A- P. J01NSOH. BDITOR AND MANAGER 35 OOPNTY, THE 8TJfT$, THB UNION. SUBSCRIPTION SI. 00 PER YEA* vol. xm. 18BUR0.H. C..FBIDAY WqVBMBRB 29 1912. NUMBER 42 HOOKWORM CAMPAICN. WBLL DMDBB WAT IN THIS COUMTT. The Examination aad Treat ???t ia V*M? Awiiid W Triad By 'wybHT-Hooton in doraalt. At th. tod week .f y campaign laea than ?M ?xmmiaad. A Dm ?* ezmaioed were &and >"'*ud mi k?? it i, Sd*?7M PO-'bl. ?w end yoaag? te tmat thsmMlve. *? ?h.>M>to iartHoo. 4W * *"?? ?0 ntr the State and *??a* <toilT k^.attod -ytack.?"?^ the State and St^tss-sts; ^Bced Uat theae ea?t>atg.. 4o>^ ??* *-d U* the ?ttoa?fcip of the neighb* wJto ,nd ,M JUu( L^Z 7*"r ?""?unity is exam ined and treated if neoessary for it ia only >? to? war that tke disease may ?o finally eradicated. t,.^''" *f the di?P???ry ^.inta aad their date, may be found on another page in this p*p..r. th? hookvoim DisraNSARiEs. Hookworm disease ia ? certainty, iu d?gno.l, is , certainty and Its cure is * ?trUla'r- W" fV?t ?nd be^,u ox the physieians in the eoanty to be come thoroughly interested ia arousing the paeple of their respective eem munitiN to take advantage of the present .ampaiga now going on in the county for the elimination of this dis ease. Pareatasee to it that your chit dren are giy?a the benefit of this free treatment and eure of this disease handicap to all weak and feeble children. J. E. Malovi, Supt. of Health. tothb public. I desire to call the attention of the citizens and residents of Loaisburg and of Franklin county to the cam paign now being waged in this county for the eradicatioa ef hookworm dis ease by Dr. W. P. Jacocks. Similar campsigas have been conducted in more tksa half the <o an ties of the State sod the lahabitaats of thede have been greatly benefitted by the treatmest. It is especially desirable that as.aayas possible come te the dispensaries duriag tk, remaining three weeks of the eaaipaifa tor exaroina tien sad treatment,^ necessary, It caets T? aothisg ?od ta absolately free to ererjr eae. Inmv opinion thia eampaiga .ff.rs greater beaeflts to % greater aumber of people than aaytftiag ef it. ktad fiver caodaeted In Ibc eouaty. If tlte hooawona is sasfaetad la your family daa't .top until yoa have laeked aa tie schWele of date aad ?laaa naarast yonr hoiae, vhea ta 1 where you may meet Or. Jaceeks aad leave bia make the aocesnry examination and treat ment >? T. Holdmt, Mayer. The boakwem aaapaira ia Frank lia a?aaty ?hiah ia brief minM by Dr. V. P. Jaaoeka ef the State Beard of HnKh should U ovary eitt ten in Fraakiia. It ia known Ikit tka infeetiaa >? ,kn aeunty ?? keevy aad lor that reaaaa Ike people eheald pre a?nt theaieelree for exaaiaatloa in Urr? nunbera. It ia eepeeially 4aair able alu that every aaa laara aboat tha aanitarj privy? enly by baildinf aueh a privy can tka diaeaae in tha eeaatry diatricU be eentrolied. Famphleta 4a aaribint in detail the aanatraation of tha privy "ay be had frca of charge at tha dispeaseriee. A laree numkar of people hare beea .examined in mora tnan halt tha eean ties of the State and it ia to be hoped that the people ef Franklin will ?ot be beak ward in takiaf advantage of tkia opportunity tor dree examination and (irae treatment.- ? -l R. P. TaaaoBOueH, H. D. The h^ekworm aampaifja ia bein* conducted in Franklin eoanty by the State Hoard of Health for the benefit of the people- Tke examination* aad treatment are free aad we earneetly urfe the folk* to aoBM and be exam ined. The diapeaearlee are opes ia aveaklintan Taeeday. Dee. I aad 1Mb. Dra. Hintf * Hnawoit, ? Franklinton, X. C. U'aampai?_t?l>*? 