yL?j''g M0tm CHARLOTTE, 1ST. C., XX, 1833 TERMS: liri.fl.f r.1,r t,t...i I . 1 1 .. .. f .1 ..n..w niai nai, n liUliJf UI.UUUKC..JUS OI UlC CHAPTER, IT once recollcctiuwif, .La littki:! ,1,! ''. , 0 U"""V luiui.mtn , n m open curtain tlv down the narrow secluded street in which th,. GEOLOGY. 1 T1 Nurlh.Curnliiia WM,.,,, to 3 the IKS L ' 1 i,;, iit I.-(.l..cd lor three muntlm, mid 1I1KK1. lu-aits by her gentleness and beauty. Ii 1 I liOld.AliSuttheei.dof thcyeur. No p..p will A. . i.., llu,rtll ,., 1 ... ,1'J1,M! sllu "Ul'ies 1 be discontinued until all urrur iL' ure juid, i. 1,11 1 1 ". . vuu , a carnage draws I I B, a. .he opiUm of .In. Miter..1, ul'- vcry " '?' ; Louse, and a youn I Ad.Tii-.uei.t iru-d at One Dollar per ..- "f Lut I'-"" -"'-- 'b '-'"- tiie next instant sin I in liiMHorU-Hn, tins aia-d type) lor the liii.tnii.ir- "-'i -'N every bodyebe; a rare tiling j 0f l'loruucc. I;,,,,, nni .'.) ni'iiU tnr cnih coiiiinuaiicu. I uurt ud- wiitreuo many are concerned. I lie li"hts iiriii-nii' iiu nd SIiitiII'' Sdlfn cliurjci'd & ht are out, and the late lively looms looked fnr- .i.h.Bi..Ti a,1dad,d,.. tiMof:i.'ll,rcli,t.will J,,,.,, nm, dun.rivd but wholly deserted it ., muii fri.ui the rii'iil..r prices, for udvrrtiarra hy J , , f , 11 . ,, , , , v.-.r. Advertiacim-nla itwerfd nw.ill.ly or " ""' lnUu-' Ly a rich tahle loaded irt' rly. at $1 per anujre for eucli tunc m.,nilily .5 ccnta per (..pure lor each tuiic. J T All lettcra 011 'usinumi 11 1 unt lie diri ' ti d to 1!,: Il.iitora. Lcttcra inual be poat-paid or tl.ey ,!t,.lbe attended to. jy I'y merit "n be nmdf to either. i- rdstininteri arc outhorittd to ai t m n(;rnt. i y -r fSf fnp -C Full THE XiilllU CAUOl.l.N'A Will.). To Stella. (Ji t thnu r. nifinl.tr, wt 1 I St, !la, thr it t, aTv we ld ty tlic tulr ,i tue liiurtnurint; Mtrciiiu 1 ,u mi luivi ly iourid fi rth uji earli miii.c, nt 111 -u-l.t, .V alii tin- Imlly-ln e buh, wlmte Uv, wi re fi "retn ! i ! n nu mber the hour, t p-il in ni .ii II w 1 lie Kindt were o l"W, aim liie Kl! I. .1.11 'i'.i-l niulil coytd be heard, g.ne the vui, e ly with flowers which now looked faded and dead, stood (iracc and her basom friend, I'lorence Wyniau ; they stood with arms round each other, aud their heads slightly (..' - 1 Well,' said Grace, after a pause, and with hly glances at Florence, '1 cbiill Lave to give up all this hpleudor ; and w hen un cle William has pone to Knjjland, I hhall have to earn 111 y bread ; how many of to night's ft mi life-latiii friends shall I have then; who will visit the poor dressmaker! Very few, I am afraid.' 1 Well, we hhall see, Grace, darlinp, you may be sure that you shall have nil of my patronage;' and kis-ing ln-r, I'lorence rush ed down stairs to join her bi jther, who had been raliini; that the cat riau was waiting SUlll.'lilllC. 1 Yes,' holiloijuized Grace, as she took a (audit; and flamed slowly round the room, as she h it it, ' I shall prove them when 1 have my quiet little room in a secluded t strict, and do dre-sliiakitiu' ; when this rich , satin is changed lor a cheap calico, and my aims niinii these eems. then i shall sec who ! are mv trietids and who are not;' and bow- to the ni:iT"r herself in it. she ex- , M PhACTIWL GEULOdt, Coiideused from Pi deasor Kiniiion', i:e,,rt. The importance of undcrstandim' the composition of soils, and the best means of improving their c pabilities, is a subject now generally acknowledged to be worthy of tho attentive eowideration of every far mer. In every civilized cm,,,, f u classes of its citizens are alike dependent on the products of '.110 soil for subsistence; ami hence everyone fchould feel l,,ter,.t..,l how by word or hint, where mv fnturr. the promotion of sueciwsfal ...,.:,...li.,,. homo was to be.' To obtain this diVrablo eu'l Geology and' Florence smiled. M). did I l.ot know Agricultural CheVi.Hrv len"!l iw v7.ln..t.ln that my Grace had a pan-ion for narrow al"j indicate tl.i .y;tom, based on sci- toniposed anie laatter, n ami peroxide . 1 , pimnc ein jippreer s euiiios. as She gazes, up and stops before the lady springs out aud lie is clasped in the arms I ' Have you found me out already V she ushcu. Jiove must indued be a diviner then; for never even to you, darling, did I nci.l, its proportions being about Til per tion of a good soil one. which is adapted to cent, of the phosphate, i.nd 1-J per cent, of general cultiv .ition. The sample i.- from me e.iiimnaie or nine. Jt also enters large- llalilax t o., ot a frown color, and 1.) 11110 mi! composition 01 the covering ol astoiiows; titer, 4 Till or Mieii-ii-h, corals, hark ol trees, r. From V-.'ii ilex, 74 :) Alumina and its universal illusion, n is evident, it is one of iron, 1 I. 0(1 1', '""" '"''" 'ai't elements ot the soil, ante arljonatc of lime, (I. ID .Ma-i.e- .'iueh uiieertuinty prevails in its uso. Km. sia. (I .')D Pt,l, 11 (.;-..,.) ., i "11. essential eluiiients are here found in fair proportions. Aliiuiiua or clay never entei-.-into the composition of plant-, altim' it is an essential clement of all soils. The analysis of a good uintt soil frnni iVrfjuimonst.'o cipiallin?. in everv respect, the soils of (leniie-ee Co. in .,'vv V,.rk.' U:r the heail ol min i Us judicious a. plica tion will be more particularly pointed out. ! Mao.nk.