J ' if' 4 4 -' f f -' ( ! 1 .I-; ' ' i '4-; fi I ; it-nlts may Klve succnws to our CAUS12 and. VICTORY t the patriotic and praiseworthy ef rori (,f the gentleman, to whom lias been assigned too honor of nitaitiiii!j die fl,g of Democracy, at I ki,w LOUIS D. HENRY will most triumph outly t!o Wore the freemen of the Slate. With sentiment of thWghcat respect, Your obedient servant, U. M. SAUNDERS. ' To John L. Henderson,' Jas. C. McConnaugliey, and other of the Committee. Wahii-voton, Slrilh April, 112". Gentlemex: Your polite invration for me to 1'3 present at 'the Democratic State Convention in North Carolina, the ensuing mouth, ha been re ceived. , It would afford me great gratification to mingle rralutatinn wtih lho, who nuiy assemble on that occasion am i interchange paternal views, hope t'p-1 wympalhic. Hut my public duties here pre. ; vent it. y- . . , ;-j I rejoice to loar n, that tha principle of Demo, i cucy m one of her former etrong hold are likely nain to be crowned with success; and my beat wishes as well as hearty co operation w'iII bo with ynu in the content. The fire of Liberty " in the , State, where it first blazed out to favor of lnde. pendence, cannot easily be extinguished, however often advene circumstance may aeem to dampen or smother it. , j,' . :.,-.. . .. Certain it ia, that our prospect are everywhere brighteningour cans ia the cause' of freedom, liberality, tight and progress, all t'te world over , and it never can bo overthrown permanently with out blighting all ihe best hopca of humanity. Wnh much respect, Your obedient servant. ' LEVI WOODBURY. To John L. Hendesonj James C. McConnaughcy, . Ejrs., and others. ---.. ; "i .," - - Ctir.iRr Hili, 11th May, 1842. GcsTi.EXF.7t s I have just received your letter 'J,!.!!. 1 ?J Hij?ilMJXW!Ua.JUt4he'i)eiiw critic Ciiii vent i"dn, which ia to assemble at Salis bury on the 20 h of May (inat.) Kelievmg that we have beun seldom engaged in a political contest ao deeply involving the funda mental principle and cardinal measures of the Federal Government, it would afford me great pleasure to meet my Republican fellow citizea in North Carolina in Convention, and to contribute all in my power to promote the patriotic purpose of their avsemb'nge. . My time, however, is so "pre occupied by indispensable engagements, that I filial! be constrained to deny myself that gratifica tion. " The election of 3en. Harmon and the coming iawaroah. Whig-fwrtrrwt' . . ' ' .... ?uie f.t tne inot extraordinary political couibwa- ti-w,anII must add, darin2 Milical impostures line f.f the most extraordinary nolitieal f,U tier emirted in nur i-nimti-i-. II M-a in f.i . t'rand political masquerade, in which, the very first iiKiment that party assumed the rein of pow er, their leaders boldly threw their masks in the fates of theirleluded supporters, and without even Jhe decency oi a ; ffltjajdaxqt ftmie?itartiSrr principle upon tte faith of which they obtained a largo support in the-Somhera and Sooth western fstatef, to say mrthin of the rest of the Uniorj. Ccueting their canvass under a flag mscri!cd with the atch words of retrenchment and ecni my, Ivev'Tammonced i!icir administration by call ing a Extra Session o) Congre, tn nwke "Xfrav- "gafit apprnpriBti Mi", ant siiil worse, uiicoiwtiiu iared to be not onjyeaiirfyrut Wnkrttpt' and t jjii.jfy -mmw'nrtliev.'proposie.'li.to create-a large, 7 National Debt iff time of prufouml pcice ! History ' ,VbibU4jw example of tna inctMiMHto. .cy.' It wailttcjally uiidiiuinrnr mam'yJilMit ru'etl the hour,' and Iho result. 