'It 3>*irf _ , aw^-W?an1 ?' by Dr. Jaeoakt. TOe la 4i great Importance to n*rt?a* and I wish to urge u man j >? possible to lake advantage of the opportunity, ?ome to the Miml places umnc<< in tha paper aad bring year neighbor, with you. The anamination end treat ment ia ebeoluteJy tree. ?H. A. Niwia; M. D. A Horn* Marriage. Ult Tharaday evening. November H, 19ft, at lis o'clock a large number of frteada gathered at the home of Mre. Lucy Hollingeworth, Spring Hope, M. a, to witness tka autri aiooial oaten between bor daughter, Hiaa Sallie Hellingsworth to Baora Wilder. Tha rotat aooa baeaaM flllad with their many and intimate frianda. All aroand toe roam in which tha batrathad couple waa to appear, reigned that alrthfal freedom from all roe train t. Which usually characterize! tha rami "arriajfee, rkeie free atation ia life glvee theaa a happy dispensation frem the frigid roles et etiquette, and such waa tka aaaa With tfcoaaoaw assembled. Tha majority in tha room atoed, while tkoaa that w?re aeated, attea rose un eereaionlously and exchaaged their plaaee for more immediate proximity to tha altar or aome preferred indi vidual. A huahed silence swept oyer tha en i tiro mirthful gatheriag aa the wedding ? march waa heard and |the waiters made their appearance* in the following order: Hiaa Beatrice Wilder, Kenneth Pittman; Hiaa Locale Sykee, Frank Hollingaworth; Miss Adeline Culpep pe, Thomas Wilder; then the bride groom, with the best man, Ara Wilder; then followed the bride and the "maid of honor," Miss Pearl Hollingaworth. The bride was attired in white mes caline draped in dew drop net, carrying a beautiful boquet of pink and white carnations. She is possessed of a Tare quality of beaoty, and conceded one a* the mbst attractive of the multltade of our country daughters. The sterling qualities possessed by the bridegroom who has won her is the subjeot of the healthy congratulations of all. The Re*. Mr. Hocatt officiated, with a deep mellow voiee, that 'harmonized with the stillness of the atmosphere of the room and the solemnity oi the oc casion, in a limited hot beaetifuT and touching ceremony, pronounced the pair "man and wife." ? j immediately after the union in holy wedlock, and a survey of the beauti ful bridal gifts, the really 'Chappy pair," and the guest repaired to Mr. Joel Wildea'c where a samptuous nup tial banquet awaited. In repairing to Mr. Wilders', the war demonstrated by the respendent autamn moon which rose clear and high, throwing its reful gent beams upon tne happy proceeding party, one eculd not eliminate an inex preaaibl* feeling of ease and happiness, after witaeaaiag such a quiet, beanti ful and serene marriage. At the nuptial feast as before, every ?eetlgc of formality aad etiquette waa thrown aside aad every gueat ther oughly enjoyed the an restrained free doaa. Wkea the gueete retired at a lata hoar, every ona waa anaaimcoa In pro nouncing the entire proceeding enjoy ed and saeeeaaful. Qets Wacom Oar efflcieat rural frM delivery car rier* oa route* In. 1 aad 6 hare pur chased and begaa tha us* af tha up to-date fraa dalirerj wag an. Their ap. pearaace *a our streete ia much aommeadad. Vault *aor Arrives. The large iron doer for tha vault ef tha Farmer* HaUoaal Bank arrived Wednesday and will he placed ia pa altiau at onee. Advances Aarency. Daring the vast week Dr. H. A. Newell has aaaoaiated with himself, Mr. W. F. Boasloy. in the Agency of the Hupmobile and we laara they have Franklin, Vance and Wake eouaties as .their territory. They inform aa thay are geiag t* pash the sal* of this wall kaown little car sad expect to place aaaay in the next few menths. They are BOW perfecting plans for a heavy campaign. Pablie School Notes Tha third meeting of the teachers of Franklin eounty will be held Decem ber Tth. This year tha program of exert Was far North Carolina Day December 6 will be in the farm of a memorial to ttov. Ayeock. Material far tha thirty two page pamphlet sent Mt to <fca toaihirs fMto the Department Sdn ? mad Speeches of CfeHtiaa B. Aycock" by R. D. W Conner and CI? nee Po?. The teachan are planniag to aslshntu this in mb* war that will mpraaa ths children with the significance of the day. , The supervisor, Miu Arrlngton, ha* requested a specimen of the haadwrit ing of the puplla of each eehooL Some methods of gnu^ag thseo papers will be detorss'aed as a mean* of aompar isg the woik of the various Hhoole and also a means of measuring the