mm PAPER j, pruned every efteraeoa, " Sandays r wptedbv j (8 H . T. JAMBS, ItITO AfT rp-onuirroa. gOB8CBIPTIoy8,FOHTAE PAID. 0,4 Ter,S5 00 Hlx iccntfcs, $250 ; Three aoatht, f 1 35 1 One month, 60 coats. ft paper will be delivered by carriers, ytofeearc. In any P'tof city, attb tTe rate, or 13 cent per week. . idrertislsfr rates low end liber 6? Subscribers will pleeae report any and 4l failures to reeeWetbeir pa pert regularly. New Advertisements. iron RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the dhest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Sodify Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ho Preparation on earth equals Sr. Jacoes Oil m a fe, sure, simple .and cheap External Bemad. A trial entiiia tut the comparatively totting outlay of 50 Cents, and erery one suffer tot with pain can ham cheap and posiore proof f Its claims. Pirvctioos la Eerso Language. GOLD BT ALL DBTJGGISTS AND PEALES3 . USi MEDICINE, A. VOGELER fc CO., Baltimore, ML, XT. S. JL. aprilll dAw-ene te. MiUSr IMAGINE HOW j F.L.." B scs s wick, Co., Ya., November 5th, 1881.2 Mas, Jos Pkbsoy, Franklinton, N. C. Drab Madam: It is with pleasure thatl write to tell you that your valua hie Remedy has entirely cured me of b most fearful looking and painful eore on say ankle. It came more than twelve months ago, very much like a ring worm. I painted it with Tinct. Iodine, until it became a very painful and bad looking place. Then 1 commenced to try every thing I could think or hear of, until it became so very painful 1 could scarcely walk, when I went to the best doctor in the country for advice. He told me he could cure me if I would take my bed and there remain for four or five weeks, and if I did cot do so pretty soon, it could not be cured at all, as the bone would become diseased, and my foot wonld have to be taken off. Just imag ine how I felt, to be told there was no cure for the 6ore but to lose my foot, or give up all business either of these Re medies would have mined me. anna yen this wss the advice of one of the best doctors in the State of North Carolina, and this conversation took place last February. I continued to burn with caustic as he advised nntil September, but derived no benefit from bis treatment. I was advised then by a friend to try your Remedy, (Bitten and Wash) took the first dose the 17th of September, and I am now a well man, the sore is perfect ly cured, and I can now walk as far, dance as much and jump as high as any man you know. Put me back to the 1st of September, let me know as much as I aow do of the virtue ot your Remedy, and I wonld not hesitate to pay teadol rars a bottle for it, if I could not get it for less. I think more of i t than any medicine in the world. It is not only tha best Remedy to purify the blood and care all skin diseases, but I believe it will eore all ' kinds of blood diseases, 'and I xbow it will cure a love for strong drink. I hope you will have this published, as there are many sufLrers who could be eured, if they could know cf and get your Remedy I am truly and respect fully, JOS. R. MASON, South Gasfon, N. C. The Remedy is for ralo in Wilmington by Dr. Wo. H. Green. Send for circu lar of testimnials. no? U daw Children's Cloaks Ladies' Cloaks AND UL&TX3X18, Just Xlocoived. Lace Collars.. Lace Collarettes, RUGS AND MAT3 and many other new and prstty things. R.TJ3.-Mclntire. Hear-,. THEGSEAT r n- VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10. 