-'.IT-.-.'"-' A Home Newspaper Published in tHe Iripest of jtfriTPeopie and for Honesty in Governmental Affairi;. - : -. - :, - f1:- r. ., 1 : ; : , . ' 7 Vol. X No. 19 Salisbury, N. 0. i d n esb a y , v April 29th, 1914 ww, h. Strwart, Editor 'Vi ; - - - -- . - -5.. 1 SEED CPRM FOR .PLANTING. Department of Agriculture Tells How to Prepare the Corn. Requests are now reaching the de partment of agriculture for informa tion in regard to prepariug seed corn for planting. The most vital part of seed corn selection work can be per formed only at corn ripening time in thetalL Every corn grower should now spend a day or more getting his seed corn entirely ready for planting. The pres ent work consists of discarding unde sirable ears, germination testing,txiub bing, classifying the ears, shelling and testing the accuracy of drop of the corn planter.- The quality and productiveness of the seed supply can now be improved by discarding the poorer , ears and the poorer kernels, . ' ' , . c':,;-. The seed corn should now beas dry as a bone," and among the ears that appeared desirable Jast fall some un desirable ones will now be found. Discard any that have discolored ker nels,' small size, very sharp beaks, germs of poor development aDd appear ance, etc. All the ears retained should show good development and maturity, be" heavy for their size and contain solid, vigorous looking kernels of fairly uni form size and shape. These desira ble ears -should now be tested to de termine whether all the kernels will grow. Germination Testing. Although good seed selection and preservation usually make a separate testing of the germination of each ear unnecessary, it is advisable to exercise precaution by demonstrating that the ears will germinate well. Ten kernels from each of fifty ears can be tested by one of the various methods that have been so well described - in litera ture. This demonstration thst fifty representative ears-germinate satisfac torily is sufficient evidence of the use lessness of testing each ear of the en tire supply. If ears of poor germina tion should be found it will be advis able to test each ear of the entire sup ply In order to be able to discard those In poor germination. Discard the small, partially developed kernels from the tip of the ears. Why? Because such kernels do not yield well. Careful field experiments have demon strated that they grcrw into small, bar Ten and poor producing stalks. Discard tlje round thick kernels from the butts'of the ears. Why?: 'BecVuse the corn planter cannot drop- evenly if nels.' Kernels that have been injured by mice or weevils or that are otherwise undesirable should also be discarded before the ears are shelled. Classifying the Ears. As it is highly advisable that the corn planter should drop an equal num ber of kernels in each hill, which it cannot do unless the kernels are of uni form size and shape, it is advisable to classify the ears before shelling them. Those having large kernels should be Included in one class and those having medium size kernels in another class. Each class should be shelled and bag ged separately. To these bags the planter, plates that testing has shown will drop regularly the proper number of kernels should be tied for conven ience at planting time. Shelled seed com can be cleaned and graded by expensive, properly adjust ed grades, but the method just de scribed of classifying the ears before shelling is more satisfactory. How to Shell Seed Com. Seed corn should be shelled by hand. Careful . hand shelling pays the man who plants but a few acres, and it pays to a greater degree the man who plants hundreds of acres. Each ear should be shelled separately into a hand sieve. This permits the chaff from the cob to fall through and the kernels from each ear to be closely in spected before being dumped into the general supply. The value of this close inspection is lost if the ears are run through a corn sheller and some of the kernels cracked or broken. Cellar Door Counterbalance. The raising of a cellar door can be made quite easy if there is a counter balance of almost the same weight as the door. One farmer attached this ATTACHMENT FOB GEL LAB DOOK. balance in the manner shown by Pop ular Mechanics, with a rope running over a pulley in the upper end of the post on which the door rests when Open. To make room for the weight two tiles are sunk into the ground at the right place. HH11M 'H 1 11 1 'X-X-I-I-X-X-l-X ! I"M' 4. PLAY SAFE WITH A BULL. 4 ; 1 No matter how gentle the bull is, put a ring in his nose. Ar range a four foot stick with a snap' on one end and a looped, strap on the other. Snap this to the ring when taking the ani mal to and from his stall or let for water