o r j yc uva rc", cut to r:r::ovn cci and; de cscrcL to o:ie aeotiieu ? .1 Y Tiuucn isao; "i: lit ivjti k'i tin! IlitV mi. .re niir aim t.-t' till- i V IU t Ml e m ni. on rtk tint It rc pi to ret, 5 aut iti th C:i pert ic inte aroli rom M tVii and i II not lifgi if CD labor to ra nh C4 ool l ; i f v: us of I tditor i-lahort diffus: indue all ttr rmacj and to Ic on I 19 OU chicle local ' to atlcuu are fa ibk u; iimbi-M mence njrctuci oyal 6? -rtiscr, 1 with w OWN. ,1838. OFFICE ! -irUCLl-IlLD 7i::;;vLYt ; ;;, l v.Uj iiercreronse is prohibiten Dy tnc oegins 10 lorm ine u v' !, jc:c: lawo! meir peiiy government, inut uuuu we ognj n i f 1rr (1 17 1 1 Tt' iw envious mat America overuaiun- iin?jttmjiuiniu Mi V i ccg. wih hs tdvantajres. Uic low criccs of iliesun to comefo I Tl ssc.l, it sixfold bo'tureV ia order to ascertain the precise! cwativu irom iu, ensx ui mo production oi me raw mate an j ujo,uuju(;ijt:!o riai, me inuuence wnicn u nas joo ine full tnaturityv and different systems of a trnctft ure. and tlio '-zn of laboi' in Europe f and tbatabe ts able should be used, uhch nbci for ar-i economy in regard to the feeding of cat. ava wiowieaM ot cnemisiry ana phvsic".;. v: ,,-:vf- ; l 4. A . knowledffe of the lancuaces oil the different countnei to be visited, and a'thorough acquaintance with technical and vulgar terras in mechanics aoa; ag riculture, as well as tlio patoit ' of the countries $j '.,.y i..r-': V"'.'.. 't i 5.' A knowledge o mechanics' and the art of drawing, in order to be able to delineate' any apparatus at first sight and at a glance, as manufacturers are noi always wjmng to nave tneir appa- raius yiaminea minmeiy. or Thice Dollar- it not paid .within' also top'vly, other countries. l f ;!,, Iy. v atiod of trops, . r thica months' froin tho dale of the, V Tte suqar.now produced in' Lousiani ,'rlian-corn & jAimpkiosj) i ;" fr number received. ' - ; 'kvcragesnly about 4t pounds per head with"manurei . , . for sopr, rt 'iZscrlrtion to te diamtinucd tiH fr the ulation , of ilie United Slates, k Bwts, v ;. 13 t)ti, . .11 irrcararci La caiJ s unless at the : or about ir.000.000 pounds annua, y, I y Karler. discrcji' 3 cf tl.3 Li'.tor. ; '". ;T W'ludr'ti; but a imail part 'oior con. J--".Clover, ; feUuii. to ordir .(UsconUmiancQ 'bdij tuanptioni .aj i)oraidi. tumi ar ycarfyr Wheat. mm xo loreignxoumncs ir sugaras ;Att acre, of good .cultivated land Ue ioi lowing ittDi' snows, vu. ,v vieds,oo ao average, twenty tons of lOQportca. into iuo coiiea oiaics, in tlie beet root. Ueeta .were sola this iJ832, s - - m. . $233,(8pll. wjarliotu lor f5per ton. 1833, !- 1 4,7j2,S13 . - Une ton of beets yields, when treated 1831, , . - . - - 5,M7,8rj 'ilmlholl80'Jbatoft9A7, 1835. . ' fJft0U.lS4 rtlWiwsn Thecoit of rmanufac. 12,514,531 1 turiDg a ton of beets into sugar would i This sum will annually increase in P fflfff "":' proporfon as5 the imputation augments undred HfcAty pounds of refined and their comlorts and means improve, boet-sugar vjAd to fit. or 6 J, cents jier pouna, icr wnton we now pay, ai fore tl:e expiration of the subscrip-! tid to foreign countries hr sugar, .as tiun year, is equivalent to ft iew i!i5mcnL'''.!r . " v '"' ... ' 5 4 t ' !l fetters, Communications, iii, to COir.e pos; paiu. , n 1 4 V. - Adrcmscmcnis win do conspicuously i icit . . 1 . A. OA "1 ,1 handsomely inserted ai i w per uare of Id lines an4 25 cents for ev ky aubsetjuent Insertioa No ad vcr scmcni, however short, will be charg J less than for a squa re, . . , 1 - . J . j' t- j" ' pt industry, me sums ai presci Court Orders and judic al ad verflse- T ..i ' ti 'i. iy uc adoption oi mis new urancn hfl 0WM, rIle. ,0 -.i , CHARLES L. FLEISCIIMANN, Graduate of (h? Royal Agricultural inUtlute of Havana,. Patent OlHcer :t7? n'uihtnglon, Dec. 27 1838.' , V ! 