y' N - ! . li 1. I f . VOL XXIV. -110. Sbf ilaib Ifounml WILinNGTOX, N. 0.; SUNDAY. FEB. 1M875. DY TELEGRAPH HEADQUARTERS. CAUCUSSDfa ON SUSPENSION OF HABEAS CORPUS. THE RESULT REGARDED AS A 1SIGNAL DEFEAT FOR GRANT. ONE OF BUTLER'S FET SCHEMES GOXEUP. THE LOUISIANA LOYALIST CLAIMANTS DEFEATED. ' THE DIAMOND NECKLACE. MORTON AGAIN GIVES NOTICE. Washwotok. Feb. 13 Nooji-Ses ats Eaton, the appoiuted Senator from Connecticut to till the vacancy caused bj the deatn of iiuckiuguam, was sworn in this morning. Ilorcsa Butler's bill to provide fjr the relief of certain legal creditor," co., wu defeated by a tow of 44 to W The-cauoas adjourned after mid night Only thirty-eight totts were obtained upon the financial question. The bill which the caucus will report is the same as that telegraphed except the olanse making the exhibition i t deadly weapons a felony. It gives the President right tosuttpendtuehabpas corpus at discretion and control Mar tha and Supervisors at all Congrex sioual elftCtionB. Blaine spoke strong ly against the bill. It will not puna tl Jf, u,h. In the joint cauciw tnere were no Senators present. The result of the caucus is regarded as a signal defeat for Grant. . WiSHixoTOK, Feb. 13. K'ght Mr. Eaton was greeted with great oordial ity, especially by the 'Dements, and took his seat between Davis and Gor dotf, on the Demooratio hide. House The bills for the relief of certain loyal creditors, whose moneys ' were confiscated by the Confederate Congress, in Louisiana, and making compensation for supplies taken by Union military forces during the Morganr aid, which bills ere favorably reported yesterday from the Commit ka of the Whole, were both defeated in the House to-day. A bill to equalize bounties, allowing eight and one-tfliri dollars per mouth for every month's services, was then discussed and pased 177 to 89. Senate Mr. Doreey Introduced a bill authorizing the admission free of duty of the diamond necklace pre sented by the - Khedive of Egypt to Mra Fitch. Referred to the Commit tee on Appropriations, Mr. Hargent presented a memorial of the Pacific Mail Steamship Com pany remonstrating against the repeal of the act granting a subsidy to that Company. " Refqrred to the Commit tee on Appropriations. - " The bill to provide a Government for the District of Columbia whs dis cussed the balance of the day, bnt no final vote was reached. The proba bilities are that it will not be called np again this session. - Morton gave notice that he would call up his resolution for the admis sion of Finchback on Monday. - EUROPE. 8EVIANO BENDS THE SUPPLIANT ;'y, knee." .