-1 t - THIS - 1 rraelmg, : Stfodari r erpted T JOSH T. JAMES, -TBACRIFTIO rOBTAGB FAUX tuot. Blx month, tiOO, Throe .tfc, $!-'. One month, ttoetita. will be deM vrd by carricra trM .la ar part of the elty,' a the above jo cenU per week. T-rtising ratei Itnr and HberaL ja-SnbCTlben wlfl report aay aal an fafl- to reoerre then- paper regularly. TTvc Daily Review has the largest Sesut fide circulation ef any newspaper in the city of WUmxngton. Mr. Flward R. Stanly, formerly a orominent citizen of Newborn, but for eight years a resiuout oi wuwajf, j died on Friday night. JJore nominations were sent In by Ir. Anbnr daring this seeeion than a tnj short seasion iince the war. There otrt 6?2 executive messages. The Atlanta CcnstUnticn 6ays that Rerdell. the Government star route wttoe3. is a G org tan. and that his proper pntronymic is RudeiL . " We have Southern spinners have taken 200.000 b of cotton for home consu m pt h n since September in, lew, itiu is an i urease of 45.000 bales over the 6ame p.rioe of last year. It it thought that the letter postage reduction lmm 3 to 2 cents, which got inlo effect October lot, will reduce the ptwtal revenue foar or fire millions o1 dollars the first year. The superintemlent of public instruc tion in New Jersey has issued an order absolutely forbidding corporeal punish ment to children in the public schools iodcr any circumstances. ,i Mr. C. N. B. Evans, the oldest jour nalist in North Carolina, the editor of the Miium Chronicle, and a member ot the State Legislature, dinl at his home in Hilton on Saturday last. , Governor Stephens' body was hardly cold before various candidates for gub ernatorial hotmrs were laying wires for the nomination. The living tread rap idly ou the heel ot the dead in thi country. The camellia is likeiy to posfess fra prance as well as beauty. A yardnor al Naples lia produced one after raanj trials, and thii.ks i: possible that in the future it may be brought Lo rival the Irarauce of U.e roso. . ' It ii, says Prot. Bockmorr, the male toad, and not the frogs, Ui whose music ppl in the country listen in the sum mw evening. The female toad rs not muiiea!. II is well enough to know this very important fact. Aa Iowa editor a few days ago, while n a drunken spree, tried to shoot him -r?fthroaxh the heart, but was too drunk to eboot straight, so he made a mistake a to the location of his heart aoJ put a bullet through his dinner. The foundation stone of the Chtrrch ot the Saviour, in Vienna, is a block of marble quarried- on the Mount of Oliveu. The church will cost $1,875. 000. and is a national thank-offering for the preservation of the monarch's life. M. Bartholdi's gigantic statue of Liberty is so r.earlv completed that much of it is ready for shipment of America. The whole of the figure probably will have reached New York before the end tf the coming summer. -Only $80 000 of the $250,000 pedestal fund required have been spbscribed. We would respectfully suggest to our friends of the two Rockingham paper.- that the thing is getting a little monot onous. We are surfeited with sweets, leUow-cUizens. lWt display such a bitter nriiabotxt a trifle, and Rocket to sleep. Shake hands across the bloody chaMn. if not for your own aki s. th n for tbo sake, of a long-tofferif f public. Salt was considered a great luxury raong the K"iiians. and tho word sa ry u derived fnuu talariuin, or an n lovance) fait with, which to season Vs Iih'nI. In this fart probably iri: inated the phrase about earning one' lt. tad there Is another fact suggest ed here. tun. . Salt, which is now a ro hy, was formerly a mere luxury t life. It is an excellent epecirio " in the ur of so.ut complaints but it U a min fJ and its tue, or. rather, abuie,is