FORREST AND MACRGADY. TS N.'iv York press, almost vi:a'U exception, irm;w-t in rh BMt Tirrmnr J term tnf ir- t ! esrwriener-d by Mr. irrr-i)y at the A :r puw Opera Houte, to wlu.-h Uit4oria turn a!rsly btn wade in the cnliimrtf.J.'thi fapor. A portion nf U, doe not hesiUV to crib the whole proceeding Vi the infliHnr f Mr. Forrest. The Express tpeakt of the seen? in the fallowing term : THE THREE MAOJU'.TllH. .... Grvat. Riot at the Arop. Piaci! -Mr. ilirRRA'T BRIVM mOM THU; TAG SV AH . "wiuinu mob!! Th tragedy of " Mjclwth" w is put up for rep reo.tai'wn t three theatre, in t'ii eity.laat night. Mf. Forrest playtd it to a shiti house at the Jlm.idwa.y, and Mr. Hambtin ta full r', at the Bowery where Mr.--Ryd was the Macduff," ' and had a ticmen leti" reception fa hi firrt appear ing tpeiil applause throughout, ami an enthusias tic c heervig. on Mwg ealh' beC'ie the curtain to ,','b; 'a'c.knoivl"it;:nKiiK Ho p!uy " tago" thf rv lo-nyht, to Mr, Hsiubliii'a " Othello." Mrs. Ki'tvr Uj.Kyirtg the wtgigement thcr with them. - Mr. Rvan. a 'nevtOy .ttrivel Iriih rcmedian.made a nwit hit at the iii.iverv, last n jj'.i'., as the "Irish Tu or." ' T!i': .V-!ot pkci',n-M TI M was the .trene, n'iiiif, of one ot'th rn'o-t oiHMgou and dis pifrfii! riots thiit ever tapperied in this city. Mr. Macr-Jy wt announced to pfrfi.rm " Macbeth" tWi-.nnl there was a very full house a halfhour before foe rising of the curtain. The tipper tier was crammed, and so was the p.uqnette. The W were moderately filH, On the first appear ance of Mr. Maeready'on the; stupe he was re ceived with the nit vociferous yroaoing, hisses, and cijes of " off ! off !" A portion of the audience (we judged less than half) were; ; warm in their pUudiU and waved their handkerchirfs, but they wpre overborne by the horrid and uncouth noises which continued almost without intermission, (ex cept when Mr. Clarke appeared, ami. he was cheered) until the end of so wu.clt.of the tragedy as was performed. Mr," -Macready walked down to he footlights, and abode "tin pelting of the pi; 'less rtorm" of groans and shout of derision and contumely with wonderful firmness. ; A pla card was hung over the, upper Lou, on which was inscribed. "You have been po.nU UA!" Then arose louder yells, and th"se wure accom panied tfith showers of rotten eggs, apples.and a bottle of assafoJtida, which diffused a most repul sive stench throughout the bouse. - Mr. Macready endured all this without flinching, fur sometime j and, at length, commenced his pit, which lie went on with, in dumb show, through two acts, and a part of the third. But, as tit piny proceed ed, tlie fury of excitement seemed to increase, un til the otob began to shout to the " l-ady Macbeth" nf trip evening to o,oil tha etage; sad o:v Mr. Mac-i ready's next appearance a heavy piece of wood was flune from the upper tier, and a. knot of raen. in the parquette, near the orchestra.,; then showed tliemselves as a part of tlie rioters, and, to Uie end, joined jn all the demonstrations of disorder. , : . When, in the third act,, "Macbeth" oinc on, as " JCmg," the uproar was at its height. At this ktage of the proceediugSj four chairs w ere thrown i rapiil uccef ion, at the itage, frn the easterly earner of the upper tier. ; One feil iut the orches tra, and the other or the slags.. The list &U di rectly .a'crtiaa Mr. Macready'a fwt , The curtain then ili; and there was a long istermiasiun. vpuring thia, averal gentlemea undertook to remonstrate with the lioters, bat w ithout avail. Mr. Chippendale then came forv- atJ hut could not obuln 4iering. ;;IIe then advanced, with Mr. St lhin, bearing a placard en which was written, " M a Macready ha kit the theatre." Meantime, another placard had been displayed hy ilie motion wliicb. was inscribeJ, " o arxlot.'' : It is too late L" , &t. Clarke was then called fer, came for ward, expressed hi thank for hi reception, and aid he had accepted this engagement as his only , mean of supporting himself and family by his pro fessional exertions. .This over, t! rioter slowly left the house. ' t V -1 i ' - - - '- - ' ' i ; We learn that some of them were arrested, on getting Into tii etreet The police were present in considerable force, bat did nothing that we coold see in the house, tuward quelling this .dis graceful riot- .'t "!, .;'. . We hue not undertaken to do more in this has ty article, tha to giv tus leading transactions of the night. f We might give a long lit of the dif ferent criee which were uttered en the occasion, as going t show th spirit and motives by which tha mob were actuated. Bock aa "Three groan for the English bulldog ! "- Ixina cheer for . Ed wiu, Fonreet!" at'Remembut ho Forrest wa tmti-d in England !",' Huim for native talent!" " Dewn with the cedfwh," aristocracy t and: the like. But we have, at thiahour, neither the re ijuitttB , time nor space, i We can only ay that the whole scene -wa deeply digracel'ul to our city snd omatryi and that is truly melancholy to rihict that there, vraa. iM'ithor moral n..r physical terce.etihagh at hand upon the occasion to prevent -or.pal il dowB. -.'vi, 4(s;,;-. Ur , f t -L':.'.:'Ji w'f . . !-"''"" 11 ! :- sm ., !,'?.' ,wwa . Jj-it; i",;""!.: i Fti4j,My 1 1.1848, XJit'fxcik'ment which had l n created ihrwigh- eut tlie ci:y, by tlw ireaUien; which Mr. Maoa dy received at the. Opera How on Monday night, . had. fully pn'pared tlie public mind for a repetition of the orevious outbreak.' if not a niore serious dif- fcnlty Vtween hifrjeivls enl enemies. .... t . . i f J 11 . .1.. Ma.u..,. ,v!l niiKTHlHj m vi w m.iu HMIUMfr .i it r i: j .i vji tv r..- -..t: Of, tiic i'hi-'i w t niw asa nw .ouriiuior. a.jsuui cii ill t ree to preeerw peace l die Opera House, u i he ouccceding evening, aiiO accordingly iilil ry f ire wa er ivrrd In be redioy tfii the aiflntcipaJ i'olice; in the Bresrvti'.7n w,'ordfr, Crmrai Band lord and ll!l were or U red lo da U.I a force, AftiHery, Caviry id !i)fqtry,,fur this purpose. .'1'iie following torp wrt mustered j'ir.Si'rticf', vi I ', I - 4 ?' . . The Natmual tiuard, 7ti Kjt, r)iiintiinkJ by CM. Ihirjew nuialx ring 8 mpiii,'.v ' ; T0 cHpMi'0fth Govwrwr' tiuard. A- - T ' ,"u.:t- of the l!fr, Ath Koijt. . i: (!! ,i ot th Wailing:oii (rfyn,.7th RegU; - ti .r-j t-i.:2ri at the. anut'ry 4iiJu- Iib t, .re tliey tvielv.-d eT-ntl hmnHant hall t;i tti; Ca sly if h i:it ef t; .'uy iL:, and the Artillery tit tlie Arsenal . : ,vo s of I Cannon six p.jr !...r were giv to tl. 1 ti'.!- 1 ry, with a supply of gWj. and t, ;ef s ;. COMiiEXCEME.NT OF THE R1UT. - " The Theatre having been densely packVbe fure the hour of coHunertcing the perforaunce,anH large numbers having attempted to procure tick ets, the manager at half past seven o: oight o'elock, had a notice posted up that the Tickets were old. This did not satisfy the crowd, who pressed in upon the building, while a large number of persons co-operated with them inside, and for a time in terrupted i he performance. Numerous arrests were now made iiiohle and outside. Orders was partially restored in the building be tween eight und nine o'clock, so that the play pro ceeded, but arrests continued to be mads during the play, and aa will be seen by the list, fifty -three in all were placed in confinement by the Police. An editor of a monthly periodical was arrested as one of the leaders of the " riot" imid, while the editor of a wei kly paper was captured outside while acting in a similar capacity. At length tlie whole Polic Force outsldc-wero assaulted with paving stone and brick bats, and compelled to take refuge inside, the theatre. An aliunilancs cf inissil?a wcri ft h""l, fniiu the ex cavations made for constructing a sewer on the north Bide of the theatre and in Broadway, and most froely were they oaed hy the mob. 