? .arantcted, cdnscquenfly no Spaniard .-..in to do tlut which the i!u m>i roiinitand. ? Span.ards :?rc at liberty to pub .. opinions through ihe medium *W without previous renfor?hi|), K'inj nevertheless amenable to the which check the abuse* of the same. j No Sp.uiiard can hp prosecuted, ar i. urt.iMM fr??in hi? habitation except .?.i-f! dr fined by the law, and in .. .in ni* prescribed. 5 Ti.e law can have no retrospccti ve . on Spaniard shall be tried hv i,<ion?. but bv tribunals existing >r ? t'?e period of ihe alledgcd offence. 1'iie house of ev#?ry Spaniard in an ; .1 winch cannot be violavd except and with the forms prescri ?> v law. I'lie law is equal for all Spaniard*, rxuets, rewards and punishes w ith . i l?iy. 7. \!l Spaniards are alik*" admissible i ( ml and military employments. witn -ther distinction than that which ari ..... i' irti capacity and merit. Irt like ;n . r .il! should participate in t!ie e.\ el public service. ' j* All Spaniards ire bnund to pay the IjN > "freely voted hy the ('ories, in pro ; urn to the amount of their respective jirt?;'crtic*. 0. i 'r ?p?Tty is inviolable, and confisca ti mi i* abolished. Nevertheless proper* t\ i. tnun" liable, first, to penalties It gal \\ >:!i '!?cc!. and to condemnations of ilie c .... oi j.istice; secondly, it is liable to to '.he State for objects of public 0 i j* v . Hi:i under condition of previous 1 !.-iii:ii!t to he established by aibilra* 1 v >11. 1 i. T: i?* public authorities or futiction : ft. ? who violate iiuiixidual liberty, or jt-r-ot,;.! >..i'eiy or properly , commit a ?v iiit*. uiil are responsible ii: the eve of i i.iw . II. -Ministers are -responsible for in f. ".ions of the fundamental laws, for the .? :i?" ?* of treason and malversation. * io 1 ? of individual lihertv or personal * .or tlie rights of propertv. . ' I '.?? I rban Mdliia shall be oriran-. i- vmighout the whole of the nation, ?? <? .i.ahk to the regulations and or d i>*? s which the Cortes in ay discuss u i proie. M H NT VEStVirS. T'n moj?t affecting details of a re<*ent fT .1 ? ount Vesuvius have reach - c I:i a former account we staled uj A ? : an eruption had taken ' . w iich (vi the evening ,,j" ofnh rv -i ' i subside. Uu the *J7th. 2*th. ;i . I t >i, new craters opened. am! pro r.ivages awful lo contemplate. 2 .? t:nin of families ? i-rt- thing 1 1 ofti t ir .iati\e land, old a'ia % ? ? i ; n u . drag C> through heavy masses ot heated cm fr?. Fil'tecn hundred house*, palac* s, n 'I other buildings, mil 2.5O0 *ier? s of t luv ued land, have been destroyed '?% t'.e lire. The village ot" St. JVii\, h id inreidi heen abandoned. Trie la\a soon ^*Mp*d upon this plane, and in the course mi hour, houses, ehim-h^-. and palaces, v ? :?? iil destroyed. Four villages, floine <? irh< d houses, eountr\ villas, vines, I'l.titol i;rov?8. and gardens, which a t w i n - 1 mi** before pp'sentcd a in igniti r-nt spectacle, now resembles a se.? ol fl!'\ t'a the 3d inct. nothing hut stone and *Vhl?T."? were ejected, and every prospect ? \isied of the eruption being soon at a r!n<?\ The palace of the Prince of \t tavijiino, and 5tM? acres ??t his land. ar> ii!'