It li ta iim toU'm from !, tntli, hfr ami gool in tbmmlrca, fctt th MmMinf of injual.t7, h.c! (iiJwrtvo:w'8t,''w1'.'r,n,l!ii(;ki!l a tlf4 with J.ttta rmore. Tt 1 trl'i Is riper;!'? area ia frir Ui on t ,. , , &r, ltatug. SMSU;UY, KOWAV COUNTY, V. C MOSHAY. AlMUIa II, 1811. (VOL. X! mi. j MAU-rttf.-AccordiB to. the Patriot bvthe -moment to ;fM,rfiir B.U, propyl ' Mj. n.relo of Boston, and passed n .use of Rrprrseotatives onrfaturdav, SmSie r.-rsr for ".bv Mthorlsrd Llat'n, r v P""n- Formerly the U- imposed penalty on nvone .0 moving, and ihr mm,,,, ","ef w. declared both null and void. We look upon thi amendment as fl0, of the moat rrtoiim and deroga wr" th.n could have brn marled by ,n intell-R-nl legr.l.turc That en-"i-htened lawgiver, sl-oold Ir.vel cut ? the way I- Irg1;ze mitrimonv and white popu ti,n especially Massarhusett.. Uere, according to the Uir ernto,, Aere are U.000 more females than wile iaacireumatancenl the. most l,eu;"..r.l dvr." and one .hat ahould meet with the FrPrthm.,on of .lithe other states. A terrible oJtciy was iustlv r-ised againat such a prop option, when, as He,ed.;) from Mil WrtRht , but now that .t is legally sanctioned by the 44w,se ..or. of the cast, the obloquy , ahould just y be visited upon that :..dv. Let .t for a tnneat be suppo.ed, (h.t some honorable senator on hi. mora home frm hi, avo c,wrms, Should 61 aaody.daufibter, be pride of hi. heart and the orna . ...fB,ChuMr, a negro -hi. o.tler or aov ther mrnnl. Would not the retribution seem just, Md the operation of the law 1 - tr.t. Stance strkr i-im unnatural? Would not the father turn away m fraction a,d -h.ov.tthe res,l of 0i, o.n J;t why may not such acae occur? In absolving from pen.ltvlhnse who unite m the bonds of matrim.ny the "thick lipped frlcannand the beings of a Icaa nrrid clime, the crime and indelicacy ofsucbuoion arc -Uo to. certain el- rerit .obliterated, and an inducement - held out for-aucH mmugea. WhH md p;rit of philanthropy culd . have induced lUr. .Mwhujetti le ',!imn to enaet .uth ware at a Iom to de terminer aa we arc also tn im.cipe what commendable or hu - mane re.ultV could poibly grow out of enactment. With, tbe ,mprea. -wonaTind Uh the moat-ralcon-,truction of he phra," all men were created free and equal, we cannot but estimate anch - law but a d'ngrateful to the country. fW. toquircr. a The S.iprem C urt, ia our readers .Iready know, h-a ct .Hy decided Oie cae of " the Cherokee Nation against Georgia," in favor of the lau ttr, and haa thus distinctly admitted tlie right of the State to eitend her jiriadiction over all her territory. 'Phi. important ce, respecting the hitte of wjjich there has been great anxietr and excitement in every quarte'r of the Union, hw thus been itttled hy the refusal of the Court to grant the injunction prayed for. e are glad that it haa terminated in this peaceful manner: but it is tiH a -mat--T-.omT"cun6trtd iTiat.pMt-tbn.lhAncfi.aOT. he firat time in ita life, to give a de daion i. favrtf of State Rights? 1 When was it ever known betore 10 4onbt ita own jurisdiction in aoy eaae whatever? Hw has it happened, t aftor committing eDcroachment tyto encroachment, uaurpation upon Lsnrpation, and taking cognizance of .questions iavolvingthe sovereignty of State with as little ceremony as it would of the not ordinary law case,, ft has now discovered that "to arbi ate this question would be to asiume that auch power 44 was not intended to be vested & it. How long is it since that Court Jas entertained doubt of its powers, Qr felt such delicacy and modesty 10 frlitical affair.? What new light has gddenry burst npon it I H 'f seen tire error of its wa;-, .ad taken new and correct views of the structure of .'our government, and of the rela live rights and powers of the federal nd Hute authorities f Or was this d'ci.ion the- retull of prudence and discretion f Had the Cae of'Tastelt any infl jence upon it I Did the Court remember that Georgia had already spurned, and would again spurn its authority, and did it therefore shrink fnm the eonaeque oees of saturnine; a power which it could not hive etert rrJ; Df attempted t enforrrTTTrrptt imminent hazard of ".dissolntiowofj th; union t IJe. this as it mar, how. ever, it is a important fderiion in favor of Htate Rights.' The N r. thern phllnnthropitlt, who have been I'-ng endeavorioir, to excite the Indiana to rei'utance, will no doubt be ditap pointed with it. There will now be no comrnition nor conflict no tragi ral series at which humanity anight weep. But it will be a source of grat ificati'in, not only to the advocates of Ht-tte Rgha, but to all who value pub. lie tranquillity, and the harmony and p. rpetuitv of our union. The In dians, finding themselves unaupported 10 thirir