jToidkre i ftwbiMitiiMfckeb; H t* ffcfc io Uood-fuid; k aaparu iba^tfitotlw (rairtioM ?od ?cp |ifie< the ?"try oil-food dut ifct-j ?xic cnadhrAi j}inn Bcal. Scotf s Emultloa bi cOBSdctf vtcn acta matdict ftiVd. H rut <w'I p*J u ram go. yoa bad better arM star1 5etW. This to to (Im auOee UuU mr maa flsasle Williamson. eighlaaa years of 1ft I"* M ar l.i um? vUJmd caase m4 wttboat ar rwiwt sad t hmilij tor1*1 sayoae hiring ar otherwlse laboring faim. ?nA-r penalty of Um U* This luinrr UUi. 1*15 i-l-V4t Juki ?'lUtwxw Tr??W? Mr ef 1 ?I By ?lit* o# Uk power conferred upon me ta ? certain deed of trast ?K*MlowbrEiMUuHjntio* & wife. u4 4 o) y rarM ta the oOo of 0? tteiMtr of Deeds of FViaklia 'otatf la Book 1M, Pace ML at the request of the bolder of the aote mnt UitntB I will oa Tnesday. ib? 23r4. day of Febraary. WIS. at UJD? o'clock *. sell at pobttc aactloa at the Covrt-Hooae door ta.tha Iowa of Looisbarc. X C.. to tka highest UL dar for cash a certaia tract or par Mi of land sitaaied la Franklin fVmaty North Carolina sad mora particalarly ftacrlM and Mu4 as follows: iligliiaiug at a large white Coppedge am poai W. T. Deaa's corner, thence 8; ( l-4d- EL 2* poles t link* to a large pine. thebce 8. 4 1-1 I K 2? poles to a rock. W T. Deaa's ooraer la D. T. Baaa's Use. thence slon? Baaa's Ike shoot t 99 1 K 12 pole? S links to a rock oa Vox Branch. Laytoa's ooraer. t Hears N. 21 1-24 - E ? palca 4 Uaks to a whit* oak. Laytoa!s corner, theace along a bfaadi X. H f E. 4 poles K. Z 1-2 4 E 1? poles to W114 Cat Branch thence along tbe canal .V 27 1-2 C EL II pote*. V 44 4. E 2? poles. X. ?1 1-2 d- E. I p<la to a rock and willow pointers In 1-aytoo'? line, thence X. 9 4. K 12 poles to a rock and popular aad pine pointers. Lartoa'i sad Wil der"* corner, theoce X. 7 1-2 d. E. 1M poles to a stake axi.4 small sassafras sod pine pointers, thence S 1 K i E 12 poles to a large ptae Wilder*? ooraer. theace X 11 d. EL If poles to a hickory W. B. Coppedge's corner la the high water of the mill pciad. thence aloag a well narked line about with the high water mark X. R 1-4 i V. I poles 11 llaks to a sweetgum, X. M d. W. 4 poles to a ptae. ? 21 1-4 4 W 4 poles i tlaks to a blackgum. X. 44 1-2 d. W. 2 poles M links to a pine, X. 17 1-2 d. 4 poles to a ptae. X (4 2-4 dW2 poles 2 links to a pine, 8. 7? 1-2 4. W . 2 poles 2 llaks tO a ptae. ?2 1-2 d W. t poles 19 Hak* to a maple. N 54 4 W 45 links to a pine. 8. 12 2-4 4. W. poles 21 links to a small sweetgum. 8. 12 1-2 d. W. t poles 7 links to a small sweetgnm. X, M d. W. 4 poles 17 links. X. ?9 4. W. 11 poles to a pine. N 44 1-2 4- W 9 poles to a stake sn4 pointers. X. 47 2-4 4. W. 10 poles. 21 llaks to a ' pine and Cedar. X. 45 2-4 <L W. 12 poles 22 link? to a wlllewoak. 8. 29 1-2 w W. 12 poles to a stake. .V 52 1-2 d. W. 12 poles 9 links to a syca more, thence N. 47 2-4 d. W If, poles to it turkey oak, 8. 5* 2-4 d. W. 10 poles 10 links to the beginning, con UlnlriK 123 J-4 acres, more or le?s This tra<:t of l?n4 Is subject to a prior Incumbrance In the form of a deed of mm executed by the part!?? of the first part to W. H. HtjfT.n, Trustee, securing an Indebtedness of one thousand and four huncrcl dol lar? therein set forth. This the 22nd day of January, 1(15. W. H. Yarborougb. Jr., l-22-4t. Trustee PARIS STILL CUNGS TO FILL LONG TUNIC Colors and Fabrics Show the Influence of the Military Boots For Walking Costumes. Strm- Tort. fUnwr trt FV11 >tnb k*M mlmlKiflr com t? f?r tor t ?fell*, at >ut Tut all tluu. U*r* 1? m rrnoa rtr Ikt >aua ?iO. wrmJ loa? ouic rttru ? ter ?rtnt* rt?M kr <wwi??i (ar tt?T kar* ?? tm 4ucarM by ur luurfr 'j* umi A Ur** fttmck A (Mwrnthf Fracfc PtttUH la If the drew 70a wish to remodel Is of ?Ilk.