in s II. A. JLOISUOIN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 ER YEAR Strictly In Advanct. it ATMS5 OF AOVERTIblNC 1 )i e square, oue lntertioa- II. J 1.60 'i..O Oce square, two insertions )ne Bquure, one uiouui ft. H VOL. XIX. riTTSBOIM)', CHATHAM. CO., N. C, SKPriSMMSil: 21, 180(5. NO. 3. For larger advertisements lib'inl u n tcts be mitdo. O G w v, ' '4 pi It Y Tl-ie Saving ok r.v W. J. OU should tco Mrs. OYiiudy," said my wife to mo shortly af ter my arrival ut the siunuicr hotel whero sho was spending the season nud I was spondiug every other Suiioay mid nil my spnrc cash "Do jabers," I responded, giving die best imitation I could of tho lli Jeruiau accent, "an' phwnt have yez )eeu doing will Mrs. O'Orndy '!" "My dear," said my wife, reprov 1igly,"I porooivn that your opiniuu of Wis." O'Grady is its poor us your imitn ;iou of tbo dialect you ussoeiute with lor uume." "I don't know her tit nil," I replied, n tho defensive. "It whs not necessary for yon to say u iu ko many wtirdti, my dear," said uy wife, in n touo of voice, it is not trorth while to explain to married tn en. "iVheu you hnvo seen Mrs. d'drndy you may hold to different fiews coneoruiug her." As usual, my wife wns right in her ouclmious, for when I saw tlio In ly I mi raoro thau surprised I was do lis li ted. Sho wns of th:it typo of Spanish romeu we seo ia pictures, and her lame b iro no relation to her what iver. As she nnd my wife wero on such excellent terms, my probation as i stranger was short, ami in a few minute we were chatting away like Jld friends. "Kenlly," I said to her, "you must pardon me, hut may I ask about your mime? As far its I can recall, I do not remember havi ng heard of the D'lSritdya of (hir.lov u or Seville, or fveu of the Alhnnibra. "And still I am Dolores O'drndy,' hi Kiiiib.'d. "Which being inter p rt ted," paid I ivith a dawning eoiiseioii-iiiosH, "moans that you were once Dolores Somebody else, an I some Irish hidalgo or don came your way uu 1 jjiivo his name for you iv. "Vou have Riies-ol it," nho mid. Then I recalled au old triend mid college mate of mine. Tom O'drady, a dare devil-Dick s:or- a chap, who had no sooner leceivel his diploma than ho converted what little piouerty lie had into cash au I went o.l' on some adventure to one of the South Ameri can Republics. "1 don't know, ma.lani," paid I, "which of tho O'liradys has been so fortunate, but there is one I used to I-now who was worthy of even Filch good fortune as to bo your husband. His name was Tom, nnd wo were brothers for live years." Sim tu. k a tiny little locket from some p'aea about her where women usually carry Mich thiu.-js and handed it to me. 4 "Look nt that," hho said, nud 1 did. "ISy .love 1 ba your pardon," 1 cxelnime 1 nud iu the same breath ; "It's Tom." That evening Tom arrived, and our respective nud respected wives prom ised to let us have uu hour to our nelves if wo would Rivo tho first two horrs nfttr diuuer to them. This we readily Agreed to, bivaiuo wu knew that no other cour.-o was to us, uud wo adjourned to tho npartuieuts of the U driidys. "Woll, well, old Tom," I said, wheu we hnd disposed of ourselves com for t nbly, "how did it ever bappou?" and 1 Mniled over nt Mrs. O'Orndy. "Unit what I wnuted to tell yon wheu wo have our hour together," ho luu'-;hed. "What felfish erealuris men arc," sai l my wife. "Why not let us know uow? I have never had the pleasure of meeting Mr. O'Wrady until thin (vouiu., but l'vo known 'old Tom' ever sineo I've been married." "flow loiii has that beou?" in quired Tom of me. "Fifteen years." "Three to tho pood of me. Dolores Mid I havo been struggling nln w-ith each other for a dozen lou nu I weary yenrs." Mrs. O'llrady threw htm a kim from Iho tiis of her pretty liujera in ro epotiHe. "Thiit'u one oxperienco, plus throa rears," said my wife, unJ I threw her i hand ful ol kisses. "Let us have tho atory of your life, j fellow," I Raid coasiuly, which wits entirely unnecessary, for Tom tv.ii as anxious to tell it r.s I was to bear it. "Once upon a time,"' ho said, bow ing to all of ns, "there- was oue riiomas O'tirady, an American citizen .if Itish descent, better kuowu us Tom .ir 'ol I Ton,' nud ho went to .South America uud mingled in it revolution, juo of the things which is always on tap in a South Amt iiean Republic for tuybody to miugle in whenever ho is .lisposod to do so. This O'drndy " "Droi the dida.Mie nud fjenerul," 1 mterruptod, "uud get dowa to the peri-ounl uud j articular. " "An 1 wnsHayiug," Tom coctiuiled, 'I went to South Amerioa and invested jpbut raonev 1 Lad iu mines and a oof- j Mi. O'Gkady LAMPTO.N. fee plantation, nnd kept ot of poli tics-" "An Irishman nud kept oat of poli tics?" I asked. Tom smiled. "I kept out of polities until I thought I had some show nad theu J wiiit in like" "Au Irishman," I suggested. "Just so, my boy," ho admitted, "and wo had it lively. 