Classified Ads ? - BATF<\ weguuar r?M I tJ CLASSIFIED .03 per >?oM minimum .SO per Insertion ? .50 per mil aervlco on keyed ads. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY .TO per column Inch. MEMOIUAMS lame as Reg ular Classified. All classified ads must be accompanied by cask or check. FOR SALE BRACB yourself for a thrill the first time you use Blue Lustre to clean rugs. Rant electric shampooer (1. H. C. Taylor. 4-11 ch FOR SALE ? 67 Chevelle, Supersport 396, 4 speed. Easy term* - Call 496 5362. 4/9, U, 16 pd. FOR SALE ? 3 acres land with 1 acre road frontage on Highway 98 near Hagwood's Store. Fred Robbln, Rt. 1, You ngsv Ills. 4/9, 11 pd. FOR SALE ? 7-Room House, Bath. 1.28 acre lot. 5 miles from Loulsburg, Highway 561. Call Mrs. J.A. Dennls 883-2424. 4/2, 4, 9, 11 pd. FOR SALE? 1887 Chevelle. 396 - 4 speed. SuperSport. Easy terms. Call 496-5362. 4/4/, 9, U ch. ' SINGER: Sewing Uachlne cab inet model. Z1G-ZAGER, Buttonholer, Etc. Local person can finish pay ments $10.00 monthly or cash balance $38.90. See locally write: "National's Financing Dept.", Ad juster, Nichols, Drawer 280, Asheboro, N.C. 3/26, 28; 4/2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25, 30 FOR SALE--Two homes In nice country surround ings. 0) Brick, 3 bed room, living room, kit chen-family room combi nation, 2 baths, fireplace, carport, nice lot, only $16, 500.00. (2) Three bedroom brick, living room, dining room, 2 baths, carport, full basement with com plete kitchen, large lot. $18,900.00. Contact Tri angle Realty Corp. of Loulsburg. Phone 496 5439. 4/11, 16 ch. FOR RENT FOR RENT ? Service Station and equipment with mod ern living facility conven ience. Loacated on US No. 1, 2 miles north of Franklin ton. If Interested contact J.W. Jenkins Corp., Hen derson, N.C. Phone 438 7123. 4/2, 4, 9, 11 ch. FOR RENT ? Two bedroom house; alio 1 bedroom mo bile home. See or call Clarence Edwards, Twin Oak Trailer Park, 496 4255. 4/9 Tu 4 Th tf ch. FOR RENT? 5 Room House ntar Loulsburg High School. Contact Herman Spencer at Spencer's Bar ber Shop. 4/2 Tu & Th tf ch. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED MALE? Easy to learn. Light work full or part time. Average ?2.50 per hour and up. Write Rawlelgh Dept. NCD-350 604, Richmond, Va. 4/4, 11, 18, 25 pd. WAITRESS WANTED? Must fee is years old. Apply Dick's Drive Inn. Pbone 498-9011. __ sAa Th & Tu tf ch, WANTED? One man for responsible Job. Good pay, good benefits. Contact Dean Farms Inc., Loulsburg, 496-51 Zl. 4/t, 11 ch. ii if One of the troubles with the nation's economy I* that there are too many people sitting at executtre desks without Just ?MM or excuse. > * Classified Ads maid WANTED ? Colored woman over 40 to help cook and do general house work. Private Home. Must be reliable. Call 853-2334. </2, 4, 9. 11 WANTED WANTED approximately 2 acres of land on North side of Loulsburg for church site. Will pay reasonable price. Need'land Immedi ately, as present place of worship has been sold. Contact Roland ,C. Stone, Rt. 2, Bailey or Triangle Realty, Loulsburg. 4/9, 11 pd. SERVICE BEGINNERS Guitar Instruc tions-Children and Adults. Call-496-4888 Mrs. Jeanne Dennis. 4/4, 9, 11, 16, 18 pd. PIANO LESSONS? Downtown Loulsburg 5 nights weekly. Call Mrs. Oulda Foster, 496-3890 between 9 sum. and 9 p.m. 3/12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28; 4/2, 4, 9, 11 pd. Legal Notice ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Admin istrator of the estate of Susan Cheatham Green, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 12th day of October, 1968, or this notice will be pleaded In bar Of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay ment. This 9th day of April, 1968. Robert E. Cheatham, Adm'r. 4/11, 18, 25; 5/2 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis tratrix of the estate of Tal madge L. Gupton, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 21st day of September, 1968, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said es tate will please make Imme diate payment. This 19th day of March, 1968. MRS. PAULINE G. TAYLOR, Adm'rx. Rt. 1, Cast alia, N. C. 3/21, 28; 4/4, 11 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Execu tor of the estate of L.G. Turn age, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons hav ing claims against tbe estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of Sep tember, 1068, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons In debted to said estate will please make Immediate pay ment. This l#th day of March, 1068. J.E. PERRY, JR., Executor 3/21, 28; 4/4, U ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis trator of the estate of Beatrice S. Jeffreys, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims a galnst tbe estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of October, 1068, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immedi ate payment. This 2nd day of April, 1968. j M.B. Jeffreys, jr., j Adm'r. / i/4, U, 18, 25 pd. The teat of Intelligence is your ability to detect sham. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE** Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Martha Grey Dean, deceased, late of Frank lin County, North Carolina, this li to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of October, 1948, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebt ed to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This 8rd day of April, 1988. Jackie Dean, Executor 4/4, 11, li, 26 Ch. A RESOLUTION DIRECTING The extension of water OR SEWERAGE SYSTEMS OF THE TOWN OF LOUKBURG AND THE ASSESSMENT OF THE C06T THEREOF A GAINST LOTS OR PARCELS OF LAND ABUTTING DI RECTLY THEREON The Town Council of the Town of Loulsburg, having determined that It Is In the public Interest to extend the water or sewerage systems, or both, of the Town at Louls burg by constructing the fol lowing water or sewer mains located and described as fol lows: 4" Water line extending 325' East and West on Beach wood Drive IT E, THEREFORE, RE SOLVED AS follows: That such construction be undertaken by the Town of LoulSMurg and that the cost In conformity with Oeotral statute 160 Part 7 and Town policy adopted No vember 24, 1959, be assessed against the lots and parcels of land abutting directly on the literal maids of such ex tension, to be paid by pro perty owners In cash within 30 days after date of assess ment. BE IT FURTHER RESOLV ED, that this resolution be published once in a news paper published In the Town of LOutsburg. ADOPTED: April 5, 1968 (Catherine D. Gupton Town Clerk 4/11 NOTICE Pursuant to an order of the Hornorable Henry A. Mc Klnnon, Jr., Judge of the Sup erior Court ofNorthCarollna, all claims against the IGA Supermarket of Loulsburg, Inc. must be presented toNelll A. Jennings, Receiver, on or before April 15, 1968. These claims must be written and in the form of a sworn and not arised statement as follows: i, (position of affiant), of (name of company) <16 solemn ly swear that the following is a true and accurate statement of the account of the IGA Supermarket of Loulsburg, Inc.: Transactions as follows: (all transactions roust be list ed by date) Total * Payments on account balance (This statement should be sworn to and signed In the presence of a notary public). These claims should be pre sented to the Recelrer at his office at 117 North Main Street In Loulsburg or mailed to the Recelrer at Box 149, Louis burg, N.C. All claims not presented on or before April 18, IMS will be barred from participating In the distribu tion of the assets of the cor poration. The order of Henry A. McKlnnon, jr., Judge Pre siding orer the Superior Court of the Ninth Judicial District of North Carolina is as follows: v ORDER IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA FRANKLIN COUNTY RUSSELL O. BOYD, Plaintiff VS. IGA SUPERMARKET OF ^OmSBURG, INC. CHARLES S. FORD, PRESIDENT, AND 2HARLES E. FORD, INIHVI XI ALLY AND MARTHA FORD MARTIN, Defendants This cause coming on to ? beard upon the petition Legal Notice of Nelll A. Jennings, hereto fore appointed Receiver In the defendant corporation In this action, for the purpose of ob taining an order to limit the time within which unsecured creditors may present and prove their respective claims, and it appears to the court and the court hereby finds that Nelll A. Jennings has been appointed and Is now acting as Receiver of the said de fendant corporation; that the Receive reacting under orders of this court dated December 29, 1967 and January 5, 1968 did sell the assets of the de fendant corporation; that the said sale was approved by this court In an order dated Jan uary 11, 1968; that the said order dated January 11, 1968 did not limit the time within which creditors may present and prove their respective claims as the court may pro vide under N.C. General Sta tutes 1-507.8; that it is nec essary tot said time for the presentation and proof of claims be limited