- or a ?mam? fabric, a rerj simple war of.atodernlztsc It Is to add a lower auction of two or mere ruffle*, according to Ui? width of the raffle* uid the depth of the lower skirt which ?how?. I aaw m Terr pretty taffeta dress the dther dar which hdd been made with a Caring tanic and a *err tight lower skjrt. The owner of the | dres? made the lower ?klrt wide by! Inserting a triangular piece' of the! malerial into the back aeam. Two | ruffles ?he made.of the um? taffet*. with narrow hems machine hero it lei, ??!. These were placed on to the .'..undallon skirt. and, of course the piecing was hidden, and Joljfftd below the long funic. The dress waa rery i.mart and looked as though it might liave been designed tliia seaaon iu ..tead of last / With a little forethought and a Care ful studying of new designa to he ?sen In the fashion magazines or flshlon sections of the newspapers7 many an old dress whose style Is hopeless can to t has tke fulitM which i Ktolkc Awdcu mlad. lor It to jtr aMt ud practical aad conea la all tke too?? rtt<w. from navy Mac Mack, white, to ail the ?hades of tan large aad checks aaalf are" for the spring so.'ti In Hhutratioa I kare shown a tri? wfUj a d la glial black-u! white check. The coat to made aenr ?rKat on Norfolk lines, -with a aix gored skirt cat to the ankle length, to which length aU skirts should be cat to hare the proper style this rear, "instead at shoes, to be distinctly op I to Parts styles, boots should be worn I with walking dress at this character. ITnsriin boot* they are called, they batzon or tare ep tke sides and wrin kle in n aHMuqoetaire fashion - Empire tines are shown in every thing. Suits are made short wateted. with (nil pep lams hanging from the brH. Tailored frocks are Bade abort wwlsud. with s wide or narrow belt, which to attached on fta apper line only and hang* free on Its lower edge, gtriag a boxed effect The evening drtnsfs are made distinctly altar the gown of Empress Josephine's period, the waist jwt coming below the bust, and the skirt's longer and fuller tkan I booc of her time, bat clinging grace felly to the figore. Striped taffeta ski rta have Jackets of satin matching some color la the atripc. Voile la oaed extensively, and usually trimmed with bral da of taf feta. Sand-colored voile skirts bar? brown taffeta Jackets. Lonnette Is an American-tgade fab ric Which taken the place at the Georgette crepe, which la made abroad aad haa become very scarce since the war. Whole dresses are aad* of it. especially for evealag wear, aad It la most attractive aad more durable than chiffon. There Is an indestructible Toile which is very much like chiffon that is also used a great deal. It comes In all the teaatlfol old-fash-, iooed designs. In Dolly Varden and Dresden designs, aa well aa in the large figured effects. Plaid fkbries are having a renewed vogue la Paris, although they are con sidered a novelty rather than a staple fabric. Black is natrihUly very stylish, aa would be expected, when one thinks that all Prance Is in mourning After black come? white. White evening costs are considered very fashionable; also coaU of white serge and gabar dine for the separate coat.. Black and white combined Is also very good and largely featured, and in its train purple and gray?in fact, all tke mourning and semi-mourning crilnrp? are having a/vogue which they wjll probably not hare until another w,.j^. New uniforms have been made (or the Prem-h soldiers of a new sha/ie of !j]?CyOr.U'r?.!ly that means it is imm? rliafe"y copied for costamee for women "I color, together with the khaki colored Held cloth, are used extensive ly for tailored costumes, especially If they follow cvet so slightly the ten' dency toward the military. Red, a>.o a military,color, but in a new brick shade. In foe frig useda great deal, whll?.