del tri'Csto the human system. It I aid that the salt obtained by eva pora 0ch.' torlatanoe, as was 'boiled vn' in the salt pans at Wrightsville ftd Masoobom during" the war, was wtldeof the kind known. - Quarterly leetlncr . To the-Wilmington district of the MethofiUt . Church, sTiuth : -Olnum. at Andrew' Ciptl Mar. lo-U Otebargat Hallv...?rrr..Man 17-18 Newton Grove Mission Mar. 21 C&rrell Mission, ajt ' , rrorrideace -T. Mar. 27 B. O, Buxrrow. P. E r 4 I VOL. VII. LOCAJj NEWS. INDEX TO HEW ADVERTlUHEiTg. . Yates K aster Cards j , ! W H GKEEJt Garden Seed ' Mcxds Bros Garden ed i Gastox M. Hobbs Poetry H sink BcaoEK Caster CrJ OTTBKBorao Best Une of Clothlcg Mi;S E K ax tra rira of the iti6yn. Giles 3t ucxcmsoj Bl qn Figures R J bCAXBoKOCOB kioo Liitorft . Johjt J Hzdxjcx roJtlvf Bar.-slas Keecbnex a Cauxk Bxos Uroecrlos W 15 srxrxoES 8c, Co 1 be klaoe to Bay P Li Brixger3 & Co WhUkejB, Wloe,&c The receipts of cotton at thls port to-day foot up 442 bales.4 Schr. BotUrlKwaite, L&nk, hence, ar rived m Boston March 10th. . I Steamer VcsUx. hence, arrived at St. Augustine, Fla.. March 0th. ' Schr. Mary 7,. Junn. Ilinden. sailed from, Kingston. Ja., Febl 23ud, fur this port. : . . '! :i Mr. Isaac Shrier left here this morn inz fr New York, to be absent Bjveral weeks. : . '! . I .The receipts of rosin at this port to day were unusnaliy large. '1 hey foot up 3,412 barrels. ' j r Steamship Regulator. Capt. Doanc. cleared at New York, March 10th, lor this port antl sailtnl the. same day. We are glad to learn, as wo do from the News ami Observer, that the Miase EngelharJ are improving, j I . .Rei8tation goes on very slowly. In ihc Thinl Ward, up to the close of Sat urday, only 98 had registered. There was some rost and ice fviaible here this morning but not enough to do any canicular damage to vege aiiou or Iruit. " 111 Mr. E. A. Oldham, of this city, will assume charge of the editorial columns ot the Winston Sqntinel on or about the 5th of April, . . . There was plenty of ice and snow up about Laurinburg anl other points on the Carolina Central last Friday, and there are fears there for the fruit crop. a rheumatic young lady at Vassar, Whoe teacher declined to pass her, St. Jacobs Oil bought, j I And the cure it wrought. - "j Showed that none could out class her. The off-shore signal prcd iction of Saturday came to pass yestorxlay ini the hape of a pretty stiff breeze trom; the Vet what you might call all reef-topsail breeze and now you know just how hard it blew Five yonr.g men now form! the choir of Su John's Church. With lone ex ception, they are all railroaders. They sang yesterday for the first time in public, and it is needless to say that they were on time. Hon. R. R. Bridgere is naving some very substantial improvements made at bis residence corner ot Front and Chest nut streets. The old woden railing hns been removed and a handsome iron fence, with granite base, is to be erected in iU'place. Ii 1 . ; l I Wo had the pleasure this morning of a call from Mr. George, A. Southall, formerly of Duplin county, but for the dafct two y-ars a resident of Saratoga, New Yoik. He is in exoeltcnt health and we.are'glad to know that "prosperi ty attends h'm rn his Northern home. , , j ; ; 1 ' ' Wiggins' storm was a decided failure, but there is no doubt of the political storm that is brewing in our oity. The municipal election at hand, and that subject engages the most of the spare time and attention of many of our people. W . ' ; .'