T PLEASE SOHLT ' ,' Wfc Ul fce gU't to rtcire osratocsL-j :" . : fcroma fur fHivJ oj any e t n ;bjcc; fralfoicrrrtbnt ', Tho oatoo tl;e trr?r mnt !ier L;.'r c!afced to Or r.rTitar. ; ! no fcMft of fhe, rni per. I And ti la ojxxtiHjr .jiJ trticrUrlv ca biutjcl rrrrr mcynlrf. aiootUva X u r BmI JOSH T. JAJtfES, T.6 Vftrvt hy carrier fnc .ur. ir Vn iy, at th bov C.-TfVr ir. r-Tt arty an 1 all tU ' .-JJJ J'J'ULi'i.llU'Ll 77v? Iity ft. r:-t hi (hi hirtjtl TItE ELECTIONS; .in OfT-Voar in PolIUca-The Tiilnl Wavo Goon 3IarcUIus On "Westward tli o Course of i:mp!ro Tnkc ; Itii Way Twenty-One States In tlie Democratic Column and the Uetnru Vet Far Fr6m Com plete Thrco CIieer and a Tlffer for General Apathy and Ch Ions-Talled Comet. XKW If AKOTEB COUNTY. cm' ov wn.j(rsi;Tos. Owinstotho length of tho ticket and th? late hoar r.t which the count was ct)mpleteil, we have been unable to ol t&ia the full rcto in tho city in detail. We ire the result?, aa fir as reported, FinYr VTARO. First DiTbuim 330 majority for Can adr.3l5 for DckerT. Second Diviiton 351 majority Cnaday, 551 forDfckery. Third Division 210 majority for for Canilay. 213 for Docker;-. . SECOJfD WJLHX'. Bennett 319, Dockery 135. Green 311. Canaday 145, Rufin 311, Shepherd 323. Phelps 323. McKoy305, MCiiae Ji, turner oaipp , Folk 131. Tixd 132. Iwro 133, Darby IIP, 0a hrio 133, CdH-anU 13 1. ChJirch ill . ' . Galloway 311, VTasMu'lrt."" llAwtett Manning 13 TIIIKI WAKD nennetl301, ltckciy 101. Green 250, Canada y 17 1 KnlSa 301. Shepherd 300. S. McKoyi 25, McKai rhilllra Gilmer 3(VJ. Shipp 300. Folk 151. Tool Moere 150 Darby IG3. Gnthrio 156, 137. &lwardi 155. Churchill If. Galloway 207, AVaswm 140 Hewlett 237. ilannin liL ; . Armfctronj 203, Scott 153. J roucTit wabi. ; Bennett 270, Dockery im. - - Greca 250. Canaday llA .Hewlett 210, Manning 133. 4 rime wabo. First Division 231 majority for Can day, 220 for Dockery. . Second Dirision 183 majority (or Csaadsy. 107 Cor Dockery. . UAKNETT TOWTiSniP. Bennett 63, Dockery 1S3. Green Caaday 173. Ilcxlett 100. Manning 141. . Scut 15. Armstrong H4. Waddell 153. Grcca 1S3. Vm Amringo (for Clerk) 172. Samp-! son (for Register) 165, Burocy ffor Treasurer) 165. Jacobs (for Coroner) IM. Cherry (for Surveyor) 171. Key lforTnnrr1 fYL Tvlor ffor Conta- lc) io. - " " 1 la this township a fall Democratic tI r!ll'c voto was polled and a larger Ropubli- caaveto than ever before. XOIITH CAKOLLNA. -pUl TelojTaoi to DaB-V ESTtjtw. Cn aulottk. Nov. 7 Tho Democrats carry this county by 400. The vote U not yet in but arc satisfied as to tho re sail. Burko 300, a Democratic gain. Gaston 200. a gain of 300. Rowan votes IK'tiiocratlc. This is a liberal ironho!d. Anson go Democratic hj50o. a Demiicratic gain. Catawba np 1.200 majority. - Flemingtun, Nov. 7 At Vacca auwiown?hip there is a Democratic gain of It for the Stato ticket. Green gains 13 on Canada's vote two years aro. Concord. Nor 7 Bcnnrtt's maiori tjin Cabarran eoui ty is 500, an in freaeor loo Jarvis roto in 1SS0. The Demicraiic county o21ccrs arc elected by AW majority. Hickort, Nov. 7 Total vn;o here 512; Bennett 1U0. Dockoty 131. Dowd 301, Johnston 137. ao material chango froni old party votes. Wilson. Nov. 7 WHson precinct 5im Bennett 171, a gain of 200 over arvis vote; Rufiin aii tho' judicial ticket havo 167 majority in Wilson towwhip; all other townships give Democratic gains. Murray, Ind. Dem. is dcrcaied by at least VCOi our whole fwinty ticket is elfcted Wilson coun ty has done a glorious davs work. Wadesboeo, Nov 7 Bennett has 270 ajiri;y at Wadcsboro; 211 at Monroe. H carries Anson by about 600 majori-y-" heavy gain. ?jorzr:nuAt, Kor 7 Doeic 107 VOL. VI. . W ILMINGTON. N. C WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 8. 