The Morning. Star: Br william riiv be rhaud. PUBLISHED D AlUYjSXCE PT MONDAYS. &1TS1 OV 8T7B30BIPTIOH, IW ADVAXCB.- ri . "'i One Tear (br Mall), Postage Paid...;......; $7 00 8s Months, " " lt.:....;. -4 00 Three Months " ; , 't.r.i.. .-"... ,203 Two Months, " " ,.t.- 160 One Month. " - M- - ( . ! 75 tPTo Citv Subscribers." delivered In mt tmu - SATL3 C? . v Ona Square one Day,,.rt-v.---f J 03 - - -Two Days,. .....'...-.s..-. 175 .'.T- v Threelays,.....v..i'. 60 .' FonrDays ..v. .3 C3 - - -Five Days,, 7... v tfl' ,".. OneWeL:.U'....i- 4 oo ', : Two-Weeks,. .,."s. .v-W---viS' . " '. Three WeekSri-.V-.-.-j 8-10-- Oue Month,.... WOO ' Two Months,., . .13 CQ.. -Tare Months..-..-- ;..r-i... 4 0 - gix Months,...." 40 ee-' f ;'V One Year.;. ;v"V-': - v- 5-M- ; t'ContractAdvertlsements taken at prorbr tldnately low rates,';,' '..'" - 'It - Ten lines-solid Nonpareil type make one sqoar- -' of the City, Ftftbbn Cssts per week. - our -city nrarawn; per wees.uur-lAty I TTAT - ---- .- . "' WILMINGTOK, N. C;, : SUNDAt , MARCH 7; 1886, WHOLE NQv 6071 Agents any tnan tiree :;,.r,-i,i ' - L :J;.--J.. 111 " 1 .' "".1.. ' . 11 . ' 1 -".1 . i '.. .1- 1 . - , . . ' . - .- '-1 1 .. V.-.--." .-.''.-...j.-;-S!.,a.., Yer So il. CO. - - L. Entered at the Post Offloe at WUadnjrton, N. C as Second Class Matter . MORNING EDITION. OUTLINES. - 'f v W. B. Howard, editor of the Hunt coun-1 . x N . " ? (Texas) Chrmuil6t shot: the city i mar- shal of - Kingston f OEtrayff jhots t fatally wounded : two spectators;! Howard . fled. Archb:8hoplKenricB: denies that he is hostile to' the -Elnights of Labor. Akron, Ohio, L had a f306,0(X fire yester day ; it began in- & large milLr: rMisal vuiio x. uoiua uiu iu.ioa uuiupurejs were murdered near Milled geyillel Q4. ; a brother-in-law of Miss i Humphrey's 5ia charged with the 'criute. V ' An appro priation of $.000,000" is rticommended for Mississippi river ; improvements by the House Committee.; The cotton cron in sight is 5,865,994-bales.llj-r--PThe Civil Servica Commission "give notice of ezami nations'lo be" held for book-keepers, etc., at Charleston, Savannah j and ' Norolk.- SeTenty five blacksmiths in the Read ing (Pa ) Railroad carahopq struck yester day. . r New York "markets: ; Money 1 2 per cent; cotton steady at 9S-16 9Jc; wheat, ungraded red 85c; corn, un graded 4349c; southern; flour steady; rosin quiet at $1 X)5l 10; spirits turpen tine steady at 50J51c. - ; j ! - . The Hancock' fund has received $6,905 from Boston. ! 4 i I The Texas fellow, Holland, who kiiled Davis, a New York econndrel. w as-cleared. He will get an ovation, j scamp as he is, when he gets back to Texas. f - We are glad to add to; the previous lit-t of North Carolina papera oppos ing the Great Grab. Unconstitutional bill the Louisburg Times and Battle boro Headlight. i he. vv a8mngton - tOSt accuses Riddleberger ... of being! idrtink in ithe Senate on the occasion! ot his last . . - . . T! h i - harangue, l bis is said to oe an ex aggerated statement: i The London sDeciat to the Phila- delDhia Tlmca, of 4tb March, de clares that the sentiment in favor of a double standard goldj and silver ia rapidly spreading in Germany, j So be it: - ---' " ' H . ; . J. R. R., in his letter; from . Wash ingtori" to the"AugustJl Chronicle, says: V L": ' RtnubUcaa Congressmen and reporters tay ihcir side lost ground Iduring the, last three davs. and lhev ;v are sick of the medi- I cine given them by Wilson! Norwood and Breckenridge., - Conservative Republicans aut trving to reform their 1 lines and curb he,fiery untamed orators." Shok Hkbx, N. C March 3d, 1888. : In Lew Wallace -"Fair God,? page 415, this t passage is found "He clomb ,to the ' floor above." -s the word ffclomb" proper 7 It sounds very strange" IM - I -j -. ' : ' "Stjbscbebkb." - Antiauated but a coiwfword. Mil- ton J - -' - "As a thief i Into the window climbs, or 6'er the tiles, '- So clomb the first grand thief into God's . -.fold." :-: : Iff. Of the last debate in the Houare of a sectional character JijR;( R. writes to'the Augusta Chroritaer - - . - in ! j - , "Henderson revived ' sufficiently to day -to break ttie force somewhat of Norwood's attack and make a plea for - sympathy at the Northwest. He alluded to his: assail ant as a buffoon, but did ' not press the point. Col.' Hammond got a sharp jlick,: and i ;i Cabell, who : made h an intemperate