-. BAZAINE AT 8ANTANDER HISSED AND INSULTED BY THE FRENCH RESIDENTS. ANOTHER SMALL , CRISIS VERSAILLES. AT Madbid, Feb. 13. Manual Serrano will pay homage to Alfonso to-day at a special audience. Fbaktobt, Feb. 13. Noon Lauic- ny the famous Ultramontane is dead. BATOtmBFebr-HS rNootr. - Marshal Bazaine arrived at Santander Sfittrday. Tl 4 French residents of the wn having asked for and obtained permission of the. authorities to sere nade him, used this opportunity to hiss him and indulge in insulting cries. The crowd was dispersed .by the po- lice. .: Pabis, Feb. 13. Noon. The Gau ... lois asserts that on the close of yester day's BiBsiou of the Assembly, the . Ministers insisted upon resigning, and that : President MacMahon accepted their resignations. t ' . The Gaulois also says the President has summoned the Dukede Brnglie to form a new cabinet in conjunction with M. DeFounton, London, Feb. 13. Night A Paris special to the Echo says that the ut most uneasiness prevails in cons qnenoe of the political sitnution. The crnis graver is than ever. The Chamber cannot make a Constitution and -will not dissolve. MacMahon woold have resigned had the Senate bill passed as anvmdid. The Bunapartkts gain greatly by complications, The Repub licans will make no further conces sions, , . . ; ' THE URAJSUER& ARRANGING TO EXHIBIT THE CENTENNIAL. AT ' THEY ENDORSE THE TEXAP PA CIFIC SCHEME. CharijEston, Feb. 13 Night The National Grange have adopted the re port of the Centennial Exposition tnmittee clfOJatirg that, aa no pro- vmion nas neen made bv which the i I atrons of uusbandry on le acrnni- , r;o lated, or no plan through which f 'cultural interests can be svstemau - t :'y aud fully represented, they 39. recommend a further rousn',atiou wi:h tiie Directors fr tim purj oe of Mcuriug snch facilities. The loiijw it g report of t!ie Com mittee on the lexas Paoitie Railroad w,as adopted: Your Committee' have- vied, with very great interest, the exproKsioua of approval and the proposal 4f tiinrgress tjfoiward this great work emanating frm State Granges and Boards, lroia the Pacific to the Atlantio, and are iui piesked with the great and obvious benefits wiiih would reu't to this whole Lutinu by tliflitptny completion of thia nvid; and a it is an enterprim) t jo vast to depend alone for it 8 aue- cess upon private capitul, equal j intico tj all stations of . our com mon country requires the aid of our National - Government to push forward. this Woik nuder proper re strictions and safeguards, insuring the government airiust Iikss aud the people atfair.ht unjust impositions and discriminations. Your Committee therefore submit the following resolu tion, thut.tiiis national Gransa earn estly invites the attention of Congress 1 1 the necessity of a spdv completion of the Texas Psnilic lUilrond. and Bks of that boily reasonable aid to j the company which has inaugurated J tuis great uatioual eaterpristi, uoler such cautionary restrictions aud safe guards aa the prudence and wisdom of Congress msy d-vie to guarantee the government agiiiust Iohm, and protect the agricultural interests of every suc tion of the couutry asaiust unjust dis crimination in the price of transpor tation. EEEUTRK IS3IS. Davis and Ramsey have writhdrawn irom ir e iuinnesota tk'natonai eitc tion. The caucus made no nomina tions yesterday, aud every Republican member votes aa lie pleases. ine membrsot the late DioeesHn Convention publish amemorial.sttliug forth the reasons why