<ri\ destroyed, The finders fell d'l r;iig i ? i entire night over Naples, and tl tac Uva had taken that direction, th< r hu'.jM hive In.-en an en<l to that city. ./ \>ir f)fi%rrra'on/4if St. Prtrr*b>r:r. \n ??b<i?rva;or\ far siir;ia??ing in nn: tilude everv siiniiif e?'ahlishnieut is ? ? ? 1 1 to lie built .?t St. Petersburg. I>\ i * hii niand of the F.inprror. The o i?t ? vntorv itself will const*; of three tower-, 'nth moveable cupolas. Two ol the*" t..wer> are n? be appropriated to the i\o. irg heliometer. and the Dorpat re !. letor: bin the centre tower is destined fi't the reception of an instrument cxf*< ed in;; in <i/c all others of the kind. ? In the lower pari of the tow# r?. the meridian nti<! transportable iiiMrirneuts wtil l?e j'iCitl. Spinous habitation" for fi v <? i-. trurt >mei? Mill be count et?'d In tw ? ?*? ?i* ridors w th th? sc to 'A ,,rs. so thai i!.e wti'i1#' uill form a comIi rem* I * u ? ' ? t . ?? J* I ? (eet hi length. Siii iller >'ib ? ?! ? < '??nlding* for various purpo-..? will in crease the establishment. lor tl.e site wllieh illi eminence hetilceil ;.|\ .U?d e veil ni tie* irotu St. Petersburg lia* b cii wlec.ted. Singular iasfancc of I.na^iri'y. ? \ ' <Mi?c-t)rr iU't hi France w i* I. ?u tin* c.irlv j?ari of ilie Lm cmtnry, .in<i <;:?dcr pwuii.ir cmtinsuiicc*. to pd "?y. lor ;i hundred yrur*; :m?I idraimr < > r?'l;itr, tins i it :? < i rrrciitlv mi idr Iiis ?? ( ? ( ?*?;? r hi Ins own n.ilivi- nrovinrr, si! the ;?>i v.iticrd hm- o|' 120. h?- iSnil "J'l }?Mr< of u!xr wht'ii llii! s? iiu-ticr winch ?**? i lr:iitiP(| lii in to ?o i ! 1 11 .ill l\l i .1 (Mlllisn ':?? it p:i9siMl. Ii m.iy In* i?.i>ilv con ''<'M I *nh \v It :it ra^crurH> ?ni>l delight Ht'W. MS hooii ;i* riil.tiH't jiili'd Iroin tin* - '? ."kit's which It id cnilirtillrii him for sm ''irirr ??.?it'nrv. to hfMihi? owe morr tin? " '? - ' i ? I .i.r of ilr* si'f tic s o| Iim tnlaii ll"iit?.'. in tin1 tU* * irt iH'ut ol Ami, '?>? im'.iv Ii i n . I? m tunc li:ul ;?o a |? mm of tin; whole pl.ir<?, . ? . !?<- r ci ^io?.eil ;t o.ilt hv iliu <?Jct i ehtrch of lJrou, which w thr only th'.r.g j that had undergone no alteration. He had triumphed over laws, bondage, man. time? every thing. Not j relation hail ha loft; not a .tingle being could he hail as an acquaintance; vet lit; was not with out experiencing the respect the French invatiably pay old age. ,For himself he had forgotten every thing connected with his early youth ? -ven all recolleetion* of the crime for which he had suffered was lost, or if at all remembered, it was hut at- ni dreary vision, confounded with a thousand other dreary visions of day* gone by. Hist family and connexions for several generations all dead? himself a living proof of the clemency of Heaven and the severity of man ? regretting, per haps. the very irons which had been fa miliar to him, and half wishing himself again among the wretched and suffering bemgs with whom his own fate h-id been so lone associated. Well might he be called the patriarch of burglars. Great Printing Establishment. i The Boston Courier. co pies from a I.on ! don paper an interesting description of j the extensive printing 'establishment of ? Mr. Claw e.?, where the publication* of the ; celebrated publisher, Charleston Knight, 1 a~d of the society fi?r the diffusion of u%v? I ful know ledge, are printed. There are j employed, 30 tvpe founder*, G stereotype { founders, ? inen damping paper, and 100 i cn-iiposiiors. Tlie principal composing room where the type is set. is 270 feet i long, and is rilled from end to end with a j double row of fntnes. Two steam engines j are employed i:t driving the printing ma ! chines. of which there are eight that can ! each thro*- o:l fioin 700 u? ItMiO impres 1 sious per hour. 1 here are I common j printing pr? for fine woj k. ami 5 hv f drauliC pre-.se>, of 260 horse power each, j for pressing paper. There are in the I esiabli.-huit nt ah nit works in stere otype, <d w liieli *."i aif liiMcs. The tir*l cost of these plates wouid amount to ?-100.000: t : >?- weight is about ,ftM0 t?mfi? and il Iltelted .in ! sold for old llietal would lie worth i.70.000. The average qu.m it v ?>t pap?T printed amounts \\eeki\ in the aflouisl : n quanttiv ol about UuwO riMins. V. *.? !i tut* pi per makers and other tr td<*?.meu are taken into account, the ni'-n to which this establishment gives employment, must amount to ftveral thousands The Liverpool Times ??f the lflthsa\s, ?? ll>rah:m l\;*ha has si:c<-e tied 111 Mip? pre?sr 7 t'l" insurrection in ^vrri. tlmngh not without conceding to the insurgents freedom I'rom the conscription, the at tempt to enforce which \v;i? the chief rm<"? ot' the revolt. The S-dtan having named i ?;?? fact. and having l>e??n strong Iv urged bv the F'reneh and Knglish Am bassadors to ab-tain I'rom hostilities, has ??oipmamW his troops to halt, and post poned, .i' it die, the sailing of Iiin ib-et. I 'his cloud. therefore. is dispersed f.?r tin present, and the east of Kit rope will con tinue to enjoy p?i.*uv for ??uue tunc Ion ger." ^or?- ? ? ? " \ gentleman informs us that ei^'u families of his '??' prurience, in an ad pnninp eountv, are making active prepa rations to emigrate to the west. I ? r Ciroluii! dearly loved .is you arc h\ vour sdiis. the strong ties <>1 alhctii-n must vield to the .jp-.thv an.! mismanage j men' v. li ch portend muiiin^ but pou rt) and r:<:n." The ab o r paragraph is taken from :h? N ? ? a u rn > ?? c*.,:?t of ihc 17th ii.st. J ll l-> a ill (i. e,i regret that .it the ""i i ? ? . ? ? ? . i t n i. n (' inluia pulling loiili I h'T p ?U'-r ??? attain h? r former rank in . the ?? >i:ii .J# r icv, th.it auv ? ?f her s> I .?h>mid : ?r-ai.c in r and >? ? v a ? 1 ? - *. in1 ! I md. H ii fits i ?;?* j ill ouj^Mt n> r,-miiid , u* '?! an i. i.'orlani !?-?--o:i. ? ; is tin- rt ! s ;ii nl tVit pii!;i-i \v J i . ? n \ irgini a and \.ir !i 0 ? r* ?? i n:i Inte 1 1 ? ?;i if pursued: ! and to t'n* L i i- t'ii i !i i . ;? r of which both ar?* awa ?<? .r v. e r?e;.l, ! hv the magic w ???id *>; '?;* e'lchan'e, . I ? i ?? i ^ diaii! so'.r- a . l . o v I I ? ?! r. i 't!? i Oi \ n 1 i.lUii it : * * i r'aio!m i, \\ to h.i\?' g-me Irmii | m !'