. f M. " The post-o3e department has adopt ; ed a combined letter sheet and stampei n vel pe. - Tiie il lay in the- man uf o ture has befn owing to (h6 prnposel reluciion in the rates of postage That bing decided we shall soon have them in full supplv. . A few nihu 'mou iuo scoundrel broke into the c mservatory of one of our business men who takes much pleau-e In the cultivation of choice plants, and stole about thrco hundred of the bes1 varieties onder cultitation there. In stances of such depredations are becom ing entirely too common, and we hope thai the day is not distant wheo some of these prowling rascals may be caught and brought to grief by the -rigid hand of trie law. ..- Postponed. . On aocoantof the lectaro of !pr. Deems, to-morrow nl-ht, the regular meeting of. the Uterary Clnb of tho Library Associatioo ia poetpned'ontll tha nibt of the 2Cth instant. ' WILMINGTON. N. C. MONDAY. MARCH 12. We are glad to learn that Mrs. J. C Bailey, widow of the late Mr.J, J. C. Bailey, who had the misfortune to fall nearly a year ago, by which she sns tained injuries that j have f necessitated the use of crutches, has sojfar reco vered as to be able to dispense with them, 'and is now able to walk with the assistance ef a cane. She Has been severe : suf ferer, but we now hope for a speedy and cons plete recovery. -. . Venuor's Guesses ' Vennor guesses as follows for lfiis week: 11th, raw and cold, with snow and rainfall; 12th, 13 and 14th, colder but moderately ; findiweaterv indica tions ot an " approaching wet period ; 15th and 16th. moderate weather, but snowfalls or rains at southern points and western sections; 17th, cold dip and scattered snow (alls, rain and sleet south. I. : j v The Date of Kaster. , About this seagoa f Ib yc arx roany people are asking What ft is that J deter mines the date of Easter. The answer is, the moon in. March, which Tennyson calls "the roarfrig moon of daficnlills." The old rnle is that Easter shall fall on the Sunday after tho full moon which comes after. the vernal equinox. That brings Easter this year on the 25th of March. In 1818 'iVfeif on the22il of March, the earliest date possible. ' It will not fall upon that day again in this or the following century. Supreme Court. In this Court, on Saturday? the oon sideration of appeals from the fourth district was-reutu4. and causes were disposed of as follow: Charles Malloy 't at 4 vs.- T. J. Bte defi et als, from Richmond AriiiKj bv Biirwell. Walker & Filiettfor the plain liff. and Frank McNeill and John D. Shaw for, the defendants. ,t. State vs. R. SJ NHidi. from Riohmond. Argue I by Attorney General Knau for the .State, and Bur wet h Walker & Tiilett l r tBe,deteiidanC ! jr i T "State vs. Riuce Rpcr, from- Rich mond. Argued by; Attorney General Kenan and Jobn P Shaw for the -tate.and BurVell. Walker & Tilletl for the defendant. - : - ; , Uurfflary, Sometime between Friday night and Saturday morning athiet Lr ke into the room of "Mine Most" Schloss, of the Commercial. Hotel, and taking the pants from beneath his pjllow, took from the pockets all the money they contained and the key to the sate. The thief then went below to the safe vhich he opened and took therefrom a small amount .of changeaRd left, prob ably having been frightened away be fore searching any further. The total amount of money taken was about $12. Two young colored men were arrested and had an examination before Justice Millisto day. charged with perpetrating the crime, but the evidence not being sufficient to bind them over they were discharged , L .! ' , ' ' Trifles., r Rev. Dr. Deems is expected to arrive in this city on to night's train 4 He will be tho guest, while hcre pl Mr. Ge r3c H Kelly, on Second, between" Chestnut and Mulberry- streeU, and tio-morrbw forenoon will hold .a reception at Mr: Kelly s residence, where he will be happy to meet those friends and acquaintances who may wish to.see him. 