improva aflnt ss the writing is examined from time to time during the term. The teas hers have been instructed to give sometime dally during the month of N?Teoihar to teaching the older papila to nee the dictionary istelUgent ly in the preparation of their leiaons, the effort being to lay the foundation for independent atady. Many of ths schools are sapplied with ap-te-dato un abridged dictionaries and the papils with the smalt primary dictionary. The following schools have raised the aeaeaeary moasy for supplementary libraries: Ingleside, Hoalton, Maple ?ille. Pilot, Mew Hope, Laarel. The assignment for the reading cir cle for the next teachers meeting Is chapter XVII of "Beading in PabUc Schools." At the last meeting Vovem ber 2, Mr. J. A. Bivins, Supervisor of Teacher-training, department of edu cation of Nerth Carolina, was present and addressed the teachers. Is spoke particularly of the efferta being mads to train tsaehera now in service. The Reading Circle ahould be one of the most patent factors in the improve ment hoped for. There are now twen ty-Are members of the Reading Cir cle in this county. OB Too Conference Rer. R. W. Bailey, who has com pleted his second year as pastor of the Methodist church here, left Wednes day for Fsyettevills to attend Con ference. With him he takes a splen did report from his charge. Mr. Bail ey's work here the past year has been especially marked by the eamestneta he has displayed in the futilUment of his many duties. He snd his good wife and family have won many friends here whose boat wishes will over be with them in whatever charge that may be assigned him by the pres ent Conference. Quiet Marriage. A quiet but very pretty wedding took place Thursday afternoon,. No vember the fourteenth at 5 o'clock, at the home of Mr. Ellis W. Edwards, Bsllentine Place, whan his sister-in-law, MisaSarah Tallulah Jones, became the bride of Leonard Homer Whitley, Jr. The ceremony was vary impressively performed by Rev. Mr. McLauchlifl, pastor of Secoad Tresbyterian church. The only attendants were Miss Eliza beth Landqn . Bdwarda, noice of the bride, and Mr. John M. Darden, of Suffolk, Virginia, brother-in-law of the groom. The color scheme for an au tumn wedding, red and yellow was very beautifully carried oat in decora tions of yellow ehrysaathemams. au tumn loavso and red and yellow can dles. The bride is the youngest daugh ter of Mrs. Onnio Andrews Jones, now ?f Norfolk, and ths lata Edward C. Jones, ofLoaiabarg, Jt. C., and grand daughter of Col* Jordan Fraaela Jones, for aaay years one of the loading citi sens of Frankiin county. N. C- The groom is a son of Mrs. Mary and Mr. Leonard Homsr Whitley, Sr., one of the most progressiva farmsrs of Isle el Wight county, Virginis, aad is himself a farmer or High reputation. The souple left immediately after the cere mony for Washington, D. C., and will sstend their trip to other northern cities, and on their raturn will make their home in Isle of Wight csunty Va. (Suffolk, Va., and Loaisburg, Raleigh and Charlotte, N. C. papars plsase oopy). ? Virginian Pilot. Loalsburs; Baptist Chnroh Mornlng worship Sanday, 11 a. a., eondacted by the pastor, whose them* will be "Safe-Guarding our homes. " A. special thanksgiving long aerviee un dar the direction of the organist, Mia* Sallie Thomas Williams, will be a feat ure Sunday night at 7 o'clock. A thank offering will be taken foe the Thossaa Tillo Orphanage. Sunday Fchoel 0:46 B. Y. P. U., Menday 7 p. m. You arc cordially iarlted te all ef these services. The Snew< . I The heavy snow yesterday ,W>oraI>( took our people by surprise. It was the heaviest, at ieaat to stick aa well as it did, we hare seen ia fifteen er twenty years /er the tost new. It it ?to be hoped ita appearaaee, beaidea ad 0mg to the bbearyance at Thaaksgi-r tag, will mean sauata tewarda health. ? . ;t TH? # MOVINC PEOPLE TtfEia movements in and OPT OF TOWN ThoM Who Hare Visited Lonis burjr the Past Week? Thqye Who Have Gone Elsewhere For Business or Pleasure. i