f . . ' - ' , . ta traded with little rtmor ?ii.v ir irrov crah.e.1- fVOL.MII'. .hi I. fl.4.t u V K it Ms ' 7Tk' WESTERS CAKOUXfliSb phliAti me w dJlar$ per " t""'' "Mil w wumtkii tt Wart tndfftj erntltf paTal ap m. ftimt rtiluilM f'W Piper viU y durontinuttl wtl all Prrnraef trt Mi', t tkt Etlitntfi ditrnum,-r Jin tuliiifipiion rill In rttriml for hit feV fH'ii on '' . ' ' A fdilurt to notify tie NUw ef 4 riih io rfi voniinut, our month brforf tkr trjnrth bo of a yr, f ill 1. toimdtrti at a ntw mragrmnU. . A ty prrion prorur'iKg til toltrnt no mbrri to tkt Cnrvlimcin, ikall hate a jrwntk jwr f T?tit- AJverliing it tba ill UlimnJJrrntJ to tkt tluitor muM it ft pt'ul irtktf will be aUttdtd to. iT The termi will Iw rtnctly ulber. 1 ). W POLITICAL. 1 tuc NvaruLK JUI1DEN l"H PROCLAMATION'. A, a. Tbn PeopJ of tlto iantwl wJld eJ-fnm-rif Brttat, hrior becomf free rwijju w4 iixl',fTJtit Suiet, io tlie iniiMratatrdTnlfr UWoflilibrf, mtM nly c.Mitnufi Ul be wjrh jitrigii fc. ,uii1' thef hn d'Hit or u(Pt-( mw -(, iK:t llu tUuir vr-iifity m tin - U i n iiimullfvtt' I I.i v. 'hev ium. or 1 1 r.-.t nnv hk'1i n'n T Tiii i the qua aotnii III jrtUatUUiuW'r I jMMd . . am 1 . I ( . ., v111 !,'7tJ .inw. iui rc-p-rvnai oiino -i' niuni of llie PrwuiBut,' wiice ihw I ml not before ubwrved, ihat r xiiioii wilnrli Mrwrtftd tus pnini i- . , 1 tfn i ften 1niitto(l, b npewa ry 'upi.M'i'n tU 10 inmiv thr parte i0iri "ry iiwirumvot it'lf. I think M rjj'it t eml! r t rinoye all th . Juuii, U fwe I priicM'd urt'tor In tlid ei ni.m.rf"t taU I hav ufflfrtakra. Ituniij; the varmii .liuwiou, which t!i. . ;aiiHm ol" the quwtionat then-t- it 'if the lejfittifiale pwir f the pr it f m rwwtti f .'lie Unite4l Stat call k.f rrti, 111 rrmer dnf, thi BHrtfd on iihI rrivrtv of lb Stato wan admit tVii.clinlei bv IxRtl aidi, and made , - iL Very Lw nt ak die arftunenti of F ud arit!it n4 U-mnrraU rpo'-tiviyr . la to -iih-r party M mKh "f tU indii- ti . it :l.iin,'and. nf lbtrto rercli, a i4 r.ver beca laawwattMi iu mi coun tn. mf ir ir ince : and ttw ducunioiif ?ie conducted on uitlier haiid,; by manv ol - iiatiioU of the Revolution who were . fc iHliar .with-aitUeirw beeauselbey It I liofii actor and adviser in that great oe ah initio. . Nay it uaod lx bo Uien - .mtended br either rty, that- t he - retainer by lh-tat of hir-,rimi-tiv rrto of avereignty,eatjrd the ne Cit for the thoa new Wdersl Cofif itu- " 1m. R.it "like M jWoS m'ick " aov ' m cinzttnut fffa'andtTiA hew Cofl'' if Piiltti'ji.ina, -havini ymnior and of oire wiier hcada, have of lata dicjvr rf t it all ttiis wa a miftakc. The futhnab!e A)etrinei of the ptei day.'aeefnatn be.thafTlrtf ttattt ftf tr rrrc toetrtif ; that there wan, from tk lf ginning, tne great Central S imr fs-l'ireri,bidtnj,aomehew.3telli!l in ihf tcveral Slate, of which they were ' ai ijtt!i, and all their peoplo liege. Is i'.uirtion of tbi new doctrine, the Pro vla.tm ion aay, tliat " in pur colonigd slate lin "Ujh dependent upon another power, vry early connidtred ourselve a con tc! ti'il by common intafnut with, each oth r. I!gtie wefts formed for common d f'Tx e ; and before the Declaration of la-d'lK-.ndence, we were knowa In our acre- Bate chumcter nf the' United Cojooie of .4 !?ric!". That dociBive and niMrtanintep .- 'aouketi i..ntilv. Weileclared ourselvei ',: iuIkmi by-.a jutmot by ;,e.erai ctiw" Thn Gxct-odini; caution in which this jiaKMije is jienned, it intended assertions (uf'lyirhii'j,"!iile !ieeiniiip to harrat (acta, ; dvi-ueillv Ifiav' tor escaie from these d'n-trioe. be thereafter controverted, may .rhii4. xcite the admintton of mindsfra'in 'I rtrHminjr tn the mntet ot diplomacy Lit when finrid m a State Paper, Tftterei b tiic t'tnef Magitrtrute, announced by bmi it,, fi iiig intended for Ihe edification M instruction of those towbnm' ins id. 