ridiculous i tlaini of sovereign, tv by the Court seeing that they are not recognised aa a foreign nation." hot merely regarded as " a domestic dependent people, holding the same relation to the U.' States, which wards dy to their guardians"' will now pro bably abandon their u.eless struggle for i'desl right, and either submit, as become them, to thr jurisdiction of Georgia, or remove, conformably to the Art of Congress on th- subject, to the Weat of the Mi.aiaaippi. This latter "course i decidedly the ht,'ahd all who deaire their real welfare, ahould aow. join .in induciug them to adopt it. Charleston Mercury. Columbia Crrepondent of tc M .con Telegraph, who write from Il.ivm, thus d'uenbe the tomb ot Columbtt : M My first pilgrimarj hsa been made to the T.mb of Columbus. I need not say it is the moat splendid I jby cant ni yQU kQ0W (ul, well thlt have ever seen, for I have never seen; . woold never have bfoUfthr Such anv thioar which can be placed in com pariaon with it.- it stands without the walls,aad under one of the mystj splendid d me of the Cathedral j US form is that ol a temple surrounaea with pillars atanding on a massive basiiineaJMllpis which there ia a. small, portsl between four miniature columns, within which the box containing his remsins is said tt be- depos'tsd within .the . temple ia a autue about .three feet high. The material of the whole temple i of the roost heautiiui iwnao ' u,t said, by travellers who have visited Italv. th.1t they have never seen so beautiful a piece of sculpture there or elsewhere, It was mde- entirely in Italy, and brought ready to be set up here. In the morning I attended mass, at the Cathedral, the tomb of Columbus was surrounded with candlesticks, I should think neartvlhree feet in length of massive gold, while every thing round corresponded in style and rich ness of ornament. 44The Cathedrsl itself far surpasses anv thing I had ever seen or heard imagined, in the beauty and style of its architecture of its length, breadth, width,'or height, I will uot undertake to fonn what-1 would call, a correct opinion ; for the eye and mind of the visitor is so deeply . imrjressed with the awe aod solemnity of such a scene, as to be wholly unprepared to make esti mates of measurement. Its high tow- riA9 - ira maSsive coiurnna '""J . - . a asmf"1 and arches its beautum aiaiua.r paintings all strike the eye with won der, ia which the mind is lost jn thought. Add to this the expressive solemnity of the rites aod ceremonies, which were constantly going on at the shrine and confessionals, which were ,0 distant that the priests were out o reach of each other's voices, you will not be surprised that I was Impressed with feelings beyond description. Anadote of Lord Byron. Mr. UillinVen. in his forthcoming work on Greece, gives an exceedingly mmute - .-t-..f the noble poet. He id- forms us that he always wore gloves, drank tea msd gin.profuicly ; and ofit aelf denial, where his appe lite was inclined to risk his figure, gives the following exsmple: " On dinner being served up, although scv. ersl dishes of mest were upon the ta b!et Lord Byron did not pirtake of aoy 1 his custom being to eat mest on. ly once a month. Roup, a few veget. sblst, a considerable portion of Kn gliah cheese, with some fried crusts of bread and fruit, constituted his daily fre. He ate with treat rapid- itv,.nd drank freely. Tnere happen ed w be-n the table.t roasted cspofln the good looks of which sv powerfully tempted him, that after w'utfa'ly eye ing it, he was an the point of taking a leg 1 but suddenly recollecting the rule he had imposed 00 himself, he left it ia the dish, desiring his servant to let the capon be kept till the next day, when his month would be out." The anecdotes we subjoin are the newest we ran find j the last days of Bvron's life having been repeatedly before the public. 14 During the ear. her part of hi youth, hi then very limited revenues were soon exhausted bv his extravagant expence in Lon don, and especially by his frequent ing the gaming houses. He had bor rowed a much from the usurer, that none were to be found humane enough to advance him any far h-r aum, at whatever interest he offered. One morning after a. sleepless night, spcit at one of thote establishment! in which he had lost all of his money, he heard a coach stop before his lodg ings, and -aoon after saw a ladv of rank, who had given him proofs ol the mo.t ardent attachment, enter his room, beheld a smalt 'casket' Inlier hand, and, on depositing it on the ta blr, told. him thii,.hesrir.gijt cuniary misfortunes hr had met with, ai.d friring he might fi:id himself i. embjrratsed circumstances, .he hsd brought him all her jewels and money, and requested he would accept