V n t, ia:nni'Aitv . . . .J VOL VJ NO, 2'J'J. 4 f f --- tf . t u if' V. ( . i mi O I i :1 ' 1 ; r!t 1,1 tJ tW-t . 4 . ' .. tr'W J 'ft I t ( ; i m T " " ' J it I -4 f"' '.v it, nu4 I to. ii t' iiu:. Iff. ptt f, f-'-'i t"' Cwiht , .... fttf-Wl iMUJlJ , . Thus dcff.'y Impreiicd with the evils cf c Cfi toll Jt ion, and looking to the preservation of the State Gov 'eromtnts as equally necessary to the wttl4elng cf lhc'r otro citizeos, and i o the perpetuation of the general li! erty, it auioot If supposed that the ; Committee hive . win iOiy proposed , nry thing which tends to product th evil which they deprecate with so 1 much ml iod sincerity. Still, it Is "the epinloa ol soajf, thit the rirhu of the States will be endangered try the adoption of the Committee's pun of amendment! the Commktnr think bietn thn )w) hve commoo chjtct la ficrf inj ta drciJ It, the ' la luue nnuit be fairly uted Boi iiftdidly enmiard. ;itcie poicti ' 4iit,'-lTe luppoiej dmloutioii o power ia th Mate, to thoote between , the If eitUiif, the rrncril ticketrtad - Id, la the luppoicd dimioutioa ol the power of the Scott ia cooce&trtilni fcer etrengtii la tnote eirctioni. 3d, lo the luppoied tepdencjrof the direct rote towardathr conaoiidatioa xf 11 the ttatct.- -' " . -These being the pointeof otjectlon, "the queitioa is plalolr presented, whether, they amount, lo reslity. to , any encroschment upoQ.the rights of toe .states., r contaia any ot thoie tcndeociei towards cojuoHdatioa which I have been Imputed U .thera,Uut, - bciare proceeUiCgto answer thia tract Z.V'oa, it is nccenary to 6x preciie jdeat . to aeyeral termi which are the rerj . hinges cf the queitioa itself, " State " "Kights Sovereignty of the Statei,w re the teros referred to.- Dyaome, '.who Ute theie term, the General At. tembly of th State Is considered at .. the statr itnctf, postesscd ef ailltts !.'rjjht and totereign powcra by o th en, the . Executive officers of the Sute Goyernmeot are he! J to be the ttate; arid to hare iha possession. da. nag uicir tumuiuancc.in niaszt ci.tne r ightt and sovereignty at she ttute l by a .. 4.a m omers again, tne senators and itepe tentatirei in Congress frenxa.. Sute -j-'-are aopposd"torcprcsenrthe aover- Vignty of the state itself t and to hold in their hawds, for the time being, ithe , same , high rihls trd , sovereign " powers." All these opinions are held to be erroneous, and, without accumu gating authorities and quotations, it tnsybe laid dawo in brief and plain T-langugr, "the:!qgalifitd " voter; of i state, lo the exclusion of the Genera Assembly, the Executive officers and the members of Congress, constitute the Sovereigntrof the State, and hold hi atigms in weir nanas. Who these qualified yote.ra shall be, dependa up on themselves, throuch their Renre - jenta'tives n Convention, or General Assembly, to say but whosoever they may be, whether freeholders, house holders or holders of no uronertv at .. T y .rrT,. ...... . .... ..... ...... aiirtnernoiamtneir nanas theTitrhts ana sovereignry or the iate, and all the public ofliceri are nothing more r: than theif servants. The members of the General Assembly, the members of Congress, and the .Executive of5 eiers, are ootMnff but arents for the -real sovereigns, confined to-the exer- ..?i:..':rjj.-:;.i ... . -.u.-i. lTif Tei I1iirnr tf tKv nfaiim tr --.nil my-, - .mwmb prV 'iii.Mj-' vvv W Li kl)Ulil A" ..-....... a ,j . ' ... j. a. . ' jercjtse the power of sovereignty.- upturn xteftXim&m$Wi ,-.tncse '"Sent may lose . a. part of their powers, riot only without diminishing - the BOYereignty oFa StatV, butj in real jtjy to produce the -effect of increasing that sovereignty by so 'much as is ta. ,ken from the ; servants and jrestored to ...v iuwuii. ma ia juciievea so joe Jhe exact ease Vh,ich is now presented for deejsion in the point of obiection ' ' r ,, v. rt t!i" J. II . 1 f r . V t I r I I f ' f fUcl- ri i! 