? I) and up the \ ? i p 1 1 ' - - of i?i? i w es llu'v :inpe. r i? inir ??* i T l ? j ihf-jr i ?;i if train oi de-'V id ? ?!??. io?v i u* I eihl\ ? o.dd we lie strn?-\ with i!:.il mis J er ihie notiev, u lii<di ' ?- oavi-ln d i :t | >?! \ I t (r un our lam;' |t..i ihc past ? l^ !>? V<?:id ?>ur portei; an 1 ii beconn - u> 1 (o lie i?'.. rrrij, tc.?! tn i" ^e?,c atioti fhaM pa-*< Iron! o' i n->? ' 1 1 ??? I pro ?!? , u ini rved am < ' I. i' i ','T . inti* !n t' ielini' i.'V. Ir.'in *' hie!,. r a {long simiiM r, thy) I ? : ? ?? ? ? n ngi!i ; . w . i kened. A It la" 'H. I I S.uur'htn if .'Vi/4*.* ? The 11- ?.r ' )(? I'orii state*. i Ii.m ;i out (;i ft? v ? ii <1 i ...r 1 j ho it. I:t? t lr<?m l<ii/? rnr <*? >n ti t\ . o.i I'm ! north hranrh of ilir $M8<]tirii;ioii.".. r '-.?rd I thai port la?t ?rck. Nip travcr>t d <n I her nam rnl eltuipnt, along ill# lines m| tl.t IVnnsvUmia <? mal, down tin* Siih|up hniina to the JamatH and up tli il ri v< r to llolid \ ??l?ur" ifttl llii'iWoi k ! 'ic fni! f'ual I arm** !hi Mwn'ain. on an'l ?:i? launched a if ? i n i n t < ? tin* canal at Joint* ' Mtowri. Nf;r I'm -litetl with v?-r;il 1 1 ? milie.? ami ihcir pood.? and chattels, who ' are. boa ii J lor the of Illinois. The .\cv\ Voi-k S?;y ?aVH, ?? an irit?11i* ' g?*nt t'ii!i<<iiiiih ns, ihat more pis tol* and links Ii i.? hfcn sold in that city i within iHp last nxr di than !i ?vp h# en ?1ij? of duriii-r a> v ma tnontlrH l^r ilie ? . , ? ' jjrcvioii* ira yea * ? ?M M ?? .. ? ? ??, ? %n, ^ **+? ^ w Jb W W _ s WfdniHdaj, ftort'iuber .1. Fire. ? Early thin morning, the stable belonging to Dr. James S. Smith in this town, wn> destroyed by lire. It was per haps owing u? the fortunate circumstance thai the I.itie wind stirring at the time blew in nn opposite direction, that the dwelling hou.->e was saved. As it was. hule (Inline was done extent the de struction of the building in winch the tire originated ai.d a small quantity of hay * hieh it contained* The proprietor ha ving always been careful that no light should he Tarried to tiie buildtrg. there ap pears to he little doubt that the tire was the work of an incendiary. The stable of Mr. George I.aws. in this t town, was also burnt down some one or { two weeks ago, under the same suspi- { ciiuis cliVitinstaoces. Mr. Laws and all | his family were, and still are absent, a*id J 1 therefore the fireeould not have been coin- ' J mnuicated by the cureiessness of any one ! vt hose proper bm mess lo..U him to the sta ble. li appeirs that there are some heart less villains near us and it becomes the authorities of our town to be 011 the look out. THE ELECTIONS, I In Pennsylvania, the election for mem bers of Congress resulted in ihe choice of 17 Jackson and 11 Whig members. From Ohio full returns have not yet been received; but it i? said that of the members of Congress elected, ten are Whig and nine Jackson men. It is pro h;;b!e that Mr. Lucas, the Jackson candi date for governor, has been re-elected. In South Carolina, more than two thirds of the Legislature are Nnllifiers; thev will therefore complete their intend ed alterations in the Constitution. Mr. Francis W. Pickens