1 still retained my Americau citizenship in case of nn emergency, but that did not interfere with my duties us n 'boss,' nu 1 a 'bo:' I was, though I could not vote. At th.) end of live years I ha 1 a tremendous inlluence, n oofl'eo plantation, a pay ing mine nnd u good bank account iu New York City, whero it was safe. 1 was twenty-seven years oi l, uud u ris ing young man at that no has a heart, if ho is any good at all, und I was sonic good, if I do say it myself. I w;;s not much on society, ns that term pnes, but I knew tioiuu of tho best families in tho place nud visited them. Tncn there were somo other families I did nut vi.Mt, notably that of tho m:.;i who was my opponent always in tie; I'n Id of politics, lie was it rich old fellow, with two sons tin I it dau ghter Dolores, there, remembers her quite well" nu I Mrs. OMrady nodded pleasantly, as if she had no fears now of any pretty girl anywhere "and ho was u lighter from Wayback. As I say J never visited tho general's house, but 1 did meet hit daughter at tlio houses of my friends, mi l of course she, of all tlu girls I meet must be tho ono I should fall in love with. I don't know why ('lipid sends his victims such lue'i, but I notice that he often does. 1 had knowa the general's daughter about a year when the forty-seventh ri volution or was it the hundred au I forty-;;eventli '!" he nske l of his wife with a smile occurred, and I was iu it up to my neck. The others I h id manage 1 to keep out of, but this one caught me before I knew it, and I found myself tbo head and Trout of ft li parly against the Government. The only thin.; I did not like in the aiV.tii' uu-t that the general was nt the head ot the (hivrrn itient party, and the general's daugh ter was tho sweetest woman in the world, and we were in love, general or no general. Well, the s.rap came nil' in duo coins.', and after shooting tin to'.vu lull of holes for a week or so, tiny scaring tho women and chil dren into tits, 1113' side went to pieces nil I ten of its lea.liug spirits went to jail. From that point the transition was easy to the Mtnnyside of a wall on the uutskirti of town, nud early one lino morning we found ourselves grouped theio with fifty (iovoru incut soldiers drawn vp iu line pomtiug loaded gnus at us. Iu plain L'nglish, it was au cxjoiitiou bee, ami we Were tho gllCMs of holioi. 1 h id fixed up my business u flairs iu tho few days allowed me, and m there was 110 ono I thought ns much of 111 I did of the general's daughter, I willed nil my property to li.-i, thus proposing to heap coals of fire u the old gentle man's heal while ho was niter mine. Vou might think I was frightened as I stool there bet'oro those gnus, but I wasn't. Tr.n, I was a bit nervou;, but I wasn't seared a all, and I insist ed on facing tho shooting party and giving tho command to fire. They wouldn't let mo do that, though, nud J had to face the wall with my back to tho foe. I stood nt the heal ot tho lino, about three feet from the man next to me, nud waited calmly for the e nd of thing). At tho first command I braced inye'oH, nnd when the com mand 'Firo' came I tried to steady my self, but iu spitn of till I could do when tho gnus went off I wout up iuto the air as if I had bjcu bounced oil a spring board and eamo down iu a heap?" "ion weren't lulled then?" cx olaimed my wife, in tho pre-einincutly rational manner of nil women. "Yes, madam," smiled O'tirady. "Why, Mr. O'tirady, " sho begiiD, but I laughed, and sho realized that Mr. Otiialy was not as dead as his statement might lead ono to suppose. "Just tho same, Tom," I said, "I should think tho nervous Mr.un and your imagination combined would havo snapped tho vittl cord wheu those guns went oiV. You know there nro any number of such east a well au thenticated. You mu-.t have had strong nerves to havo withstood this chock." ".