'tififrir'lnrmrC approba turn of the candid and ingenuous, its obvi ous iHirmiiie io to aHert. as ft ixiliticai doir l, HHt -the revnrted ttilonies brcame ohe t Bnvprrijjn nation, before they severally as sumed sovereignty upon IhemselVe as in 'dimlmil State ; and to prove that the - 8tafp? fieVef Sr loiereign. " But Is tlilr ih dncl rine was in direct conflict with . al. our past omoiona, and in seeming op pwiiiHi to much of ourypast history, it W )iilil not in to blurt it in the public face m 11 uocirine ; reiore h is presea ted fa)iiigly a a simple faot.- ay, it t trnt exhibrteit as a iubsfantive (Set, but in the nhnlrst gui "f a nierj infireiief from hrr facts. I'lu&e.otbnr fact tor), ar gned a elctcd tcftua of auclt bruo4 and general SignifV alion, lbt it w dim, full tjs6t tbir pr .iwi nanin. ' If eiitg tba mxHmrf Inndi'iiry and ef fuel tt tb djclriiie 'id.to be ys4 forlb oahujaWitpiiiy one Jtnn ji truth, uch may imtucdii' Jy be u by ihe sertjofl, thai U in hot aialed a dortrme, Lot ' In4.ncul Ciet raerfly. If it be on. mod u auch'a fact.jt imiy be immediately aii, thai it ! not , i-rt',d a a iiUiaai lire iaet, bat nily a one inferred from others previously Dialed. If tli correct, now of litis inference ir ttrlinnd, then roiumeoces a JicuMion a Io lite lrie manloK of the word employ (id ft tali! he fuel from which the tnpTerr i madsianJ tbi ducuwion, if it convict tba autl.f of error, will alo furiiish bun an axciHn fur aaying, lhal he is uo m:nA r, ml skilled in " njetuphvaH-! xilitlrty," ami thenf'iiT, may liave uvd terms map propnate o toovey, accurately, bis w meaning, which, however, is precisely j yiur, bitl if iheMgm'V'aiHm if the vford etn)loyed in Hti apjmwnt and nimplfimr. rtlive, isoor adinitte I to br lhal in which they are obviously ud, and if the facti themwlvns so taken are coiiredfd.thrn no kgtcal mind csu surapfl from Ihe cooclu siofl derived from vucb f icte, and the inir P'-re of this r0meuT," alt"hlt7 'diiij'inivt ' Ihe ori)iiml sovereign right of lb Stale, i fulty attained. "t 'Hie ingenuity of an argument thul Con st nictcd, mioubtejly hai merit, but it i B-rt Bavh fiKtrtt -inmuim randor fan ere j claim. .. It impose upon ell who way deny it concluioti, the UHoriui tk of unravelling a long tiuo of upMHcd er ror, and when tbry have done so, It po-t (hum o I lie sneer ol having labored to disprove, what, it will Uh ii wj winl, was never kiTiriid' OiilUwtlier Urtd.ifthey part by uch thing unnoticed, they imrne dialely fall into this imare laid f..r them, from ihicli lliey canih.t then easily ettri rate thomtel'. Fcr one, I greatly pre fer Io undertake tho labor, and to ubjecl myself to the socer, than Iff ineur the other rmzird. Then-lore, I wi brinst th whoe of lhn narrative and argumeulalive paaage to the tent of a strict somIvw. It iinportnnee j'tstifvis, its art reiuin: (hi. The object of thuurjiunent, (coiife l in its enwhrion) i to prove, that thf PeS pie of mine of these now I'nitod "fcjl.it while in their colonial male, declared theinwlvpn to be c ation, by tin- ll.-clar atiou of Independence, tiinc 111 170, un der Vhicirihcy b'came. '-OJa Pi'..jil." Thb"necitry alvt inevilabTc'Fult H llu would be, that the I'eoplo having iiinie re Solved tlicia'lv; into inw jNati in, l'lulJ mjt therv'al'ercrcal tliemsi-lfeii into cwf ale and independent ivereijfulio .otW wiaethaa by torce, r by Common con urnt.- Dut a no one ha jeeumeti as. yet, at least to CNMblfiih or Rtt'.vnpt l ictalilish. norereijiily hero, by force, ajrd ai there exists no! th" Blightest biPm irfiil offtiTy common' connent oii'llm part 'id this sup poacd uation, ! it own dismCibbor'iue.ii, therelpe, toe sovereiirnty of tliemt.