si ,r 1 VOL IZIV.-ITG. 1. ummrGioii, it. c.n i itrnal .At1 .JIV WILMXaTON, S. C: F2IDAY. JAN. 1, 1875. OY TELEGRAPH. COTIUM. ELXEPIIOX -OP TUG OITR KOLORED KINO KALAKAUA. DION BEAT AT BILLIARDS. N Toek, Deo. 31 Soon. Gen. Morgan L. Smith died of congestion of the lungs to-day. Tho Masoos gave the King of the Sandwich Inlands a spirited reception. MaariceT Viguani beak Joaeph Dion 600 poiuta for $1,000 and the cham pionship. Vignaux won in forty-eight initio, Dion scoring 638. .., Kaw York, Dec, 31 NigbU-The vwiu wMVHav v nvav va. million. TmB aiiimmiinfji tAi.w tai avav am EUROPE. ALFONSO PROCLAIMED KLXQ - : OF SPAIN. VLA EEPUBLIQUE. BEUBANO GONE TO MADRID.' B IBM ABO K ON THE TOPE'S v ; POWJGIt, v "Pabis, Doc 81 Noon. A tr-lo-graphlo dispatch received in this oitjr, from Mdrid,noder to-day's date, says that Prince Alfonso, eon of ex-Qaeen Isabella, has been proclaimed King of Spain, and it reoognized by all the foroes comprising the armies of the North and Centre, Donna Bianoa, wife of Don Alfonso, brother of Don Carlos, has crossed the frontier into Spain and proceedod towards Zo do UrgeL Santakdks, Dec. . 31 Night The Gorerner of Santandr r has resigned. The town is quiet. The navy is favor able to Prince Alfonso. vMarshol Ser rano has gone to Madrid. - ' Bsbun, Deo. " 31 Night Tho cir cular note of Bismarck of May 11th, reml in secret session at Ton Arnim'i trial, elated that the new Pope, if not recognized by the majority of JEarop oan sovereigns, would cease to be a Pope, but would stand in the same pomtiou as aBisbop sppointed without the consent or appro? a1o( Liu govern ment, v. .; ii.i MAgSACIIUSETTS: TROUBLE AMONG THE WEAV ER3 AND SPINNEE3. Fiti BrvBR, Deo. 81 Noon The omployers differing with the weavers and spinners in the mills here, either shorter time or lower wages seems cer tain. The operatives have adopted a resolution to draw their savings from the banks. The spinners accept the reduotion of wages under protest, with a view of striking in the Spring. UMANA. i'RD "SLANDERS WHOLE SOUTH. PACK THE New Orleans, Deo. 31 Noon. Marshal Packard, before the Congres sional Committee, is quoted as saying that "he did not believe that a llepub lioan State Government could be main tained in this or any other Southern State without the aid or protection of U. ii. troops." .... ELECTRICISMS. The thermometer rangad yesterday from thirty-five to thirty-six degrees below zero throughout Canada. A dispatch from Key West, Fla , re ports the brig Mississippi, loaded with - ojtton, and bound from New Orleaus for Havana, asohre on Caryfut lVcef. i Wreckers are discharging her cargo. A Bin Franoiaoo dispatch says that John Delancy and Samuel Richards were killed and a Mri Killon fatally and several other persons seriously in jured by an explosion in Sutro tunnel last Wednesday. Most of the operators of the Correll (Cal.)watch factory hove struck ugainbt the employment of Chinese. PROBABILITIES. Officii Chief Biosax 8krvicb7 i ' ' Waphtston, D. C, Dec. 81. ' For the South Atlantio and Gulf SMtes, contined cold and generally ' cloudy weather will prevail, with light riin, and easterly winds veering to southerly. For the Gulf, continued - h'gh barometer on the South Atlantic Coast and falling barometer in the lower Mississippi Valley and thenoe wectward. For Tennessee and the Ohio Valley, partly cloudy weather. - Mntor!y-Wtherlyw