01 ,ndU8,.ry. PW1 Pa tor . v, Nf. K iicuT.Lf New Orleans 4n a .short 1 1 . re(.ei,ijl invented un anoaratus for country: its I fcd-i,.;,, iaccharine limiidi. - which has btates, and Extract from tki MEMORIAL or ; surpasses Howard's v Wwr invention of purpose, ne urnier ,i,i. t.rri,j.ii nj .;nlwrU w.m a oe .lougeuio increase n.s uvS and dKrawess, but aU ia' the arrange stock, which i would I find, durui the i n- mio k, filing of lugar. ccoiding ter season, 4enty of food in the nnduum wi,h tha laws of sciencefind 'ecowmy. oi ine manuiaciorv. ' u wuuid increase Thc T reduced ty w tk;al ute consumption oi sugar amoai me i ..i:j ,nA k ,f 111 RLrS L. FU:iSCU31 4., less wealthy class, and would mate their ,f . I ... - - . . . . . i ail ut mm uiaii ivuvu in aiiium uuuiiir ftfliW o iAi wanwzrw Bod ties.-One l thCfylinders operates im X:,ri,f. Meet, Sugar, - .-;irsi; : Jist'BY 29. 1839. deferred to the Committee on Aericul ture, and ordered to be printed. oi consequence, greauy exieno ine dcr t vacuum, and entirely tvUiwatcs utauonoim Cduiitry. . - tw condensed liquor by a low degree , i iio roanuiaciure w sur is noi con- of ,Calf l0 hinder Uie ftaruoU.o of mtv fined to the beet aiid cane. only. In jag,.,,, hnprovemcm ot the hgest Hungary mere are, ai preseai, ouiao Ilip(bnoa.1wWch, till now, Las never lories wn cii imm wgor yrvat pump. teniCcofflrJisheU Th sirup can Ktnu i ite loiiowiRS anicie, iramiated in rti nrrr if K irrlmrrk. From the Common School Altninac, ? WHAT HAVE I DO WITH COU ' : rON SCIIOOLa - ' . In , prescntmg the claims of common . schoou Icflndi viduafe,'i isZoot' uhfroi quently ithe case that language like diet louowing wm assau your ears nav have 1 to do with common schools t I . have been to school all I shall go. -have no children j why should . I be ia terpsted in the common schools tTa uch I .would say. though you may L not have children, yet' coracrjon phi, lanmropy snouur make you iotcreste4: in 'their support. What 1 are not intert ested in your country's freedom and' prosperity I Care you not whether knowledge ' and intelligence,' yirtuef 0? vice, spread through these U wtedJStatesj Or," instead of these, that ignorance and vice, and superstition prevail I s Say not, ; then, that von feel no. interest1 in th$ CQmmon school. vThey are your coun try Vsafe-guard, , your neighbors only Patent Office, J)ec. 28, 1838. Sir At the request of the author o the accompanying memorial, I have the nonor 10 sunmii me same to your care. ior sucn aisposiuon ay you saau ascm best calculated to promote the wishes of air. r iciscnmana and uie interests oi ine country. -U- w.-" -Allow me to sttte that Mr. Fleisch manii is a genUeSjsn of varied practfeal and scientificmfrirmaiion, and has been for the last two years a resident of this city, and employed by me in the Patent Olficc. lie is a native of Bavarian and was educated in the Royal Agricultu ral and' Poly technical school at Sch- leisslieim, near Munich, at which he graduated ' with distinguished Jionor, and was appointed 1 Inspector of the Pahic DumainM office of great re-, er of the mind in the district. It out, then, like ji , cehuine : patriot, an;! give : to these schools your j hearty,' generous support. Upon ihera depend the nation's prosperiry. , Without them, i the people must suUer all the 4Ui that general ignorance is heir