'Many of tlie I'olice were wounded. Tlie mob outside had now increased to about fivo thousand, and some estimate the number as high aa ten thousand. The troops began to arrive about 9 o'clock, but the 6rt detachment, consisting of one company of the Washington Greys, were so violently assailed with stones and brickbats that their horses became whuHj unmanageable, and the lines beiug broken, the troo was dispersed. (This corps was subse quently re-organized and held in reserve.) The National Guard immediately came up and cleared a space around the Theatre, and being lnrger in number than tlie Greys, the mob failed to break their linos. A desperate onslaught was now made upon the troop.. Man after man, and officer afwr officer were struck and wounded with the paving stones. One officer received a dreadful wound of the head, and fell senseless from his horse. . While these scenes were being enacted outside, the persons inside, who had been arrested and were confined under the boxes of the theatre, set fire to the apartment in which they wsre confined, and then began to break through a partition next to the main entrance, ; The noise brought down the Pol ice in time to extinguish the flames. ; It was now near ten o'clock-after half past nine. The military had stood the assault of tlie mob for about half an hour, having about sixty of their number seriously wounded. The mob fre quently assaulted the soldiers, hand to hand, and took away their muskets and sabres, and broke them on the pavement. A consultation was culled between theRccorder, the Sheriff, the Chief of Police and the Generals commanding. It was at once concluded to read the Riot Act and fire upon the rioters. The Sheriff first read the riot act, which was announced by the Rerordor.tho Chief of Police and officers in command to such portions of the mob as had tot heard it read, ' i : (. V ; Captain Price, of one of tlio military companies, wa wounded by a pistol shot fired from the mob. The ball or slug took effect in his leg, , The crowd continued to press upon the troops, a charge with bayonet was resorted to. Thi only called forth derisive shouts, and opprobrious epi thets. ," The order to Cre or retreat now resounded through out the ranks of the military, and at lust the fatal word "fire" passed from the proper civil officer to the general in command. At the first volley, two men fell in the rauks nf the mob. Still the rioter pressed home upon the troops with cries of " only blank cartridge," " you darn't tire ball," and similar during menaces, ac companied by volleys of (tone and bricks and dis charges of pistols from the mob. ' Another crisis was approachihg,and after a brief interval, the second order to fire was given. The volley did such fearful execution, that the- mob was broke p and escaped in every direetionJeav ing the dead and wounded to tlie car of Police. THEiSCESE AT DAY-LIGHT. . ., All around the tlieatre, at daylight thia morning, were group of military and police, and number of cavalry and artillery horses tied to the post and fenees. ' ; j - ' ' .; . - The two cannon in tbo middle of th street, both loadod with heavy charge of grape and eanister, while a regular guard i stationed around tlie buil ding. w "it, b - . -it t . -j Amid tlie calm produced outside' by th second fire, the audience, who had beerr most Intensely excited were enabled to retire unmolested, nearly all cf them Ignorant of tlie dreadful tragedy that had been going on oiiUkle. Mr. Macready got off in the disguise of an o&cer, whose Uniform he bor row d tor (lie purpose. '' '.': " The theatre presented the appearance f a field of battle soldiers nesting Upon their arms in the pis tfnd'fSMdtug rWr : wwonderl ewnrades, who laid on temporary euuclies in th btxri. ' One of the sMdiers, who was attended by a surgeon, had a fracture ot the ekull. i-i u n i ? . ! --The upper part of tlie Theatre was occupied by Police. . Tite Recorder, tiie Sheriff, the Chief of Polic and Gouaral Sand lord and Hall, occupied y MMll lOW'i; 'V-';"--"' ; CouitniMary General Stuart was ia attendance during tb" whole fight, bopplie f tefreshsient were provided tbf lite troop and police during the nighu ir h AtiJt ir..i.--! v-ai v:! ',.. i-v !'. THE KILLED.' ft.i-.7 ,i, Il i impossible to aaeertai exactly hove nany persons were killed, or bow siauy have since died ef their wounds, u,'-: -...,, . .,; .k ti. In almost every cast the shot passed directly through those who were struck, and M is probable that number of rho wounded will die?