-s ne 4 ver entld have existed. ""i6 friithor -lift this Proclamation, doet not seem to have bnjwarM.fj.hj (xU-whicbJ ataloL.iu my Wt mimlr',' that ororr tfio Pe I;ira lion of I'l'depeiideuc?, in July Ittfl, the PeopHtjf irginia cortainly, ami ul cer tain of the other colonies, I believe, had severally an independence; in totally dis tolvinjj their firmer government, and or 7.iinln;r rrevr rivemments (r them-rlre reviiecUvelv. ISul, if such a met ban been known to him, it would not have changed the Intended'euVl of hi ciinrTuaiorta i be cmue, as this new Nation ia ait to have bom created by the People, a part of which people the creators of state sovereignties were, their Jaat act. would, of course have abrogated and annulled their first, and so Cut ii cna to me sovereignly wuirn uicv ad created bat a abort tune before. So 1 . .1 : 1. ' l. .1 that the Sovereignty of all the States which had declared themselves sovereign .before the Declaration of ludupendence in July 177ft, is as certninlv aaaull), a the exis leoee oftheoTcnrttjntV if the Slates who had not then declared it, it prevented, by Uje"wm.ijrJUo otihis imLiI..ikcti of our existence as "one nation, , if that fact was true. A matter ra important in its consequences, oohj jtot, and would not he. eiHrt'wq.y'rtrnveTe gy n i any nun. although Ibut man might bo the Preirt.nt; therefor, it becarhe tnilisfjfensibljnicccssa- ryU Wial be should pr.rt-e it llew:eP: the a'tteuVnttttdoso. tLet me: now examine what these- praoC s , ' As tKe object was toprove the existence ofj Natiota, the first step of the proce moat ncressprdy J ...iO-JirnWft.IWi&F-'ft. teiice oracommiiiiitv. Government bring superinduced upmi this iommunitv, t would then become ajDahon, ap far at least as art ft8'Ti7eiiibefs"orfiaf" were- concetneo. The first 'Jwint ne tiroved then, was the cxislence of a .Coin munifv Iborn'ooaed of all ihi peolde who wereafterwaroto" the natiori.i Kow how is this tstablisbed V In our colonial state," ways the I'resi Jenfi "althousb dependent on another pow. er, we verf early cohsldered ourelveav as connected hy commoii interest -with each o infer tlie fcxwteneew a, single rommu have been wlfcled aid jrrofe jnreBu inr-'de of gt'HjfW p Uiii rrertu twuldact vised. " Mark, M social eonnerlHia uf anv ort, is smrmeif M have aetuslly cu.tsl; it is iswly ssii, lhal w Very earlv ''Mj?t thji who tnsy hi Am- what was ihisiiMgioajy. cmoeetioti enri stitutcd 1 , Were we inhabitants of a com mosj territory, the vacant and unoeciipied parts if whii'h were admitted to all T N. Did we pfe llie same rwligwajs faith T .10. 1hj thrr exist any on imtiiulKia, which having been created or prerv'd by all, was therefore common to all? No. Ry what lie I turn did I Ins I'oopU neeader tbemselvr to be com ( Jed, in Ineir coin, nial Mxtef Why, hv t S t ofs siipp wed Common inttrnk. No nun hef! l'rei deirt Js kn,cv-r I Insight of inferring llie evistencn of a cimiiiiuiniy , Iroio rh a fact, which if he believed, to he sulTicinit td prixfilc Oial efjlrt, wuld consolidate, probably, one half lite People lI Die whole world into one Coinmuiiity, and hy so . do. inf would dissolve more Ihau Ihe half of alllhs societies now existing, whose mem. burs'.do not even contitttr themselves a connected by any such tie. Rot perhaps 11 will be said, lhal I d the Prusid'tnt wrung, in Mpposing thai he iiH-aiit fe Ptopti," when he say wi;H that by this pnrsnnut pionoun be did not mean to denote all Ihe Col.Miisfs.lrj "tfit-ir individual, but in the social character which they bad lens, bad, and. which 'wa denoted by the term C'olonie. If so, tliis sentence Itecomrs the simple innunciatiou of s well known historical fact, prolyl bv numerous tirurnenr" in iu r a rib s e,t hat evert in tliir colonial state, the several Colonics cousiderrd themselves as connec Wd with each other hy a common lntere(. Rut a ill luaao ducunsmils while estab lulmig tuis factstsuiiilish also, that this belief of a common interest," was ileitlier designed or ever upoed to anmlgaiimtt the rMurent Colooien, by whom it was en tirLa'.m'd into a single comnmnitv, lut inurely to invite to their en