To. The safe- N ty of, ypur property and life lies in the? . irtue and intelligence, of,, those around you. .., y. . ; t v lhese- humble institutions, standing- upon almost every acre of our land, & scattering light in every i direction, ar the guardans of our freedom, and tho strength of onir country, : From every -one of our eighty thousand school bouV ' es in this republic, there goes forth ft stream of light that tails upon, cheers, and improves-every farm, workshop and family hearth in the country. The school house is the former and nourish rm ... l II L ! J J.sa.ulSciei.1 rrooroflhe i0fallili.Kroi? MOwrm omWMcatr. WiidMartMbifirtfihft and simple eontri Wi and il introduction and ircneral . T, w w nmrm v.nre of a ddfcrential. tterinoinetcr. dopUooof it in this country would l rErW thehighert mportance toihe wclfaie rTV d o1!!0? f.i ....: r .t. tt from this manufactory, and fouid tlc istha" ' wnii hi iiff: inn ran Pnrwmn n it nnin m uhAM ih ,. . men vi aavarecu gc no was biso aiina ine momers receive ineir education., rector of tha, cstcies of Count Sein-'i The 'school houses of this State (Xeh e shcim, comprising twenty-four villages. York,) have riven our prosperity, our Emigrating to this country with much enterprize, and our controlling station ' ' i . mi a . ine states. , iney nave made U: mpire btate:" tor what are naU facilities unless there , is mind ia ljj i ri .... .i . . L.tj .. i .1 .l i i " t- r " . r ia, to be read with doen lntere.ti com. nftfiose nst tut nna. MrfrtnM.t.. ited SttM m aMnt io Fmiw. to -'S" w "ro ww7"-paralui wm tank amonz the roo.t mge- ... . " iT TT Tirr . . r J i v i. .a ii . is .ir "i".- -1 - 1 vAwiiuwiiiMu tun iuug, iiu nwi tcia aiiiuuz i nnnnrfttua tvtll crreatlv.fxiri itateine I .1 . ! . C " "r:i i::; .1 C e m me icncn and perman languages the 15 u r . u UV,VU .s - Vi m has, at my suggestion, draughted ural acesUgato-4hemanip( jranch of industry f but i . Af . -. . i,:k I'rup is of ft blackish-grccn color, and .robably Ln tlie want of ililful and fff afbo a metoiKhke flavor, but is suits nlelhgent operators in the former rom- "j ff. consumption; The juice, ob. i:.li,-.,i.,.:-" ... taincd by pressure, yicUl, on aver. IlVaiVVI lUUIIII'UIMlM'lin. UMI, IIK.KIII.I .- r " . I !ji Europe, thb manipulations are redu- "e Pr "S" ? cd to a process much siWrr Jterrc,,, 'f L T IwingHon InUe-beer, which C"?" "m" ante comprehended and ocrformcd hv MW .-a- ""-'T ' Tk- :.i'.. . .i:. theaumpkin is always considerable, CI T IIJX'II. 4 IIV W.llUVt 19 MVt UISIII I .1 . r f- I urcu taiiin-i, mil ivg.e tutu vhi , , ,r. I..- . k:j ugar, or a least raise and (dry, the bevt ,A Mn ... n Jm mnnillWl among kus-and-4mporUnt4nventHns. VzJHiA'niILM. does and we would sooij and laiesi uiscovecjca ia me manuiac cropo our way to the savage state.-1 house, and manufactures loos. ! Strike Should the Government desire 1 the from existence those intfi!lvtmi1 fmin. e; beet was relied on as tho surest cervices of an awnt to investigate this tains, which aradailv nnurinr liirhtiul uaranty of its stability; j ' ; - Uubjcct bv visiting the manufactories of liberty over ihe land, and all to ni'ht i hat branch ol productive industry, Europe, 1 would 1 respectfully recom the darkness, of. midnight and barbae - . m . . i m.i . .