-trvday. :-- A great numberW person were dreudialty hurt, bat were takon ; their homes, or to house adjtt' cent te tlie Ujr or into it. 4 At least fifty of the soldiers nd a number of the ptdiewnea, were Wdly Injured,)) being struck with stones !i,S:i-i.ii i,Ji.i.;.',i-. ".vA,-. ,. . , .NAMES OF PBPSON'S ARRliSTED, Mo !.' tl-A u.'ij-li rt; r rsorulcii9"ged w ; art'eip i ; in. thu t, were arrested. Tl I names ar:- ' EdwarJ 2. C. JuJ i.FJitorof "NedBuntlir. Own," who it is said, acted as leader of the rhub outside,.:. -i. ... David W. Hulley,one of the Editors of the Dem ocratic Review, who, it Is said, acted a the leador of the mob inside, &c, A revolving pistol was fired three times at Gen. Sandford, and he was felled to the earth. Lieut. W. R. Harrison was badly wounded. Eleven out of nineteen men in the first company were unfit f r duly. Captain Shumway was shot in the knee. Threats of burning the Opera House were leudly made. Lient. Clark and dipt. Poor were badly hurl, and the authorities saw no way of saving themselves from defeat and death but re sistance. " After the announcement of tlie' Riot Act," the orders of the oivil authorities to fire and the com mand of their officers, tbo soldier still fired a round over the heads of the mob, but this only made them bolder, and again the military were at tacked, then the soldiers fired into the mob. At first the troops merely charged with their bayonets, but this proved ineffectual, warning was given that unless the mob retired immediately the troops would fire ball cartridge. A few minutfs were allowed them to comply with this order, but the warning being unheeded, -several of the troop and police having already been wounded, and the mob still throwing missiles the dread alternativethe only mean that re mained of preserving the peace wa resorted to, and the troops were reluctantly ordered to make ready to fire! ' . 'The command was obeyed as reluctantly as it was given, but, it had to be obeyed. It was a fearful moment. A, mad assemblage, excited to frenzy by rum and evil passions, stood there assail ing the ministers of the law and threatening the most serious outrages, which might involve the lives of hundreds of citizens. A brief consultation was held among the offi cers present. Tlie question was whether the mob or the law should rule, and the rioters having re sorted to the use of weapons of death, an appeal to arms became necessary on tlie part of the minis ters of the law. Tin troops were ordered to fire ! Immediately some eight or ten of the rioters fell wuunded, and their companions fled iu all direc tions. The number of persons seriously wounded is reported at eight or ten. Several were slightly wounded, and retired from the ground with the uiob. ;i' ., , . The "hoys" fought desperately. Some of them actually seized the swords of the Cavalry, and the guns of the Infantry, carried tliem off and after wards broke them to pieces. , They routed one company of Cavalry with stones and brickbats. At least sixty of the military and about thirty ot the police are wounded. , Many innocent parties have been wounded and probably some of them killed. Indeed ihe rioters, who were most active in creating disturbance, were boys, led on by three or four men. . Many of the soldiers fired on tlie ground, and others over the heads of the mob. . Had all fired direct, the loss of life would have been terrific. . - Cannon were at last placed on each side of tlie Opera House, so as to ruke tlio streets vlh grape shot in every direction, , . , ; , ;:; Mr. Macready left the Theatre on Thursday night after the play was finished, and at about 2 o'clock yesterday morning went in a caiiage lo New Rochelle, where he remained until the arri val of the Jew Haven train for Boston. ; . He reached that city, as will be seen by our Telegraphic correspondence last evening. , . 