has been elect i erl to Congress for the remainder of Mr. j M'lhitfie's term and for the next Con ; gn ss. The Nashville Republican of the 14th instant, contains the following unpleasant intelligence: TIIK HERMITAGE BURNT. Yesterday morning, ahoiit 4 o'clock, the rout of the Hermitage was discovered to he on tire, and nil attempt* to arrest lite progress of the Hairier proving una vailing, tin* entire edit re. with the ex ception of the room attrched to the north ern end. and u*>-? ?1 as a dining room, wa* in :i levv hours- '?oiisainol. The valuable furni'urt- in il??? lower story was form nrelv ?:i\ ??*?!. though mueh broken and (Ilhe'-U !-:? ! ?5J Iirfli III ge ting it out. That hi the second story wai, we understand, clnt lly desttoved. Tic iire is supposed in have hern eom in unrated to tlie roof hv the falling ol a ? pari from one of the ciuiuiie v >; and there t?t-i at the time a light Wree/.H Iron the north-west, the proi?re-i of the tl.ii.es v\s? propurtionabl} rapid. The nitinerons and valuable pri va'.y r< of the President were prob ablv a'.i preserved. We i;t ?'d no! ;v! l t hit the event hn? oe.* orou' d '<? this loinunnity deep an. I uhi* ei >al regret. The Nashville Hann r of the 15th. in noticing tin drstructionol the 1 lerini' ige building* hv lire, st ilesihat the furniture >v.i< .ill - oed, though Pune of it was iij jur.-d in the process of ln>tv removal bv | the servants, tin* while |oriion of tin* hi J m.lv b-'ing ?i! at s?mi? at the tunc. The n cj! vv i?ig of 1 1 ii- building was haved. A CmTrspi ndcat ol fhe\. Y. Jonrii.il id * 'innmeree gives the lolovt u.g descrip tion of tiie location of tliel I? nuifage: * J ' ? ? reside nee o| (t'lical J.iek^on, as v.tur readei< i??.o*v. is *.? niniles from the eitv of iN.tsli' lie. It i" ahe.iiitiful I oca fioii ? tie? hom e h iving Mood nhout a u) ii*- from t lie < 'uttiherl-iii river, on the ? intu-?*e?>ern hank. I'll plantation is dnioot a- I' vel as the I 'll* on the hoiks ? if tie- ( '?eiin I'lieuf at i let In I.I, } 1 adle v . or Northampton; hut 'In improvi d seat ?1 the pi.i? fitioii is e ? lid v surrounded hv a 1 ?'M tn ul roie-t. not alingle dwelling <d* iti oi being in sight <? the (ieneral's late ri'snit 'iee. T it {ieln |hav irg been eleired up more than twntv years ago. no Mumps are t*> he seen iiud the eon : ti i-t between the liighlv ite.l eoifou ! lie ds and the eneireiing f>ri'?t was moM I slnkiuglv impressive, i lie plantation, iu'Wetir, seemed lonef. liu green lii'Ited woods sent :? iek 1e i choes of ag riCitlfur-d 'de, a- il tl e? wae no living I respon"? hevotid that ijj< f mass. j husci'ml '/ Cax'Hili L ? Amos Uii'Ji ar.Non, enj. :i Iim'UiIm'i- fleet i?t tlx' :i|? !?*??? u'hiny legislature rr.ki W.idt ii eoua 1 iv, wa< u ? ?!? ?r: ?niMtcl y k iu*il :i lew <1 \ ? ! stuff 'jy I'm* '?<: r?.tin?