-ia. This is al-o an alkaline sub stance existing in soils. It is olteii niain tained that Magnesia is hurtful to soils. hen cau.-tie, it is true, it does not bicomo mild as soon as lime ; and hence is liable ti absorb the water which is necessary for the P!lv,! tLe follotiiig result : V And tin j;'lad. nli ! gurehiig ouiida if lieit beautiful Gray, heiress, 1 be only Miss ( .ray, an. stress.' 1 all, the b.-autilul throw 11 o , not a- two s ree 1 ,t 'fineiiib' r ihh word, wh.eh win wh no low, Vv im'i! liiy in.iil, fairy lund 1 y tr, nit.lir 11, nun,- ? . 1 in v t II on n; v heart 111 t hi .r 1:. us o. ! th v. , J i-c to. vuicea luat ll v l , in ii t 'I 1 10. Vs in rny uie, ,.rStiM.! tnghl Sulla ! those wurda wire the rh.irin, I iiil wr.e,j;ht out fur 11. e tne. loni; dr, am of my Vuolli. -;d tin. word, whl'.ll 1 jH,ke, did Ihry rau-e-thee ulariii ' T c Ami, la 111 Heaven may witiiesa llmi truth. vt hour, v,t mi hour, in the hie of a Iwiy, VV i.'isc l.i)a had b,-.n klirouted 111 pr, mature B l.u.ra ; vv em an Anifi-i'irii a'mir, ramc i.iaen w 1111 jov. 1 ii'i' j ... . ... ,. . in? with meek dignity, eaiU'bt a rellertioii of claimed ' Good niht for to morrow y ou w 1 the d 1 ess-ii.aker, or s. Two days alter t!i ho-i-c i- for sale : The hou-e i in n and tli" rooina lire tbroiiL'ed days before, with beauty and fashion to dance and enjoy them-elv c at a. ball, but mo-tly for t urio-ity to .-. the whole bou.-e. 1 To tii'i-t of the people the drawing-rooms veie familiar, and t hey dc-ircd to --e it' the I hoii-e was so elegantly ai. l tn-t-. Lilly fur nished throughout, .-t iiidiiig in a recess, pait-y fnri,i-l,ed by curtain-, was Grace, l'Mikii, vet pale tmt render, d so by lo-t I of rich.-s. but I y tie'' dread of b-ing friend. She was dre--ed .la:i.!v, almo-t meanly; land as she stood there so Very pale, with : her small whit- hands ( la-ped ti-jhtly to ! ether, her lips sli'ht!y compressed, and Bfioiud'iiot have fouud you so quickly, had I not seen you at the window.' ' Well, now that you have fouud me, you must recommend me to as many of my old friends as possible aud get me some em broidering to do ; and you can give me some yourself, to keep luc from starving.' 1 Do not benlraid, my dear,' she answered, gaily ; ' I will see that you have plenty to do. 1 will get some of my friends to come to-morrow and then you will be able to a.-k for embroidering, dress-waking or plain sewing, whichever you fancy you can do best.' lint Graco w as not particularly cheer ful; there was a heaviness at her hart she Could not account for. 'Faking a t-hiir and drawing it up to a little table, she pro luced paper and pencil, and began a note to a dear friend : at lea-t she called hersed' so whenever they nu t. She commenced sev eral and was dis-ti-!icd with all ; at last she blushed the folio win-' : .1. e . 1.. . ... 1 - .1 . . -, ; ioiii ui piauis. 1 iiiisjiiihip o .ungttf.U'i ; is a constant clement of wheat, rye, corn I and also, of all vegetable food. ' t'l iianie matter umina and iron, 4. Silcx i" J.llliC. liter, 4. fill s"'. "ill Al ii. 1H Ma--- tiou of collegiate dtties he made u rapid survey of several portions of the State, and published the results of Lis labors in two! pamphlet llepoits addressed to the "Hoard of Agriculture." Tic.-e Reports were lie- ee.-.-arily imperfect for want of time, yet they ! gave ample proo! ot the variety and impor tance of our mineral wealth. To the honor of the good Old North State be it said, this was the lir.st Geoloel.al .Survey ordered by public authority iu tin; United States! Since , that time, nearly all Df the States, and soy- eral of the Territories Lave followed le-r ex- ' ample in carrying on similar praise-worthy undertakings. Aware of thfi !?rcjt importance of more AT I,-- Wi f v.. o-Tii 1 lu ! mi i c til v eli 'i Mi re i ,1 i i . . . . ' I 1 1 , .... I as .-lie ' - -' n I i inv ueveiopin our iiiuueu n-.-oui e.-.-, auu 'of fortune, 1 am ..l.ligcl to ., or do some- I ,lure clearly pointing out to the great mass thing for my living; and I apply to vou, ! ,,f our citizJiiS thtir u-ciul applications, the - knowing that you ate veiy charitable, and ! I,t.;i.lature of North Carolina, at its session j always have something to be embroidered ;.. J,,,,- -.-,1 authorized a Geob.e-ical, Min- cralo"cal, Uotatiieul :md A''ricultural Sur- to secure the inot tut i i- li..S , 1 ' It is riot generally kuowii that, about th!r-itilis ...i,. j,, w' t e,,-eatly vMnes'Tn ty years since, the legislature of North Car- ! (.lla,ltitVj Jtfi proper proportion is about olina aujhorized a Geological .Survey of the j J)(.,. jj 111XL.,j t.iyi j- .State. lhe pcrfortLanee of this work was j liarU )Or0. -ty and looseness to the soil, ami assigned to I'rof. O instead, then attached j icrlits t1(. routs t ,,0nctrate deeply. It to the State ver ity. Ihiruig the vaea- ill0 n.cssary to the cereals (.rain-) to nesia, (boa Soluble Silica, 0. 'J'Z I'ota.-h, V.i!i'".'.'