riatnar tomperatare and f allinsr barom e;er. For the Middle Btates and the lower Lake Begion, clear or fair weather, a slight rise of temperature. variable winds shifting to southerly or westerly, and very high but slowly, falling barometer during Friday. The lower Ohio and lower Mississippi rivers wili rise during Friday. The Anglo-Chinese city of Ilong Kong appeurs to have " some curious local, cubtoms. An English journal puuiiBuea mere says: "it appears that the local authorities have recent ly ordered that pigs , shall not be kept nt all within the limits of the city, and, as, in oonsequonce, ,pigs canuot bo allowed to sleep iu the rooms of their owners; sevenil women were foqndl Who hod wet tlib difficulty by'RoWto the newly ereoted pig-sty and sleeping with the pfgs As this was not qonsid ered au exactly proper- place for them tosleop, they were apprehondod and Coed twenty-five ccnta each." - 1 C! From the New York World. KALAKAl'A. Ills Anaaalag ltecepUaai Mlht Mew Yarfc Stack txcaaage. It had Leon intended to visit the ProdSoo exd Cotton Exchange and the Chamber of Commerce, as at each preparationhad been made to receive them, but tLe lateness of the start ia the moraine compelled an abandon ment of this plan, and it was resolved to male a dash for toe Moot ut change and catch the exhibition there before adjournnieit. All day long the brokers had indulged in a general hat-orufchmg crusade; rushes and haz ing had bean carried on to the fullest extent. The King, however, managed to gain the platform by a side passage before the brokers were aware of his arrival. He was received by Mr. Goo. H. Broadhead, who introduced him, aaying: It is my pleasure and duty in behalf of the members of the Stock Exchange to tender to yon our beat wishes for your happiness and prosperity, and the happiness and prosperity of the people over whom yon are the worthy ruler. . ' ' ' The latter part of the speech was lost in the beginning of the racket Hats flew right and. kit, and howls of the most dismal sort rang out from several hundred men, who were each trying to outdo the other in maniacal performances. The King looked, on In blank wonder; several of the bro kers nearest the desk shook their fists in the royal fuoe, and yelled out atrings of figures and fractions in be wildering rapidity.! The King drew back a aafe distance, and looked be seechingly toward the door. Not a word could be heard, bat by motion it was intimated to him that tho exhi bition was over, and guarded by the combined foroe of porters, floor guar dians aud officers of the Exchange, he was hustled along to the door on Wall Itreet. The broker made several passes at the hata cf members pf the royal party, but on collecting them selves together in the carriages, 'after a struggle through the outside mob, the King and party found that they were still entire. A long explanation from Alderman Van Schaick, who had been a sort of leader on the floor, only served to. still more mystify the royal eeker of information, .ana at last he gave it up in the single remark that, ao far as lie could "nnddrstand, it was "an imitation, of a bull-flght and ft beargarden combined." During the King's visit, Lowever, the assemblage .was comparatively quiet and orderly to what it had been during the earlier hours of the day. His Mftjo&tj was to have been at the Exchange, according to programme, shortly