'l 1 e Kv M'n Jr-ii, X I j Mr, ! r n t y (l.itricii , tit by agffirklitlet snd mac.f tl.tta, wiilaut nu'.liil.iff a cU ir tir,f, et rrtbs. O e f rii!r-t. tt 'I H elettnrs tieroar!ves , lij the proposed snfr. '.ncof, it ii iiTmiUrd, as atlft if J, that tbf iterl rowtri wi.l L ulta ff&m'ihe Le jUltture, tad tfcit a uniform m&de of vsticig by districts will be substituted, which they cannot chacge.; Bjt, 19 fir from dmittln Utst th meretfnty of the tttte bits soy thleg by dm operation, tit direct reverse is tns'culned i the se rtscti only being; the lasers, while the real sovereigns gaio. I r, it is not ta oe questioned, biit that tha disulct iystem gives tha fairest fJsy to erery yoter, and the fullest effect W etery yotei nor (in ItbdenU4 (hat it con fur mi to the IntentWti of the present Consti tuiion, which, la giving an Indcpta. dent vote to every elector, Instead of Consolidated te to the collegt of electors, gmroed hy msjority, roso ifestly intended that each miss of citU tens, entitled to choose one elector, shsnld hart the right of diipting of one vote according so their owa sense of their own interest. It 1 a fart, of historical notoriety, that the general ticket plan of election has been adopt titutr iy r i j i - f si'ne u!f i i ' . . . . . . sre rr., It tt - 1 1 ta It a ?i : ('a Ci i..e i-:.!s ,'. to n any c ttdcti si weu! J have vote! J,C- rtour, to lm press their rote s ir. t! service f the a t I . a a oomiunt r'iy ii me- ienrii a ttmUr cf tix Sutr. ,ln tfis rtaert t' .lf t wof of election, five vote of jH 5utt ii Jirrctf J. Ijr (he . msjetity , the State, tegulsmrtf the msjofity itself inSaented by soene Icadiog mere bets and the tickets thot arranged, is ofte n made to triumph over the whtie State, by the mere effect of di ciplinf, ana1 ia open violatioo of the will of the actual overtlgns, the fair msjorlty of (lie qualified voters, It Is cspablc of drnotitxstion, thai the gen era ticket recti, etpeciaJiy over i large aarfac, Is oftea no election, at all by the t"p!e A small and or gsaiaed bods supply the place of num bers, by Mir of design an energv of actlofi, Vant of concert la the body of the jeople, will rtncVr supc rior numbera of ao avail. Division will deitroy tleir strength, hf scatter tng ' their votes and anucfstioa ol defeat wJl cniure it, by jreveotiog f Utirri t?,5t i! ii U. ;te hi snj iliX ft t princi; Si hff II l' ij Utt, lith s.ov.!J g jir i!.a tUcta of w.ri . ji"tifrtf, ia a free teuutry require tint the cUlce of rreiideet f f thfifUtntfd tates shmj?J n ton rtr to unified w dole opt tha uouio oi Hrnrrtrbtitiv!. IT rpreiftiiatifi. - iiiete principles 1st e beta suied, and en lorcesliia tha- tourseof this Wrnort inry iptiag irons ll dinars to which such elections are lialle. These danrrri are I Ui corrapiloa among the voters. 3. Ul violence, la the heart of the clectUeia. 3. Of coalition i. to elect or defeat particular candidate. Oppose! to these diofcre are cer. lata rules of action, ripened Into ai bjb, mj we i oi wuKn, every eiee- hod, oi tst o&cer of a He public. should ha brought. These axioms are - . , Tifrrvent eorrvptionh f. Multiply the voters. Keen the candidates from amoot wem, . 1 , . . 3. Avoid pre-existing bodies of a w electors. numbers from ro'me to tie noils. 3. The Ust Ustvch T tie objection :rtTfprmnt jilstcnucrJmUtcaS is la the supposed Unde acf to eonso tient ... tidatioa which Is area If some la the 1 1. Sensrate the voters. . -W ft -. 4 abolitiod of electors, aixl tl e substitn-1 The plan of election la the CosmiU ed ia some Siatca for the avowed pur tioa of the.d'rect,yote cf the. people, heyaameadjib l0!0 Ih wd pose of controling this intention of the This is completely and faJlr answered second election, bss beraXrought to Contitutioo-f-and lor the purpose of ta A torrgoiog pirt pf. thi Report .to the. rof each of, these fxipms, and subjectiag the weaker aectiona of the which it may b added, that, wheo aa found to abido thens. 