Dj-.Jas. dq K e ver cannot, with their consent, be conne- crated Bishop of Iudiaua. Want i,t ounduess, faith, and the irrectilar bullet by which he was elected, are among tht-m. The thermometer was 37 deem es below zero vesterdav morniuir at m clock at White Hull, N. Y. ine weather vesterduv in ew ILimpshire itnd Maiue was the ooldebt this season. At Concord, N. II., the mercurv was congealed yesterdny. ine marKet .lisuermen who are in ice off Cupe. Cod still remain tbere, the Revenue Cu'ter being unable to reach them. ; ' The Dirtotors of the Western Union Telegraph Company yesterday re solved upon a material J reduction of the rates on oommerci.rf business. Camden baa withdrawn from the West Virginia Senatorial contest and J. Juckson hss been nominated. The ba lot stood: Juckson 82, Walker 2:r, Price 50. At St. Paul yestordsv Lochrane re ceived t!3 Votes, lacking 1( of an elec tion. The scoond ballot iB progress- ng. The Democrats" are confident of electing their man and arc doteimined to sit it out. '.. 'j be Cincinnati Chambor of Com merce protest acaiuNt the increase of tux on whiskey unanimously,' The tax woulU require one quarter of a million dollars ot additional .capjtul there to carry on the preseut business. The Chamber is persuadd that an in- reased tax would cucourpge fraud. ' TENMSEE. STARVATION IN RUTHERFORD .. COUNTY. - Nashville, Feb. 13 Noon A let ter from one luindrtd and forty-six colored persoi.e of Rutherford county represents the negroes at many point's as Buffering from blaivation. The whites are but little better oft'.snd can give no assistance. TLe suffering is caused by the drought last season-. Hun In en Iwlviury In (icurffln. ' A siliguiar storyjlajhia from the C lnmbiis (Ga.ttrr "There are two So isos ; ojk -inpper ?"Oglet hrope street. Business neetLpot be mentioned. One is more prosperous than the other. The least ruccegbful Lird an old wo man, who is reported to lies conjurer. ; ot v.hhMi! the case may be.who was to cast down the rival and lift up the employer. So she goes to work aud gets some earth from' the graveyard,, mixes it with some kind of white powder and throws it into the front yaid. The only re suit thus fur is the killing of a verbe na. The branch as of a China tree Which gaw in oue ; lot overhung the other. Some of the berries weregathr ercd, boiled with peculiar ' roots, in enntatious muttered, and the mess thrown into Ihe front yard. We are told that this, ndnscnsical as it ap pears, happened in Columbus. We don't thfnk that ignorance or super stition eoujd extend . that far in our city. If bad or good luck doea come of this, the hirer will swear the con juration was the cause." O'n Tuesday night a private dinner party, consisting of about twenty in fluential politicians and William Cub len Bryint,was given at the residence of Mrs. Pratt, niece of Governor Hev mour, bt Albany, N. Y. Among tic guests were G Vt rnor Tildon, Francis Kernan, Governr.r Seymour,-Lieutenant Governor Dorsheimer, Smilh M. Weed ai d Joseph Warreu. Mr. Bryant delivered a