THE EXFIELD KENT! _ ihhhI ' '* i.'.. 7V W, ar-WSC'- *.:«*»• .*■ fc • 4^A»C«M THE FARM. Recipe Tor Curing' Aeate. rstt f= The season being close- at hand when farmers cure their meats' for the year before them, and kno wing the iieavy losse3 often-sustained When the,work i3 not well done, we ap pend the following recipes clipped from the Country Gen'Umif-.* ' ' i The following recipe for curing hams was first published, in the Cul ttcator over thirty years , a^'o, and constant yearly use-of it Ua3 coavlnc ed us that it Las no superior': For one hundred pounds of Meat take 7 pounds of good salt, 2J .pounds. of brown sugar (or one quart of molas ses), 2 ounces of saltpetre,. Jr obtice of cayenne pepper, and 2 ounces of cloves. Twer Ounces of black p p >er may also be used, if it is not-distaste 'id to those who are to eat the hams; Pepper is nsed merely to prevent at tacks of fliesu Boil all the ingredi ents in sufficient water to cover the meat when closely packed i i the cask. Skim and cool before p Hiring over the meat. 'The same ihgretfii n;S can be nseihfor rubbing the hams, if this mode is preferred • to a -pickle. For rubbing,-however, it is "betted cb add another pound of salt, and bait a pound ofsugar to the aboveinbT j dients. This pfckly i-i equally'*gdod for bains, shonlders, bacon, corned beef and dried beef. When corning ef, the meat should be wtll rubbed in sat itidpao ed dosely in a cask two days before it is pickled. < This extracts the blood, and" the rfteat must be taken out and washed be, fore packing for final pickling. • i , From the various recipes*for mak ing country sausage, sent td this pa per dtrrlngtlre last tbnr or five years; we safeictjthe following a^n^trlilgej ly to give satisfaction : . j • For 100 ponu ls of meat, one ^nart of salt, qt* (or 6 oz.) of pulverized sage, and 10 oz. of.pai per TwO pounds of Salt, G oz, of sag a, and 10 oz. of black pepper. •. gVThree pounds oCsalt, 12 tcaspoon fuls of pepper, and f teaspoonfuls »f sage. \ vr‘. Two and one-half pounds of salt, 1J pounds of sage, 13 oz.-of pepper; and 7 oz. of mustard. Two and one-half pounds of salt. ?| oz. of pepper and ljp<pints of _ . sage. i ' • Two and one-half ponuds of salt. 10 oz. of sage, five oz. of* summer savory and 0 oz. of pepper. Two and one-half pounds of salt,. 4 oz. of s>a<*e, 6J ox. of jiepper, 5 table spooiifnls of sugar, 5s oz. of allspice, and 5 oz. of gingerl ' Moat of the ladies send i tig -these recipes mix the ingpelieats and meat by hand, at about blood Irt-r.t. One Advises mixing the ingreiltents with the meat white it h being ran1 through the sausage-cutter. Some put them into skins; some use long, narrow muslin bags, fend others pack in pans or iars, covering with melted lard, to exclude the air. - . ■ *'■ A Hhocp in Winter. lit] Two extrenfp^ sUpuhl .be avoids! in the matter of shelters'. One mav he insufficient; while the other may be so cloke ns to be unhealthy.!' The majority of mistakes are with those who shcltftr InSdlBcietiflyi*'*In< faufn instances rtihdre 'food1 da consumed than vtould otherwise blr re>jni:ed, an i n *‘d )^res^6ndid *l> » >1fh = a eruo. The shelters on the sheep farm should be made to increase m aiie an rapid ly as the flock multiplies its num bers. '' v * T^^reftpplyMpaU^earefai. ly looked Px given lrtirn her gill drink more water in winter thanfleede^l when iij p^tu.e. If such an‘arrangement. 