-'uppose, Dolores," said Mr. O'tiradv to his wife, "you t iko up the story and lluish it." "It is very simple," sbo said, with nu nccent so charming that nuy at tempt to put it into written words would bo sacrilege. "You know it was tho diitightir of tho general who saved Mr. O'Grady's life. Of course, if ho hnd knowu, ho would have died with the others whoa the guns were tired at him, but the (ioverumeut uarty did not wnut to shoot Mr. O'Urady, because ho was nu American citizen, aud that might cause the (levern neut great dillieiiltii . So it wus arranged that the shoot tug party was not to k'U him, us it did tho oth er?, but to lot him cueapo tho bullet'. It was a great secret and they thought they would frirjhteu Mr. O'Cirady fc much that never any more would he be iu trouble of that kind. Aud nc doubt they would have frightened him to death, and ho would not havo been in nay moro trouble " "On earth," interrupted Mr. O'Orndy. "For," continued his wife, smiling, "tlio shock wight havo killed him. lint it was not to ba thnt way. 'i'b general's daughter learned tho secret nu 1 sent him word by n faithful ser vant, nnd w hen the others wero lee out to th ir death, Mr. O'drndy knew that some other fate van reserved foi him. Keen as it was, tho strain wai so iniich that ho fainted away, am1 those who saw the shooting thought ho was dead aho " ".So did I," nuiu interrupted Mr. O'drndy. "And they wero about to put hin: in the ditch with tho others," cjntin tied his wife, "when ono of the ofllcer.' reipieided tj send tho body to Mr. O'drndy "hou-e. Thero ho was ro vived, nnd in a few tlaya he had es caped from tiio city and was safe oul of tho country." "And tho general' dn ighter, wjint became of lu r?" asked my wife. ".Sho waited until limes wi re easici for tho O'Oradys'" replied Tom, tak ing up tho story ngain, "nud then ha came back unde r nu amnesty net. In tho meantime tho gcuoral had died'' "Oh, how glad I nm," exclaimed my wife, in quite a rnpturoof interest. Mrs. O'drndy looked nt her with great ficriousnces. "You shouldn't sprVc s of ft lie fath.-r in tho daughter's presence, "sir! siid, and O'drndy netuit'dy laughed 11 : my wifo's utter discomlituro. Wash ington Star. The I?iii:'sft tc Cat. Tho cat wai a solitary roamrr. whose companions wero tho trees ol lU native forists-. It found n homo ir the hollow trunk'! and safety niunnr the branches. How do wo know thai tho cat's ancestor wero dwellers in tho forest? H-;causo every kitten takes to it tree ns lvndily as a duck to water. Also, because nearly all forest are mottled in color, fo that they may not bj couspicuou 1 anion,; tho lights uu 1 shadows beneath the trees. While I was considering what waa tho probable view held by cat about hnmun beings, it was suggestoe by one ingenious friend that probably they regard a man as a kind of loa motive tree, pleasant to rub against, the lower limbs of which afford u com fortable seat, and from whose uppel branches occasionally drop ti l-bits l mutton and other luscious fruits. Wt may laugh at the theory, but it ha-. iiiito a respectable string of facts be hind it to back it up. If tin Kanaka' argued from tho pig to the horao, why should tho cat uufc pass from tht familiar tree to tin unfamiliar organ ism called man ? The c.i I, in spito of tho domestic character it has ac piired, is iu reality tho least tame of our auimal servants. As far in it- dutit t are concerned, man has taught it practically nothing. Its methods of pursuing rats, mnv? an ) birds are all entirely its own. It is indeed rather a wild auimal which has taken up it! residenco in out houses for its own purposes than 1 servant or a slave. North America! Review. 11 Komls nuil Road-Making-, The Irish mile is yards. Portugal has 2 )d ) miles of roil 1. Sweden has :;,i,20i) miles of highway France has :'.:!', O.J.) milesof highway Tin m.ilern Roman mile is K2 ynr Is. ' Ilollaud has 70)1 miloi 01 publii road a. In dcrui'iuy thero nro 2()."),0.1J milci of road. Norway has but 1 l.SuO milca of puh lie highway. The Austrian Empire has 81,001 miles of rou l. t'uuad.i haa G103 miles of roals nn.l highways. The English idatuto mild 13 17df standard yards, Austria is bail ling roads nt tho rati of l(lii,000 mile-, per year. The comparatively small kingdom o Italy has 51,000 miles of highway. In many parts of Europe- river out canal routes nro legally regarded a. highways. Little Denmark is n.lmirnbly pro vided with roads, having liOJO miles o publio highway. According to Mulhall, thero are ii tho United States 200, 103 miles o. public highway. Until tho beginning of tho uiuo tcenth century nil traveling iu Irehtuc was done on horseback. The Roman roads, according to thei: importance, wero from eight to thirt; feet iu width. II is Sweetheart Knew Him. A Maryland man got iuto ftroiiol with his employers aud lied. When 11 a safe place he grow a board nud nl tered his personal nppcarauce iu othe: particulars. Theu he returned to hi employers and said ho was a brothe: of tho