-ar. But reason rtrolu at such an inconsistency, and the neutral having' e qual riht with the belligerent to decide the question, the, interests of our constituents, aBdthe duty of mainuioiog the authority of . rcason,.the only umpire between just nations, impose on us the obligation of providing an ' effectual and determined opposition to a doc-, trine o. ju jurious o- the rights of peaceable" nations. Indeed the confidence we ought to I have in the justice of others, still counten ances the hope that a. sounder view of those L Tight will 5fit If induce from every belliger- ' em a more corroci ousvpancc oi inem With Spain uor negociations for, a settle ment of diilerences have not had a satisfacto ry ij&iie . Siliation during the fortucr war, for : whkh-she badTformeily acknowledged herself responsible, -have been refused to be':! compensated bot on conditions auecling other cUiius in no wise connected with them. Yet the same practices "are renewed in thr pre sent war, and are already of great amonnt.- ,On the'?MobiIlev ouc commerce passing ; through that river continues tpbe obstructed by arbitrary duties and vexatious searches .Propositions for adjusting amicably the boundaries of Louisiana have not been acce ded to. While, however, the .right is unscW tied, we have avoided changing th state of things, by taking new posts, or strengthen ing ourselves in the disputed territories, in tlie ho)e that the other power would not, by a contrary conduct, oblige us to meet their example, and endanger conSicls of authority, the issue of which rcay not be easily control. hd. Hut in this hope we- have now reason to lessen our confidence. Inroad have been recently made into the territories of Orleans, and the Mississippi, our citizens have been seized and their property plundered in the very parts of the former which had been ac tually delivered up Uy Spain, and this by the regular officers nd noldiers of that govern ment. I have therefore found it necessary at length to give orders to our troops on that rontierto be it) readiness to protect our citi zens and to repel by arms any similar ag gressions in future. Other details necessary or your full information of the state of things between this c6iinlry andtlut, shall be. the subject of another communication. In re viewing these injuries from some of the, bel ligerent powers, the moderation, the firmness and the wifedom of the legislature will all be called into' action. We ought still to hope that time and a more correct estimate of in terest as well as of character will produce the j-isticcr rre are bound to expect. Hut should any nation deceive itself by false calculations, jl and disappoint that expectation, we must join in the Unprofitable contest, ' of trying whicV party can do the other the most harm. Some of these injuries may perhaps admit a peace- oic i ciiicuj. ncrc it errpuieiH u IS always the most desirable, liut'some ci them'are of a nature to be met by force only, and ell of them may lead to it. 1 cannot therefore hut recommend such preparations as circumstances call for. 1 he first object is to place our sea port towns out of the danger oi iivsuii. Pleasures nave neen already ta ken for fjrnubin? thrm .with hat Cannon far the service of sirclj Und batteries as may make apart! liietr deler.ee against armed vessels approaching them. In ak) of these it is deiirible we should have a competent number of gun-boats, and the number to be competent must be considerable. If imme diately begun, they may be - in readiness for service at the opening of the next season. Whether it will be necessary to augmci.r our land forces, will be decided by occurrences probably in the course of your session. Jn the mean time you will consider wherhf r it would not be expedient, for a state of pesee as well as cf war.' an to organize or class the militia, as would enable us on any sudden emergency, to call forth the servicts of the younger portions, unincumbered with the old and those hav'nj; families. Upwards of three hundred thousand able bodied men, be Ueen the ages of eighteen,and twenty-six years, which the last census she w we may now count within urUmits, will fumiih a competent number for offence or defence, in any point hern they miy be wanted, and will Rie time fr raising regular forces after tleneressity f ih'cm shall become certain; and the reducing to the early period of life all its active service cannot but be denirible fo our vender citizens, of the present at wt'.l as future times, inasmuch as it tngsr;? s , To them in more advanced age a rjiei and endistathrd rrpese ,'m the bosnmef their fa milies. 