1 r -. t, A. 1 1 i f vi r 1 I'll f ' TOT i,TT , )lto4HlrMkM,Hi m.ti ir rT' J. MAI.Kttirnv tmuA ,w...t ttww. , wiw.iu,n,v IIM.MIJAY, IICTOIIRK 20, IC23. Vol x no, m; X " f , 1 I I f ' It III ! I f 1 III -, - ...., . . , - , , . - - ' - . . .. : 1 jiij l-r1 ' I ..' .1 4, it, if m l- W4. t ! ii.ii kii k-. tinj,tt4 1 . Ma mm ( 4ut H p4 4 - I. M It. J.,... l M S4.M, axil it , 4 SdmflUtmtmH Vtll W "' 4 ! (HI, 4 m I . -".- Is..-."?, MhT OF LKrmiH KLMlI-MUi, Jt,o Timl 'Jfllc. mfcalUUrr, XrnniiVU 1st dive ci.'ber, 18.V. MrrhiitT ftnwstrr rJami e. Kerr r Marriw Arrmitd ftrb Awlrrvin TtMMtiM DrntK Marcus V. Beard Jerem. Ilroin Juhn UarkwilJ Michael Bskef M.e I- Hro Bicb'J BphWii ) I Barber Jlcnnr Hf ker John BvkWr Juhn Bulnrr ptnl BiJ-' Kathtn ChfT..1 Chrirtctit CaubU Mi r. Co X6! Colter 3lartin C'o'ti Llavld ChroM Armor'J H. Coll? M ilie Con Andrew Cme Ilfnr Cbriit'wa ' C!rn CUbtel b'b t'rurp w. a Duke 7 Jgbo K. Iinn Uro. V Detc'tut jo. ;. l.Wr Ekiibciu r,klinn frier Rr. . Jm. or JJk niTii Jubn 1 rltjr Jacub ruikr w Taul Klut Pcer r'rete 2 Fundi UiHmh Oiks t Onflia 2 Jutrh Oraluia Caijr Olwrr . Juhn I', (ionikle Do L Heifer BuMta tHrtly Km'l lluk Junte Hyde June F. Heie Jobno. Huleii tV m. A. Howel John Tlii'ifhVi"' ' Wrttly ilarriu Jimci C Hele f4. J.W.lIonter Jlenry Hi)l FreHne Henderion 3 - Ileorye Howard William n. Hughci ijilly O. Hadfii Abrtbam Hill Cciia Hill llenrriCrTtr J U Ijckle H.ttUw U. L".ke Alri.dr Lock John H. Ick Jacob Link uwif l.tnfjle Jul. i lrnce Aleinrwlrr forcfb Jane Li. M.IIor lorrrM I.Hirou Peli r II. llHiry Margaret MckcOlie J (dm W. Xloyer rdard Mawm Aml-tw MeMakei JIiq Mi'ler I'bilip iler TUon.ia Miller flenry Mctstmore ' Joli'iilliau lliill atiet Majfberry Air lander Netbclt iimrt Nortit ham! NU llomnbnr Owens Paui'l. o'feicu 'Juhn F 4 h, Palmer . j4eob Pool Ax. Pack LHviJ IlrrJ Jacob Kibfro Hichard Kubinon Jacob Hrrt Cevige JXufly CUihariM Klmdeimlth Michael Smith Tbomaa Scott Jane Ptikelrlher John Sir art Jamei Smith Uw'd. II. Stephen. George U". Spcan Uvy E. SfiMth Henry Sechlcr John bhuman Jacob Skitea Maj Jamei Smith Jitht TurBer Ittch'd. I'bompwn Catbarir.e Trmitman Jicob Tn.ni'rmin " Adam Trmitman - Ih'I. H'ebt : Mr. L. Ward.- Ww'd. P White CJeorf r Warner Peter Wahon Joaeph Woodi ThotTKi Womac Robert llulen Jjlm Johmtonor Peter Jam t Willis K rider Tttoma Walker John Johnston Flijali Young Thomas C. Jones Phihp Yost Frn1' Johnston "" Reuben Yarbrottfrh. 3t90 RA'MTFL ItF.KVF.S, . M. R " - " 7 (oiuijsiitpiaitt 1 UCMwopeninr MWtbci!fr'f fHtfrefts VJX-?.Itl?,'fJl.wstirij ... ..i ' -DRY 'GOODS aiaaoH mry .kactlio, suited) to J oi fjHt year, aim, GROCERIES, Hardware and Cutlery, t ttenMve In aietv ltd amount, selected bv birtaelr with rare, am! brxiicht for rMii on the best terms, in PhilaeJ. fdiia aii l Nev.Vork. The public arc assured they will rlnr. a Urge and full aunol. aiul lower for cash tliau UHial, or otherwise on accofnmo (Uiniir terms. Th?r are resnect full invited to call, see fashions, limine fjtishties, hesr prices sny J'tne vir UiCDrselves, J0I1X MVRPUY. J M. tespectfully bep to rctum bis unfeign ed ihanki for the ery librral aiul distinfisljed pslrotiijfe he hi b-en so hiihly Itonourrd with by a liscertinr yubli", and Sopes, b a diligent attention, to merit a corrtinuutcw vf the amsAc. 5o'4ifrw, Sffi. 28, 1 8 7), 86 1 Mansion Hotel, IX SAL1SIICKY, N. CAHOLINA, at Kzujt ju.usjunxa. fflOID elersnt P..kl.J.m i II If M M Kluatcd it lh North I A the Court-llouae. and in lh cen- fTci J rr of biisinesa. The proprirtir his taken great puna to proeure for thrr eitab I'lslimcitt, loxuiture of erery description nec ea tery to the comfort of Trarrllcrs, and no e. per.se mill he spsretl in providine; for the I'sble th; best the rxintry slford. 