delimiter uud wnuted to setth tho case for him. They wero about t( comply, when his old sweetheart, vh was employed iu tho place, eamo ii and recognized him. His arrest fol lowed. A Swallow' sviirt Flight. An untamed swallow, which had iti uest ou a lariu near Chetwyud, ir Shropshire, was caught aud taken iu 1 cage to Loudou, where it was released it relumed to its nest in eighty 111 in utes, haviug accomplished a tlinftauci of 1 15 miles nt tho rate of nearly tw miles a minute. FOLKS WITH CIAW8. A fjUHKU COMMl'NI l"V IN WKijT VMS N ICW YOKU. Its Moiui-cr.i Have I'eet mid KltiKcrs '.lice I'" :i ' i-s I'alons They Are Intelligent ami Tliflfty-A I' lor Scientists. ON the Cnltarnugu3 River, near tho boundary belwicu Erie nnd Gattitraiigtis Counties, N. Y., scarce thirty miles from the busy, bustling city of llullalo.thero live a number of strangely deformed people who nro- knowu iu tho vicinage ns tho claw lingered or claw-footed tribe. As tho appellation would in dicate, these peculiar folks nro nllliet ed with tho oddest mii'u'ormatioiis of tho extremities, causing their hands and sometimes feet to more closely re semblo the claws or talons of some huge bird of prey than the normal ex tremities of human beings. Thero are several families of these quecrly formed people living iu the fcnttorod h unlet which bears the bib lical title of the Valley of Zoar. The title seems a misnomer, for there is no Sodom or (iomorrah adjacent to thieathen the destruction of tho con tented villagers. Tho Valley ot Zoar is located in one of Iho moat pictur esque spots in the State, nestling, at it dous, in a hollow of tho heavily wooded hills which form tho "high bank.-j" marking tho sinuous course of the swift running waters of tho (.'utta rnugus Rivei. Here, in almo. t abs-.dnto seclusion, the ehiw-liugered trib . live and work, without exciting special comment. I here are in the neighborhood of fifty individuals iu the community upon whom the deformity njipears. Think what a feast for dim.) museum manag ers they must present ! Yet they are good, honest, law abidiug, iulustri ous citizens, who calmly pursue tho even tenor of their way, happy and contented iu their frugal lot and sim ple, old fashioned houns. The remarkable malformation is not confined to either si x, uud is evident ly of a hereditary leituro. The unfor tunates are perfectly formed men and women otherwise, of average intellect, with a tendency toward square jawed features and undersized stulure. Whence tin y eiuua and at what perio I they settled in tho v.diey is a mystery which not even the oldest inhabitant can solvo. According to tho Iegoud, tho founl er of the family was named Joshua Robbiiij, tyho eaiui; from New England 1 ariyfiljho century. Iu support of tliis iTiU-iileut, tbo aged Indiau showed a well woru powder horu of ancient pattern with the above name roughly cut iu its side. The Senecas at that time traveled at will through tho trackless wilds of nature's phiygrouud. A baud of Indians had started on n big hunt, when a snowstorm overtook them end they cueamped in tho forest on the uorih bank of the Cattaraugus, below tho lower limit of what is now the reservation. Suddenly aeiaw-lin-gered, claw-footed man, mounted upon a we iry, bedraggled little pony, role into their midst, and fell ex hausted at their feet. He was imme diately seized nud bound. When his peculiarity was discovered the Indians quickly release I him, be lieving that ho was a magician or medbiuo man direct from the drent Father. Ho was taken to the chief of iho village, Dowaugo, who installed ft i 111 with great honors its head medicine iniiu of tho tribe. For many years ho dwelt among them, aud all sorts of miraculous powers wero attributed to Arlaetjtia, as they called him. v Or his antecedents the Indians learned nothing, though it wilt under r.tood that ho had beou jilted by his myi'i t heart becitu-o of his deformity, liiing of a sensitive nature, he had de termined to hide bis misshappen hands nud feet iu the solitude of tlio v ildeine-s, Finnlly ho disappeared from tho Indian camp as suddenly ns he had appeared, uud they knew him no more. It is believed that lie dis covered a community of pioneers, with one of whom ho married and tettled in the valley uow called Zobt. Whatever credence mny be placod iu the indiau tradition, certaiu it is that tho claw lingered people havo been seen in tho valley for threo or four Reiterations. While they nro not ostracised socially by tho rest of the community, they nro lookod at ask ance by their 111010 fortunnto neigh bors, uud a strong