speech, dosing w.th a toast, nominating Samuel J. Tildeu as next D mocratio candidate for Presi dent. This was drank standing, arid with much enthusiasm. . Govern r Tilden responded, neither accepting nor declining the proffered honor, but holding himself subject to tne ct.il of bis party. The Correspondent of tliu New Yoik Bun is responsible for this story. The thirtr city missionaries of Now York made 7,902 visile andcallaamomr the noor aud needy, held G5i imI. ingt, obtained 11 temperance pledges, dn-tributed 24,954 tracts and papers, and cave relief to 317 fimiliA. taut. xttJUth. WHimiQTON, MARRIED. In Wnt m K ft . ih fihlnf, hj K.. J. r. Mu.i.f thi,u, ,r w U.JeliNso. w r.rm k(iuu 1yI. culT,nl kM.fe.MMA SPECIAL. Ifyonit l.l. cll.r, wr th Vai- c. A.k any lirl-c) furnlbr lor It lwtb.T.1 with b.rflT flitlii eol'Mi. butwr tU. Klmol. Ireryou voufctoa u.rni.nuicoHwtll. i tair Pearl, tbnath abloh tb umn oii Uwrt, uticii J wni bsttum. iur. To bceiUb tih fir.rvr rr from blaat.k, to mmlrt thfir detj lmHwlhl, It to oniy Mwy to iim rtgt.t bOlODONT, Th. puWlf r Mfb.T l-iirrt, thronjh tb. colimi oi lb. JoI-br.l iht PrMn.' f org.- tdi tbt-y a. b. iklmlni.t.rKd to t-bildrrn nj iim Kan ana ij.tirro1 roiutitulloii. in -yin.i mm, w.ii rcst icrt.irly ol .uceetf. or. a J 6M011. nm or th ino.t iuocful I'tiOlitittieiii ot hi.um, lnr. t.-,l ht t. bow clld Jctiittmi't Ano4,n. 1 liiloient 1 b .-. Nii'i-m at n! rtl.!l to thecs'tot ll Bmke th Finn ot .Inxn AII BAt I f dBlL. b)T. it rtdi kiMu, than tht pi tun onniupttvrB, I sk. Kntlr. Fwrr moDimtof iWUt rank uf rir morb(itetrM,Brdai-th 1'.1. on (hJii. .... uu.cu .iiBi.1 rrmeriy. lh .mount of li-Miiuonj in (' or tr. Siherb-s Pulmoale Srryp. u cut for rnn.lim,.tloo, fr excMtlt .11 lh run he brought to .uppoit lb. preten. on(ifu ntUfr millclti. e. rr. Sfhenrk'n Alm.n.c, ronl.lnlng th. cnlfl, (. of n)kny iroui ot th. blicbi-t rMr.tabl)ty, who hi bern rrMjtMl to lt!mtfrT b lug j.ronontu nd liH-arBbl. by i.hjrtcUr. irf arknowKidgHJ aMlttjr ReHrnrk. Pnlfnn lc "-yrup lcn hv cttrd m.ny, m thM oridoane. wl) .bow; but tb. ru' l ofUn promfl.H bt lb. Oi'lnymrnt of twooitmr nm.iiliNi wbUb Lr. tohruck pto ldf. fur the piirpinw. I bc.i .l.iliinsl ram" dl.r.ScheijB,.S.iWwd fonlo InJ Mitt. tt.lt. Pi,. By th. tlm.ly ox of tbt Bin.tl cltti. arcMidltig to dirrrtlons, pr.'-h. b.ucl oernfli thst ranit any ran of Conmreptlon may bo e red lr.chnek U profeMloniiy"'it Viii 'prine'i'J pHl fcfltvM!, c'rr stx'h and Aroh ttreuU, Philadelphia, avery M.md.y, wher. all . ttr fr adytn mn b a.lilrcmrd. ' NEW ADYElgBijST"' BLATCHLEY.'9 ImproTfd erorjM BBK jKwii rvr i th c c h nwteii)(. d a t' A M a h Dj.t S ih. m irkft. lit K,imla -Jdii t, the b.it Pnm(i trr the vltfd to n I atoti lov' J in pro v- l Hi titLd, tha Urop Ubeok ale. liich ran with- tltawti wiilioiitillirurblr.it tbr jotutu, ami th. eo.Hsr i Imui W. whirh t.OT.r rrncfi., wall or rttft., and will "art a lif t'tue. for vale by Deal. and th. Tra.1. generally in uru-r to Do .ure that yo get Blatchley'. Pump, tie r.arelut awd Mia that H ha ait ttail.