operation, con foueravy and union as distinct inleeiident CommtluiUca, it isuot mv iu discern how from such s &cf the existenoe of a single community could be inferred. ThereTon ai 11 1 as lite use made ot ttie assertion was afterwards manliest, 1 was Isaiod to con aider its in lining to be sucb as i have ta A ; enpiciallv us 1 f.siod this word " we.' in 1111 ad Ir-- of llw President to hi 'ci lOW Oltllltla, .. IIlO X'OOpie. , i-r . :t So much for the fint (Mtipositnth if IhU ''iineia, which ifoaweleredioriiw'U'hf ar asrts atiu'Udirrclly ineofitrnrlrrtion p it 1 oncitisioii ; aiKi if considered in auoili r, aas2nV.o only ii sjoltnoirn- tuet; but one uniinsrtatit if rt cinifcl betuown. . Io which ut-thc lights i-wde.i ied to bt: seen, lot the rulus of liie English fangime, and the co;icluijfi of the argument itself. dutt'riiiiiie, .--.;v Havin iulefred the exlsienee of one griMi pommumiy, compoNed id" all Km Peo. pU-if-4u -.illrent revtifting Cnjoniej, wUiU vet m tneir cohwiai iftafeTjue next stfp ncccseary lo bo lakoo ia the argument Qcsiigncu io.proveiiucir vtscqwii4 i. lenue a one Nation, was, to superinduce a tfotemment upin this grnat communitv ;. w-s 4UUWU suisiui- governnieni, wouiJ indoed be a-niHi'descrrpl. as hombfe in the roilticat, as any oIlDe Tabled imai-ters of the natural world. Here, as before, it would not do Io a Hi r m the establish ment of aay such government, at the time referred to, that is toay iu-ur suWiai state," a a psiitive fact, for this would be in di rect contradiction of the other affirmation, of. our dcouudence on another rowerr of Mich a fact too, there doe not exist anv scintilla of proof in auy of our bistorie or tato pttpers-Ttrerefore, the existence of such a government, like that of the com muutty, was 10 be Inferred. Now from what is this second inference to bo made ,'! Leaguoi, were foi uied for common de fence, says the. President : and as Lea goes can only be formed "by communities. acknowledging some government, author ised to apeak and so to connect for them tf the fact IwxxmcetledVthalXeauea were' tormed by this great community, it estab fames beyond doubt, Tiot ffllity the actdaf ex irrtence of such tr mmuT(fy, ' but of its government too. Rut mark the caution dtsplaved in this assertion also. The Pirsj4ihtre, drci naming each) deputed bv ths Jout doo uotsayr b terms arihlmnrrttll&T Thestr fcr35ues were so lormed, but iiiost ycdulonsly avoid to state by whom or with whom ttiey were, formed. -The cause of his obscurity is notjlilncult to be, ejplaiiv id. If ii had been assorted as tin histori cal CiClr Itliat fa J lieif eolonia I state, the colonist being connected together as one confinuaily. had ii that character, enter ed juto. my 4nwwti4ior&tM tiief conld not have been, proved, simuy lie cause it neither U or could lie tnie, Hut if it had Sbemi saiil, thai these LiatgMCs were f .rmed bjf the Jiff-rent colonies itb, each other, at aeuarato and indepemletit communities; Vn asserting this well kiiowo rrstiricajl truth, asd, to bkproyed by. rrferenc tc the Leagues themselves,9 Piesidenf would have dissolved completcry bis' imaginary great community, anoV with it the goyermnent to regulate tbe affairs uf this supposed NationXav heathen would h wfablished, beyond aiwot.thej separet And mtepeikdftnr existenca of the colonies, as acknowledged bf tbemsHtves, in snchi'ftgww.l . T.ftvpid,thulimoiii, fhe aiith 'T thj( ric,lamMionitioat ran with whiir tbewfXragiios : were evwje- in siuy.werecttrtnudy maiieior "foro. wms to. tsvlwve thni "we" In lhe not seolmiee detwted the Colonials a ImliviJ. u,r, and noi lite Colome as ("omnnirii' lie, will -of eoorw rmirludn, thai thflr Leagm were m.le by the same - w j" with oumn Community foreign to Ihe. stives. .While thuHi tho understand " wen io a diKtmnt aeiiw, will arrive at a conchikiiii) diamrtrietlly nfipfHied Io this. no nun n for the