6afi bd econ omically secured, acoes to water twice adajKs better tjcan hnfc puce. Tips for two reasons, EH. thre mtfre timid animal-* which Are likely to he held bacOfit^^rhiug by their ptfoug er fellows hftf? a ch ume when the latter are not so eager and, second ly; d^^W'from over- !ri a king, of cold water'll oUvinted.m'’&j&e of uuoAr- in lien of water should b y forced t upon the floclc-only-' iiiWleV- extremes! necessity. Stook will Idvc under stroll circumstances, but satisfactory- thriSt ‘1(411 Hotdfij d§efeufed.;‘d “.[■ * ; / Ewes in laub;''Should, -r;*ii!ftitir|ai pficSeabte, tfeffedand abldmr <f kepi, arately fVofri' the non-breed!.‘ig ani mals, as the crowding and more rajv Id movements of the 1 itter are apt •b result injuriously, whilC'SUch sejars tioti makes more convenient certain little attentions to which, breeding ewes are entitle 1 ns the y.*a«imr sea son approaches, a.i l whi rl may l?e profitably accorded totjlivm. —iVu'jmw ill Live Stock Journal. THE SUN FOB 1880. • . .r-vr-r'vy <* dA'd will ileal with' ttie events of dretty #elt understood 4«s«e¥«ryUo%. T^fiiryhnuary 1' rintif ^jcfchrber 31 wil 1 be coi i d ueteil .ad a n i»w«»per. wri tten ftr getting ail-tUo uewi*oi mu world, prompt iy. iiMt prtoceutliig i! in the um>4 u.ieliigi <bR> sJtbiH^felS’Birag: t'i*fewt!i enable^ ftu,, teuiti\iS kWpweii afcrMisl jlCttic age w4t!PthU;k%sl, ihiprod«ctid3i^!|;fS#i<Jil?ijri of, time? 1 The- greatest to -fin greaiewtnnmber—-that if, fnc laweontrol l|t now has a cir flng its|daily make-up. fcuiatidjf mhchllaffger than t: at of any either Atnerfcatf newspaper, and enjoys an income which it is at a|l times prepar ed to spend liberally for the benefit of its readers. People OMdlcftnjlition.s of life and all wayis of thinking buy ami read The Sun; and thoy all dt-rive satisfaction of soSSS 3B«rt firom its columns. r&it ftgsy keep on buying and reading it. In its comments on men and a flairs. The Sun beljovep tl/at the only guide of policy, should be Comipoii sense, inspired by genuine American principles and back ed by honesty of purpose. Tor this rea son itjsvandwiU continue to be. absoi lately independent jbf,parj.y, class. c’.kpic; Organization,, orinterest. It is for ail, but of none. It \vill feohtif.ii i to prnisi what is good ahtf ro; White what is evil, taking care that its language,is tojjic point alia plain. t>ejfolid the possibility of beiitg, mistnidei'stnod. it is ikniniiueneed by motives that do not app:ar on the surface! it has no opinions to sell, save those Which may be had by any purchaser with two cents.