- matk an abora. If yon do sot know whir, to buy, rtfwripttT oirculam, bf gtbr with Li name an t add w of the at n"ret you, will be pn-mptly rarulrbed by addrewMti'f with ttampt CHAS. C. BLATCHLEY, Minuracturrr . W Commoro Bt", Philsdelphla, Pa. feh14 B0-9m SWEENY'S HOTEL, NEW YORK. On the Ktirnpwin-plan. 1o tet th down town requirf m ntn ea.wd by elu.ing the ahlor Hiiime. tin. woll-kmion and lopu'ar Hotel it thi.rqughlT rnioratcd, returnilM-d, and I Hn a new pin. Udle, accompankd their himbanrl.. or properly introduced, will find borne roirfoiu and qui, t l ndiW dinlnii to mi on arlor floor. CUT IHih OUT H 9-tw Iw BALANCE stock or CLOTHING, Oclte, Furiiiiiug Goods, HATS, CAPS, &c, Selling Very Low. MUNS0N & CO., CITY CL'Vl BlEKt). f(!b 14 In Earnest! I AM DETERMINED TO CAPITALIZE WW . rioiyt-i tklniieronntr.tock on or about M.rili 1.1 I v.ll ..n.ll.k... ..I. . l . . lowing n.m.d goodK at nt New kor'k cot: . yyuitb ana oiorea Hlankct., Single asd 1(juIIm (omforlf, Woolen Knit Good., 1, Hilled' and Mi.tw.' Fnra; (aome wary hanrihhi. I Ik.... uin. ui j O S3 Woo and Lyon, r-oplltm, all Wnnl .tt.l kllb tir..i ' .-n BIKI YTIfUl IMagonale, iahnire., Plain and BrooaUed Miittnfa. ' Ac.i, B'a'fd G1tni. Braid, and Lace., tikdira, Oent' ai.d liildronV Merino Uniierwear, Plaid Plannela. ' OarKt, Table I.inen..' FOU CASH' ONLY r ' , fTli l.nw.A .iL..- j ' . y ..V Pa.--r. Utt an. Vf ,nf Knf eXrfnU mntit tilrjali a) tUm. t 1 .. wi'iiv i iuii . um in vrrrgi, . - 14 M- lclNI JRP 41 North Front Wllmlugtou, N. 0. 39-lt Attention! Third Ward! A th UEMOCSATS AND CONSEKVA- tirfi of the Third Ward, aoutb of Market nret, are nneuy rrqurd to man on 8e emh itt eet, next hf.niw to the corner of Xevcnth and t:aiitl street", on Monday nlvht, the 1st' Itirt. at 7tf o'clock, .harp, lor the pnrpoee of orirai Uing a K lub tor tbe municipal carov pal(?n. oma one, eome atll tlnlted w at.nd dl Tided we fall. Ilxiewni be.inpip aocouinio dtt jiih tor all who wivti to att.xi.J, . ' J HS M. )4KIN, . BorreUry uf ihal.te MeeHng. t-bn . tint A. OARID. H I HA VE RKA80N TO BKLJEVK that tumor are current In tbt. ccmmunlty to tbe ffottbat lata aRadleal In tolitl , ft ih.t vtnpathla. wl u Ihr rltwit and alma of ib U-pnblloanprtr;atid, aa tbere la alio reason tobellcT that tb.M rnro-r. bare b.n,tnd are likely to be, damaging to m but n. p tP"e', i bnb t-ke ocficn to into m all whom I- n r cono. rn. ti a', tbna I. i.ot mtnl (. k-M t e-i. Ilia Irtat loundatloa tor any .nr.h ip t; but lliut n icy to) t cal tirw. ai d iMrlinvt-i I ui, and he a errr Ii-m. In fa I a o d altbthw gre.t nij- of StmUtrn vHU ptopl . O. Atl Wilralnjton, N. 0 Ptb. lto, 1B, feb U Ht :,:'S 'i. 'i 11 C, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1075. NEW ALVERTISE2IENTS. Hardware- Nail, Pn Vfar, Cottoa Card, ('off. Mill' tarry i roh, Mint, 0pa, Powdor. fn.e.h ril... l'li I utl.iy, Kor, ork.. Hm Screw., Ao. at tiv. that will .nit the whoia Mla trad, hi be found at the Old Ktabliead nam ware Uobn oi JOHN DAWSON, No 1. W tad lit Mai k.t . feb U ' t 100 Bbls. Flour, T Ttm aiVrTH. Sl UnJ. ramllT, SS ra "a. mod a. w r at." I. tb. mil- rai trtiunii,T hole. rJai-Uiy Oar, i r. cow. dw oair. nay si sj per ewb ORANI St JUNTOS. Comttilwlou Mercbaut. and oroi-rr. feb 14 Stt-dAw Tobacco, Tobacco, Tobacco. 