ecoHl member of ibis ar gumeiit, which like tin first, is either tru or (ulw:, accofilii g Io the meaning intend id to be anntxej hy its auihur, to the word "we"mj "our."' , lUmng uJifrnd tbe etlslence of a up pnwnd. Cutmnuuily, 'and "also inferred Sovermneiit for it, in th mode I have t. (-.), 0m imii thing needful, was to bestow a iisme upon i,m intsirt Nstusi. But a it would h.ive leii ditli ull Io infer a name winch muld imi! have1 had any pre v ioiKi iiHtenre, I lie Presidi nl was com pelled Ui stale this nam povitively. Tbcrtftre, he next says lhal before, the declamliiai of imlependence, ,we Were known in our agregale character as The I rnteil t;ous j'LAuie.ticaJ'-- TLa at. teiflpt to infer any fict fr nn any tiame merely, Would be cousiilettd, gejtrrally, isilt'f 11 an muiuptujii lliiyiaii )u(" mucu. Hn'. ioHSer Ihe fai t of a "ingie Nation, Ir an Ihe name of innnr I'nit'jd Colonies, or of my--("oloiin (Jnite-.l, whrther in AnHviea or any where civ, is not only a gritmdlr SFiuinpiion, ftrt a pl-iin perwr sum of the nn'auiiig 1 f .uurdn, uuleas L'ui ir 4 ami tAn:wliliird.. The., 'resident seem in htve beci aware of tula, there fore in doaaay, so iar a be could. Die etS-ct of hi own strong words I'm ted t Itaiies, uwdajiairutly to shew, tlml Hie Colonies wore united ami not couaolnlaird ml.. ofie"4nss or N .it Ion, lie I; 11 us, tlml 'we wrre kiK.wn in our agertgute rkur nrr by this name Aliho' 1 1 aauotlu-l,. 1 viidenng this phra.e " ugregats char :i tfr." a ery iufvlKtU.4i,: Heitillv w(eji applied jo . UuilC J CoJoiUM, vl I ficcly udmit, that the excuse of the Rlic toncian, may bo found iu the nccesaity the Pntiannao employ it. I here w.'re two differing parties interested in the rrnttcr, b we desirous 1 1 plej bolli, tberIW, from tiie br ginning of hi arguinent, br bad Ued tcrnis so general, that either niiM ijiply then fo. their wn i.le ; but wh. n he came lo'givs ft immhi W -his Na Hun, he found tliatso clearly ' imlienting 1 lint it wan not one consoliduted ma; but loatiy dmt met. uiaswes wnited, merrtyj-tt' w.i itecessary t weaken the force of this. H"nee, lie tells us, that although we were united by name, yet in character we were aggregated, lhat'l to aay, Ciiusiliduftd. Fi"in what source the PreaiJent uiav have deriviMl hi iiifortrmtion-Tis to nggre irate -ha racier, except frouuiu uanie, -,1 kuow jiul. . . Rut if his iiifvrinaiioQ as toj air characferis is inaccurate a,ii: rep reeeulaiiai d nur hmj but httld reliauce should )e id to it. ' I have bi fore rrm.h u.opLuf-Uie-JUfnid,uf the firat -CwHgreea, whil h nu t at "tlie l arpeutora llalj. jb (lifi Cify orrhlladeTpIiia,, ou ilonday thf 5th day of September. 1771." In this first and most aulhnntio document which any one can consult, to discover timer their name or character, at that dayK both the ene- B' d tna other is thus described, " w the Delegates of the several Colonies of New Hampshire, 6w. sc. (naniuig each) dopuad l rwireseoThem irt ' Cflntiriohtkl Caigress." Under this name, and in this character,' was their first greet act is A- sociutMn entered, into, for non imorta lion, mm consumption, and. uoii-exporla tion, and recotiimeiidcd ' to the ProviutSial Conventions, and to the Committees id th respective Colonics," to be carried into ef fed bv thern, Under tho name and char actor of ' the Delegates appointed by the several hnglish Colonics of Sew liamn shire, Ate. naming eacb) to . ctmsid,' tlieTf grToliariicea ''ja "Cfeuefat Congress," was their next great act, tho AddreBj ,o the reuple ol Ureal Hritatn, uttered. - tin deT ths name and character of," we., the dologates of the Colonies of New ILtuip- iohafttffM1if'nh resent them 19 a generarCongress, to commit logother, otor was the tlddresa to the inhabitant of tbe Province f Quebec, out forth. Under ihe xuunis and cliilracier of Vie, vour Majesty's fu'itlifut subjects of the Colonies of New flampshirei deca T " 1- - . W li L L .li 1. I. . ,1 - " - Tjiftming eachT ih behalPof o-irselvcs -and of tlie inhabitants of 'these (ioxiieti?jvhj tva ve deputed es toeprert thftriTiw efr-'" "ratt'jeC' .Jtit Lth.e-Ad4ress to ihe King adopted, which was the last act of I !.