. " I' s n AS U K I AT Itfiai-Wi!.- ViSfeiW trails' -fe TiaiiSb, V 1 mftm iS yyv YOU. U. Wrfk , 1-rMSr v y V" ? vv v a J I PBiTti asu i'i;(aiBiii,)i, kvrnr fi KMtv, JSr lllNCdlAU h W !!ll'K. TKUMH ; The subscription to the W'i.sti;iin C .ttnu. i K 77in-e Z)Wr per annum, payable hull' yearly in advance. (0 No paper wilt 1)u disenn timed until all arrearages are paid, miles:; at the tllsrrtition of the Editors; and any subscriber failing to give rioticeof bis witih to discontinue at the end of a year, will be considered as wishing to continue the paper, which will be sent accordingly.' Whoever will become responsible for the payment of nine papers, shall receive a tenth AnvKnTimiHENTH will be inserted on tin; cus tomary terms. .Person sending in Adver tisements, must specify 'he number of times they wish them inserted, or they will be continued till ordered out, and charged accordingly. No advertisement inserted until it has been paid for, or its payment assumed by some person in this town, or its vicinity.. (fj All letters to the editors must be i's!-;mid or they will not hp attended to. I ITAVINfi purchased Doet. Ccc!:- 3 CZkm I I jtl, Medical F.stahlishliiettt, '' . J hns settled himself in Salisbury, and ofler li'm Her. ices, in tin1 v:.riiiui branches of his prof.- sion, to the citizens of tlii; place and its virinitv. Ilis shop one door east of Mr. Slaughter's tavern, on Main-street. X.lidury, Jun. 23, 1S23. 'JStf FIMIK subscriber oeing alxmt to remoe to J Huleigh, reqnestt ti oS ' who ai-c ind. bled to him to call ami wide their accounts. I l.oac Vbo have claim vi!l please to nres-.-nt 'In ni. JIIN HK(. KtVM II. SaUduty, Jii. 2$, lH-'l. '.H lhcts. VrnnkWn L'arsun, 1 I AVINti united their interest in the prart'ee J I of Pin sic, respectfully lender tin if vrj-C-i, in the drfl'i rent tmnHie of tlc-ir proti smoii, to die inhabitants of S'atcsnlle and it vicinity. Th.y tK-. upy the s'and fonnerly occupied by ! j ,i win it m iiinin "in in j iv ni in.i II t eralb be found, or by inquiring at the house of j I Ifobert Simonton or IJube-t Worke, F.sirs. ; ami ' 1 t prompl utimliou to mitnicu tl.ey lio;,o M mrrit the confidence and gain the pa'jotiagv f i the public. . .SVumiZf, Frb. 3, 132.3. tt'U CHAIR MAKIM., .,' Unraliilnn, .V. C. T ME subscribers respectfully acquaint the zcus of the wesieni part' of W!i.f!aro. I lit.... the contigumi. partaof South-Carot.ia. ""V ,",., 1 . ' that the. have commenced the above mentioned ' "'' .'r 1 b.isines; which they will earn on with pencil. ,,nc bc TtVi i ali.v and despatch. " .and execut, d on a shurl nel,ee. IVople who I hev flutter the-nselve, that. In their nssid... a' in7' X T'' T, 'l ity and appl.ca-ion. thev will be'er-bted to d"',v'"-' ''"'T t!,,,lll iXU mA 81 m , ample justice to their rtnpliivcrs. M All UN C. 1'HIIF.K'. AVM. ft I.YF.KIIOt Ml. i N. H.. Sig'n-lloards neatly ortiatnented, v. ith guilt or paint, exeruled at the shortest notice. j!iff.i', re. 31, 1822. lJ-.vt 16 StV TWff. rs .'OI.F.V f.-tn the subw-iiber's in ti t-mf-ifiim. nil tli.