after 12 o'clock. It was gen erally known that the royal personage wa a )j fellow and of dark complex ion. An uniortunatP waiter imm m restaurant happened to enter one of the anterooms at aoout the hour named, answered the royal conditions exacflj. h was larger and he was ft deep.brruneiie ma was sufficient jor the uproarious brokers. lie was at once seized yreoeueu by ft band of half a do?eu tiny pipes playing an ftocompanimnt to a chorus of yells from an hundrecMbroats, the unfortunate darkey was .inTTJed into the court of the Exobanire. WTMl the closest of physical attentions he was tied up to the presiding officer's rostrum. That official refused t recognize his psendo majesty. But, nothing daunt ed, the vigorous stock speculators passed him rapidly and somewhat un ceremoniously about the hall several times, at lut landing him on the table ia tho centre. He stood up and attempted to explain thatMie had no relations to royality. - His words lost themselves in the mouth of ft horn several feet in length, which was thrust into his face and blown with deafen ing effect by a pair of stentorian lungs. A sudden motion of the table caused the elevated object o. such multifari ous attention to sit as suddenly down. A poor, little, nuofftndirg broker, who had been jostled to tho front by his more lusty brethren, ro. ivedthe full weight of the fall, and one broker was sent home lion du 'coiabut; The butt of all this fun at last essa a c-ood portion of bis woarina appan had been left in shreds on the floor. ' N Y. World' WaiUlngtMi Latter, Ben Butler's Cheap Traneporuu iii,n;.ir tleaw . Facing the south front of the Capi tol, on New Jersey avenue, a dwelling house oz solid granite is building, its position and structure are remarkable enough, even were it not the property and d rJ"n of General Butler. It is a' oopy, 1 Li! Vvo, of bis Lowell house. The f torn Cape Ann quarries. ard he got it here in ft characteristic way, uocording to report. When the pedestal for the . Scott monument was shipped to Washington, But ler said he would give the bal last if allowed to seleot it. He was, and accordingly ballasted the ship with bis granite, and thus prac tically solved the question of cheap transportation. Before his guberna torial campaign in '73, which was the finest field he ever had for a display of his peculiar humor, ft gentleman told - him authoritatively that if he wait ' till the next year he could be Governor of Massachusetts witnont any luss. 'Mir faria-iTtrl ",-ioi1 Rntlnv n wtv wf1w "I am much obliged to you, but 1 don't want anything I can get without a iubs. "A Traxic Story. la the French papers there is a trazio history of a magpie. It was greater favorite of the butcher who owned it: but a boy who had "received notice" and was to leave in short time, taught the bird to say, "It s oow s meat." These provoking word it pronounced whenever the butchtr showed to his customers his prettiest cuts, and the juvenile Lego thus com pelted that butcher to murder his favorite. A Maine man boasts that he has made the best rifle shot ever heard of. lie recently flrod at a dog in the night beitifr directea only by bis bark, o3 nit mm ia mo turoac. At Mobile. Ale.. IXwmer tvl, el Ue rhli-c ef the krotae trdhwlo-Uv, Tm J. HobrY. bf Ui !. J. W. KuLl M J. K DA V of fcieafnrt, North I ktoUm, to e we vallib u FAiMtfti eeoona r ue ia-e U4 