.;'u,1! - ni I'h-..; 001 i.eid. ap protect tlie straw and kernels aiel give strength to the whole plant. When the -.'rains are special objects of culture, potash and lime are often add.: 1 ti fr-e it !tu it.. insoluble combinations, and prepare it to be taken up into the tissues ot plants. Ox I nr. or Iron. It has been proved, by repeated analyses, that organic bodies con tain iron. In t'..o-e animal.- which have red blood it is fully demonstrated that it serves to maintain the heat of the body. In the .-oil, however, it is supposed to be concern ed in developing ammonia. Iron, by itself, is rarely u-e-1 a- a fertilizer. The oxide ,tly varv'ui'' results. Ami iicrc i mil- j be remarked that it is not so much tin- ; Ichemieal as the physical constitution which I converts a good j;eiieral soil into one adap- j 'ted to a specilie u.-c. The addition of alum- f I ina or clay i- what makes the dill'eiehee ialtbo, as previously stated, it is never as similated in the animal body, or taken 11 j ; by the roots ,.f plants. I The State ol North Carolina ow n- lar.i.'i -.tracts of lands in the K astern Counties tin '--.ii of wbiih is eminently of vegetable' 01 i j gin. Thu-we Lave '. sot Is at one ex treme of the varitie.-, and " :' .. at WINTKi; IN THK ALPS. Mo-tofoiir reader- are aware tliat the pa.--ages of the A!; - between Swit.eriaii'l Savoy tire the mo-t danger.. us in the whole rani'e of the nafiral '-cloud cap tower;'' and that 011 the .-!ii.t ta'oie land aliorded 011 the l,.p of the Great St. JVrnarrl, an horj.iee has stood for ires. h j.s siippoited by the voiuntary c.-nti ibutioi.s ol ull nations. fatlioli.. and I'i d, --(ant, Hindoo, ( 'hri-tian and I'a j a neutral groend (Vr the li'. ty W llieh liilVeleliee of ere clime, can n.-y.-r wholly truly it 1- a noble h-i.-pilahle monks, tie .-canty, open their do that presents him- 111. T11 'eo.. f lw. t v Mu--u!nian ;i 1 . I ui, all lli.-.l h, re w of that cii.u i '!, "r race, or l!i'V up. Ami iii-titiitioi. t .r the ih tiieir revenue is ours to every strantrer eiils him-eli. And that is bv 1,., .1 l.ne oee.n retie, , 1 ,r in ti,...-':. CI' is often nv.-rl:i!:..i. 1 ".- in. r in tb" stiu-i.iiie, and the piiu; 1 ti-..;-in!: .0- appear a- it they were never to : sullied by the tempest. ( 'n these dread- tol n-i-a-i-iii, tee storm eoiiiea on ith the sHltih.vs of li .'Ltliilig ; dlllts of sl.ovv choke up the roads, aud dreadful avn- 1 In- or -ewed. ill ou be me souiething a- soon 1 note ? My room is iu No vey of the State. he execution ot tiii work hasbeen couniii ted to I'rof. Kuin.o'.is, one of the distinguish:.! Ge-dngi.-ts einploy e.l, a few Jears since, in the New ork Sur vey. The result of I'rof Hnimon's labors thus o kind a to send you receive thi.-1-, Wilson Street. GllAeE Maiu.ami." Having folded the letter up, she took it down stairs, and knocked at the door of her hind lady's al.ai tllielil. she asked if her lit tle boy, a child of twelve years old could ! f-'ir, confined prineipa i v to the F.-teru por take the note . Mrs. Daniel was a widow, , tien cf the State, is bow before u in a val- ,a smart, bustling little body, with a good ; liable K. port oi l.( 1 natured, fair face, and kind gentle eyes ; deep ii.tcre-t an int aud she asked Grace to come in and sit j naturally take iu r. ul.il.. -I.,, u-i-lied .lo .-iihs face and i Illation 011 the extent Put oil a clean collar and then he might from the smith's forge, mixed with refuse matter about the .-hop, has been found to be highly hem licial to fruit trees. A.MM11MA. This substance is well known under the name of "' . hltm i . Iu tin.-state, hoAcvor, it is led applied to plants. It be-b'li-j-s both to tie- soil and to the atmo.-pliere. It i- su io-ed that the -alts of ainiiioiiia are the m.-aiis throiiL'L which i.itvoge'i gains access to the grains. Nun, i rons experi ments have been made which go to prove is iie-iied to iher. ase the wheat -ub-taui'os the other. The Op. 11 Ground Carteret Co., containing upvvard. acres, is of this peaty character, fully c.-tabiisln-tl . that a soil pur Lie, will not mo. .'iiee thec'-r.-a! neither will one of pure sand, or j pro-luce then.. Or-ja nic matter, .-: and Tunc are all bv Itself can pr- iitial, and v a ri : must be a mixture of organic ie matter. One liimdi-od grain soil only gave by analy-is thie. inorganic matter ; proving the rain-, in if -O.illlll It i- now V veg. ta ( . rail.- ; 1 'lire lilile Hid, clay t neither -!. There :.d it. pr. an .1' this peaty per eeld. of almost total the llli! lah H'S -w , ej ami I'.-, ii'-e seel mingle mini-try. anger. ins p,,y per- , l-V ti." II to t ,.11 a-i-t'-o l ive ! .-: and wle Ol th el The - abb-. cai v nig u. . it - in' la -ek before tin in. .s of avvfii! el'ali'ieur t In .I ing th. -:a red. God Tin';.' di V "to (In tin-! . ' to lask of scinching for th -e it w ho may Lav I en ..v.-r--11 I 1 . 1 1 .-1 oi, 1 ; and they arc. ti, -e I'hii-tain I'lli.---- by a - 1 ceuli.ir to the e-tal'li-hlin I.t, ;.ck. I IV I' 1 n'.t i ie;t -. h I w 1 y ie d: X'lUl- Knowiug the aiiuunity will 1 T T'uz Arrant full of :ultics Tlir'turli tht mirn of Suniim-r ami ittov. I-. ii Ik r ; ,0itt iwtligbl'i iol't Inw Slid hv holly tr t rr, Ti ih lorg t I all (!, will I vt r r in nitit r. ill tin- iv tli.it huur, " thr ilr'-nm of a i'iv, WiH-n Hi tUtk wiuga ot' wm broud iKtr more ' H it 1. 