V'tlMiltCSM. IMifAUK. 41.9. The resolution submitted ytt 'terday by Mr. Fdwerdv of Connecticut Inttrurtiiigan inquiry into the eipcJiency of publishing, with the ind( la (be laws i state went tf tht left, parti of sett, and joint retluuon,of a public nature, wbk re limited In their duration, specifying Ihf time or contingency by which their t Sf V. A (juration it nmneaj wet again read, ana reed to. . Mr. Seymour submitted retotuiLn, uthorlilng the Secretary of the Stoats to employ o additional Clerk in bit of fice, in the puce or tbt principal Uerk during ludIitwUik w.:,:,"; " ' 1 2..Mr. unman, from the com mil itci on Post Office and Pont Koedt, reported till to authorize the Postmaster General to discontinue any pott route, the pro . teed 01 which do not ticeed per cr mum of the expenses thereof. 1 he bill wet res 4 end patted, to 1J reedbr Mr. Jackson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported bill e plana tnrv of an irt. entitled an act for the re - - lief of ihe efficeii volunteers, and other persons enjeegrd In the late campaign gainst the Sminole Indians accotnpe rifd hf a detailed report on the aubject which report ordered lo bo printed, ana me oiii iwice reeo. Jan. 1 3 Mr. Ftndlay presented the memorial of aundry pcraona concerned In the manufacture of iron, praying an in create of the duty on imported iron. HOUSE OF REPULSE fATIVEJ. Jan. Mr. Mcl.tne from the Com mitiee of Waya anJ Meant, reported a hill, authorizing the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund lo purchase the 7 per cent, stock of the United States in the year IIJ4"whicjr wa committed to a committee of the Whole house on the atate of the Union. 's Mr. McLane from the tame commit tee, reported a bill authorizing the crea tion of a atock, not exceeding five mil lions o( dollars, to provide fr the award of thi com mini inert uider the treaty with Spain of 3 3d Feb. 1814. Jan. 9. Mr. McLar.e, front the com mittee of Waft and Mear.t, reported a bill to authorize the eierutors of John II MeSane to collect certain arreara of tit in the county of Chatham, and State of Nor'S Carolina, which waa twice read and committed. Jan. 13. A message waareceired from the Prriitnt of the United States, in the words fi r)inp 7 the Mtut Repmenialixf tf the U. Statet ; In answer to a letnlution of the Houae of Representatives, ol Dec. 24'h, reques ting the Prraident or the United States to lav htfxrt the House auch information ' at he may possets. nd which may be die closed without injury to the public good, relative to the determination ol any aove reirn, or combination of sovereigns; 10 assist Spain in the subjugation of her la'e colonies on the American continent ; ami whether any government of Europe is disposed or determined to oppose any aid or assistance which such sovereign, or combination of sovereigns, may afford to Spain lor the subjugation of her lute -eolo- niet above mentioned ; I have to at hat I posses no ,nf--lun OI bat sub Jrri - "-n 10 Congress, which can be disclosed without injury to thejublic good. JA1IRS M0XB0I On motion of Mr. Fulier, it was Benlveil, That the Committee on Naval Af- 1 fair be instructed to inquire into the expedien cy of providing, by law, for the instruction of Midshipmen, ana other warrant officers of the favy, in inc iiucrvaia 01 puonc service, in nau tical science, practical navigation, and marine tactics. Mr. Mitchell, of Md. offered the fol lowing joint resolution : "Whereas, that distinguished champion of . r i i . our irccuoni anu ucru 01 our Kevoiuuon, me friend and associate of Washington, the Marquis de la Vayette, a volunteer jrenerat officer in our devolution try war, has exprmsed an ansrous desire to visit tli country, the independence of which hit valor, blocHl, and treasure, were so instrumental in arhievingf : Wherefore, " Be it re$ohvd by the Senate tmJ limit f Re preentativei of the United Stutet Ameriea in Ctngnvi diiembled. That the President of the t'nited Statu be requested to communicate to the Marquis de la Fayette the expression