FARMER'S WIFE CETS STRENGTH By TaldngLySaE. Pinkharo'e Vegetable Compound Bchoolfleld, Vs.?"Mr mother had taken Lydla E. Plnkham'a Vegetable ?????"Compound and I decided to take it : JPB for my own trou jM blee and found W-. great relief. I wae flL m bardlr able to atand If B on my feet some &. B times and now I feel better than I have for several .efe.y years. I credit the |K I.ydla E. Plnkham'a m? ? V e o t a b 1 e Com ^^*1 pound with my present good health. I bare taken Ave bottles of It and 1 am now able to do ?II my housework and sewing, feed tny chickens, milk the cow and tend the pigs, and feel fine."?Mas. J. 0. Bsadlet, Box 249, bcboolfleld, Vli* gin la. pr no more Nausea Gas, heartburn, sick headache, nausea, over-acidity and other di fe stive disorders quickly and sore* ly relieved. Safe. Pleasant. Not a laxative. Send for free samplso to Bell ft Co., Inc., Orange burg, N. Y. formalisms Digestion and Swmmtmns thm Breath e Bcuriwe I L-Wi-iL Hot water Sure Relief Beu-ans FOR INDIGESTION ?? AND 75i PACKAGES EVERYWHERE jg 'Hfyym|k ? ^? ?.....r........ * C iiiee Ik tad 60c ateee. And u- > i tTixmUy. aee PltO't Throat end > ?l Cheat Salve, J Sc. ?! i./yC.K- ft 'OUT tVTdfr MOtKINC Md NICM UU Dtlhacfiery^ ^ For Galled Horses Harford's Balsam of Myrrh AN fcalm aee oeOfciitod le f4mU rem mm* far fta ftret kettle d eel oailad. J B | \ " Wedlock flavins been detained late. "In con ference," Walter Anthony at rolled Into 8tudin Inn and aald thoushtfully: "Ut'a aee; I've sot to get aome flow era and aome randy and aome theater ticket a and?* "What's the trouble?" Jake wante<l to know. "Doing aome mental arlth IDetlc!"?I,oa Anselea Time*. We're all of u* will Ins to help right m wrong. If somebody will take the lead and the brickbat a. COLDS Salicon is the one preparation |?\ you can depend J|Jha&7 on to knock a "jJ - 4) cold quick. Chest cold or / head cold ? It'e ell the seme. Two teblets of Selicon end relief cornea ? Second dose seldom necessary for light colds. At (rre Imn dope end Harmful drugs at the Water you drink. At all drug itoni tie IN. 8ait and eure?that's Salicon hw Net Affect the Hear! Sees Not llpHft the tteewch The Cream of the Tobacco Crop ? IMmMitOatovMd WILLIE HOPPE Champion Billiard Player writes: "The slightest cough or throat irritation might be fatal during a close match. On this account I prefer Luckies as a steady diet. They have never irritated my throat or caused the slightest cough. I am going to stick with Luckies." , iJd&uL. ??_ - ? It s toasted No Throat Irritation-No Cough. ?1928, The American Tobacco Co.. Inc. f. c.artnqua*e$ made study Earthquake studiea are to be con darted on a large scale In Soviet Rus sia. according to Information received in Waahington. One hundred arls mogrnph atntlona are to he construct ed and equipped with the latest type of Instruments. Inasmuch as Hie whole vast Interior of European Asia, the scene of frequent earthquakes. Is now virtually without facilities for the study of these phenomena, Itrls expected that the completion of this ambitious program will result In sub stantial additions to the world's earth quake Information. ? A Benefactor A physician who reaches out to benefit humanity leaves a record behind him that is worth while. Such ' _________ a man was Dr. [ lQpv His study along / ?^ \ Jn medical lines, 9) y <fl| and his knowl 1 L_x Kg edge of the aflB|Mlr remedial q u a ities of herbs and plants led ery of his won Up derful herbal Wf ' .remedy, Doctor Pierce's Favor ite Prescription. It is just the tonic re quired if a woman is borne down by nain and sufferings at regular or ir ftgular intervals, by nervousness or diixy spells, headache or backache. Favorite Prescription can be had in tablet form as well at liquid at your neighborhood store. Shirt Mad* Soavtnir A white shirt front hearing the alg natures of Cliallapln nnd other eele braird artists who appeared at a eon cert In connection with British music trades convention at Folkatone. Kng land, waa sold at nuctlon Ave times nnd reallte<l 900 guineas ($1,300). The sblrt front was autographed hy the artists while being worn hy a member of the convention. Hesitate tn Jeopardise friendship. ir men were compel lea to Dury tneii faults tbe undertakers would hnv# to work overtime. In the race for popularity, Monarch leads because Monarch