or in handling him in ', any way. Play safel Farm and Fireside. S A LIS B UR Y AND " ROWAN COUNTY LOCALS The Grnb Theater has been tak- en in hand by Measri. P,JJ; Beard aud Col. Lv Welch, who - have changed its name tc The Colonial, a decided improvement. Ta&y propose to give it their personal attention . The Independent Order of Odd Fellows throughout the length and breadth of the country will celebrate their 95th anniversary about May lit. The public schools of Spencer will hold their aniiUaT commenae ment exercises May 5th to 8th. A very interesting program has been arranged bich inolades an ad dress Friday night by Cameron MorriscD, of Charlotte; This school has been very successfully conducted under the superinten ds? of Prof. M. L. Barnes. T h mai.y friends her will ajm pathize with M G.Vi'e in the lest his sister, Mrs. Ada Viele Barr, of Omaha, N braika, who was struck by an automobile and instantly killed Thursday, April 16, h. Mrs. Barr was known in Salisbury. Rufus Iseuhoar, an enterpris ing brisk manufacturer of East Spencer, has purchased the Fit geru'd brick plant in Durham Improvements are beiLg made at this plant, which is to have a ca pacity of 250C0 brick per day and T. A. Howell, of Spencer, will have charge of its operation. Mr. Isentoar is interested in briok plants here and at Whitney. Messrs. T. D. Brown and B. B. Miller have, owing to some agita- tion ; on the ' sabjecV : deolared I -!- -ft the Corporate Timiks of the oity of Salisbury. j A doien or more parties weie before the county court last week on a charge of retailing, a mapri ty of whom were negroes or poor whites. This was a result of an effort on the part of the citizens of East Spenoer to break up the traffic in whisk? selling in that community. Most of the partus arrestad were cenvioted and given chain gaDg sentences, Bome were let off with a fine and others were found not guilty. This is all r.ght Bud, but why are they permitted to go unmolested in Salisbury? ' The many friends of J. A Pra ttler will regret to learn of the destruction of his flour mill at Gold Hill last Wednesday morn ing, Mr. Prather had some in surance and may rebuild, but he l .sea his labor for the past' two rears. There was considerable wheat stored i th? mill by other parties on which there was no in surance and will be a total loss to the owners. It isjhoped Mr. Pro ther, who is a splendid miller and citizen, will rebuild and remain at Geld Hill. Those who owe Mr. Piather would do well to set tle and thus lend that sulstanial enoouragemt nt to be so much ap preciated at such a ttme. Surveyor CM. Miller with a force of assistants is preparing a map for the town of Thomssville. -L. A. Fesperman, of Faith, was in town today and brought his wife to the Whit headStokes Sanatorium for treatment. Mrs. Fesperman has been ill for some time. Her many friends hope that she will soon be restored to health. J. G Bennett, chief operator of the Western Union Telegraph Co. here, a member of Company H, sec nd regiment State troops, has ben called home, Olinton, N. C, t join his company. Just why was not revealed. Freight train No 88 wai derail ed near Oid Fort Sauday morning and delayed tua passenger trains for several hours. Five oars left the track and killed some twelve or fifteen head of cattle, injured and scattered a number of others. A man by the name of E, A. Poteat, said to be from Salisbury, was f und dead in bed in a room at the Mansion House in Char, lotte Saturday about noon . Ad empty bottle which bote a label indicating that it had oontained a hypnobromio compound wsa. found on the washstapd, the contents of which it is believed he drank. His remains were sent to a point Sduth Carolina for burial. in The citizens Jacksonville, Fla . , are making great preparations to enlsrtain the C:nfederate veterans who will attend the annual re-union there next week. Lee Ludwick, Raymond Wither spoon, and Alger Mabaley, Salis bury boys who are bluejackets on the battleship Rhode Island and who have been at home on fur lough, were ordered to report for duty at once Saturday. Their ship was in dry dook at Boston, Mass., and. they left Saturday night. There are a number of other boys f rem this section on the battlespips now in Mexican waters. Robt. MoNeely, son of the late Win, McNeely, is captain of the Louisiana, Stewart Cuth rell, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Cuth-. rell is on the Nsw- Hampshire, aud Clifton QuinTi, Bon of Mr. and Mrs. M. 0. Qiinn, is also present. RevWa'.terL. tingle, D. D . one of the 1 lading members of the Southern Presbyterian Church and a member of the faculty of Union Seminary at Richmond, was in the oity this .. week.' Dr. Liugle is one of the