?yvyi; IP 9 j I 1 : i" s I 4 j m-fn- Hi. Carolina Watchman. TIICHSIUY, MAUCH fi, 1870. SUUAll - I just W leceirin considernhle atten tion; in 'Congress, and veryjusuy, too, u it is one of thecconiimHlities usetl by al Tuost eveilnxly iu the country. Honest v,i however, irettius to be a very j iuic filing In this country, and hence Con- j fi ess has taken up the subject to insure ; f t the public, if they can, a pure and good j Article 'nt fair and just price. And here! w e are again pleased to state, that out of y Koine half dozen speeches delivered in 1 Coigress on tho sulgcct, our repiesenta yiive, Hon. Win. M. Bobbins, made the most comprehensive aud intelligent one of them all. He Was on the committee to ' whom the subject was referred for inves tigation, and with a just conception of it importance uot ouly to every family in tho District represented by himself, but nil other families in our wide extended country, went into it thoroughly, and .earthed the matter to the bottom ; auu 'then came before Congress with the facts, iind a proposition to"ameud.existing laws whichbebeliuved would correct the abuses complained of. It appears from his speech that foreign sugar, makers from whom this equutry draws so heavily for supplies, are In league with certain refiners in New York for the purpose of defrauding the government out of a portion of the tarifi due oil the diflerent grades of this coin- j modify, .jit seems to be thing for the manufacturers to control the color of their products, and this is the mainpoint considered iii determining the grade; They put on the color liable to the lowest tariff rates. In this way the New A'ork refiners obtain au article rich in the saccaitne principle at a small cost, and difii iv icir ritnniii!? ana arluircratin? hen bj processes they iucrcase the quantity ami chaufee, the color to a lighter shade, and r- o - T" thus run up the price and gather in from the millions of consumers a golden liar vest of millions. ; These refining establishments have di minished in number. "There, were, n few veari airo, 50, aud they were scattered about in different parts of the country But theystronger of them have crushed out the weaker, so that they now number only 21; aud about six of these have be come jgjeat monopolies, and under the present laws it is believed they may soon A , J.i, - . . j , tire sugar trade of the country, mdepeud- - , i i L cut ot Cougress (unless it were more hon- est) a"d all other powers. This should be prevented if possible, and the amend ments proposed by Major Kobbius and ad vocated by .the . committee, it is thought, 1 JJ , . 1 . .. . i -wmilrl irli,A rim rhinu tii iiifitwuuiiicf u I .. - . .. 1 . nrwn luA wav Tin' uAii.lkAi rriiipr. mm nl. I J J, . . .. , , iiiuuuuu nwuio iv inu fuiiu no nil lie ill pare und honest product. Ihe bill ought to pass aud perhaps may ; but if it does, - -- i - 1 11 n .fill IkA ,t filitiAfilfuin f rtll l.k 111 "111 UVi 111 UIVIFVraillllil IM Ull IIIO UMIU I swum a..M.av . w .uw VOIUVIIOH I mil miliiiMifo lit flip iiiiiiinnen ocf !iKli1. I . ' 4 . . ., , ineuts now fattening at the expense and , i - . x . - . 1 .. . datuhge of thepeople of the country. They and theU agtiuts are hanging around the capitol at Washington,, watching eV liinvpilli(l)r. mill lirinrrinr - tn um- i.vum' 7 :rV ' . " ' iJ 1)(lK.1lm IlintlVA Jrilll llllmw tn nrnvunt t l ;IIIi I." rV:'.-v Vc ,MU1,3CuluCmill CuW. xueio is no one t ct inil .m ,tif 1,. i.ir ::e .1... ..kif..L. mtwP iit:uur8 01 congress, , f ; y ; T ; 1 v,.v. i uofcuumu l " WV" 1111UU i 1 , I i r i. ,. . .', hit avarice often disappoints itself, and - ...juypvitnm solium out in III1S CaSC. ti. a,.i. i... c..i. . .1 1 l.A.w. ; ...:n . .i I f i lTOT " , ' IOUI " ui uuiiug hid laic vi- mat iney couiu iio witlipnt sugar i Acrw. They found 1 out also, how to make their own long fjj-cet;eniug. Sorghum is splendid when ki!lttfkld' lilkit aiiito . 1... I. .... 