speech, received a nasty blow. -.The Scotch : man is a game fellow, lie was ecoicnea, but not killed; 't i"' - ? ' RepresentativeN or wood of Geor gia, who made a speech! in the House, a few days ago that gave him marked !1 reputation is not a new man , as -r some of the papers say. He has been in the House before and, as Senator, made some of -the most . striking speeches at that times. Ben Hill,; Alex Stephens and BooiToombs! are dead, but Georgia. has still several able men and strong debaters left. I- President Creveland'a appointment of a Northern colored Democrat Juj place of old Fred Douglass,' expite's much unfavorable comment7 among the residents of Washington. (The Washington letter to tne Richmond tftafesays: -v;.1' ' j; T'The disappointed Democrats are "not particular this evening about ,ihe language they use in expressing their disgust over the result. They claim that; Cleveland' has gone back on his word; that he promised to take District men for District; offices and ihat when he appointed Wilson to -be Mar shal of the District he" partially fulfilled that promise, and it was expected of bim: thai h wnnlrl nnnlfmifl that 'OOliCV. ' But hp rninu oil emintrtO AlbanV.-N- lO find a negro of the professionat kind Just Hb-A TYnnalaoa tn flit An nfflfie the most ltll' portant of ny to the tax payers of th? Dis trict.".- Mr.. Stevenson, ,a .rich citizen of Glasgow, Scotland, has; spent a Urge sum in putting . steamboats on the Central African lakes! He Tsjnow building a wagon road jt-hat is to con-nect-Nyassa and Tanganyika, offers ' to guarantee the building of :: par- row-gaug j railroad t past the .sixty He wiU furnish the entire funds hiaU self if neees8ary. ..-The' most interest ing 4nd instructive paper we have a - '" n- read .on Africa is in Harper's Monthlv , -N , , n T - forMarch by Rev. D. ;Ker, who has travelled much on the .."Dark Conti nenk"; It overruns with information - Think of walled . towns with 40,000 inhabitants in that -.cowntry believed ujr uiauy ., to y oe a wiiaerness ; nuea wiin savages. Mr.C Council S. Woosterof fLa Grange, an alumnus of": Wake ;For est College of the class of J 1861, has just delivered lecture before ' that flourishingJln8titution "upon the na tue and .theory of the Government of the United States. " Such a lecture waa never more needed. It is a pity he could not deliver It' to the politi cians generally. An account in the Raleigh JVews-Observer says: . "The body of the lecture dealt largely with the question of State's rights; not in the spirit, however, of the advocate, but of the judgewbo examines with impartiality and presicion all the .evidence in hand. The argument was full, close and unassail able, and the upshot of it was that our government is: not national, but federal a compact of sovereign States.1. . He concluded with observations on the evident tendency towards the national idea, and af- nrmea the conviction that unless it was checked it could only end in an absolute despotism.1 Here-is Senator Vance's own explanation- of' the charge in certain hostile papers that he has sixteen of his family quartered .upon the public Bervice: "There : are but four of us ... . -.. i - . .. .... who hold such positions except my self. ; My brother, an , ex-Congressman, is in the Interior. Department. My . son is' my private secretary. Another son is a lieutenant in the army, having graduated at West Point. A little nephew of mine, who lives,-when at home, in Tennes see, is a page in the House, appoint ed by the . delegation of that State. That's the entire I list, and yet some New York reporter has swelled il to sixteen." There are . a set of news .papers that are trying to damage the Senator by false charges. . It is only two or three weeks ago that the New York World told the lie about his being' connected in a discreditable -.u .vl pnTPio-fri TnVinnft ""J ""v : w. r Company. He naturally -feels very indignant, las -; we learn from the Washington! letter in the Augusta 'Chronicle, from which - we copy the above. ! l- - : New York Star: Representa tive Henderson, of North Carolina, who -looks like a clergyman, iaJthe most devout man in Congress. He is an Episcopal ritu alist. - W A J9TBB TlSJSfll UN f 'K Home Again. - " . Mux son Novelties." C. M. - Habbiss Leave orders. C. W. Tatks Paper and bags. R. R.' BbijjImt Eallidont, etc. .. ., Matfitt & iCoKBETT Molasses. Pabkeb & Tatxob A volume. J. K St. Geokge Stolen horse.. L. J. Poissok Real estate agent. G. W.;Pb'ick,'Jb. Auction sales. 