2gQ Boi.t Cbcwlrg Tobaoeo. Poraaleby KKRCHNEK 11ALDRR ROS. I.b U it Corn and Oats. I CO BarJieli Cora . 100 Buabal. data. t Por.leby KfcKORSFR & 0AI.DP.R BROS. iVb It S New Crop Cuba Molasses, Hhd. N. 0. Molara. l.lHhH.MO.Wolee. 150 Fur !) by i sttttchSKR S CIXDItmstur fcb 14 Rico, Flour, Sugar, Coffee. 10 Tl.rer. Rtea. ! bbl. Km. 100 Hi.la fur. . 50 llbla Hour. Boo hack, tiofl-e. For.-la ey KKHCUNER & CALDP.R BROM. 89 feb 14 BLANK BOOKS, ENVELOl'ES, PAPERS OF ALL KINDS. Pet, Ink, P.nbo'dem, Mucilage, Ink Rtnd., Paper Weights Peu Rack., Kpong t up., IameriBg Cap., Copying ttiu.hr., Ltt.tr Book., Bkttiiig Paper, I at tar Prrw, Laxd Prnvila, Klaatlo Bat da, Sterl and Bobber, Ink aud Pencil Kra er., o, to.. A'k w-ALSO- BbeetVuRle and Mntlcal iBitramenta, For sale at ; . CONOLEY 4 YATES' City Book I Storo. fb 14 St Notice is hereby given that the Reg istration Books trill be opened at 11 o'clock A. M. on MONDAY, the ISth instant, (to be kept open according to the requirements of the recent Act paused by the Legislature amending the City -CharterIatthe-follovfing places: ' In the First Ward, at the Kngino Bon., on Ann -(met, between Front and rieeon I ttreeta For the Second Ward, at the t u t Houm In tbe ttrst precinct of the 1'hlid M ard . at 1 born t i.i s Cart House ; In tbe arcond preninct ot the said waid, at Wilmington and8ea.ide Rail road stables, corner of Red Ororaand Herento sfroett; tn the thirl rrecinrt, at thacoinr roi Ann and Sereoth streets; ana In the fourth precinct, at Anthony Hows', shop on (Juuei. trent, between Third and Kourth street. W P Ml,tHA V, JAME4 W.KINd, O. A WItiIN8, A.J.TOPP, rF.:tK. J. Hf'DOE, F. H.DARHT. RtgUlrart. feb II ID at Executor's Sale. Valuable Sound Plantation at Auction. N THTR8DAT, Frbrnarv I'th.lflB.at II o'ol"ti A. M., 1 will sell at Kicbange Corntr tor tbe purpose of dlrlston and sen lenient ol the F.stateordame. Mtokley, deosaed, all of that reliable plantation, wllh all Improrn mnnts thereon, fronting i mile upon the Hound, east by the land, formerly occupied br Dr. A. F Kewkltk, north by tbe land, of W A. Wright, James Urant and others, west by Mott'a Ureek, and which aeparatea It from Wrlght-wllle, Containing 1,100 Acres, '00 'I whi'h are cleared and under fenr. Eight to tea choice dei for Hummer real denize. TO Aotc. of Pine, White Oak, o, ' TKRMH-One-thlrd cash, balance In 1 audi years, with 8 per cent interet. O. W. OI.DUAM, Executor. OBONLT A MORRIS, AueMone.ia, Beal ettate and Stock Brokers, feb U 88-lt-lS,14,lAI8 Boots and Shoes. t am re celvlng dally new additions to my ftlrea iy large ana well areorted .took of B rat, an I Kh es, whli h I am selling at prest! to dnotd i rloes. An examination aolictud be for purchas rjgelseahere. 