Mr. R. A. Bobbltt is at hom? for Thanksgiving. JGTIL F. Fuller visited Richmond the put *reek. t'.v Mr. O.iG. Brisker el, ef Weldon, ft | visiting Ms sister, Mti. a C. Back. Mr, K. 8. Davit returned Wednesday frem a trip to Stateaville. Mia* Jane Woman spent Thanksgiv in* with her people at Halifax. J_ M?a- J. L. Brown, el Cardeaaj, fa viaiting her nirUr, Mrs. W. H. Murphy. Mr. & W. Bdwards, of Expo, Ya., *M a *i?ltor to Loaiaburg the past weak. Mre E. E. Detter. ef Bessimer City, visited her people ia Louisbnrg the past week. Mia. HI. Lee Chauneey spent Thanka^ting with her sister at Ren noke Baritds. Mrs. usyd Liles and little daughter, Josephine, of Charlotte, are visiting her people here. Mrs. Ivey Allen left Wednesday morning tor Fayetteville to attend the Methodist Conference. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Cenway, ef Syracuse, N. Y., are visiting at Judge C. M. Caoke. Mrs. tau Davis, who has been visit ing her daughter at Warrenton, re turned home Wednesday. Supt. W. R. Mills aad Miss Alice Merrison left Wednesday for Greens boro to attend the teachers assembly. Mrs. G. L. Aycock left Wednesday for Norfolk to spend Thanksgiving with her mother, Mrs. J. A. Good w y n . Mr. 1). F. McKinne left, the past week for 8t. Louis, to purchase a lot of horsee and males for McKinne Bros. Co. ' Mr. R. P. Taylor and wife left Wed nesday for _ Richmond, where Mr. Tay lor will enter St. Luke's hospital fer treatment. rSupt. R. B. White left Monday for Greensboro to attend a meeting of the County Superintendent* of Sshools to be held there. Mrs. Dr. Hobbitt, of Indianapolis, Ind., who has beea visiting at Mr. W. M. Person's left this week to visit rel atives in Raleigh. Messrs, K, B. McKinne and P. A. Reavis went to Fnyetteville this week to attend the Methodist Con'erenee as delegates Irom here. Miss Maude Hieks left Wednesday to spend Thankgiriaf with her sinter. Miss Margaret, who is attending schoel at Greensboro Female College. Constable R. W. Hudson loft Yaes day morning for Raleigh to take Char lie Xgerton, eelered, So answer to n charge ef retailing before the Federal Conrt. East Carolina Teachers Train ing School Notes The literary societies have been re hearaing all the fall oa the Mika4o, aa opera, to he given Dee. 9. Mia* Mnffly.the expert ??aeh, ia puttin? forth her beet effort* on both the dramatic and stag ing features. The eoetasses will be furnished by a professional costumer, and the Japaneee setting will be ef fectively reproduced ia the stage ar rangements. There ia muck enthusi asm aad practically the whole school ia at woik. There are ifty in the eho raees. The scheol has established a high staadard ef public entertainment . This promises te be the best thing it has yet done. The Lanier and Pee Literary Socie ties art making interesting and exten sive plans for the year's work that will be taluahle training to the membera in developing initiative and team work. The classes have organised aad eleet od officers and advisors. Pres. Wright attended the last Meet ing of theJWayne county teachera as sociation and made a talk on teachers training. He brought back gOod re part of (he Teachers Training School girls who are teaching in that 'county. At the Pitt Coontr Fair held this week the Training School takes part In the Bducatianal Day. Mia* Porter, Student Secretary of the ? W. C.>A., in a receat visit to the school, inula laiaiiU for the Student's Couacil of tha Aaaociatian in this territory to sett here .at sosae [ time during the winter. I Different members of the ImMt mod ministers from the town of Green ville have been condactiag the Sun day evening Y. W. C. A. services. These services are wall attended and the mmle U always geed. There are two Mission and two Bible study elasnes that are doing good work. Dr. R. T. Vann, president of Mere dith College, an Monday evenine, Nov. 11th. delivered an addrrss an The Dig nity of the Calling of leaching. He treated h a theme in an easy, informal manner that made the