prejndico exists ngnini.t them. Inconsequence, there is much intermarryiug, and this fact may account for the perpetuation of iho malformation. There tire more ih iu half a dozen families of Rob biases among tho aillictcd ones. In some instances, their ringers euive in, separately, like the claws of n oaglo ; others have tho digits growu fust together, und somewhat curved, und Homo have been known to have bauds like stumps of arms, short, thick nud square ended. Sometimos only ouo hand is alVeete.l, sometimes both. Again, both hands and feet may be claw like, or perhaps tho right haud aud left foot, or vice versa. Some children, horu of claw-lingered parents are normal nud perfectly-formed. These have, iu some instances, married ether members of tin comiuuuity who bore no relationship to tho tribe. Upon the arrival of their offspring they havo boeu shocked to find the malfor mations ot the grandparents in baby's litttle pinks hands aud feet. Tho disease, if it may be so callod, seems to bo hereditary through either father or tuot her, thero being apparently no rule to tho contrary. Ouo of tho strongest nnd struugest chanicteriutics of the deformity is tho unique prominence nud irregularity of tho finger nud toe joiuts. The liga tures between tho bones become knotted nnd hardened, losing their ebiittcity, causing tho joints to be come etiiToucd, generally in a curved position, ns though ofufiel. Ojca'ion nl!y the lingers nud toes tire devoid ol tinils and the member presents a rc voltiiig aspect, Owju ; to the fceliiiiion of their val ley home but few ontsiderj have wit nested tlieao strange freak ISeMUso of the inaccessibility of Zo ir they an nlmost completely cut oil" from inter coiirso with strangers. Notwith tand- ing their deformities the elaw-iitii.;- r. 1 foil; maim, e to support themselves bj cultivating tho clearing t male iu their woodland home. Their only visitors the few In dinus who come from tho re ervatior to barter their Wales iu the form 01 baskets, inocensius und fancy bead work, nnd uow and then the passing of uu unwelcome traveler throng! their secluded valo. New York Her nld. Odd Ways of rrernriii Water. Wutir is procured iu various tviyi in different parts of the globe. The explorer Coudreatt, for in-tnnce, found some time ago, w hile wanderiii'i among the Tiimnc-llumai Mountains, in tho western part of duiaua, that it was not necessary for his men I ) de sceud to 11 creek when they t anted 11 drink of water. A vino, known as tin water vine, is found all through that region. It yields uu abundant supph of excellent drinking lluid whcnovei it is cal'od upon. This vine gl ows b: a height of from sixty to ninety feet, It is usually about us thick in tin 111 pi r part of the human arm. li winds loosely about Uvcj, cin'iib: r up to their summits', and th' ti I'.i'.h down perpendicularly to the ground, whore it takes root ii,,uin. Tbo mi tives cut this vine oil' tit the ground, and then at the height of ubov.t six o) seven feet tiiey cut it again, whicL leaves in thrir hinds a very stoe.l piece of wood a little longer than them selves. Iu order to obtain the sa they raise the lower end of the vint upon some support and apply tin upper end to their mouths. Six feet of the vine give about npinl of water, which quenches thirst a. effectively as water from tho most re freshing brook. Tho bnshmen ia tin Kalahari Desert often live score 1 o' miles from places whero water comet to tho surface-. During a certain purl of tho year sharp storms pas over th Kalahari, covoriu; the apparently nrid region with the brightest of ver duro uud tilling, for a few short days, tho water courses with roaring tor rents. Tho biishmeu know how tc (hid water by digging in tho bottom; of these dried up river beds. The? dig u hole three or four feet deep, nu ; aud theu tie a spouge to tin end of 1 hollow reed. The sponge absorbs tht moisture at tho bottom of the holu aud tho natives draw it into t!i n mouths through the reed, and t e i empty it into calabashes lor future uso. In that enormous wa.,to kuowi as tho dibi Desert, uorth of China shower.) sometimes fall during tin summer, and tho torrents of a day lil the dried up water courses, throiigl which water seldom ruin. It is it these channels that the Mongols di;: their wells, cxp etin to Hnd 11 little water, when upon tho surface of. tht plateau itself the soil has lost til traces of humidity. It is owing k tho fact tint a part of the moisture falliug -luriug a le w r tiny days is thus preserve I within imj'j that it is pos sible for cir.ivaus to crois tho desert. New York