11 .:, ft Sti ila, ii ! t il n, I wy! Vi,i tfi' ti bt4ti 011 my p.ith, :r a m r Tli'Tf ,' April Jl, 13. O'i 'l o. 3lisccll;mcou5. GRACE MARL A ttD; OH, FRIENDS and FORTUNE. UV lls J.MMA I. W Il.siiN. ew would have re cognised the courted heire-s and bi lie of a few cveiiiiiL's a, o : or recognizing, cnubl 1 atrovr in thai l,,.p pilling her sad fate. Numerous groups I r,f , . t 11., ' " 1' ' 1 ' pages. Iligel.t C l- 1 v: 11 i'e.i.ii-le liih.r iind valu.- of our miu- iiu c'-llar and then lie migiii g-. e. ... .e.-uu...-, .... 1... j-.-, m,. 11.,,.;.. 1 II,,, IK- :,i, ,1 ihinl.in-r 1 l-T tlie benefit ot those who may not be in Grace looked sad, encouragingly, and en- possession of the lie) )it. a condensed .-late-ded. as the boy went off with the note, and 1 ui.-l.t of its most important di.-covcru.-s and - . . . 1 ions. it 5it nnv tune she i t one v or tired, she ie- "M1 "v - "v. . ' .. 1 .. ?. ..1 ,.. ..... 1 '!!.,. I 11 1 1, ,er fin ntt.-r lor , Hell OI no) illll'i i.il sin v..-. i. i.e. and Agneultun re standing about; some exam ining the rich lurtiiture and c.-tiy deeora- ti.His, and others speaking utihe-itatingl y of Iher pa-t conduit, aud w-u. deling what she would do now. I Mrs. Willi- and her daughters -ailed by , her in all tin- m.ijc-ty of velvets and b;o- cades, not deigning to notice her, except by a bold stare and ill r. pres-. d laugh. They had fawned u her, called ln-r their dear I M'i-s Marlam I, vi-ited Iu r, ridden in her I carriage and now passed hi r coldly by I with only an in-u'iting stare, l ion-ticc lly ! man pa d her by with a cold, though per tly polite bow, and m-taiitly began ad- T.pn-ite vase ot poreelaiil wnu n itile inlaid t-ible. both cf which Ul. ,l,.,-l-,re, 1. on, she mu-t have. I'oor i...i 1 .,.' r.,-,i,..r I,-,, v- an-1 allowed the -uperh to fall so as almo-t wholly I Stoke rt is con ined to tne of tie Ka-'ti I II Chatham and Moor :iga- !,tie- her eves half closed, a- if to shut out the Grace was going, up stairs, by saying that cot: misery ,.f ln-r feeling must come mid ui.!.-), 1 1 r-i,-i-iloiiileil h.-r kindly, and "in , vi she thon-dit she would like to I t""l '-'' The coal fidds of UockiduLatn avail her-elf of it, lor Mrs. Daniel was a woman who hud seen belter days, and even now, her room .showed evidence of a refined ta-te, and altogether looked so Very invi ting that she lain would have sal there most of her time. 'i'o be Continued. I ! mil ! -to. I HAl'If.ll I. 1 on a -he declared ah Grace, ovi riv he! into the rec,--, dania-k curtains 'Why are you so sad, .Mi-s Marlan-l . ,111-giac asatil Mr. I redeiiek Gray, ol a young and piecemeal. 1" autihil eirl. w ho was I. ailing against the 1 'And ther window iu a brilliantly lighted b!l-room, w 1 'i.iiig sadly nut at the stars. j h Mi- Grace M.irl.md was an orphan: her b f;itlier and mother d ing when she w as about h 'it' -ive y.-ars of age, she w as left in the care 1 Iter maternal uncle, Mr. William Shaw. v..e was immensely wealthy, having hail a t "b lclt her by her father's brother, Mr. I.iiii-s Mnrlatid who died a few years all. 1 I.- I rother. She was just eighteen ; superb ly handsome, with dark eyes which one n- iiieiit melted with defiance oil any offi-li-d. r, but whoso abiding i-xpres-ion was geli- tlnicss ; hair dark brown, looking black in 1 m,t bear to sec y tli- shade, and auburn iu the sun ; complex- ' kill yourself. ' 111 dazdingly fair, rather pale, but when1 cannot helj ader any excitement glowing with a rich lavi- me ; I shall to conceal her. ' O,' she exclaimed, ' I have hoped, even at this late hour, friends might be found 1 save my home from this dreaded the ill-grace of Lei 1. vi I10 w ould kis been somebody found will buy it,' said Mr. Gray, stepping to ,i- e. lor she had spok.-n abu being aware of it. has taken the wind, though he do. led present.' lie -toppe pale, and following w a- iu time to sec ' had often see ii as a hi- eye gbi ' away. Am! ' said, vcrv g ' A strange 1. h'Hl-e, ju.-t a intend occupying it at .1, su ing her grow very the direction of her eye, a young man, whom he i.-itoi th. re, colly lift ., and star.: at lni', and tin 11 turning to Grace, Mr. Gray nt'v, almost tonicity : Mi-s Mariand, this is dreadful. I can- oil s u fl'er thus liiige of crimson. The lips were the chief . - ' a ut v of the lace ; (hey re-u-sured you. -I'litly as may blaze tho-e eyes, there is a Word of charity, tendernes-, forbearance, "il firmness, upon which you might throw ;. iiirv-lf with ail your sins and sorrows, aud sure of sympathy, nnd comfort and re-I-'-c. She was rather tall, but beautifully proportioned, and eX'pii-itely gracelul. lb 1 dress of amber colored satin set off her -'"fill figure to the greatest advantage; r Iniir, looped Up with a jewelled coliib, lioHeil the swan-like tliroat enciieled with a '"'khice of pearl; whose whiteness was ri 1 d"l by the beautiful neck. Such was the ri,si inlilc of tho owmr of the splendid you Wl ly. it. Inly go be better soon not; you hav A SINGKLAK FAMILY. In a small village in the Douches du HL. .no. (J''raiiee) there is a family of three pei-.ui- hit-hand, wife and daughter who Lad made a solemn vow to pre-erve the mo-t profound silence. A traveller who lately pa.