'Daring the afternoon he will take the rest and quiet needed to prepare him for the duties of the evening. . J . ':- . Dr. Deems has many friends and admirers In this city, and it may bo expoctel that a large audience will greet him at the Opera House to-mor- .t..u- ii:. Tv;flA ii undoubtedly be made interesung and those who attend will have the eatisfao : tion of knowing that they listen to no trifiing matter. Muhlcal Charm?. We wonkier if any other city in North Carolina is so sorely afflicted with harmonica" as Wilmington. y , Nearly 1 every boy, blacfc or white, has one, ai d' oaeh a lavorite melidy whioh he dig est nurse almost unceasingly. On one inare we bear Dixie" given with ;a vim. while in the next we are saluted with the dolorous siraing of Empty It the Cradla. I n one place rMagsfe DArling' Is tha favmlte. while in an, other wo are told that 44 We Sliall Meet in the Saccharine Subeqaently.n One tU Grandfather's Clock": to running while another tc!U us that he U "Going away to die no njonvV whiah he hai oqrf nnqualified consent , to d .. Soni uTtha perform era j-lay iulte -el't bat wnen a eamoiT nx ir.eqr xu; togey cr. each fct woric na diprcnt ppd7 thsrs ii conJcIna worta poafcniJed. . " For Pocket' Knives or Table Cutlery, to JACcn'a nirdwrro Depot. t- The Uocky -Mount JIlail'.Rob- " 'v ." -lerle. We traderstand that a.' young man by the name of very,j of Rocky1 Mount, was arrested -on Saturday charged with robbing the 'IJnited i Stales mails, and that bo was to have had a hearing to-day before ihaTJ. S; Coniiu tssioner in Goldsboro. -iThis arrest is looked upon as a sequel; to the arrest; 'trial -ahd subsetjlneott raoquittal pfc EenningtonT some little time since ppstnjfaster !at Rocky Mount, and it will be felt as a reliefttoeVery fman in tho7 service on the routp, as there, have been robberies whicjunj-il now have-not .been tract d to-their source. Avery is a bruther-in i ........ ... - . y , .. ...... i .... t law to. Arringlqn. who was postmaster at Rocky Mount some few years ago. before" Pennington came in on the scene.' and the former was a clerk in the office at tha time, j When Penning ton appeared on the boards there was a violent antagonism between the new niarf and the old. Pennington whipped outf JArringtbhi was ntminated ! and ponfiriiel ;md 5 tojk- Charge of the office!" "Avery , was thrown out of. a job r but v hung .around the office as a. kind if .voluntary assis tant. 'jMoney vas missed, Penning ton was suspected and arrested antl the office. pasisel into tho hands of , who appointed Avery his" deputy Since that time the losses in the oflic have increased and a few weeks ago a n,gisteirdfwekage which wa3 nlle4.et to contain between $(XCK and $700, sent from RfMjky Mount to Norfolk, was found, on arrival :il the postoftitro in the latter place, to cimtaiu nothing mow vardti1fttrfstprr;'- The pack ite, it apfeared. hal -neveri been opetml anl the! iu liter, f was traced baok to Averj. wlu had i'eeived the money. for ta.tiihvl5sun, nnd he was arreted. It I- now believed that he'fctwle.in ull prob- S l-kt 'cnoin.i- t n was arretted . Farmers-" wishing to be . successful with sheep huld ;uard I hem against exposure. But it in fhelterinii his sheep the fanner exposes himself and c:iiehe coid. hu mut use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. ExptirLA Foreiirn. SweI. barque Thcodor, Capt, Larsen, cleared to-lav for Riga, Russia,! with 3,197 barrels rosin, valued at $5 072 68. sh pped by;Mtssrs Paterson, - Downing & Co. " : " ' Masristrate Court. Andrew, Loflin, colored. iwas ar- raigned before Justice M illis to-lay u pon a peace warrant s worn ou t by John Holt, alsb colored, and was re quired to give a bond in the sum of $50 to keep the peace until Sept. 1st, 1883, in default qf which he was committed.