Lodger. ('(Vim Fi'iim Itnizll. North Rrazil, which furnishes thi world with most of her rubber at pres cut, is now preparing to furuMi thi world with cocoa. The Peru cocoa i preferred to till eth-.r kiuds by thi French chocolate tniii.ufiifturns, ti whom the entire production at pieseu is shipped, except somo smali p tree: consigned to Hamburg uud New York nud yet I'tira is uuable to supply ha' the needs of France. This, eo -oa ii more appreciated than nuy other a equal pi ice, tin; skin being lighter am less subject to break and the paste ab sorbing more readily theperfumewitl which it is c.istoinary to iiupregnati tho chocolate. Tho Rrazilian Oovermuenf, with 1 view to stimulating find eiicouragiuj the increase of plantations uud iin provemeuts in tho prepurat.ou of co con, has reduced tue export duty frott ten to four per cut. The tiatunt couditious of l'ara are mo d favoraldt to the production of t !ii - commodity Its cultivation, which can bo carriet on in all parts of tho State, presenti no difficulties, although it requirti careful tending. The plant taken U yielding three years after planting, and continues to bear for from titty t( sixty years, it being necessary merely to keep it clear of weeds and othei vegetation. Two crops a year art gathered, that frcm May to July li t ing more abundant. The only trriii blc in the cultivation of cocoa js tht insulUciuQcy of labor. -New Y'orl Times. Washington Libraries. Since tho year 1M), v. hea Congress first aseetnlded iu Wadiiugion end passed nu net appropriating the sum of i?30.)0 "for tho purchase of e ich books ns may bo necessary," some fifty different libraries, says the Washing ton Tost, have been established, nad the number of volumes has increased front dOOlt all the Congresbioual Li brary contained up to the vein 1811 to au aggregato of more than l.SdO,- 000 volumes, exclusive of pamphlets, charts, etc. Halt e ot the Stitu lanf. Tho buttle of the Staudard was fought at Northallerton, in Yoikslnro, iu ll'JH, betweeu David I. of Scot land aud Stephen of Eu . laud. The standard consisted of four conse crated bauut-rs, fastened to a mast surmounted by a pyx containing the host. Tho mast was mounted ou u cart nn I taken iuto th.; centre of tho battlefield by tho English. PKtttllSTOIMC AMMAt.S I'TiOM ilMO HOt it li; 3. Honrs of Monsters That Existed I limitless .lues Ano Iti-covi-reil Alter Long J'irr.-o'iio Search An I -xeit ing twites!. PROFF.SSDll jr. I'AlR'Jd ILD O.-born, Oirab.r of Vn tel rate IVh oi iio-'v in tin,' Ainuieau f. Museum id Natural J I i -1 r.v , contributes 11 p ip r 0:1 'Trehist irio Quadrupeds of tne Hookies" to th) Century. Tiie article is 1II11 -trHed ley drawings by Ch.ii le. Knight, g.v mg careful n.c instruction 01 the-o strange ben sis. I'rof'-s.-ir Kboru says : Before describing the aiiiu aid.; Ib'in-se'v.-s, we may tt-.ip to note what our present kiiowleliris of them hi c st 1:1 human slvill und en lur.ince. Every one of these pictures is dnwu from a comph to sktk-ton U' vr.t out of the s;.id ruck, mi l each of these sle! I'" reM lits years r.u I years of ar loom exploral i'i'1 in v.liie 1 Wt.rtmuti, Hit ehcr, I'.-t'-l. e:i, nnd others lent out by tin A'uef'c 111 Museum, by I'r'u -e-toll, or by Vide, have l-ecm !;.i:').; . Our party fouu i the Titanuilicrc in a i roil ing alkali c.'.'inn of S- 11 1 h Dakota, It-, li -a I was prol ru !i :i r fi-eu a lerd s-,U ! tone ciiil, 1 the rV-t, limbs, und t:Mnk were '!ii-vh 1 out by t ie rni.'i en i.-r rtt 'e si; l! r ,!. i.-h lo v- ere I lil 11 '--I t-'i.i;'- ' ! i't'i i!.. !'. s. '1 '. ": w. 1 e :,.e.f.; I to dun': that she wt.oi- Iv.e.t h i i lii;l.. I 1 1 :i Mail liii ; pini'Mli. T'.! 1 w.n pru'.ab.y the c-::s eriiiiady, lur. su-i 'e'lly i'.-'-y :!..' uei-i.'-i 11 fattit ; it nop af'.l I'i'i'. the bin I li.nb-. li.t-i b.e i h- ,;! avv.ty ; and ii r-- piir.i.1 two yeiiri More s.- tl'.'hiiig bei'oi 1: bone to;' uu uu ieial of n eorr-'.-p'Mi .mg ni.c w.-ri set ur,1 '. E.-ery other s'..e'i:toii li n its own story of dtcr. nidation, dis appointment and nliroiise. file old lake iuisins, oueo ou sc 1 lev. 1,'i'tn.l enriched by the uois1, balmy w ind-i of the I'aei'ie, nr.: now elevate 1 troi.i four to live thou-iiu 1 feet. Tin only redenitiiug leature ol their pre-t-eut tisp.-c: oi a'ii.-:-d:ite iiarreuue-is it that tho it'i.-ene.' of vegetation leave) the oil graves an I burying ground:! bare. Fo-sil iiones an t skeletons are noi jilentifnl fur fr.eii it; but a trained e e se. a ,;r it dlau ?e id on ; the baro j;til!its', eiiil's au I e innu, and your ilai'y sent. able of liiieei. to twenty miles eii-tbies y. 11 to prospect; ovirava.;' stretch. 