Jena r timer, at Menu. At Mobile, AU. on tna fS I tam, k tk Rev Mr. Hewd et St Joke Chare, Mr. .A. L. OANS1UKT, Jr., ewl Mm UII1B K E W ADVISTISI3HSI8. OPERA HOUSE. TWO NIGHTS ONLY! ENGAGEMENT Of lit" CHASM. ISO Society Aocreee, Hiss ADA GRAY, Stpparted by a powerful Otmptny, loc'.dln W. Q. rOPX, XDW1X BEOWNI, MUeALUEFAliSiT0JJ,4f. ' Monday, January 4th, Forth Bret time la Mbit city, the breetlful r iTvmw piny vnuuiq .WHO'S WIFE? TUESDAY, January oth, ; ARTICLE 47. . ADHtSirOWi Faritrtta and DrM Clrote. I i Parqoetta Ctrele, at eeaiai UeUen, It an . i kmm leate nev tx M et P. Helneberr er e Hook ana ltvtl fttura alUwel eu oherje. . Jtallt C. H.vT. RUrJCE ' B ureate Hd from f 8 fke KQBTHFAST COaNKkOr Ilarliet and 2d Streets SAVE II01IEY JjT BVTTJB) rOVM. CBUOKKICS FOB OAS.BJ, Froarv Goods by (very Steamer PURI BAKCR WHISKEY, BRANDIES, WINES, 0 MKatta Front Itreet. , Jul ' A FULL LINK r1 or 1VJ UDIEV AIIO L1ISSE3 FOX rfjAtlcwficuBcs. a - ua. ruics's, Jn . (1 Market mueet. OUcial Drawings N. C. BENEFICIAL ASSSCUTISN. Wilkiboio", K. O, Doo.ll, int. CLASS 144 DBAWI AT 11 H. S3 SIS 44 MIOSIS SS Tl IS 8 GLASS 84S BBAW At I P. K. , IT 73 24 Tl IS SI tl 41 M B SO 46 S - GLASS Sit bbaw) ITf-J, It. '' BF-JT-ftf atrTfl 44 m et S Tt W.H.HA&K1SOW. janl 1-tf NoAdyanco In Prices. VTeeieeelllng Woodi ' For Load. FerOord. Oak aad Black Jaek, site to eta. SlBtoitO Ah IStoU" I 00 to I H Miied MtoTO " I 49 to I CO Pine 70 " I7S Cut np and hauled at loweet poatlblo coot. Cooiumera can aate luenor by piuohaalas at our yaid. . Jni u. U. i"AaSbBlt;w. L'Arioso. i - - Member! are reonetted te meet at theelBoo of John W. Gordon, In New Hanorer Hank Building, thlii Friday) orenlng.'at TK o'elock. to deelde whether two Hops Shall be glyea during tho current month. a j order or tho freei aent, W.J. OOEDOW, ! Secretary and Treasurer. Jn X ' ' . . 1-lt Bagging and Ties 2QQ BOLLS HIAVr BAUQlKO, 1,000 '.Foraaloay '' '"'' AIBGAUItB UAUDEA BEOS, dee II . - 110 Cheese, Apples, Fota n toes and Rice. VO BUXRS GHRF8E, , M Kbla. Baldwin Apnlre, , lBbie. Early Hoee FoUtooa, -0 Tlereee BICo, 2S Bble. Blco. For sale by - . KERCH2KKB ft OALDEB BBO. deell ...'..,..',.-.,..v , t 111 Bacon, Porky Lard and Salt. 75 Boiee D. 8. Sldei and Shoulden, - (.1 Bone smoked Mldee and shoulders, BO T leroe and I uDl Lard, 3,000 Saekt Salt. - , . JTor oalo by KXEG8SIB OALDBB BB. - 110 deell Just Received ! T ABOK INVOICES OF SAMTJEli W. COL- UuV Axes and Nora 8ootla Grlndetones, whloh are for salt low at tho St Hardware Store of GILES ft MTJBCHISOX. dec 17 Mil ,118 MM T,L RIZTWf I.SCBFESB0. Lellrerid promptly At Lowest Prices for Cash. - By O. Q. F ABB LIT ft CO. dea K jMSlSZXIB, . . cuacoa; AlA3JS0niNr! " and fc-UMMEL CHA3.P.rTi:r.r3&co.. , U.Jrt4jrr..-!tBrrt. mvi i i , Eoarders ' ri rpWOURTHKSE m rLKUXataatnt gJBoerJ, wiikrefyovj t)le lUoiee, la private rmUy r.erthebi c pen ett city i loeilioe ntj oeelrebii. Bor4 my ree-onebla. Apply t t& Joiai.L C. dee It .. . t.U Horss. -Blankets Beflillee, nrert, Trmh, Tnrellrif fe, Spore, Uorae wiiara, nruixe, neaiee. Tfneei neia. Wbu. erediee, Featlier Duttra. nj reaerat awortaeBl of SetMlery uotle-e4 ebtepee (node ot tea fee ttycaa be bouAkt . J.i.T0FHAwACO eU - - . re-ee-tr DIRECT COMMUNICATION WITH CHARLOTTE Viil" C. C. RAILWAY 13 A3 ACCOMPLISHED FACT I ltMlyMaaaiforai ef the CltT bythe See" to BMure our IrienJe eloae the Lisa thmt all the