.R. 'UK 1 -Western llTURDAY, ER 7, 1833. -Caro a. ujir nv MS aT iho IVciJen, f ift,,- ' 10 both ltmii.. . iL . .. L. tjr-Tliinl Congress. fiLtow-CiTirm On IVo Of Tlir RrnATB u IJou.i or IUpreientatm i me Mined M.ici have conf.,1,,1 . I t t...: lating for th RrattiUte vot i'Y the favor 0f j, (irmi.. ir Rrattitair vou 0n th, h. " .? " plewire lo .on- Hnil iin O our h. I..l ............. Mi IWi.... l -;"-" " aee rei. .s.k'I.r''. ""J ihe lab, ,.r . '"V ." " our . iwlr.ncf crown t ! r m a. I ... '"ih nd icr., . I' i ' ' . . . '""'"" nilury '""i 1 nO If tiitw.rnl.t.. iL .. P"'u it h, the1 I yTlions, lOITie. tfrrVi t . ! i . '"'""if7 inj! 11 hot rk fr "d.hipt and l.brrl in-.rsr With all "'' niirdHi,,,, . . .L .... lk r.ihr con 7'n'5 "d respect which 'ue lo the ck 4,1 thr Amrrnan People, and - ' Policy o juS( ""J ' CDngrmul to the spirit of ih4 Ju'uti.' . In bringing ' Vur notirr thr -trt'cti'ar 4te of our Y -'t'?n - Titr -ff'-rdi mf "tifica'ion m iuform yuu thai thercc in a con'l",n which nrnmie the cootiiiiiiticc ' cf frenrtuhip with jjl Nation. HithOrrai Hrirjin, tl.c inifrrsiing fjuestivp pf .our Jorlii riirrn rfrmnrtn-'y rc"nVTh Mn"'un'l- cidrd. A nrnrintiun, however, upon ht nljerf, hni tern rrnrued lime hc clc of the laM fi.nrr ; and a prurMM,:iioo hai bcrn sub. roitttd tj the P.riiiih ; i rnmen:, with the virw of et.. Ilihm, in r- nformny v ith ihe 'rtuii n of the rVrmr.the Hoc drsinmea by the Treaty of 7H. Though ro di finite un&wcr ha been rrc'ued, w mav tr Uilv t. ok--d lo, ami I entertain a liope tht the ovi iture mav ultimjitly lead to a atUfjctory artjutm nt of thin imp rtant matfr. I have the .tfif inion t' iri'rrm yoth.t a nrgoriation which, If dciire of the House of rprcni:-t;vt,wj r,pni. ed, mm vr ao, with the V,riUh f Jovrrnme nt, for thr "tT c, oni.ijit-hmn- rn the Raha'.n:m,l a been inccen : v-The vt ok, when completed, together with thae 'I Y United S';ite have eonitnirtd on tV wtatern ;K;'.Jp rWf'.'Culf of Florida,!!! con'ri-te mert'ially to .4 .T. P'K'OI o mat tea, i r-yaiiaprfrrrTpafmn in .VI?A1iJWl,r beneficjal to cm- tncrcfc, U-worthy of two cnliglitrned Nat!oo, and indicate Ver, that the dodumenu, ,It fieceaiary lo Kate, Ipiurcd, condemoeJ, or burnt cept certain liota of veje eiamination and liquidation at tea, proper to facilitAcd in the itipulallnna of the Con. of the reclamation cje aixth article, France engaged to vcmion, and which JTiter Ptatea by the intermed'ury of communicate to tfcpritcdy appfitd for by the American the Legation, thi under ioatruciioni from-thi overn- harge de A IT been comrfluokated and thl detay, It li ment, have Bill oereatarity prevent the completion of the -apprehendeyi to the Commiaiioocrs, withia the time at du'iea aatrihed by Iw. p'eient lona for delaying to communicate theie document Thlxcn explicitly stated, and thi ii the more to be hayfrd. a it ii not understood that the internoaition of Chambers ' 10 nX rnanocr required for the delivery of e paper. nder tticae circumtancea, in a eaae to important to the Intcretttpf our citirn, and tr the character of our country, and, under ii)ppointmei4( o utieipected, I deemed it my du'v, hoevtr I might reipret the genera! asturances to hirh I hve adverted, no longer to deljy the appointment of a Miniilrr Plenipotentiary to Pari, but to despatch him in k-uioii to communicate the result of hit application to the Trench (Government at an early period of your aetaion. l accordingly appointed a diatinguithed citizen for this pur poe, who proceeded on his miaaisn in Auguit lat, and was preaented to the King early in the month of October. He is particularly initrucfd a to all matters connected with the prrf rjt posture, of affairs- andl -iadulge the- hope, that; with the representation he is instructed to make, and from the dispositions rnanifested by the Ki g and his Ministers, in their tecent assurances to our M'mistrr :st Piis, the subject will be early considered, ai 'I f.nt is( uctcnly disposed of, at the neat met fig of tlve.ChamLcra. A thw su'ijrrt involves inportsnt in'r"?, snd hss