'o;t are u!V iu m irniil r, sti'len : 1 by :t Ir n!y liig'if. You know by sad experience that the id' ill tlie ba-ill-i do.'S led ptMlllit' :l c.ii.l da . Your ba.'kboiii: is it id !; e.-'.ii;-.; while th. in i i!eiin ! br.n! i.U I b'.l-ter your si. in, au l yoll ::re ' !l : ilViU ; i luii.) Hiiii'lll n'' t he i anions .I. --n-rt served by the .l.i'-aiie-e n h t ru t nil!:.. t:t, und i-m wiihin. Vuiir .rail 1" .'in-: on the upland, which may a: the a.'lllil levii oi' the old lako biittom ; nu I tt i i. waiking througu a graveyard, oti 11. ve'' loek for bouei until tlie laud brea. .; aw.i.y by erosion. Wh' ii you reach the edge of this uphill I, you look oil into a siu of rock, lomeltnies wild beyond de-criptioii, i lid Vou piil!;.:e dow n the slopo t.) u t ertaiu level. Then you foll-jw this 1: vi 1 round and rouu 1 und in nud out. lit re you are ou a seam which bears fossils. Above and belo.v it are other similar fossiliferom seams, nud be tween them are barren senilis where you will not find a bone if you neareii till dooms. lay. This level, p. reap-, represents the delta of a great moun tain river which -wept the uniuia'sout with eoar.-e sen i, pebbles :ri 1 debris. Sometimes V1..11 wall; miles mil nib--, up and down, day a ler day. mil s..o nothing but common turtle l-one--, which nro so di .vol ive mil ieinpti;i ft a oi-l inc.. t'et' th-' :os ii him'..-.-pro fail 1 ly !;'!; li.. 11: a ide. Tuii:. i lire fount ev'i ry .'. e. . ve b, e.i.i -e they .-.W illi oul, b.:-.e.l 11, til' :u;.sin;.e M tu-: ialiil thi s, an.' o. !-:.::. by .-.iu'.; 1 t:;e b it turn, while i'ee earca-.-e--. el land nuitiiitls were leni'.-d in the ileit is o; nearer shore. in sn eh a iossil-b-i! reii land'iit S'eeiii.i twice ii:; tern.!, 0:1 the InUlc: y r lun ch's nnd back ache double, your tongue lies parclu'd Irom the last, gulp of a'.kali water, your soul abhors a fossil, and longs lor the preen slut lo oi the East, nu 1 the water melon, when all of a sudden, a liit'e projecting l one str.kes your wearii-1 eye. Yon fail on year knee., an I breathe gently on tin loose sand; a l'.tlle scrapie,-', un 1 you see the sign) of a s'..ull perhaps of some missing link. Tho thrill o. di-aMverv spre.i Is like i;u elixir tlirou rli ,1 our iv tni-e, an I t wo or thfi e hour . later, after care fully cutting out the prize, you wabt vigorously I -a.'.; to euii; ..very inch a iiinn. Tins fossil-hunting is a li fo of vteis tiludes and emotions. l'ao to.-sil-h'li.ter is pr-.' b Mined t.i Lis work, like he sportsman. Me nturaa l':i:t ,u the autumn, vowin..; he will never go 0. 1ek to the I'al 1. 111 1-; 1 nt ns the fa vorable Months 1,.' : pi'iiig eo.iie re 11 u. I he becomes nn.:.' and i.ioie n sth -s until he ii oil. 'J'li country that ism l ot as Maoes, Wilier.'. I by tagunui a1- 1. ali p ).'.:, is id:ui..l liivariabiy the richest in fossils. Mere, in fact, ns yi.n lied the gr nlest variety nil t limit In r Oi belli s, you en a y t iie moid ie l.ghtful iligbt's of the scientific tmngi nution; when pnrcliel uud burned, you conjure before you the glories of the; 0 niiet; lit hikes. tt iv lie ol id 1 Age. Only DOlS persons in 1,000,000, ac cording to medic;. 1 authority, die from el 1 uge, while TJ00 succumb to gout, IS I'M to measles, '.!7iM to apoplexy, VnoO to erysipelas, 7."n) to consump tion, -ISO ' to seirle! fever, 25, 000 t i wh i-ipiu ; c.e.tgh, ;l0,0)0to typiioid mid typini', mil 7'.M I to rheumati -u:. The nv- ra ;im vary a:, or "ling to local-it.-, but these are considered prttty aeciir ite as leg. e Is tin poinlntiou of tue g'obe us a who'e. LOVE'S KINGDOM. You see no pomp of ctroiitiistnneo No entourage of pride, 5fv lowly si'i'ining to enliuiieo As I wall: l y y.ur side. Ail liny, at ulln'r-.' Iie.-li nnd call, Jly Weik 11b-. 'ill'.' t- ilone, lint '-ii' aiy ; 1 1 : 1 1 . ' y g.-u-nn'iits ta'l Wlie-i .' -::ii- tin- set 1,1 V- u ":: . iy le.l 1:1, 1, -,v it, M'-ii , I Hi He'll I, '.v.'i'' lo ynar si.le, 1 er . ,.,:, I pfr.-.l, liiiigof lil-U; I.--! le-ae j 1 1 v si itte .l.-riile; r nhea I turn my own -li-Uey y wif-' is nt Hi.- slair, 'XI:. ' baby ela.-s 1st IiuilU Willi gle", An 1 J nm r .yal lli'-r-'. --Murjii'i'is PITH AND POINT. ' 'What in toe wol!d broke Ihirko ("own? He U-ed lo be the iiieturo of health." "1I1: reeiipcruted too I mg u; Ijc seashore." Detroit Free l'rca:;. ".':-.:: v .jiaiiei the inare g..' ,'.'i: 11 i v wi a !.. to sliilco 'J'l.e 'an -y 'if th" Klieellllioi, "il a... j :i:n'.'' i the bile'. Trill !. "The o'll, r r. l.ian pels," said tho 1 r.rn-b d phiin 'o0ii.