men Thb Watchman had in mind when it said recently that if the people of Salisbury and Rowan County were to furnish the means to build and equip a boys' oollege,. they should see to it that a Rowan man would have' charge of it. This paper believes, without - any - dis first, last' arid all t he timrt' io f sr as it is possible and expedient. The fifteenth district meeting of the Junior Order United American Meohanics will take place with the council at Nor wood next week, May 5 h and 6tb. This district is composed "of the councils in Mecklenburg, Stanly, Cabarrus, and Rowan. Quite a number from Salisbury and vioin ity will attend. Theo. Atwell, who has conduct ed a grocery business here for the past twenty years, has disposed of his stock aud business to Messrs. 0. D. Warlick and James A. Cheatham who will continue the business at the same stand on North Main Street near the sky scraper. Mr. Warliok has-been in business here for several years and is muoh liked by all ' who know him., Mr. Cheatham is a brother of Mrs.- W. B. Smoot and is from Youngville, N. 0. He comes highly recommended' The Watchman hopes these, young men will meet with abundant suc cess. Mr. Atwell retires owing to poor health which" he hopes to im prove by taking a rest. At the reoent meeting of the ex entive committee of the N. C. Lutheran Synod in this oity, $10Q0 was appropriated to assist in the ereot'on of Calvary. Lutheran Church, at Spencer. Rev. Geo H Cbx.is pastor of this church which" has a splendid new edifice now under construction.' The city fathers have purchased a n3w street sweeper. This ma chine does not look like an ex pensive affair, yet it seems to be an improvement over many others Itsweeps the streets, pioks up acid carries the dirt to poiuts des red It is a one horse machine and looks like a business proposition instead of an extravagant show 83 often the 38 se in city purchases. The good work cf " presenting bibles and flags to the, schools throughout the county continues. Last week the schools, of Scotch Irish Township, Pine Grove, Teagaes' and Scuth River, were vitited by representatives of the patriotio orders and presentations made. A flag was also presented to the sohool at China Grove Friday- Bill BOMUS OFFER CLOSES. ONIpNiNl QMS MORE FOB-WORK. v ' ilS?--l -T4 V-' "iB,WBBSJBlBBiaWaBBBBw M J.: ThMoiiie Stretch is Be fojpMpa, Make the Best of It. Tbellfeiig'HBbnUs period closed today fsef boon, 4d about all of the f Instants have made a plendfd tAhowingrt some better than otbrf.cf bourse. Now that the laiWtfldjs to be made let every t i& (or ward without fal teringiyf withsaoidea or suspioion of faild rifreare many who can bli&tin yet, many who haye ntven been approaohed, aud sol UwIjo have promised but have n tjr3 paid up. The har vest iB.jtJathi field is large, the laborer eJffevK and the.' reaping is onlyfled-ljy the tact and energy I fee-reaper, so donH loiter by iWwayside, but rather speed uv oei limit and make success fly lore . ; Now is the time t04&& a' systematic can ass, a Uuie )ib house canvass, for a lit! Aort of. ibis kind will surely U g''rettlts' -greater than one wool trnki Hesitation will not help? jne conldjnt tharefure and pro'd1 with assurance of success, ft aby one oan scare up S. do! flbd wl be glad to give yorf smltl an enorurage ment, b Edvhhey will get the papers, ftygvorth the monefor the time djforv oner two, often years. Report -5flij be "e in both Thf WaIm ftUdECjBp un til he.oli pfatorl'each paper and see bf4er:on grcwjV Tyt rejslight chaQtf4n I ' KGt-cWf -itlition . 5 1 blott gra contest manager, is no Tont 10. in any wise con nected wi-jjertsris office or this oon test. Le- lis money, or checks sent to hi 4 will be at the sender's risk. SeowAtj communications to The Caa Watchman, or Wm. H h.tlwart, Salisbury, and proper a, Wtion will be giveii rame. rnofeer item is to tho effect thH?he closing date has been chal.? to noou, Saturday, Mayth,rsB&d My 6th. Thit change w made neoessary cn account C iJh;f' large amount of work theMt3 force will have to look afteiL&s Wednesday, making it impossi give proper atten tion on tl4ae first named, Thi? applies to tiali9 end will give all three extr?..as to ronud up the oampaigtti !)bfch ought to be a big help. . ' All vot-jf sust be in The WATCHMAfElbcE by 12 m. Sa nrday, Ma s'ltbi when they will ho placed A 4ha ballot box and turned ov,jhree! judges wire will count lr and! declare the results. , $h hjndges, some of Kell0:-Haine5 Singing Party as They Appear In Light Opera I -si fc ' ' ' . - I ' L ''' 1 ' jEr-. ' l I 1IGHT OF fi-lly tie well known Kellogg-Haines, Singing Party wUl be anothe'fc(t eiijoyable erent of Chautauqaa week. One -pf the . operas'1 thlk company presents is "Lovely Galatea," the entire "rendiflf a'&ejng given in addition to brief selections from other operas. "Where, ho the Idate of this company comes on Sunday at a Chau tauqua they W fssnt aelecttons from the oratorios instead of grand opera c win stva a jm oonctrc mcst prominent and oapable men. axe: Frank R. Bbown, Chm'n. LfeE M. Mock, . Prof R. G. Kizeb. Th vote at noon to-day stands as follows: Salisbury R F D 1. Mrs. Allie Hoffner. ..... m 200 Salisbury, ft F D 2. Miss Eva Black welder, 169 600 do Anna Watson 127 200 -Salisbury, R FO 3. Miss Letha Peeler 189 000 Salisbury, R F0 4. Mrs". Fannie Morgan. ... 