1 I ..vju.u. orVv,.iiiu wiu) imt) uoeu worKing. wiui me innese-.caue Jong r, i . i ... . I wuiucr m.n uijuer certain con- union itr turns to sugar in the barrel, 't'lmt"; li vi rot ? ! .n ...!. I unit uiLi' itiieoc con-1 editions ar, and when they dp ibis, they can snap their lingers at tire big bellied .euuura oi evr ioi k ana tell them to try tneir rascality ouoniebody else. WE GIVE IT UP. 17 ' I 1 ... . . J I v .4c w.tu trying tins wceK to solve tne western N. C. Kailroad riddle;; to "r ;vuu uu loau was SOIU auu u,o ace uecaaie the purchaser at $8o0,000. Whether it was tho 01 iidiinl construction bonds, or on a subsequent MCUki uu now tne anrenor chums of Lionillinliior fir cnli ilmro . I 1 , " . wui- wv-cii.trx iuk l" wueiiiw or not the state is the tlie'-noniiual owner of the . au u.e souu grouuu on which her .....l! . i .1 .1... .. . . . - . I 1111 rests, now the ongiual construe- tiou klb"t W iw.n 1, 1- . . , . .... . w w uiftpuscu 01 mm a 101 or other ouestious r.il.M-il!nr.Ul.t... rp. , ......v.. .1.1 . ... "-I." ' ---"o fc.nu". i iiu luiieiirii Aiirir T. .piyiMuuj, e are noundenn s in tMudCut:" butwe fMiy, a little liahi i J rrf,t... r. i , , . ' I . .a, n-qui.wt n e tiaveueen stud- lug theAVand the Kaleigli Or botli ; one seems to tell more than it knows itnU the other creeps along as if afraid of HMI1III7 SR mill- 1 na if H' n 1 I . 1 1 : -i i 0 " iiiioso iioau -th Caroling, how aud when -yW.f W.ftw W somebody cIsc'k, r-w.c, m,e ny ,r, (lIui by wj,at i . : . w " ui"c 01 11,0 taxed to nnu 1 ut 'ri . ... ... 1 l i , , , ..v uai iuu iv rpni . r 1 VV , . v. una nnuen nr . -w iMiiuu iu 1 1 1 it ik:i it i rii fiBiria a m I (Sto W hi iiii u. .... i . I- fhwU a g'MMl deal of the required light, , , "vMi - Aiyirlw,i W hi.,iim i,, : y; . i.f "in, Aioemarie, nter, aud Alleutown to i H,wLl..i.J, i. '1 1: i , . . . i - la Kichinond inimf.. ; ..ii ... r I- y f;d at this session. 3 T - m - s . " uus-j 8S.oa. Tlio men ,laving Ja4 W i earnest. More Iwe- piatfer iu Juftcr, . - KHHIUI.I LWIUilllll Wllll llinSIUVIIAII refused, to re-enact the 5 law-allowiug far mers twgive liens on their growing crops. The till prohibiting -the carrying of deadly wejrpouft has passed berth brandies of the Legislature. j ' . Therts was a bank robbery in broad daylight in Florida, a few days ago ; but tlie1ahk officers were lucky enough to T . . recover tijetoicu money. - T The Resident has called an extra ses- sion of Congresa for the 18th iust. Failure of the army and legislative bills made the call iiecc&satr. . The !Yirgiirtar-Debt Hill has failed to pass the Legislature. Hint State seems to be less inclined to come to the scratch on thee score of her old debt than North Carolina. - .. ; Pkthkl, The case ofj Geo. Pethel, in dicted for poisoning his wife, moved first to Iredell and then to Mecklenbnrxr, was set for trial to-day. - The Observer says be defended by; Messrs. Bailey, he wil Mauney, Anufield and Gray j and the prosecuting officer, will be assisted by Cpt. Chas. Price. Prohibition. The "Omnibus bill" before the Legislature for prohibiting the sale of liquors within a radius of two miles of certain churches thereiu named passed the Senate on the 3d instant. In this bill "Unity" and "Christ Church," Rowan, and "St. James," in Iredell couu ty, are mcludcd. Iho law will go mto effect May 1st.; rresiiienc iiayes nas yetoei! the mil re stricting Chinese immigration on the ground that it abrogates an existing treaty with that country. That thougl fl . ... ... , , . . " as not, except h single case with Fiance, in 1798, ex- erased the power. He thinks tho evi complained of can be reached by ordinary diplomatic negotiations. Now the question is, will California sc ce'ed LxPi.osiox.-i-They were iuuning a tria pump by a Thresher engine iu San Fran cisco, Texas, the other day, which did not work very well. The engineer said it wouldjiithcr run the pump or burst,' nut iu a few minutes a terrible boiler explo sion occurred, blowing the engineei Jnt attorns and killing fifteen other persons . t . "d wounding about twenty-five, some o , . whom will diei " 1IIK 1'EItSOXAL I'KIVILKOE" lart O Legislative affairs has got to Iw a ster.cl 111 tllfl llllcii tf hioiiir 1 1 , i An.,iU.. i """1 HWIICOI dIIBIIlIlCIHS, " There is generallv some fire wher tliAi-P hs much smoke;. Men whoso live as to re . . . -rm .1 , , . , . ., 1 "P1 pnv.lege," are not generally tiving above reproach. These are blots ... V VIVIO .1 i 1 1 i . . . . 'ri 1 , p . , m .. ""i J HKi u, . iniecnous, ana snou d be cut iv i - 1 , . off and consigned to personal nhHm itv l lie W llmmgton S7rpaysa verv hand I SOU1R fOlllDliini'lif f .n o a. , .- . . v. , the lion. A. S. Merrimou. which wo h. .. . ' the main, very heartily endorse.1 Mr. uerrinimi fll,v. ;fo.r . i f" " li"ni iii uie U. b. heuate, and his career in that body i..la K.ipn ,W4llrtr . , t, c. , . - seuteti- Uov-Yance uow takes place. .ln,l nlHinmrh . I.n,-. A . i 'ccwuious oi nun as a: senator, yet we LnfllUir i-h. I i . t ' Hoinn niHv re- Hm lirtnnr n x 1 honor on the constituency who so en thusiatieally preferred him. ! Mkxic ax WAR.