2 ATTKSTiojff--Howard R.;F. B. Co. Sphinges & Co Fairbank's scales. W.7 H AldbbmaiI & Co.i-Rooflng. W. B. TuBiiraQTON Hands wanted. J. Gobpon & SMiTHInaur'ance. Bbowk & Roddick A few bargains. , " yCoLLiEB & Co. Schr. hull at auction. S. H. Fishblatk Knowledge is power. W. H: Gbeen & Co. Cream balm, etc. N. Jacobi, Assignee Office stationery, Giles & Mubchison To housekeepers McDouGALrj & Bowdejs Sieampower: DxJ Thavbb's Great World's Show. WrxiilAMS, IRankth gb Co. -Molasses, flourt8Ugar etc. Local Iioi ' ' The poles for the Gamewell Fire'Alarm will soon be in position. . ( . Cotton receipts yesterday 183 bales, against 60 bales the same day last year. ;y "V".. j - ; . -': v! ---'" No marriage licenses were .is sued by the Register of Deeds during the past week. : Henderson Hayes, colored, was fined ten dollars in'the Mayors Court yes terday morning for disorderly conduct.. - -'Mr," J. T. Everitt had two. valu able- setter dogs.' poisoned; U is "presumed with strychnine. ' One pf the dogs died. - "Two interments : in .Oakdale the veek both adults ; "in Bellevpe Cemetery there was ' noner and in Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery, there'wcre two one aduU and one child. - o It is tha opinion of some per sons that alnew tower will have to be built to accommodate tha flfteen-hundred pound bell , authorized: by "the city authorities. The present' to wer on Fourth streefcthey say, is not strong enough to support such a Lweight TJie Boston Star Coneert Company.;. : .This troupe hold the boards at the Opera House; to-morrow.; night - They -gave, an entertainment in Goldsboro Friday night last, of which the ; Jirgus of that t place says: ;";r"-;'x: "I- :'""- Of all the manv musical entertainments of merit that have been given in our city since the opening of . the Messenger Opera House that of the Boston' Star Concert Company." on Friday night : and vestetdav afternoon, was the' finest4 .We doubt if Miss Kellogg, at her zenith, ever sang bet ter than does the voun? and sifted sonrano. Mrs. MedOra Henson Emerson, who.-like Miss Kellogg, is of Boutnern birth, beine a native of Virginia. . - Certainly did the en tertainment oi tne above companv so far eclipse that ' or Kellogg's .in this city that comparison is out of the Question? The cornet koIos "of Mr, Walter Emerson, ren--dered with such ease and grace that not an enort was apparent, were a . revelation in cornet play ing to the audience. As to Mrs. JNella Brown Pond, the accomplished leader of .queenly stage presence and most musical voice; we feel utterly unable to do her jus tice. As she reads the varying' emotions called out by her subject flit across her ex pressive features and enchain the attention of - the audience as by magic, and the clear ness'and purity of her enunciation give an in describable charm to her efforts. She unites n her reading such dramatic strength, sym pathetic feeling and rare intelligence that it is easy to understand why she so thorough- y - gained tbe unbounded' admiration of the appreciative audience and, like others of the excellent company, received so many. encores. Nbr can we close this imperfect report without adding our most cordially given testimony to the ability of Mr. Chas. F. Durnee as a pianist, than whom no one in his specialty has ever so pleased an aud- ence here. "The Last Rose of Summer," hy Mrsu. Emerson, accompanied by her husband on the comet and playing her own piano accompaniment, was indeed the richest musical treat that we have ever ex- perienced." " - " How Did They Come There? Mr., Henry Bacon, U. 8. engineer, in his report of dredging operations in the river below. Wilmington, mentions the removal of 261 stumps of trees from Liiliput, Logs and Big bland Shoals. They were unex- rtftftterilv PMV tn prtmrf. hp in or mnnl.W nlnn I stumps, with few roots, in place of cypress stomps which had been expected from for mer reports. ' Some four or five were found which proved so difficult of removal that dynamite. was placed on them and they were blown to pieces .. Mr, Bacon says it is not easy to form' an unassailable opinion. as to how these stumps came to be where they were found. There are some indica tions, especially as