at tracted a considerable ahare of ihe publie att'-iitinn, I have deemn'l it pri prr to make this enplicit statement of it actu al condition ; and should I be disappoin'cd in the hope now entertained, the subject will be again brought to the notice of ( ongress in auch manner a the occasion may require. The friendly retati ns which have always been maintained between the United States and Russia have been further ex tended and strengthed by the treaty of navigation and com merce, concluded on the Gth of December last, and saactiba rjl hy the Senate Ixrfore the close of its last session. The ratifications having oeeoncXxhanged, the liber! provis os the treaty are now in lull lorce ana. oncer the eft- tons y-X yM"p Mch rohave.t JwppyonHnnce-jjo - ' their PtVaKitlonsjJt (s gratj.f j jogta, the Jieoda of lioth percerve'tbat tfie mtcrcoune between the two People i becoming daily more extensive, and that aentimtHta of is-t- "'MMuii uumi I. "".. wnMininrnrjconamon n'ui--i"Fifi'ait uttoic nuo'tci on escn aide, not only unsettled quesijons may be sattsf t rtorilv tcr minntel, rnt nesv tmpi f m-iunderstanding pr t vented.. Notwithsta-nd'CTth'r ! -Wntttae w: rcrrive thi r mast ami-' cable, assurances from tne ('veipme.nt of Fran.;e, and thai in all otbtf res-ettlK-mwtfriemllrcblions c ii.st between he-rmtrdt-es-imrr tharOoTrnnifnt'V'io'JFYcctftrd'' that the atijidhiions of the Conveutiui t j'ldudct n the 4lh Julv, 1831, remain, in some import int part, m. fulfi'led. J?v the teconcl article; of jh?tC.o.m;cnuto,.it )sk aiiuLted tlfialt the sum payable to the I'nitrd St'ifs .tuld he paid iit Tans, in,slvaunualJnulnuai,-iotj the hands rtf s'uch"per- tonr pera-os as should be autlv-riied by the (.lovernment of the United States n receive it ; and by the same article 'the first IflsTiln'uiifw'j jykLTc on thc"5l duy oU February, "r833. By the "rt or f'oni;rcss of the nth July, 1833, it "'was"made the duty of'tHe-iVeiiuy of tT,e"Tre?snry to cause several instalments, with the iuuicst thereon, to be reo ived front the French IJovernnwM, and transmitted to. th inited States, in such manner as he may du'm best : and, In- the same Act of Congress," the stipuL'tons o; flu? p;irtof the United States, in the (Convention, were in all respects ful filled. Not doubting that a Treaty thus made and ratiti";! ly the two (Jovernments, and fattHfullv executed hy the I '. Htates, would be promptly cr.mplied with by the other p-rty, and desiring to avmd the rsk nd expense of irtermedi'ite apcncici. inc occrciarv o live -1 tcitsutv i rrn ru n wjvisaoie to .receive and transfer the firt instalnu-nt by means of a tiratt upon tne T rencn Minister oi 1 inance. cirait nr this purpose was accnrdingly drawn, in favor of the Cashier of the Rank of the United States, for the amou nt accruing to the United States out of the first instalment, aiad the inte rest payable with it. This bill was not drawn at Washington until five days after the instalment was payabl at Pari, and was accompanied by a special authority from thir President, authorizing the Cashier or his assigns to receive the amount. The mode thus adopted of receiving the installment, was of ficially made known to the French (Government by the Ame rican Charge de Affaires at Paris, pursuant to instructions from the Department of State. The bill, however, though not presented for payment until the 23d day of March, was not paid, and for the reason assigned by the French Miuister of Finance, that no appropriation had been made by the Irench Chambers. " It is riot known to me thst. up to period, nny appropriation had been required of the Cham bers ; and although a communication was subsequently made to the Chambers, bv direction of the King," recommending that the necessary provision should be made for carrying the Convention into effect, it was at an advanced period of the session, and the subject was finally postponed until the next meeting oi me onamoers. couragejnent which they have received, a flourishing and in creasing coaamerct, yielding ita benefits la the eDtcrprue of both cations, affords to .each, the jut,rccrunpcae oX wise metiorrs, and adds new mutivea lor. that mutual friendship which the two countries have hitherto chtitaned "toward each the?. "- '2 rJ.'