- ii, I iintcf JtT of Wavluw Creek, Meclih-iiUuig .'' i couu'v, N. C. aho.it two n;..iu!. asro, a reii wmi iiuur, me vcar ui. nx alMMit 14 liau.is i.in'h, heavy made, WOiA! v. 1 11 III harnet.) am knldi lias no White tmrK on him ; racks a.. 1 trots hot more ge:i:-;lly the first; and was lime ... Ipw'.l orJiT. Any; t rrsna c'viiv; v,.t-ci- of fur above deribnl I lor, so that the o ner can get him a,C..in, shall he rewarded for Lis '.rouble, ai.tl a, I re t.un:ii ,c txiiinscs p.'n.!. .KfsF.ri! YAlU'.tiOt'CM. January 21, lU2.o t-:i SUxAfe ui" XovWi-V-'twiAiiitt, ?t F.C R 1.EN BU UO COt'NTY. S'J ri'F.KIOi: Court of Law. Fall Term. IRJ2.... llivurre ami Alimony. It aiitiearintr t-i eour, . that William Keir n sides VMilmut the b.-iits of ( n .a'e.-ials and having, fur a inm.ber o! years ia,rnlton llanis is charged witb havitiij com this state : OnA-ivif, that itiblioation lie n:.de ill j.., ,t, devoted ahi.osl bis win U- a't.-ntinn lo ae. ! mJtt,.!! raic. th Star and Western Carolinian news papers , tjuire a competent knowledge of thi branch of A rrward of S100 will be piven for the ;ipre for three mouthy that unless the said iili.un ' nmines,s he feels confident uf being able toive ) u.nion nf Curtis and 25 dollars fr the aipre- Kerr .to make Ins appraraur? aUlie ik-xI lirr Cc'.:r? b" held fr d.u ;oui.lv of Mecklenbnrg. at Ihe C.mH-lbKise in I'liarlotte, 1 ;,1 (;laiti(j vsill also he everulctl in a uem n.,u. tm the full Monday after the 'l'.h Mouibiy of I m-r, and on reasonable tern s. He alsn keeps ' March, 1S2.5, and ansa er, plea-!, or tic mur, hi ' 0ii band, fr sle, cipul anil Japan 1'tirnii.h. sniil tirtitiop, the same uill he hi an I e parte, ! WuutetL as an niiprcntiec to ll.e above busi- and sentence and a decree made aeconimL' lo (lie pravcr thereof, - - A copv, test. CI.O. (.UAIUM. Cik. runt' Vr. Price adv. Sb ' fttc." V Xoy-C'.viAu, CAHARRU8 UHSiV. ieiTFiHUm Court of !., Fall Term. IK2. C5 Sarah ISradshsw, r . I'.'.'i lira.l!iav....lVliti.ii. I for Divorce, hied nt spring term, 1 i22. It ap pearing to the satisfaction t-f the court, that the defendant is nut an inhabitant of 'h-i ta'c : rtr.f, tl.t i rlbre, that puMieathm U- tm. Ii 'i i the Western t I'n-lii.ian, ;,l nalei;h Itrpisitr, fur three months that tin defendant f.ppenr at the next Superior Court of Law, to hi held Sir the county nf Cabarrus ' on the Tth Monday after the 4th Monday in March next, then mid there to plead to said pttiron, otherwise it uill be heard ex parte, and decreed areortYinrlv. J. M. lit TCI1IS0.V. (Y V. C, rt'it4b I'ricc adv. 1. Clfcrtll"-i',""TM"iJ 1 ifrTBfi1 ti. .im tfliflrtfttf fi .?.V.S7f V lVVVllt,, IN SAI.ISHt I(V, NOUI II-CAI10I.INA, by' .nmvs Wuvv. f JX'JIS 'fgant estahlisbmen situated at tlie I. north corner of the Court-House, is now fitted up in a new and superior style, for the reception of Company. The greatest pains ha e been taken to prnc.urc for this estaldiiihmimt, furniture of every description, neix iary for the comfort of Travellers. The most approved ser vant!) have been selee.ed, with great care ; the b;r stocked with thu'w e liijuoiN, and the triable! atU iuled by obliging and a'tentne hostU-rs, The eoiivenie.nre of this situation forbiibineM in etmal to any in the place. The house contains a num. bcr of private rooms, well calculated for the sc. coniinodation of Travellers and lionrdi rsi at. taehed to which there is ft Dry tiood and Hook Store. To those ho may ph ase to call on lliui, he ussures them that no pjiins shall b spared to render their stav eoud'ort.ible and plensiug. J A MliS IIl'IK. Octr,!,,;- 7, VP.Z '22'- fVunus . nnunw, I AII.OU. II KSI'F.C'I Ft I.I.Y inform, the public, that he l has established himseli' in bnsinfs.4 in this plate, in the