0. A. PRICE, 82 Market 8t. vr p. 8 Chl'dren'. Shoe a speolalty. feh 14 19 Valentines! ; Valentines I Valentines ! For tala at HEINOBERGER'G Lire Book aud Uujte Store, VT order. tron th. country promptly at tend d to. f. b 14 DRIMTIHfl "ATI,T KK OTEI at r n I It I I II U tha thorta nntloa asd on the moat rsaaonabla t n at tho JODatjtAAi CmOl. NEW ADVERTISliTZHTS. FINE OLD BRMDIES -ASD- WINES. Tka Pttreal and Beet Qooda ImporUd. Tk.y mu vw raiiwai aa rur , MEDICINAL USE. W. bar. la stock lh largfat and noal va)a utvunaei rineiiia wiiirt .. um nr.BdiM m North Carolina, and WIU toll taeat cluaa to importer.' prleea, ESt ueattemea who value Fin Oorda auJan- ptwflal. tb.m, eaa alwaj. Bad U.m la Bar atock. aparkllat and Still Wlnee. Hooka and Clar et., Ury Scapparuorg, 1M1, Air. and PorUra. CHAS D. MYERS & CO., 4k t Nwrth rrwal ., , Wl:lBgtoa,N.a Httl.borw Reemder. Mvlon Star aad Roha- onisn ana Wadioru Herald copy as ta Bacon, Pork, i Flour, Sugar. Etc. 100 lloies D. 8. aud Smoked Bides. 100 llbla. 0. M. Pork. 1,000 Bbls. Flour all grade. 100 Bbls. Refined Sugar, tOO Kegs Nails,1 1 00 Dags Trims Ko oAV, 25 Mats Java Coffee, SOO Bdls Hoop Iron, 100 Bbls. Olne, 100 Bbls. Irish Potatoes. 0,000 Buahels White and Mixed Corn, 4,11 nacas nan. 200 Bales N. 11 and E. Uaj, 300 Bag Shot, For sale low by ' WILLIAMS A MDRCniSON. Molaaaea-Molaeaea-Molaaaoa 100 Hhds. New Crop Cuba. 75 Tierces aud Bbls. New Crop Cuba. For sole low by WILLIAMC MURCniSON. Guiino-.-(u.ino Ounno. 150 Tons Eureka Qhano. 250 Tons .Ouanape (Juano. , For sale low by WILLIAMS A MDROniSDN. fb14 U MISCELLANEOUS. RAILROAD STOCK AT AUCTION. ON TntJBI)AV; February llth, 1 tS.atll o'clock A. at. we will a. II at Kichsrg Corn, er, VUO afemrcs t'aiilial swH knr the W II mington and h a Hid' Ksllway Utmp.ny. CKoNLY A Mi'HKIS, aurtietiaer., block and Heal Fatata Broker. f'bn - ffiat-ii,uii Blarcopy IS, 14 and lSlb. NOTICE. JTOTIOBM HKBEBT GIVEN THAT SO dubt eontrocted by any of tha crew of 'the Br. Brigaatlne Starling will not be (aid by th. Oaptaln or Consign.. leb II sr-its Havana Cigars ' I have on hand and for aaia, at ay room, ta Lilppltt' Building., South front llreat, atar Orange, a fln lot of HAVANA ClOAHi of my own aianufaelura. 1 hsy ar. made from Imported tobaoeo and can ba bought at one- third or th coat of ImporUd elgara 1.UB4KIM,. tahf U-lm Waile.boro H.r.ld copy 6m. T) ED AN It WU UK UMDN SKIS. XV For sal by UREEM 4k rbANKER. Seeds ! Seeds ! Seeds I Kcw Orop imd, grown by Lard tb Bol.t, Foraal. by OKEKN o FLANKER, ' Drugglat.' feb 11 (( At UuuQfactnrerfs Prices! We will clou out oar BNT 1KB SIOOK BOOTS AND SHOES AT PHIWE COST I Maruifactu rerTHceiTT FOB CASH I . rUK DASH I Our asaortmant I. well aelectsd, eom prising fbe beat gocdiof tb beat faotorle tn theoonn- Ladle.' Bo tt and t boat 1 Gentlemen'. Boot, and Shoe. I . ,, Children'. Bhoee I Infant. Short 1 All AT COST FORCA8B. -DUDLKY at ELLIS, blgn ot the Big Boot, Ko. 41 Hunt Btrbit. feb -tf VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT AUOTION. ON THURSDAY, February ltb, 178, com-Deaoti-gatll o'clock A.M., a wUI Mil at Kichange Corner, . , That valuable LOT, 4A 