1881. NO. 291 LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IIeinbberqer Christmas Presents To the rci.ic Horse Training Miss E Karr En Christmas Millinery James C Munm Druggist CW Yates Christmas Good Ko City Court to-day. Splendid weather for this time of year. Dats length 9 hoars and 36 minuter Christmas is two weeks from to mor row. 4 ... Nothing doing, in magisterial circle to-dr. There were no interments in Bcllevue Cemoterv this week . Snr.fct to morrow afternoon at AS rnio utes past 4 o'clock. 'Now the merry Chriemaa. horn begins to toot at early morn. Selling out to close business at How et's shoe store. :w . Tbo receipts ot cotton at this pert tc day foot up 1,659 bales. Good wood was selling from the flat to-day for 75 cents per load. Poultry is very plentiful, and can be bought at reasonable prices. There are 22 barques, 2 brigs and 13 schooners in this port to day. Eggs are very scarce, and dealers are aekiug 32 cents per dozen for them. Steamship Reyidator, iribon, hence arrived ut New York on the 8th inst. There was one intermentthat of an adult in Oakdale Cemetery this week Do all the good you cm, to all the people you c n. ns long us ever you can Tomorrow is what is known in the Church Calendar as the Third Sunday in Advent. Barque Der 2 den Aprilt Sorrensen, hence, 'arrived at Falmouth, Eng., on the 26th ulf Bargains may be had in foot-wear at Ho wet's. Stock must be sold. Net cash. , 2w Col.Jno. M. Robinson, President of the Seaboard Air Line, was in the city yesterday. Schooner Sarah L. Davis, Burgess, hence, arrived at Jacksonville, Fla., on the 4th inst. There were three interments one adult and two children in Pine Forest Cemetery this week. Barque Jiegubuen, Olsen, (nationality not given) sailed from Trignmoath on the 26th nit., for this port. The Register of Deeds issued 11 mar riage licenses this week, 7 of which were for white and 4 for colored couples. Our thanks are tendered to Hon. Jos. J. Davis and Hon. John W. Shackelford for copies of important public documents Children's School Shoes, both lace and button, at cost for cash, at Bower's. 2w .The Signal Station at Fort Macon re ports a large'scow ashore between Cape Lookout and Macon Inlet, on the out side. Rev. T. Page Ricaud has entered upon s dutie3 as Pastor of the Fifth Street Methodist .Church of this city forthanew Conference year. Half a bottle of St Jacobs Oil, writes Mr. C. tianni cf Yoangstown, O., cured my wife, who for twelve years bad been constant sufferer with Nearalgia. Rev. Dr. Yates is expected to fill the pulpit of the Front Street Methodist Church on to-morrow for the last time previous to his removal to his new field of tabor at Raleigh. We publish the appointments of the Presiding Elder, Rev. R. O. Burton, for the Wilmington District, M.E.Cbnrch, South. His first appointment is at the Fifth Street Methodist Church in this city, Dec 17-18th. inst. . ve eallaueuuoa to the endorsement of prominent citizens of Pender county : to be fouud in our advertising columns, of Air. H. G. Kverett, the horse.tamer and trainer. He will open a class at Mr. J. F. . Garrrll a on Tuesday next, at 2 o'clock p. m. All lovers of this noble animal should not fail to investigate the matter. -- ' Steamships Benefactor and San Di mingo are both expected here by Men- day next, loaded withJXmas goods. The world is apt to coo in your ear like a dare, when yon are rich, but if you happen to be poor it kicks like a mure. At cost Tor cash. The large stock of boot and shoe at Howey's. 2w Why ia it that Jane finds Sarah's hateful brother to attractive, and why the hateful brother ot Jane finds favor with Sarah? 