&Cf4W4WW aM,pauwti dMy?. first 1 ongress. In short there f amiot be found t sioglo act of the first Cinnress, in wliich that body denominateif , itself asl iaMmea CUutues tT .Anjrartcar.r. rt which its members denominated them selves' i delegates of or to any body of tltat oiime . ho far front it, an toeje acts shew, upon their very bee, that fttey were the acts of uidividiin Is,"4 representing re gpectvely noi one, bur several constituent bndun, and 4bs-mdividitoiathe fep - resenati; . bf Mich constituent bodiea, rwpUvelyy were said to be assembled i, a graerai Vottgrcss,, iiinimr prml ot eery first rufe established to reeiiat the pfoeeeifirss oflhis t ongrws,' was iliirt ia detrmuiinf jieiiopa, each CtAtoy n i'ro vines shouM bare M Mite, w(hsj any rlerenr to the number of b dde. galea present, or of its thpnrtance in any sense whatever. Upon such evidonce, I '.think hivsiilr justifieil in saving, fhataltho at s.soe sub cqtietil period, it may ponaibly be found, that the delegate muted in a general Con. gresa, in soroe rf ihir onlmary procee'. ings, atal for brevity's sake may fierhap have spidien of Ihcrnselvr as the ih lejti of Ihe United Colonies, . yet in all tliir .lc mn set they ar dilH repily deKriVd. T)iu 111 ths iikwI iriipcrtaiit psper' r.hkb they could ulter, 111 Crfruiiiwiut) to Gn. Wa4iingloj a Connnandi r' in t'hv-f, grmiti-d on the 7th June, 1775, thxr style lliemselvrs," Tbe Delegate UtO Vuited Colonies of New Hampshire, Ate," (nam ing each as before) and by that htrrwj rd 111 that character grant to him a If (he rights and aullmritiea which he then ac ouired. Then lore, the President seems to have as lulls ground, (r bestowing this new name oftl.a I'nin d (Vloiues of Ainrr ica, upon all Ui n vi.ln d Colonie or CoJ. iNHt t tfJbai Jcy jus ha hit to bestow waon the Colotiist any such ajregstp rharac ler as thai under ubich hs ia suppuasal W assert lbs they wee then koown.--si Whetlier by lbs declaration of ludcpen- peiirleiice, utfeed lit 1770. either the mawner tit whirji -"that Ttectslvft'arfJ' trif' IM.rtaiit step was taken or in tMJan gnage of that instrument ,w we declared ourw lves a Nlfiw,, and w ohnujll or prevented all (he sovsreign rights of lbs Elates, is a qutiou 1 hiaild have emtrn im d ui ton iiuml?r, except (r the reason 1 have Is ,re staled,. Rut, Mr. Kditor. I h'.,vi. already wcupieil mi tnu-h of vour irpace, that I must not intrude us.n it at present, farther tl.au Io say, that this dc cluraifon, Is ing dm first act which occurx in our liiitmy, iku luii bo, nr oppmd 3'iiivil any of ihe Sover iii riht of lale, u nuiMiie eaamioatiou 'rondo a part uf.Uiy origin! fdan, whkh will be prosecuted in my ucxt iiiimber- A VIRGINIAN. NO. 4. . The Declaration olludiipsjiulcnrs uttered IH776", was considered, at thai day, us the niot iniporthiil act which had evur uccurrod in this Cvooiry, and subsequent Uru muu4 wKikeoed .u.M)MttiiMnt it waVtlif a. iou-nied to incijlcaiev..Vatill ootinufl Io com.momorate it annuHlly: 00 the da vol 1 Is diiffj, wheu ajl llie cUoujos oft Uiese now r'aiire1 elialcs, join with one ac cord, iu bumble ailuratiou and thanksgiv ing to that Uivmc l'ron(enoe,undfr, whose, pruteclioa, the. great truth rtrannuuncc wers afterwards piaiiitaiivd . ami catnb lifted. Rut if the edi ct of. ihuDoclar liutv to touaoTidaU -all Ui then Cokv nies, by whose rcpresenUIives it was made, as cm nation, and totrmalgiiuiate t'.i'eir 'id. bun-wnts into Oitauwlisv" Jibe Fourth dav of July, instead nf bring celebrated k a jubilee, would prulauly be rpeul iiwcli amir appropriately iu wt-epmg and wailing. Wiui ucb the true