of those aentimenta of profound respect, jjratitude, and affectionate attachment, which arc cherish. r-:-:-irilafts htrii by the guvenimenf" and peoph? of 'ta ronntryr nd trs atlre"liTiiT"nial the. eiecuiion of his wish and intention to visit this country will be hailed bv the people and government ith patriotic pride anil joy. -Jndbe it further retolved. That the Presi lent of the United States be requested to ascer- when it 'may be most agreeable for him to perforin his visit ; ami that he offer to the Mar quis a conveyance to this country in one of our national ships." Jan. 13. The House went into a com mittee ol the whole, Mr. Kent in the chair, on the bill making a partial appropriation for the aupport of Government for the year 1824, (for the compensation of Sen etors and Representatives,) which was ordered to be engrossed for a third read ing to day. - Vermont, 27 cotton and woollen factories, 15 paper mills, 284 fuliinti mills,.. 250 carding mjchines, 380-grain tniih, 3?0 physicians. 224 lawyers, 235 churches, 1575 school bowses, and about 15.0 dUtil Unet.'f 1 : . ' - yonr.ir.x m:th. arw-ioai, ;w. I Tapert Irom Oit.ralt.r lo the 36th No vcmUf, have been received In this tlty lb ay are destitute of itnpomnt news- containing merely details of the atirrcn dr t the dilfaranl iWtrcasaa lately held by the Patriots, and long-winded account pf the Htlriaii and arJrntly withe J jut entrance of Ferdinand and hit let III matt brood Into the Spanish Capital not forgctiing ail the Bne things Ida MajaMy said , In answer to 1'uczl tti Jbrno, (the ambattutor of the Emperor Ale lander,) who conftstutsted tilro, in the name of hit mattcrt 6n hit restoration to despotic I way. - Nor if it forgotten, how hit -Most Catholic Majesty, to reward the autocrat's aerDlJo. JUs kindness, cotu-rred ajpoe Poazl di Iiorio the Order of the Golden Fleece and how Ferdinand, with, hit own moat aacred hands, decorated him with the inalgoia of that order and many other thingt, (no lediout to mention," equally worthy ef the petticoat embroiderer" of Spain. We are alto informed of the un speakable joy of the inhabitant of Ma t a a a jorca, on the re-cttsoiutimeai among them of tht bid order or things and we ate a practical proof of Ferdinand' rreat illection for bit tubjectt, In the eipaUioa from Madrid of one hundred and thirty five officer of the late Constitutional ar my, seventeen Deputiea, ail Minutert. three civil Governor, and one State Couoellor,end many there convincing teatimony, this, that he will bury in ob avion the political fault $ or the ere it matt of hit aubjecta at he s'i'he would, in one of hit proclamationa. Under dte of Berne, Oct. 39, we observe that the King of Portueal and Spain, not bavinir enough or " faithful men in their kin domt to euird their preciout carcasses have aent a request to Switzerland for a troop of tolJiertt but the prudeh: Swiss. not being too well satisfied that they would receive regular py, would not grant the boon, till a member of the HJv Alliance gave bonds fur the payment of the mer cenarics allowance. Patriot. x.i test rnn.r evkopr. CRARLttTOM. Jsr. 14, The ahip Perfect, rapt. Prince, arrived ast evening in 35 nays Irom Liverpool brings Liverpool papers to the 6th, and London paper to the 4th ultimo. 1 heir contents are not very important. Those articles of most iuterest are inserted this morning. Courier. The Cotton Market,"we are aerry to observe, hat suffered a still further depres aion. 