1 be fellow who, by mistake sent hi auburn-haired sweetheart instead oi a bottle of Dr. Bull's CuugbSyi'n'p a bot tle of hairdye,- wants to know the best way to eoromit suicide. ' The sale of Christmas goods wad bris to-day. The stores were thronged with buyers, -among whom were a great many ladies. Nor, barque Frontiden Jergersen, cleared at this port to day for Liverpool with 1,489 bales cotton shipped by Messrs Williams & Murchison- Steamboat men report about 4 feet of water on the Shoals between here and Fayetteville, and say that it is about at a stand still neither rising nor falling. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort, ment and lowest prices at J Aeon's, f Why is it that a man who claims to hive found marriage a delusion will agaic embrace thot delusion upon the first convenient opportunity?. Restlessness and discontent mark too many lives. They may in some cases lead to progress, but it is where the de sire is .for improvement and not for change. To Builders and othersGo to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glaes &c You can, get all sixes and at the lowest prices. J According to Zeno, it is a very sug gestive tact that we have two ears and only one tongue. It is better to listen than to talk, and safe to tell no mere than half we hear. An article published by us yesterday relative to the lecture delivered last nights was absolutely unreadable; there was no sense in it whatever. It was mutilated in correcting the proof. We invite attention to the attractive Christmas advertisement of Miss E Karrer, at Exchange Corner, as it ap pears in this issue. Ladies who are in want of articles- for Christmas wear for themselves or for others, should make up their orders as soon as possible to avoid j the rush. Superior Court There was no business of importance transacted before this tribunal to-day. A few cases were called and continued, and at 1 o'clock this afternoon the Court adjourned until 10 o cioct a. m. on Monday, the 12th inst. Fire at Plkeville. A letter received here today annotra ces the loss, by fire, on Thursday, of the cotton gin of Messrs. Baker & Gurley, at Pikeville, in Wayne county. Six bales of cotten were burned, which with the gin house and machinery makes the loss about $350, on which there was no insu rance. Alcolored laborer was badly, and perhaps, fatally burned. Beautify your nomes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. f Klection of. fjlceri Section No." 221, Endowment Rank. K. of P., held their regular meeting last night for the election of officers, for the ensuing year, which are as follows: President John Haar, Jr. "Vice President The. D. Meares. Chaplain H. C. Prempert. Secretary and Treasurer John L. Dudley. Guide Wm. L Jewett. Guard W. H. Gerken. Sentinel S. G. Hall. By request, Mr. T bos. D. Meares will deliver the annual address at the next regular meeting, which will be on the second Friday in January next, at which time the officers elect will be installed. Mrs. Lydia E. Pink ham, 233 West era Avenue, Lynn, Mass is rapidly ac quiring an enviable reputation from the surprising cures which daily result from the ue of ber Yegat&bla Compound ia all female disease?. Send to her fcr pao-phlitf. Tb Lecture last Hslit. On account of the inclemency of the weather, the attendance at the Opera Homo last night to bear the lectors upon Florida, by Rev. T. D. Pitts, was not so large as it ctherwise would have been ThC8 who did go, however, were amply repafd, fbftht lecture was very inter esting and iosrmetive. The speaker treated of his impressioni ot the "Land of Flowers," and isve a graphic account of the soil, climate, prodoctiooi, people, with toeir habits and customs, in an en tertaining manner. He was very grace fully presented by Coli Jae.G. Burr.. Gent's 8cotcfe SoteOsiters and various other styles at cost at Howxr's. 2w District Stewards' Meetla. The following gentlemen, Messrs. Geo. H. KellyyB. A. McClaramy, J. E. Dar