house lu t door to Mr. Slaughter's tavern. Orders from a distance will be prompt ly attended to, (Jeu'hnu-n fawning him with their c ustom, may e peet their work done in the neatest ami moM fashionable st le. Hit luo. made arrangements regularly to get the l .s.nons liom Philadelphia; and sol., its a hbareoi pubbe pat - ronage j and hoj.es, by his as..idmty and attention to business to phase all who may lav or him ui'.h their ciwfoin. Siilubury, r,h. 1 111,, H2X Ml .. r" ij . rUYC WUUftl'S ll) UC!lf IN (III'.I! A'.V. flTlF. wihsfriher roo. to rent two Store ! ' I (Poses in l,;,.tv., Miuaudou Ma! ket, r . . I .. ... .1 . ..; .. ...e; ,i .. 'ii. . lew il-'ois triil. tlie conn r ,J rnilit..'!'. -i I. I liese houses were olam.c.l atul eonmueled under the ' direction of lui e.:.e',," uei il lit -ic'i int, and are well c..h nl.itei! ii r tii bunni m of Clu raw, be- ing in the ceuire of ll.e ee!n! n.firkft. For trrii'S, i.pply to tin- subsi iiin r, at Salisbu n. N. t'. t-r to .Mr. V aid Cow iii,r...r to Mr. il- son, of CIic r.i.v. I J. .'. PF.AKSON. 1 h n. 1R, l-'l'M. M:i.-t?nt l. S. I'he Hibse. ibi r ill sell, en accmmmL- j t in ir- terms Hther or tm'h !ie al.mc houses anil ,,,,,'j,, ,!lt. ,ow , , ,..,,, lot He alxi oilers tu tub; stier..! uiii.'noroveil J. A. I. . . - i i i. Vvo V V tv'lU" t'tf !MF.H I the pu MF.H It. MAMflOV ri-niM-tridlv informs blic, tliat lie i-. fn.es the old shop ' formerlv ov. ned In his f.itlur, on Main-street, a evvd..ovS H.,u!l.oH!,eli,urlJlouse,Sah,bn.y, !"'lX "m "' ;;ar;!' :,h " K""'1 ,:t , tools to repair all kinds ot U JTCIWS y CLOCKS. lie assures all who mav f.,vor him vith their CUMotn, tliat their work shall he exeouted in as s! ,c aa' '".'V "I"'7'"'! '"' lt,; P irt !r ; v the old e-t:itil:v ie". v.it -s'-erv pr.ei Ciargea. ' i ,, .: ,. . i.v t:i.V ' 'u ' I i ' , .- t"-, - ; i t .! hutVl ,',IV t tvl;i. m-Ji-. ,d scriher re specif, llv ii.fo.n. 'their -..i. i, n,wl ti. ..,..,!, y,r .i ".r.... iii .iih. e l...... nil.), .p (, . . r I . , '' r. , i.. i i- .I,,. miMnit . nl i im ',,,. ,, it,, bx ;-;ess in sll its l.r.v.eh.-.. Tbrv sr.- well pre- i ...red to make all k n.is - t ttiiniMir and F-iieV fli.'rs. ..,, CI 2 to C12'J Per m-I. ; iillenu n i w Uhieg eh--tnt clui'.i. or si !!ei s Um.v rely up f ... , , OH l.avtl.g 1?m as Hi ;..l.!iv Miatu1 aI toe s.. of the M.hsrr.hcrs ." at anv i.'hvr in the ' te ijj. fS;;,; amJ M-ttces repaired, at n reasoiiabl ;,,( Tilt- wibs.-rih.-i-s are also r.m:pett-!v t.eia ,,,( ,t,)c ti.r, to nV- call 'miU of y ,.., ,', a( frum 5 3 to Ji. td.ii. Y. t.UIMF.'s JtillN CIKU'UK. .!. TAYf;. ' f i F.O. V. Cl'IMI'.S begs 1,-uVf to inform 'he. I X cit.eti, .,t ali urv, an.t tn-.- sitrroumlmg citizen, if al etmotrv, that he lUdl eoniiiiues to e.eeu', all hi.nse, sijri., co..rb, ami ,m...mmtal I'ain'iu-'. Ihn iuir procured an ample snniilv of nie-.Mu!,r.ietnin to those who may oc pi. ase.l to la- i ,.r him with orders in the nbnve line, t.ilding - ness, one or two la.iN ti"i a ikl 4 ' "ge, Inf sleadv and industvinUS Iwbi's : ft whom, if , u v prose ' .. .1 . 1 1 '...-..... ...wI enan. i-e- .;:.'.....', t,!. . I3.J. Su'i'liuri; et. 14, If:??. . ETTUliS atldresswl to the ShcriH'of li' ail count v on t.flicial b.i-uit ' -s, i...i-t her. alter I... ,..,.'. op tlw v will net he ntteu.h .1 to. As therc are ereal numbers nf letter adi'.res.ed to f.fini other comities ' have louti't tt ne- ces arv to ad.mt tiis course in oi d ?io sel! the csjieitse of payinj; l-.i'hcr an imei.int.