JieeeeMrMi ead Laiuriee ot Ule oaa be BOUGHT IN WILMINGTON. "TU Metropolis of Notts Carolina." wa orris oca stock cp Tine Family Groceries, FmbieloeVerythlii la the line of Choice Feally aei pitea. kwelaer wltb' a Urae mack ot . HEAVY 0B0CXBJB8, .' , at the leweet eaua prliooo. . , Wo oak enlt ererr tute. everv er-nU-anS our prioea will be lounil ao bl.ber then tat yetue ih iue guvaa.. CHAS D.fMYEXI CO., WbolenU ad Rul Doalort la Family Qro atrta,. , 4 . jJU. o 7 ajortn Frf nt dtll . , - - , Z7 . IM)-tt at Marloa iir, Freehynaa, Bptrlt et thehooiaaad W!Caral,ioopj. 2pb ."Barto City . ciar maiiiifkctory. NEW .YORK. All OH art at authorlaed New York Factory prioea, Quality f narantoed u repreaened. Theeheeiwet Houee la the Stele, aaotM Only one dealing eielnetTelyla Mlgare. 1 Ao. Worth Kront Street, -J iwnzrtm irumiufioB, n, u. BSmi nVi i ... ,. i. i . "Sm. I W EciiliteSclc Kip Boots, JJIlt'lBUBBEBI, 1 AtAUUB' KUBBIBS, " HISSES' BUBBBBS. At 0. A. PRICE'S, deoJl II Market St Powder! Powder! IN1NQ, Blaetlog anl Snorting Powder. For oaf! fiy KEBCKA'fXAOALOEBBBOS, dooll V, . sio Salt-Bagging-Ties- Corn; 5,000 Sacks Bait, ItollB and Half ltolls Bagging, 25 Tons Ties, 10,000 Bushels White and Mixed Corn, For sale low ty WILLIAMS A MTJBOHISOS Oats, Sugar, Coffee and Flour. . 600 Bushels Black Oats, 200 Bbls. Itefined Sugar, 200 Bags Prime Bio Coffee, 2,000 Bbls. Flour all grades ; For tale w by WI1UAMS A MCBCHUOa. Spirit Casks, Hoop Iron, Clue and DaconT 200 New New York Bpirie Casks, 600 Bandies Hoop Iron, 100 Bbls. Glue, 100 Boxes D. 8. and Smoked Sides, For sale low by WILLIAMS A MUBOHISOM. Syrup, Nails, Shot and Lard. 150 Bbls. a H. Syrup, 800 Kegs Nails, , 400 Bags Shot, 100 Tubs Prime Leaf Lard. For tale low by WILLIAMS A- MUBCmSON. OOO K SOT f For Calo. THE LITHIA WATEB of the Virginia Bnffalo Spxtnga or the water ot the old Buffalo Springs, pot np In boiee containing one Doing Half Gallon bottlee, will be euppiled to order delivered at the doottrburg Depot of the filch mond A DanTllle Hellroad a, SS per box, to bo paid la odeanea. The LITHIA water bee made aj remarkable enreeae any nnon record In a Section! of the Bladder atid Kldneta and In Uysptpaia, It hae aim gtren deoided relief in uouty ana nneumauo aneotione. In the dlasaeee of Women and In Dyepepela the water of tho old Spring if regarded aewoU algh tpo- Vllllft mm lift 1 1 TTgTw THOMAS F.OOODE, Buffalo Spring, Mooklonburg County, Va. sept , . &ii-si-em Applca, Fho Crackers and Powder so nnt.n. AFPLES, ; 100 ioee Fire 8u) Ke Hiiortlng aad lllutlog Fowder. lure-tie by iichtu g;:.ou;;a j Saei " CommenccdEuauitulnllsjdi, 1873. SAS HAD AS ,iJniirccciciitCel SacccsLinil Career. WHY? Beoaete It la f ntuiw a Home Imtltutlor, ei'l'rrcieti-d by llome petiole ( Uir.i eterr I'oUar of i!aiital (wlitoa la paid , p, SAM.Oov) and erery Dollar of Freatl. 1 la received ta the Mtate la (uetet and protect Uonie entvrprlaea. Hat loaned to Follcy rlui.icre In Wllalntna at lea ratve ol Iniefeet fle tiroee tho ' greea preailumt raoeteed la Wtlminrtoa, . aad guaraoteee to taeeet all preoiluaii reoatnd here ta like meaner. Eqaat la renponeibllliy aud good Biangeaaat to aay Ufa (Jompeay la the WorlJ. taaiot every deetrable Iwn ef Folioy at M ktW ratee ae any Siet-elaM Doaipauy. Ko ateleej reetrlotloa latpoeod fot reatdoaooor travel. Aaxedptid epvelaeoiall Folloleo alter two annual payaaentii. ThlriT