- It hates injustice and rascality even more than it hates unnecessary wfirtls- It abhors ii-audsy'IMties fools, and deplores nincompoops;, of every species, it wfyl continue throughout the year, 18S0 to chastise the first clp^instriict tliif'^ec ond, and disatmiHelnaiice the third* Aty honest men. with honest convictions* {Uether sound oriiiistakcii.aru ij* friend* nd The Sun makes no boneVof totting the truth to its lfie-tids, ami about its friends whenever occasion a rises Jbr-phtm Speaking. - < j,\>4 These awr'The principles upon" w,hicl 1 jbe one n-ywl t’i^ff'eaAl , . _ patrioticAiiierica^i,can aifor l to clawejiis eyes to. public atliriis. It is fripossiblc to u;liicli >S ■_e.T.-if-i i'l -,r.-r-r ifiiT* , ty of resolute yigi!;u!oe,T>fr,,t1ie part of every eitfcen WHO desires to preserve the Government thaif the* founders gave us. jblyp Republican ayd lidw nearly eiiUf.l fu strength throughout the country, ine varying drift of public scntinrentAwHl'*ll bear 4iro^tly .aud ...ef fectively upon,the twenty-fourth Presideh tlal election, to be held in Novembei Tour years agp next j^oraiiber the wifi of the nation, as expressed at the polls, was thwarted'by an abominable conspiru cy, the promoters and beneficiaries of wnicbstill hold the ollices they stole. VVill tfie^rime of lH7jdbe repeated iiPISSo;' The past decade of years opened with a corrupt, (jxtravagipt, *jid i^BBlejit Ad minisywtion intrenched at *\yashingtoa. The jSun did somotUmg toward .disYwljj ing, tile gang am£lytf|iking its powt^. Th saiWmen arc ubw nilrlguftig^td "restore^ fciicir I«idcr”kn.d thtmwefves ttj ydatcs'fi*di!f winch tl»ey were driven by Uni iiidigna wiil be on hand to chronicle, the facts ‘ as tUyy are’ilcvclopcdj and id exhibit -fliioii clearly s.i tYcaricrdly ui their relations to expediency and .rigid. Thus, with a habit of philosophical good humbr in looking* at the minor aiiturs of fife, rind ingfeat tilings a steadfast pur pose'to maintain tire-lights of the Jioojtle and the principle.-, «■; the Constitution agalusT all ar^reSsors; -'1'iiE hex is pre pared a fruidfabinstructive..aud, at the same time entertaining history- .of. ttSttL <>ur Mies of' shltscrijition'' remain uiv chaiigcil. T'orTne Daily-t>UN. a four-page, sheet of tweniy-eiglit columns, ttie price by rnail, post-pau:. is w oetits a .unurth. or iffJ.oU a year; or, including the Sunday paper, anitghl-pigd sheet iu‘-fifty-six col iuiipa, the price is ;j3 cents a month, or s5i".7<i si year, postage *(idfd. ' 'J ' ‘ ss* The Sunday edition of h^tU-Si'N is also furhislied;siei»aratejyjit a year.posU agetpaiu. ’i'nc price of the tvkvfKLY Sun, eight pdgek, Hfty-ttii colmnns, WlH .*{ ysftir. postage paid, .Tu^elab^ ot yt^cn sejulnfir w-,sasruf.'!r®|isii.; Published of The Sun, New Tfdry'-Cit"j. IpWKBI It# , * ' Aw '. i %i * q«U V- roil «crfS> r r^MrWi & WHCLESAkEDEAttRSft • turn?- : At is* I *10 & ..m^, £2 SViiMKJ! .V- rnKKT, EOSTON, M'A.V-i NOS. 84 * 86 WATER STREET NORFOLK, VA, The Raleigh'NfMite;" / 4,1a Ui. Editor. L. L. Polk. Corres, i‘i JjAiUUGHTON & Co,. B. OUMYSv • ZZ JAflllTJTjl DRY goons. Opposite D( an, ,23. g!eo. B. LEATHER, CURTIS, fflSL'-te -S.