non-teaaher sle maat In the audienae feel it waa for them aa much - aa for the prospective teachers. It is the pvrpoae of the school au thorities to give the atadenta each year an opportunity to hear the leaders in the educational thought of the State. Several members of the faculty will attend the coming seasioa of tbs North Carolina Teachers Assembly which masts in Graensbero Thanksgiving week Mr. W. H. Kagsdale is an the committee on Lagialatioa; Miss Waitt is a member of the committee appeint ad to investigate the legal states of women ia the State. Miss MacFayden will present to the 1'riasary Teachers AMoeiatiOn a paper on Busy Work. Bazaar, The Woman's Auxiliary ef St. Psul's ?church, Louisburg, will have a sale of plain and fanoy articles, at the hams af Mrs. T. V - Bickett Wednesday, December 4th, from 10 a. in., t* 6 p. m. Those who wish te get Christmas presents tor frisads at reasonable rates will find many pretty and useful articles at this sale. Fancy articles of all kinds, aprons, bags, etc., and candies will be on sale. Refreshments, consisting of ice cresm and cake, 15 cents. Hot choco late and wafers 10 cents, will be served during the day. Everyone is cordially invited to this sale. Still at Large. The negro Perry Alston who shot and killed James Sherrod, another negro, ia Hajeaville townahip last week is still at larga. He is aaid to be a des perate negro and the reported details ?f the shooting received here says he walked up^to Sherrod in the middle of the road in the presence of several others 'and said to him "D ? ? vou jou don't beliere I'll shoot you do you,'* and forthwith fired, killing his man. He took the woods and althoagh hav ing been penned in onco or twice has succeeded is- making his escape each time. Teachers' Meeting:. Menthly meeting of teachers will be held Saturday, Disc. 7th. Reports will be received from the schools as to at tendance and improvements and an in teresting session is expected. Cotton. Cettan sold fer IS 1-1 acuta per poand oa tne local market here Wedaecday. Many bales were received. List of Letters. Remaining in the postoMee at Leu is - berg, N. C., November *9, 1911, un called far: Mrs. Martha Gill, CatheaM Harrel, G. T. Inseee, J. L. Jackson sad femily, Areh W. Johnsea, S. M. Lester, Mrs. Asses Mackon, Munich Strickland, Sf fle Vavis. Fersoas calling fer the above letters will pleaae say they saw them adver tised. M. It . YilBSaoocn, P. M. Castalla Items At tke home of the bride's parents bars on last Wedaesday night, Mils Annie tha popalar daughter of Mr. G. Brawn aad Mr. W. A. Frailer, an in fnstnua and well to do plantar, were happily married. Rev. G. W. May per forating the eeremeny. Tha many present attests the popularity of the yeans couple who^iave a host of friend whe wish fer (hem a long and happy lite. Mr. Mack Moss, who obtained license ftjm the last session of the Supreme Oourt, and who is with his pareats here, via sworn in by the presidiag judge at Nashrille Monday, and he is now a full pledged lawyer. He Is young and full ot vim, and will no doubt meet with much success in bis new home at Lnm* berten. Plai* Ton. Sohlosa Slush. As the editor has called for more S&hless items I will try to hand him a few between the buay moments and bed time. Mia* May Bledsoe, the popular and . efficient teacher of the Alston scboool, kaa a vary good enrollment, numbering at praaeat about thirty with aon to follow. She has a va*r petpleiin* c yietlw that of hanging Mfertyalk ? 