/ of f* pun, while in I the j.uroiils ??l chaw* Hal. Iff j*. j Mr Wyer, }>;e?srn?t r 11 the Henri IV. j i- In ir? r of .ri trea'.v between i llu* government ol Sj?ai and tins ? ouu* try. H'i'hoM Daily . hl\ . Franklin S'tfirrior C<trf. ? The Su j>erior Court lor 1'r mklni ounty was held ? week l?i*l*?r?r list A c/tespontlent of llie Ilaliijx \ ?) \ ?tatl that *? the tri al ot (iiliiain Th.irp, to the killing of \Uev Denton, w is lake up on Tlnirs* ii<v r.iornmtf ami oceaijftl nearly the ' v r>'<* Jay, whet Iht* was submitted to the jury. ttnoer the charg* of the Judge. i Tiic jury did not agn* until sometime in i ihe ni?.'ht on Friday, wheu a verdict of j intimluu shirr wa* brought in. Tim | Jud^e sentenced (inn to be imprisoned t until the 1st day of January next, but at | the request nl the protection, die impri- i souuieut w?s remitted, and he was burnt iu the hand, and is now gone home to his family.'* lialrigh Star. Cholera. ? The Petersburg Intelligen cer yf Inst Monday states that recent cashes of this disease were niuch milder than the first. There had beerrlwentv -eight ea ses since Wednesd-y the %?3<l inst. and vet but two deaths o! this number. The health of the town was improving. ? The Charleston papers contain an ac count of tin: death of '.lie Hon. Thomas S. tiriuike. He died near Columbus, Ohio, 011 trie i5th ult. of the Cholera, aged 4S years. He had ^one there, among other things, to deli vera Literary Address, lie was extensively U covin as a zealous Christian and philauthiopist. Our coun try has thus lost one ot tier ablest and worthiest sou* and the Union of the States one vi its most eloquent advocates. The Charleston papers make no men tion of the riot described in th<: following paragraph iu a Savannah paper: RIOTS IN CHAULKSTON. We have seen a letter from a gentle man of Charleston, staling that on Moil* day night a serious riot occurred in that city. A large number .?t the Nullifiers marched iu a body to a Union house, near the rail road, where a number of Union men were assembled. The house was defended by Union men, who fired at the a^sailiiig J. t'aeh party accused the other of firing first. Allots were tired on both sides, and six ol the Nulliliers uere wounded. The Nuilitiers immedi ately turned and rushed to the arsenal, the crowd augmenting as it went along, and demanded a mis to revenge them sell es. Gov. Hayne and Gen. Hamil ton here addressed tiiem, and persuaded them to retrain. This circiiinslancc has errated a great deal of feeling on both sides, and as the nullitier^ were 'oud in their threats of revenge, it is much to be feared that it is only a precursor to more serious disturbances. We sincerely hope and trust that it will not be the case L'r*uli/ie Convent. ? li is staled in the eastern papers, that liishop Fcnu ick has determined mi the erection of a Convent .it Newport. H. 1. to supply liie place of the one recently destroyed at Charles* tu wiii Mass. The whole line of the new rail road between Philadelphia and '1'renion, will he opened early this week. This road is ationt .'JO littles in length, antl i* one of the b<-t constructed and most ilirect and level in the country ? so much so, that it is calculated that the whole distance may he travelled, on extraordinary occasions, in ahou' on?