.nrL-' -I .V.-(- pltslTurds. me peculiar at'sfactiow to state that the Govern rnmt OT fpatn Tras at ttiijin yietireu to tn jmiwi t"-i-! which have been so long urged in behalf of our citiJi ns, and. has xpresi4 a wiILagac. m iruvidaaindcouiuicauyn, as soon as the jroper amount.san.be .?.!"' t. J up ju .Upon thi latter point,- it ts pmhaMe an nodciTMnriing had takctr place between thr- Master of the- i Jr.Tr4 Hraes and - the rpan isft (loverununt, Ijclore the decr.iT t '.he late Kuig of!Spain4 and, unless t'nat event may Iwvc tlc!.yed it completion, there is. fcjs.00 to .hope, tiiavit may .be iu my power .to a-nouwee lo you, eaTty; in ;j; 'nurprjrstrnt ,t;s5iqn,.,Xn!; :cor,clusvon:ot Jt con VerVtion" upon terms not lrs favorable tlin t!ose entered in to for uoailar objects; with other .nations. . That act uf jus tice Would well accord with the chur tctrr of tpaiu, and is due to the Un'te'd'Ptafes from their ancient friend. It could not fail tostrengirtrn the STTt'iments of nmity antf good will bet w'rrrj Ihe "two' hit rntnr, whrch if is sft'rhucft the wfsh ofthe United States lo chlrih, aud to truly the interest oi Loih to maintain. By the first secion of an Act of Congress passed on the 13th July, 1832, the tonnape duty on Sptniih ships arriving from the ports ol Spin, was limited to the duty payable on American vessels in the ports of Spain, previous to the 20lh ( (ctober, 1817, being five cents per ten. The act was intend ed to give effect, on onrhiet"to an arrangement made with the Spanish Government, by which ducrimiaating duties of tonnage were to be abolished in the ports of the United States and Spain, on the vessels of the two nations. Pursuant to that. arrangement,-which was carried jotolTect uu the part if Spain, on the 20th of May, 1832, by a royal order, dated the 29th April, 1832, American vessels in the ports of Spain have paid five cents per ton, which rate or duty is also paid in those ports by Spanish ships ; but as American vessels pay notonnage duty in the ports of the United States, the duty of five per cent payable in our ports by Spanish vessels, under (he Act above mentioned, is really a discriminating duty, operating to the disadvantage of Spain. Though no complaint has vet been made on the part oJf Spain, wc arc not the less bound by the obligations of good faith to remove the discrimination ; and I recommend- that he Act be- amended accordingly. As the royal order, above alluded to, includes the ports of the Balearic and Canary Ulands, as well as those of Spain, it would seem that the provisions of the - Act ol oongress anoulu De equally extensive ; ana tnat tor tne re vessel or their cargoei may be modiled or discontinue d at those lalaods, lotimatiotia have been given to the rpamaii Government, that the United States nay be obliged to resort to such measures as are of necessary self-defence and there is no reason to apprehend thai it would be unfavorably re ceived. The proposed proceeding, if adopted, would not Uk permitted, however, in any degree, to induce a relaxation In . ir ' i . . ir . . i . r -i. ! I. tne cuons oi our iwinisier to cneci a repeal oi mia irregula rity, by friendly beg6cialion; and U might acrvr to give force to his representations, by showing the dangers to whi .lt that valuable trade is exposed by the obstructions and bur thens which a system of discriminating and c juntcivaiimg duties necessarily produces. The selection ard preparation of the Florida archives for the purpose of beii g delivered over to the United States, in conformity with the royal order, as mentiooed io my last an nual message, though in progress, has not yet been comfit ted. Thil delay haa been produced partly by causes which were unavoidable, particularly the prevalence of cholera at Havana j but measures have been taken which it it believed will expedite