'I he Bar will be stocked with choice LiUort, and t!w S'ablrS, eouaf tn vrr 'm be a'e, prorttlrd with fWty of provcnler o aJJ ktwds, aud Mended by ohh. fwg aiid attend ;e Hostlers. 1 he convenience of this situation ii rqusl, if not superior, to any in the plcei the Houc contains a number uf private rooftis, w'rth out-hoturs, well calculated Ion be acrutumodalion of Travellers, iih or withotit fanulirs. On the prcmists is an It F. H'lLM, which will regularly be supplied when ever thr rn ?n will admit of i. The ubcri brr asiures the public that nothing khall be wanting, ou hit part, to makr'lhase oimfurtablc who nuy think proper to call. ...IU:.-TI'C s'v ib.nMUrT linwln anj Cheru SI'.iCt.S, stop at the Hotel, EZRA AM.F.MONR, .1i?t. .Uh$!,Hrw, y. C. Srpr, lOrA, ncy. r 8-91 M'JV GOODS. fTnilF ih:nler Iihs just reeeived, from New JL i ork and rtiilaue Inhis. anl la now openmr. Store in CO.NCOKl). a general assort- GOODS; at hn mx-iit of ennrfff; of Dry Goods, Hard Ware, Cutlery, SadHen, ' Medicines, Paints, &c, byc, LIST- OF LETriCRS teudinir tu aca iuriuA, he. fecW au'rd that EMA1MN0 m the PosfoflTtce at Ctmconl. ftie csn sell on terms which wiil be sstwfactory to N. Carolina, on the lt of October. 1829. those wishing to purchase John Andrew Lausoi. II. Alexander John C. Bnrnheart James II. Txirns Mathias Barringer John Baroheart Charles V. Lllutn Cathirim- Brown 2 iJaud B'adford John I.- Barringcr (ieortfL Cunine 3oej1i TJfaiiTofJ Ceoigt: Clmc (Jeo. or Andrew Cur xine Elijah. B. Davis 2 Andrew Davis 2 .John F. Dry Jacob Fag'got Robert Fjirr John Freeman Allison Fleming John Garfnon 'i George Gage ..Jbiakllarria- .James. Harris - - William How Jonathan Hartsel lvi House Roderick Hardin apt. 6m'l. CV HmMary-Wilkiioo- lil Sarah Harris Daniel Udy Alexander lrwtn Dan'l. Walker M'iiliam A. Johnston Sam'l Weddintrtoi Thomas Lofron Capt. James White - I'hwofts-Littleton Jamea Wier ... Wm. McLean, Esq. 2 3t90 D. 8T0BKT"., P. f. Sfahj sJVerfA CartUna, Davidton wtnty : .. . vummbned. as garnishee., , ,lu tbiacase it appear. jflg-t- the satisfaction of the eort", Ihaf ttie d"e. fctklanf, Frederick Craver is not an inhabitant of ' this state, U is .therefore ordered by the court, flt publication be made six weeks successively tn the Western Carolinian, printed in Salisbury, for the said l'rederick Craver to be and appear , before the justices of our court of pleas and . garter -sessie ns, to be held for the county of Pavidson aforesaid, at the court-house in Lex ington, on the 2d Monday in November nexti then and there to replevy or plead, otherwise Judgment final will be entered against him, for Jhe plaintiff! debt and cwsts. Witnea David Juck, clerk of our said court, at ofRce. the 2d Jnday of Augukt, Anno D.omini, J829. . J); MOCK, . Chri?topher L ffler Knoch MrGraw Tliomas Motler 2 Joseph It McKinley Jacob Moose Stephen Mckinley Christopher Mclchor 3 Michael Milster A. C. .ticliee iumrt)rd S. McKinzIe ' Itobert T. Plunkct IKiamTetcr John N. Phifer Mis Mary Parks Mftrcns Iftit Seth Hodgers 3 John Iteiidiomaii 2 Ozni Hotlg-r rs Feliz Huberts Ehas Snell Secretary of Stokes Ixlge No. 32 Archibald Smith Daniel Stough Ehoabetb kUngton Samuel SUina Mis Ann M. Walker Rev. John Wilson, D. D. F.lias Wincoff George Ury, Esq. 1 he public are rcpcctlully invited to call and examine for ttiemsclvra. D. STORKE. QcttlfT i,ih, 1829. :imtl00 WT AS just receivc-tl, mid u;iuk J a' his Store 1 H in Salisbury, a large ami nanusome assort merit of Snrins and Summer GOODS ; Also, Groceries, Hardware .Cutlery, Plated Ware, Hat-s, and Ha'ters' Trimmings, ( rock ery, a gorhl assortment of Holting f l'Mh;, Shoes Honnets,rS. and every article -usually iiCi asked for in stores. r His stock tff goods has beeat purehased entire- ly for.fuj ; ami he is determined tqse 11 tfiem as low- caiv be hid ui lUe rjiace,.l'ir,caUJQr 1.9 punctual customers on a short credit.? . J.1e pub lic are respectfully invited to call, examine, and judge for themselves. tia.ibury, Junr M, lo29. 