3 o'clock, A, M. All is quiet about the Opera House. . The mob has disappeared, and all the military with the ex ception of three or four companies have been dis missed, v , " New Yone, May 13, 10 P. M. , The theatre is still in the possession of the Po lice, and. the streets are thoroughly occupied by the Military. Detachments of Cavalry have been scouring suspicious places and streets to prevent an organization of the mob. All quiet and no further troubles are anticipated to-night. ; , w v,-- ; - : ' New York, May 14. Our market is very dull and very little doing just now owing to the excitement respecting tUo rioU. The Riots have been all quelled, and the city is in quiet possession of tlie military : ATTEMPT to CARRY OFF TWO SLAVES ! ; Considerable excitement wa produced in our community at an early hour yesteiday, by the dis covery of a daring attempt to run off two valuable slaves, hired in this city. , One of thera, named Al fred, has been hired for some years by Maj. Tall man of tlie Washington Hotel, and belongs to the estate of Archibald Gavan, dee'd, oi Hanover; and the other, Swsney, ha also been a fine hotel-waiter with Mr. J. M, Sublett, and is the property of Mrs. Caroline M. Christian of New Kent county. , The man who arranged for, and who was at tempting to effect, their escape, 1 generally behov ed to be tkimuel A. Smith, a persons ge w honovod to thi city some years since, figured, extensively in the shoe business, under the sign of the " Red Boot," and has several times been arrested upon serious charges, but has some way or other mana ged lo escape from the strong arm of the law. " The facts of the case, as wo have been able to gkan thempper to be these.' About "half part seven yesterday morning, a dray was driven up tn Adam & Co.' Expres Office having upon It two targe boxe, about the sii of those commonly used in the dr goods' business, and known a No. 2. They were directed to. '"' ' ""'". 1 W. P. WILLIAMSON, ; " ' " ' ''No. 32 Button Wood Street," ' J l'f" --'-- : -: Philadelphia." ' The Express Clerk having some suspicion about the boxes, commuqicated with Mr. Barroll, the Ex press Agent of this city, who, having previously had tome intimation from In correspondent, Mr, SsndfnriK'of Phi'mdetpbi, tht an attempt taight iurmade'to roif effsome of our slave hi' boxes, through the rheitiuin of the Express,' directed the driver to let them remain on tlie dray, and drive them immediate to (he depot j at the same time .! r "ctlnif hiir) at assistant to take op h ieliet in w.igon fft t'r ffljir of ppwnnij-tfip loxfS n Jt, and confi: A ehi't t;me litothe 1,.. preff . sr or tl. office, i loving his y bad left, ! inatiireJ. u i .ith :!icr a hag of moil, which ho had left to be forwi .rded. had gone or not J his true- furpose, doubtless, be-1 ing to see whether the boxes had duly pone. Upon reaching the Depot.Mr. Barroll opened one of the boxes, and discovering a negro therein he immediately nailed the top down again, and com municated the discovery tnone of the officers of the train, Smith having at one time been seen near, and having afterwards disappeared. He after ward got on the train ome distance higher up the street. The negroe still In the boxes, weredriven down to the Mayor' Office, remojred from their hot nests, and placed in custody. Each of them had in the box a small bundle of clothes, pair of boots, a fancy fan,and a bladder filled with water to drink, tied around the neck.with a Wmrr?:er'j end, show ing very conclusively that Smith had made all the preparations. It wa lucky that the negroes were discovered, en the sec re of humanity, aa they must certainly have died before reaching even Freder icksburg. These boxe were very close, having only small vent holes at either end ; and superad ded to this, would have been the intense closeness of the Express freight car, in which they would have been placed with many packages on them. As soon al it was (bund that Smith had escaped, telegraphic messages were Immediately sent to Fredericksburg and other Northern places, to ac complish his arrest ; and about 12 o'clock yester day, the Telegraph announced the gratiHng in telligence that he had been arrested by . Officer Caldwell at Fredericksburg and would be brought to Richmond by the downward train in the even ing. ; , 1: : A partial examination