90 200 Salisbury, R F O 6. Mrs. Rhoda R. Ssf nt ". . . 100 600 Salisbury, n F D 8. Mrs. J". M. YpBt . . ..... 65 600 Spenoer Miss Ollie Gray 128 800 China Gro ve. Miss Ada Linn . 168 200 do di Mrs Sophie Graham. 189 000 MarySifferd 140 800 J. A. Roberts 120 200 China Grove, Route 1, Miss Aggie Lipe 189 000 China Grove, Route 2. 3liss Lottie Fesperman 182 800 n&nnspoIi, It C Cleveland.' Miss Nora MoLaughlin, 140 800 Crescent. Miss Ila Safrit 120 400 Rockwell. Miis Elsie Misenheimer, 127 600 Rockwell, R 2. Mus Annie Bost 95 200 Richfield. Miss Doris Ritohie 106.800 Richfield, R 2. Miss Carrie E. Shaver. . 180 000 Gold Hill, R 1. Mrs. Erma Morgan 98 800 Craven, R 1- Miss Essie Skeen . . 118 400 Jubilee, R 1- Miis Mary J. Elverson . 100200 1 year $ 1.00 2,000 votes 2 years $ 2.00. ..... 7,000 votes 8 years $ 3 00 12,000 votes 4 years $ 4.00 ...... 18,000 votes 5 years $ 5 00 ..25,000 votes 10 years $10.00 75,00 J vU as J CHINA oWE HIGH SCHOOL CLOSES. Address bj Hon. J. Y Jojnerand Dr Brew er. Medals and Diplomas 6iieo. China Grove, April 24. The olos ng exercises of the China Grove High School were held here today in the auditorium. The primary departments rendered an operetta Thursday night entitled "Snow White" to a naoked house. The exeioises Friday morning ujusnwa oi an address by J. Y. Joyner, State Superintendent of Pubilo Iustroction. His speech was a plea for vooational educa tion. The afternoon was given over to patriotio sooities. Dr. W. B. Duttera explained the school commission of these orders P S. Carltcn presented the flag.; which was received by Rev. C. A. Brown. Dr. Brewer's address on the "Constructive Foroes cf Smeri can Life" was delivered in his usual forceful style. Th following medals were awarded: Physiology, Sumter Oarpejter; science, Arthur Ketch ie math imatics, G.ace Ketchie ; Bible essay Battle Kimball; holarship, Effie Weaver; attend ance, Cbaries Faergart; United -Hates History, Ruth Offman; Geography, Ethel Blaokwelder; grammar. Mack Eddleman. Rnth Brown, Willie Thomas and Bittle Kimball were grad uated. This is the first grad uating clasa in this school. $200,000,003 Mortgage. . Tarboro. N. C, April 26 me Diggest mortage ever re corded iii Edgecombe county is being placed on record by Register of Deeds ; H. S. Bunn- It is $200,000,000 paper pi traeAiantic Coast Line and Sntains 32i000 words. L It reouired 4hree days to place the mortgage on record. 4 x JrStSat Spartanburg, S. C , April 27. After having been out less than two nours tne jury, in . th case of Clyde O. Clement and Miss Laura F. Pendleton, who have been on trial here during the paet week for the drowning of a baby. tonight found Clement guilty of murder and Miss rendJelon not guilty. Clement was reccom menctea to mercy, wnicn meacs under South Carolina proceedure, that he will be sentenoed to life imprisonment. The biby, alleged to have been the d inghter of the two defend ants was found in a millpnd January 81. Each of the defend ants accused the other of baviog thrown the child into the pond the night before, from a bridge. They admitted having gone to the bridge together with- the baby, but eaoh professed ignorance of the intention of the other, Miss Pendleton's tesimouy dif fered somewhat from an alledged confession made by her, after her arrest in whioh she quoted as say iug she unwillingly consented to the death of the baby after Clem ent hd promised to marry her if she acquiesced and threatened to abandon her if she thwarted his design All American Ciiiliaos Ordered Out of Vera Cruz. - Vera Cruz, April 26. Definite-j instructions from Rear Admiral Badger, commaiider-in-obief of the Atlantic fl-et, to ell American non -combatants to leave Vera Cruz by the steamer Mexico were po ted at the Consulate and oth'-r conspicuous places today . The order stated that all must be aboard the ship by 4 o'clock th s afternoon Many objected tc the ( rder and especially rebellious were the w imeu ose husbands till are in the interior. Knots of these held indignation meetings . The explanation was ffered .that food supplies ai.d h( nsiug ac