7)e voters will State to the policy of the stronger slyted, It turns smt to U aching mort coaaist ofmilltoos, and cannot hacor. thus giving, cm a smaller scale, tad ia ooe leis than an old r.ljecti in aicw rupud jhey will be acaitertd over reference to counties and State tJivU form, - to tho-dUtria. srem . Itself, iha terriiory c the whale coafedera sionsaa example of that tendency of For the purposes of coasrfIdaticm,-it hioo,-and cannot hold an intercourse the stronr ta onnress the weak, which lis berfectlv imraiterial obethr r the with the candidates t they will vote at is one of the mala objection s tothe people vote by diitn'cU, is their owa several thousand different places, oa coosoUdattoa of these Confederated persons, , or. through the agency . ef the same hours of the same day. and States. ' '' ' ."'.'... electoral and, if this ayst-w is estab. can oeiihcr fight, aor coalesce they : aoe oojeciion, inai uie raiauiiaoiiuneu, u if unaoowo im nc Vujhiuii i aic sot preeaunog waj-, jh iuv tncot of a uniform mode of election! tee for what obiect iha ioititution afl sense of the btjectlon, for that, term by j7friVfr, will treoch upon the rights (electors can be supposed to be want I only applies to email selected bodies. tlOTJ ttf', Kmcy ffofn t rt thit t fr. 1.1 SPV ecrtid. whs'i ttr. Jt U rbvifeu. tht wKl ihtmj Snd iplrit of the eOfiUtati O at the Vtter as intcn lt 1 to be tYot n If electoro frnk from the f enp!r , and that it was " otver frtvti.pfH'i that tha'etettion ihfjtd devolve eo t' U-yt of Jfeprrv sentatrves, vlcept In aa estratrdiBy and rare tsnt'p-tetr Hut. from af"" cxteasioa ia territory, which coold eot have hero foreseen, and aa Inrreata U wealth and population, berorid ill ei .... pecution, the pursuits of cnt cltiseei bsve become ao diversilied. end so many local Interest! have sprunf up among them, that It la almost a vai , hope that the election ef freiident can ever again be effe tied on the Crtt trial, whetbef the penple vrte direct, or through the orenty of Intermedial electors j and It seems to le Da longer doubtful, that, under ordinary circuma ttaocci, the choice mutt, hereafter, devolve upon the House of Rrprvsee tativci. .The provision of the consti tution, iatendrd only (or an emerrtiu cy, thus becoming one of ordinary op plication, and that which the wisdom of our faihere'drslcned as'the " medi tin t it Httl jm tMvmav m - only la a oaageroua cnaia) ia to U. come ' oar in'thj brtaj, . aa wis view oi we luwject, oe comes a Question, which addreuea ' tklT fo the mind and he afVef 'titty ' lover of Maxountry, whether Cor tress can lainjtfu tntttea wnh the choice i of the" Chief Magistrate of this great " od : growing IlrruUie, aot :aa an . . . erect, which ia a acricicf years mcy happtef -but -which la tba-ordiaarr course of . lffiirt inuit inevitably and frequently ocfur. the first ohjee two, and the one which cannot ail to suggest Itself to every mind, fa the incompatible nature of the duties which belong to g Legislative Alsenw bly and to aa Electoral CoDege, No - V Tried by the test of these axioms, I principle cnight, ia the opinion of the) i Hoose of Represeotatives, as aa I committer, to be held more sacred, a of the States cannot be admitted. ing. Un'tfirmitv. ai auch. cannot be an . Finally, there ! a Dolntofvlew from I the evifr and. if Haras, the infliction of! which to look at the aevcrsl branches I electoral collere. stands condemned! none, certainly ,is more plainly re cor- it could not be avoided by reiectintr of all these objections, which exhibit I otoa every one of them.' -' , laited in the whole structure, of our the 'Corami;tees plsn of atnendrttfnt. thetn ia the light of anomalous, if not , I, It :1s Mmallbodfj fAcrff than that 'which keeps For, if ouiformity'by diitricts is notlvery. equivocal,"" pretentions to' the! ue of bcipg corrupted. -H.Jlri;Jth (Executive and Lcgistaiive' Depart- esubllshtd by the free consent of the character of tlatt rirhts.' It is this :l i.Tt Isa ore-existina' body, 4hert-1 ments separata and