1 rrjiico to be lieve. has already manifested ihe adage, " Q'tem Dm rut perdere, yr'mi dtmrnM." "Tho txlfi Session, byUnTnasUing and eipoaing tle measures and prirtci !es of tho pirly so studi oti'dj concealnd and miifeiirt'sesaed. beitu.br'ike thecbnrinof their p er an-l di'pelled the deli sive hopes excited among the people. They prom, ised to relieve the distresse of the country, and they hive greatly increased them. They prom ised to reduce Ihe expenses of Ihe Government, and without a single cif jrt it retrenchment, have ndded million to the public expenditure their only mean of reliev ing the people ol 'luirtnejos are to increase ths s are to increaw ths duties' upon imiwrt"wut PV moretnoitey thaiiit receive by the cost and aad die posterity with tiie curse ol a public debt. Ther oft.mned to rtMio-o mihlm n.i.rwlpnm. nncj puWre credit, end they Inve almost literally ,nd!l,J Sute w uot saved from the los l.y reason iletrflyec"lyMh vThere9re'thousan!!sofhtdivi;fu'ils''ls who can mw obta'm money upon better leruwth ml. lmi Hic-V dngoiou as a mere matter of Ihe Federal or "the Sute Governments. In one i 'l"er' ' wnal musl H be aa a mutter of principle, word their promws stand it! direct contract with ! ,0 mi,K, of Slate Right Republican ? With their performance m every point, and fullv il!us. 1 Irate the saving the Rotnitn aptly q joied by Gen. Harrison io bis iuangural address. . 1 rejoice, there! iro, to be awurcd by you, that - the honest and true hearted sons of North Carolina are awKcning up irom tne ni'.m -n'nrv tnniw iut which ther have tiecn" throw n, to t!,.iiem(. i . principles Mid io evince to tier winter Jinn, i North Carolina will bn as'tiw! to the priic-ip!o i l liberty .in th appreliing contest, as aim vta on the aoth of May, 1775. -f . 1 aw, gntlem!!, with great rcsfx-rt, Ynuf. fricrld and feliuw citnten, ' . Gi:o. Mt UL'FKIE. Wauiim.!, 10th Mrty, Gt.M Ltm:N i The atlvanrcd ierioi of ili S -s ion oitonre, and tlm many nnptirtani si.lijf-cM ! which are prn-uig theinaeWe upon ihe aiiemiim ! is iiw iivuaia, iii i :nir'( u i ni'nwr .ir m io luave my duties here li iitic-nu ihe Cimvenii-.n d ' 4: Repiislicans of Ni.rlh (imii'i i, in coofbrui.ty with iMir kind iiiwi.iti.io. VVi re it otm-rwise, im'liiog . would af5o-jJ me more ie:il ati-ficii m than to viol . your S)! at tin d' ligjitt'ul M-nson of the ver, and to avail nl sulf of yi.ur innimno to nuke the . nersnnal enii.iiiil.n.rn i.f inliii.- l f.,i..,.l ... u..n . VI - - ' "-II . known-ttirough'tut the l iiinn fur tlieir ii. flexible fllirence to princij.le,-s are iIk! Do intern i of JS'rii.Ciiroii'ui. Tha anniversary s !ec!'"'l f ir your meeting is 'tie of the oVjiest iritep-s: i ihe whole c him rv, all one which coniM.t fill to inipire the t'nrive'i. - lion, and itll who nuy enjoy the pnvih-f. of at i.'iwling it, with p itrioiic arr wihCury m'- efion. Wo permit r,ois s to fed deprmMon, in Men rf the prceiiT coo liimii of our Country ; and true il is, oor National Trc i-iry is empty, our poltlic - credit deptewed, ur eioi. ney ileran'eil, our in ir liets'djll, and our fre-gu rrlaiimi im alfocether j ' ' ' frra from cause of'anxn-iy and apprehension, j Still ftd are strong in numbers and in resources,) . and our present vonipliuni proc.oed rai u-r from ! Ihe vrnnt of a market for our abundance, that from a want of thetiece trie J kfo of which that abun , Janc CAoaisrl. -; ' . ..J'ccjuntaj itiiliarraMmealiJiuili-publifraW riri. viae rest upon the country, nnd bdh have been brought upon us, principilly, by depeiuling ovue upon our credit than upon our lubor, to conduct u to wealth; by trying too atrenuously to legilutti nur-elves into pepuuiury independence, and too litilo work oursolves iuto it. They wcra to 'have forgotten fliot Governmonta like oura cannot make money, but must draw it from the pockets of the people, evon for the neces sary expenditures ; and, instead of vigilantly watch ing their movements, ns institutions which may oppress and impoverish ui, to have looked up to thetn as able by their action, to aliowCr motit'y upon ii. . : ; An entire cltange of thia mistn'ten nnd perverted policy, with a sternly npplieHiioii of our industry, a rigid regard to economy in public and private atiitirs, and a small portion Jt thai, devoted pauiot, lam and lotty selt denial wlm:Ii influenced thoso Republicans of North Carolina, who, on the 20th4 of M.iy, 1775, made the first Declaration of Ame rienn Indejieiidonce, cannot fail, at an enrl periml, to Kurmoutit our present domeatie enibarrusameutif, and prepare m, much butter than they could pre. pare themselves, for any external difficulties. It was against the oppressions of Government, not for its bounties, that they contended They sought to be loft