. ? ICE We will have one wagon loaded with ice standing at the ^oui-t house square all day, every day. Phone No. 7 all your Ice troubles. Louisburg Coal and Ice Company r * r LOUISBURG :: IN. C FIRST BATTLE SAID TO HAVE OCCURRED i i Clash Ob Tke DuiW Is Hst Thonght To Hate Beta Very Soku?Kin dt Has 5?t Ordered Kobllltatloa Bat Has Takes All Preeaatloaary Heasares. London, July 27.?An engagement between Austrian? and Servians is re ported to have occurred on the Danu be but no details are available and It la not believed to have been of Im portance. Austria has not yet opened her mlllltary operations, so far as can be learned. Meanwhile, diplomacy Is proceed ing along two seperate lines, to aveiV the war If possible and, If that is Im possible to localise the conflict. first Sir Edward Grey the British SesftJ tary of State for foreign Affairs, has proposed to the Powers a plan for Joint mediation, which. It Is said, France and Italy already have ac cepted. Germany has not yet replied and her acceptance Is regarded as doubtful. Sir Grey explained in the. House of Commons his idea, which was that Great Britian, France, Ger many and taly co-operate in an end eavor to arrange the dispute between Austria and Servia, on the basis of Servla's reply to Austria's ultimatum. Hope Fna Russia. The second line of diplomatic en deavor, from which even more is hop ed today, is taking place at St Peters burg between the Russian Minsiter of Foreign Affairs, Sergius Sazonoff. and the Austrian Ambassador. It is un derstood that Mr. Sazonoff is making a strenous effort to bring about a di rect understanding and that a solu tion on these Uneswill be more agree able to Germany than Great Britlan's^ conference iropoeal. War Spirit la Yleooa. The Russia Emperor has postpon ed his intended visit to Finland, in order to be in the capital during the crisis. It is said Russia is urging Servia to give Austria the fullest pos sible satisfaction. An extremely warlike spirit prevails in Vienna, where the evening papers declare the Servians are only making evasions and that, therefore. It is Im possible for the Austrian government to retreat. Further they hint that even should Servia accept the Aus trian ultimatum unconditionally, and offer*to pay the cost of Austria' mo bilisation, Austria now would becom pel led to ask for new guarantees. CONFERENCE AT POTSDAM. Ctitnlllif Fwmi ef (knu Em pire Are Planing Polk-j. Berlin, July 27.?Important -'con ference*. Were held at Potsdam late to day between the German Emperor, the Imperial Chancellor, Dr. Von BethaHiaim-Hollweg, and the itrategl<? heads of the army and navy, to deter mine detaitely the German policy in the crlsl*, The British and French Ambassa dors, Sir Edward Goschen and Jules Cambon, called on the Minister of war was informed Germany was willing to let the other powers try, bat ss Aus tria's ally she could not interfere with Austria'! freedom of action. ?? Ha Kebollsatloa la Rsuia. The official announcement of Rus sia that to mobollxatlon of her amy supplemented tiifui unilluu?from Warsaw that among the precautionary military Measures taken were the withdrawal of troops in Poland from the Immediate frontiers of Germany and Austria for concentration In the interior: the recall of the Russia troops from their summer camps sod ?b? canceling of leare of absence of all troop*. ??? Tb? border 1* watched by a semi military force attached to the Trea isry department, known a* frontier The significant announcement was WjH^ltnin Pot*d? today that the crown' prlnoe haa abandoned his to ot returning to Berila, ami plan* to proceed to to a few days on hI? ririt M4, J?ly V-* cient number of A as trio-Hungarian "Reservists" to form a regiment live In Baltimore, according to a state ment today by Consul Hester. He said that of the twenty thousand na tives of the dual monarchy In that city more than 1,000 are subject to call for war. English Fleet Prepares Portland, f^ig., July 27.?The first fleet of the British navy has been re called here by wireless and Is coal ing. The fleet comprises twenty-eight first-class battleships and a large num ber of cruisers and torpedo boat de stroyers. All leave has been stopped and it Is understood that the fleet will proceed to the North Sea. Exchanges Are Closed. Budapest, July 27.?It was decided today on account of the Austro Servian situation to suspend the oper ations of the stock and corn exchanges here until Thursday. Geraaa Bankers Prepare. Berlin, July 27.?Deeding bankers of the German capital met today and agreed on measures to protect the stock market and to cncourage the public not to unload securities. Th? meeting voted in favor of giving credits under, special terms to brokers and decide to