-.-ed tlcir dwelling, finding it iieces-ary to make some "iinpiii ie.-" respect ing hi- way, applied to th. e eccentric peo ple. Not receiving any at."wer to Lis .pn-s-lions, he reprimanded them, when, to his great a-totii.-hiuent, they, iu a fit of exa-per-atioii, seized a cudgel, tongs and turn spit, and threatened him "ith summary ca-tigation. This extraordinary conduct i.- CMdaiiied bv the laet that lj,J,1'-:,'t b.-eoiiie the du;.. - of a c wiij had taken advantage 01 ineir 1 rci ullity by holding out to them the anpii-i-tionof a great treasure, on condition -d their maintaining a strict sib nee. 'i bey have formed the resolution to keep such silence for the space of nine years, only one half of which term has yet expired, lint as so complete an interdiction of the use of i the tongue could not fail to become iiitol. r- ; able to the female portion of the family', the impostor granted iheiu t-. indulge their i natural propensity any where beyond the limits of their Commune, lu order to avail themselves of this privilege the two women regularly rt 1 air every inarkitday to the vou will litih. low 11 ol Helfort. where theV enjoy the conversation of their neighbor.- an 1 mitigate ' away and to seme degree the privation which they 1 voluntarily endure. Con, irr du l'.luls . ; seell too I 'in. j the parlies had .that, Oxygen, II yi erieal inipo-ter, aud At.ouonia are d without L-ntleuiau it is, al- 1.011-I, iili-.-rnlv 011 are worn, harras.-ed to death; you w'aiit sympathy and society, not M;j HAKK1 IIT HF.KCUKU STOWH Solitude. Ion mil-l iviiin in.iiic. "in. "- , CIIM'ITV my inother expects vou; I came here on! ' ' purp.-e for you; I have brought her car-' There was recently (says the N. Wk riage to take you back.' ' National Democrat,) a family of l h.ity -. "-.-.Mi . l..,-.-s in ir-diiia. which the owner ..tiered .No, HO, II is lllipossi ...... . 1 -' . i.v.-..; M,-. M.irland 1, nt this is to sell into freedom at a very small price. rotn inee- vet v' unlike your usual strong Some benevolent parties in I'biladelphia sense. W hat can you do here! What can undertook to raise the amount by siib . . .. v .11 ..l.. .... s...;,.tioi. Tim tacts were nresented. bv ,-..ii t.p..l-elir ' .V.1I llll'T. 1 "II Will .no -s- .-, ..eow i . j ,,o-e yourself to needless pain, and perhaps lettter, to Mrs. Sig.mrncy, ... ..? .....mr tin-, tn'itiv iH'oiilt who arc here to.dav.few appreciate your motive for Mrs. Harriet lic""l,cr Stovve was also writ- .caking thus, tell to, anil, coei-e r-ue i .--n..i-u w ho imniediately enclosed twentv-tive dollars for the object. remaining, forgive me for sp. 'nmties. The most in ped'taiitpriiieipl s of Agricul ture and Geology arc lir.-t j r j.erly int ro il iced and defined, (m pag'- l:ii, th'- I'rof. remarks, '' Among ltuiiy point- which have been established of late vois tin re are four of very great important c. naimly : 'I'ffit foils ihiiI toiitiiui ii ":'.' fceo-; i,i crrfiliti iiritiiid: rfiiucnh ; li.-it lit'r ( rntitirc. net '.'.,.'.' tin- !,! '! j I mi ; tint in Si a i mi lie "v tiil':il a ii'',, ,1 tiii-hi ; iiinl fi mil'i th'it tin '-ii nrc f.v.v-' ' . tu iiir lijr ui thf iiiiuiiiil siilsili nn I , g. 'i-Ii'i -In-,:!. I t follows from these c-tabli-hed point-, that s.-one at lea -t. of the inp.ortant t ro-iuet- of life are derived from the soil ; il 1 ing po-sihle to trace them back fr. m the aniinal, through the plant, to the soil." The u o-t essential iletiients of soil are the foil-. wing, nam. ly, Ixygcti, Hydrogen, Nitroge ii,':ir'..n. 1'h ).--phorie Acid, Sulpher, Potash. Soda, l.ime, Magnesia, Oxide of Iron, Soica, Water. Aiiiinoiii.-i, Chlor'u.e. tnd small .piantities of I'liioritie. Of these it may 1 e remarked ro .en, N itr-'gi ti, 'arboti derived from the atino-- phere as well as Iron, the soil. TLe Prof, then proceeds to dellne. some what in detail, the-e. elements. The deiiiii tions are here briefly eondcu-1. w:'i sueli additional ex'lanaUotis, for the benefit of the common reader, as the sitl ject nny seem to demand. Pip'si'iioitP- Ann. This sub-tanee in its separate state is very sour. It readily bines with Pota-h, Soda, I, line and nth- tr b"die-. forming with them ncv eon, noun ;s called j.hm-jihnli .1. Of these, phn-phate of lime i- the most important ; bong found as a natural substance in rocks, and in tin an imal kingdom, principally i.i bones. hen rocks containing it, as granite, greenstone, A:,-, deeompo-e, it is mixed wiih the soil, and thu- ineicasi s it.- fertility. 1 he imp- i tanee of of this substance may be estimated when it is known that Indian corn, wheat, rye, oats, potabH-s, c.e.. all contain it. A sell destitute of it is totally barren. Srt.l'lll'tl. This sub-tance is two well known to need description. It is an iinp r t nut element in the animal and veg. tal le kingdoms. It is found iu the atiiunl ti-u.-s: and al-o in i.eas and clover. Shi'.; L-itit - 1 in.. , cominoiilv cubed gvpsum ami Pbi-t.'f of Paris, one of our nn.-t useful lutili.o is a compound of Sulphiaie Acid and hine. Potash. This alkali is also well known. It is found in fehl-par, one of the minerals, forming granite, iu the proportion of about 10 per cent. Owing to its presciie. , gr.n is subject to decomposition, forming the c that if it is iie-iied to incr- a crop, the preceding fertili.'