free toaeek the road to we.illh, without fatal obstruction from their Government, not to institute a Government which should accumulate money for them. They did not beliijvo that a people could be forced upon prosperity by taxation, ami hence they refused to be taxed w'tthout their consent. The sages of that day, willing to sustain a Government instituted for the benefitif the . people, and which would extend to them protection for life, liberty and "properly, cheerfully clothed that Government with the taxing power, and as cheerfully bore the taxes necessary for the health ful management of it afluirs ; but even such taxes were enumerated among the burdens, not the benefits, of their institutions, and the exercise of the power was looked- upon by thetn as a danger to be watched, not a blessing to be coveted. Hence their measure of taxation was the rigid MSfm447!t tlwjr "fever Keni io nave inougni oi inventing muocs oi appro priation for the sake of an opportunity to impose taxes,' .' One of the consequences of the glorious war waged by those patriots, to ac liove the indepen dence of the American Colonics, was the acquisi tion of an immense public domain, beyond Jhe li nits of the then settlements, and beyond con venient boundaries for the then States. To produce harmony of feeling between the State, to promote the formation of a more perfect Union, and to lighten tlio. burdens upon all the Stites, nrimg from the general charge and expenditure of the common iroveruincnt. tins ureal domain wan. bv Mb M.lnA tl.n .n.l n.J. - ............. r...l . C1 10 union, ana mane a common lund ' ""v" " ri """j U' mwt-a. fur M il thnt Wtl charge iTC"ulu,rl imo caun om o rrw.rvcii 10 J itself full powers of taxation over all the property within its limits, and retained tne charge of tho expenditures of its own Government in its own bands. - remains of this public domain, as well as of that which the Federal Government has tnce aeouired by purchase, by receiving into the Stale Trcasti fiti the proceed of the aale of the lands semi annually, and subjecting their citizens to a tax upon impost, m thejihape of ai iticre.d tantF, sjllicieni to refund ta the Federai Xreaur-4iM I ni mey iliaj taken from it, together with tho costs : I . .. . i- .1 1 1 . t . .. ; now 'nl5oht'!, ;Mtes tmn must certainly a I,i"'0,,w Pncy, as the money being in 0w 3'e Treasury, mum and stimild be expended, i anl'ml8fl ,u own. legislature might not think it expedient, by us actionL to jmpje a tax to bring tin? money into-its Treas irv. And if the mouey be taken from tha Federal Treasury, the tux must be imposed by its authority, because, even wnri thi branch of its present revenue!, that Treasury is not now supplied, qnd loans are resorted to. Tractically lherel'ro, this policy is a direct resort to the power of indirect taxation given to tins. Govern neot, fn the purpose of raising money for State uses and Statu expenditures, and if it be questionable in practice', as to the interests of the non-indebted States and of their Citrons, it will scarcely require argument to show loat U cannot j I be salutary to the indebtod Slates, merely because tla,irlhey aro indebted. If the non iudebteJ Stntes 1 ch,""2.8s coUectuig Ike tax, and must there- ,oru "'se oy tne operation ot the svstcm. the wn1 v'ur would it have been received by the tiepobltcans of 1757, jealous a tliey were of tho etiiitralizing intluences of Federal power t ll,w would ihey have met iIia prop niiiin thit ihe sovereign State ishou'd come to the Federal Trea sury for the metina to meet their expenditures, and r , that the power of Federal taxation shiMild be exer. itu uj. ni jiiuir i iu.rn towing oaca toe money : h there not an in.lirction in tin policy which sho-ild excite the alarm, of a peojile jealous of tlio exertion of ihe taxing power, over thoir pcrton, lle-ir pmperty and their business, by whiitever G'.verntoent exeCutod T Why is ihu circuitous course rudoried i i liir a supply of mcao. to ihe Stota trea-urte Not certainly to relievo tho p'opfo from lux ilion, because it isTieely nJinittcd, on ail bands, that nil. the money t ho paid to the Mates must be returned to the Nutumul Treasury y taxe. It is ihen thnt the taxxtion may be indirect, uwl therefore les perceptible, nod less miio-h:! io pomilur viuHno' ; 1 - Some Mates h ivu ii.til tlo-ir rredit l.u - fn..l I mid their legmlaiures may not on wi'lmg to meet 1 rosjHUKMbility of such an exertion of their direct f ixing power as will meet their present respnnsi. , biiitie. ):her Htatos desire U) make cxpcndi. j lures for internal objects for wlneh it ntny not bo safe to impose direct taxation unon ihi-ir -ii...,w j Oilier States may anticipate direct benvfit Io their oeuhir 'iiit(!ri'sls (rnm iM.