the delivery of those important records. Congress were Informed, at the opening of the last sessroo, that, " owing, as was alledged, to embarraroeota in the fi nances of Portugal, consequent upon the civil war in which that nation was engaged, payment had been made of only one instalment of the amount which the Portuguese Govern ment had stipulated to pay for indemnifying our citizens for property illegally captured in the blockade of Terceira. Since that time, a postpooemeot for two years, with interest of the two remaining insralmentswas requested by tlie Por tuguese Government j and as a consideration, it offered to stipulate that rice of th' United States should be admitted !.. n i .1.- .im- .In. .-a a It r n- ili .in riri Ilirinc satisfied that no better anangement could be made, my con sent was given and a royal order of the King of Portugal was accordingly issued on the 4th day of February last, for the reduction of the dutv on rice of the United States. It would give me pleasure if, in speaking r,f that country, in whose prosperity the United Statea are so much interested, and with whom a long subsisting, extensive, aod mutually advantageous commercial intercourse ha strengthened the relation of friendship, I cculd announce to you the rcstora-. .. tion of Its internal tranquillity. Subsequently to the commencement of thi last aeision o; Congress, the final instalment payable by Denmark, Under the Convention of the 28th day of March, 1830, was received. . The Commlswonerafor examining te 'rmnate'd tJbcTHa h'ave been paid at the Treasury a they have been called for. The justice" render-. ed to our ciu-iens by. that Government, izbua-rortipieteJ, and I pledge is thereby alfvrded lor-4l maintenance ot thai. friendly ioiercouAtf&rrmpr.e relation that the two n tjgnaaulvvtty ticar lb each other. ' It lausuciory to mlorm you .that tne uaaisn uovern- ment have"receotlr1ssued"n ordinance by -which t"he rem- "viu niin mv miuu ui m. tttii i hoccu Ob m more lllt eral fuoliag than.hcrctafote. - -.Tlvia t ban-miini - fH . pxavtbcncficial to the trade between the . United iSuua aiuL. that colony 1 and the advantages likely to flow from it may lead to gi eater rclaxatiuna in the colonial . system of cither 1)411(1113. l'he ratifications of the Convention with the King of the" two Sicilies, have been duly exchanged, and the Commit- . ir -l i . j 'i iHtuci ippuimcu iui amininj uic iiainii unurr 11 ti" teeed.upcto the duties assfea to them by Taw. rhe friend- ilnp that the interests of the two nations require oi them be ing now etiiabliahedy uniayLhul tlva4tK-will enjoy the btfrcfits; which a liberal commerce should yield to .boih.,..' "A treatv of amitv and commerce between the U. States nistry, that the financial stipulation: carried into effect without an appropriation by the Chambers, well as to the rights of our citizens, to treat the.Convention . . . inade and ratified in proper form, as pledging the good faith of the FrenchGovernment for 'TtTexecuiton, asToiposing up on each department an obligation to fulfil it j df"Thave received assurances, tnrough our Charge de Affaires atPans, and the French Minister Plenipotentiary at Washington, and more recently through the Minister of the United Ststes at Paris, that the delay has not proceeded from any indisposition on the part of the King'and hia Minister tHulfd the treaty, and that measures will be presented at the next meeting of the Chambers, and with a reasonable hope of success, to ob tain the necessary appropriation. . payment of such duties as may have been improperly recei ceived, an addition should be made to the sum appropriated at the last session of Congress for refunding discriminating duties. As the arrangement referred to, however, did not embrace the Islands. of Cuba and Porto Rico, discriminating duties, winter, and re- and Belrium, was concluded during the last 1 cen ed the '"sanction of the Senate j but the exchange of the ralificntions lias hitherto, been delayed, in consequence, iir thefnst instance, of some delay