4882. NO. 266 " i I i majority a Republican gain of 100, .ohrtstton W raajori!y.j . . Washinjtn. AovJ. 7. Beaufort county sin a 1 Vtiralic average nv jirri y f i?a. 200; wphcnl 350. f.ithami larger than ihojSuta tio4cet. Huzuyaw. Nor. 7 At thl place IUa- wo; I'Siiaaav uu; iKrnuXTaitc jut 103. ctccpl McKny, vh t 105; pab.icaax-iS lOl.cscept I.tarby. who ni 107. H4l v tovmhin -liMiwxrta I lPW; Republican 7H. : ' i RrnjKr Ilst. Xor. 7 We oil at Kooky Point: Grw 1 12. Cnaad-iy 230, 1 lrtrnor in 1. Peeie, Koa. firCoo Dirby 23-5. McKoy 211 j Galloway U2,gre in thi Indlantpoiid district, i Shepherd 115. Mcliae 112, KuGH. Shipj. probably ehcel over English Since Phillips and Gilmer in each. . A Ubo last State election 'tho rot ui pre PniocraUc satu of. A" cn'i lasti ibiA xrrsvtttxL yenr. 7 K very utwii- hip in Iredell county thus far heard trom civr a lcmocrat:o ffain. Tho present indications are that iho I IX-rao-! e ratio gains in thecoquty will bo quito 150, making tho Democratic majority 00 AH candidates on the, Democratic ticket ma tolerably wdl together, j Asuevillc Nor. 7 Beuuatt'a ma jority hero ii 170. a gain of 131. Tho county is estimated at 100 to ;VX) major ity: tho legislative ticket the game. Charlotte. Nov 7 Mecklenburg county gc Democratic by 300 to 500 majority; ntno townships, half of tho county, irire Ikntnctt 279 majority n-cr J arris. Cabarrus county haa gouo largely Demcx:ratic. Oiily two town shipa giving Liberal majorities. louoANToy. Nor. f7 Tno Demo cra'ic ticket has carried "Burko county by 300. Weldojc, Not. 7 Bennett voto at this urccinct is 218: Dckery 150: a Republican majority of 204. abd C2 net Republican gam over Gariield'a .vote. ' GoLDSUono, Nov 7 The indcations are that Person, Independent, is plected to the Legislature. Iho other member is in (louot, ana tho county ticket is mixed. o.iianco oi ine Think Bennett carries tho ctmnty by a small majonty. Gkze.n;boxm, "Ny 7 A sweeping Democratic majority in Guilford. The entire county and Legislative ticket is ekc:cd by heavy , majorities. The Democratic ticket is elected ' in Ran dolph, with gain?. j 1 LijrcoLXTOX. Nov. 7 Only four pre cincts heard from, and they give the Democrats nmall majorities. Salisbury. Nm. 7-Tho election in Ro an county parsed ,off n.iioily with n largolKmcratic gain tn JSaUsbury township cver the vote lorjGovernor in lSV There rectus to- be no general gain id the county, th6ugh tho l)erao eratic majority will probably reach 500 over tho v.ite for prohibition. Ben nett's majority will fully equal the general Democratic victory. Moxxroc, Nov. 7 fBeunett carries Monroo by 311 majority, a Democratic gain; judicial and Congressional about the samo. Two country precincts give Bennett a net majority of 65. The county. will give Bennett 600 majority. The entire Democratic county ticket is elected I Laitkinbcko, Nov 7 Richmond co. will give about 400 majority. Laurin bunr. Bennett 2fl3. Dockery 217 Stow-' artsvill, Bennett 52. Dockery 83. Wil liauwjn. Bennett 271. Dockery 149. laurel Hill. Bennett 1B5, Dockery 203. ADnoTTSBt'KG, Nov 7 Abbott's town ship. Bennett 10, Dockep-105. a Dem rcratio loss of 1 ; Green 1 1 03. Canaday 107. a Democratic eain of 2; Ruffln 105, Folk 102: For tho Senate j Ly oh. Liber al. 128. Register. Dem., 8Q. For the House, MeKwcn, Dem., 120. Newell. Rep.. SS. Brown Mftrsh township, Dockery 102. Bennett 70. Canaday 08, Green 71. Newell 101. McEwen 00. Lvou 103. Register 60. Bladenboro. Dockery 4 m.