-r..a...l i ,m. jpoys, and for that reason may liivor tins policy. .Such a lax ii not ncctKnurily tq uti upon tlio tl jl- rent Slates, and il ail can bo made lt itm (hat thy may receive mure, and pay leas, and may l.iv'.r it. Another grunt inierest, p!mral ami pecuniary, . '' enli-rl- J in favour oT tins policy. Tho gn-mer Ihe picu:.iary interest brought iti subjec h .0 io the I Vili rnl Tnafarj , and the mora ex t' ii.lt d and Ciiiiiplicated IheiMi iriterctit shall bo. Come, tho stronger may tho 'argument fm made in l'iv or of a great National Bank to superintend and iniuage them, and for this reason many powerful voices may sustain this policy , Hull i. it Republican -Inuo.ph ? Has il Ihinli. wctin.' and Inrnesa, tnwards Iho wholo iM.onl " which Domocats can approve ? fs it not next in indifcclnew to th it wild reort to credit which ha brought the present pecuniary troublc upon the country 1 Can it extricate us from these embar rassments, without producing other and more so rioua difficulties, both pecuniary and political I Other measures, which seem to me to threaten iho rights andho peace of the States are in agi tation before Congress, amonj which I cannot omit to mention an alarming stretch of the extent nf the jurisdiction of the Federal judiciary, and a dicta tion of tho manner in which only the States shall be permitted to elect their representatives for (he House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States. , I liava already dratt'ti ut this letter to an unpardonable extent, and cannot ttiere fore think of remarking upon these measures, but sure I am that they will not fail to receive the earn est conwderatioft of a Convention of the Democracy of North Carolina. Many other measures of the present dav, equal- lly objectionable in principle nnd dnngerous'jn practice, might be named, but I must forbear; and will merely ask you to accept my thanks for the fl ittering terms in which your invitation has been communicated, and to believe me, With great respect, " Your obediunt servant, SILAS WRIGHT Jr. .Messrs. John L. Henderson, J. C. McConnaugliey, nnd others, if V" . Skkate Chamber, 10th May, 1642. ' GKxrtrMMt I feet greatly honored by your kind invitation to be present at the adjourned ineeting of your Democratic State Convention, to he held at Salisbury on the 20th int. , To say merely that it would afford Tne great pleasure to attend, would but inadequately express my feelings. I can scarcely iiiiugine any circumstance which could elTrd me more gratification or which 1 should esteem m greater privilege than to grasp by the hand my Democratic fellow citizens 'of North Carolina who will be there assembled, and to cheer them on in the great and glorious cause in uich they have enlisted. Hay success crown an abiding confidence. One year of Whig rule has opened the .ees of thousands and has con vinced the country that the principles of the De mocratic party aro ftmxo alone on which the Government can b lately and auccessfully ad eiiuiMered. Within this brief period, more Act of Congress have paaeed, and are in progress in vading State sovereignty and tending directly towards a consolidation of all power in the Fede ral Government, than have ever been crowded into the mine space of time since the adoption of the CoiHtitulioii. Tue people are everywhere coming to the rescue, aud iho descendant of those tern patriot who, the first opon Ibis continent, proclsiirted independence, writ Merer Iigree their glorious ancestors when the right of the States ami of the people are to be vindicated.. I must, therefore, express my sincere regret, that without violating important duties here, 1 cannot meet you on this most interesting occa sion. With sentiment of the highest respect, BUCHANAN .iomrs. jann li. iienjorsfii t t t. i , J. C. McConnaugliey, and others. 