-When the nenMion bill was up in Congress, the other dav. H..r of Massachusetts, moved to exelnlM jf. e m . . ierson uavis irom ita irivilTna nr o " coui - se! -"the miserable traitor " nA v.f Jen. Uavis went through thft lin war with distinction to himself n., . . . i : . io ms countrv.l so matter for tlmt ? Ani he would not receive the pension ifitWere offered to hini. No matter for that : it was a good chanco for Hoar to kick the dead lion, and we arronlv r, v tUt southern member thought fit to reseut it as an insult. Such undisguised inaliui x -1 ... w iv aiwavs earns the rnntAnmf r oA..:i.iA people the world owr. - - 1- v. OVIIOIUIO U.UUU FOR THE Yadkiv K.,mvr mext We received a teleirmm fr. ir Wm. I M. Kohbin AntA W.a:... ' March 4tb, stilting that $20,000 had been annronr ated for ti.n Yo.il .. t A -ni ..... . meuit i uis is iiigiiiy gratifying uews to all tiuit part or . wostiTn xri. nooi..- drained bv the Yadkin ri v.i aui this sum may hot be suffiet tn plish the improvement to the1 full cat.-i 1 " " ' .. ty of the slrcaiii. vi if " L ' T " j riMi- u it. 1 win assure the final success of the workl aud confer a l.iftti., .... n... J .... " " viiu uiouuaanu tne miiiii' t u'lMfsin n....i! . .. State. Onr vonnir fn...i I m. v ISrnvvn . 1. r.ic,. 1 7 . . ' i reuciuae iiimseii on this success of his effi,rt fU valuable public work for the benefit of Western North Carolina. h n. . ii . .. i-r JLeruneim. t tii 1 ...f 1. ........ ..1 1. and Dr. Wilson, of the Presbvterian church, accompanied by otlfer scientific gentlemen, have been examining human remains found ten miles below Wil...in.. 1 u,us uu mo i iu ice au.au- llllll:lll l-t.lw.c- .....1.1 .ll cinit. mm-iii mn.ii l ci l . ... l. a ... 4 ! .. . .. . I P 4Ut5 burial - vviivu w llic LUI1UUS, These iudian grounds are common n1on thfi iriil!.. if v.ji. I " J ri Mro mer.. JJr. i. v . Jones, opened one k v., V,1... e R lew iean h jsiami in tne xadkin kit mila , "" fiu, six miles x,, .U another McblZce .ivcr buttoa, land, of jjs.PJ V wuva aud other rnri Peuniugtoa, io . Montgomery county. "5 uv9- paro committee on Appro- j pnauoniycsterOAj reirtl aD , apjend- j ment to the anndry, civil bill providing for . tho abolition of the GoverninetittMav ! Int. iimvidMl tb PnMMAnt Pnuting Officeind having the work done, as here, by private parties. The stealage is said to be very great. The honest ex penditure for composition is about $1.00 per thousand ; that-is to say, the type setter is paid 40 cents per thousand ems, superintendents, Sec, of type-setting about $40,00Q4n annual salaries j interest, fuel, rent, &e. &c, swelling the cost to about as stated above. It is now well ascertained that the Legislature cannot finish the important business they were seut to perform for the people within the sixty days iii which they are allowed to draw four dollars a day for their services. If they complete the work at all satisfactorily, they may be required to remain at their work for one, two, or even more weeks Unger ; and it is believed they will do it, though it bo at their own expense. The Demo cratic members cannot afford to come away leaving a bad record for 1880. The people are thoroughly in earnest about the heavy taxes. It will be no relief to lighted the burden on one side and in crease it on the other to cut down sala ries aud heap up appropriations for rail roads or other public works that may be suspended or otherwise profitably dis posed of. Nothing has yet been done for public schools, and this is a subject that vitally concerns every voter who lias children to educate. We are still decidedly hopeful bf this Legislature, though we are sorry to say there are many worthy citizens who fear it will prove a great failure. It contains a few men who are powerful for mischief, and a few others who are working for themselves aud not caring a fig for the State. . There are always such men to obstruct business, and to make trouble for the honest and true iu legislative bodies, who sometimes find it impossible to countervail them. To be a good anil successful member of such a body is not a bed of roses far from it. It only re quires oue devil to keep tho whole world at strife. THE STATE DEBT. The bill providing for commuting am settling the State debt has at last gon in rougu cue Legislature, it lias cost much time, talent and labor to get it through, aud we.suppose the bondholders of the State will be glad to accept it. I they should not, the probability is it wil be many years before auother bill can b passed, aud then no better than