distloct. Thevo State, uniformity by general ticket or (that they present,1 it contending par lerr capable of being tampered with., (seems, iodeed. to be infused into tho legislative ballot, must be imposed by ties, not the red era! Government on I J. It sits ia the presence. of .meiadtcrentDrancneie! our uoverflmenf. necessity. For. when the large States one aide, and the" People of a State oa I candidates, therefore ia aubject to beKdoubtlesi for the wisest ptirposei) a consolidate their votel to overwhelm the other, hut tht'Lerithturt of a Sute influenced by ran intercourse with I lealoua spirit, which, renerouslv ther- the small ooea, thoae, io' their turn, Is gainst the Peopkn the samt State: them. " 'V ' ,jT . ' : ; ished and properly directed, may "bo- must concentrate their own atreorth the aervanu atramit their mssterai the! 4. It votes ia a body, therefore it I fruitful of the greatest benefits. That to resta't them.T 'A" few Sutei mty leading men against the mass i the few I subject to violence, and capable of coa. the Legislature ehotild elect the Exef peracTcrc lor ooinc umc, in wnai wey icompiaiQio? wai wey wui lost wo pn-iuuons - - - - ' --r . n.MnVuiiTi i puujuutr believe to be the fairest system butJvilege of controfing and directing tbel In addition to these objections, fo j inconsistent with the moat cherished when thev'are tbn nnitv of rtir.n r m,n . lnirh tb fTiiT,e cf rtenreaentativea loriocinlea of our svstem. and. in rrae which-othera derive from the ireneral i Tha Cmmitra ktA ihelrlia aubfect: in eommoa with all amalliOce,nay be found . equally fatal to tho ticket iod ligislatiye modes of elec- plan of amendment upoa (he propoai bodies, it is yet liable to- others pe. puriiy of. one branch. the Cover-. uon. they will eat. and. with dua re. tion, h jt the nla f th Camit Uutlan cuLar to iuelf. at A legislative depart I snent. and we . lodepenaence ol tn gard to their own aafetv, they cannot, had failed in the election of President! ment, vin-l-.. others - reals! the umDUtionolJTolIowinff -the and'Viea' Preaident of tha tMiedl.- 1. The anomaly of a Legislature h -The n same clan: Hence, vnihrmitu will I States: .Tho v mImo nrYaTIuMT-aVcrai I creatldfflhe' Rieetiye.---':-- I which will call into action the atrong. be impoted hy necessity, if it ia not indicated in Its twd leadinir features ; J. The Interruption of iu regular est, and tome of the worst, passionaof adopted from choice, with this crest I Mir institution elEIectors and the business. s dilEtrtace.tlatiht first uniformity will iasaiJfc deliver up the rotes of. the State, to Houte cf Repretentptbet. tTh the in elections of members, v . out. nature, jo a pre-existing body of test I men. assembled at the teat of Oovero ment,'anl,,fr6hj their 'character and the active manartrt in the General first branch of this -rjroDosition'hasr 4. The application of a new anflu- aituation; brought into almost daily Assembliea, while the latter would been fully demonstrated, and the besi ence to these elections, ' , t Icontact with the candidate, on whom leave them in the hands of tho real substitute proposed which the case ad- J The creation of oppoaition . and I they can confer the Efstofliccja .iho sovereigni,'Ue quahEed voteft rtf thejm partieain Congress. JKepublic, and who, in turn, can bea whole State. It can hardly be said the decisiou of the Senate. The es.K6. The effect of all this upon fairltow upon them; brilliant honora and that the Sutea would have a cho ce. tabliahment of the aecond branch, and leelslation. t u ' v ; ; rich rewards, mntr, from the very na- when the option would be' between the demonstration of the fitness of theh-f. The further effect of all tbla up tore of things, expose them to the v. falliocr ioio the eeneral ticket avstemJnronn.M anfiatttnte. Mmaln tAhe ai. on the minds of the people, the char, rioua influences, by which power-ancl and inhm'ittincf to matpr'isl dminn. riMM. "'- :",Tr rrr of tbe rrovernment. and the stal Dstronace have, in every ace, seduced n - - - - - "- i iv UJ ayitWU w ' t t . I v - c w . I S . . tion of their relative weight io the elec- That itwaa the intenticmof the Con- bility of eur republican institutions. 