*'«£*£ : Pn>«*SiS*«i2* l^ar?fe* *#* lit rut-SUM **i r I? to (TliB'.it-SM, |un £]'§,%§ it WATER- RLRVAT'bK JO! lias rttr Wooden Tubing to decay and pollute the Water, no1 Irfin ‘ bing to Rust or Corrode, no SueJtfflrsc Flungera or Valves to wCar onfor-et out of ment to any part. < >foSU* ^9" tern below the piai fo?^, -riailt.oj j Will iiot Freeze'1 in0'WiiWiir^WBdi will last three time3 as long as- any1 pump. • dl .ef r* mi n ^ ,1M It wulTemove all color, taste and smell from Cistera,.^^ / Will make bad water^aoJJaml Good water. Better.. •W.. :fr." C. ssffrft K. BflicivUu>HHH*7tmi. ll i Stk. !I ; CORNERST. ,.;.vv; , -w.h _uij-i. ~k*i -rAdmuiM - . Bitriington Hawkeye. a & IK. .ivr T'i/0 DOLLARS P£B TEftS. _ r *ib 'inis ; i i. Li j. J8B;^IAD , iA.7j; AJ" < - HTA.NUS AT FI VK UKX'l'S i’l-Ui i',>f ** ■>'<« itaumdVJ-ism wo bit* .ntfcd oj ttaiiiiM feu •* -eynr ;arttvm«k»>!>a« tilt At»rh' clubs oj Rvtv.fJi'ik u wii, „ & H The Ff&wkttye-fruk ajtfUHrQi) Apfe'lr > f io ttuiabtlij#l,<f «J! I;i; ^,1,. , A, rt'!«e BawkdsJ tvnttlK-fji^miigs,: b.r(ji JM. n tbci tAariow,lh :»-kKvi$7*<HiP&|M r{ .. _ . Jpfj ^JTjf u.bobk qf tf()4 piigs,->4ct;i\o>.iW " ■ The Uav* kti,y.c:4iiii‘ i iIf it' v w-J(l£iy!y v . v sitt 4%b',«|hf' ■*WRI8fe «kttl^l;4KibR4tib'TI O A„ t'iii'il.wl !%sj)l'iijvhvi)-l>!«.i(s te MifPKi/foinSff fats * A *«-<*• 'MitoWel’ta . \.* : "TJ& Ab.o, sibTidi SfeigfeSftd See^i' (ass'd.X^siWiilifcy \* ' •■*1 Sd»laid&feik1bt,miefAtn'!j,',^>' 4 idkw •’ fill a®# Wwm send Vfi^U-ikk^VfH'- »‘4, \m kciituAi, k. vo& n T,° > . •• • \*T /.>•# fajpa:;[ *&**.'*••$ All. postage imid, to any address, for ■ 3 6( Address, KAVtf)l€VC PU&USjHIlfG icdl [ . EnrUagton, Iowa. ’ A?)VlvlCBISK,MF>XTS. „,. ., fill 1S&[7' i$4?, -ittZ£h4/ E. B, BEITT. !M*$3M<iWMI l;-If I;; ■ \ . A tklsf 't i ' ■. -'—-LA-liV Ir-r-Jl lot*. -iJS'Sf, pto-i* v4, «K»i) T<.>lK)o5> | & %fei$riwt P&HWAV* ..m%4 HO „„ .)la JDI^UOODS, gSPBOOTaa,;^-^^ p A lin. ‘Xi ^Ljj.SS ANI) crockery , w M won bna • >i. .qin kaiqjsl/ SHOES, V* dt ii4fad ;«&' IATS, CAPS, »gjhM Jn'jO ?vvf i«'t .?. . it aruAS, LAMP GOODS, ! Tff. i* ".•;<* U. •<*^ «j> j-iav* ■ -\t:\- i Jdsj Reccfvecf'1 • X fl : i) TIN WARE. /fl.c!,:,j, il(lp ig. jtUIJfttA <sn*£l . .1 iortiH ai*lt i-t H iy TOoint f ,v* ‘ *. * -• .«*'/-W7Ci >*1.11$ && 'hiUi >?if}s", *. i« ijjsndO :inn/.'i .’6 . H . . FLOUR, SUGAR, .:»->ri'DX COFFEE, AN’t> A . NlttS MNK o> ’ *?««» 1ft /«! iU oj fo.Mj* I «•/ VC-l-YtS/l S'ffc .'-stO-sJ-K j Ji i'fil'ct »d 4sa- I .tjii vk,{L«j: vtij > * *. ^i‘fn "TO « i U« (OKI ..A » oj )tn ... •• 4j ; •' •<’ V*yv-J i.’O JJa* }l I »CT*|US3 ,VOk'VA<l .1 .1 CHKA1'. yg£Jl&,s'ln^o /ifl, atM ^ sfak^Jj Vicar Skntinkl Office. , i>3';>'2a>jI lo., *!> A^e> Awpitcr IfesuH* fionyj-a fiUt line fpwmprrs tirtlrcnaWst -fnyT?s, anfCmost inpfroved patterns. All persons needing >ofneUim)^iiic(iand durable will please ■ d. a JWBI't?' <iEKT loo. j ,- * , e < f J.'Pl if I. 1 —— 11 iSj* largest an^ ' ^eii assortment ©f 'PLOWS, p|T* ;r/i..voA'#r HO’ h GA-SfFNGS, | | ■ ' JS-l ALL i Halifax. Co S it±) G? <*. *nV/.t}R(X fc^KTIS^ U fWTTTtdTvmt.T5t£ -/'itt'jVnt': f rALIiOTTb , -W Ut{\ * wo*ARKi!