nature end Httended ef feet of this Declaration t This is tho quels. tior. I prossie now 16 examine. . J . r" .In speaking of this IWIaralion, Ihe President say in hi Procbuualion, utht decistf eaud important step was taken joint ly. We declared ourselves a Nation by aJjoinU not ly several acts." It is obvious from ibis passage, that its jutbof defied (0 es'ablish the existence of a Nsti4i, not loss by the inauncr in which the Declara. tion was made, than by ilia actual asser tions of this instrument itself for n t sot. udiod with stating ibat this step-was takes jointly, he adds, that by such aluint Set we declared ourselves a Nation, l will examine into the truth of each of these assertions, before I give" my owa views oi' the subject. w . , A joint act, ex ti termini implies )he co-opruai.of-aoMraisgemsby.-wtvwe united and joined agencies Jl has been produced.. Ileuce, ,u -wiiuld be -a - very great wdeclsi'M,; !(b.snfk.uy acl done by one lueiit ouly,: as a joint act, and thore- Cre. 110 corporate acl. is ever oreoerlv d r sctibc,dA ntihtf. jomt;iuruf-Cporitioii 1 - a t- a ' 1 " . many members; for5 ui! hough 'the mem bers may be many, the Corpomtiy n ft but one and the act, if a corporate act, juNt be performed by that one body only, tit is wot every act etlccted by tbe co-opcra . r . 1 1 . . . 1 1 . I V I tionof several agent boWovet , that is . d . . Si properrylcrmedtt- joinCact -Recause al- ,k..i. ,u:,iAj ...c,.......;. 1 . il .... .. lll'-Mlg'H W.I..UQ.VI. ' . ... J' IITTE "II4- bef pi its authors, every, single act accoin pushed by fhr co operatiop tr several a'gotits, must ho their joinC act vet cou- stoered in- reforehce twls"tntendcrfrJntts; as tlies may bemaqy, and attach to all, to oach', or to some only of its agents, 'the act is' reirarded as either bunt or several. rm ( j, v. --JU -1 sbcardiiig t lite nature ef these inHnded effects. ,.Uut i the intent of the act, cart- not possibly be inferred from the number Of agents co-operating to its actomptish- ment, while it is admitted, that several as well as ioiot effects intiv and da result aren from a joint act, the rwtureof such on tjei teo only bo aarta'uiai from tKa intentjpn of the agents. Thin iutention' must al Wiis bo sought for, and neVarfy, is best munUcated, in Ibe .K'tiration .f. ihe peciallf hO these rVelsralioisi are, tit. tered in fhe aft ifr!f, ! uf cuuri-a a) lli unm iJ serfoinuog rr,'., . J , . . , If these s)sj in proportion, which evsrw. Tyro has hitherVi sckiw.wlrdrd to bw true, are still dmiUd to'Jy rrr-r( it will tni found dilTrull fertsinly, nay iii-i sibfn prolsjl.l) , to reojs-cile ibein with lh aase'riiiawof lis Presiileiil, wbert lb iff tl intruded to be prNloed fy lhj) s.r tion is'retoeaibered. The obj. I irtfiew in making ibe ruMertesvs t i rota Ii er by, that by virtue of Ih Dot UrslKSi of liMcpendeiare we ackre.wleiled oUfM-lvv Io be i Nation. Ilence, tbe Prewtdriit say M lhal decisive and Imtsirtaul ti was taken jointly." Sim, i, by ibis ho m&sn to y, rm-ret) , that this decluraln4 was ihe work of many prrssi roeperaU u.(- lo prtsluce it, noottr iu whit cbnr cir they acted, hfi ru a del, so un important to Li purp nd o km S , evsry mis, lhl it naJiy wen aln i Iu dicrnus to utter it with sucb supsn ut urav. dy, if imlerd it waxiK-cMs-ar) Io state it at all. Rut If he nuau lo be'uiHleraiood, a as-ertiiig, ilsttf (bis d-xtarutn.fi wa- rli. joint acl of l!e rrprSseiitajivM of any sin- gin tnij, pre? .iuijr iowu as v.n.uen wMltn-trrskm.