3 CoM-MBi. Te.iiiee, May 4, 1912. Gexti emrn : 1 have had the honour to re- Teeivtr 7rmr tetter of the 1UT ult., inviting me in i t.JJtoJtewxrti&. Conventwn of ertnene of .onn Carolina which assembled at Kafeigh on the lOih of January "hut, aad adjourned to meet at S ihsb iry on ii. 'IMi mstaat, to be present on the occasion. 1 Asa native of North Carolina 1 cannot be other wise tharr flighty gratified at o dwtiuguished a mark of ywur regard ; .ind equally ffratilvinir is ihe ; assur.mc which you gtve that " the Republicans iof North Carolina are nsin in their trenwih " ; and Hint " they will shew to their brethren of other S ates thm the fire of liberty which glowed in the n him of their ancestor, who on IheJiOth J" .. iw, wcro me iinn io proriaun Independence, l not extinguished, but still ammatos their descend ant." Tennesnee is the descendant of Noith Car olina. A large pirtion of her people are bound to ihe parent Siale by the strongest ties ol aflection. t"'. U .L- t! . . . . . . ' j Kv " one of your bone and flesh of your flesh." There i now and ever ha been a coromu mty of principle and of interest between u.- With you, in the political truirfile of 1910 fa .tr.m.i. , which was unprecedented, a regards the mean employed by our opponents to efliet tlioir triunph i we wore defeated, but I may confiJeolly assure you our defeat wa but temporary. We too are rising m our itrength, and 1 do not doubt, will at UUK, e. uigu ana conclusive evi deuce, that we are ull animated by the cherished ; pi maples which we intuntad from our Republican Miic'Vori. j The recent developement of the real principles and policy of the ruling party in the country, must snisfy ull Republican, who fiom wrong informa tion or mistaken impressions, were induced to give .Inem their support, that they have been deceived 1 and betrayed. Tho extravagant promise of reform, nd of relief to Die people which were every where : ma le nra unredeemed. Connitulional reirtf iction nn l limr.mions upon the sriion of the Federal , (ovcrniiK-nt h ue beer, weakened ami broken Hon , and none can mistake tho fact, that tho tendencies ! un(lei; ,!u',f re. are to a consolidation of power in , the federal (load at the exnse of the reserved , rights of the States nod of the people.. The cor ' reciive however is in safe hau ls. The " sabor j second ih of Ihe people" will apply it. i Nothing I assure vou genilemcn, c.ould iifFird ... ni smoero pleasure, ih.in to be present with lou nL raur.-uifluiinn ...i .. i i .t XM PL your mruiinif ; sod n. w.m.U ...k .. I your coiwuUations "in Ihe prewmt glooiay crisis of tne country." My crea, lwlsllca fror 0(1 I elude, the idea that I can do so. But though absent if '" feehnjj, and itisontimcnt.and w .cr rmuy io cooirtooie xny huhiblo aid iii ad-; ..lowing Kf, uiiinmon principles. ' With the lender of my thanks for ihe honour, yi have done me, I am with hiyh regard Vour ob'l eer'vl. JAMK3 K. POLK. T. Messrs. John L. Henderson, Janins C. Mc Commughey arid others. ; The Record. We cy from the Journal of the &iiiiaI nf lain ll.a I".. II. . r . , ... . . i.nmwiiix nxirnci irom IIICJ priKieedings or that b odv, on the 21;h of Deceinn u. . ri.n-... i.:,. ..r .i. . f ... n i" I ii mu .ui u inrso JLOSIillll inns m!I.. ded to by our correp mlfenri1cJr;,, in the tat aiatidard, and wo rospontfully juggest lo our friend an attention to the imp iriant devclopoments made bv bun. as reiVd Whi. " .... 'i . . ' f, 4.V-..IUIIIV, "Whig" jistice, and Vhig" h.mor, ns die piayeo in tin matter ol employing aud paying counsel , lor ihe State. While money can be crammed into the pockot o WhiM." who do T not openly ak it, justice denied fo Democrats without the j;race of an exeu.n for such a denial. Oh Wkiggery I Whiggery 1 Tha country has got enough of you. 