to Cypress stumpsthat they grew at a higher level, and were gradually 'undermined and settled by the water passing "under them. The process may be observed . from year to year at the shores of the Cape Fear fiver. But when we find pine stumps with practically but a single long tap-root standing xerect in sand and eight x or ten feet undeF water, the theory of undermining does not apply, and t would seem that the land must -have gradually trees. sunk after the growth of the fenonal. Col. John D. Taylor will be ordained an elder of .the First Presbyterian Church this morning. Communion services at the Second. Pres byterian Church this morn ing . Among the arrivals at The Orton yester day were M R, Meeks, Fla. ; T. W. Willis, Charleston, S. C.; T. M. Woodruff, Wash ington, D. C; J.V. Berthoy; N. T,; Wm. Dimbel, Mich.; J. A. Metts, S. C; R. B. Nathan , Oshkosh, Wis. ; J. Levi, Baltimore : J.T. Brookfield, John Bodin, Mrs. C. Hun ter, N. Y.; C. H. Zink, Philadelphia; Maj. Wingfield, route agent A. C. & S. A. Line; John W. Smith, Vt. ; James Hayes, Bak timore, Mrs". J. H. Arburthnot, New Jersey ; W.' E." Cohen, New York; J. M. Saunders, Liberty, Va. ; E. E. Pelot, Columbia, S. C. ; C. C 'Discombes, Augusta, Ga.; D; Sands, Pittsburgj " Pa. ; George Wilson and wife, New Bedford, Mass. ; Miss Stanton, O. W. Pound and wife, Walter Emerson and wife, C. F. Demee, Boston. ' RellglouK Items. The congregation of the Front Street Methodist Church hold their first Sabbath services at the Temple of Israel, corner of Fourth and Market streets today, at the usual hours for" morning and evening ser vices. Sabbath School at 3 pm. - . - A friend asks: 'Cannot the matter be so arranged that all of our churches can com mence their services at the same hour? It would be a matter of much convenience to all of the congregations, as the bells would ring together, and if one should be unable to hear tbe bell of bis own house of wor ship he could hear that of some other". Let the generous public como to the re lief of the congregation of the Front Street Methodist Church - and assist them in the erection of such a house of worship as will be an ornament to. the city and as is needed by their large congregation. 1 "T "e -Supreme Court of Nortn. Carolina. The Raleighiy"ew fc; Observer says, that appeals in 1 the following.: cases . from this judicial district will be called in this court tomorrow; " -. " r Koonce,vs. Sanders, from "Onslow; Lamb vs - Sloan, from Duplin; Sandlin vs. Ward, from Onslow; Cooper vs. T Middle-, ton, from 3)oplin; "Xing vs. Phillips, from Duplin; Loftin- vs.- Rouse, from Duplin; LoTtin vs." Chjosaland, from Duplin-j McKoy vs. Lassiter, from Lenoir ;;",State vs. Blood worth from New Hanover. J -. '.: - jiiveiy and iiiarinb.-;..- Ger, brig fffangcrland,: Roes, hence for London, Eng.. arrived at .Deal March . . -f .,. ; - .. i -rThe steamer-J). MurehisonlTom Fayr etteville, arrived last night with a flat in tow, 'and large freights of cotton and nvai jtorei,; tXL i?'-'fs Wcatber InloationM.., , . :., i The followiiii? are" the indications tf nay ; v -'! ."' ''T "F6r theMiddle Atlantic States, westerly wind8,"slightly warmer "and fair weather.7 :'f For the South" Atlantic States, westerly windsincreasing cloudiness and stationary- temperature. . - -'". - - ; Donation to tbe firemen. The Atlantic CoastXine, in recognition of the services rendered by tbe Fire Depart ment. a the recent conflagration. -ipthis city, have presented .the sum of three hun dred -and .! twenty-five, x. dollars, k through Capt. C7 D. Myers- Chief of. the Depart, ment, to he divided as follows: Wilming ton Steam Fire .Engine Co. No! 1 $50, Howard .Relief Steam Fire Engine Co. No. 1 $50 Wilmington Hook and Ladder. Co." No. 1 ! $50; Cape Fear Steam Fire Engine Co. No.. 8 $50 Stedman Bucket Co; $25, Dreadnaught Bdcket Co. $25, Bannaker Hose Reel Co. $25, -Little Columbia Hose Reel Co. $35. and Pbcenix Hose Reel Co. Graded Sen oels. " - The attendance at the Graded Schools in this city, we learn, is larger than ever be- bre. The schools are crowded with pupils, but few of whom are ever tardy or absent A friend of education has recently given to the Hemen way School, on Fourth street, va" set of electric bells, by which the school signals are given in a very convenientand satisfactory manner. The teachers, we are told, are always