In order for the Receiver toeffectlvely determine the claims and file an accounting so that the court may terminate the Receiver ship; that If unsecured cred itors are allowed until the 1Mb of April, 1968 to present and prove their claims they will have adequate opportunity to do so; that the unsecured creditors will have adequate notice of the time and manner for the presentation and proof of their claims If the Receiver should publish a notice twice weekly In a newspaper of gen eral circulation In Franklin County, Informing unsecured creditors that they should pr sent their claims to him In writing, In the form of a sworn statement, at his office In Loulsburg; and If the Re ceiver should also notify all unsecured creditors of whose claims he has notice by cer tified letter by Monday, March 18, 1968, that In order for the receivership to be terminated, those unsecured creditors who do not present their clalitas to the Receiver before Apr 15th, 1968 should be barred from participating In a distribution of the assets. IT IS NOW, THEREFORE, OR DERED, ADJUDGED AND DE CREED: 1. That the time within which unsecured creditors may present and prove to the Receiver their respective claims against the defendant corporation Is limited to the period before April 15, 1968. 2. That all creditors and claimants falling to present and prove their respective claims to the Receiver, In writing, In the form of a Legal Notice ?worn statement before April 15, 1968 shall be barred from participating In the distribu tion of the assets of the de fendant corporation. 3. That the Receiver notify all creditors and claimant of whose claims he have have notice of the time limited with in which they may present and prove their claims by certi fied letter, mailed to the last known address of creditor or claimant of whose claim he has notice on or before March 18, 1968. 4. That the Receive In clude with such notice a copy of this order. This the 14th day of March, 1968. /a/ Henry A. McKlnnon, Jr. Henry A. McKlnnon, Jr., J Judge Presiding over the Superior Court of the Ninth Judicial District of North Carolina This the 18th day of March, 1968. Nelll A. Jennings, Receiver for the IGA Supermarket of Loulsburg, Inc. 3/19, 21, 26, 28; 4/2, 4, 9, 11 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a Deed ol Trust executed Oct ober 25, 1965, by M.a Mit chell and wife, Ann N. Mit chell, to Hobart Brantley, Trustee, registered In Book 604, Page 279, FrankltnCoun ty Registry, securing an In debtedness to Peoples Bank & Trust Company, default hav ing occurred In the payment of said Indebtedness and the holder of the note evidencing the same having demanded foreclosure, and under and by virtue of the power of sale In such cases made and provided, the undersigned substituted trustee, having been so designated and named by an Indenture made Feb ruary 7, 1968, and registered in Book 656, Pages 298-291, Franklin County Registry, will, at the court house door of Franklin County In Louls burg, N.C., on Monday, April 22, 1968, at 11.-00 A.M. offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate situate In Dunn Town ship, Franklin County, North Carolina, to wit: FOURTH TRACT: Beginn ing In the center line of the road leading from Highway NO. 64 to Bunn, North Car olina, corner for Mitchell; thence leaving said road and _ along the Mitchell line S. 82 f deg. 30' E. 1189.5 feet; thence S. 5 deg. 15' W. 478.5 feet, II corner of No. 4 of the J. J BATHROOMS INSTALLED WELLS ! ALUMINUM SIDING AWNINGS ROOM ADDITIONS ALL TYPES OF RENOVATIONS MODERN KITCHENS SWIMMING POOLS ROOFING 100% Financing Farmers Plan Or Monthly Plan SPACE NEEDED? WE'LL MAKE IT! Cramped for space? Make room in your at tic . . . we can build the extra room you need so economically. Call us right away for free estimatel CLIP AND MAIL TO CAROLINA CONSTRUCTORS AND REALTY CORP. 200# HILLSBOROUGH ST. RALEIGH, N.C. 27607 NAME ADDRESS PHONE BEST TIME TO CALL CAROLINA CONSTRUCTORS ( REALTY CORP. LICENSED GENERAL CONTRACTORS 1008 HILLSBOROUGH AT. RALEIGH, N. C. TEL. ?X? 628-Q7S1 Legal Notice M. White land; thence N. 72 deg. 15' W. 1203 feet to the center of the aforesaid road; thence along the center of said road N. 2 deg. 45- E. 264 feet to the point of be ginning, containing 10.2 acres more or less, and being the J R. WM, ' h? " No-41l"he ! White division as ajjpears ol record in Map Book l, at 126, Franklin County Registry, North Carolina, by survey and put of Phil R Inscoe, Reg. Engr., Sep tember, 1959. Being the Identical tract of land conveyed by W.H.Taylor, Commissioner, to M. B.' Mitchell, by deed recorded In Book 530, at Page 540, Franklin County Registry. The fourth tract described above U conveyed subject to 'he lien of a deed of trust from M.B. Mitchell et ux to t Taylor' Trustee. lor R. I- Mitchell, recorded In Book 550, at Page 331, Franklin County Registry. FIFTH TRACT: Beginning a stake In edge of woods ??ld point being the west end Of a dam to be built, thence a line about 10 feet above the high water mark, N. 42 deg e' hiV?'