them aa proofs of her affection. Go, and take bark with you," said Lord B. t'ernlv," yur trinkets snd money, I am nnf man In be imnnard unon thing to me had you supposed me vile enouiih to accenf them." Mention bc- rng once made before hinj of-the fre. quent errors of judgment Into which a person msv be led by the appear, oces of physiognomy, he.obseryed, il You are young mjn, and may there fore, hss-e occasion to derive-benefi' from iVin precept of mine : never give your entire' faith to any one whose eye. are grey." - Oo itsbeiog remark ed to him, that hia own were of that very color, he added, 44 Do you think I consider myself an exception to this, jj might M universal rule? it would have been well for many, who hsve had to deal with me, had they been guided by it.'' IMPOriTANCK OF RELIGION'. If you brake down the public ordin ances of Religion, you will instantly break down the bulwarks of public virtue and il you obliterate from so ciety the public worship ol God, you will speedily destroy in the"mrhds of its members you win quicxiy enact (mm thf conacience ot mio. all a 11 re. gard for the laws aud the appoint ments of humanity, if you destroy tht.sanctionof.Religioa,o nedect and despise them in the hign p! acjeVf Mli'l'lS 'i efficacy ol. Its eoactmema in tc tuuac and if you take away ...the.ioflucnce.ofj of its restraints and denouncements from the mind of the mass ot man kind, vou have annihilated, in their estimation, the influence of political power and authority. Let toe exper iment be made once and we are sure it wHl never be repeated. Infidelity will occupy he seata of justice and ot mrrcv. The Halls of legislation will be filled with a wild croup of dieorderly and chimerical visions. The dreams nf v4nhilosophy will lake the place of the dictates of moral and religious truth. Improvement and retnement will be held out in prospect, while oe generacy and degradation are experi- enced in tact. A new era 01 rajjeu. rntion and blessedness will be preach ed up by th disciples of falsehood, whiltuw nioisier. huh. nounceing the approach of debasement and misery. The relalition of pub. lie principle will speedily spresd its baleful eflecu over the lowest condi tiun of private life. . The abolition the public establishments of religion will be followed by the subversion of public tranquility and happiness. Vile men will be rialtedt and the wicked will walk on every aide. The demor aliiing contagion of profanrness and prodit scr. will extend through all ranks hi she cownauaty 1 and .11 the parade of laws .mi peoclamati". will oot Jt able to preserve the boundaries of per tonal honor and fidelity entire or in. violate. Iter. JoMJuicLcth. raoai var vtraa n.vstav rostageA the question appears to be agitated in Congress, and in differ cnt parts of the Union, relative to the disposal of the funds, when the Na tional Debt is discharged, why would it not be good policy to relieve the people of a heavy tax, by leaaening the postage on letters and newspapers. Letter postage, although. rated raiher high, can atill be endured the major part of letters being, it is believed, received by men of business, presum ed able to encounter the expense. It is the oewapaper pottage of which we moat complain, and which we consid er ought to be reduced at least oni halt. It ia more seriously frit in the country than in cities, and the whole burden eventually falls on the printers. Thcprices of- weekljrr.untry "paperi are estsblished at two dotlari per an num but in order joindiice people to tke"the papers by mail, the pub lisher are compelled to reduce that paltry sua we-quaier- We believe that the proposed reduction might be made without materially affecting our national revenue, and at the same time be the means of benefiting msny. vhoae usefulness in society is but two rorlv Tecompeuced'-ulntellif;enee is the life of liberty" snd the Prest is, undoubtedly its greatest auxiliary. !ery facility should, therefore, be ottered for an exteosive circulation of newspapers. The National Journal, the principal organ of the Ctay party 11: Wahing: ton City, notice the report current in 1827, and mentioned at the time, in newspapers, ekpecialy in those of-Bal timore, that dunog that year, Mr. Crawford either applied, or expressed his willingness to the party which sup ported Mr. Adama, to serve si Vice president. ,4 This, (ays the Jour nal,)has never yet been denied," and it becomes important to understand whether the statement made at that time-is founded on truth. If not, it should now be denied." We too think so 1 and shall be highly pleased, should the Southern Recorder not consider silence on the subject to be expedient. tuueon iciegrapa. Fortifications. The following are the appropriations made for fortinca lious, for the present year : For Georjre'a Island, Boston harbor, 85,- 000 , Fort Adams. (R. I.) glOO.OOO, Port Hamilton, (N. .) 