'u , " - ' Mr. Waddell, from tha Committee to whom was referred tho message of the Governor, transmitting a report from the Hori. George K. Badger, in re lation to the suite recently pending in the Circuit and Superior Court of the United Slate, reported the following resolutions i . Rtiohtd, That it is just and proper that the : sum of two thousand five hundred dollar be paid to the Hon, George E. Badger, a the additional sum contemplated in the original engagement en ' fered into with him by the Governor of thie State. Rtaolttd, That the um ol five hundred dollar,' returned to the Public Treasurer by the Ilort. D. L. Swaiok finder tho agreement with the Governor before mentioned be refunded to him, with interest from date of said return. , Which was read the first time and passed. N. C. Standard. v'.; V t Trow lA Globe'. AliOLITIOM QF THE UNION.' The thoroughgoing abolitionist have been in spired by, the movements of Messrs. Adam and GiDoinusin Congress, with quite an enthusiasm for the diasolutidn of the Union. -The Boston Liberator of Friday last it filled with original edi- , tonal, copied article, appeal at public meeting, diC.cVc., in favor of a dissolution of Ihe Govern ment. We give aome sample ol Ihe spirit which , Adam and Gidding have engendered among their proselytes. . An article from the Standard, anys : T The Union. t many mind are now aclive on thi subject, and many conscience troubled, it may not be altogether useless to declare our (wa slate of feelings. ; ' - M Oar objection to the Union are briefly these t 1st. It is ham, and not a reality. It profeasea lo be union, and t coercion. We are called the . United State, and we ere the disunited States From the beginning, the Sout ha pursued toward ; the North the policy of foreign Stale i. e., she tins, wuo coraoinea energy ana piiiiuui nsioui (hip, alway contrived to protect and extend be own interest at the .expense of the interest ihe XNooh," Again, it say t 3d. Tho Union, a it now exists compeh Ihe free Statu to direct rAarti caHir wii great and extensive wrong. In point of fact, we are the standing army of the Soul h, ranged in dense pfa toon, with bayonet punted toward the trembling lave.M . ... The Liberator next quote, with approbation, (ho following sentiment i --TlWr.trN(r OTIIEirmTrfoTT'ii'free"- Stales to clear ihemselvesof being ACCOMI'LI CKS INTRGMHNDOUS GUILT, than asking for ihe repeal of the Uuion ; for ' we cannot cjn icienlioviig keep the compact our father made.' " Again, the Liberator tell u : " A friend, writing from Boston, ayi : Wo launch thi campaign the great question .of repeal' in the Union, and mean to carry it through the Commonwealth. MaasacWette moat-n- longer be compromised. We cannot conscientiously keep ihe compact our father made ; and, therefore, we must ask for il peaceable repeal.' Our friend sejsm to think that this eomniuui cation will take us by turpi ise ; but it is more than jtwa years since wo c?me to the wcJbjittrOhLl ! inoro was no otner way lor Irio tree States to clear thomselvc of being accooiplieo in IremooJoos guilt." The editor next come out in his owrt peraon, and says: " One thing is certain : slavery is clamorous for tne .praawvaima.':ofl'Uie;.Xaion;:Ijiberfv: uC tha. mortal foe of slavery, and can have no interest in common with her. Whoever echoe what slavery demand, is no friend of God or man, and, coo so nuenily, is no abolitionist. This question of a re peal of the Union will prove a severe but unerring tet of character, in the progiess of its diussioo,; Meri hiiai nol. There can be but two parlies in this case: the friends of liberty for ite own sake, and the inend of slavery for various patriotic cwuida raiionO ' The editor ofkr an alternative for the distoiu- lion of the Union in this passage : " Will ihe editor of the Advocate, with all their insolence aud hypocray, dare to deny that slavery conlp.1 the General Gorernrrmnt,' and i a com poncnt part of the American Union I With the South, any thing loss than this would be tantamount lo a repeal of the compact. We are for dealing honestly and fairly with her. As abolitionists as lover of our country, can ufier no other alter native to her than tin s Diuolutio ot abolition t Il she i