-vforlty. Canaday 17, Folk 1 . Fri- ln KntA R..rritrr tKJ l.vrn 05. For the. House, McEwen 10fl, New icll B0 v - , . FxYBTreviLLE. Nor 7 Cumberland iroes for Canaday by a small majority Our Senator is oiectcfJ but the county bly Rose A part of the county ticket is elected. ' Raleigh. Nov 7 Tvako is probably Republican. Scattering precincts indi- ;caie gains lor iennciu tjrjiu kdw i.virt mwinritv for Bnnt;tt and for Rob- 5firitv ror TUnnit and for Rob bjnt; -Salisbury gives 150; Ix?xington ! gains 46; Guilford elects tho uemocrat (io ticket; Carteret county gives 1SG Democratic majority; Ncwbern gains 150? f!nx i certainlv elcctcti and Ben nett by an increased majority. Raleigh township gives 50 majority for Dock ery. Tahbor, Nor 7 One nrecinct in Edgecombe county civeu a Democratic gain of 91. Phil ip will run ahead of his ticket. Two precincts give a Dem ocratic gain of 57. J- . , , SMiTiiviLLr. Nov 7 Tho following is the voto of this township- Green US, Canaday ICS. Bennett 123, Dockery 107. . GENEItAr, ELECTIONS. "PrrpiaBrBC. Va. Kor 7 -Returns juster. 3.035 ; John E Massey, Uemo- ,traizht-ont Republican. 78. For Con gress from the 4th District, ;B. L Har per. Ueadjrtster. 2.012; AV A Rte, l)cmocrat. 1.000; Tazewell Branch, col ored straubtoot Democrat. - For Constitutional amendments I.&U. acalust 194. Ono ward is net given. Tho Readiusters estimato their major ity in the State at I3.Q00; m t. f trtct 000. KeadjusUrs are highly iabi lant over their victors'. Gov. Cameron and Senator Mahone were here visiting looks as n Kings county will reach ream - far ts heard from Fo!g?r has cot car ried one election rihtrict there. for each precinct hero show tho Read iuster ticket elucleil bv 1.035 majority. The vote strMKl as 'J' I roccmnn.i-Tirw. J S '. W ise. Read- tha polls to-day New Yobk. Nov 7 It now ri's maionty t I.wtn. Ur.,ln towy,. fs pro" ably defrftt! by 1500 majrity. ' The iHimocrat ttt Wicoutdn claim nvo ana prooarMy six otit w ninAv-. grctsroen. 1 f" ideMrnti. AO? 7 yaey iftonj bajcrnttn ticket and a heavy I a. t.C5 majority in th cily ovr. .ladgn iby KjO majori; Ixdi AXA.roui, ftov7&catterin5 n (turns from a fm- nrKi'nrta In this State jshow mail Bcpnbllcan saiasin tbvrpte f;r Becretarrof t.ate, tor ths rte for j cinct have been 'dtrlded :n all tlio UrTrr tnti-naiui? and rard-. maklnflrlL difficult to pct correct coruparions un til the entire towtjship -and u-nl i heard from. New Okleajts, Nor 7 A Timts Danocrat Dallas, Tex, special ajs: Tho Democrat havo swept Northern Texas liko a whirlwind. Ireland Tor Governor, and thai entire Democratic Stale ticket is elected by an enormous majority, iho Legis:aMiro t? orec whelmiiulv Democratic. towns give Bulkeley, . Rep.. 20.M9; Waller. Dt-m.. 20.043; in 18S0 Bigelow. Rep.. 25.332; Englinh, Dem., 22,531. Sax Fbajtcisco. Nov 7 The election iu this city wad very quiet and an av erage vote was polled. Owing to the length of the ticket and .bad arrange ments for gathering retvrns, nothing can be known ol fhe result to-night. There wa3 much scratching, and prob ably some will be ilectexl on both tick ets, but tho commonly accepted opin ion is that tho Democrats will havo a majority ot 2.000 to 3.000 on" the gen eral ticket. Reports from the interior indicato a fall vote. It is believed that the prohibition ticket will havo about 5,000 in the Stato at large, and thie, with the defection trom the Republi cans, on accouut cf the Sunday