this. We subjoin from a Raleigh correspon dent of the Charfotte Observer, the follow mg tribute to .ur. John Li. JJuowx, of Charlotte, to whom belongs, more than to any other one member, the honor of securing the passage of this bill : out were was one ngure mere more prominent than all, who stood back in the lower right-haud comer of the hall, upon whose white hairnnd beard the suni light streamed through the oriel window above his head. The prominent charac ter of this act was this niau. for he had devised tho measure and led the tiirht b man of busines acumen, and financial foresight ; a man who saw the nossibili ties oi tne tuture to grow mini this mea sure; quick and snre iu his aim, correct III Ilic ilciliK-tirkiiu ftiii ... tiSo ... ..1 J. .L!. . 1.1 . . .... . 7 . ...v u..ui.vuk, Ullll in ills bUULIIlSIUIlN: wis man leu tnengnt, and though the op position was strong, very strong, well resolved aud well knit together, with iierl feet kindness yet with commanding decis ion he led the tiirht, bold, fearless and cool and carried the measure without the mU dition of a word. In rears hni- th people of the State will as thev have don to-day thank John L. Brown, the membe n oiu Meek fen burg, for his gallant lender ship in the salvation of the honor of the State. Yielding to his opponents ou the call of the previous question when ne eessary, holding his grip at other times!, Col. Brown, with that business sense which leaders have, cleared awav the obi 8tacles, aud the tide of honor rushed through the gate wags of men's hearts, tilling them to the full, and it found ex pressiu in that lonir. lonir cheer of cr&tii fied relief. Nor must I neglect to do honor, to. ami if renown can follow, it should go too Hon. Giles Mebane, Senator from Casw 11 who looking back along the pat h of his 71 winters set an example to the comiti? men and the young in his declaration : "I want no greater honor than to have been a member of this body of men who have coufered upou the children of the State that greatest of all honor au honest name." i God spare the old men ! The Borrow of trials and bitterness and acrimonies of me years have not soured nor embittered them, and they come to the door of dnti with hearts and souls as full of honor Lk in rue days when the blood bounded warm ly and impulsively. X. A case of Federal usurpation of judicia power has just occurred in Vinriiiiai wherein a Federal Judge caused the iui dietmeut of five Comity Court Judges ou the charge of withholding from negroes the right of serving on juries. The Viri ginia Legislature at once took the necesi sary steps to test the validity of such action, in the United State Supreme ourt, and also directed her reprcseuta4 tives in Congress to cause an investiga tion into the official conduct of the Hon! Alexander Rives, author of the acts comi riained of. This is business lik. The Tax Bill and Taxes. In the House of Representatives yesterday the Revenue Bill passed its second reading! and to-day it will doubtless pass its third reading and go to the Senate. The material chauges from the existiug aw are few. I he poll tax is reduced from 89 to 72 cents. The tax on rea estate is reduced from 29 cents to 24 cents, viz : for general fund 12 instead o 4 cents last year j for asylums 6 instead of 9 cents ; for the penitentiary 6 cents as now. The real estate tax last duced $ 13129. The reduction amounts to about $25000.-K.i!eish Observer, 5A f . .Tobacco; Tax The bill reducitig the tax o tobacco to 16 cents filially passed jCongress ou the 27tli. ll;' will lake effect sigu the bill, which it is believed he will j3o-T We congratulate the people inter jested in this matter on the success of their representatives in Congress iu press ing this measure through. The people jbf y this district will ,not forget the un wearied attention given t it by the Hon. Wm.'BI. Robbius, from first to last, as worthv of their thauks. Cabarrus farmer in Charlotte cotton sold aud the money iu his pocket feels good aud takes a little whiskey to make him feel better a little tipsy-goes to bed in his wagon money in his coat and coat under his head. Wakes coat and money gouc Ah ! there are sleek rogues about that city. PRIVATE STOCKHOLDERS IN TERN N.C RAILROAD. WES From the Raleigh Observer. "The private sUvk in the Western North Carolina Railroad has been s great LugUarin the niinds of a great many of our peple uuder the arrangement re-organizing the Company in 1875, and in the LegiMlature two years ajjo led to interminable dicuion. The