call for margins from private investers only when the mar ket value of securlties_ had reached j the lowest point conlstent with' safety. Hudson of servants and women ; of the laboring classes stormed the j municipal savings banks In Berlin. At i one of these Institutions, in the center of the city there was a line of 1,500 people at 1 o'clock. ? Holland to Be ?utral. The Hague, July 27.?The chief of the general staff of the Dutch army and the minister of marine decided today to cut short their holiday and return to the capital, where active steps are being taken by the authori ties far the maintenance of-Holland's neutrality In the eventr of war. Cassaeks Fire oa Gtraui. Eydtkuhenn, Germany, July 27.? Shots were fired across the German fronter this morning by a Cossack patriot, on the alleged ground that an attempt was being made to cross the border at a wrong place. Germans say that the gronp fired upon were army officers. Much feel ing was aroused. Belgian Any Xobnised. Brussels, July 27.?Partial moblli atlon of the Belgian army was order ed today, raising the-total of the ac tive force* to 100,000 men. The International Socialist bureau haa telegraphed to its members to meet on Wednesday, when a general strike to prevent a European war probably will be discussed. The Bourse waa ordered closed by the governing committee, pending inter national developments. Herrlaa Minister Leaves. Vienna, July 27.?M. Jovanovitch, Servian minister to Austrla^Hungary, left for Belgrade today. . ] PARIH IS DIKOBDEELY. _ ' L',-" J Paris, July 27.?^lojent and war demonstrations occurred on the boule vards today, accompanied by the stag ing of revolutionary songs. Large forces of police and mounted republican guards' nnder the direc tion .of Perfect Pennlon, frequently charged thif*rowda: - ' Many persons were knocked down and ln]nre<l. 5<J The disorders were complicated by patriotic demonstrations and on sev eral occasions attempts were made to rush the cales frequented by Germana, which finally were guarded by polio*. Ss3S@r*'s?13 aatten as a ioaWilW aat It aelr an the Laai Sale: By vlrture of the power of sale con tained in a certain mortgage deed ex ecuted by N. Y. Gulley and wile to C. S. Williams on the 10th. day of December, 1908, and recorded la book 169, page 29?, in office of Registry of Deeda of Franklin County, default haring been made in the payment of Indebtedness therein secured, tke un dersigned will on Saturday, the 12nd day ot August, 1914, at the court house door In the town of Louis burg, N. C. and at 12:WTV?lock no??, sell at public auction to the highest Ud der for cash that tract of land con veyed In the aforesaid mortgage deed, situated liS Franklin County, State of North Carolina, and in Franklin ton township, near Pope's Chapel, boun ded as follows, to-wit on the n orth by lands ot R: L: Cofcyers and H: L: Moore; on the east by the Usry lands and B: H: Wlnton estate; on the south by 'lands of U; D: Homes and Chas: Mitchell; on the west by lands of William Sherran, Chas: Best, and W: A: Mitchell, containing 520 acres more or less: This 14th, day of July, 1914. C. S. Williams, Mortgagee. 7-17-4t.~ North Carolina, In Superior Court; Franklin Count} . X. H. Kearney. vs. Notice ? Jas. F. Scott and Mrs. M. P. Scott. Mrs. M. P. Scott, uue ot the de fendants above named, will tage notice that in the a Dove entitled action, a motion has been made before the Clerk for the purpose of reviving a judgment rendered hi uie above en titled action at October term, 1906, of Franklin Superior Court, In favor of the plaintiff above named and against the defen dants Ju. F. Scott and Mrs. M. P; Scott in the sum of Mt'i ;ou with Inter est thereon from the 16th day jf October, 190?, and tor coeU; that whereas said Judgment was duly docked in Judgment docked No: S at page^Cl on the 15th day of Oct:, 190? In the office ot the Clerk of the Super ior Court ot Franklin County: and Whereas said Judgment stands and U still unsatisfied. Mrs. 11. P. Scott, the said defen dant above named will further take notice that she la requlrea to apper before me at my office in the town ot Loulaburg, County and State aforesaid at 12:00 o'clock li. on the 8th day of August, 1914, and to show cause, /U any there be, why execution should not be issued upon said Judgment, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for execution to Issue on said Judg ment . J. J. Barrow, Clerk Superior Court This IStth day of July, 191?,. 