1 ' ,? ' * ' ' Scholar* In a "2x4" school reom. Mr. and Mr?. J. S. Williams, ot^Om isburg, visiled their gchloes farm laat Sanday. The Greenleaf Johnsen Lumber Co., is finishing up tbe timber on the Young tract adjoining the Bchloss farm of Mr. J. 8. Williams, and will leave in a few days for Fishing creek. The commis sary was moved last week. Missea Annie Belle and Mary Alston were visitors at Mrs. Sue Hayes' laat Tuesday. Friends of Mr. Julian Alston miss his lively presence down this way sines be left us to make his heme ia Lea is buJ*. Mr. Alston is now with the pror greesl re mercantile house of Mr. T. T. Terrell, -where he will be glad to see and serve his friends and all wbe call to see him. ; Meat of the farmers have td picking cotton and boosing other erope - - in this part of the county. Cotton bloomed on the Schloss farm an til frost killed the leavea. Prayer meeting is held at the Alstoa sehool house every second Sunday af ternoon by Mr. J. J. Murray. Rev. J. H. Harper, of Laurel filled hfs regular appointment at the Alston school house last Sunday at 8:30 p. m. Our young friend Mr. Robert Alston, reports a fox chase that came within his hearing a few days ago and regrets that he was not in a position to follow the trail and tail the fox which he gen erally does when astride of old Peter. Misses Mary Alston and May Bledsoe w^re-enjoying a horse back ride through Scblossburg the other day, however, both were notSiding the same horse. The following item taken from the Bobbitt correspondent of the Gold Leaf will be of interest to readers of the Timbs. The fourth quarterly confer ense for Tar Kiver circoit was held at Plank Chapel Saturday and Sanday. Rev. J. H. Hall preached fine sermons both days. This being the last confer ence for this year there was a general winding ap of church affairs. The fi- . nances <>f the five cnurches on the cir cuit were reported in good condition, all obligations will be paid in full for the ?ear. According to the dictates of our church we lose our faithtul pastor. Rev. G. W . Starling, after a feur year'B pas toratoamong us. Hs has endeared himself to all his people during his stay hero aid all Sgood wishes will follow him to his new field of werk. A "cake voting" was held, or rather preparations bad been made to hold one at the home of Lem Person, (eol.,) on Saturday night but the festivities of the evening ware brought suddenly to a closealmost before they had fairly be gun. A lonely bout resulting in a gen eral rough house, and shooting np of the place eaused a wholesale exit from the promises including the host. The particulars of the affair, as told by some of those who were there areabont as follows: It seems that a number of bad "niggers" armed with pistols and ?lean liquor. Who were not invite*, went there to make trouble which they proceeded ? to de ia short order. One of the Backs, whe was jealous of the attention of another fellow to his "July Ann," knocked the lamp elf of the sake table and trouble commenced. ? This so enraged Lem, the man of the house, that he immediately ealled for order, and emphasised the call with his gua,' which was takea away frem him by the rewdies before he could nse it. The* the sheeting eommensed aad every body was ran out of the house. Men and wcaen ran, fell down and erawled anyway to get to a place ef safety, aad the house was cleared se hastily that no on* tu seriously Burt. Une of the women whacalls ber husband "Baby" was cry i nf (or him to come to a plan* of safety, but "Baby had left all and takes to che bushes. Henry Boil, switchman on No. 6, of the lumber line, received a bullet in the head b?t it dida't stick, and Heary is ready for another rally. A mean ' 'nigger" with still meaner whiskey is a michty bad combination at a "cake voting" or any other plaae, and it is unfortunate that the home folks were not prepared t* subdue the crowd at their own frame. The colored people of this community are generally law abiding, honest and respectable, and they conducted their affairs in'a quiet, orderly manner, and none of them, nor the better element of the railroad people participate in such disgraceful affairs as the Saturday sight occurrence only as a protection to themselves. It is said that the cakes and money ware titken sway by the rough shooters, some of tk?' furni ture broken to piecee and a pomber ef bullet holes found is the doo* and other parts of the house aftft tHdbcttte had ended and the grnoke fcttfeed away, SHE:

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