70 THE THOROUGH BRED iiOKSl THE GOLD REG10X. T Iht r.ltoiJtki If irrw CrWa4 iai I ssnd s-wi trj.nl MtratU foin a Iteriort (4 oat GoM fc-jiofl in bt ffouibtr lutes, rrad oetor tut Lyceum of NsruraJ Uen ia the Cltjf .Nw Tik, and to b pJJJMfo m. sa,ai J rami tt M4 tU Arts. TU tt. la- Mrim mmm to 4W puM'ef awrSCWinsi ind h If his pemWCoa that 1 wave made the fqwlKrUreWoni.'t Ji your paper, atxMld ym think then wffleWndi interesting to Hf reailera. I have tb honor to be, retpectfutly, fce. L0L1S D. Wjt()N. An. ftf-fr, Srpt. 22 J, 1829. Th Gold Region Is much rnort cx tensive than bt been hitherto supposed t it commences in the neighbourhood o( Iht Coosa and Tallipooss Rivera, in the Sir of AUbima, sod attends northeast through the western parte. of Georpli. South Carolina, Nartb Carolios, the mid die pans of Virginia, Mrs UikI, and Emi ly a narrow strip or belt reaches the .Dela ware rite r, few milet west of Trenton, New Jersey. The width ocruple the jrrea'er rurt of .a .a - me wnoie great none Irotn the fooi nfih Blue Ridge, or Alkghany Mountains, to Use smsll granite rtdge seen elong the borders of the diluvial formation or lower country through (be Sou'.hero country, Irom the DeLjwire io the Ceatahooehr rivers. A narrow strip or iend through Ffnosyivania, hicH trnr be keen a few milet weat of TWUdelphii, on 'he roads either to Hrfhlehem or Hr riibuff j but S uih of the Su(sjehannah, by far the greater part of theaurface of the country between the Unn Ridge nl the diluvial, it mado up of tre gold tr ntion. This formation atretikettbroueh near-ttghty-degreea t)f latitude, in nonh east nd vrath-weit dirrrtion ; m m the State of North Carolim, is nore hun two humlred milet wide, from east to wett, composing an area of not less than eighty thousand ujuair milet. Within the limits of the pld formation in North Carolina, is a gsl.uty of Iron Mines. This range of Iron ore is seen in ibc.touth cktt part oLihe county of Rutherford, and passtt into South Carn Uui.fiou JUtharford or -the north, it i una through Lincoln county, into Wilkes and Surry counties, it aeeh in yarlous places through Virginia nd "MTr land, land not improbably rrxchct Fenniylvania ana ie Jersey. Iron worki have been erected Jn Lin coin, R other fotd, Wilkes and Surry cun tiet, in ionh. Carolina; and at several piaces through Virginia and Marstand. Hjr iron it forged in various places, ai well at numerous kinds of castings made Irom the ore. During the late war large quantities of Iron were manufac tured at the numerous.. Jron works .it), .North Larolma; and the buuaeia is atill carried on to a large extent. The ore often lies on the surface, and on high ele vations; and it to abundant, that the dn is not far distant, wheo the Southern States will he supplied with iron from their own fotgr. There is no counfy in the world that enjoys a finer climate than trtat section of country generally does, embraced in the gold region. Elevated above the lower or diluvial country, the violent bilious diseases arising from marines, swamps. iTUflnishsTtTamrfirteTrTrrtttihetr tormtnting inhkLmnts, the moschetoet, may be said to be rarely known. The ranges wf Alleghany Mountains, especial ly through Georgia, and the Carolines and ii gioia, frequently rise o a great height, in North Carolina (Tien to six or seven thousand feet above the ocean ; and stretching along north east and south esli in vast piles and masi.es, protect the country, irom the cold blasts of north west wind, which prevail during the winter momhvin- (be northern pam of 4he- i'wl ted Stales. The chilling 'storms from north east, and the