- Elias Campbell, .colored, was then arraigned, charged with an assault and battery on Cam brick Ilines, colored. The defendant Was foundrgnilty, but judgment was suspended upon payment of the costs ' ' i , . The celebrated Fbh Brand - Gills Twine is sold only at Jaoobi's Hard ware p6pofc. :tt -?.- ' A new and elegant Mason . & Hamlin organ has been received and placed in position r-jj9jTileBVny school. It is, we learn, a; present from Mrs. Ilem raenway, of; Boston, ; by.;s whose bene factions the school has profited so much in ma pasc - , Preliminary caucuses will be held in nearly all-the wards to night, to enable the voters to get in good working order for the regular preiiuary meetings which are to be held on Wednesday night, the 14th insL Vre presume that there will be a general attendance, and tho resuu t of the prima rivs.very fairly ascertained to-night. f - " ' -j rroi., iionns gm-s notice tn anoth r column that he gives instruciion npn tha piano, as well as upn the vio in ai-d in the science of harmony. lie Is a thorough musican. We had the pl(ur6rhearing.hiui-opon tho violin a few eveninca since, accompanied by an Accompli beJ ; lady pian ist. arid i t was a treat will worth hearing although they labored under the dlCjculty of per-forming.wl!h(n-' r"';j"1' - -hoarial. Messrs. A: &T-Shrier. at 34 Mark.ti Rtreet. have received their first install, j ment if two t hundred and fifty j Flannel Suits which they warrant fast color, t Each a.at has a label with their tall name eewed on the collar as a guar? onteeto their genuine' nnality. Don' (ail to gel a tuiL w .,"771 T2 "TT t To Rnildors and oUiers Go to Jaco ti'S fbr Ssh, KV.rdx and Doors, Glasa C' Yea can. cct all eizea and at the; largest prices. NO. 62 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PJLAYINU ON THE PIANO. nr gastox m. hobi. i "'- S S : The piano, when It la well nliyed, : ' Mkes mnslcof tbefloet kind Wh n from the voloe lecelviru? 'Twill cause sweet tbouehtd to nil tliA v .- . . -, . How many Uraea I hairs enjoyed - ' Their. bouI-ti .ftitiag, Bweotfxt'etrtUss. ;,Jly happiness 'seemed nnaWoyed, -And pleasure banished all my pain. " . . w - - , Inspired BecUiovm's music makes xnlsd. . The lev nhture sftow' with Are; The IIeart of Set" it always breaks, And of tho laugher makes a tilor.- . K. ' B T Wrote the abore to let the ladle know that I give lessons oo the piano. Dear Ome,dontforgttit,' Uoepectfafly, v ; Gastoit m. Hobbs. mch 12 THE1 UEST LINE OF FINE WHISKEYS, WINES, &V. ! IN NORTH CAROLINA. Cape Fear, $7 ' Stuart's Kye, $4, Virginia Glades$4, - . Martell's $3. North Carolina Pure Corn I WHISKEY i FOR AIEUlClXAL TURPO EsUNEXUELTD PEA.0H ANO.HOJEY FOR COl'UflS, COLDS, c , better tlma ativ medicine iathe.oountry. H e also recomrjiend uur K CIi AND RYE or the ROCK . , t. ' , AND i &c. InfalH L'ORV, FOR CiUGlI, HOLDS, bla Cure. Royster's Candy. N'EUrcn iTEL, EXGLI51T D.VIRY. T0U?G AMERICA find beet CRKA5I ClitESIi FRESH IN STOCK. f. L. BRIDGERS & CO. mch 12 ... i . F!o Liquors. JJUT A STOCK OF FRESH, A NO. 1 CiRO CERIES vrill be kept at ou-store. No. 45, Market Street. All ooda sold by ua will be as represented. GOOD GOODS AND . SMALL. PROFITS -"" WILL BE OVJi MOTTO. riiTo ns a trial and ;te onvlnoel inch 12 If R. .?. SCARBOROUGH ft CO. The Place, to Buy rpURPESTINE TOOLS. rULLETtS, Dl Pl'KRS. HACK Kits. WIIrTTKKS.