}H®KK.if4;.i«hi hie fisVe^Hiu, tft iLSP %£:?• •f>f.~ ■»«!'» ■mtiw t\Tr. ii'yf * 70*! __ ’I TAJ.WSOIP4 RICHMOND, VA. .bM “SKSiM&citfNSrs i»PinjH»bW swAStaWm *r* fcnj^iles and 1kabrst:t»¥)Afi&Mta?>‘ co I; actory Machinery, Yi rough! .'frtra Vf*rtrkr kSra^M *h/t Iron '(jailing*, .1 Mm&in mr> of3D«*j>yd«s<aripii •>»», lti ti >„ ato;/ amgSwSflr* ■i Engia&s 4. ^sociality.. aepairing'Prc<mptfsr*2id C&rafaUjrPea* ‘i',!»»■ Ij>^v : ■ k> y 11*11*] we omr, aim -rsr iftrocrecwirtg use. ^Phe grc'4t*(Li!:i(;jan«yHj!' ' t*t»* Arrestor prominent features! are : 11 thirif Uaf ilejitr(ivV?!:ii draft. «ia itul^Si(nd il^f4'6tf^with cleaning the '.ullOS. —tt-vrfil not <tltnke-op anil- reijhiroM in* At K-tJ^ires ujn ^kVc^'^unpors % ’ suSm ouenetl^cBcii raising *uXM (iiainpennBe ifigetldeenwnbfoi^MM ^iejte nitty - l*e * i'tft 11 JIW " fttcr u» b|y :oi>jHleiiiJhCldnr^tesiroys r^inottlA l»«i;ies. w i.ejtvr*erli. *s« 1 mmumsssm^]. fuj. 1 !1 iIslraUMl, tnri^ th>iHe, Uoldsborj*,; J. A. IIAUSKR, flenwalManactfr^ I" T. A. GRANGER, Local Managed., • sift '.ftjo-Jt y*(Lr ■'1 no, fip*” wa^f Jrfhwij*/ ., Lh^ p^plc m U$re)>yjj. iji|b£mfj<l t]jat 1 have .t*ki<n duu-g»«&tli« g which'htts-been newly-refurnished and de now ia. perfect, order,' apd ,m\ prepared, to Saturday/;. ’ Meal ini haAd at lill |jiti<&*to exchang&for Cobk/ ■i-.sftmfe Jk«§ ;rf* - Having anew BOILER of ample POW ER, I bpve attached ihy SiW MILL (p if,‘ aM^an Wnuu at short jWtifc^E’UMBfi^ of Buy size and In any quantity. Hd- tu^c MT A" sharoof the public’s patronage is requested,,: : ... W MW ^OSELY, . ,ri $• %' W'1 ?. ,V\ tf fOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO US -• NATURAL VITALITY AMO CGLQR. It is a most agreeable'dressing, which is at one? harmless‘ifiid effectual* for preservin'"; ilie lutih R restores/ with the gross'cfnl freshness of yohth, faded . or gray, light, and red hair, to a rich ! brown',’ or deep black, as may be desired, By its ose thin hair is tbiekdried, and ''nbitdhuls often though hot always cured. It cheeksialling- af/tbc hair iinmedi atoly* and causes .\,iww;sgoa th in all ./dases Where the glands are not^pcay.ed j , ...While to brashy, weak* or otherwise diseased hair, it imparts vitality and ‘ strength, and render* it plinUc. ,. , rri\n Vtonn «aa* Tho ViGou eleaiisds thiefcalpi ctircs ^ud prevents the fof'ulatfMiof dandruff; ani],i)y if* cooling,>,!ftifl5(th*ting, and soothing pro’vertiCs; It heiiis htdst If not .«J all of (He7h«Ptft<lrt-ahd dtfecfreespeeniiar to the scalp,' kdephfg it <*>ol; clean, and soft, undcC’which conditions diseases ’ t>1!'tiie siiip an* hair arts impossible, laid to kico.3 ;1 hiaoi 4ltfaj'jh Aft a, Dressing: for Ladies’ Hair The VtaoR is incomparable. {t is color iMIVdOntaius neither oil nor dye, and will nofjidl white cambric. , Jt imparts vjfato agreeable and lasting perfume,-and as :ui article for the toilet it is cconomi cjd and rtnsju^p^ed in its excellence. PREPARES BY