-r, "Ihe liar Itr ho i n. is it to ;V. I serry fi r 11 woman hose pug do j has died." ludiauiip 1 ii.-; ' i.ii'ua'. ,1 1 - ! :.-r.l'b"v a wi' . I v . :'':! v.-.i! I : ii'ib.M. 1 .. 1; 1 . -i - r 1 I 1 --s .' , .' : h::.-1 1111 v.-nh v. " ' - ' -bife. "! r ie. T : v "Di 1 M iry tellyo't '.;:; f a! .',.!. : i:i v-i 1 a hi-- when iv. ri-!. e v.oo;-' lo j.iii'.'" Hon iu-l.avv --' i y. ; I i: was a great com I'or.' to .'. i i i j I was u.v.iy." June. Mr. V.1,1 eigh " 'b it would yon line.'.; if I v.ei-t ) till you that I bill been dviug b..- inch's for yml for years?"' Miss Walll -l'. vo l "1 should think it it v n very Hidden.-" Hrooklyn Li e. "What's the matter, ColUer.-loue? You b ok bine.'' "filings luvo gone w rmi :;. I se. 1,1 t ) be lodug my in li-vilutbt-." '.' ii.', old boy be-t Ihing that colli have happened to Vi.ll," Ciiicn.o lieeoi'-l. Mr. Freshly "Did you hear of tin terrible accident tii.d ocean e I during tie' storm yesier lay -if . rn nr.;'.'' Miss f.'ewcuiii-.'r ".vi, how distressing ; ii it was i; V" ''I ho wind blew lip t .. I'd;..'." Ciri'il'f.i-iua lli-r.tld. The I. ir.l.' Ciiii.:: "1 think that l:r,.,l be 11 i-i.iea li l boo':;, Aunt Jen-nil-." "iVi:y do j ou liiMikso, il.urV" "ib-eaiis.., v. ii en y.ei r -1 1 lb' an . -de er.pti II in' tint I. d blight see: e. i (.ot j'i-1 a- I. ;y n- I could be ,.1 ns ii it 10.'! v wis Mi Iin ht." li . p.r, I' " Ji.-risoii "J 'ie almo-i crazy. I k.u. p. ieil.-r t 1 lay brok-'i', asking hint windier he th'.ii :ht 1 was a tool, mil ill . tiler one to M:sS Wil'iets, lldiilig her I drive, :'iil I don't know which of them this te'eegi-a 11 n fiom." Iloberis " What 11.1 s it say'.'" Hell Son "Simply 'Yes. ' " Host on t liobe. "I wish you would tell in-', " soi id Iho agents, who ha I long been ou Mr. Slut e.-.'s I rail, 'bvii it is voir insuper able objection t 1 in-iirin ; y.nir life?" "i don't mill I telinig vou," reiiiied S.iagg-. " I'he idea of being moro valuable niter 1 nm ileal than while I ui.i uiive i-i ilisbistjiul to me." ChroNiele-'i'eligraiih. The artist knit his iu ow. "I w i di to I'ietufe th.- IfTirne v. ir U a uiini'icr twelvovi'.ii-.l," lie r 'in uk -. 1. "K it, vvhelv.'TU till', e'.eni, i; iter liver t bo?" ". leVJ e 01 m .the ro ..u for" ligoiu.d 11: a dii "i w 11 Jll-t say that he ii 1 - ii . 1... irt." Thus il is ( 1 be s i-:i ho-.- lli' ma-.-; a I v. line haul j'i l.nli I. 11. roil- l.V ill-pose 1 to j 1:1 1! ;t .1 .' ; i . 11.1. ! ' ': r eil J'ribtin '. I The :.i-i i.' I.e. 1 I" e'l leding Hobn'o I the 1; .0 t '.h.'i:::! .-!oie- ol hi; ex , peril nc..-. 1:: ;h. w.'.t 1 , ending v.-till a g.raii'ai e -.11 i of In iv i: b id oliee 1 been h s! u. ei I! ii I Mo. ml iin. "My ! It. lun -t hive b -en aw. ill," said I'.ob j bie. "An I di 1 y.m I biek all right ' again?" ,; mi, iiobbie, ' returned the 1 fid follow svlcianly. "Nv. r. Fact ! i-;, my boy I'm out tietr yit." j llnrper'e, I A 'Iti rt 11 liui.l oi' hi five, ! Yes, sir, t'aev have the greatest ! tiribor on eaitii up in Humboldt, j Ce'iety !' exchti in d S a'li .Moi'ou-tghy, j of the Fnite.i St ites Mint, t a Sail I I'raneisco I'o t man. "I'll.' trees uu I there are so big well, I'm imt ;:oing i to t.-il you how lug to y are because ' vol v.i.ub.tfl l"!:. ve it. I'ou'i know I n-i I Moid I belli ve il myself, though 1 ! do believe a wh-de lot i tell. Hut just 1 to give y..ii au i I e, n.nv, ?', tot I liioi.'i one tree up tie ; e made I uoiiuli lumber, wiclo is un 1 t-liiugles I to iiuil I n whole town mil fence it, i nil . t he ' Ve st ill got los enough lelt I to 1 -nt up a bud ling us big as tho j I'ahiee !!.t''. I "l'h 1 utt of the tr " vv.i lnllow, i too, lor u'.ioat ii ly bit, uu I ns it fell 1 right i.-t ire uTo -s a t!ee gulch 111. y 11-0 I it li r a lu id ;o. Four horse ' tia:;:s drive through it. I!y a little 1 h wing out they can ln.iiio u footpath i on each side of the wagon road I ihrough it. Thai tree was so tali that j v.ii. 11 they e-i:ti:r.;'!!C d cuttiu; it up i t!i y had tee make two camps one at i ei.'U en l?i r it was too lur for the men wSilig 011 the too to walk back at nigiS?Vl don't know what they would have iio io if several hundred feet ha in't bceu broken off the top by the elements ceutnrit s ago. "Hut that was a small tree coin pure 1 to the " Mc.'otiiig'.iy is telling himself about that other tree. V Xijrlei tiel Crave. The grave of John Fitch, who first npp'icd to navigation ou West t ru rivers, is iiuui irked by any stoue in no ol I cemetery iu Nelsou County, Kentucky. - v i IIJiitt I I IIII1IUIIM

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