- I HA K-WKIGHTS Av &t .f Best of -good at Rck Bottom prloea A full awd complete block of ILirdware aiwwt on banU . s 1 W. E. SPRINGER 4 CO ! Suocossot toj hn Dnwson & Co.. mch 13 13, 2: And 23 Market Street Positive Bargains JN BLEACHED COTTONS, 10 ShlrtlnRS, Coonterpanet, TTable Damaek and To k elf, White Goods, Hambarg and IrUh Poliit T-learnings, Warner's Coralice, Health, Ab dominal ar d ii. M. Ctfrsets. j A'so, the beet ONE DOLLAR KID GLOVX In the city. . ! JNO. J. HEDRICK. First of the Season ! ! ' . ' I i TJY LADY UtTSTOMFBS AND THE PrD Uc ifenc rally are refpecUul'y Mtlfled that 1 hivjuet received a LARGE AN 5EL EG 1ST ASSORTMENT OF XEW MlLLlNfcRY GOODi Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, RibborTs, &c, the flrt which have tj been exhibit! la Wll- mlrgton this ecaeon. For a-me lime tooorae I ha!l te in recetrt by tall sfntacn of 1 rjre ol'l:l i a to rnr J,K oZ. wlaU!r d ecu mtea. A cttll and aa examination ia solicited. j - T r ' " ; JMlQp Xi ' IV AKKiliK, j och 13 , . EXCUANGt: goknkb. i - nrnrk - rr - n -riT m.w m mm t m h a m w m 1 mm .-a..' A SOIUEB LOT JCST UECE1VXD, lA , And for sale by giles nuircnjsox, 7 1883. r; PL ASJ3 yOTir, trom wr frteada on ry tad sQ rotjacu f general hi terertbtU -. The back ef tb wrtter wt arirjTi fern fs omroTtnJcauotia mi b wrtltca ca c?y OTM aUeot the per. J . . Prsonj.lKle muat be aroli34" J And It U eipedally ad pcrtSenlrrj.vsy. tood that the Editor doe. w alwaya cacaa Ue view of eorretpoodeats nalea 9 ttii tn the editorial contain, . . NEW Am'RSTlilziT Groceries. Grocerical bacon,' rLeuB, sua ah, Coiffie, Bice, MoUmwj, -f alt. Crackers, Caady. ; - ; Soap, Starch. Candles," ' ? " CheetV, toda, Potash; "J v" ' v f? f ' Bang, Wrapping Paptr, K 1 ' WrarpinjfTwtefl. Bay," -. "Xye. Snnir, Tebaeco, . j " ' ' ' Kalli. Hoop-Iron, Glue: r OateAxle Grenae. l , . For sale by, : 1 . mch 13 "KKRCllNER" jt CAT.Pgn .Ufil. Wo Are No w ShoT7lhrr .v I OF I Men and'Hoys . Clothing, THAT IT HAS EVER BC2N OCIfc 1 PR.VILEGE OS PLEASURE TO JCXZXZCXT. In STYLE, QUAUT Y, TRIMMlQ, 1IA UP and PRICE we claim that our STOCK OF CLOTHING id not excelled by any other : " ' " . " ; j : house in thl6oet ion. ; " i 1, The Assortment la magnificent ' the Sty lea are com-ct, the Material la fine itf Uxtore and -il l wear wll. rjaoe. Buyers wlliflnd it jreatly to their iuterctt to InipectVnr Rife t . ......,,..- .- "... " Tore making tlielr Spring purcaaaea. Qtterbourg, ; KIXO CLOTU1ER, WlLMlNGlON, K.C. . mcali . ; j Easter Cards'. LA.RGE ASSORTMENT.' ; All Bwd. 6ign. Fringed and plain. v. . ' ; ... 'eci Eiiiruvinp, Velvet Framea, . I Buck helvo's, Comtr HracaeU, " ? I . A nexr Jot jusi recti rod at . . ' KELNSBEEQESffll PIANOS &ORGANS Best Manufacturersintli Country, SOLD FOIt'CAIf OR ON T R EUOaTULT iaoiA.tiiun v l'lAX0 .AT. lIKtXDKRGKR'8," mch 12 Live Boik and Music tore. - Wotice. i HMIE UXDERSTGXED HAVING BEEX ap pointed Collector on the eetate of John Car rol, deceased, on tho.SCth robrnary, . 1853 -the Prolwtc Court 'of New nanerer eonntyj Qitico U hereby plen to all peraons bvSsbted1' to iaid decea-ed to make immediate, ay ment. and all pcrocu having e'atma agahut adea-t tt win prcgH 1 1 hem f.r payrMont on or b tor the awh F ryary . 1SH, or thianoUce wUl bo plead ia bar or tbeU reoovry - . 1 reooery IL JJCUyilTLI . Garden Good ! pEAs, beans, cony, cabbage; Ta nip. Suaah, Collard, Radlah, 4e, , AflQe ftelecuoaolflafweed: . , . For sale by ' - -" I.'-.:;-! WILLIAM EL- OKZJ.it. sh 6 Drnfrtt Easter CardGo x lab;e VAjtrjCTTor Beautiful New DesfgnB. -' Call and tee them at ' 1 YATES' B00KST0EE. n hi . - i - If Yoa' Would be Happy BUY A COOK 6TOTTJ.. ; "The Golden Harvest," "PABMEU,1? j - "CALUMET." "1" i oi", "solrTKlt.oAn:, Of r ufttu TAX" IS. ! Pure WfeltoOU. . .. - Dca 6 GARDEN SEEDS: ' A. FRESH LOT OF ALL KINDS of ... luttceandTtirn) eeJ. earTr an1 lata -rf.-w tkf; Collard. Uect o 1 Tomato detdj. a larr lock ant an enllr3 vartetr of IV a mLl Rfin. rptilltftl tt wtjvleialo f rice by TJundc'Brcco, I. 1 I.,-')aDWay. .'rr asowil:g:w.:lc. ' 4ta?l

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