matter appears not yrt to have reached the compre hension of all miudo. Tlie capital Mock of the Western North Carolina Railroad Company was original I v $4,200,000 in round numbers, of which coun ties and individuals held one tliiid, or $1,300 000, and the Slate two-thirds, or $3,900,000. The private! stockholders were those who suf fered by the vicimitudes of the Road. They sacrificed everything, lost all the money which they had subscribed. The estate of the la mented Charles F. Fisher, for example, wa. bankrupted by the Western North Carolina Railroad. When, before the war, the work was about to be paralyzed by the failure of a number of contractors, and the progress of the road about to suspend, that public spirited citizen and gallant gentleman came forward and took the uncompleted work of the line as far as Morganton, receiving in payment two thirds caph, one-third 111 stock. 'J hat is why on the stock book there stands opoite the name of C. F Fisher 1,498 shares of the Wes tern North Carolina Railroad. There were a number of other contractors and private indi viduals holding large numbers ofxli.-ires, whilt the counties of IJurke and McLowtll each nuh s-Tioeu sou.vuu 10 tne ranroaii, on the conntv bonds issued (r which they are to-day paying interest. Thus, while with individual and counties the history of the ratltoad w.-is a record of pe cuniary Micrifices, the Stale of North Carolina has never actually lost a dollar, save a sma! amount of interest paid on her Slate Iwnds, for ner subscription was her bond, which she has ieer paid, and on which the interest hits de faulted for nearly twenty years. 'Under tlnse circumstances, when the Legis lature of 1874-'75 was devNing ways and means to buy the road under the then im pending judgment sale, it was deemed a just and wise policy on the part ot the Legislature to allow the individual and county stochholders to come in under the purchase to be made by .J .1 .. . . .t it owir, auu inn secure, 1101 on iv ineir co operation, but the withdrawal of their suit to lest the validity of the mortgage bonds, which would have tie 1 the mutter up in the Slate, Federal and Snpreme Courts of the United States for years, keeping the road iu the hand of a receiver, and so rendering it impossible . ' . ft I m . . tor me worK 01 construction aud extension to go on, for perhaps a generation, while in the meantime the Western people would continue without railroad facilities, and the Slate U denied that development so vitally important to her. Therefore, section live, chapter loO, laws of 184-'7o, enacted as follows : "That upon a reorganization of thecomnanv under this act the State of North Can Una shaft be assigned three-fourths of ihe sUxkand the private stockholders one-fourth of t ie stock. uider such regulations for the anrortionmtnt it lire private alock as the commissioners mav ,ii wiiu. m wici auv.it urgamzaiioil Hie . v ti.-i a . 1. , . . number f commissioner shall be increased to lour, one of whom shall be elected bv the nri- vatelockholders in such manner as the com missioners hereinbefore provided for sha 1 prescribe: Provided, That the State of North Carolina shall, in all public meetings of the sloes holders, have a voice equal to the whole amount of the stock assigned to the State bv .L . ? .ft" ... . tne provisions 01 mis act. But that the State should not be at the ex pense of improving the . property of private persons, at the public expense, the Legislature of l876-'77, chapter 100, section 8, of the Public Laws, provided for a statutory lien on the property of the private stockholders, as follows : The Superintendent of the State neniter.- lary sua 11 oe requtreu to lurmali all supplies, ucU as guardiiiK, teed 1 11 r, clotliinif and doctor oills, which together with the hire of said con victs, at a price not less than tiftv dollars ner annum, with the maintenance of and hire of all uch convicts as have heretofore been etuploved on said road, together with all sums of money heretofore paid, or may hereafter be paid, for the j purchase of iron, or any other material whatsoever, used 111 connection with the said road, including such interest as heretofore has been, r mar hereafter be oaid bv the State on the mortgage bonds of said company, and any uiu u expenses ol whatever character incurred heretofore or hereafter, in the comulelion and stockine of said road and paid bv the Stite. shall be Charged against the said road by the f ubiic treasurer, in a book kept for that pur pose, and all expenditures