-rt-al le sum in the course nf a ear, to the sole h. iv tf.t of other pt tilde's pi', ki ts. samit'.i. joxes, av..-.-.: i .MiViUyv ,Yaccuhs, ' I yoli sergeant of n.aViM'f an approved f.mn, arc kept fir tab nt the d 'i ."' Office. f jlllK stdscriber olli-rs for bale, the plantation I on which he now lives, lying on the west side of the main Yadkin, w t II known by the iMirie of Kiddle's ferry, and containing between f mr and tivi: liundred acres. It lies on the main road leading from lutein to Cieorgiaj is well watered, and has good improvements thereon. The land is of uk good a quality as any in the Forks of the Yadkin, and vell suited to the rais ing of tobarco, wheat, com, &c. Any person wishing to purchase, would do well to make immediate application. The terms will be fa vorable, ail will be made knounon application to the subscriber, CO' A good boat belongs to the ferry. ItKN.I AMIN HIDDI.i:. H ovian Vuviity, Frb. 24, n virtue of an order of court, obtained at February term, 182.1, authorising the sale of two of the negroes of the estate of Hubert llaird, deceased, I will sell at a credit of twehe months, at Francis Neely's mills, on Saturday, the '.''Jlh of March, 182.!, one negro girl Ks'hrr, about 12 years old, and one negro boy Joe, about 10 vears old. Attendance, he. by VM. IJAKHKIt, AJm'r, A Vivr;uu. Tjl'IK subscriber being desirous or removing I to the. W estern country, oilers for sale the ! ,,;itati.n whereon he now livn, containing GOO , ;ri 0f MVt 0f there is cleared about , s ..rt.s 5iJ arre, f wj,icn art. fn. Mu j ;,, j j r,Urfor cultivation : it product s corn and wheat I u t. a, aliy al)j ; h neighborhood ; there are j,,,, (le an,i ltni. comfortable dwelling house, barn and other necessary out houses; als, there are two o - client grist mills and saw mill now in complete repair on a never failing stream. Afur- :""" " uu,.e., !"J:r T."M ",h "W1'0 l,nmM-f' ,l,0'i",d I" s u iiuwau coumv, 1 1 nines uon. vsi uuin ... . !. .. r .. . ! Statrsvillc. " .-,..u...K ... .-u.., 34.3r MAUTIN RFA'DI. F.MAN. 1,'iman Comity, rV. V. Feb. 17, lij ! 4 t(',I.K man, well recommended, uhonn- li d 1 d rsiands the culture of corn and cotton, and the management of negroes, ill Meet ith fl"t lo ment; Apply at this ollke. - 182J. '40 fl, ... t IVUIWVllVj; ViUHlUfrtH. ri'IF. subscriber respectfully inform the citi 1 2en of Salisbury and its vicinity, that lie carries on the TAII.O'MM; lltINFS in the ktr. Imtitn rf Mr 1'tmrtfi I rwtit If U ill unrlf . rt.Jm:Me tvrm that can be ,lrsir. td, and hopes by doe attention, neatness and ((. ., )a, ,L. wi nicri1 patronage, lie also flatter, I . fcH,fi4Ct;(m to 1(m. tha, nt a share ot public himself that he can pot KHtisUctioli to tliose lliat may please to call upon hint, at any time, with tbcireustoin. Clean. ; and repairing old clothes v, ill be duly attcml- . i ... .. . i,n-t . . ... , .. v .,,, ',, , f, ,VM.t a,',-orn', flour, pork, bacon, tallow, beeswax, but- Ur. " such assuits the market, and a generous pricC given. Wi7 ' h S AMI F.I. FlilCF.. V.Stte Ot W,V U Wo1hsIU, llftVUlV Ul A , ' tR II la th ise persons who have lawful demanils against the estate of Ka.id Woodson, sen. h ceased, arc herein requested to make them known to the administrator,' on or before the 21st d.y of Mav next, so that be may