law, is likely to give tho State to tho Demo crate. PniLADELrniA, Km. 7 A special dispatch says: Post, Dora., is elected in tho 15th district. This is a Demo-, crallc gain. CuATTAKooOA, Nov 7 From re ports received by tho Times, Dibbred, Dem,, is re-elected in tho 3d Tcnn'., and Clements, in tho 7th Ga.. and Prior, tn the 8th Ga. districts. I Sataxxah, Nov 7 In tho 1st Con gressional District Nichols, DemM i is elected by about 5,000 majority. In the 2nd District Turner, Dem., - is rv oleted by about 3,000 majority. Th vote in the 1st is very light, ihere was much apathy aud especially among tho Repub.ioane. Atlanta. Nov 7 The election pass ed off quietly. Specials indicato a tull Democratic delegation to Uongrees. Speor and Felton are both defeated. Boston, Nov 7262 towns aud cities give Butler 115,660. Bifhop 08,311. Butler plurality 14,357. jAuarsTA, Ga,-NoT 7 The election was very quiet here. There was no opposition to Seaborn Reese, Dem., for Cnnjrress. About one-sixth of the ttsn- nal voto was polled. . mf . p.i r tUCTIMOXD, JOV iflO VOtO OI IQ19 city is as follows: Congressman-at- Large, 5lascy, lcm.. 3,43; .John i. Wise. Coalitionist, 3,015. FoT'TJon- fross, 3rd District, Geo. V. Wise, em., 5,592; Smith, Coalitionist, 2,950. Returns received to this hour (9:30 p. in.) show steady gains for tho Iemo cratio ticket over the vole for Governor last year. . BoSToy. Nov 7 Wm Whiting. Kep, for Congress", i clotcd over Sawyer. Dvm. In tho llth District, and Geo D Robinson. Rep, Is elected in the 12th District. - Those Congressmen whose ciections ate still doubtful, according to tho Democratic ,rctum?, are Loring. in tho 6th District; Lilly, in the 8th. and Thompson.in the.7th. Rice.Rep.isoIect d to Congress from the 10ti Dinrict ev 3,300 malorfty. Bostox, Nov. 7 Tho returns recciv el at Democratic Headquarter indi cate the election of Patricfe A. Collins, Democrat, to Congress, in the 4th dis trict, over Chas. T. - Gailagb, Republi can, and tho Republicans concede his clectlou. Tho election of Henry B. Ioring. Democrat, to Congress ib tho 6Ui District, is probable, but : in doubt. Ebcn F. Stone Republican. Is clvctcd to (Jongrcss in tho 7ih district OTcr Chas. P. Thorn psou. Democrat, f he Jotrnal figures a plurality for Bus ier in the State of 20.000, but claims that the entire Bepublican Stato ticket, ex cept Bishop, is elected, which the re turns at present indicate. The legisla ture will bo Republican by a reduced uepuoucan luajonij VVlIJJINGTOX, o"V. 7 The j election possed off quietly, except in third and seventh-wards, - in the for mer of which, immediately after tl polls closed, there was a serious affray between negroes and whites, in which iho negroes, who were tho assailants used pistols freely, and the whites re taliated with a fchowcr of bricks and stones, which scattered their assailants. Two white men were seriously - wound ed by bullets, and several were hurt by bricks. A woman was also shot in the breast, but not seriously m injured. Many arrests were made during thop. m., among them Chief Engineer Mc Intire, Chairman of the City Demo cratic Committee, lor knocking a. man down. Returns are arriving slowly and show Democratic gaina. - New Yobs, Nov. 7 Seventy election districts, out of 5S8. give Edson. 0.J23 and Campbell 6.6S0. It is conceded that Edson will receive aboat two thirds oi tho whole number cf votes cast and Campbell ono-third. Ciiaiilotte, N. C., Nov. 7 Dowd, Dom., in the th; Vance, Dem .Tn the Sib: Scales, Dem in the fcth. and 1 prob ably Robbins, Dem.. in the th dis tricts arc ejected. The Dcrrmt:r i for .JwIm was roteti stralxht in H oslefn portion of the Sato and arejatopptxi. Quiet pruvaUj .at tbo pt?l3. 