determined to persist in enslaving millions of our race, and stripping the North of all il right, what other courso can be purmwd I la what other way can a remedy be applied I" . From the following, it appear hat tha Union was purchased by tha sicnlica of justice, humanity, and religion: . "We value iho Uuion," vs tint Advocate, " became it wa the purchase alike of tho North and THK SOUTH." Ye, alaverv had as nior.h lodo with its purchase a liberlv ,ml more ; and jl is on thi account that this Liberty. I'rtf organ value it I It was pjrclnsod at iho expeoae of every principle of justice, humanity, and religion "at the sacrilico of the. sacrud and, inalienable rights of million o our colored coun trymen, and in opjiosiiion to tho revealed will of God. It was built upon Ihe s.iml, and not upon a rock j and it is destined to U, " and gcait will be the fall thereof." Lit those wf,o would not be crushed. " s?md fro:n nnr The article close in a waw whinh wnol.t one lo believe lhat the An ms and Ginuixu faction not only sought a dismduthai of ihe Union, but lhat Ificy designed to follow up tins dissolution of the hands of confederation with their white brethren, byjn allianre with the black, tho morenpculv lo "qmaid to the tlavti in insurrection:' Hear tho Liberator t . . " In order to keep them in their chains, it is for perpetuating the Union ; otherwise the slaves might be led fo expect assistance from u$ " D is. tnrdi I do you not glory in the revolutionary strug gle of 1770? Do you nol bcouI tho doctrine of non-resistance as fanaticism ! And yet you would giveno nid to the slave in insurrection; and you are against weakening tha power of tlmso who are rutliltrtly crushing thorn (o thi earth !" A WHIG PREDICTION AND ITS Fl'LFIL- MKNT. On the 4th of Julv. Hirt. Mr. ri - i .i - Nlowmg prediction at a Dinner pancl, i Hanover. Virginia i v ' The fact of Gen. Harrison's election will of imoir powerfully, conlnhute lo the eecurity and UI ATI: LI rrnrf, credit will be restored ; oc (ire buinei will return, and t!:T prices of prri and the WAGES OF L VliOlt will rio." ' Now ee tho fulfilment t In the United Stale, Senate, on the Slst of March, 1812, on the occa! sion of his leaving that body, tha sumo Mr. Clay spoke as follow s " 1 retire Irom you. Mr. - . i rrosiilent, I H a period of IN FIN I I'E DISTRKS. and Fvt BARllASSMLNT." - -fc M now t. j Tfii wa aixteen montbei after " the fact of Gen. Harrison' eleciion." .' . ; . . mmmmm m ' - t'vfl'"i' , Relief i not to bo found in expodinnta. debtednesa cannot be lessened by borrowing mora money, or by changing the form of the debt. Tha balance of trade it not to be turned in-our lavorbv creating new demands upoo us abroad, J'Oufear rency cannot be improved , by (he creation of new bank, or oiore issue from'tho which now exist Although these device sometimes appear to 'km temporary relief, they almost invariably aggravate ' the fvit in the end. It i only by reirench.iient aud reform by curUiling pulilic and -private, ex. ' luuiiuro oy paying our ueots ana oy. reform ingour banking system that we arpo expect eQectual relief, security for the future, and an en. during prosperity," Martin Van Durtn, ' ; Mum. Wue and Stanly. Tke Peace BM ' mgned Saturday evening, al near nine o'clock ' the case of Mr. Wisertefore Judge Uuulap, disposed of by.hi entering into a bond in obedience " t a requirement of the Cwrt, under the penalty " of three thousand dollar, for the paeojof the year " to keep the peace Jotarde alt the citiwoaof ill United Stab? within the District of Columbia, M ; not at any time within that period to leave the ; District witb the intention, or purpose of fightirur'a ' duel with Edward Stanly. !. Ilunterrt'ary Goode, Thomson and Gilmer became hi eecriiiea.' . A pretty, good jmmber. If he fight the low woo't be very heavy divided among all. ' , r . . The Alexandria Gaeotte i not fas wrong iii ny ingtherd ia a good deal of kumbtg in atl ttie fuM : about this affair. In old time oothiag would have : been beard at ft in the paptrt.Vommler. ' ' 'Providescc, May H. Got. Dcrr'i Return An EteortZ-Dtfimiuow Petition again "Xhtn wa considerable excii. ment