and appropriations thus made shall, in addition to the iien al ready created, constitute a lien upon the fran chises and all other property of the said com pany whatever, and which it may hereafter acquire, to secure the repayment to the State of all sums of money aud value of 1 ibor ex panded and used on said road, and which may' hereafter be extended and used under this act or any act of the Central. Asseiublv hereafter passed." The claims of the judgment creditors against 1 he Western North Carolina Railroad amount ed to $850,000, and to that sum Commissioners Brogden, Armfield and Robinson were limited n their bid at the sale. It had been arranged between these Commissioners anJ the creditors that they should bid, in behalf of the State, $350,000, and ine mortgage bonds of the road to that amount with which to make the pay ment. And so the State of North Carolina became, a second time, a principal stockholder in the' Western North Corolina Railroad without paying sny money for her stock, the only difference being, that in the second case she Issued the mortgage bonds of the road in stead of bonds of her own. as in the first . -1 instance. The fact abore referred to fixed the capital stock of the reorganizad Company of the Wes-1 tern North Carolina Railroad, at J$850,00d, . "divided into shares of one hundred dollars ch. three tWrth of which hfJiH belong to thje state of North Carolina, andi the other one fourth toy the Mockholdersj other j than the Slate, each to have a certificate for hi pro rata share o? such stock according to the num ber of shares owned bv him, las" proAided in the act entitled an net in relation to the Wes tern North Carolina Kailroad, ratified the thirteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred ami seventy-five; and a certificate for Stale stock shall be issued tuf the State and deposited in the Treasury ! Now the matter of stock in the Western NorrirCaroliaa Railroad, State, county and individual, resolves itself into this proposition. The property of th Western; North Carolina Railroad is mortgaged fori $350,000. The capital stock of the road is $350,000, of which the State represents $637,000; counties and individuals $212,500; the jentire property which said stock represents being mortgaged to secure the bonds issued to make the purchase of the said property. When the Slate shall pay $637,500, and the county and individual stockholders $212,500 to take Up the mortgage bonds, the road will be free from debt. And when the private stockholders shall psy to the State one-fourth pf all the moneys, labor, material, interest ou bonds, and every other exponse the State has or may hereafter put upon the Western North Carolina Rail road, since June J 875, the said private stock holders will own one-fourth of the interest in the said Railroad, but till they shall have done so their interest is merely nominal, the Wes tern North Carolina Railroad being absolutely the property of the Slate until all such condi tions are complied with. In Favor of Othkk Folks Reform ixo. The Philadelphia Press is enthusi astically iu favor of retonii in Baltimore. We are warmly in favor of reform in Philadelphia-likewise in Baltimore. It is our opinion that it is uexi to impossible to have too much reform, and if there is enough to go round we would like to see its blessings showered upon the universe. Baltimore Gazette. Si'UKGEoN ox Enthusiasts. Spurgeon says : "We ought to have room -for en thusiasts, even if they violate every rule of grammar. A grand blundering, ham mering, thundering, whole-hearted Boan erges is worth a dozen prim, reverend .M ... , 1 .... . .... ... I. .. - !ll . . Sv nut Him, uict-H .is iiuiK aim water and soft as boiled parsnips." lawyers are never more earnest than when they work with a will that is, i the est a to is valuable. FOR RENT. A small, newiy-repamd 11 UL hh, close to business. '1 trins reasonable. 'A.Parker. Farmers, DON'T BE SWINDLED out of A BALE OP COTTON WIXBIV TIIEO. F. ttLUTTZ will sell you one ton of Boykin, Carier t Co's CELEBRATED lome Fertilizer For 200 lbs. Cotton, 7A7AOLH m Z70VBCXBZ1ZI ! It is the best in use. Ess to mn.ipulate. Requires no cotion seed nor stable manure. No charge fur recipe or right to use. Equal to nny U nuano. Has been tested for years Call anil jjet particulars and see testimonial Don't be humbugged by cheap imitations. You cm get l lie genuine only from T11EO.F.KLUTTZ, Druggist, No20:ly Sole Agent foi Rowan, N O T I C 1 . Noutu Cakolixa, Daridson County In Superior Court. Susan E. Humphreys and Benjamin F. Hill yard, Plaintiffs, lyatnst Alfred F. Hargrave, Defendant. The defeiuTaut atiove named is hereby no tified that the! atove action h.i leen instituted to recover damages againl him fur the seduc tion of a servant, and that a warrant of attach ment has Iteeu issued therein against his property, and that both thesumnions and war rant of attachment are returnable to the next term of the Superior Court to be held for the County of Djvidson at the Courthouse in Lexington, ou the sixth (6th) Mondav after the fourth (4th) Monday; of March! 