1 cannot linen but earnestly rtrom tncndrcr'ouresryconsideriiontheck;:rfn. cy ofo motlifrirti; our militia ryvttm as, by a fef-afutio-jof the more active pat t fiom that which is less so, we my draw from it, sUn neresay, antfTelent rorpt, f,i 6,r real and active smite, and taWe called to it in rttu- hr rotnihn Cnldfrsbfe provision has been rradc tn def former authoritirs from Conrrst, of n'erislsfoitlt construe lion of ships cf war f74 punt. These materials arc on tund uhjett to the further will tithe Ifuinuie. An immediVt prohibition f the expotia. tion r arms and ammunition is also submit ted to your dtUrtnina?iA. TunMP? Uim these unplenarit slews cf 'nlente and wrore;, 1 ccpratuUe joiion the l UraiwB of rtir frllow-ritizcTia who wrrr stranded en the coast of Tripoli and mde ptitnneraof war. I a rm mmtrrt bAu mrd oj the will of all. tit life and Idxr. tfoftverf IndivWusl citiitn brcome Inter. eMinttoeJl. In tht trtatr there fort wUtb I1 1 w J J . . r ' . v nncnrKitoenonr wtrure wrtn test State article fir rht ransom f ear titltmt h.i btrn acrrfd ti. Am written It ct. .tsgagefl for the occasion, in conjuncUon with . the troop of the Ex-Aashaw f that country, gallantly conducted by our late Consul Ea ton, and their uecessfur enterprise on ihe ?citf f Deme, contributed doubtless to tke , impression wlucbjuodiiced peace, and tbc conclution of thisprevented opportunities of which the officers and men of our squadron de stined for Tripoli, would bsp e availed them elves, to emulate the cl of valor exhibited -by their brethren in the attack of the last year. Reflecting with high satisfaction on the dis-, tingiiished bravery displayed whenever occa sions' permitted in the late Mediterranean service,, I think it would be an useful eo couragenentos wellas a just reward to make , ian opening for some present promotion bj '. enlarging Our peace -catatlishinent of . Cap iains'and Lieutenants. it -t , .r't . : . ? With Tunis some misunderstandings have arisen tio yet sufficiently explained,: but vfriemlly dikussions with their ambassador recently arrived, and a mutual disposition to do whatever is just and reasonable cannot fail "of dissipating these; So that we may consU der our peace on that coast, gcaefally, to be , on as sound a fooling as it has been at any pre ceding time. Still it will not be expedient r to withdraw immediately the whole of our force from that sea. , . The law providing for amWal peace esta blishment fixes th- number of frigates rhich . shall be kept in constant service in time of peace ; and prescribes that they shall be manned by not fnore than two thirds of their complement 'of -seamen and ordinary -seamen. Whether a frigate may be trusted to'. two thirds Only of her proper comple- ' ment of men must depend on the nature Of the service on which she is ordered... That may sometimes for her safety, as well as to en sure herobject, require her fullest complement Inadvcrling to this subject, Congress wilhper- haps consider whether the best limitation on . . aft. theLxecutue clincreHontnthiscasewouianoi be by the number of seamen which may be employed inthe -whole service, rather than by the numberof vessels. Occasions oftener arise for the employnleut of small, than of large vessel audit would lessen risk asr well as expense, to bo authorised to employ hem of proference. The limitation suggested hr thsnumber of seamen wouldadmit a aelectron of vessels best adapted to the service. . ' Our Indian neighbours are advancing, many of them w'th fpitit, and ofhcti be .inning to engage in the purfuiis of tgn culture and houfcht.ld ir.anufaaare. They are becoming frnGblc that the earth , yields fubfiftence wiih left labor than the futeff, and find it their inutcft from time .to time to difpofe of partt of thrir furplus aud watte lands for thernSiris of improving ihofc they occupy, and of fub fitting their families while they are pre taring their farms. Sncc your laft feC ion, the northern tribes have fold to us the lands between the Connecticut re ferve and the former Indian boundary, and ihtdc on the Ohio, trom the fame bounda ry to the rapids, and for a confidersble dep'h inland. The Chickafa'vvs and Che toktcsliavc fold us the counttv between and adjiccnt to the twn didrictt of Ten tictTc, anJtf.e Crerki the refulne of their lands in the ioik of Octnulgcc up to the Ulcofauhatche. The thiee fyrcrt'er pur. chafes are important, itiafsnuch as they" cor.folidate disjoined parts of our fettled country, and render their intercouife fe cure ; and ti fecond patticnlaily fo as, with tbe final) point in the fiver which we ctptfl is by this time cei'cd by the Fian ktlhjUs, it compieati "our pofTeffion of the whole oi both banks of the Ohio. from its fource to neat its mouth, anJ the nav'aiioti of that river it thereby ren clcrr J forever life to our citizens fettled and fettling on its extcnfive waters. The futuhafe from theCieclr too ha been for ome time paMicnlatl intcrt&ing to the ffate of Ceoricla. - The fcveral treaties which have been rr.cniii.r.cd w ill be fubiniucJ to both Hou. fet of Contrtfi for the cieicifc of tLeir fcffxclive lunctioni. Deputations now n their tray to tf.e frai of government, fiom villous rations of Indians, Inhabiting the M'fjouti and oilier parts beyond the M'tTilTrppi, coma tharjed wiihsllutanccs'of their (atitfac. ton wiih the l ew relations in which they ate placed with ui, of the'r difptfiiion to culfivair our peace and frierdfhip, aid their defirr lo