* N" 21 1/4 de? E. 117.5 feet; N. 27 deg. E. 79 feet, N. 47 1/4 deg. E. it . Vt; "? 9 1/2 deK" W. ??? feet; N. 6 1/2 deg. E. 71 feet; N. 9 deg. E. 60 feet; 88 dee- E- 32 feet; S. 27 deg. E. 116 feet; N. 47 1/2 deg. E. 94 feet; N. 26 1/2 deg. E, 113.5 feet; N. 18 1/2 deg. E. 185.8 feet; N. 36 1/2 11*5' E' feet, ,to Nash's line, thence S. 74 1/2 deg. E. 1" feet to the corner of pow Branch; thence down the branch S. 7 1/2 deg. w. 136 feet, S. 39 1/2 deg. W. 39 'e6t,i?;/ 3 deg. W. 65 feet; 4? deg" W" 150 feet; 48 1/2 deg. w. 73 feet; S. 41 deg. W. 243 feet; S. 25 1/2 w'iiJf", 166 f6eti S; 48 deg. .100 feet; S. 9 deg. W. 100 s8e? h 52 deg" W' 100 feet; f' 28 de?- w- 58 feet; thence ."f branCh' N" " de?' *. 183.6 feet to point of be ginning, containing 3 acres ? of Phu R- Inscoe, Registered Surveyor, dated August 26, 1953. Being the identical tract of , conveyed by C.O. White ?t ux to M.B. Mitchell by deed recorded in Book 793 ?t Page. 168, FrankJln Coun ty Registry. (C.O.-White died prior to March 28, I960). See deed recorded In Book 630 ^ry.M0,Franwincount; The above-described real FARM BUREAU LIFE INSURANCE Fire Crop Hail Farmowners Auto Farmer's Liability Blue Cross Hospital Plans L. C. HASTY Louisburg, N. C. Legal Notice estate will be sold free of ad valorem taxes for 1961, but subject to such taxes for all subsequent years and also subject to all utility easements existing thereon, whether re corded or not. Each tract will be sold separately and not together. The highest bid on each tract will be reported to the Court and will remain open for tan days, during which time an upset bid may be made as provided by law. The suc cessful bidder will be re quired to deposit an amount equivalent to 5% of his bid as security therefor. This the 20 day of March, 1968. F.P. Spruill, Jr. Substituted Trustee Spruill, Trotter & Lane, At torneys, Rocky Mount, N.C. 3/28; 4/4, 11, 18 Farm Products Up The Agriculture Department reported farm product prices increased one-third of one per cent during the month end ed March 15. This was the fourth conse cutive month farm prices ad vanced. The mid-March level was 4 per cent above the tc*al for the comparable month of 1967. If human beings knew half what they think they know, the world would be much better. yiflwitin Ultll Gomjiani^ WELL BORING - DEEP WELL DRILLING WARRENTON. N. C. "A IVell A Day- The Martin Way" . C. LICENSE NO. 2 DAY: 257-3651 MANLEY S. MARTIN NIGHT: 257-3392 HOME KURSING EQUIPMENT SALES & RENTAL Approved For Medicare SICK ROOM SUPPLY CO. 1413 N. GARI^ETT HENDERSON, N. C. ' 438-5998 COME IN AND HAVE YOUR INCOME TAX RETURN PREPARED BY B. DON BLOCKSON LICENSED ACCOUNTANT , Formly in the Masonic Building now at C.C. Alston's Funeral's Home 616 South Main Street Louisburg, N.C. Hours 10 A.M. - 8 P.M. Mon. - Fri. 9 A.M. - 7 P.M. Saturdays Phone For Sunday Appointments 4^6-4887 LAND SALE REMAINING TRACTS OF THE W.B. Mitchell Farm AT BUNN IN FRANKLIN COUNTY WILL BE OFFERED FOR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION AT THE COURTHOUSE IN LOUISBURG ON MONDAY, APRIL 22, 1968 AT 11:00 A.M TRACT NO. 4: 10.2 Acres Total Land. 7.4 Acres Cropland. .74 Acres Tobacco (2030 lbs. per acre), .7 Acre Cotton, 2.0 Acres Corn, .9 Acre Wheat. . . TRACT NO. 5: 3.0 Acres Pond Site. No Open Land. TERMS; Subject To Upset Bid Within 10 Days FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT T.H. LeCROY OR BEN ALLEN AT PEOPLES BANK IN ROCKY MOUNT, OR F.P. Spruill, Jr., SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE ROCKY MOUNT, N.C. TELEPHONE 446-7108 BANK WITH CONFIDENCE ALL BANKING TRANSACTIONS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL SAVINGS- CHECKING-LOANS-TRUSTS-INSURANCE Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Henderson, N. C. "THE LEADING RANK IN THIS SECTIOH " 1889-79 YEARS OF SERVICE & SECURITY-1968

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