* hour. The usual time will in all probability he about au hour and a half. A depot is about to be erected in Ken Miitfton, wiienee omnib ises w ill convey paasen^ers to any part i?i the city. 1'oulson'j Lfui. .'i>/c. James I.auib died at the Pennsylvania !Io-pnaI on tin *2'Jil 1 1 1 -t. of wounds re ivivnl the Movauiensiug election on the llili. Jhiftlinz- ? '^he tir>t duel that was ever t itiL'lit in i lie Union, was in New llnirlanl. in 1021, a year after the lirst settlement of t'.ose stales, two servants, huruitiif with fierce resentment against 1 1 o:her. chose u hat was then called the honorable way . in France and Kng land, of queiii*hiii}i 'heir enmity. They me! on tin- field ? bravely fought ? but both escaped unhurt. The puritans of llio-e days iiis!^ntl\ st i/.ed them, and for , Mieh i;i un^'x'iv crime against the peace | mil uood order of their society, they con- | ilciuned l!.e v. ic!u*d transgressors to be in il head and to >t, and to wholly abstain, ( lor the s|?..t ; ?>; tucnt\*four hours, from ilriiih and food. '1 Ins salutary example uilliei'td in the bud all sorts of duels m iIiom' ancient colonies. J.i u iston Intil. ? Til H "/ II ? S|\ blood horses, se- I , It ? n d from one oi the best stables in t* i . t! i;?|j?l . have aimed m Boston. They ' ? rt* t ? ?r V uiiiuia. It is state I that the Hleaching and I'rii't \\ or??- at lb lleville. New Jersey, lu longiiiji to \udrcw (?ray, em|. which mutually cost dollars, has re i"eu 1 1 \ been *oId l??r ir>,0M0 dollars! i) i i; i? , \t l.enox Castle, Rockingham county, i?ii the 21th nit. after a j-rotracieil liln* . Mr*. Vnn HRVKf Ni wile of Dr. \. F. Hr.u ken, aiii! daughter of Thomas JScott, esq. *?t |Iim rouiiiv. I : > Baltimore, oil the 19th ultimo, the ? \I?*t Rev. Jami* \V iiii hei.d, Catholic ; Archbishop ol llaluniore. Ai Inn residence in Washington City, uii the nil. .loll n Ai>amj?, eaq. son of ' ex-prebulcnt John U. Adams \ Protracted Tlertiiig will l>r (iri<l at 1 1 ? . < n i . u n.g u'i , F'i ilnv l>i> dir l't<- ti : i ? *tiiK,.i_\ in Nov?"n >v: iifil, Hinl ruiitiuii" i! i\ h Mimtlefs a-.d bri'lli irn nrc mxic- l i., nlivnd, <felob?r IS. 4 ?* SPM:\D1U HUFff NORTII-CAttOLI N A STATE LOT'illttY. ' 5th CLAM, ?ok 1HS4. To be Drawn in the City of R*lo'^hf On Frilay the 2&th of Xivanbtr lb34. ON THE POPULAR Verm i a uting- Figwe System StrvcnHon & FoiuU, Matuifrfi, V^'isr.ooo! s c vi #,v*f 1 Prize of &7.O00 is ?.7.OO0 1 Prize of 4.1UM) is 4,(M.O 1 Prize of 3.1(00 is 3,000 1 Prize of 2.000 is 2,000 10 Prizes of 1.000 is 10.000 10 Priz? s of 500 is S.tHiO 10 Prizes of 300 is 3.000 15 Prizes of 200 is 3,000 50 Prizes of 100 is 5.000 100 Prizes of 50 is 5.O00 135 Prizes of 30 is 4. <>50 200 Prizes .of 20 is 4.000 330 Prizes of 15 is 4,050 6.000 Prizes of 10 ? is 00.000 0,000 Prizes of '0 is 3(5.000 0.000 Prizes of 4 is 21.000 18,601 Prizes, amounting to glttO.OOD Whole Tickets, . . gl Halves, .... 2 Quarters, .... 1 jrj" iVrts in !>e H 'il ??f ALLEN PARKS, Jgnit, HILI.SB'Ui Loll. N'lKlll LAKOf.IN.Vj No\ emb- r 4 46 NOTICE. 'ftlllS in lu furiily ili.it I, Win. Briitklcv, have ma !e Mint appointed CklLSLKV F, K All I I* i iny lawful a^ent to mule all my loiriness in tiiia state Or mige County, > urlit ".iruiina tit it* tbe 1 7i H of 0<?