be pre- pared to tiiakc . ttl. nu nt as far as the estate m liis hands n.v be sullicient. As be wishes to make a final settlement of said estate at nct May court, lu. hojies all w ill avail thenuchv of ""smuiuc. J- W- WALTON, It : .. . nn fQ.Tl i in. u, I rr I l! KF Anson jail, on Friday, the 7th instant, 1 Amu Cio O ami llauullm iiiin. I lies Cur'is is bet wi-rn 25 sod years of a;re, about 5 feet 9 or ') im lu shigh, ;ian- made, ilaiklu i, long tshaip nose, s-miewhal dark (.kiniied, pa'.e ' blur, or rather prev cvi s thin visaged, slow ! siieeeh, down Ink, and is fond of spirits; Ins knot on one of his lingers and ' believe i n the i left hand, which i a little crvkeil and s'.iff. I llaindton Harris is a tolerably large bodied 1 man. about 5 feet l'J or 1 1 inches hifh. vc rv .l -rl im..ll(), wtwcn.J0 and u5 vearsof a sc. Il..r r;H ;4 mriecl fellow f.; f.ir breaking jaiU and h: broken several in the western uni t o tlu s' .l'' i1m,.:ih crti is charted with the ii.ur.Ur.-f ; Thomas Cash 1Cf1Mt,n of Harris so that I pet hol.l ot tlieni. i JOSEPH MEDLEY, tihj?. trfruory , m.o,- te oV XnviAi-eiwuVvim, DAYUISON OH M Y. ("IOC HI' of I'leas and stuiirtrr '.. J-t.ii-. arvTerm, 1823 t.uev livrrly, t -. I'l.'.litv ' (;sM..cr .and llarbara his wile, tii-or-e Ken). -y all,Uv.y his wife, M.mhea Collins and Cbruiiiiu ... lfc ,M-ltim fr Dower. It appearing to the aatisfaclioil of the ronrt, that IMiibp (ianincr ' land Harlmra his wife, tU-orire Kepley and Cat v - wifc Mordica Collins and Ciiristina hit win-, ! an- iubnbitantt of another slate : It is therefore (h,Uil, tlial puntieaiion ne maoe i.ir tnree w e. ks in the Western Cam!uu.-.n, that the .lc- fctulants appear at the nest court to he hi I.I for ,s..-l countv. ontlie to.irtn sinnuav m rtpmncy tin n and there to i l. a.l, answer or tltii.u- e.l w isc thr petition w ill be heard x parte. ' A copy from the miiiut. S. . 4 u. auii.iv, i. i . c . 3wt'44 . - . Y'.tbe tlnxcn, or single out-, for n.ile at tbe office of the Wt stern Carolinian, Nul iburS ' MaifciiiruuAL. '' " ', 'VlTT't ' Hail ' first of Arts, source of domi stir, case ; I'r'olc of tins land, awl patron of the teas. run thk itii.iuiiH inr.u, IMl'OKTANT TO COTTON t'LiNTEUS. We ate happy lo have it in our power to state, that Jas. A, Buchanan, Ya. of this city, has. imported, through llic me dium of our worthy Consul at the Isle d I'raticci Martin llickham, F-sq. a bag of cotton seed, upecially picked and prepar ed for tlio purpose by a planter of hih staiidiuj;, in that colony, who has kindly furnished some interesting remarks upon the nissi improved pltt tif cultivating it. Wc utitleratand this seed i- dcpostied at the store of the Warren Factor., No. 3, 1 1 jiiover-sti ttt, where all applications, ci ther by letter or otherwise, for tsinal! quan tities, will be graitiitously attended to while it lasts. Ve hope the disttibutioti trf this truly valuable aeeil will be judi ciously made by Mr. I5urhai.an, for it is well Known, tliat the cotton of the Isle of Fi ance is superioi lo any in the woild, with the exception of our very best long staple Sea Islands. It behoves our most active planters to follow up this attempt to introduce a new desctiption of t ottoti into our country,, and we entertain the most sanguine l.oprs.'