drep snows of the eastern slates, seldom reach south of the r-oioraac Saiaw rarely falls in North Carolina to lie more than a day or two ; CJON ot the imported Horse ta?t(m tand the Fall Seaon, commen cing the lOdayofSiptem ber, and ending the 15th day of November, in the town of Salisbury, on Mon- IU0 nesdavs : and in the town oftnWrC tfayt and Saturdays s wndwdlbelet to Alare at tight dollars the Season j .r dollart the Leap; and rwefr dollars to insure a loal. 84 S. I.. FF.RRAND, .V. 10, 1829. C. L. BOWERS. lioAA Vnaung aMacViae. JfJJOTICE. This h to notify the public in gen il eral, that having acquired from the De partment of State of the United Statetf a patent for the Machines for Washing, Cleaning and Separating Gold dust, consisting of a Funnel, Trunk and Spout, I. hereby forewarn all persons from using or making said Machines without ray permission. tflCHARD LEE. and further south, may be said to be al most unknown. The pulmonary com plaints of the eastern states rarely occur ; the prevailing winds at all seasons of the year, are south-west, and come from the Garni, of Mexico.- A person travelling through the country v ill see as many The baf.lt of CpW 1'entir.Soutb-CorollaaJbf Virginia, a of Klng'a Mountain at Rjmsour'a MilU, tuck v. are Loid Cnrnwallii, at HilUboroun1 under loi. wuhington it well ttnutiy tmpor tint Iransactionj and military movements la Virglnlav-lraoaplred wiihijtblsiectlon orfountrf. orjiiiH bataleiicraik- u, ivr ( auiag (en, nt nirjn pute Pi residence of many crest arid distinguish ed - men - f our- eotirttry - I rt-'-Geoeiria aiHj ?outhH'aroiina, h hst-produret! lf. Criwlord. Mr. Calhoun. Mr. Smith. Mr. McDuffic and othera j in Nonh-Caroliiu, Genetsl Jacktoft, General Davie, Govern or Citwelt, Governor Martin, Mr. Hen derton, ind ohrtj Id Virginia, Patrick Henry, Mr. Randolph of Roanoke, Mr. Gilti, Mr. Jefferson. Mr. Madison; Mr. Monroe, thWf justice Marshall, Mi . Uivei, Mestrt. Ririeri, end Mercer in Mary land, Mr. WH, the venerable Charlet Carroll, and uvrral other distinguished individusls, have had their birth or resi dence in the Hin of country combining the gold region. The toil in the gel I region.it general ly fertile, more esperi illy on the banks of rivers and creeks ?ome of the finest wheat and tobacco lands in Maryland and Vitgiow, at well as. the com, cotton rxl wheat lands of the Carolinat and G'corjjta, are included in this section of (niuun. - ! The timber It penersiiy yellow or j.ucn pine, white o una hickory jn the eas tern part toward the Allcg.iii4, along the sUcamt, elm and itcamore, and tome oft maple ; oh ridges, and near the mountains, chesnut, white as!, .some beach and sugar maple, are the prevail ing timber. Grasses, in general, do not flourish so well cast of the Rluc RiJge ; but tn ar living amongst the mountains, they are adorned with luxuriant ptuiesj and all kinds of herbaceous vegetation, are seen in the greatest perfection. The general tuifart of the ronn'.rt in North Carolina, embraced in the Gold Region, may, for the tnst p..rt, be railed a gentle slope of territory. The streams all run eastward into the Atlantic Oicun : the turfite cannot he luld to Lc generally nilly. or mount iinuoi ; though some parts present a rolling, broken cntintry, with billk and mountains of moderate elc ration. As o approach the Allcgmiaa, the country bcconivs bj)d in its features. The ttlue Ridge Throwi "off numerous spurs; eastwirtly; wbtch cut up the tountiy in'o high, rugged mountains, with their rallies and crystal sirrams. The main range of mountains, frequently rise to a majestic height, with peak. that tower in sublime grandeur, overlooking a great extent of country, in alt directions. One of these, culled the Urami I'uthrr Mountain, situated between Ihe'counties