- r. menu ine aumor oi-inis memormu VVth the highest repect 1 remain .a i . your otedicnt servant, - HEKflY L. ELLSWORTH, 'Hon. Mr.1 Linn, K S. Senate. hereforc, which the first statesman and aptain of the age regarded alila as the jmeausof conquest and tlie source of wealth and independence, cannot be considered a matter of indiiTcrcnco Id the Government of this great and grow ing republic, whose duty and privilege II wiowaicn-over-ine tnieresi ana wel fare bl its Citizens tr Government as ism. M.C 1 01 oecisusar. ana requires less auenoor 1 ine gcQerai arcunicni seainsi ine in i m ,. . . r ' . , f 1 1 ure oi us cuizens a uuvcrunicm i , . rt , , . . roductfci, of this branch of industry, nd ",ce m." ,,aod, H ptring to no conquest, yet whose envia- Ck.. lu. K:-k .uiT-uiJ thrcfl v cckiwiihoot cettiiig scuf vt ! t .? ...v,.,-A wis. .Ji ,AAnA m nineteenth si lutcs, U incorrect, when we consider T '"Uljr v,f . J j r f P c 1. . r 1 .... I ilnriiiif I lift nrrwima nlpvnmriiliiin. ifMt I : e other great advantages which the I". .Lli T J Z A umo hberty. Ktnt t,J - .k. hot rise in the boilers, and is not so lialJe . r ' egarded the last hope of freedom the lost asy- rnitcd State have over every other "u " "'m " ! . limntrr on lh ' nt..l 1 .1m,t nr . lHJ i'ur,,u . 4 n"rau ""7 T1 t., Iniainc ftKl cUUy b, UU 6rarhJf lor caule. aero produce. r liU'Thc CniUStatcs scss a cii- fulhnent eod for ?o acre of o "Friends of education to neglect thesa- schools is as criminal and shows, tha samt want of patriotism and philan thropj as to destroy them. Ilaveyoii thought of this t;sl v;-. . ... Fire and Idst pf tifelkl&ttbToW - i i " i n i n T ' 'Vs4rM out on the moriiia of the 10th inst a. Thi Pnttm9fpr nnr.r in in a small frame building a Mion of the house, sava that 1 no" street, between 7th and flin.;rt riwjrtn i tf i .t. Sth. avenues, ,Mary Murray, wife of detaiimcnt,will be necessary to contin Patrick Murray. who i occupied the rpre-, wng the present year the mail fa liiltcs, uviibiicu id lire, uaiuc. 11 r r- il if in IhA nnueAnt aiKncKmant IT. patchtchtTOfwTxx!ts tHiUcr tlian Vy climate of Europe, because the sum- ?ncriarc etccssively, Vrc'sjvs the saocharmo jxct-roou , tld. Plenty juljcct to but firoundFfOftMlHwiaininrTecd very cood tuhle oil of 10 per cent, can oiniormauon imnaneo in me pre- . ., t .i ru ' i"cic"cwwucui. gorges, collected as it is from the PIfW c"de"c wforc the Coro-j 5, tnQ retrenchments vhich havo' Suilntio' sources, It is hoped will fer ' h? dcceas?d wa.v been made, and the increasing means . . . . 1 . .v.. kened bv the watch, escaoed. but re col- r .t.i :. ing that her money, . about 112 doU.iy. -.tr a-t 1 iti r --t. . "'-11! . I. lt.r" V." regarded as of the highest importanco r"r? 7 " ." ".r tf the department, wUl enable it notorw 0 . . lectin?? that her monev. ahnnt 112 doU. .l. .... . a t a bki AtAVa itAUuniMAni nnn vmui - t n ' 1 w - - - v iii.iiiiiniis iirr 1 11 tTkt'.in ki'i uii'H.iini with the duty of promoting the grtatt t"eintttharshd was woruTlnTho aIso t0 pct in opcratk)lv wUhoul cn)ba. II Win L i-iM ' ' ( ' 1 CJ ' 1 ' 1 ' j I UB2.Illt;ilL LI Id I CM X 1HJ1.U H ITNlilll k ' I RI r 1 1 1 1 1. 1 chi a n iiui 1 . , ' ------ . -w--VVraw.w f Ha iililmnml. .k t . . , " f 4 ' . ' . I ami xvlnlrt enffiRd in ernrin it. nsi .l 1 .. . tr Harm, when in- Jrtnt imvr.. -Havinsi traced mo history ana pro- ". j. ?. Di '"T -"Z : wwwon oi vongrcss... ine re wrTy'of X r-"r-.-r ARQUAUDTf -JpCSJ of i0 nufacuro oYtho Unvelopcd in tho flames. . The tntUreochmc0tgof laail tervico during tho .r ' I Mian corn, trft Wnd Vf. tassel ,ugu, from iu first discovery in Europe ,SL7 nioontc4 of cheap and.rich land, ling.yield.' just half; aUuicluigar as to the pros-n time, through ll its varied Sld aU ' a.mflt. , - K iLar.ran1 and it is sitonlsW ctnerlments and decreasing expenses. W5? . .immediately to Uifl place, and ; ten$l0M 0f seWice, and1 tho rotrench requtrinar tho bounty ot r ; 7 " f i t . -- j meiu ",ncc 10 w , mating' m ,but yulding a revenue, --tt CaT r7Zw l'" Frwnum. ui un$, inquiry is, how shall w .,a ,. " j sum 3,058 is produced by retrench. j- :i .ki....