commodatious rap-diy were coming serious problems and there was danger of disease through overorowded oonditirns. It was intimated that this might be tb last opportunity for some time for refugees to rach the Uiited States. Consul Canada gave assurances that the United States had been caring for such persons at the ports where they were landed and was providing for them. Sucklen's Arnica Sal vo HiSIISil wiaWi1 '- m aj a : 1 1 . ; KUERTA ACCEPTED THE 6000 "OFFICES" South Amarlcas Diplomats Now Bosj Oi- fisiDg i course to Pursue.. Washington, April 27. Formal aooeptane by the Haerta Govern ment of the offer of Argentina, Brazil and Chile to use their good offices to bring abont an amioable settlement of difficulty between the United States and Mezioo was oabled to ySpaniBh Ambassador Riano here tonight by Portillo Rojaa Foreign Minister in the. Haerta Cabinet. Senor Rojas' note was, trans mitted at once to the three South American diplomats, who began a conference which footed far into the night diioasBing the next move in their peace plan. Secre tary Kryan, having accepted the c ff er of good offices wfeen tendered the United States Saturday, the first step now is completed and the way paved for actual nego tiations looking to a peaceful clearing up of the situation. Neither Ambassador Riano nor the peace envoys would make pub lic the text of the Huerta accept ance. It was said, however, that senor Rojas replied briefly, ac cepting the offer and thanking the South American plenipoten tiaries and the Spanish Ambassa dor for their good offices, with a reference to "the real spirit of iolidant between peoples of a same race '. No conditions are imposed in an offer of good offices, consequently she reply from Mexico City, was . net expected to deal with con- ditions. 'That stage will be reach ed whea the peace makers, formu late their plans and make known how they propose to use the good offices which have been accepted. It was suggested tonight that they probably would ask the Washing-" , ton and Mexioo City Qoverments tomorrow - for statements as io ' wnat eaih would -demand in thar w event formal, mediation were- up : dertaken, and that upon the na'- ' ture of ' the resoonsea to thin ww , -. m-j.it-am mm mt ff i ,? i wwt , "'. MEW YORKERS VISIT SALISBURY. Among t the Visitors 64 Were Prisoners Here During the War. Yesterday Salisbury was host to 258 prominent New Yorkers, leading State officials, Sena tors representatives and-veterans of the Civil War composing- the monument dedication commission created by that State two years ag-o to erect a monument in honor of the Federal dead buried in Southern prisons ' Traveling- in two special trains of Pullman cars, the party was . cordially welcomed in Salisbury by Mayor W. H. Woodson, and others. The coaches were stop ped at the Federal Cemetary near the citv limits, where the visit ors went to the graves of 12,148 Union soldiers buried here. At the head of the party was State Senator A. J. Palmer, who is chairman of the commission and acted as master of the ceremon ies here, In his address of weleome May or Woodson was roundly applaud ed by the New Yorkers. A prominent speaker of the occasion was John Kerrigan of New York city, who gave an account of the work of the commission for which the legisl ature appropri ated $20,- 000. Other interesting- speakers were Col Samuel Pierce of New York, a former prisoner at Salis bury, and Robert Drummond.of Auburn, N Y., who gave a grah ic account of his awful experi-A ence in the Salisbury prison. "Rally Round the Flag" was sung in an effective manner by Miss Mabel McKenzie of New York, a daughter of a union sol- dier. No lss than 64 of the visitors were survivors of the prison experience in Salisbury. The party left last night for Andersonville, Ga., where today a monument is to be unveiled in honor of 13,722 federal dead. Eat HoTMfTfor Snails. , Exportation ofvhundreds of thou sands of Roman, or white, snails to the United States this season has led to a snail famine in Paris. To stop the American demand, the Roman variety is being "grown, and French cultivators are nursing the American trade because higher prices are ob tained from. Americans. Meanwhile shells Ingeniously filled with carefully prepared cones of horseflesh are being sold as genuine Romans In many Paris restaurants. " Railroads Needed In Alaska More than 99 per cent of Alaska is owned by the United States,' and this vast area was bought by the govern ment for less than two cents an acre. For developing the territory about ten thousand miles of railroad will be required, i tw-'-j, mmmmmmmcmmm ;trwrJa3M54 ..... , . .t i ' . m. .... . -

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