- the national colors of Bel glum?red, yellow snd black?are be ing combined ag&in and again Into of Ursa plaid. i whit? faille distinctly i Large bats arc slowly < view, and will no tabt bt pie for summer. iepr?1?l' time shape triaacd with relTet ribbon Children Hate Oil Calomel and Pills. "( sllforaia Sjrnp of F%." be-t Ur Under tUmmek, birr beweb . / Look back at yoar child:,<?.j days. I Remember the "dose" mother insistf-4 on?castor oil, calomel, cathartics. Bow yon hated them, bow yon fought against taking th< m With our children it's different. Mother < who cling to the old form of physic simply don't realise what they do. The children revolt is well-founded Their tender little "insides" are In jured by them s If your child's stomach, liver and I bowels need cleansing, give only deli- | clous "California Syrup of Figs." Its | action is positive, but gentle. Millions of mothers keep this harmless Trait | -laxatives* handy; they know children lore to take it; that tt never falls to clean the liver and bowels and sweeten the stomach, and that a teaspoonful given today saves a sick ehild tomor row. i Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bot tle of "California Syrujr of Pigs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-' ops plainly, on each bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold liere. See that it is made by "California Pig Syrup Company." Refuse any other kind with contfmpt Come tm! Our pocket is yawning for that dollar. ? How TO Give Qulnins To Children. FFBRILIXH litbe trnde-merkname trlven to ? n ImprovedQuimue. Itiiajmtp.plctv ?Bt to Uke and devs DjniUar\die stomach. Children take it and um? kunirlt is Quinine. AlsS <pi>tcUlly ads wed to sdnljft who cannot Uke.ordinary QniniAe. Does aJf nsnteate nor un??Mnou?neM *or ringimpiffi the besd. Try k tbfe next time yon\iiil jmintne lor sny par pose. A?k lor 2-ounce origins! package. The asm? K is blow a in bottle. 23 cents. Better Light and More of It JTEROSENE light is best for young iMoUcvcitfikc. JZoyfa LAMPS jwc ^n-brococ light at its best ? a dxady, pmiwg gk?w that rcachcs every ooraer c? ti?c room. The Rj/TO dots mat inil, i or smell. It is msde of It ? cur to figbt, easy to At <inlen everywhere. STANDARD OIL COMPANY CHEW JERSEY) EW BALTIMORE BEAUTY. It Is a Scientific Fact That Wo men Are Becoming More Beautiful Every Day. *_ - i ?? This is attributed to good health and the proper care and preservation of the skin. Our line of * Toilet Necessities and complexion specialties has been selected with great care. The line includes the greatest baauti fiers of the age. 0 0 0 'V 0 AYCOCK DRUG CO. LOUISBURG, North Carolina. Perry's Sales Stables Louisburg, N. C. I have just completed my stables on South Main Street and have received a lot of new horses and mules, and will always keep a nice lot on hand for you-to select from. Come in to see me syid lets find one that will suit you. I have it. and will make you a price that will please you. I will sell cheap for cash or make a good exchange with you. Come to see me. K- A. PERRY I have moved my stock of Harness to.the Sprttill building on Court Street where yon will find A FULL DISPLAY OF THE BEST HARNESS TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE FOR THE MONEY. Ton need not expect to find Harness that will wear longer, give better satisfaction or look better than onrs. Come in and look ever onr line and let us talk to yon. O O 0 ^ O O O Harness Room Spruill Building Edward S. ford Louisburg, Horth Carolina

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