.in-j uiiif are iueliicielit, uiilc-s they are mixed with aniiaoiiiaeal compounds. Wati.U This clemoit, so indi-poiisabie to the wants of animated Nature, j- the g'.v:it solvent f the dlileroit inorganic bo dies previously noticed. Nothing can be come beneficial b vegetation unless it is dis-olved in water. It is the medium through which all the essential sub-tauees find their way into the animal and vegetable ti.-sues. t.lu'y a proper (ptantitv. however, is necessary. -Much water is injurious in diminishing the temperature of the soil, and rendering it too compact for cultivation. Draining Ian. is of supcrll.ious water raises their temperature several degrees. TLe soil is thoi ma le w a; la and loj-e conditions necessary to the growth of the mo.-t impor tant production.-. I '.viinoNb' Al io The atmosphere is re garded a- the soaree from which this sub stance i- chiefly obtained by plants. The leaves are supposed to ab-orh it from the atui'.-j'hi i'.', and to reeiive, in this w ay, the carbon necessary to build up their ,-truc-tmc. The water in the .-"ii al.-o hold it in solution, and lanii-hes it to the roots of the plant absence of any earthy compound. S'-ils of this de-erip;iou aie greatly improved by the application ot lime, and a heavy dres sing of mud and sand. In Using soil.-, tin re is added to the Vegetable mould, the ele ments lieee.-sary tor the pl'.elueti u ol' the dill'-'M-nt kinds of grain. The physical pio- i.iiti. s of ,-uil -I. ...In i.c V..-.I nicer th th i Ley are th" pcl'i-ii sic OV . .oW II S : lO'-nl. , .-t t! : tie." arid I bis to ami si:.! to (mi cr docility in.. . i-a! as that t in m st .- th tl.ey (li cape, their b hark, v of too -.- ai.ii. ril- i- roi: :; rk- i i.i T. 1 ' I. 'II, I I'll v ifii ii 1,'n si arch for the the sMpciving inliii ,ks to the g.,-'il.-l for hi in it 1- t hoi t nal and keen -n i.t of dogs is called into action, out in pair-, and thou, h eg mail be t.venty ha t beneath .. ii. !le;:ey -d m idmirable nt in t. a'u liiiii. le r t lu ll si t ' i, ! - A productive- 'il lias usually a du oi i-oar-i; and the air and in line, that c! may I r irmnn. ter retained. Iioe niaterial i.-ture may j e i' inii-al acli oi IlilMU! -COtll--. , tie- .etrate t.n'iii, and solution e p t w -, and the fiitihzing mat- Til K VATICAN, word is often Usui, but o !.- loi- .. '.t l.u: c ivei ing tne t!."!n has a t-i which t! svjp-.'i-t, am iiini. .11 n. iti'ioit iiiiate i-k of sj iri fainting tu 1 another has lie I t! .. i J his word is often Usui, but then.' are in nn v who do not understand it- import. The term refers to a collection of buieling oti one of the suv.-n bill- of Hume, which cover a .-pace of 1 onn feet in length, ami 1 lui.i feet ill breadth. Il is buiit "II the .-Pot "lice 1 . ar-. t! tal occupied by the garden of the cruel Nero. Jl owes it- oiigiii to tli:.' l.i-hop of K nn.' ; who, in the cany part of the .-ixih c. i.tni y, erected a humble residence on its-iie. . bout the year lloi, Pope Kugenius re built it on a magnilieeiit scale. Innocent, li, a fe"' years afterward.-, gave it up as a lodging t Peter 11, King of Arragoii. lu 1 HIM, Clement V, at tiie instigation ui the King of l'lanee, r. In 1 the Papal S. e from Home 'to Av ignon, vv In n the acticau remained in a comiitioii of obscurity and neglect for more than 70 years. Il n soon ait'-r the return of the pontifical court to Home, an event which Lad been so ,.anie-t-lv i. raved for bv the poor l'eirarch, and w hieh linallv took place in - u li deed. II- I .-lot, p. cjliarly high upon v. hi:.', -1 nig beell a--id o il til - not II of ti, oierati- it is not should l-e ally a kind . I e 1 between the stinclive ii.t'-lii;. by the cm .-'in :d p in. 11 w ith w inch a chance d' es i the siiow witli ar.-e and solemn ;..;s -lei lab.-!,!, a-si-t !'., that the .1.. - ' Mil l " .1 ill li i-- tiavclier, one of round his iu el , u ma .' aj-piv l..r a -jo i.-, i.. iiial -b-.t i ilarl. mi.'! i eloah t . ov. rial. Partie I ' ,1 :.n-l ami ellili I ai'-. li'Ult, I' ll a ving traiiin. t lb sui'pri-ing th so hi.hlv d VI il -ill loin.!. . f thi b'-eii sharpi-m .! ; and expcriene--, th.-ir intelligence loped, that net u- iguage h; and the 111 lice -1 lln - ' net, that i: stabli-h- C'ni.oKiNn. ( ommon s nt is a combina tion of soda and thi- sui-'tanee. 1 5 v it-elf, it is a p uson ; but in combination w ith soda its is a fertilizer. It' true value, however, is ted we',! det- i -mined. IT. l i .11 1 N K.- This substance iu r-oml illa tion wiih lime, constitutes the mineral call- can was put into astute of r-- ed ''... ,""'. It is toiind iu the or. a me I "f bnged, and it was tiieiicet'orw tee'tli. in bom--, and in milk. It u-ua',1;' ae- cd as the regular palace and companies pho-phate of lime, and i- applied the Popes, who one alter tin when that leitili.er is u-, d. l'resh buildings to it, and gru The lTregiin.' substances are deteeted it. ed it with anti.piitii-, statues shes of plants, and are called their in- books, until it became tin: r 1 , . -i - i eti.ei.t-. w i.ii plants are care- torv in uie woi .... fully burnt vie iin-l tuat the p"-ing the iiu-rganic pint pro- l I" the organic 1 .'Cii, the ati- oiir, again en- ird con-l'ier-re.