pleased to have friends visit the schools. ,.f , V I -Onr Cnnrcn Calendar. St. James' Church, corner of Market and Third streets. Kev. W. H. Lewis, Rector; House, corner Third and Chesnnt sts.. Services Sund ays 11. ou a m. and 4.30 p. m.l Advent and Lent 7.46 p. m.: all Holy Days 11.00 a. m ; Catechising Class and infant School 3 80 p. m ; Holy Communion, first Sunday m montn ii.coa.rn.; au outer sunaays 7.45a m. . . . . St. John's Church, corner or Tnird ana Kea Cross streets. Rev. 3. Carmichael, D. v.. Rector. Qainquagesima tmnday. Morningr Prayer and Holy Communion at 11 o'clk; Sunday school at 4 p. m.; Evening Praier at 7.45 o'clock. Strangers invited. and Oranse streets. - Rev. T. M. Ambler. Rector. Mornnur Prayer at 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer at 6 o'clock. Seats free. . ' . rirat Baotist Church, corner or lirtn ana Mar ket streets. Rev. T. H. Pritohard. D.D., pastor Services at 11 a. m. and 7 45 p. m. After tbe morning services the Lord's supper will be ad ministered. Sunday School at S 60 p. m. Regular monthly Church, meeting Monday nignt at 7.45 o'clock. Prayer and Praise meeting Thursday night at 7 45 o'clock. First Presbyterian Church, corner of Third and Orange streets. ' Rev. Peyton H. Hoge, Pastor. semoes at ua.m. ana 7.aup. m. seats rree Visitors always welcome.: . ! '. Second Presbyterian Church, corner Fourth- and Camobell streets. Rev. J. W. Primrose, Pas tor. Services at 11 a m. and 7.45 p. m. Commu nion service lo tho forenoon. Sabbath school at 3.(0 p m Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 8 00 p m. seats tree. - strangers weioomea. St. Paul's Evan sre Ileal Lutheran Church, corner Sixth and Market streets. Rev. P. W. B. Pesohau, pastor. Snglish services at 11 a. m.; German services at 7-80 p.m. Sunday school at 3.30 p.m , w. h. strauss, sup t. jnrtn street m. k. cnuron. soutnoet. nun ana Church, Rev. Herndon Tattle, Pastor.' Services at 11 a. m. and 7 80 p in Class meeting ai 3.30 p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7.3p.m, xne public are lnviteo. . i St. MarK's pisconai cnuron. corner o i sixtn and Mulberry streets, Services as follows : On Sundays, at 11 a m. ana p. m; on saints days at 8.30 a. m. and 4 p m. Sunday school at St. Barnabas' school-house at 3 30 pm. Seats free. - -' ' : . i St. Thomas' Fro-Cathedral, on Dock street. between Second and Third. First Mass at 7 00 a. m.; High Mass and sermon at 10.30 a. m.; Vespers and Benediction at 4 p. m.; Daily Mass at 7 a m. semoes at the seaman's JJetnei tuts morning at 11 o'clock, conducted by the Rev. D. C. Kelly, Heats free. . The public are cordially Invited to attend. . - Christ Church (Consrreeatlonalist). nun street. between Sixth and Seventh. Rev. D. D. Dodge, minister. - Preaching services at 11 o'clock a. m. and 8 o'clock p. m. Pastor's Bible Class at 1234 p. m. Prayer and Praise meeting, Wednesday, a o'clock . m. Sunday school. 8 o'clock d. m- in Me monai itau. corner 7tn ana muu streets. Seoond Advent Baptist Church, corner church and Sixth streets, preaohinj ng at il o'oiook a. m. ith school at vml. and 7 H o'clock p. m. Sabbat Rev. S. P. King, pastor. .v, ...,-...- BBi'AN On the morninar of March 6th, BLLRN V, wife of B.F.Bryan. -,. Funeral, wul take place this (Sunday)' after noon, at 8:39 o'oiook, from the residenoe on Hal berry, between 4th and 5th Streets, thence to Oakdale Cemetery. Friends and acquaintances are Invited to attend. ' ' McDBROTT Tn this citv. yesterday after noon, JOHN MoDEKMOTT, aged 7$ years. . Funeral this (Sunday) afternoon at 2 o'clock, from his late residence on Castle Street, to St. Thomas' Church, thence to St. Thomas' Ceme tery Friends and acquaintances are Invited to attend.-'; . - . ' " """" NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. j Collier & Co., Anct'rs. Sales Rooms, cor. No." Water and Princess fcts. rN THURSDAY, MARCH 1 ITH, AT 13 M., WE. m WiU selllha HTJLt OF SCHR. LIZZIB HOLMES, and all attached, as she lies at Parsley's Wharf foot of Mulberry street. mh7 4t GEO." W; PRICE, Jr." AUCTIONEKR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. TTO AUCTION 8ALK. AT TRAFFIC HOUSB. J3 Poor Man's Chance. A large lot of . Furni ture just arrived from-New York on consign ment: 3 fine Bed Room Setts. 