of Burke and- Ashei-cannot be lass than seven or elglft thousand' fact 'above the Ocean. ft seems Jtke 4. vast pyramid, on the summit of tmuieasc "piles of moun tains. Nothing csn exceed its comman ding situation. On the east side, (he Yadkin and Catawba Rivers lake their rise, and run houth east through North and South Carolina to the ocean. On the north side, and at its base, commen ces the Great Kcnhawa ; and, winding amongst the Allegatiics in Virginia, reaches the Ohio rivrr 40- miles tliitont Oo.ihejwest1ttutt the Tennessee and Holston, which tiuiiing, plough south into nf the tnstern part of Ken within bit rantre. On ih nul6-WCl!ire !hj,Xat.ia.4l Altera niet, comtngr Irom a sightless distance' or to Iht base of th innarle on"whkh he ttanda. Oii the nonh rait it the Wof -Mtuit, long rntta - itwjf tv4 ih r W pUfV.f i5t fUbfi ytak oa pe,k uniU.I'Nt.in the .daunt. hnrl- ... fjfil the aif he breathes ia n... . the ifetperlinbrtetef ? not a It fat in In'.-: nrtr'rf'i - TYptllerappeart 1o-'Torraent him. fhe bate of the pinnacle that ele vate him, ha berome baldi th ira and ahrubt diitappeir on ascending the raun range, until (he Trowoirfg rocka nd clilft triqmph over ih ti.hr kingdom. He finds that he It no longer ii ne ruiKi regions of the temperate r.anc. instead of the vine end the myrtle, the eitreme height of hit eleratlaiu.anur. ning the prcKluciirtns of rnifder rlimes, Cspt Tself with the Norwegian nine, th- Companion of H,perb.jrc,to biatit and ttonnt. 1 here is no tpot along the whole line of jhe Allerai.ies. from Ala- bama to Canada, trist will so amply re- jrd the lover of seblimn and grand scenery, it a visit to the- Orir.d Father- Moiinisini th itiah some rle'v(i,.n in Zenith Carolina, as wrfl s nthera in Nnnh Cartdins, are very coinma-i.tin. i pe n"st iM3r tint uriiM j Alabama, and turning north into Tcnnes see, -unite with- 'be Oluo ten or twelye hundred miles from their source. These streams ran be seen from the summit of the Grand Father Mountain, a great dis tsnce in their windings and turnings -cm j their way to the ocean- The travtller who reaches the summit of this mountain looks down on the country in every di rection, with feelings of sublime and ma jestic awe. There is a stillness thai reigrwm'i' nimrtTtiVe;"'B:"fs'; Cdtvpied over him in an immense con cavity, with batiks of clouds in the hoii-i zon, anp-tremlv below loin, "is eye ex t neraon'a r reunify, is a rrJ argi(letis toil, t'lntosr:.. ttm where eer, Day uTter day, and weeks together;' fir "miy travefi' and the " same peculiar redneis will appear by the way-side, in ploughed fields, in ravinet along the banks ol atrnams, and almost in every place where the eye cn rest. This lednessof soil is clled, in Virginia, the rrd fonJi i andtVilar as my JnLxru-. . ... ilon rxiatiiis, is commensurate witn the gold formation. Tnis soil seems to have bon f.rmcd by the lcumpoitioii cf the tuojirrnt rocks and is etsily dmin gtiished Sy Its bright re 4'", fron that atlsing from the decomposition of the saml t'ones. tl covers the greater part ot the Wentern half of North Carolina ; is sctn in Georgia, South Catollna and Ala tiims v tt ot rupict he ifener finrt ol Virjjinia, from the Blue Ridge to the low whihM y -f is tn in th uaihnrliood of Fredericksburg, and on tne road frnm that, plaro lo the I'otomac rirer. Ths red land about the heights of George town, and on the rotd from -Whington tn -fiiMlnsHjrg, re of thiv fi matioii. The" counties of Frcueri k, Montgimrty',' part of Annspotis", Utltimoir, and Har ford, In Maryland, arn covered to a grrat extent with this red soil. It often lies over the granile, next to the diluvial for mation, in patches throughout inc. South? ern country- The I'enliciiiiary near tho 'dty'of Baltimore, stands on this soil