.hat the issue oflhcse exertions may realize the expectations of i the KeiitiiUian with whom they origina ted. We shall of course expect all thoc who may receive any of this seed, with a view to make trial of it. to give us, from tiine toiime, an account of ihcir p-orcss- CULTIVATION OF COTTON AT THE MAU RITIUS. It is plante.' heie in trie months of No vember and December (our spring,) tnd the trees last three or four years; after the first year they are cut off nearly even with the earth, and they shoot up sain to neatly their usual height, when it is ne cessary to turn off their tops, and keep tbeiii id the height of about four feet and a half. 1 hey are planted in rich ground a 7 and 8 feet distance, one from the oth- cr; ant! in poor ground, at about 5 feet distance) only two plants are left in the same hole, and the seeds are planted ..bout one inch under ground ; it is neces sary to keep the f.elJ very dean, and clear of weeds, and let the cotton be pcrfcctlv c'ry -before it is collected : the plants ought to bo heed, and their toots well' covered when wunLr. After the cotton is collec ted, it is passed llifou jh a mill, and clean d by means of cylinders, after which it is picked l v l.;l)rf, and frrcd of all dirt, and impuiitics, then sent to the press to be etitbalcd. TO CCRK UOltsr.s OF THE DOTT-. I.rxingt'.rt, Kij. 1 4f A Mv. iS22. Sin If a receipt fjr cut ing horses of the Potln, will be any acpiikition to the rentiers oi your vciy usiim p-i-m v. tu.tv itpcit the following, which I can vouch for, by most successful cxjieri incuts. InJcetl.Idojot know, nor have I beard of a caue in which its application has not accomplished a speedy and pcrfcci cure. Drench tho horse with ounce e-f salt pe'.rc dissolved in common water, and in ubutit I minutes ui viich him with J ounce of alum, dissolved in like manner. Ii is recommended ttiatlhe horse have no wa tcr for - V hours after this process " The cTrct produced bv the prescrip lion. is this: The salt pctrc forces the Butt fiy to rdioaf his firm and buried Jiold in the muw and stomach of the horse, and the vdtim destroys it. - A pint of molasses, mixed with a like tjuantity of sweet milk,, will be a gooi substitute for the salt petre, if the lattei ramn.i bo had, I he molasses and milk eii'ifc the fly to quit its plucei that it may partake of the grateful repast. The salt pclrc forces a itka'se, hv the pbin w' ich it infikts. I5ut in either tae, the ahirit destroys, jet this would le inopeniiivet V) long as the fly cic cult cfiched in the birotij; fortress wi-id. l.c tnukca tit the maw and stomach, Wry lioprrifullvt H. II. To J. S. Skinner, Kditor Am. Far m, l'rorn the Albany Daily Advertiser, 1 a jf.MKur.yox. On the farm of Isr. e' l-oomis, sen. iy the town of Wanrn. Herkimer cotn;tyi N. V. about 65 miles west of Alb.mv , 1 1 miles souUt of the can.il, and half milo north of the third great western mi i.,'uo road, is a small spring or run of w-if r, which, to all appearance, necr ahf is in (uniitity, either in wet weather or in dry. The watci is prtfectly soft and is consid ered the best jn the region. Now to the phenomenon, Always, in variably, befote a north east storm, this spring becomes turbid. I hi mu.uliiiess commences about 24 hours uelore tbo storm, and continues from 4 to 10 hours, affording to the power of the storm wttit Ii is coming : this invari .bly takes plce ptevious to the north eai storm, and at no other time. Previous to a moderate storm, however, this ntudcliness