in the reception of thetrea ty'"if Brtisiels, and, subsequently, of the absence of the Hcl eian Miiiister of Foreign Affairs, at the. important conlcien ics in which his Government is engaged at London. That treaty does but embody those enlarged principles of friendly policy, which, it is sincerely hoped, will always re gulate the conduct of the two nations, having such strong motives to maintain amicable relations towards each other, and so sincerely desirous to cherish them. With all the other European Powers with whom the United State have formed diplomatic relations. a'nd With the Sub lime Porte, the best understanding r re vails. From all, I continue to receive assurances ot good will towards the U. States assurances which it gives inc no less pleasure to re ciprocate than to receive. With all, the engagements which have been entered into are' fulfilled with good faith on both sides. Measures have also been taken to enlarge our friend ly relations, and extend our commercial intercourse, with other S ates. The system we have pursued, of aiming at no exclusive advantages, and of dealing with all on terms of fair "and equal reciprocity, and of adhering scrupulously to all our engagement well calculated to '-give saccesi to ef forts intended to be mutually beneficial. The wars of which the Southern part of thi Continent HiW Hivnnii h in j T r -i 1 1 i i "t i h. i i y to. the prejudice of American shipping, continue to bejeyied Notwithstanding it has been supposed, by the French mi-, there. From the exteo on between stry, that the financial stipulation of the' treatv cannot W rhe ; tnlWd Stotes and those Islands, particularly the former, the discrimination causes 'serious injury to one of those great it appears t6 me to be not only consisterit with the c h ar Leroiloaiin n aLantf-reu--w.h-i-h-"4V ha-ee-n eo n i d e f ed" an-rsyeTtTrat f rh a n ;e during the present y:'ar. So re-union having yet 1 ranee, but due to the character of both Governments, as Part ot our policy to cherish, and has given rise to complaints taken place between the States i on the part of our merchants. Under instructions given to flur Aiioist-er at Madrid, earnest' representation have -been made by him. to the Spanish Government upon this subject, and ihere is reason to expect, from the friendly disposition which is entertained towards this country, that a beneficial change will be produced. The disadvantage, however, to which our- shipping is subjected by the operation of these discriminating duties, requires that they be met-by suitable countervailing 'duties during-your present sets'ton power being at the same time vested in the President to modify or (discontinue them as the discriminating duties on American been her colonies, or by the States against each other, ha ving terminated, and their civil dissentions hiving so far subsided, as, with few exceptions, no longer to disturb the public tranquillity, it is earnestly hoped those States will be able to enjoy themselves without interruption in perfecting their institutions, cultivating the arts of peace, and promo ting, by wie counsels and able exertions, the ptiblic and private prosperity which their patriotic struggles so well en title them to enjoy. ith those States our relatiojnahaveundergone but little between the States which composed the Ucpub- lie of Colombia, our Charge d'Affaires at Bogota has been aceredited tb the Government of Ts'ew Granada, and we have, therefore, no diplomatic relations with Venezuela and Equator, except as they may be included in those heretofore formed with the Colombian Republic. It is understood that Representatives from the three States were about to assem ble at Bogota to confer on the subject of their mutual inter-.' eats, particularly that of their union ijind if the result should render it necessary, measures will be taken on our part to preserve with each that friendship and those liberal commer cial connections which it has been the constant desire of thr

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