1 Wardrobe, 6 bu reau, 8 Mattresses, 1 doz. Pillows, Washstands, Tables, Chairs, &c. Also a lot of Flower Hams. and a big job m ciotnmg: soots ana snoes ana Jewelry. Will be sold Monday at 11 o'clock. mh71t ' Howard Relief Fire Enp& Co. Ho, 1. TTBNTION MEMBERS I A Special ' Meeting of the Company will be held Monday Evening, at 8 o'ciocK snarp. - . -. :. i i -s By order of the President. J. W.DULS. mh71t - ReorSeov. ; Stolen! TBOM MY fcTABLE, ON THE NIGHT OF THB Jji 5th lnst , a BAY HORSE, slender built, black mane and tail, blind in left eye, and scar on in side of hind leg at . hook joiQt. A reward of f25 00 will be paid for tbe return of Horse- and evidence to convict the thief. ' J. B. StQEOEOB. - Wilmington, N. a, March 6th. 1886. ; mh 7 8t : --v. -, ; Hands Wanted, f rQ GO TO GEORGIA TO- WORK IN TURPEN TINE.. .Apply Monday morning at Star Saloon, Market street. to'W.H. SCOTT, or at Marlboro House, 121 So. Front street, to ' - ' - W. B. TURLINGTON. v.nTTva jt' vnYiTW. Etal Estate Agent and Stock Broker. NO. 118 NORTH SECOND ST. . , TpBOPERTY MANAGED, BENTS COLLECTED Jf -and money invested. - . t- e; - - i .'I- IfoDdlng tots for sale onnstalment plan. ' ; mhT it- '4 . ( . ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Knowledge is Power. JT 13 THE PHILOSOPHEB'S STONE, THE true alchemy that turns every thing it touches Into gold; it is the key that unlocks the store', house of creation and opens to us the treasures of the universe.- It is the thorough knowledge we have of our business and the wants of our customers that enables us to make and procure the choicest and best Ready-Tailor made Cloth lng ' ' ' SWe sell more fine Ready-Made Clothing. for Men, Boys and Children, than any other Clo thing House in North Carolina. It is not our de sire to have you purchase of us but once. No, we want your patronage always.' We know if you buy orus once you will buy again. We spend our money for advertising to induce you to come and patronize us the first time; we know we can retain your patronage. . - We guarantee our goods to be lust as we represent them to be. If you find, after you have purchased of us. that-you can buy the same goods, cheaper ekewbere, return the goods bought of us at once, and we will cheerfully re fund the money. s. hL fishblatjg, MEN'S WEAR DEPOT. " QyPersona not havhur the time to bnv dnrintr the day can do so at nigfat, as our Stores are as brieht as daylight, being lighted by Electric iiignts. i . . - mn 7 it . Home Again, fXUn MB, MUNROE HAS JUT RETURNED J from an extensive trip- North, and we are now receiving a large stock of the latest styled Forniturcv which he has selected in- person. Please call and examine the same. - BBHRKNDS & MUNROB, mh 7 It S. E. Corner Market and 2d Sts. New Spring Styles! Stiff & Silk Hats ! UMBRELLAS! j HARRISON & ALLEN, Hatters. anh7 tf Novelties. A LL THE LATEST STYLES-IN NECKWEAR. .Collars and Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Sus penders, Braces, Ac, very cheap at . . - munson;s, mh 7 It Furnishing Rooms, - JULY'S CREAM BALM, ' " TROPIC FRUIT LAXATIVE, PUTZ.POMADE, THE TRUE CORN CURE, . DIAMOND DYES. WILLIAM H. GREEN & CO , mh7tf Druggists. Fairbanks5 Scales. STANDARD OF THE WORLD NO DISPUT- kj mg tms ract. we nave in i stocK or au sizes, and can make as low prioes on them as In f erior Scales are sold for. - WM. B. SPRINGER CO., Successors to John Dawson & Co., ' 19, 21 St 23 Market Street, mh7tf T . fv Wilmington N. C. To Housekeepers. TUB INVITE THE ATTENTION OF ALL v v Housekeei ers to the line of HOUSE FUR NISHING GOODS we are adding to our other wise handsome and attractive . stock. It is our Intention to lead in mis line, and we shall make additions of all new and useful articles that may -oome out. . , GILES St MURCHISON, mh 7 tt - , Crockery Department. Steam Power. THIS MIGHTY POWER AT McDOUGALL & BOWDEN'd. has enabled them to put Buar- gles.. Wagons, or any kind of Vehiole, to the Bot tom jMOtcn. - jnaenmery ior wooaworamg oi tne test make has been introduced by them, and they Intend to give their patrons the benefit of the decreased cost of pi roaucnon. ;au ana get prices of carriages, Phtetons, Buggies, Wagons. Carts, Drays, Saddlery (roods, ana of au Kinds o: f Repair Work. mn? tr ' MoDOUGALL & BOWDEN. i Paper and Bags. OA A BEAM4 MANILLA AND STRAW WRAP- iUU UNO PAPER. 