here again jresterdaj afiernoon, on accouut of , a report having gone abroad, that an afreet of Gov. Dorr was contemplated during hit paasnge from Stoningbm lo thi city. The "Signal Gun was fired and a body of about 40 volunteer " boong dura dandie " raked together ia the "twinkling ol a led post," who repaired to the Stooingtoo car and look passage in thorn for that place, latouding lo trm an escoit for Gov. Darr hmil4 he arrive lo dy. But.l.di4 bi4 mtmf, and-HrtH- otrliu"" Monday. i , Ho leave New York this afternoon, we are lold and remain to morrow in Stoningloo. We hoarj with what irulh we cannot say, that arrange men is' have lwcnnade wilb the Rail Road company by which all who wish lo visit Stonintftoo mm and accompany Gu. Dorr to the city oo Monday owrning, can go free of cba rge, or at a very trifling The city U quichlhouah llere ar ri ny people in town, on account, wa nrMmn nTik. expected parade on the arrival of Mr. Dorr. i apers sell remarkably well, now a day, and we have not - been obliged lo dif.ni our posmoo lor a A good fortnight. For fear, though. ihi ii.- be omj bluc,he,anVi wlio Bo aot know wTlat w 1 arw, rtmajTMHeeOisary for u. M Axlarw, at l(ug lime, , Ihatji viet upon all the great question V which agitate the co.nintioiiv im uw... ...I ...i lhat we are si, II n out ami i any Ihmg th'u n decent, patriotic, da.uucr.rtic, aristiKMJi, ,wh 5ufV Iwiholder, frgy:rrJgma.-; Chronicle - - 'f -- H kg are tht ihvtnment erpenut paid in 'do preened p.,per '-Tin XM lutdll.ge.icer,,,-!' others assisted some time ago, that must or all tin now loan Dad been laxeu at oar. .rlwwy79htrrrftcf. depreciated paper. f-ao.l why ro ti.e laUorurs.t the navy yard mid to lo two psr ce.it. ,ha,r honest dues ia9 ci at Pu,r,dolpMia 14 week r G.lvbe.- FROM TEXAS. . Account hive boon recoivu.t t V- n.i , rt . . .... Vl i xr Hill Kg late a the 3 J instant. 1. ,uer from it., .i.... ol the Km Grand atale l ut Gen. Arista w.e still r;.iTy m,k,"M "" preparations. 2!? L?"" "MW1 S-nla Annx to march with rmmlo Corpus Chnitt, awj de. troy ih .ranch of Aubrey and Kinney, m complj. ance witn request of a Lir nitfiir-i nt L . . T Matamora. I here were 300 moo al the ranch. I he ramil.es were leaving the pSC9, Cil. Qtfea WVt.""",,'", ,h" narch fr tVpu Chrisli with men t and 200 from Victor,..' The Ve. , ZZLZ. "J tmg rapidly at Corpu. Ciirisu. ' '' i nere are said to be two or throe ihnun.l Mexican aoldiera at Matainorea. but nn tM ..r their invading 1'e xaa. At the lebration of the anniversary of he Int. hrfSw Jacint, s(ju April,) a, Gal'e!t " fie . Houston reviewed the Irunoa ... it- . .,. r- r"M loprotn- lead them war as mm a, the country was prepaid font! lhat their patience shiold bs taxed buTa low montU longer ; and Hint il-ey - did then have arthoriiy ,o chastua ,hu ee,y Un fer. tk p , mi rfl,ioiveJ i'h cboer. C I he President has iss d a pMclaiMtma, warn. n2lhec,.,z,, rf the Uuiied State again.! inaking comrsbution to, or receiving co.nmisaioo. from, any per.on or perw.ns nol authorized by bun.-. mt. Intelligencer. !!!. na m, J, Z T ,! h H'licatlor, of thi. ven JSl H IV 7 "7 " bMwee e J - ven n clock on Wodnn..Lv . . ed from Ihe Steam sTw A ff i u PVT Son. Az Ki ,f 1. .t" MwM V,er' tix,. r i .h. 7 "n i ne margin of- the wis I WOt T4 0f fhe The budding wa mn desiroyed, w.tl, several je, 0f lumber near it. Th i.. ... 1 . wl -"" "w propr i'ior, aoove what insurance Ihey. had, namely, 87,000, iiba" ctteU by fricmn in the machine ry ol a com mill m.or.i; i . ., m.'U -i-......iK uouor me ame roui with Ihe sawing apparatus. - On f rid iv niuhi. ' i -. . ii.i. ' oievon anj iweivr-, tho luroo lurni.nn,... 1 .:,i ' , 7 ,, ., " .'imiocry oi nrown, ueKos- LU:.ilUI,!,lu.,, VV" J of the river,' T "' me lown, w,s discovered to be jit flauic. ttud waas,,n I.,,,... .i o fu k , . , " w 1 uown. oomo iniriy or I ,,dr?lh tl d"u,toJ--P'i-. upward, of three S '6!1 ,-w,,l'rt'io, large q uantity of roim, Vc, were j. . 1 -..o.b.n. l,k.ll.o,m",7;,o" ."-.' known. "gu oi me lire un-, Thi BSlablishmnnf i..t i.. i .i : - s .. h. j...: wran inioiy reDuiit alter K, ' - 4.

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