enter iotocommetciai Inter coutfe with ni. A Hate of iwr ptogrefs in cxplciirr tbe tiinclp'c rivers rf that country and of the information ft fpt fling litem hitherto obtained, will be Corr muni, catrd fn foonas wc (halt receive forre fur ther rela'lons which we bate icafoo ihort ly o cxpeO. Tbe irctlpti at the trealury during the 1803, author! fed us to borrow 1,750, dollars towards meeting theciafims v( our citizens a (Turned by the cor.vcptiori with France. We have rot however wale uo. of this authority 1 becaufe the fum of four millions and, mn half, h'ch remained ia the tfeafury on the fame 301I1 day of Sep. temberlall, with the receipts which we mav calculate on for tbe enfuing vear.be. f Tidea paying the annual fum of tight mil-a' lions ot doners, appropruiea iqtjie tundtrj debt, and meeting all the current demands Which may be exptftcd, Vill, enable us to pay he whole ' fugs of three millions fevfn hundred and fifty ihoufand dollars affu med by the French convention, and iltll feave us a furplus of nearly a million of dollar at our free difpofal. , Should yoa concur in the provifrons hi arms and ar. med yeffels recommended by the circum fiances of the iimcs, this furplus will fur ni(h the' means of doing fo. On this firft aaccafion of adJrefling Congrefs fincc, by the choice of my conllu tfuente, I We entered on a fecond term of ' dminiftration, I embrace the oppbnuni. ty to give this public afTurance that I wilf exert my beft endeavours to adminifter faithfully the Eiecutive Depattrnent, and will zealoufly co-operate with you in any : meafure which may tend to feenre the li berty, properly, and perfonal fafetyofour fellow-citizens, and to confolidate the re publican form! and principles of our 0- vernment. In the conrfe of your feffion you fhalf receive all the aid which I can give foMhe difpatch of the public bufincfs,and all ih information neceffary for your deliberate tionsof which the interefls of our own country, and fhe confidence repofed in us by other! will admit a cnmmunicatirtn' - ' . TH:. JEFFERSON, December 3d. 1805. LegisLiturc of North-Carolina. : IX SENATE, Dec. 5. The Committee of Pririledges and Eire tions, to whom was referred the petition of JohnG. Scull, praying that the seat of Gen. . D. Smith Senator for Brunswick, be vacated, beg leave to Heport 1 That your Committee have doly considered the prayer of the petitioner and examined the vouchers m suppoi t of the allegations by him made, are of opinion that they are' unfounded and insufficient t therefore tinani mously recommend that the prayer of the petitioner ue rejected. r ' J. T. RioDEl Chairman Concurred with. ... . TOUT OF WILMINGTON. KMTtKISi SchV Mary, Clarey, Bostol ring Columbia, Stoddard, do Sch'r Hegulus, Cook, ' ' Philadelphia Regulator, M.Ilhcnny,- Charleston Barque Mary, Hatch, Liverpool "Sch'r Jane, Hincs, St. Croix Brig Kobcrt, Hammond, St. Thomas Clsasx r Sch'r President, Weeks, Chirrleston Betsey, Foster, Raibadoel Brig Argus, Andrews, ' Autigua. TRICES CURRZirrWunlncro, 4 DU, Ct. DU. Cu BACON per ICO lbs awcerlai neatlv .tarsi, ca tit K.ound f iu sJing lUl U i,aJ. tof untryt-.tn, and theu IJ Cprgttfi, ihclf Q of Neuter o tar erdirg on the 30th day' of September aft; I ate rxceec'td the fum cf thirteen millions tf dollaii, which, with not quite f ' -.a t a. 9 - . ic miiiujt.sin ine ticsiury at ue tegin rirgf tie year, hate enatlcd et after mrctlrg r-ilcr dVmar.di, to pay marly two mil'loni of the debt contracted wider ibe ttritifh treaty and convertion, ip. ware's cf four mnionicf the poblic debt, ard f r millii in of inert ft. TNfe pay ncnn, wi h tlcfewtUh laitccn made in three years and in half preceding, hut (itirpuflied rf the lurried Coffee per lb. Corn per bushel, Meal do. Flour er barrel, f.itr . Ditto per half barrel, new Ltrmber er M. plenty W. o. hhd staves, R. o. do. do. do. W. 9. bl. do. roughf Shingles per 1000, Molavses per gallon , 'Rum, W. I. pr. g. 3j p Jfamaica do. 4lh f L ti do Tar per barrel, Turpentine, THarcrrner ewt. 1 i a is U 12 3 1 4 35 cVt n i 14 50- 40 0 " 1 S8 S3! 30 3 15 50 JUbT' lwVNDED Troti en hard Iht shhoontr May from Boititif end for taU Ij the tulicrt&trt, a Barrels No. t, centime Uecf, 30 Hit 10 N. E. Rum, to IVhsRuflia Duck and a quantity of Col Fifh in Doles of one quintal each. Dec. t7h. C. ft P. FELHAM. TOWELLING DIAPERS. Tail rtaittJ from if Kotlhvard.and for tJ lj It LANGDON, ct hit ttori on J, Broftt's, tihaf, 200 pieces towelling Diapers and tow Lineni,maaufalurcdat Londonderry in N. E. pteferabla to toy of forcigt make for durability and cheanncfa. ALSO OS H.tSD, A few bids, and bane's St. Crtix Soprr, and h!di. Moliflei. He crTers for file a valuatie Water Lot, at tVe North past of the Town, I rown by the rame ct the Still 1 lot f Lo' with Vharf k Tar fhedi thereon. If r fold by the id of January, It willtltote rented. ALSO 10 R SALE. A Negro man ramcd PATKICK metlf tU prppcrty of Mr. J. Dl'' well krown fct Mi Ulrg & icrj iflin hardy fellow, .. v- - avee 17 - . ....

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