1 00,000 PAPER BAGS at. lowest market prices Send in your orders for Blank Books and Office Stationery. Orders for all kinds of Engraving solicited. Visiting uaras, invitations, uetter ueaas, uneca books, & , engraved at snort notice. Rubber Stamps, 0. -s XATlta'UOUlS.S'l'ORJK. mh7tf . N -- Eallidont, Q OZODONT AND ARNICA TOOTH SOAP FOR KJSneTeetn. c ; - - Garden Seed, " ' "Mixed Bird Seed," . . - - Drugs, Chemioals, fto. - KOBBKT R. BELLAMY, Druggist, ' mh 7 tf N. W. cor. Market and Front Sts. s C. II. Harris, : - (-,' -.. '.. . . T BAYS OHDEPvS TOR ILLUSTRATED: PA- PEES containing Illustrations of tbe terrible fire. on Sunday, Feb. 21st. ' mh7tf NEW; ADVERTISKMENT& A FEW; BARGAINS. BRO WN & RODDICK - 9 Wortii Front St. " " " h vWe wfltffer on our counters on MONDAY, MARCH 8tbithe following: r V" " - C 7 . Pears' Celebrated Soap - ," - lla. PER CAKK , L ' Full line of COLG ATE'S SOAPS at New York - , . . ' 1 , prioes. r" - Nottingliam Curtain Laces, - . Closing out at lesi than cost. Eenff ew Jacquard Ginghains " 10c. per yard; regular price 12Mo. -: CLOSING OUT A LOT OF - Hid Gloves at 25 Cents. Sizef 5& and 6, In Black and Opera Colors. . They are nothing like half price. Gents' Unlaundried Shirts, 50 Cents. ; The- cheapest Shirt ever offered in this market. WASH BAGS, 6C. BACH. Nothing can take their place. - GENTS AND BOYS' SUSPENDERS Call and sea onr line; you will save money. Colored Velvet Eibbons - A GREAT BARGAIN. No. 4, 7c;No. 5, 8o;No. 7,10o; No. 9, 12o; No. U 15o Ottoman Ribbons. Warranted Pure Silk. . No. 5, 7c;No. 7, 8c; No. 9, . 10c; No. 12, 14c; No. 16, 18c No comments are necessary; the prices speak" for-themselves. - BROWN & RODDICK, 9 NORTH FRONT STREET. mh 7 tf Holasses. Molasses. JEW CROP CUBA, PORTO RICO, NEW ORLEANS;. In Hhds, Tierces and Bbls For sale " in lots to suit at bottom figures by mh 7 tf . WILLIAMS RANHIN &CO, Flour, Bacon, Lard. -JQQQ Bbls FLOUR, all grades, ;QQ Boxes J S. and Smoked C. R. SIDES, - A A Cases apd Buckets LARD, ' For sale low by WILLIAMS RANKIN & CO. mh7tf Sugar, Coffee, Bice. 2QQ Bbls Refined SUGARS, all grades, 2 Q Q Saoks Choice RIO COFFEE, Bbls CAROLINA RICE, For sale low by mh 7 tf WILLIAMS, RANKIN & CO. Proof of the Pudding. rpHE FACT THAT THE LIVERPOOL & LON DON & GLOBE was the HEAVIEST LOSER among tn Fire Ins. Cos. by the recent fire here, shows plainly how It is looked upon by the peo ple o Wilmington. Thex ompany that pays all losses promptly and WITHOUT DISCOUNT is the one for us. they say. Besides that, the L. A L. G. is the biggest Fire Insurance Co. In the worm, ana wny not "get tne Dest" when ltis Just as cheap as any other? J. W. Gordon & Smith, AGENTS. mh 7 tf MOBASSES Pt g Hhds and Bbls NEW CROP CUBA, ; and PORTO RICO. Q Bbls. Prime BOSTON PLANTING POTATOES in Round Hoops. - : For sale low by . MAFFITT Jk COBBETT, ; mh7tf 17 South Water St. At Heinsberger's. QFFICE STATIONERY OF EVERY DESCRIP TION In large variety, for Railroad Offices, Counting Houses and private use, such as Paper, Envelopes, Red and Black Inks, Mucilage, Letter Clips. Paper Boxes. Rulers. Pens and Penholders. Pencils. . Paper Tablets, Paper Baskets, - Ink stands, Steel and Pencil Erasers, Paper Weights, Letter Press Books and Presses, Oil Boards. Blotting Paper, Check Books, Note, Draft and Receipt Books, and many other useful articles are now soia ior cost - NATHANIEL JACOBI, inh7 tf .. - Assignee. A Volume. OUR FRIEND STEDMAN, DOWN AT THE Stab Office, gently reminded us that we were trying to squeeze a volume into one square. We looked, we saw. and he was so Dleasant. no Bice (nice-fellow anyway,- ladies,)- about it. that we promised REFORM. Now ad we have to say is, eome aown ana see-now. many useful things we have for little moneys itoonng at snort notice. - PARKER TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. mh7tf v Hoofing. r--i ; y TTTB ARE PREPARED TO DO "HOOFING AND .' if: Guttering with promptness and dispatch.' Our work guaranteed. - Metal Work .in aU its branches. Stoves. Heating and Cooking, as good and as low in price as can beJboaffht hv the citv or out of it. The ladles are iespeotfully invited to examine our line of HouselFurnishing Goodie The best goods for the least money-is our motto. - mh7tf-, ' " :- v . 