-brsidei ttin hlsfr mmS) efV ror cotumiitpd, be states wls( rttunl b urt murUigibls all, except to those wt.a cai comprehend bow aov ili body ran it' any joint art. t sti-stld hav l;B di-jjicd to coumderibis srTrtence; a mere "iTiae. rurjry;cJtiurrpy 'lo"p7ecIpiinte buiu ' " which imi suie pnir waa pruruifiy pr- pared, and therefore, to have pasm A. it by uiuToUcr,lout that it ia in xaei l pinf silUall tlxv prvtou prtAf ihis errj. ment, and tnoTeoveris in .I'lbeinnce rrp a- ied more tmprei-iTr,T, in the n xt acritnicft wherein it (ssaul, iImI " ac dclsred, our selves a NoiHft Ly a joint not by jrvrral acts, nw, if ws were a Nation belors) the Declaration of lndepetidence waa ui- tered, (a it su the puqioveof all the re- vtuu parts ot this a roomful toprove,) would have been imptsrsibld for us as a Na hion, o proclsim this futt anv Joint act: ami rf rs.-lore-tbtrt event incurred. w- w;r not a Nation, but scpsratr coininuuit r "I iudiiiduaU, it seems ditheu't locoin ctvr, hot wo whether the Ciiloninor C d M iiti could have declared oUMclvea a a Nisa, by any ritlierthan evrralBi't'1. ' I lie reason isf all tills mvitiCcitlon and appajenf ab-sdrdity will be obvious when w conie l citisi'ler llie det laratinntictujlly hnmI tu ths fkcUraiiijii of lutleix itdci- iisclirH-Ws-.sbktt iftM fliid.'iliwt th x 10 flrumeot, rnsiead it pr homing li t '.'o- " onies to be one Nath-a, oW lured ileo. to be "fits and iudeiieodeol Suim? in l rm . . nnoce, ss 11 was nupokrii.ie to inier tin ex i.sujuce ot uoo uuiuii turn mm b term- i - -, hich this idea! is o'pUiulv abd ixihi'iv. ly uegaJvedrttHKrl wa had to tbe nraa. net m whb thii. Tlccuifatioii. Jas made; . , and we are told, that decisive and in por taulstep was ink'nr jointly, "uri 1 at 'WW -:- dectnrefj purst'Ives $ Attvt,l y ajpi'.,M"t.... by , tevirol act" a if the plain eit Ai ous mean ing of the act iiw If, rould be chsn. ged by aay sucb xlrinsic (uixmtaMs). IJiavc now. doutt wtlu tho- i.al -4 iltft argument of llie Prr SHof", thft desfgi "f which is to show, ttutt these bltr nevtr wore Bnvereign,iu shewing that fbeyjoa -stituted but part of another suertL(iity. called the nation. I will now proceed lo give my account of the declaration of in deptwlcucl ; and (herein to alatevmy il as of it eflects upon tlnr seventl. joities, who by tocif represeniatives, wrs tartios to that inatramefit. .The true nature and intended cfct of the Declaration, can sever be xinderat tod frem a-consideration of 1ln liuumer ia which it was executed, merely. Wheth er' KjWas firoduced by the agejK'y ol on -only, or by the, joint agency d'iii iny, or by the 'several agencies of difrsreiil persons Co operating t the same wndi is of lints) Consequence, Its object arid tutended ef ieolsutDu'at be inferred from- its langfiage-," - altliough if that is ambiguous,- these may very properly be souzht for.in.extr ttic u pireumsf ances of any kind, whether tin), t- rcumstandes are Fajnih in the irianncr of tbe execution of the inslruinoiH, or in any eeiri-end judgefrorn Its CouteTtf-(if its end and ohject, before we attempt to discover these liM iq any other way. " Whnisoexaminerl, the 'Declaration of riiihipenilence seems to be a manifesto, ad dressed to the world, that is lo sav, to the civiSz!d world, designed to inform it, of tlie pr-e xistence of , new event inter est uilo. Bumaojty, and-of censes end errruto stapces which had occasioned . the .occur, rence ot this new fact. Like the Msntfes. ta that taoerally aocomiaiiiesor immedt aferyToIlows every tpodero Declaratimi of War, which in announcing the new rela tions of the belligerents, and narrating how these have been produced, it so contains a tirmlier apiett lobtfi States, aud io " posterity,' for the justification of those by whom this new staftj1- of thing has le-eu mads pecesxary. Considered irithi light it asserts nothing but what 1tad previiaisly eiisled, although ,but , receutly ; and it ohjeeiiteonfuied la ihe- justiflcation-of -that pre-existing state of things which it so announce. If this was its ptfrpoue, it canmit be eimsidercd as creating piy nei itiniqimtty, as-ordaimug any now ovora s 1 . I 4, r- ' 4. I -.1;'. -r ! ; :i srsj f t saw isA - i et i--jrrr-5c i -""!. " "'

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