'The King of England visited Drury Ine Theatre on the 3d Dec. The throng is said to have bean prodigious. Not teat could be obtained, at an early hour In the morning ; and the men who opened the pit doors, had their lives insured, it is said, at the expense of the Theatre. - Several of the Paris paper hare an nounced the election of General Jackson a President of the United States III It is dated that both the Mussulmans and the Creeks wish that their (ontett was at an end. Negropont, Bceoiia and Attica do not furnish the Turkish tressu ry with, more than a. million anl half piastres, and it costs four mlllioni annual ly to keep them in subjection. Morillo haa not the least influence in Spain, and Abisbal ha been refused per mission te return to that country. General Mina was received m Plym nuth with the most enthusiastic applause. On gtttinj into his carriage, the hortea were- taken out, and it : was dragged he the populace, amidst the loudtst buzzes, and cries of " Mina forever,"" Brave Mr na," through the town to the Roval Hotel. So fewer than 8000 persons assembled on the occasion. PKOFANE SWEARIK0. A case has recently occurred in this city, which aeema to call for the attention of our magistrates, if not for legislative in terference. A man, while before an Al derman, in his office, swore 6ftr profane. oaths. 1 he magistrate lined him, agree ably toan act of the assembly, thirty three dollars and fifty cents, which, aot being able to pay, he was committed to prison for twelve hundred hourt. The prisoner was brought befbTes Cirfiunicirl'UglSh man7 on irabeal Corpus" If "amearinK on ; examination of The . migistra,e," that the defendant had been convicted, on the oath of the Informer, to whom ore half of the penalty is given by law, the Chief Justice discharged him, on the ground that the informer was an interested witnets. Dent. Preu. Steamboat Occident The Steamboat William Lowndes, while on her passage from Charleston to Hamburg, was burnt to the water's edge, and sunk. She caught fire when about forty miles from the lat ter place, and as there waa an alarm of powder being on board, the passengers barejy had time to escape with - what clothes they had ot. The loss is seYloua? I he boat was not insured. Lord Byron has in the press a neW drama, called the Deformed Transfor med. Cantos 12, 13, and 14, of Don Juan, are also announced. ; TU f 'J i g U a t'' f't-r ij tL rorn.lt r if ( tc.t. Iiutti I'i nin)tuii)i to lltrir rtjiutil yiit,siiri'mit llirir Kntunt-nUin oj-j onUufi to a tMHfn sauHtal tnttttt I mm To the DtmtxraiU flrfudflain Cuiirnt cj i tnmyhitnia. 1 1 , FilLow CiTltrati f he relation which subsists between the constituent and the representative must alwayi he a sufficient apoloy fur any eoiamuriicatiooupoa) mat-1 ler ct public interest which either may deem proper to make to the other and it I at all time desirable, in the exercise of funrtiona growlnif out of (heto rela tions, that free iwierchanre of onioion. ana imi . pppftiinity or examining the . . I f li . t. m waioie rroond, snoum be had ortvioaslr to a deciivn po aay tjuiiwi of Mag nitude and dificulty. Influenced by these considerations e bea; leave to Invite tour atteniio) lo tome Important facta and circumstances, as well a principle, involved In the proposition to nominate a CandiJate foe the Presidency of the Unl ted States, to succeed ihe venerable pat riot whe now Ella that distinguished na tion. You are no ooubl a ware, that, Irom the period of the Con4 election of Mr. Jefferson, down lo the first election of Mr. Monroe in 1816. the nomination of the ucccssful candidate for this high office ha been made by what i called a Con gressional Caucus, composed of the Re publican member of Congress, and that then nominations were made by the ton tent of the Rrftubticon Party throughout thenttinnt but the event which took plare in Id 1 6, al the la$( eaucut ntmtn thn ! togather with the subsequent dis cussions, have excited strong apprehen sion, among the Republican party in a mijority of ihe States, that the voice of the people may be misrepresented in auch a meeting. We do aw propose to inquire whether that iprchf fttlon tt b wii founded as In justify, of tmt ground, an abandonment rf this mode of nomination at the present rime. It auDicient for u to tinder-st.t-d that the trill of the fie-yftle h the high eit fiolit tal otjirt'(, and that this maxim spplie in its lull force, a well to the or g.ntzaiion of part? associations necessary to the public welfare, as to the establish ment of general political compacts. Whatei er mode ef nomination, therefore, ne.