5 Market NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dr i 3 amies S; Thayer's Great Wot Id's Show, Dr. James L Tlayer, Geil'H?i. - WiHopenforaehort secSon,-' i i, On Tifth Street, between Chesnuft and Jfulberry, P ON MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 8TH; n. And Every Afternoon and Kvenln g during the ..Week.. ."" . ; Grand Mld-AIrAscensIon, by MILLIE LOCfc WOOD, the Qaeen of the Air. at 1 30 o'clk KM." jitiiI .flnuid TllnTninn.S(l A nnnniklnn-a.t. V P. V Am one the distinguished Artists of this hoC are the Martlnetti Family, tha Austin Brothers the Elton Flaggs, William Lester, Charles Allen, " Mons, Lookwood, Mulie Lockwood, Jas. Joyce, 1 " William Delvev. Dr James L. Thayer and B. S. xousg's oeiebratea cornet nana. . TEN CENT SHOW on Earth. Admission Ten Cents One Dime. Good Seats for everybody. V : mh71t y OPERA HOUSE: ..- Blonday Evening, March 8, 1S6 Tie Boston Sto Concert Compaiiy, Mr. OZL4.SW. POND has the honor to an nounce the following ejuinent Artists : MEDORA -HENSON -EMSRSONi the distin guished American Soprano; -' ? . - MR, WALTER EMERSON, the greatest Cornet ' Player livhiB' ; MR. CHARLES F. DENNIE. the brilliant Pian ist and Composer ; and - -- NELLA F.BROWN, the rifted and popular American Reader; r Admission SI. Reserved 8eats mav be secured at no extra charge at Heinsberger's Book Store, Thursday, 4th lnst. ' mn8t - . werrsu - Building Ilaterials. PARTIES INTENDING TO BUILD WILL FIND ' It to their interest , to obtain our prioes be fore buying. - ;. : LUMBER- of every description. ROUGH and DRESSED. : ,': LATHS, FLOORING, CEILING. SASH. DOORS and BLINDS. Regular Sizes in stock.' SPECIAL SIZES made to order of White or Yellow Pine or Cypress. . . - we guarantee to aupuoate Kortnern prices, and deliver to any point in city free of cost. Also, Ornamental : Wainsoottlngr Office Fit tings, Window and Door Frames, Mantels, and every description of Ornamental Wood Work. 1 1 . rAKSlOIK WXUULfiiS. mhSlm" t suwafr - - - : 350,000 HAND-HADE BRICK, AT THE - Rail Road Brick Yards, Cheap. ' With a capacity of 60,000 a Week. - -We claim our Brick to be 80 per cent. larger than any other manufacturer we know of r and can load cheap on the cars, as Ouryards are on : the line of the W, S WR.R, Having a-side track we can load quicker; cheaper and better than otherwise. Correspondence solicited. GRIFFIN BROS., -mh41w " . Goldsboro. NLC. ' Boarding. A CCOMMODATIONS FOR REGULAR BOARD ERS, or for TABLE BOARD, can be had upon application' to the subscriber, corner of Chesnnt and Seventh Streets. - . . ; mh 3 1 W MRS. REUBEN JONES. For . Rent and Sale. Dwellings, Stores and Offices for II. . Rent. A few desirable Dwellings and IBullding Lots for sale. Illl 1 Appiy to feb 25 tf Real Estate Agent. Bemoval. SIMON & CO., SUCCESSORS TO H. BRUN HILD & BRO., have "removed their entire stock to NOS. 11 A 13. NORTH FRONT STREET, next to Purcell House, Boatwrlght's old stand, where. they will be pieasea to see au former customers. mnsiw For Fayetteville. npHB STEAMER EXCELSIOR, CAPT, J. D. X THORNTON, WIU leave for. FayttevUle. from C. 8. Love ft Co.'s Wharf. Mondays and Thursdays, at 8 o'olock P. M . Full insurance on cargoes, jror ireignt or passage apply on ooara, Or to - K. Jf. lAAiXu, - mhSlw 180 No. Water street. GONTR4CTS WILL BE MADB TO DELIVER BUILDING LIMB ON ANY WHARF IN WIL MINGTON, m BULK. BY TON OR BUSHEL, sa- : ring packages, and making; a difference of 30 to Aftroirn mr.tait ..!. . r A fine lot of GOLDSBORO BRICK for sale." - FRENCH BROS mh5 8t. ' . Rocky Point, N.C. JACOB S. ALLEN. Formerly of Raleigh, H. C., ,' , , Builder and Contractor . WILL- CONTRACT FOB BUILDINGS OF ANY KINO, pKICK OK WOOD. -Correspondence solicited. Address.- for.the- present, Camden, South Carolina. . . iteierenoes given u aesirea. . ma o iwT. - E.;'WARBETI & S0IT, ' .EXCHANGE CORNER. -1 The finest of Confections -. - ' Are sold within this Store, ::, f.- With Fraits and Fancy Candies, : ; -Which the little ones adore: ' " ' ' Rare Fruits of taste delicious. . ' :' ; -f Fjrpm many a foreign land,'-..- 'Are here at your command. 1 . . :i ' '.. And lota of Home-made Candy .. :' - - Adorn the case and shelves," - -" . - Tor sweetheart, wife or child designed.' Go in and suit yourselr. - ' , mh5tf " taoUes; : - . . .. .. );,,';-,V: ENTS AND ' MISSES' COLLARS AND CUFFS, Latest Styles, all Sizes,1 direct from the C Factory. Bargains ta Hamburghs. feb 23 tt . v i v ; JOHN J. HSDrjCK. giii 1 - - - i - it -7 if .-'.is if t -VI . : k oil V--4 ii i 5 1 r- ' - t t i It '! '1.

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