DR. I. 0* AYER & CO., iPraetieal And Analytical Qhpwbti, BOLD BY ALL DBUeulSTg KVOUWjU^US. ~rr alwayufn ^nd,‘ opposite fMjfggfr ’>■» -I ,-atj rniru j-." -wit Ui - - 'Mm Voor Pages Colored Plates. -5 (1 K^rtMed,* SUPPLEMENT of*Tf, f 4600 NEW Inctading such as hare cons into m during the pact fifteen years—many of wJiicirhareneTer boforefeun.l a place in any English dictionary, , .l- s ALSO ADDED, A HEW Siographicai Dictionary •f over 9700 KAMES of Noted Porsons.aneient and modern, incindf: iny MlMwS'gS/SSK?1 fcy, rroiession ana JJ&te oi cacru GET THE LATEST. -* • • EDITION contain* a Safttomoat- «f r; brer 4600 new word* and mya^nga,. ■gtohnovvanl in Pupplomeiit JCl Idetod and defined with great care, rank Biographical Dictionary. nnwadded, of W otoi9100 names of Noted PdAtonET '‘^GETTHEBEST ! !,»W ■'■rnMin tmtbfX b«* » "4 Language ever published. B>flnhion» hare always boon rhnredpd; thy \>j better than in any other l>i< tionsry. VI lustrations, 3000, . ol^lit tt.reo timra * A *i many a*Tn an* •♦*!>%ljn< tjopajy, 1 Tn/Mu^s-So'^iS^’ ■ >*nl v English Dictionary containing 0 EJo ^ gien. and Dnto of dyer ffTOO persona. Published bye- 4fellERBMteUrtnefield. Ms. A LftcTBtirtt Sidniw^Ry. j 3srb. Eifeto 0: TA.T:. m obtained for mechanical device*,• -medical or othtirCOmpouwils, ornamental designs, liraiteidliartsa -at id label*. ;t t.'aveats. -4 s 1hterft*r«votet,’ infringements, and all matter* relating to Patent*: jirottkjltj'-'nrtoniled to. We make prclimi liJAry-eMi^mliifllions and furnish opinions as to pntcntahrtitj' free of charge attd aH who are intAWiWtl ibllfowlnvolitions anti PPO in «»lV nJilvii-ui nrwt Vvr&vtariit? our **( i»ixitv* ifptesi Bae pi cJv fhirh wrtpl rich ™**mm*‘:* Sstiu-L ml$9&w.\uW' IrtiJHtemR'1, x ^jfTOMicilWsdf Patcdts ana Aftotnej-s at UV, L’e Uroit Uufldinb; WtftLl«*r ton, I>. C, f lit*. >t t^-6ry' coimtr y 1 PfcTKKSKUlip ltAU.KO,y> CoMl-ANY. ‘' r‘"T;<'Tv <«-'St'i'Kit 1NTKX1 .EXT, ,1 •g^ueao^^-jkuu, EFFECT ^ _«f»n*y 12th, 1880, > (»[ going sqvylw» :> . NIJ W _y OttK KX PKjESSi >E®# Petersburg daily at’ Y.(tf P, Mi ■hi °, * M • *WGliT .WITH PASSKNdEIi ptJ WA1MI iiVi'A&limk i**f W.r Lttave Petersburg daily (except Sunday! «*-• -——— -7;45 p. Mi (Arrire at WehW. tgjfto A. Al n v •“f'Cmifo fuKTUt NEW YORK EXPRESS. Eejiye Weldon daily at 1.10 P. M. Arrive a,t Petersburg at 1 3.30 P. M FREIGHT WITH PAS8KNGKB - coach attached.,. IftaVo Weldon daily -{except Monday* a*—. — -4:20 A. M. A^jrtVi at Ptttirisburg at i>1*81®*} jj. xh)achea’v'vySi‘‘-'rurf •'fhrbugli between \\ ilmiiigton and ' Washington and sleeping ears on night and day trains. Sleeping cqjf herths/cau bo. had. for one, dohar from’Richmond to Baltimore. No change of ears. 'xa^h011?*1 tickets sold to ail Eastern od’throh^ir^ ,““d Va(K*Se. check-' ‘ AY. J. BROWN, s f Dispatcher of Trains. ft. m. srf.r.y, . V 1 Goneml Suparinte'ndent fin. 23. ...... . - ’ ’Orirff-ig Stri-kKi'xTisxijisifT TtfAxea’OR -i •PAtiOX.—G. • & it, a. K. Go it m-y 79-X V t* z Portsmouth, Va., Novemberilh. 