-ivet the general assent and approba tion of a part? throughout the nation, al though there may be tome' obvious defect in itt forms, may properly be regarded as the decltiation of the popular ill of that party, and entitled lo be respected at; such ; but when any mode of nomination ceases not only to meet the general ap probation of those who of right mv par ticipate in it, but eventually becorviet unae trfttable tot majority of thrm, it would be conirarv iv every iirim tuiv ui iiruuiiii.u v ' . : 1 . ' k . J . i ..t u polity to maintain Ihe practice , it would ; Ie nothirleas than permitung a m.non , ty to male tt nomination which waa to bind a aujoruy who had no p.nic.pation . in it. Soth a procedure n 10 ur from 1 . t J . aa ff I beipff entitled to the appellation of a Re- ilia. VI mt the essential characteristics of aristocracy- Guided hy tht se views, which we have no doubt are in perfect accordance with our' political principles 4w carefully in quired into, and deliberately considered, as far as we are able, all the circumstan ces that ought to govern our conduct in relation to the nomination, at this Urai, of Candiriutea for the Piesidency and Vice -Presidency of the United Mates by a Congressional Caucus. In the fi: s place, we have reason to be lieve, that owing to. the ii.flnence of lie opinion in a majority of electoral so'fs, the represenatives in longress from those st-tea considering themselves as forjtidden to take any part in the pro ceedings of a Congressional Caucus : and, in the second place, that any nomination so made would be resisted by the repub licans in all the states which are opposed in nriiK inle to the mode. From whtch it is evidt'it, first, that the representation in , a - - i . l- l ....u ' u 1 . .. .. . r ned, would not only be more detective than the representation of the republican Mnv . m ri w nirii rnmri r.nw nr. fiiiivr- '- rjartv in Coneress, but must consist of aiMiaour small minority of that representation, in complete aa it is : And, secondly, that any nomination made bv a majority of thcrepublican reptrsciMfltivTS-m-t'crtr' great being essentially an aristoerirttc-atr tempt of a few to control the many, tin- supported by any usage or expression of public opinion to give tt sanction, would have oo claim to confidence, lorm no r al lying point of union, but inevitably tend to produce incurable dissensions in the republican party throughout the nation which might injuriously affect the per manent interests of our country. In . addition Jo thee considerations, there is one more immediately connected with the interests of Pennsylvania, which has not bean without considerable weight in our deliberations upon h rvnpvity ot pledging ourselves1 to abide the decision of any partial meeting q members of Con gress that might attempt a nomination; The assembbge'of such ar meeting beinj? ' unauthorized by "the-whole - re pnblict party. Would neither Btternpr nor desire to, exercise any com rol over its proceed ing s, which, thus exempted from proper res ponsibility, would be left lo chance, un influenced by the salutary.. restraints of public opinion, and the candidate selected rnittl.t happen to f a one wlose view of nati'insl policy were the most. Opposed to the Intercut of Pennsylvania 1 and If we were to attend auch a mealing, although such a candidate were nominated by a aa' a. majority ol out tingle vta, we should according to the usare of these cases, be come pledged to support Mm though in opposition lo the united voice of our con stiiuentt. We thould be whollr at a tuts. in such in event, to find any excuse for a naving taken atep to adverse to your in terest, and so incompatible with thn obi I gation which your confidence hat Ire do ed on us. Wo Jhive, .therefore, Bf((r the most mature consideration, conclu- dad, that whether we regard the preaer ad'herencee tuname jifincTjrH of rt publkao poller, r the great inter. ettt of the American nation, or the more Immediate Interest of Pennsylvania, It it equally inexpedient and Improper for o