has stood for the highest quality for over three quarters of a century. MONARCH QUALITY POOD PRODUCTS MONARCH CANNED VEGETABLES, mm? tiginlili that gram ...sad Um am mf tba crop... MONARCH CANNED FRUITS, *a "pram pick**of tb* vorid'i ftaad orchard* ??? MONARCH COFFEE, TEA AND COCOA, U Toapa*dad?Harapooad,yo canHi'tliwiMi qmXtr ... MONARCH FtCKLBS, nw ilw gili fcln, 11 mmitnwAtm ?... MONARCH CATSUP AND CHILI SAUCE, tudi fro* MmutcIi t?? tin grmrt ftoa momkii mad ? ? miAmfimi ilfnanlTmmkWnmu^tiUkku US, MURDOCH S CO. FT iinwm ias? id Way Up Customer?"1 want a really high bred dog." Dog Fancier?'Tea. sir. What about a Bkj# terrlerT" TO TEACHERS! Cmh t? Niagara Valla la Jaljr? ?aat wait Bar ytw "fcmy aaaaa" ta aaa tfca Oraat Cataract. CkUdraa la yaUb mm* farnilal | tmfcm at aar aijiaM Tha MSflHIMV ??? WNBJ Wrlta Bar fall partlealara ta THE SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY Niagara Palla, M. T. - \ THERE I* nothing quite like Barer Aspirin for all eort* of ache* and paint, but be sure it it genuine Bayer; that name must be on the package, and on every tablet. Bayer it genu ine, and the word genuine?in red? it on every box. You can't go wrong if you will jutt look at the box when you buy it: thaT trade But Bayar Manufactory of Monoacetlcacldeatar of Sallerlleaetl ? hJLM SAVE YOUR BABY FROM WORMS The moit dangerous ill of childhood it?worm*! You may not know your child hat them. Disordered stomach, gritting the teeth, picking the nostrils are signs of worms. Take no chances. Give your child Prey's Vermifuge today. It is the safe, vegetable worm medicine which has be^ used for 75 years. Buy Fray's Vermifuge at your druggist's. Frey's Vermifuge Expels Worms i H Fizzled Out "When I wan a boy," a aid the vain man, "everybody aaid I was going to be President of the United Slates." "That just goes to show," returned his political friend, "that it isn't wise to start a boom too far ahead of elec tion."?Boston Transcript. Clogged intes- f |9| g tines take away * [ | the joy of life. | Restore regu- Ci||ag! Urity without Wndrfs^SS^Pflk "TtftTOKte-tAXATIVl- 'I At Draeetais or ?7? fwri at. X. T. OBf. The Brute ' ? Mrs. Green?I went to the dentist's this afternoon, and be made me keep my mouth open for a whole hour. It nearly killed ine. Mr. Green?If he had made yon keep your mouth shut for that long it would have killed yon for certain. Miserable With Backache? . Too Often This Warns of Sluggish Kidney Action. 17 VERY day find you lame and achy? E* suffering nagging backache, bead ache and dizzy spells} Art the kidney excretions loo hequent, leantf or burn ing in nattagt > Theaa are often eigne of ihiggnh kidneys and shouldn't be ne glected. Uoo Dm 'i PHU. Dwno ortnwilors dhnlic, iacnuc Um Mcmiis of Um Iddam and thus aid in Um elimination ' of wuto imnariiioa. Aro a?dooood by ?Of a.oiywpaia. jMtr ntifUml 50,000 Users Endorse Doan's: IVtrr C Houwuia, ISt foocort Are., Milford. DeL. Ufi: TV kidney aecrc ?wn? ratted irregularis I had to get wp tfwtl timet at night. At Hart the accretions were scanty, tno. 1 tired quickly and headache* and diuy spell* also aa ooyed me. I took Doaa't Pin* and tree ban* rid me of the trouble. 1 ham't keen bothered since " I DOAN'S "X? I I a snMutAwr wuarnc * kidneys |n-?? wa? Co m,ci i.,? CONSTIPATION A BEUBVSS ^^...qnour !9p|pii agsBcSaP cwimninis MILD?.. ^<//vERY MILD. AfrlMD YET THEY i * ? ? SATISFY ? - t ? We STATE it as our hon- * est belief that the tobaccos used in Chesterfield ciga rettes are of finer quality and hence of better taste than in any other cigarette at the price. Uccctt * mroi Tobacco Co. . Chesterfield CI OA RETTES ? ? : Where It U Optimist?You know It Is strange wo don't hear the peal of the wed ding bells any more. Cynic?No. you get the repeal tn the divorce courts. "V Never thrust your sickle Into an nther's corn. Mothers, Do This? When the children cough, rub Mus terole on their throats and chests. No telling how soon the symptoms may de velop into croup, or worse. And then'a when you're glad you have a jar of Musterole at land to give prompt relief. As first aid, Musterole is excellent. Keep a jar ready for instant use. It is the remedy for adults, too. Re lieves sore throat, bronchitis, tonsillitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheu matism, lumbago, .pains and aches of