darn graoo allowed boOtro rorlhltaro of PoMelee, Ko vltbdrewal of Agonolet from a ttloa when once eeUbllelied, eubjeotlng Policy Uolderetv the tneoneenlenoeof remitting , premlane to New York or oleeahere by It o'clock or the day Bead or rotrmt their : Folioy aad kuee ail tho pterioee ny aieeta. . IhO time hea orate for eUleeni ar North Oaro. lluato enonnraee Home lBititutbe,aiid ao recommend ttiLa t'ompany ae onr sx ally worthy of aatroaago. . tFM. Le iniTlt CO., ; oolF) tf Dlatrlct AfoBto. Uoith Carolina Ilomo . Insuranco Co. mHti Oeatpaay eoattaaes to write Follcloo at JL lair ratoa, oe all olaeteeot laaaraUlo prep. df All loMa promptly paid, anonaraf e nome miututione. Settle, rrealdest; Snatoa Oaiot, Boro lary. ATctalOK A MAVSino Jaas 37,00,000 Fill iKHVBLUICBCAri. TA1, BErKEHEXTES AFTEM JPA rUU BOSJTOBJ LOSSES, Ijoeea InWraneo Company, of I4ror pool and tuudon, eaIUl.....,.,,,ai0,vO0,OH Morth Brltieh and MeroanUlo luiur- anee Company, capital,., 18,900,111 BartlordTmurnnaOompany,Miijtal I,6og,M( of Hertford, eapkal... Continental InmraVe Company, ot Mew Vork, eapltafs Fhianl laearanoa IJompaay, ot suo,oot t.ioo.oos uiyu.iTi., npiai, , , 1,000,001 Virginia Home Inearanoo Company, , erHlohmond. capital. SSSiM AiAHIN aV The old atoroaaUlo Matual 1,800,001 new ior. LIFE The OoaaseUeat Vatoal or Bart rordt ATKIMSea A MABrtniO, ' - ttODoral Agents. ' ot.l : Vie-tr jyjERcnisTs ami oechanics ISSlTBASCECOlPAIfT, OF BICHMORD. VIBOINIA. Cwltal.. 25&Jf ...T- STomae, FreeJdX I I. B, HapmtVi JOH9J WIXJDEB ATKIM, UeneralAica Ko. I North Water 8k. Wilmington, M. O. apru u town JOHN A. BYRNE, (FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE) 140,000,009 Aaeeta Hepreeontea1. OFFIOaCoomatorolal Iickango Baild ii North Water Street or 11 The Annual Ileeting QfTHJt CAM FBAB CLUB, FOB Kite, tiyu of Offioori, will bo held oa Salnrday oven- lag, Janasrytd, tT5, - 0 UCHRSNUTT, Secretary and Tree nrer. l-4t deell Fresh Bird Seed, C OO LIVBBOIL, OONORFSS WATEB, MVrtTANU LlUIMENI, Ae., oVo, Foraaloby OBEEN A FLANNER. dee I) ii9 Diaries for 1875 ! NOTIIEBLOT JVST BECE1VIDASD For eel eat t ' HEINSBERGEBS. Organs Organs! JUST BKCKIVID AT " HEINGBERCIZR'S Lira Book and llotlo Store. OeeiW MS To Teachers.' TBB UNPEKSIONKD Inrltei ooirpronn etice with a (entleraa who la ea JCi.leoo rallan Vitnie'er or Layniin to taih a hlab irarta Boye Sobool. in Statoyllle, h. C. The tooallty U one of (he moet healthful and plea ant la the hums and a Railroad eeiiUe. One wbo hae eiperlenoo and eaa Influence patron, aee from other ero lone in tbie end other Statee, will bare ahont fifty boya of the place to he (In with and a continued local tnoreeae, acbool bulUtin6( brick, new, and of oitpaelty toaerommoriate IB' etulente, and ean been. Urged to aottomaiodate any number, Board and other axoeaeee yer low. AdUreee , K. B. DKAK.R, ' ' StateeTllIe.N. O. nee II lt-(i V t -, -t ,SI ' and iirlnteil la . I, uKinablo t.v1" ijertis BROVrj cSi RODDICK, 45 MaSkILT STREET Santa Clans' Headquarters. DRY GOODS of Every JDesorJptioa saitalls for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. EEHEIIBEB . THE TOTS per New York itoamer this day, LADIES' MOSCOW BEAVER ENGLISH . - WALKING JACKETS, suitaUo for . CUIUSTMAS riiESENTS. Just recpited Uio Larcost Lino of BLACK ALfACAS wo liavo ever Lad. Trices at least 10 per cont. lower than oar former prices, (9 We Adviso all