at this time, aa republican reprsenje firce of Pennsylvania, to attend any par. tlal meetinc or Caucus of members or Congreas lo nominate candidates lor the Preaidency and Vice Presidency of the Untied States. ""And In order that yon may be fully In formed upon ihia aubject, in time te de vise some mode of nomiaetion that might be generally acquieaced in, we have, in obedience to aente of duty to those by whose tuiTrage we held our teat in Con grctt, deemed it proper to make the avow al of our determination, with the retsons upon which it it founded. rJiomea Patter$on. John Tod, Daniel Uiree, George Plumert Thot. J. Regeri, Jiobert llartlt, Jamri U'ilinn, Samuel JipjTean, D. II. Stilt? Juhn Findlay, Jjhn Drown, S. D. Ingham, Palriek Farreify, llm. Findlay. Washington, January fi, 1824. rasa m raaatna asarva. Extract of a leer from a democratic member of the Pennsylvania delegation in Congress, to tbe Editor of the Franklin Gazette, dated ITrntKineitn, Jan. ft, 1824, " I tend you the circular of the greater number of the demo(ratic part of the Pennsylvania delegation in Congress, to their constituents, expliining the reasons for the course they have determined to pursue, in relation to a Caucus for the nomination of President. You are aware twat there are twentr democratic mem lrs bclorging to tbe Pennsylvania dele gstion in both houaea, 14 of whom have signed the circular. Of the remaining aix, who have not aigned, two express their concurrence in the views slated in the circular, and have preferred to communl cate the same information to their con stituents in a different wav. 7Arrr others ., . mia iinniialiiieWls1 onrns(i In ailcnrlinr ant c,ucu,wnalcTe;, ,peril4 in,,ruc. . . lh.jp.fnll-illMllil. d ' l i : f . im f 3 9 . . A Vl ,,,vs TUU ill ell (llfj fit :uiv iv infill . c. , united against a caucus, under existing circumstances. " I give you a list of the states, with .lhe-J3umbct.cd..nicmheri Jrora-oach who are generally understood here to be for and against caucus t ' ftr a Cakcir. Ataintt a Caucvi. Maine - New.HampsTvre Massochnaetta Khodc-Ntand Connecticut Vermont 3 7 8 15 4 H 7 1 7 1 17 Senators vacant. 4 7 pub-lt: . penn,vivtUi Xew.XJt.i Delaware I Maryland irpin-a 15 9 10 . 5 11 North-Carolina South-Carolina Geoiyia I Kentuckk 14 11 13 4 3 5 3 5 3 Tenne o Ohio - . . f:?m.'1 one Senator vacant. Miasissinpi i- Indiana ir,noij Alabama 68 190 One hundred and ninety mtmlttrs are Jrewom a. caucus.ndojily-iixty-igbt for thai jTie. ast! re. - I have put down the whole number of members, including federalists, because it is difficult in some states to ascertain the difference, and because when they are ascertained, the proportion for and against saueus-is--rmratCTiallydiffeTent from the above. None of the twenty republi can numbers of Pennsylvania would go into a caucus with the sixty-eight. It would only swell their number to 88 ; but the voice of the twenty, the voice of Penn sylvania, would have no weight in the decision of such a caucus, and they would ,:ome out of It bound hand and font. ? lxf s vme (or the man of nil others whom Pennsylvania least approves." - xo x vol k i a nvV- The ship Gyros-sailed on- the 4th inst. fro.m City Point, Virginia, for the coast of Afriu with 125 free blacks Cor the colo ny at Messuraclo, established as an asylum for those free negroes in the U. States who may wish to .settle in the land of thtir forefathers. s.iusiufjty: TLTlDAr MOKMNCJANUAltrSr its. JJ.nk tkUMth p.i,k ,4 C.p yt,f U declared . divide U U.re. per rent. Ift4 the Hank of he.bera $' dividend of (lAir cent, for the Uat halt ,w. P Tl,e b.k of Virginia hl,Mtr,l a divtleni of Hire, pef cent tU la !,., however, to a deduct of one aitd a -- tvr the bonua of the But, , ., , The Legislature ol Kaw.Tork met in Att,. on the 6th lost, Richard Coodcll ... J aiwnlmouslr elected Sneaker tSih L,... I. to the election of Mr. Clay The Govern, la his meaasgt, Ua show u vctifooted hoftiLty to tnaaaure which a ah most unanimously called for by the people, to wU i changing the mode of electing