-i.leliee if other, added luaily . mieh picuncs and ehe-t ib-po i- aei-'l li I"'. ill - : A - ii. mine, . i am el tne si In to .-crat tin- h th'-'-e -tig the .w l',i th h it. and : t i i : -1 g . an column., - degrees been c -IlKS. II; ilogs i- s a whelp ' ni'-l time, Mill! ab,ut in- Avr o in t: I .V .-tr:. Ollie 'li tiii- riiie gaelly of list .'u.-hiii given at t no he: one of the II. :-t Velit eV r p iss. - el all t e, Ce.-I plant, an I he organic part of a plant lateif structun seem-, tln-ref'i skeleton to ti 'J and elasticity. is that vv hieh is coii-itmcil iluring coinbus tion, the pr-'liieti being volatile, are all di i; ated. It forms much the greatest put of the vegetal le. Its ---nrce is legar iicd, by biei-'.g, to be the atuio-plieie : but the soil, si J doubt, furnished it ill the form of organic soils ju eoii.l inati m with uik.i llne miitt- i-.-. It La.-been prei'lou-ly stated that certain elements are essential to a productive foil. Ku 'wing be! oe hand what those elements -onimoie-lt eo'l- ,i b'.'-li am C'nal'le , Sviiac, are, our certainty soil. li id! rt to th a cr-' .-, i -1 ,-. i . -v . .: u'iicies com- I he 1. Hilary oi nie v aucuu ia.-i nt a n tion- d feurteeii hiiiidred years ago. -ear a- if woven. It tains -M,ona manuscripts, anion.: ned t serve as a some by l'iiny. St. Tluiiia-, St 1 .'ive it firmness 1..II lOlliet'. Ulnl lliallV llcbrcW Arabian and .rii":::'..iu lubn The whole of the iiiitneii-e biiildings composing the Vatican are tilled with statues, found beneath the ruins of Ancient Home; with paintings by the ma-t- !'-, and with curious medal- and a i.t i-p'.;i ie- of al most eVel'V desel iptiotl. lit I: it is k'n-wil that '.hi re have been exh.lined m .re than "i 11,1100 statues from the ruined t.-inpiis and pal-ie-.s of ll-'iee, t!.-' read, r cm f.-riil S' -liie .imi! idea of the lii'u'-s - '. tin alicaii. I he Valieaii will ever be hei-i in yen. r ation bv the student, the artist ami lie tiie I'.iu tr iv . in P.. 11, ai I lazing iliharv 1 1. ..gs ol Gr -at in-iy appar, of the d..gs " me vv i, . 1 ..f thi- bii -l.ieli-ii.i ai.l -I. Puling ..r Na; "I - oi it w as w no el ! th" an 1 n iv the monks ire. t 'ii the story e t .' - r . 1 ai. . it the -.ear 1 St. is l' -rnai -I t. The sa i- absolutely l.iiti-iit f n-die,.', was i IIS tin cou lee wars ,.f known to ail a.-.-age of ."t. aro-iiid the ir his cxtra-.r- I ii, t I: en-pt i i : .SI 1 ' in ive 1 at tu .-i'i, lah ttle Villa.; ..-ue-ilii ii: Si. .ring 'I II - Pie ! d-r'iard a to n. ike I -t v e ry i- vv a ' in th i an in to ills e e.irier storm y to til" valley i - w ; v- atl. aeh l.i- 1 1 1 : to r two g ii I nied by laar K ,i I b: - valua! b re st ga it tin: llltiou can be directed with much . improvement of any given i is defective in oualitv, and .eh iar. and Michael Ai e invent, Inied bv 1,1 ! Ult .1 1 i , . ell. I l via npt.-l to ri family . T each .'t' vv!i .u vv i- a eon. pa log, of which one was the re nal ire w h-i-c -ei". ice- had bet ti t ' m.inkln 1. Pe.-ecii'liug fi"in they wo-" in an iu-tant ovcr- iv inaucii ; an I tne same ei.thron -1 tin re, an 1 their tin' iie v li falls short of its former yiebl.it is evident endurable a- tin love of beauty an thai there is a want of llio.-e elements which in the hearts of their worshippers. ....-.. I ! .il ,.,! i e .-t.'.lctiott a.v aitd tli' famiiv ..ing in. t Prof. KlllUiOU: illlposiliell e-f si poor, first dy 1, b'.ro ter. 1 a- t, Pan the ii: d I ale edike Iniiisu t, vehi, I, we ha vi inlreidii- l...i v. . brave enouell to hear the truth. "1 our readers, ami the giver of a sj.lcii-1 ' j cannot go without seeing the Louse hd hall. Well mi.'ht Frederick Gray a-k once more' wi, )' she looked sad ! ' Why, do I look sad?" she repeated;, "as a toolish fancy,' slie said, smiling, 'iriiiat to look on the festive scene. Wl" tliinkiii'. wliether. bv nil unfort ' It and ! ' 1 cell ' Very will, we will go together. so conic, take mv arm, and yui shall have your way. And" so silently and passively, she went through the Louse. Not a room, not a closet, not a window that was not dear to her. a, mv foitiino should be wrested from And vet she neither spoke nor wept as she "", if half of tliese friends lu re would know passed them by. Pinally they came to the 11.'. 'o .' -I, s.,1.1 l.,.r ,,.',1.. f oil,, ,r i.e. -, e- I...11 ,l.,r nnd til mi III' to M T. G Til V. she fcllitl I , ......-,..,,,,, - ...... ..j , nun , - Uicrn aro not more than a dozen people; . )0 not follow nn " u-, il so many, who would notice me it i 111V f,.,.!;..,. Some tunc you innv night Le nioro worthy then than now, i,,.., i r,,.,, i.rhais from your l.vlv friend i v souliii" a very large amount of money lor ; called kaulin, used iu the manufacture ol the " glorious purpose." She had ju-t real- 1 porcelain. One of the varieties of mail in l.ed an imtncn-c ioriuuc uj ma .looiuioui-iu me i-.-utii i niiiiiu - une.i.ii a- .-.... site was just on the eve of starting tor owes its fertilizing ropei ties to potash. I ,i Kneland, to be fctctl by the Duchess of eonibimitioll witlipeta-h, silex is rciidereel Sutherland, and caressed" by the hand of soluble, aud taken up into the plant. It im the iiobilily, and of cour.