1879, when and where he can appearand answer or demur, &c. itness C. J?. Lowe, Clerk of said Court, at office in Lexington, the 19t!i day of February, ly. U. r . L'JiV lS. C. S. C. Nol9 24 THAT WELL KNOWN FERTILIZER OF FOURTEEN YEARS' STANDING I Eich in Ammonia & Phosphoric Acid. The Leading Fertilizer Of Ihe Country BEING MORE EXTENSIVELY: USED THAN ANY OTHER, : And Particularly Adapted to THIS COTTON CROP. Also 'Pacific' Guano Co's ACID PHOSPHATE OF LIME, So well and favorably known inN. Carolina. Can be had upon application to the following Agenis : Jno. Allen Browx, Salisbury. Lexington. Concord, i Itowan Mills. Statesville. Davidson Clge Mooresville. Lj. C llANES, C. G. Montgomery, W. A. LUCKEV, C. A. Carlton, Stouoh & Sloak., 8 a ac Harris, J. C. BORROCGnS, Charlotte. .Tun. PL "R.A AR A &. tf Xol7 Gex'l Agents, Baltuuon?. Md. ; ':vRjyt' mi ROBINSON Richmond, Indiana. ESTABLISHED 1 1842. WE BUILD PORTABLE ENGINES - ! I - Mounted on Trucks or Frame of 6-48 10 j H! 12 14 and 25 Horse Power; ' t i' WE ALSO BUILD THE J 'TEERLESS" PortaMe Elite i.. i- on frame of 4 and G Horse Power. These engines have horizon till tubular boil ers, made of No. 1 charcoal ham mered iron i inch thick! and: of 50,000 tts.teu8ile strength.! They are the best small j engine iu the market! WE BUILD FOIL. 6, 8, 10 and 12 HORSE POWERS. I . i HORSE POWERS of all sizes. SINGLE OR DOUBLE j Saw Mills. STATIONARY ENGINES, DRAG SAWS, SAAV TABLES, CORN SHELLERS, FEED MILLS, &c, &c. We offer special iiuliicenicntM to cash buyers. j j Send for Catalogue, and: state what yoii wish to liuv. Address, 1UJBINSOX & Co., 14: Kicliiupnd lud. Thre Ls a circular of this Hoase -at Crawfonl'H Hardware Siore, Saiishurv. where Information la re spect to steam engines may be obtained. That Lie SHOP AROUND the CORNER. j To the Public, Guketkg : JULIAN &FRALEY Present compliments to the public and desire to cull renewed attention to their efforts to lc useful as AND CARPEIITERS. Their prices arc as low as it is possible to .. i. . . i.i. . .... iiiukc menu ami ineir worK not interior to any. 1 lcy till orders in two departments, ana nave so jar given satisfaction. They have extended their facilities recently, and are .encouraged to hope for increased de mands. Their ready made stock in hand comprises a general assort men tjof house fur niture Bedsteads, Bureaus, Clothes Presses, Lounges, Racks. Wardrobes, I Book-Cases, Cupboards and China Presses. Candle Stands. Tin Safes, Desks, Tables, Washsiands, Chairs, &c. They also keen an assortment of j coffins! i ' 1 1 ' ol walnut, pine and poplar, from 3 tip ward. Also, Window Sash. They fill orders with out vcxr.tious delays. Will contract for car penter's worlc and warrant satisfaction. Will take good lumber and count rv uroduce in exchange for furniture. Shop nearly oppo site Watchman office. Julian Fkalky. JOHN II. VERBLE. as administrator nf Daniel Shaver, Plaintiff, Against James B Shaver. Georire II Shaver. Robert T. Shaver, H J Swicegood and wife Sallie D John lde and wife Mollie C, William H Ben- uiai, uuiiani y JBenthal, and-John D Ben thai, Defendant. ! To William H. Benthal. William W R,n. thai and John D Benthal, NOS-BESIDEXT&, 4 Yon are hereby notified, that a summon. has been burned against you. in the above en. titled proceedings, for the purpose of making real estate anet and yon are herebv reautred to appear at the office of the Clerk of the 8a nerior Court of Rowan county within iwm. days, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff, which will be deposited in the office of the said Clerk of the Superior Court! of Rowan County. i . it , , JOHN M. H0RAH, Clerk Superior Court Rowan County. 