1 meo from th pth of dotjftradteyi.ri.4 tiod. -The question, then. turna upon stitution, in ", giving to the States, in There is one point, however, aod ed them to betray tho most sacred the relative, advantages of the general the House of Representatives, . an the committee are proud to atate it, in trusta.- When we uke into view tho fjrV mnA A'tttrirt mnil.i nf ntin. ...i.i'.. .r 1.... .-.:: I wK5-h tin ! I mi n( remvaentAtives. aa firreat and increasinir DatrunJse of ' tho one or the other of which must aopn crease the weight and respectability of an electoraLcollege, must forever b fcxecutive, and ot me various ue nhirersallv tirevail t nd it mattera nolth ifftnii.-firt m 5t tn tK .tnJentkled taorefereoca over any other partmenuunderJili control, Ind per. wing to mc sovereignly or ne aute7TaieinnabceTT0TicranBiCienr whether one shall he eatihUahtd bv th I'm .K-iL ;. a.,hv vur Tmm Utltnted : it is in the elevation of its er to cause the influence of his office to . . " j w iiu vat vaaa i v w wnu iv , " a - - m . . Constitution; of the other imposed bv the Conititution Itaelf. snd from all character in the talenta which distio. be felt, we must shut our eyet to the necessity j and, as the while point of the eotemnoraneous exftositiohs of that euish, and the integrity.which. eono lights of wisdom and experience, if this objection is conHned to the mere instrument. : Upori these grounda the bles U; and which the pride, virtue, w do not perceive, that the peviod is rirht of thoieeli anrl f ehnir-.n th. u ..V.itU. a. r..n A and Intellnreace of the'oeoDle must ba not far distant, when the office of Pres. w-. w - - iivwi ww uuvviifH "'asar -va a D - - - - r...., , . - , . , ...,. ivRfmt from t?m a U ..., It. I j.j . :r ii,. l.!.. l ' ik fnrfvr nxiniii to nreatrve and exalt. Jident will be conferred as the reward that thisVigWcan be afnovabe where Consritution haa which. have heed of open tntngyci and the depeit cor. IISZ 1IIC ICta,lv aa-i f wj''e,, , a o "aw w -4 swi-ajriv.rirk Mta . . r chojcc ia jrapossioic, ana cnange not ttates have not realized we cnance i taeq agamM uiiugi deeirable Xi.-U1li.L,,k l this House, are of ' " !. The Second'noinf in the 'ohTeetTnn 1 1? f.n nf l?Vnr,Vrttiiiv h" derived I in he-otinton Oi ther islheuppdseir AnmihUtionrwi no adaluonarwem ;rocf:henidsmfi6oir 'A?xriTWwfc power ofthe,inthat tendency to from acting at u4 hetweetf Presi- andwhen their weiglif aoTimpu acattcr the votes which the district syir dw tance are duly estimated, it can hard- of honorable ambition, will always be "v, tcmlradmittedWposseasn:!:" evl1,h"thTHo5s ly':Pe? believe J thaf thIlramera of IiaMe'lM&M 'Amittinfr that k naitv f ' v- k-i,- su.U. fnn4 tn .ip eonatitution if the could have of office t and. though they may net auch a character, I acts of open and palpable corruption, tommitt'o , this continrent powerUf foreseen the frequent occurrence of be seduced from iheir curse, by the will be produced by, the district sys- election i then there can be no Teasoo that event, would have consented ; to treasures which may be tB.r9wn.1n wieif inc a part of the tonstitu-renaanger we puniy w - -1 . O" - C. - ' v1. . . I ' S 1' a ' a! a..'. I L JituiiaiHA(4fiAa MftivaMnnain. may be desirable to a State 1 that? unity I result from , will be produced by, the district sys-lelection t th tem. as often as tbe ttnte VWire'a i, lfr 1 If the majorities ia all the districta are tibn which has failed of f. - ... - j a .1 . -ia ' a'" ' . . . " j a .. 1 ii a a evxivjv tAi ar. .xrvrasaFnas--ia,v ent "--- at the same onmlnn. thir viIl--raf ln'rM. 0n"!av1 nf frnort. . The It ons. l)V consenting Vt lairy nrwrsi wniw , "- 4 i I 4 i: 1 i

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