Electors of PrtajJent and Vice President-taking H from the Legislature, and giving it to the pple, A bill waa immediately introduced, however, for that purpoae i and Utters from Kcw-York apeak confidently of itt paaabg. And if the privilege of electing Electors ie once given to the ppk ot that great state, her 34 votes wiO mcMt assuredly be given to Mr. CDn. THE PEOPLE'S T1CET. We Iran from the Kewbera SentineL that muiam S. BktkkJp, Ean. hu eonaented, la aecosdaace with the wUHea of his fetloitw tens, te b placed on the People'a Ticket, lor Elector, in that district. We also, learn from the Raleirh Star, that Wa Crndifi, Ewj. of Wake, and Jamet Meimnt, Eaq. of Orange, have been designated l the citiaena of their respective distrida, as candi dates to be run on the PeopU's TKket, for the appointment of Eletsora. C0.VGRE8SI0NAL CAt'CUH. We invite the attention of our reatert to the circular letter of 14of the members of Congress from Pennsylvania, to their constituents, on the ribject of a tntninal tattent , as alw the eitraet of a letter, which follow it, from a mem her of Congreas, to the Elitor of lle Franklin (iaaettc. From this letter it will ha seen that out of our fifteen member in Cow irress, ten are for going into eamu, to relieve the people from Ihe trouble of eleeting a Preai. dent. The five that are opposed to meeting in caucus, we learn to be : Mr. Macon, Dr. Vance, and Cor. Branch, Mr. GatCn. Judge Mangum, ratter from Washington state, that since the decision of the contested election between ffit n vxJdam, a majority of the New. fork del egation are opposed to going into caucus. So that Virginia, Georgia, and Nortb-Carolina, are the only States in the Union, a majority at whose j members ofCongress are favorable le holding a caucus. "a0t - rittGr.YU" m,H be heard.' In the debate hich took place in the Vir ginia House of Delegates, on the resolution offered by Mr. Tyler, infavr of a caucua, that gentleman delivers himself as follows: u When, sir, did Virginia speak when did the declare her sentiments, and wat not listened to ? Virginia, when she speaks, vitl be heard, and attended to.l The eloquent gentleman then derlares that New-York fah and no doubt North-Carolina too) only -mattt for Virginia to more .'."to her example, and tread in her steps !" Now whether there hi aucbaiblng as rirm'"" infirnce, or not, we will leave to those whe have ao lustily denied it, to decide i but tlie above arrogant language is certainly proof pos itive" that the Virginia politiciana be'ieve tliey have a controlling influence in the other States. , 1 1 er RADICALISM 7nftn- or MONARCHY! A bill wa introduced into the Georgia Legis lature, during it late session, in order to give the election of F.Ipctors of President to the pen. pie. This proposition waa opposed, tooth and nail, by the partizans of Wm. H. Crawford. Mr. Thomas, one of the most active friends of the . radical candidate, in oppoaition to the bill, ex claimed in the following language : " Shall we throw back to the people all theghTftn4rivilegw'icjry2 have delegafcTcT Id KTVTirgentlemen, in their rage for improvement, plunge us . .... into absolute democracy i? Thia is state ' of things I do not wish to see. That government is bttt which is mixed; made up of ariitacracy, momarcht, and democracy !" Provided, nevertheless, that Wm. II. Craw ford i to be intrusted with the tntnarthical part of the government. uAaaaM WHOLESOME REPUBLICAN DOCTRINE. It give us peouliar antisfaction, at this jnno eal discussion is ao apt to destroy the tempera. mcnt pf onc'a mrad, to present our readers with the following truly orthodox republican aenti- . ' ms4jadch.we--'have taken the liberty toer- trcmA!e member from Mecklenburjp county, in the llOUSe Ot ..(jommons or .ffle,.jasiwnerminwK:iii-. bly of thi SUte. If such genuine. American- ; principles vere to actuate ail nur public " vantV " wej- the people," miglit sjt contpntedV . lwn, whilr wnr dolegsrvl agent ero M- s i il I -I i

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