1 I dutibtte ricctp-I bv a irol majority -Asirviixe, lem., Sow 7 A lair !W favorable to th?s tnr:dr .Dem- piod a'.l vvr the Stvte. Tho indkat- tion pro5rcefiUHly. A dtnall vote i tin?i3 now ro th.tt Geu. Bat" to will i tMtn cast, and without tho siis'ntest in larly excd the IX'fnocrati vt?e of jdicatiH -of excitement A noticeable 18S0 for both Wricht and ri!un in - fact U the absence of leoiorcd voters many bounties. Bite ha to hr poU-1 from tho polls wtutj nstiaily their vtrto cd a full Damocratic vote. '.' i I tho heaviest. ! New Yokk. Nor 7 Two hundred - New OuleAss.'-VoV; 7 Weather si-o rVriger 1&,7R2 and (ercland 43.833. 7 r Cl'woland 7om Tho majontv fh In tho State Is estimated bv the i2cprc from 0,000 io 100,000. The Exprc&i M EKrais, 'Nov. 7 The weather is Ballctm ' jayr E!stJ h undoubtedly ( Sue and the general d-ction is going on elected mayor and etiojates h major- without" excitement1 j The balloting ity at S0.O00. . - ipoinH tola Hght vote throughout the Tho StfH'j bulletin aaysr The Kepul- county. vtth-tariniblo -pro?pecta for licansof Massachusetts concede But- 'thee lectiojv oi Casey: Young v (lKmo ler's election as Governor by a large crat) to Congress, an 1 the suoccss ol majority. . , the Democratic Legislative ticket . Tha tjxprctz says : 3iahone claims a majority tor .m ttekei tu irgmta oi 25.000. 7:30 p m Scattering return! from various parts of the State show uniform and heavy gains for tho Democrats, ap parently making Cleveland' majority almost fabulous. Howard. Carroll seems to be runninir ahead, but is prob ably swamped with the rest of tho ticket Sax FKAKCtaco, Nov 7 A despatch from Carsen, Nev. saye- . Adams, Cas s:dy and Stono, Democratic candidates for" Governor, Congressman and Su preme udges, respectively, have traded off tho balance of tho ticket for them selves and friends of othor candidates, aud the : Irish voters in general are working against them. Dispatches to the Reno Giizd'c indicate the election of Bowning (Rep) over Cassidy (Dem). Hartford, Conn., Nov. 7 Tho vote has been quite full throughout "the State. There has been a falling off from the vote of ISSO, the Republican loss being very much greater than the Democrats. It is probable that Eaton is elected to Congress from the 1st Dis trict, and the probability-is that the Democrats have elected the Stato ticket and three Congressmen. Wait, Republican,-i3 undoubtedly elected in the Third District. Alexaxdria, Va., Nov. 7 Alexan dria City gives Maseey - 597 majority and Barbour 627. j Galvestox. NoY. 7 The day has been tine. The Stato is solid for tho Democrats. There was much scratch ing for Congressional candidates and county officer. - The contest waa quiet. - Bostox, Nov. 7 Butler's plurality in Boston, with some wards to hear from, is 13.621. In 1879 Boston gave Long 18.288 and Butler , 23,508. Leopold Morso, candidate tor Congress, Demo crat, doicata Bowman in the 5th i Dis trict, by m small majority 1 Theodore Lyman, Civil Service Independent can didate for Congress in the 0th District, has defeated Jno. W. Candler. Gov.' I Iong i probably elected to Congress trom tne ima lisincx r New York, Not 7393 city election districts out oi 663. give Cleveland 40,- j 165 majority. In the returns froni tho j State, in only three instances are Re publican gains reported, and these amount to 43. r f f Psotidexce, R I, Kor 7-f-HenryJ Spooncr, and Jonathan