of the rase was made by his honor, the Mayor, on yesterday morning and each witness recognised in the sum of $300, to appear at his office to-day,when a lull one we have no doubt will be made. : The Mayor decided that the Prisoner at the bar should be sent on to a called Hustings Court, to be held on tlie 21st day of this month. - Witnesses recognised. A WEEK LATER FROM EUROPE. The Hibcrnia arrived at Halifax on Thursday last, with LivcrjHxil news to the 23th ult. She brings $100,000 in speice. , The Cotton market is steady, and without change. Fair Uplands and Mobiles 4j- Fair Orleans 4). Sales of the week 24,740 bales. Bradstuffa dull ; flour decline C to 9d. Western Cnal is quctcd at 23s. 6J. LivEHrooL, April 28. Taking into considera tion the condition of the affairs of the Continent, the public securities maintain a remarkable firm ness. Mercantile operations are dull, and consid erable depression exists throughout the manufac turing districts, and especially at Manchester, but notwithstanding these unfavorable influences,afler some fluctuations during the week, consols sottlcd verysteadily at its close, at 92. , The advices from France are rather dispiriting to our manufactures, while orders from other parts of the Continent are at a stand. There has been nn act rial variation in the prices of Cotton since our laat.but from the depressing effect of the block ade of the German ports upon the business of Manchester, the very moderate demand for goods and yams, and the sustained abundance of supply, there is a probability that tlie market will be seri ously affected. The English Navigation law hat passed, tlie House of Commons by a majority of 61. . ; France. France still continues to enjoy tran quility. The expedition for the reinstatement of the Pop"e set sail from Toulon on the 22d, and had arrived at Civita Vecchia, and would immediately proceed to Rome, the Pope meanwhile remaining at Gsta until the revolt is supposed. M. Frabbold, agent of tlie Roman Republic, had presented his protest against the French expedition to Civita Vecchia. .. Some apprehension were entertained of the fidel ity of a portion of the garrison of Paris, and two regiment ordered to quit the city at four hours' notice. The cholera was spreading in France. . Sardina. The Sardians have rejected the term of tlie amnesty proposed by the Austrian, and the Piedmontcse ministers have given fresh directions to the Department of War to prepare for an imme diate resumption of hostilities. It is reported that the French Minister at Turin had instruction to encourage the Sardians. to re ject the terms of peace offered by Radetsky, . The Neapolitan troops continue to be success ful in their expedition into Sicily. The town of Solo has surrendered to them. ; ; , , , . Germany Affair jn Germany continue iq a state of great distraction. Austria ha met addi tional reverses In Hungary. ' ., ' The hostilities between Denmark and Germany ttiii continue witnout any mamea resuu inai would give preponderance to either side or likely to affect the general issue. . The Gorman troops are entering Jutland in considerable numbers. Slterior Coubt, for this county ,i now in session His Honor, Judge Dick, presiding.. On Tuesday last tlie negro woman wlm recently mur dered the child of Dr. James, of Rockingham, and one of her own. children likewise, by brutally cut ting their throats, was arraigned for trial. - (This was a case removed from Rockingham to this county.) After considerable difficulty a jury was empanncled, and the Court proceeded to dispose of the case.. Solicitor Poiodexttr, ably prosecuted fer the State, and Samuel P. Hill, and Albert G. Anderson, Esqr., appeared, by appointment of (ha Judge, w suppose,) for the prisoner. The evidence in the case having been taken pro and con, the Council for tlie prisoner made an able and Ingenious defence, but to no purpose the States Attorney hod but little difficulty In making it ap pear a cold-blooded and diabolical murder. Th Judge charged the Jury the Jury retired but two or three minutes, and returned verdict ourtTT. Throughout