1 0,000 1 Fort Columbus and Castle Williams, (N. Y.) S-5,000 Fort Monroe, f Va.) g80,000t F Calhounr Va.) S80.000 1 Fort Macon, gSO.QOQ Fort on 0k lland, (N-.C; 89J.CWQ4 Jiir ti6cations at Charlestoo, (S. C.) 000 1 -do. .t- fensacoia.- .uu,uuuj Fort at Mobile Point, '890,000; ISiat- Wood, (Lou.) 83600 Contingencies, 810,000. The sum ot .ub,ouu is ppropnated for carrying on the worn of the Delaware Breakwater. While Bruce, the traveller, one day was at the house of a relation in East Lothian, a gentleman present bluntly observed that it was impossible that the natives of Abyssinia could eat raw meat. Bruce said not word, but leaving the room, he shortly returned from the kitchen with s piece of raw beefsteak, pepper ed and salted in the Abyssinian fash ion. You will eat that, air, or fighi rne be said. When the gendemw had eaten up the rs fVah. fmost wil lingly would he have uteo his words instead.) Bruce falmly observed, ' Now. sir, you will n-ier again say ft !. t !U- ia imjwti'ni ADVICE TO 'APPRENTICES. 1. Having selected yotirpmfeaiioo, -resolve rot to abandon it but by life of industry .rid enterorite to av." dorn it, You will be fcach mor likely to succeed in buioeMTOU have v long studied,"lKan ia ' that ) Low ' but littler . , 3. Select the bett company yoof power to obtain, and let your conver ssrion b on those things whi(H yoa ish to learn, Frequent convtrmioa ill elicit much instruction; " : S Obtsio a friend to aelect for y0i the bett books on morshtyi'mmoy,, end the liberal arts and partkrftrl .y those which treat ofl sour own prgft slon. tt is not the reading , of aims books that makes . man wise, but the treacling of only those which can hi part wisdom. , . . - 4. Thoroughly understand ,wk4 you read take notes . of.aJl.thsi n worth remembering, and Irequeotli review what you have written. 5 Select for your model, the purnt and greatest charaetera, and always - eodesvor to imitste their virtues, ao4 . 10 emulate their greatness. ' Orfierve Ood, attetid hif-wonblp ) and endeavor to set an example of pi ety, charity, and aobriftj to .11 around you. . v v -f r LaronT cotintryi rtiptttjocT"" rulers treat with kindness your fel low apprentices 1 let rour treat' aim be usefulness to mankind i 8. Get all you can bv honest Indus try 1 apend none extravagant!, t -and-- provide largely for old age. 9. In a word, think much 1 act CU ' cumspectly, and live usefully.' J , GOOD ADVICE TO YOUTH. ' From a work by the Rev. Hoses Hildreth, of Gloucester, recently published. ' It is highly important, to young friends, that you early acqoiref and establish habiw of econor.7 in mat-" ters of expeos. It Is'Jmportant to , la tt a! SaW aa fTal ran " tiM ' swaaaaat - J UUI iiwii jrv srva sas w naji aw j uu( auccess in theworld, as well aa to the; -r : rlfarc of a-our country. Youn.eeo- pie are apt to entertain extravigant " and absurd notion, of l.i.festimste their ' Vftjoymema"by cos t .id choose' enjoy menu w h 1 cW .rflL expJusive, and connectedwith display. Bat you rosy depend upost itths' moat vafoable enjoynnen t a r e e'siiH f obtained, they- cost but little money, -and are within the reach of all, of the poor as well ss of the rich. If a per son's design is to secure such privileges and ennyments oul as are connected with virtue, with sobriety, intellectusl improvements, arjd elevation of char acter, he may carry his designs into operation with very limited funds.; It is dissipation, sensusl enjoyments, eniov aa en ts which have .0 good mor al tendency 1 it is such enjoyments at these that cost money, and very ofrett put young persons upon disagreeable and dishonorable expedients to meek their expenses. The truth is, meo'a dispensable wants, wants which their own folly hsve created, or which the absurd customs of society have irapo- -sed those wants are all expensive ft aod they do more than lrrtle-to-prri vent young people rising in the world - -ttt;--n--filureSdiMoursgtir ments, habit, of intemperance; and '" crtmeew -. 7 - t". . sanguine, 1 hoped mankind might be set right. Now that I am very old, I ait down with this lazy maxim, that. inless one could cure men of being fools, it is to no pupose to care then) " of any folly, as it is only making roost for aome other. WalpolZ A New Yankee JVoWon," ThA NewEnglandpedhrs are truly the most iogeniouspeople in the wot Id iti4 said tbf ilney have lately invented a) new ''Notion' for merchaodiz'mg, being no more nor leas, than 44 real Havana Began made of oak leaves, Covered with a slhjht wrapper, of To har. . ,wfc' ',:Av-

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