Chase, Repub lican, are re-elected Representatives to Congress by largo majorities on a light to. Tho proposition to amend, the const Ration se a to authorize t he Legislature to call a coust4ttiotal convention, was rejected. .. - Brownsville, Tex., Nov 7 The olection in this city was very orderly. Ochiltree, for Congress, polls a heavy voto. There wa3 a disturbance at the 4th voimg precinct between tho super visors of election ana thef deputy shci iffs. There were no serious conse quences. FIniay will cat ty the county by about 300 'majority over Oohiltree. Iagt year the Democrats majority in the districTwas 1.700. : Bitox, Nov. 7 At the Republican State Committee's" room no doubt is expressed of Butler's election ; to only question is as to tho amount of tho ma jori:j. Returns, as they arrive, Bhow great gains for Butler and falling off in tao Republican vote. , New ' York. Nov. 7 Returns indi cate that Cleveland will come down to Harlem river with from 20.000 to 25, 000 majority. This city will give him 75.000 majority.1 Returns trom Brook lyn are, if possible, moro favorable to the Democrats than those of New York. Kings county will give Cleve land probably 25.000 majority. Omaha,' Neb,, Nov, 7 Clear warm weather prevails in most parts ; of the State and a large vote is being polled. The Woman Suffraaist have coffee and sandwiches at their h , t are receivinz but few votes in the wards in this city, where they expected the most. . -Pittsbueg. Pa- Nov. 7-Night The election is progressing -quietly and a heavy vote is being polled, notwith standing tho disagreeable weather. (- EvAXSViLLn, Ind., Nov. 7 Night Tho election is proceeding without un due excitement, a light vote being poll ed. There have bwu a good many ar rests of neirroes and their ranchers. New'Yohk. Nov. 7 Night. John 1 Battersly, " Independent candidate for Alderman in the first Assembly dis trict, died suddenly last night whilo he was bunching his ticket. Heart dis- case was the cause. New IIavxjt, Cona., Nov. 7 Night. The election is proceeding quietly and tho total vote will probably not - bo as-largo as nsoal. The weather is threatening.. - CraCAGO. Nov. 7 NighL- After a bright morning, the afternoon Is cloudy and warm with indications of rain. Re port from the several. wards indicate that a full vote i3 being polled, which Is construed as being favorable to the Re mblirans." ' j Drrrorr, 2'or. 7 Night. The I i I here aro indications that a tarjji roto i f wm oe cast witn ft 'tlntr. jrrat uVa4 p( sput : Ty)uxsvritj Ky.. Nor.7 Ths etec- fcetHti in n orderly raannt'T. no disturb - j ances Iwing reportwi from any quarter. The polling indicate ''only a, moderate rote Istianapou3. - Nov. 7 Tho election f tn tnis city ann state is progressing wen. i no indications are that a very full voto will be polled. A Iare amount of scratcnlng is being done on both sides. - j , Boston", Kov. 7 Returns of both this city and the towns in the State in dicate a general .scratching of tickets. At noon Butler was ahead in Glouces ter. Ncwburyport Lawrence. M.