1879. J QIIANG& OE.gCIlEDlLE! i)mand after MONDAY. November 10, .trams as follows: - LEAVE PORTSMOUTH DAILY EX GEPT SUNDAYS. Mail train at •' v 9 25 a.m Accommodation Train ,, • 2.00 p.ji ARRIVE AT PORTSMOUTH DAILY, - • except-sundays. . ■ • Mail frain at 1 ’ ■:>: 5 45 p m Accommodation Train 11 53 p.M Mail train connects at Weldon with the Mail Trains of the Wilmington & Weldon, and Raleigh and Gaston Railroads. ■ And, oil Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at Prank !:n, with steamer for Edcnton, PlymoluH Aid1 Landings on IHackwatcr and G ho wan- rivers and for Washington ami stations on Jamesville aud Washington Railroad. Through pickets on salo to Tarboro, Goldsboro, Newbem,-Wilmington, Col umbia. Augusta. Charleston, Savannah, Jacksonville, Eernandina, and all points m Honda, Raleigh, Hamlet, Charlotte, rttatcsviHe, Marion, Hickory, Did Fort, ' ;«¥a '\V^„ All-... ’ Warm 8pting^ Atlanta,. Ma con, Montgomery. Columbus, Mobile, New Orleans, arid all points in Sonin and SblttlrthMt, •*> ‘ . > ; SollttrthjSt.'. - ..... . .... Freights received dhfly, except Sundays, from H to 4> i\sr. E. G. GHH). . Superintendent of Transpartaiipjft, GOING NOIiTlI. Express, Ptssenger-iuMl Matlj cUy train. ' • ’H No. 47. • H ' . LeAVe Wilmington diily, at ft,50 A. A1 Arrive at (tolcfshoru. at 9..50 A. M A rriTe at Weldon, at 11.50 P. M GOING SOUTH. }2*Of. is.. W.*l.k)ii <J»iiyr at , ' . 3, Jfi'I*. M X rriv/i at 1 <■ ♦ * rf* a.< ft gCTim*. Arrive at UdTdsborb, at ' 1\ 71 Arrive at Wilhiib^tbri: at ' • ‘.KM 1'. M -i.-v-ji, 1 a,it t n ,i>ae-x1', Express, tl^ojj^F Krti-A^ awi;i>**s«»iger. GOlXGi XUUTifc ' J Leave tVJlnimglo V‘ Arrive at (ioidsboro, at •1 ViiM P. M Arrive»tJK»MeId.,*t %M A. M * Wc^oi,. at *- 3:40 A. M ■ GoiNfe sdtJfft, 2.i.-> a:ai a.M* a Km J.ftdaA. M Jjgis&Mi&iM&iPis Lpie. dally, except* Suntfby,i 'imwt daily ^aWie!ml«n«< aiidi*HT.-tiL ro«tCwui! >Xi{5iit irutn makes, j’jasg, connection at Weldon for all points'North,, via Itifch raoml. Sleeping-cars 'aW Itched irigtt'itifciiuuoil Pl^NB,. s AT ! General Sntoenhtenacht. TRADE WARS g.a5$g«**aH»t —euv. An un- esST ^ failing ' f curtt for .SutHinnJ vr e a k n e s V. SfierOvaftM-r t ben. htipatene* HfOIE TAKUUhcy, ,»j'd Uisease, *»»* Uwfc f*Uw M ft Self, Abuse; as loss of Memory. I ihvcrsaT Lsik r4t«de-. Pain irvtho Back; Uipn^sapf,Vision, Preiuatnvf? t)kl Aye.;f!yl,inam-other Dis eases that lead to insanity or Vonsumptfen anil » Premature fi*aVir ftSPFiill pnr tleiilnrk incur pwnpklet which-we ik-sue to send free by mail tpesery;tmef J^l'lie »Snoeitie Medicine is sold be All iSpoeilie.Mfctlityi^e fcf sold. by all 'ill ^_ "R per package,: or six pfekagbs for #3, ivin besem five bv1 mail oh re< i\d by all drukgists ri.\ receipt of At«l br \vi , _ _ the money b_y.-addro*sing. . THE GRAY -MEIHGINK Co., fK:nN6^rt‘Metil»iititt?s Hloek, *lRuhroix, ^Michigan. »0i ftfcjdwufo K«h -41J i-td £l ftfesr*an THjb>.^»r,x smvfrrtok IS THE FLACK TO GET HRAI7S, KK'rTER HEADS, OAREfS T^IyETS^t -rRINT^D AT SHORT NGTlCliAi

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