16:6t:pf47. f . BONDS To make Title to Land, and Laborer and Mechanics Liens, for sale at this Office 1 ,!.. liiiiii, i I Ttoeslg Maciriies I i - PRINTING OFFICP : - FOR SALE. :: -iTh type, vrrm aiul fiatur of fa narU' Recant (at Lexington, N C.) are fur 4u ' ;For particulitm, odd rem- . . j j , t C H. BttosER," NOTICE! t ; Public Notice is Riven that "the g-v hiury city; mills are no louirer inhi: .. ..i 18 md that we grind lio Ion wr tor toll the 1st day of March, 18?y. ' 1 N. B.Vtwill keep on Imnd inealaV,A floor to exchange for grain or bp rami Si lthlt A. 1Uktaian& jjox. JAMES M. GRAY Attorney ana uounsellor at Lav 'SALISBURY, K. (j. ' it , Lj mce iut,,e ??urt taJ, lui oquinrtiangnnin. practico i .o PUBLIC nOTIGS. Dated 30ih Jannarv, 1879 - -t P. N. HEIL B F. Roauns, C. B.C. Mvor, -IV. SV t2.a Over 1UO UtmtKnvslrlM . '. NOTICE. I Notice i hereby given that-applicttion im iuut m iuc jyrmiiure ut nurill Uaruli now in emion. for the paixuie of an Aci1 lnHiruratioii for IheXJnnstiaH Auociiiiol u,. WILLIAM JONES. I WESLEY JONES,' j and OTIlJiKS, i Jan. 25th, 1879. l&ot., Davidson County " j-1 IX TIIK SUPERIOR COtRT Jno. II. Welbore, Ptff.. j Against ' W F Bucklv, L B Cadv. A Spandone, E L Abel, aud Summon fir puiers io riainun unsown, i relief.: itrading under firm name of j Dunn'n Mountain Mining J-Coiupany, Drjtndants. J STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Co the Sheriff if ItoiranCoHutifGtectinl You are hereby commanded to summon! W ' haj r liucliley, L, li Uatly, A spandone, E L AM, the Defendants above named, if they be found i within your county, to be and appear :Jbe(rt i the Judge of our Superior Court, at ajCourt ! -be held for the county of DnvidMm at khr ijoiwe in lArxiugion on the Old Aionqaji after the 4th Monday of March, 1879, and wJ uie couiiaini wnicn win be deposited ia the office of the Clerk of theSuperior-Cuurt for aul county, within ihe fimt three darn of term, and let the naid Defendant take notice llii if they fail to answer llieaid comt)Iamt dnrB. Kiid term, the Plaint iff wiil aimly tn the Court ior uie reiiei oeinanueu in (lie complaint, j ; Herein fail not, and of thin sumtuons uik due return. ! ; - : y (tiven under mv hand and seal of said Court this 19th day of Dec , 1878. , O.K. LOWE,, Clerk Sujerior Court Davidson Couhtjt It apjearing to ihe 'ourt 4liat the defend, ant in Hit jiltuve entiill action are non-rett deiiti of thiit State, ami cannot after du dili trenre le found within the estate, himI that Kiifiicieirt cant'e oTactimi f xinis agiihM ui4 defendant in favor of the plaititifl; and itI apearing to the Court that a Warrant bf -M tachment Wihm! agTtinnt the rpniperty of- ihe defendant in this Stafe, at the issuing of ihi above itunimontt. -f . ; It U therefore onlert-d thai the abore ntOK-j moon and this Notice of Attachment be pb6 1 iwiiefl eacli week lor six- sucreive weekiju j the Carolina. Watchman, a newspaper publish ed in the town of Salisbury, in tlie 7th Judicial ' Dutrictof North Carolina. " f : (J. F. L0WE.C.S. t 4 'Jan. 18th, 1879. 15:6t V 1 SIHOHTON FEMALE COLLEGE Statesville, N. C. The next seiwion opens Augnot 23,, IVX Boanl, and tuition in KngliidK $85.00 iw 9 t sion of twenty weeka. Catalogue and circollf ; with full paniculate on application. I f U' Ad.lrenp. Mr. K. N. 'UKAKT.i ! rrincipu P. ll HEILIG & SO I, would call attention to ttietr large and spl stock oi j ; HARDWARE Embracing IRON8 and 8TEEU every ' rartrtf sizes and shapes est quality, j lj I j Wsvgon suad Buggy MaterladaM' eoinprt-losr all the varioua kinds required apn1 axles, wheels, c, ready to set up. . j, TelcRniph Straw Cutter, 1 all sizes, and uosurpassed in quality and durabflW' Great American Lightning SATOj j every kind and size, embracing MILL CB0SSCl". j H A I L8 all blze cut and wrou &C 3 j ; The most popular and approval styles-Ho' tngs, all khida, bolta, Ac. tST' No. 5 point? tor WINDOW CLASS from S.li toS40-Ptttty.' Paints, Varnishes, Iightalng Drier, c FAIRBANK SCALES Steelyards and Balanc Worli Tool For Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Shoemakers, rartj Champion Slowers avnd Re1 Eorst Rakes. Threshing: HacM Horae-Powera, Pumps, ErGraln Cradle ! Grass Scythes, Planters nandled Hoes, i CU N S Pistols, Knives, and CUTLERY of tSTOur stock embraces everything to be a large and complete Hardware Store, and aU " prices for ca.sh.jK With thanks for past ta hope to merit continued confidence and mo1? patronage. .March T, 187s. - s1'. i Mortgage Deeds for sale her Also various other blanks. r Subscribe for the WatciimiiSi ly 2 acar. j Notice is hereby given that appiicaHSo will be made to the premsnt Geneml -AntvuH, the passage of an Act amending : t,e i ' of the Town of Salisbury. i 1 4rt' 34: 1 y Principal I f cr,

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