-.riboro. Framingham, Hopkinton, Miliord. Na tiek, Walpole. Hotlistou, Hudson, May nard, Ayer. Grafton, Pepperell, Clin ton and Acton. In Bostoii a large vote, is being east. ! i New. York, Nov. 7 The Evcninj Possay8.:elitorially. there is undoubt ed evidence beibre was that tho Demo cratic (county i ticket, with John J. O'Brien's narno upon it, U run out of the Republican boxes. We havo con clusive proof that, at none of tho voting placed in several assembly districts, any other Republican ticket could be obtained this morning! The treachery which has been predicted holds to be fully carried out. ' I RocnESTEit, Nov. 7--A special to the !Posay: The election is progrcseing ?tiictly. TbeGerman vote, heretofore tepublicati, is being cast almost solidly for tho Democratic ticket. Indication favor large Democratic gains in this city and county. ! I BUTFALO, Nov.f 7. On ' account of the light rain during most of this raorn intftho. vote is not yet larae, -but now wo havo clear weather.!; The i anti-Administration Republicans are redeeming their promises and votiag for Cleve land. There is nb falling off among Democrats and Cleveland's voto here will be all that his friends anticipated. rORTSMOCTU, J. 11., Nov. 7. I'n vate advices to prominent politicians hero indicate the probable election of Edjrerly, Democrat, for Governor. New; York, Nov. 7.-H05 election districts but of 688 in this city give Folgcr 6,632, and Cleveland i.643. St. Louis, Nov. 7 The -weather Is vevy fine and the election passed off quietly. Thero was a great dcal !of scratching . and the count will bo slow. There are four city tiokcts in the field, but some of tho candidates are ou all of them. Three city Congi-es3ional Dis tricts will no doubt go Democratic, and therii does not seem a chanco for the RcdudI leans to carry district in the State.- ; '-: Ricauoxf. Ya.,Nov. 7-fTIe elec tion j to day 'paR-el off quietly In this city, except the excitement ; incident to the arrest of several election judges. Attempts were made during the day by Readjuster Coalitionists to; vote on capitation tax receipt, sigued by two collectors of delinquent taxes. " Judge Christian, of. tho Hustings Court, de cided that tho law allowed only one tax collector to each city and county, and i istructed tbejudj.of clect'on to refuse votes signed by more than one. The U. Si-supervisors arrested thcjudges and they were taken . before the TJ. S. commissioner and balled for their ap- Eearance to-morrow, A compromise etween the U. S. commissioner and Jndgo Christiah followed and yotcs were received on both receipts, under a protest against one. A contest will be likely to result. The delay caused by 1-this action caused many votes to be lost on both sides. The polls closed while a largo numher of aotcrs wipro jsaitihg to vote. John Ambler Smith, Coalitionist candidate for Congress from thi3 district, was arrested here to-day for disorderly conduct .at the polls. He was bailed to appear. The 'election news compels us to throw all local matter and new adver tisements in this issao upon the fourth page. An jthing In the hardware line can be found at reasonable prices at - Jaoo NEW AE VJEKT1SE31 Eh'Th. OPERA HOUSE. WELCOIE THE GKEAT FCJ MAKCE3 r. MONT) AT ETESG, JfOVw ltb. 1S2. Salsbury's rn T r TT T k T f TT T C! 1 t U U -A. U KJ U liOj Irrlaitns lhe3 Tr&rrcraal favorttea NELLIE McUXXBT,.. m.SAT SAL8BCRT, Trodaela? Broaoa rfonvard's latest 3 -eet Jfcslral Novelty, II UAbAJAJll 1XXJ UAUL i U 11 1 I Deceived trTth iz-rars or licjhtcr and fro- oosnccdl'yra'bncaa'I crltl; the fi:nr.irt per- I weather b cioudy. but the ram has twywt that tir rttr IV! ahrty ci;r t tn the editorial foliwx. C r a n d Opening o1 V tVINTK MILUSrRY. ALL TII nun at. ?m t.ot 9 4t-wed-th-ri- at leta-jiw.' Black Diamonds ! U)D() KED ASH ORATE.- ?S Whiter ISA ' - rhotelr.ut. - 50 Wbl " rnrmc i COALlayaM oad aftoat ami n mUttlo. Laryo otnl fmi I prv3t itw tt'j son. vi '" i ..'J.