1S, situated upon th. nor ib sue of Princess, between STntb and Kighib nreeta.' Tbat dealrabl BOTJSE AD LOT. 17 1 164 feet, upon thenoitb side of Brnnswlck, be tween oeooDd and Third itreeU 4 loom.. Thatde.lr.blHOrB AND I,OT, 11 1 TS feet, upon sixth street, between Ilarnottsnd ttwann rtretta, eonialuing rooms. That walnabl. LOT, Ms 148 ftt, with two torw Hwrlltni tb reou couta'nlng a room., kitchen, u., on the east side ol Fouith street, second . ot south ot Nun street. . HOTJSR.Muthnf.nd adJolnlnf abOT.,eoa. taliilng J room., t Itt to.t. no'TJi'R.oontaii Ing 4 roonii, eolith of and adJolbJug abore, M a lit feet. Term, accommodating and mad known at Sal. OBONLT A MORRIS, AorHonasr., B.al tt and Stock Hrok.ru, fab IS IT-4r-UJ4eiil JEW ADVESTISESZMS. BROjra & Special Inducements HAIIBURG EDGINGS fAITD IHSERTIOITa This All Cottons are Advancing. In tiew of thia we bare made Terr heayy Durcbaaea latalw. am ara sn prepared to gire our Tatrons the advantage for a short time, but would ad visa all who are in want of such to make their paiohaaea AT ONCE. Clearing Out The balance of all our Flannels at prices that CANNOT FAIL to ueet the approbation of all. Job Lot of Kid Cloveiworth8l 00. lolling for 160 Cents Per Pair. STRICTLY CASH -ONE PRICENO SAMPIES CUT. BR0Wir& RODDICK, 45 llarket Stree ; WATER ! WATER ! WATER ! . THE ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS OF s , Conslatlnff of DRY OOODS. CLOTnTNO. HITOE51. TTATS. fmnnrPTtY CHINA and GLASS WAltE, damagi-d sin at tbe Store lately, oooupifd by O. rnouoe is Hereby glren that the above . H. fsb mm f nn gmo co-; ' . capital PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC QUANO for sale, either for CASH or on CKOr TIME. Liberal terms will be made with Meraliants and other reliable parties to sell this Guano at our Warehouse Ccmmlaslon Merobanta, A gent for faoiaoQusuo Snb-Agents far tlio Sale r. n. oinaoN... C. wAMAtlAIQ Jaull - CASH ? Price 050 00 per to of 2,000 pounds. 1 1 TUB HIGH STANDARD OF QUALIT r IS OONSIDEBED BT THOSE WHO HATE GIVEN IT A FAIft TB1AL THB BEST AND CHEAPEST F1TIUM MANUFACTURED. LIBERAL AND ADVANTACEOU8 TERMS FOB LABOE LOTS, GIVEN ON APPLICATION. . . ' '. LOOAt AGrENTS WT ALL THE PB1NOIPAL 2DEIOTS. CENERAL AGENTS For North Carolina and Virginia, AT 1 Jan IT Hew Crop Sugar House nolacco3 gQQ BBLS. S. H. MOLASSES. ' t fet by' UtAUBSESoiCALDCB Bltn. fab t ' w toxoid no. ox::. RODDICK OFFER IN Week. -A J 1 U X 4X I by the late Fire, are maoved and ba II. W. llungn, No, C3 Market street. stock tuuat be Sold without delay. FRANK & BR0-, 63 HaTket Street. 14 tf 1,000,000. Oo-i aad Dealer. In No, 1 Peruvian Oaane, nORTH WATKB rVTHBET, : wii,iniiM4Ton n. c, of Soluble Paclflc Guano, .........Old Hundred, IT. O. Marlon, S.O. K-amdaw T I II 12 Price 058 00 per 2,000 lbs Payable ITov.L HAS BEEF FffLt FMlIKTArNElV A0 It 1 GTON. .. .- ! t4-t lawf n Flour! Flour! Flour! JQQ BBL3. BOB WHIT It FL'Jl'B, 4fO " Bell Mill Flonr, ift' " VThlt Buatlan Flour. For s-'e h Msal

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