the trial, the prisoner, who had a' girl Ish and stupid appearance, indicated not a sympton of concern. ' when asked by one of thi gentle, men who arrested her, why alia kilted tl' chit dren, she replied because M the devil wa Irt rfic Ihe cilM:- went "Cas?, Caxada, and Cvba," ve all r-uember, watyeiy near b- . - rung a repu! .t I -o Foco warcry, or cou:;:erign, in the last IH'4drntial election, just as "Oregon and Texas" was in 1814 We cannot help thinking, sometimes, a glorious field in the present peculiar position of Canadian affairs would have offered for the excise of the pragmatic propensities of General Cass, bad he, instead of Zachary Taylor, boon elected President of the United States, last November. He whoJ could take down the "whole or none" of Oregon, and swallow up all of Mexico at a gulp, certainly would have !r.::ked his lip at the dainty dish rabid royalisin, or loyalism, is just now dressing np in Montreal. And, with a cabinet made up of such meddlesome material at, say Allen of Ohio; Hannegan of Indiana ; Foote of Mississippi, ct id ornne genus, is there an intelligent man, knowing anything of the policy and maxim of locofoco statesmanship, who doe not believe that our for eign relations would, shout this time, be in immi nent peril, bad Prpvidence visited u with so ca lamitous a catastrophe as the success' of the three C's ;K?ass, Caaoa and Cuba." , If we hades caped the melstroom of European S.e volution, in all probability it would only have been to get into the vortex of Canadian politics, first, and probably war with England, afterwards. ' There is a moral sublimity in the spectacle the United States at present offer to the gas nf all Christendom, which cannot but gladden the heart of every right-thinking American. At paca pro found with all the world, while all the world is in arms and steeped in blood, as it were our bene ficent system of government, resting firm and un shaken upon the foundation it hat In the hearts of the people, presents a striking and significent con trast to the regal, but rickelty Uncertainties that assume the business Of governing, deri graii, the people who inhabit the kingdoms, dukedoms, prin cipnlites or sham republics, in either hemisphere. Across tlie Atlantic nothing but a dreary, dismal future meets the eye, turn in whatsoever direction we will. Here peace and plenty have their happy abode. Wise counsels direct the destinies of the nation. Its mighty commercial interests are nei ther disturbed by war, nor rumors of war. Enter prize and industry are reaping their just reward, at home, while sweeping like a mighty avalanc' e across the Rocky Mountains, thousands of our countrymen are preparing the way for such a peo pling of the dreamy shores of the far off Ta fl , as will strengthen our power and perpetuate our in titutions,beynnd any calculation the wisest among us is, at this day, capable of. Never was a nation to tranquil,or so happy socially, politically , every way. For this felicitious state of things the people of the United States have none to thank but Provi dence and themselves. Th warspirit that sprung up in the nation under tlie administration of Polk, entered the last Presidential election in competi tion with tlie principle of Peace, and that the re sult of that memorable contest was a w holesale repudiation of "Cass, Canada, and Cuba ," it one of tlie very best proofs we have yet given the world, of our capacity, as a people, to discriminate, judici ously,, when Right and Wrong ar te be decided upon, when detnegnguism or true patriotism it to be encouraged, when Truth or Falsehood, Peace or War, is to prevail. .C ' " la view of the present perturbed state of the political world, abroad, and on our borders at home we cannot help looking upon the defeat of the Case party, in November last, a a kind of providential dispensation, for which the friend of peace, and all good citizen in general, cannot ever be too thankful. Did the Whig party go out of the con test defeated, we doubt nut the " hearts of the people" by this time would have been pretty well " prepared