-'A.STTtrXIISR. DENTISTRY:! J AM TLEASED- TO 5AY OX 51T return hmc. thatjr w prepared tA fill all toy egascTeni la ror rrfee!n with eaUstar ties. : 0 4A. K. KEA. .. ' . - -:, ; - ' So. E. Cor. Market na l Front trcct no8tf - .. . I T0U CAN FIND THEM I XTOV CAN FINI AX X .... Vv-; :: --. : FJAT KITTIKO. C?MrORTAHLK -. .. -i v i ' ' " v A0 DURABL3 Boot or Shoe I v . - . . . ! AT IXW TRICKS XD MHDiUM PEICE an i less thnnelwwboro lii tho State tor tho same jjra'iJc of gooiL : GDi). R. rXRXCH SOXSw nor S S3 th-th lroi Ft. Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Company, OmFtCH Otf UXXEIUX Bvn.KlSTlJtVVXT, . Change. of Schedule., . : OS AXD irTEU SOV. 5, 1883,1 At 8.v0 A. M.. Pawoncr Trairu on tLj Wilirlnj too Jb WeMon Ualiroad will run 04 follow : , DAY MAIL AXDEXrBE&S T1CA1X8 Dkll 2OS. 4T XOBTn AX D fiOCTU. Leave Wtlminffton jPYontPt. Ipot, fl.4) A. I Arrive at WeMon. Ji.o r. !. Lea re WcMon...... 3.30 . W. Arrive at Wllm'ffton,rroutbt. lt, .M V. II. Fast Thkooou SLui & Passexoes Thais Daily No. 43 Xobtb ai 4ft Botrru. T-MTeWllmloTt4m,FrontSt,,rot, 4.43 I'.Jl'. ArrtTO t Wcldoa.. ......J.I.W V.h:. Leave WoMon. ....... ...... ... a.io f.i. Arrive at Wllm'gtcj.irrontSU D't 1. X . MAIL AUD rAoSEN'GKtt TTtAIN'S DAltr. Xo. i f North and 45 fvrr'j . Leave Wilminsrton.....,......,. .,V) r. J?J. Anlre at WeMon.... ............. 4 .GO a. M. Leave Wcldoa I .a) a I St. Arrive at Wilmington............. T.Oi 1.11. Train No. 40 South will nri! et UikXj 3f onat, WIloo,Joldaboro and He ;ao!Ia. Tralna on Tarboro Branch Kod Iave K&cky MoTiat for Jarbero at 12 SL al 7.15 !. If., Dallv. BcttmilnK. Imto Trtort et 0.00 A. IL and ft P.M. Dally. , i Train on RcotUtttl Xwk rJrar.rh TToad !e ve ITallfaxfer Scotland Nec at 6Zn p. M. lit turning loavo rotlaod Ncfc at 1 0 o'clock, dally. ' .' '., lYatnKo. 47 mak?i cVho rimnectioTi at UeH ?n for all points Xrth rMily. All rail via Richmond, and catty exrt htja-ir via Uf.y Line. :, - Train No. 43 rare dAll and mtfi o!oe ru nectloa for all points North via Klchsnond and Waahlfyrton. No. 47 vv ke aIamc foanectloa for Tarboro. All traina ma mLiI between Wilmiaarton aad Washington, and have rulhnaa PaJ.ire bleef era attached. joijk r. Drrrxn, General Prpeiintrnicnt. T. IS. EMES30N, eeoral raier Axt. B0V 6 - Wilmington, Columbia & Anjnisttt B. IT. Co. I WE mortem. 51. C. Nov. 8, 12Z. Chango of Schedule. 0? AKTD AFTKTt NOV. BTII. IS.", At tSA. JL. tho foUoirlnc raoaensrer tchtfi- m . wiu oe run on uua roaa ' NIOITT EXPRESS THA1N3, DACLT rca, 41 I Wetand47 rart. Leave Wilmington.. A. L' Leave iTorenro. t;JA.u Arrive at C. C. & A. Jcnctlon e, a. f ?. Arrive at Colombia...... 6.44 A. 1 1. Lcava Colombia... lo.oo l. Leave C,C A. Junction .10.20 P. !i. Leave fTorrnce....... A. ! !. Arrive at Wilmington. e.; a. !!. Nicut SI an. axd Passcscrx Tuuh, Diar, No. 40 West, akd Dat ttAn. axd Pai- SSKCXB TBAJ9, KO. 43 EttSU Leave WUTnlnjrtcm...... ......ll.in P. It, Arrive at Florence.,. UU. ?!. Leave Florence...... ,.12.M r. If, Arrive at WUm!agtoa , P. ll. MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAINS PxiXr. S-;No. 42 West aed 43 Eait. Leave WUasIa?toa.. .....;...7.t A. ?f. Arrive at Florence.... ) A. Leave Fiorrnco at. ....4-3 P. M. Arrive at WUrarjin ffP.:i. Train 43 slew n all ttlma. No. 40 stop only at Fleialrton, WIJ'.ttIT,.. I Fair R:rjrn1 Larlc n. j Puecn-ia for ColaTSitta and all tltls taC. & C. K. Ii., C, & H. IL f Utl"rf I:? 3 !Lr - itlon, and all poleta tfjvn'J, ilzz'.l ska ii Scparat luJL-3an kcrr All tr-Sss mn acUd tttrtca C i Wibalnet!?. Joirs r. tuv - " ' - General vertr. T iI.r;?lET:sOV,Jr.-ral Lm-

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