who want anything ia our liuo to call early ia tho morn ing.'u we get so bus it is Impossible lor us to wait on sit. BltOWlI & RODDICK, dec ' ATTENTION ! FOll THE FAIR CLOTEniGi , Boots, .CROCKERY, CIIINA AND GLASSWARE, ; V , , AT THE "CIIEAP CASH HOUSE" OP IX FRAIIK & DR0,, 17 Ilarlrot Street-, o I , ' , IV 1 mSCELLANEOUB. BE UP AND DOING! BEND 80METHISIQ TO THE FAIIl. QO YOURSELF, AND BE BUItE ,TOU HAVE BOMETHIXO NEW AND NICE TO WEAR, WHOM oar really elegant ttook of Drees and JC Faner Ooode 70a oaa eaellr make a aclnc. a-a tt - -K bo Drettyandbecomlniibeiidee ae nae mniaaam varlal and attiautlta a took 01 In the State ; with Shawla, Velrete, Lacen, KmbroUlnry.aioree, Hotlery (or arowa l"tka and the, little onee ( Boulevard Skirt, all alee and prioea. with a eplendld awwrtnient of Merino Uniierwoar, for Ullee, Children and Men'e wear, with arleo ito low that we are aeuanied to qnnU then In print, St the loading DirUoodailouie of BOSEOWITZ A LIEBEB, 29 Market Street. aovsat Frcslf Family Groceries iob our rariKOS IK TOWN AND COUNTRY. ; That oaa take our Entire Stock. MILA ...kul ,V . I .. . mmmt 4 . .J. Kl . aamrtnentof JTlno Jfanulj Supiilles la VVU rainfftonv Money or oren Artlflotal (liealre will remoro our eorapiei eoout ine erean eyeiero. Wo are Sole Proprietor of the - PREMIUM FAVORITE FLOUR. AgenU land Owners mSST BRANDS OfWUISKET. Large etoei of Fine Family Bappllci. , , Lheeee, Sng;ars, (Jotteea, - Lje.Fotaoh, Soap and other Incidental artlclea.- ' CHAS. D. MYERS A CO., lAlhOfthFronta duo IS iiwl Paper and Envelopes ! GOOD STOCK AND OKKAT TAB1KTT AT- J. D. Lore's Bookstore. , aclU - WS tf Just Received ! Atarcelot of UlMtnn'i Hawtofall klnda, A'm a full line of Contxtr'e, doiiitem. Drilling Machine, Barbm'e Adn, Board Aiee, Drawing Knlyee. Tiue Boupa, gen. Jn fact, eyerytblng In the Hard warn lino, at rrently rednned price at the Old Itntablielicd hardware Houee of .TO"V DAW'IV, 10, SO and iiauut &:-. deoit i mas-anti nappy m: m TO ALL 1 . - LITTLE FOLKS ! . In (act it ii a ciuturo ol everything, 45IIarkot Street. ai 4 ATTENTION ! AfiD HOLIDAYC. Shoes, Hats, Trunks, UISCLLLAUrOU3. Horry Christmas I Grand Openlno and Handsomo Display ef Holiday Coods. Xftw 1 Hi n Timo ! Como Early ! Chrictmac Goods IM ENDLESS YASllTY. Choice Solec.te4 CinktcrtorMninga C:- ". Kreiidi ConrivMoue. CuinuUo, Uavaua (inc, -Flro VNi k, luoDreraeiw At II A U boulU 1 1 den IS THE lira iigki HAS At.WAVS ON HAND A CHOICK r ullectlon of all tho Latot FubllcallODi, wiiU a complete aeeortmont o( Standard Works. ALSO, " Blank Book, JilU Cap, liegal Cip, Loiter. Koto, " -and A largo larlsty Of Initial and Fancy KofO Papere, ENYILOPES-Noto, LiUer Mil C!llc!l. Fnrialo a". COXOLEX Sc. YXTUS ClTV Uoasc IBTimn. deo3) - ' l j-u' G0UP0M CIIIcg Trcus'iircr anl CC;!:;, CUT OF WILMINGTON, ( s . . December 20, 1ST!. ( JANUARY COll'OXS, pny&ble in tli'i City, orBondecf City of Wllnin.ton, N. O , will Ibejialdrtjlio nan k of New JMi. over on and after January 1st, l 3. And luoh January (Oo'd) Coupons, j tynllo In New York, on Dondi (Issue of is:.') .wl'.l be paid at tho Kational Bank pf u-.o l;o ulilio in New Tor..' T. c. ei::;vc.::, deoSJ-tw TronftiriT. VI o Have Them. OOMFOHTABLIS SUITS FOIt Cold I7c:.:;:cr, QYERCOATS-Heavy and Light wci.'itn. . , OLOVE3 ao.l KXtZZOZZ, il tod to tho so-ixpn. MU1I Kj, -1 -31

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