- gomg into the flames to. rescue htf Uife. 1 m-nt ftf nnn' I .-" . I id. Inexhaustible stores of fuel, fiom I that this m ell-known fact did not iaduce I until no longer I. .1... . i . ' . 1 j . . :lii. '- .1.... t f . ... i"'imi uw rrcai naiurai water courses, persons 10 piam com vsiwcmuy iw uiai vmvciimicin ilroads, and canala branch, over the purpose v 1 . V " - - the only remaining ."iwu (union. , , ; ., , ' 1 "'lumaao use 01 screen corn nujunii- iiwaHisiii, twuu. hrnisfl ua all in flanW hut' ha 4;li.V WclUonstructed labor.iavinr kins nrofitablv. and to imnrove the croo ol'the important advantaeciof this new An P0"8 V":,ul:.li. chinei of .11 description. - of beet In quality and uainti.y.)he loU source of national wealth andindustot wdoSTS- 1 if , :i.-H! . ' i-.8'. -.1 ?t. 1 1 ! s -.i r..iM.i t, m i'.(mi4 'nnU mtnutn 1 "rning op, wiuio u wa impossioto 10 ljco once ocquainicd w ith this branch which would keeo a manufactory. in op. knowledge of this 'now branch of indu J';;a ir i-l. i M InduatrvJ will o,m hrim, it m rmrtt I rratlnn" all tlie veir found r - j trv. (now tactically unknown in this . W'? was native ot ire- Wcctionlft poPulatHin 'undcrttaudini'! . Wo know tliat tho beet reonircs a c6tmttryA it is necessary to visit Hun- r. ' "".7 J" Z 1 1? L VUUIUI J, JUU UIW Udjr ''ho i use and manogemcht of machinery. nd famous ( r improvements and in- )fintions.- ; Whereas, in Euroixi, Ihe laid ovenaxco, uih in price, and Iherc re tlio hteresr upon it considerable utjoct to tithe ai.d oilier leudal bur. ocas j while tli fuel is acurco and valua- jc.and its transportation high and slow, fne populatioo aro entirely unacimain lAinii-naviiiz macmnes, nnu very little mechanical ingenuity led -,.:t anfr.Anilu r-A.Mnl witk A, i iwiw. I lormunv. France and ; Enpland. I r. . 1 . uw ii ii( .miiiviviiii inviiuyu mi fj-- j ' 7 ., , . a ; nreccdinff her denlh. 4 composed manuro, us when planted in in order to examine all tho recent and t VK-'cStal hiifn!n)' 1 ; grccii manuro they yield mtich less ao important discnvericg and improvoroenti ; y? 'r.' ,' garland tho operation is rendered more relation to tho .manufacture of beet to v ? -''c' " f ' diflirtilt i in tmmarA ' tho field Monerlv car. ? To accomplish this object; It t Ia iirm . i i i i a . . i . ..... - . ..i . i . . i w .. . m. . for the licet, it should be well manured, would require tho following qualihca meant power in int umiea atattu (no mattce, m M hat siato tho manure tioiw: u A lato report to Longrew makes tho may bo applied,) ploughed, and planted -,i 1. A thorough knowledge of tho old wholo numkr . of .engines 8.010, In corn and pumpkin!., and .worked; re method o( extracting sugar from the which 800 are m ttcamboats, 450 in lo a a cu ar v as room Ibr tho long as the pumpkins leave beat, and every apparatus hitherto used. comotivc ) horsd hoc; When the com J ' J. A thorough knowledge of agricul- turcsr , shown, a few days ago, a box of Coal from i mine on tho lands of Eyander ' Mclvcr, in Moore county about 4 9 miles! fifom this place. It is said to bo of good; quality, by thowr who aro competent to yidFajettevilte4ibtcrvn H ? ABSENCE OF, MINDl ' I A, backwoods paper, says, " Wo slop therv to announce' that ft prets hat broken out, und i likely to jto- jta;

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