back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, chilblains, frosted feet and colds of the chest (it may prevent pneumonia) To Mothers; Musterole is also mtds in mildsr form for babies mod small children. Ash tor Children's Ma sterols.x fiK?r IAm ? natanf Magical Power Failed Wizard in Emergency Howard Thurston, the magician, has astonished thousands while in Pitts burgh by extracting rabbit? and Amer ican flags from the most unlikely places. It, Is even said that- recently while paying a visit of charity at the home of a destitute miner, he awed and overjoyed the miner's wife by extracting $1 bills from her hair and presenting them to her with his compliments. But while on a visit to our office the other day, his magical gifts evi dently deserted him temporarily. Wishing to write a note to the dra matic critic, who happened to be opt, he searched In vain through his cloth ing for a pencil, turning his pockets Inside out, with no end of trouble.? Pittsburgh Post Gazette. ^ V Valued Souvenir { Mrs. .Mary Sylvester of Middleboro, Mass.. has a widely prized souvenir." It Is a piece of the telephone wire over which the first message between Boston and New York was sent 35 years ago. Site was in a Brooklyn audience that heard the singing of "America" over the new device. A remarkable wig of hammered gold lias been found at Ur of the Clieldees in a royal gravg, dating back to .1300 B. C. $15,000 eoKSr ' WINNERS announced ?W Thursday. be?innjn? March 8th. ?? p. J Columbia Nationwide Radio Sretem. weekly contests are open to (A) ace of TINT for <mjru!?(D)Woinan who Srill RECOMMEND Suneet.PfM mj SELL S unlet DjeeanjPrtot. N^c'^fg of any kind to ontsr thsse contests. as? your dealer or write. ^ PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM | BMh-?.ss?s?gr: FLOttSTON pi'uy IMPROVED PORTO RICO POTATO "rJ'-f, ^isr's^erSriii'o'n v&; grt i. M. Chamber., Quitman. Ga. Poultry Man j?Eg * man or Widow STATSUS* &WS ?aU^fJtW s-t references. Make offer. _ . ? CHAR MCCLANAHAN 200 R. Franklin 8t. . - Richmond. Va. HAYlf YOV WEITINO AMUTTT .. We cultivate your talent. Aek for partic SJra Un'JerMl school of JoaraalUm. 1M? Whit. Ave.. Orand Rapida Mich. - freckles. spots, tan BIJKMIKH?! EE ST"?d" ?ilnt?V,r?D,"b5il!t. 'PuScaK FACIAL INSTITUTE. Fort Worth. Tesas. ^ToTlX ISSSFW TOO They Are Marveloua Homeetead Entrici where condltlona are load, ?" croducttv.. earcllent cllmatE aood1 towm ochoojA iwedA fru?etfNoar Colorado River Boalder^anyen Dim project Your laet dhanc. for a SJJd birr^r' 'vrsff^rzssji ;?:r;.r?d ArUJ" ? wrStiwBfi^sPS sssst ""So. Mil. La. Calif. Oarden. R-l. Roanoks. Va. nciT TBECH and ornamentals, direct to Pf?T.I.r?n.poruU.? v? iTmcck will pua-juw, Ow WTIUM 'Tec^'^l' cr-it coupon^TTTCS WUR8BRT CO.. Dept. N. Waynashoro. *?? OLD FOOTAGE STAMf WANTED ON town. Professional comady sketehss_special; ly written II each. 1 ?sr 1 HW?* Z^ZJmL laaghter. O'CONNELL. II Morton Ara. Dnmont. W. J. i rAMKKA OITCt FIBS TO BOYS OR who will assist me; easily sarnsd; no aeliTna s. V. BAREADALB. till ChrWUa St.. Philadelphia. Pa. ?SSS "EuSSo?^1, Write If Utereeted. N. A. Johanna Mlah Ranches. Port Washington. Wla. Money, Success, Power and Friends Are Yours tFJygr? IcaLawWatMa e I wjwhm EFSLS?' eSsF.^ irg. ^Z^r^s'iSL am, CEEAMEMT-Wear La. AmsaUa. Mefg? 2Fi2uJSS: f.5di? M.nn fer eaU Frae Ma i ? nMnet Gerard Renhitoa and O0-. Sales Spsstatists. I fo, ,I# Sabway Termlaal yRm Ul Anssien. w. M. ?. SALT I SOUS, MO. 14-IMA Non-poiaonoua. A T. Wont spot or otoln. A yA if The Bee on every pack- A af?toroBr|aaraotcc. A, *r?w P2J55 #end for free Insect A A A.ll/5 booklet. If dealer can- iA not lopply-wrlte A Why keep on being "sick'7 Why drag alpng In misery IIAn'V when reHef Is yours Cor the asking? Tabs the world famous ____ ? ?. remedy for ' derand'urie C/^X) ^?^1# add'"ill*." IttlR Known as V hAAKUM Oil % the Nation. at Steady amagnan of Holland m a ^ for mora than 100 HilllT years all druggists in 3 sixes. Look for the name on ovary boa aod accept no substitute. In sealed boats. Your Kidneys?ACT! I w . ? ? , \ Cobcnra Taknm Is Ai Ideal Toilet Powder K it pure, ainoocn ana nsyprant and contains antiseptic properties winch help to allay ataawi per apiration. It imparts a pleasing . fragrance and leawea die skin re treanea ana cool

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