Let a person-who hat travelled n the Caro lines and Virginia, start from Hsimoro aud go weu to. llariMit's Tetry, on tho I'otomsc, distant 75 miles", he will soon recognize his acquaintance, the red soil, after passing two or three miles from tho city. The soil has the same peculiar, red apperance ; ami the rocks aisociated with it, are the same as those seen far ther south in Carolina. The traveller who pases through the Gold country, will see innumerable ranges of white quart ( Msi'tred oer the ground in tho greatest con'tiMun, on its surf jr;e"gTn eirtlyr-in -a nrrrttreast-and touih-west direction. These are called, by the inhabitants of the country, Flint Ridgn, and are the Gold Mi net them selves. To a person residing in the gold re gion, nothing can be tn te easy than to discover gold wherever it is to be found. l.tl him, in the first place, proceed to a flint ridge, especially if it is situated in the red fcoil : ,-t common fiyi'tg pn and a spade, are the only implements necessary to commence rrratiorrs let him -dig" up a" few" spades full nf the fed esrrh "tying' near the surface, "and amongst the masies of quartz, or flint the fryint pan lieiag: tth this red earth, he miy next re- i i i . tt. .e aL,S,ib linn, i nev nu wrj-, - ?.taies. , It is not uncommon to aee indt viduals of both sexes, eighty, ninety, and in some instances an hundred years or more" old. " For mildness of climate, general salubrity of atmosphere, and longevity of its inhabitants, to country exceeds that of the gold region. . Th'ia country is not only, interesting to the man of science, but also lo the histo rian, on account of its having been tbe theatre on which many of the great and important scenes of the Revolution were acted, which contributed to the establish ment of the independence of r-nr country. South Carolina, and tinigia : the state ol Tennessee etof the Cumberland Moun tains, as well as the high and mountain ous range of country iu hc westcri? part tlov. Xarun was one -of the delcgatrs from North Carolina lo the eonverrttorr Which formed the present Constitution of the Lniteil sutes ; Imn-Ttinr M himseii, in a beautiful, clasAical atyle j and would, if published, be an 1rjiot iiivaluablc docnment.for e-nkiiiiog the views and inten tions of the framert of the Constitution, at the time this great bulwark of our liberties ww es tabl'mhed. The Gov. was one of tbe Delegates who did Dot sign the Constitution i and it is faid he never .published his report of tbe debates, because he thought the views cf some of the nembers, as esprened in debate, mibt injure them in the estimation of the public At lh Governor's decease, these debates went into the possession of bit descendants, wLo nuw resile m Surry county ; and miht prbab! be Obtained, should any one mAe application, in urisjr list ;hcv m'vgtit be gi.cri to V? p';- suit to wmc rivulet or spring of water in the vicitv'y, and commence working fho earth ; water is to be pn tlyrcely poured into the pan at firvU and tbe. wbolu quaa: :kty agitated ; at the tame time, the earth should be frequently stirred up. so that the water will more completely' peo etrate oil its pans; let fresh water bo thewt-lt i 'tirred.an4 the .,agil4tfd ' ThTrpT-occss'b" mlrirites, all the earthy and ferfuginout particles will have become suspended in the water, and floated away as fresh wa ter has been from ti mo to time added; what now remains in the pan, will bo coarse pebldes and gravel : water should continue lo be poured on these, whilst the parti4 constantly agitated, which set tles the gold to the bottom by thepowcr of gravitation t the coarser pieces can be picked out by the tinkers, while thft fyljtV ' Ai tuYtf la NqrJh-Ca'Tol. ti. I - t 1 "1 J

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