<?l *t. 1R;H. WM. BRINKLEY. N"V?'mbT 4 46 34? ~~N O T i C E. I.L ppr?<?n? initeblen to tue ruhscribi r ar? requested u? make immediate pavnn ul to l>K. K. S> ?> ITK a i: v -l" :? ? WM. F. STRIDWK K. November 4 Plantation For *al?\ w Tmk PLANTATION bo MB r * * V | | ?ij|? IO l?l ? . U So t.lf 1(. > J i. \\ ||t)? I S? lU - ?1 crs|x><ii> anil ?m wi u;h ? itely r<-?ui<<d, Mlfiut one u. ill imd a qmuter tiom town it< ? ff red t . >r snio The I'iaiita'ion contains hIkiuI mx imnoii.l acres, ih very pleasantly situated, ha.-' on it ? very go-id Uw'-li'n*! H"ti?' , anil :?!! ntcewar) Oufc limitin, ami Hirnt %> ry g'"?d iiiciitOM I'r v fl'inn desir ??!? of purcliasnii; i an ?n:* ti e pn^ un?es. For i? riif anplv ti. EDMUND STRUDWICK. November 4. Id? PiBLIC ?ALI). r-*p|. Thkrk will be offered at puhr ,} B J~TT lie sate, on the pieunse-. w ere I utrw ' 5 fi a !ive; one tlm 20in ?>i I'ns iiibtanf, ' jCm* i lie TRACT OF LAND wVlPlP ? I III! 'I >W llVIMp, A Hon*e and Lot adjoining lite town of Hillsborough. Also ilie Crop, Stock of all kinds. F-trin* intr Tools, tnfptlipr with the IKllS|> HOLD ami KITCHEN FURNITURE. "? me iiio?ti:i? crt'iiil will he niV' n, tmnil and approved security rc ouired JOHN ALLEN. NoVPinbe^ 4. 46 W A N T F, 0, A FIRST RATE Journeyman IISiK'liKlllitll, and two Ap prentice*. Applv to WM. D. KIRKSEY. Chapel Itlll, 1 If !r l?er 28 4**. ?.f.v ,imir the subscriber, without my j'lpt . cnusp, nn the third day of October Insl a linnnil boy by thp name of PETEU I.VHOLD, iboiit til I con venrs anil eight months old All )ieis?ns nre forwarned from haiboring or em? [tloyiiic lino under the penalty nt tl e iaw \ ri want of five rents w ill be given to any prec M>n who "lull return him to the subscriber. but iiu ? Xpt uses pant in?r thanks. SAMUEL COBLE. October t 71 'i. 45? 3wp Sunday Sri tool or Family MRfMffV. Pnhlil-ntifA* ol t ??#? \mrn< an S-imIav ^ School limyn, now amount ihl' In |0i l)i nUs in piipor rovi r ami ?. 6 B'ioUsi br.ithi], Oil' liiVrt lie, Kil oil* i ni) Stiniov Si;hn?l l.i'irurM'B, ('iiriu?iij?n; i lari*' anioiiot ?> I ? . 1 ? f r ? !??? m?? ihmI iiMitrr, all havmc bi?ert ??* u id ii|'|u?vc<! bv the Coinif?iU< o of p-ib ?? dion, cwinjM'Hi il of a i ? rjun! number of mem* ?cr Mct'mdiM, P'r?tivii rmii, Epinerju* lint nu'1 1; .pii'l C burr he#, (#?? one of *Tb?> u >y vole rait i-.tptingr uny fi'ntPi)r? bj ilennes) < mi be oblninrd nl the loilntt 1H5 11301 n\ Uepunlof lea in imis Sia?e, (N. t.) Raleigh ? Turner <V llugli?-<? Fayettevillc ? James Millf r \\ ilmington ? (Sen. K. French Ni'wIhtji ? J. C. & M. fc*tcvenuun Oxford ? H. J. \ ancy, jr. Milt >n ? Margaret Smith Salem ? Conrad Kruiser Hillsborough ? I>r. Ja$. WpM> Crccnshurough ? W. R. I). I.indtav SalisNury ? J. J. Blackwood (at CfiJ Lentliy '? Charlotte ? Daud Park* StaUa*villo ? Alexander ?fc Cowan Morgantoii ? L. Henderson. Ki.'kMi i t I 1 1 ill ? (1 1 1 ? 11 r i? li t to t 'ic in<it 1 uc? 10 . ' ^ m t, ore :i 1 >:***??' iw t!'tc ti?<s ub<>ve 1 li'? 1 noTti iia 111 ttirir pitptrn < irio^t-r It 43 -r JBlaiili* iwc ??!* at thje Ortioe.

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