of tho water does not continue more than two hours, and then runs clear again. ' I here can be no pos.iblc error in this statement. The w ater is now conducted in aijutdu. ts, and the spring is coveted, so that no pos. sible external cause could prouure this effect. I hiive now sta'ed ficls as they are. I be respcr table agt-cl people who have used the waters of the spring more than CO ets, tell me that thev can pre dict a north east storm r.s certainly as they can the nsingor setting of the sun ; ant! that when ti c weather is prrfcc:ly mild, and the wind in the south or in the esi. and no prrc eptihle signs of any storm at h-nd, still, if their spring becomes muddv, they are prrfecilv sure tint north-east storm will commence within 24 hour. This spring is situated the north foot of a small hill, which is ihe most north wardly spur of that r ne of hills whoso waters feed the Susquehanna. The hill appears to be composed f clay and tx hist, and the spring pours out its water near its north foot, about to rods above the plane, where the iimesione region com mences. This water flows toihe Susouc hanna. Although, in a direct lint , it is within 9 0" 10 miles of the Mohawk ri ver. Whether this does or does not Cvor captain Symmes theory of the earth, 'I shall not attempt t deride but h ving stated farts as they are, I shall leave their cause to be decided by men wh know more about subjects of this nature tbati An t'l.'romrrf fravtltrr. Roads form an index to the character of a people, and the condition of the one is never at a great distance fram the con dition of the other. If the former are in a ruinous sta'e, the latter are sure to be ncarl so. Good roads are a source of constant incormc, to every class of citi zctia. The fatmer reaps his per centaee in the safe cxrursiens of hi family, and in marketing his pi rehire -the mrrrhant, in the prices r iraUHportation ; ai.d no one, even down to the old bachelor, g urn blir.g along in his sulky, ever found him self a loser in consequence of his expen liiturcsoa the road Clruvrtod Herald. .4 t'-rx?irn:iotia .aw-yer Edward Bid die, of Reading. Ta. was a lawyer of em inence, and a decided friend to the liber tics of his country, home time previous to the revolutionary war, he was especial ly engaged to defend a cause in the lower counties, n jw state of Delaware, and bad received his retaining Ice, twenty half joes, an extravagant sura itt those days. After attending ome time tethe evidence and arguments on the opposite side, he was so fully convinced of the unprinci pled conduct of his client, that he left the court) and returned the fee, telling him that be must una anoiocr ..:. as he cctild not for any consideration con sent to bo n instrument of injustice. AMUUCA.V BIBLE SOCIETY. On the 2d inst. the Board of Man agers held their meeting in the room appropriated to their use in the new building erected by the Society in Nas sau street, New-York. The house af fords accommodation for the ktrpcr ..nil his family, for the Agent. Secre taries and Committee!, with a large ..pace for the depository of Hiblet and Testaments, tlso a rtom for the use . f die Managers, besides apartments lor the printer and hook bidders -The - tection of this building augurs fjvrr ibl v for the permanent prosperity of I the institution. - v.w" &-y ;' . .-,,

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