-e she gave a very paits that firniness and strength to t ie lar -e sum "to purcLase these tliiity slaves. ' straw of the ditlerciit grains wliieh is neees No good reader, slie gave not oncceiit. She I snry to enable the plant to stand erect. To sent a letter back full of sweet sympathy, this substance, more than any other, a- , a- vv saii-pl- ana .noil of the ' an 1 .-aye l.Pl t r a 1 Alumina Carbonate illie, iliol't'l'i Soluble silica. I li t 1 1 . The eon:! from the K-tein .-iiiiilar to the pr tieieiiiies arc : ..f iron : '-' l.iuu llr -auic matter. these soils, " ''' are str also straw, h aves, eS.e., 1 to be trodden by eatth ih-.'ii jii-oeceds to era! kinds ( so-. ..-e w l.lch are i '. cd w a- ta k' u fr -an o'.a i I -nitatioii I elVC till' s 1 1 ally 11. The i sau-Tar-Wa- iii tie.' f 1 vi ::ig, -ae- n.e froiii tiie I'at. iit I if.'.ee 1, We si.j -p..-e il Woiii 1 h . . .- , ii . ..... in an n'.niai lu-p-u i i y i i'V( nniiOit, Ul.ie We News I -al. a place States G tiientieated : ' On land ow Williams, an ni 'li gi vv eight of tvicut v -one I lai d a turnip vv as grown vvhi aet'y in -ie t'u' top of a tl liin.i own.-! and cultivated I N. -1 rn , f.,r I'c.lmps.' ' Mr. Gray Lowed ; Lilt whether in neiiui- s1!(i irob:illy sew articles for friends w "ci ne, wit 1 Ler remarks, or wlictlier for j lvc Tcnived as guests in this ho r ouier reason alio could not tell. Mm nvitl.i 10 use. . , . c Knvitirr I IN. S 1C drew IllT Ve'll OVCT IICT 1RCC, ag'uiu to the window, ami it seemed .,.i .i.,. t.,r.,..,I and pi! swiftly down the ; uur ""J" I'idf a rdigh. and cate.l up to the 1 7 , ' ' I ej otii J tiirni'd with the eharitv of ailvioo anl 1 l ... ..,.-.!.. of .ooivA., L.r if you Lave any regard a .prova., uu v...,.., , , . ii y. ii u.ivi .i..j. r , t (lf Kl1ln,., . the contoiipllh e imd " . , , J.-.. part slie is now playing in j-iigiauu oi iorg in" a State's evidence agaiust her country. No, she Lad no money for the" poor slaves." As her eminent friend and co-laborer, Mr. Aiiiinadab Sleek, would say, " It is uot iu ' Her " mission is to make nioti-j eral kingdom, nrro j'lilauthrepy, and notyit. LiucJ wi'U j for I must now earn my own living; uu lioni owe their value as fertilizers. Soda. This alkali is more abundant than potash, and its office is, iu many re.-peits, similar, ltcds of luti'Ste of soila are found in climates where no rain falls. The great source of it is the sea, and bods of rock salt. Lime. This well known alkaline sub stance is an abundant ingredient of the min- In human bones, it is c f ill- oi in n - ult uie matter, HM- Silcx. and peroxide of iron, I .- f bine, 0.-' Phosphate viable- M.i,lic-ia (I.I 1 .1 I Potash, .(: So la. -it',. "i of other sandy s"il v '..unties was ! ennl to he ceding. The palpal le tle l. Alumina, and peroxide ; M. P-'ta-h and ,c!a ; I I'.-r the improvement of digi v recoininended ; hauled to the yards j I' rollout's tre It.- thi, .n.'th ! 1 circumference the capital required b be expended in the peel nun. purchase of guano and other fertilizers is " givatly diiiiimshcd. In a-bes, we find plnos- We learn from the pliate ot lime, carbonate ot lnue, iron, pot- that the linlisli ship w a- ni and cn'tiv ati"! by .P. VV to tile , il-i'I On t..i- l t'u la. ie' r l-ji-.'oi. Thomas l-.e'lilit.tlll In-W- of til i In-y a. I p Pat th" of t .:- g' On- i'..: stale It t vv t'e- i' -'-l. . be g 111 t ' iii r. ' : ,t t::c ' CM- ui.-; a i-ri'l.. ai f Hal Iiial, a'l i li led h e. a Cabbage grew -rowing. PI teet 0 1 'I'h. weight is ii"t ki real grain-, gr-ov to twelve P et. ( hie r. w i il Hit ches ill'"',: own. 1 in l height ..' l-WOO 1 ti'. uieasiires over ind i- nearly th -line l . -f In I'nl- -ured while nt it- loiy van -as iv ' fr uii six t v known a lif'y feet in :ee hundred i - w a v m' c iliiiteilat sliceei' perfect re ii- cm i's i ; i n t il r i d tin- 1 h, t-' .111 I -,' li.l ot -ttle iu ly "t 1 enrei' - t-'W n the tiog. he 1 lioai OJ-TLe found in li -iiii'.g nee len trin. xtr: -., 1 I'i ,- i t beauty, -lave w Sava-mh W-yu' icun I'V'c, ('apt. Sviii.y, and ma nic-i i : ni all of vt hieh . ..le-ired .it the Custom lbni-e ill teat city oil substances, these soils aro deficient. TLe Tuesday, for Liverpool, has on board the her ma-t ground pea. now extensively cultivated in following large and valuab.c cargo, to -:onie of the Ks-tcrn Counties, is constitution- i it : t.M 10 bales upland cotton, l'-lo bales lv adapted, like the cunmoii na aud cl-1 Sea Islands aud Ut.tt'. teet ot t. 1. tun- toe gt in y t' rare blank -1 it t . ciini-t a lor h":ph .rid acid am carl -pie tit, to an.lv "oil ill le ili'-tr.l'.tier In t! ixbi't f.'Ii!! fbe 'XIO'I, ' UT ' be Te't'l Weigl i p-und.-. T ta! vah.1- ot CoftO'l cf crg s ' l,971,:i!i7 I'U'o."'- o" ,bt i tv, ana -llaiii'oil. T "d bi'li 1.'!' i -, e. : !'. I' was l II On , .mi;; .. it caruc gill nil. in very needy cir-uii:-''i 1'. ly gave the -lave nl his br-itoei to 11;.,, v, iiii he C-in in, i eial H.i-i'.v ad '1 r. nl ,s, v o nil '"!') at: tw w 4 LUpt

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