7-17-4t. Trustee's Sale ef Storage Warehouse. By vlrture of the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of truBt executed by K. P. Hill to Wm. H. Ruffln, Trustee, on the 12th, day ot March, 1912, and recorded in the Re gistry of Franklin County in.book 179, page 467, default having been made in the payment,ot the Indebtedness thereby secured, and demand for fore closure having been made by the hol der of said indebtedness, the under signed will on Monday, the 24th, day ot August, 1914, at the Court House door in Loulsburg, N. C., at about the hour of noon, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, the storage warehouse lot in the town of Loulsburg, therein described as fol lows : . Situated on the south side of Perry street and the west clde of the Louis aun IV pj?oq-B98 oqi jo qatrtjq Bjnq Hallway, and more particularly de fined as follows: Begtaulng at W. Hal Mann's east corner on Pdrjr sreet, 312 feet from the Intersection of Perry street and Kenmoor avenue, thence alone said Mann's line southwardly to Mann's soutfewest corner In J. B. Thomas' line; thence eastward along J. B. Thomas' line to his northeast corner W. T. Hushes and H. Lb T. Davis' line (now Mann's also); thence south 32 1-2 west alone said Thomas line to a point fifty feet from where a line drawn across the Southern end of the W. T. Hughes & Co., warehouse intersects said Thomas line, the Green and Yarboro Co's corner in a line paralled to the eftd of said Thomas' line; thence S. 57 1-2 E. a line parrallel to the end of said storage warehouse and fifty feet there from to a stake twenty feet from the center of the Louisburg branch of the Seaboard Air Line Railway; thence along said Railway's line northwardly to Perry street; thence westwardly along Perry street to the point of be ginning; subject to the rights of way easements and reservations granted in that certain deed to the Oreen and Yarboro Co.. of record in the Registry of Franklin County to which refer ence Is hereby made for a fuller de scription thereof. Terms of sale.?Cash. This July 24th, 1914. Wm. H. Ruffln, Trustee. 7-24-41. \ North Carolina, In Superior Court. Franklin County. R. B. White Trustee For C. 8-Wil liams and I. H. Kearney: vs. Notice. Jas F: Scott and Mrs M. P. Scott. Mrs. M. P. Scott, one of the defen dants above named, will take notice* that In the above entitled action, a motion has been made before the Clerk for the purpose of reviving a Judgment rendered In the above entit led action at October term, 1906 of Franklin Superior Court, In favor of the plalntlc above named, and against the defendanta Jaa. F. Scott and Ms. M. P. Scott ? In the sum of $163.00 with Interest thereon from the 28 day of July 1906 and tor coata; that wheceaa said judgment was duly docked in judgment docked No 3 at page 269 on the 15th day of October, 1906 in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, and whereas said judgment stand: and Is still unsatisfied , Mrs. M. P. Scott, the said defen dant above named will further take notice that she Is required to appor be fore me at my office in the town of Loulsburg, Co. and State aforesaid, at 12 M. on the 8th day of Aug ust, 1914, and to-show cause, it any there be, why execution should not be Issued upon said judgment, or the plaintiff will apply to tHe~Court for er ecutlon to Issue on said Judgment. J. J. Borrow, ' Clerk Superior Court: This 16th, day of July, 1914. r i-n-it For Rent. - A nicely furnished bungalow for rent. Furniture for sale. Location best Apply at once to Mrs. W. C. Rodabush, 7-24-tf. J Loulsburg, N. c. How To Hive Quinine To Children. FKBRILINE is t h? trade-mark name given toaa Improved Quinine. ItisaTasteleasSyrup, p ten ant to take and doea not dlatarb the stomach. Children take It and never know It is Quinine. Also especially adapted to adults who cannot t.-ilte ordinary Quinine. Doea not nauseate nor cause nervousness nor ringing in the head. Try it the next time you need Quinine for any pur. pos?. Ask for 2-ounce original package. The ?n,-?* FEBRIWNK ia blown inbottle. 25 cents. POR TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES .* i* See us before buying as we are manufacturers' Agents # ? and can save yo money. . * . WE HANDLE Stenographer's Note Books, Revilo Standard Weight Carbon paper in Blue, Purple and Black. Size 8 1-2 z 11. . ,*Ty p writer Ribbons Renio, the Columbia and Childs' official brand in blue, purple and black coloraifor(OHyer Underwood, L. C. Smith, Remington, Royal and Monarch Typewriters. For Better Results on your machine, use the Oliver high grade Typewriter oil. Revilo]iPencils, distinctly ^4?r stenographic use, and Hexagon Erasers will add to your convenience. We carry a full stock of French Folio and Eastern R. R. Canary Letter copy paper in all size*, Weis Paper Clips etc. f- '? . ?r- ' . ? '>?? ?? ?' . . ^ ,V' .V The Franklin Times, Headquarters for Typewriter Supplies - Hk:* ? ?' v. . . _

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