ham, W. J, Potter, E. W. Taylor, R. B. Lewis, R. H. LyonV W. J. Parker, A. J. Johnson, J. D. O. Oulbreth, A. D. Mc Gowan, E, W. Mattox, K. J. Rhodes and Kilby Benton, comprising the Board District Stewards, for the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church. South, will convene in this city, at the parsonage of the Front Street Methodist Church, at 11 o'clock a. m., on Tuesday, the 3d of JaBuary, 1882. Quarterly Meetings For the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church, South. first Bouro. Wilmington, at Fifth Street, Dec 17-18 Huuugwn t r roni street, uec zs-za Topsail, at Union, . Dec 31, Jai 1 8mithville . . . Jan 7 -8 Brunswick, at Sharon, . Jan 14-16 W accamaw Mission, at Pine Log, Jan . . . . . 21-22 Whiteville, at Whiteville. Jan 28-29 Elizabeth, at Elizabetbtown, Feb 4 -5 Bladen, at Windsor. . Feb 11-12 t linton, at Johnsei's Chapel, Feb 18-19 ioaesoury, at ietnany, . Feb 20-26 Coharie Mission, at Wesley Chap. el, . . . March 4 -5 DupliL, at Wesley Chapel, March 11-12 Onslow, at Lebanon, . March 18-19 0The District Steward will meet at Wilmington at. the parsonaare of the! irront Street Church at o cloct&. in.. on 1-uesday, the 3rd of January 1882? U.O. Buktox, Presiding Elder. Hew Advertisements Christmas Llillineiy i A NOTHER ASSORTMENT OF ELEGANT MILLINERY By Express. Fancy Goods and Embroidery deaigns newnd desirable, juat in. Ladles filled to satisfaction. Millinery and Fancy Goods Departments are always fall of stylish articles. A large assortment of Ladies and Child ren's Underwear. Bespoctfully, MISS E. KARRER, dec 10 J Exchange Corner TO THE PUBLIC Rocxr Ponrr, Pzarozs Co., Nov.l88L rflO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN The 1 undersigned, neiarhbers of . Mr. H. G Everett, take pleasure tn voluntarily ten- oenog mm- tnis endorsement and reco: raendatlon as an efficient tamer and trainer of hot aes. There la no an&fkerr or hnm- baggeryfn hie system, but it is founded trpon adence. art and. common aenae. Hte raethoda are Dractieal.' eaav of anrlieation. I and enecesefol in breaking, to every kind of I service, tho wildest or the most contrary or I vicious norm w e save been nl pupils an d I we teetiiy- from observation and experience I as well aa fromhla flreBenlrenatatfon where I he is known. I (Signed) H- T. Corfeett, Dr. R. T. San- ders, J. B. Dnrhazn, Darid ViUiama, 8. 8 Dicnwoii, ci. xj. nouipaou, . x inrnam, D. U.jArmstrong. dec 10-2t Christmas Presents; rpB IABOaoT AS80&TM K5T ' " L Of HOLIDAY PRE3EN1BI1116 wacreer combine with their Or ETSR f DE8CRIPTIO 2f at H IKSBSSOEU'S Pianos and Organs, Q,UI AK8 AND TXOUaS, Aevordecca avf Banies. Tamhorlaes a d 11 ordeal iiatfaaveats of every deserlption at dee 10 Live Book aad t: sale. Store French Candies. XUST RECEIVED, a full Una t fas I fj rrtM canoaee, warramea pure ana fresh. Also, Homo-Made Candles, Fruits, C.JEVEN8, . . ceetjsi vxvx, o asers ecjw rcsosea i nex7 Advertisements. We have made extensive arrangements to meet tre demand for HOLIDAY GIFTS III FURNITURE AND HOUSE FllRHiniiinn QQODS. Oct ttocfc U lirga aad b baing addad to by oxteasive recelpta every day by . . . , 8tatnar and Rail. ;'. V . ' .' r V, "..:;-.v Tosether vrHbour Larga Supply bf . ''"::- Useful Furniture tor Holiday Gifts, We ofiar our usual Full Line of Smalt Wares ' -'fV CHILDREN'S WAGOSS, CARRJAQES;. VELOCIPEDES. ROCK HORSES ! And every descripUoa cf Toys, &c Call and examine and remember our low prices, o i Come and see our -' ! You will find lots of pretty things thero 27" Satisfaction guaranteed in ' n dec 8 GiyeniAway If ierhtly I AT THE NEW GIFT ENTERPRISE STORE I Ko. 2 8outh Front Street, leo -lw CALL, SEE AND PRICE ! A LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE aaort ment oi Wading, Christmas and Holi day Present for sale low down at J. H. HAK'1 Va Drag and Chemical Store, dec 7 Mew Market JALIES C. HUHDS, Drufirgi$t. TO kotv optemimci qw ov tot i.rt I 1 sod moet varied. Ptoctra of HoJidav Goods T&v,ZJZbZ& and Gmlel luloid 8ets In cases, &c . C all and examine ceo 4 OAA TONS COAL, Just in Yard. 400 Afloat, will arrive In a few days. 200 Cord Wood' Krt AnABlltk' All at low figures, At J. A. SPRINGER'S- dec 5 Coal and Wood Yard. Everybody Says VAT BA3 THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT AND THE PRETTIEST Christmas Goods " In town. is dee t Book aad Btatioaery Store. The Club House, I TN. ADDmON TO 1T3 FINE I J stock of WInee, Liquors, Beer I and Qsara. ia offering: to ' it cuatomere , and friends NEW ' RIVER OY8TEKS, aerved In any style desired. My motto is to please and to this end no effort m sparecu ipecnuiiyi F. W. OSTMANN, Proprietor Ortmann'a Club House. et 25-tf ' 8eeond at., Cnrrie'e Block , mm w m W AT ER WOREtS rjfE TJNDZBJIGNED having engaged a competent and experienced PLUMBER, from the North, beg to notify the public I prevent Iron and Copper Work the basinets 1 of i - ::",r :" ' " I , " ' " ''; ' ' PLULIDinO AHO OAS FITTIfJQ.O I By doing FIRST-CLASS WORK at reason able prices they hope to raerlt any orde their cnatomers may leave with thenu nor28- T BAT, BAILY ds CO. NORTH CAnOLINA HOUSE, JOHN TX STELLJES, Proprietor. The beat of WtteeJ JJanors, Lager Beer d CSsre OYSTERS HI EVERT STYLE, MEALS AT ALL HOUES DAT AND maHT. PLB48E SOTirjS. t TTs wta be clad to reoetre oxamcaleatto " froa otr frUads on amy as fall fbj9i T CaarsJIatmt but . - 2 am of the wrtHr jrun always bs f nlahad ta lha ESltor. SScanmcalMtSooj tcvt bJrtaa: en oaly eaa aid of iha paper, . Psssonaatles mast bo avoided Aid It If especially and partfjalariy uoieV flood that the Edlwdooa aot alw.jf eodorT the views o eorrejpoadWW jznleea o.ftat" la the editorial coIbtoc, J , . . I 3SQX7 AdvertisemontB. . , wawfJtM fiC. at prices that will astonish many people. every instance. A nniVHJi . -ia ThesCoraline Corset IQQ SOLD IN ONE WEEK. J v . . PRICE $l.ft Full assortment of sizes. oovl2 J. J. nEDRIfK. 3: ss: -szn TO THINK ABOUT HOT BED SASH. PLEASE ORDER EARLY. . SASH, DOOSS AO iBUMOS B RACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBER, Aa ALTAFFER, PRICE A CO. BOrSl MULES AND VGON F03 SALE. TWO LARGE, FINE MULES and one two-horse Wagon. Suitable for tur pentine farm or lumbar burinea. For sale cheap. Apply to -dec ! tfd&w , JNO. F. GARRELL. The Cosmopolitan BAR IS THE PLACE WHERE YOU can get the cooleit, purest and moeV aclentiflcally mixed Summer Drinka to be found in the city. The very beat Wines Champagnes an i Liquora alwaya on hand lthe best 5-cent Cigar that la made, Dro n and cool eff. JOHN C ARROLL, '8 ProprlQVofT The Landfnark, PDBLISnEDjATJ STATE 8 VI IAE, I BEDELL CO.f JBT, O, ... . : Leadiag; 5ewpper in Western North Car. .. olloa. - Itli theealyDeaaoratis Psper-pub'tihed la Iredell cmBty-on. of .th latest aid wealihie t eoantl la the btate nd has at tained a larger local cirention than asV paper ever heretofore fnblisnedU thcoaik "Its circulation la Alexander, Wlket, 4tiJ Allegaanr. Yad. In. D.ri , 11 rtuto ombired; and is Taoidli--iM." t . m - " ' 7 www MA AUir BA ana western Meckieaburfr. It ii the cnlr saner f ii Wm ' Agent, and la tfcci kept eoaetaatij bef re the peopU. Cnderthisejateaia. m?&l rfceVa,. fcO-TheBeat Adranki edica iaTWesti Addre-e, - mM)ARRm, ,--f .--icsviiie,prb - Wew River CU3uiiets. 150 BBIA xzw MULLET3 JJiJQ LARGE BOS, .... . ., : For tale bvj '

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