for war," under tlie " bloody instruc tion" the great Michigander has so often shown himself so competent to impart. England he would always go out of hit way to irritate and insult ; his diplomatic career abroad was full of examples of thia cheap kind of patriotism ; and we may therefore be pardoned tlie suspicion that were be now President at Washington, he would not allow himself to be an unconcerned spectator -of th e- vent transpiring in the Canadas. The sequel of such a policy, of course, would see the pleasant state of things we have pictured above, exactly reversed ; and instead oi the peace and prosperity we are enjoying under tlie administration nf Gen. Taylor, in all probability we should, ere this, have had sD torts of hairbreadth escapes from, if not an actual collision with, some foreign power pos itively prejudicial, in either case, to all tlie sub stantial interests Of our common country, It ia profitable, now and then, to recall the re maining scene of the Past, especially, when, as in this case, the , Present is so full of significant events, havinj a direct reference thereto. Thus, by comparison and reflexion, we learn many les son that shall profit, us at some future day, when wears again called to choose between another General Taylor and Genoral Cuss. JV. Ex press, - - '' " '' i fc1-'" '' ' ' Thb POSTMASTES " GElfESAI. TEMPER ANtE rosT-MAsTios. A letter written from Wadunirtou to the Cincinnati Chronicle ha the following tnec- dot; . Judge Collaracr has, I understand, very wisely determined to confer office upon no one who is known to indulge in hi 'cups.' Connected with the .enforcement of which occurred at Judge Ct room of a very amusing character- It appears that an applicant for the office of post-.neator some where out west, called on the Postmaster General at his quarters, and presented his papers, setting forth his claims to the office ought. The Judge cruiinized him for a moment, and then very coolly remarked: You drink whiskey, sir, I believe ?' The j sn fortunate applicant, construing this remark inte ah invitation to quaff a glass with the Postmaster replied;,! thank you, Judge: I prefer a glass of br.ndy and water! ' This reply settled hie case hit papers were returned to him, and he was told that his application was duly considered and rejec ted." v. . ' ; '' t THE RALEIGH REGldf ER. ; ". , ' ,: We leant from Prospectus Just issued by the Editor of the Register, tlwt h) intend to enlarge it so as to add eight columns of additional matter, and supply it with new types," pressi, &c., ma king it' oifeof the largest and handoumost sheet tn the Hcutli. withcDtuny Addition to its pricn. - CANDIDATES FOR CONGRESS. We were at Union Court and saw that all the opposing candidate for Congress were on the ground. We understand that a discussion took place on Tuesday, which it was our inlentien to' hear.but being taken unwell on that morning we left for home before the speaking commenced. We stated last week that all the candidatei ex pressed a willingness to be governed by a Distnet Convention, reflecting any thing like a fair ex pression ef the wishes of the District ; but now we understand Gen. Dockery has conie out (tciVW'y eairur tuJmtiYing to the action of a Convention. Just what w; expected and expressed to some friend. Ncthing will induce him to leave the field but a general uprising of the people from one end of the District te the other. We understand that he now charges Mr. Little ;vith being brought out by midnight caucuses in S;anly and Anson conn liet. New light, we tupjiose, has broken upon the vision of the General since last week, a he said nothing about any such caucuses at Concord, it it evident, however, that the General has deter mined to run whether it is the wishes of Ihe Whigs or not, and it therefore becorr$b their duty to frown on one who thus wilfully attempts to dislrac the party. He objected to being charged with foisting himself upon the District. But how speaks his conduct? Doe he not say, as plain as action . can speak, that the Whigs must take him or run the risk of electing, a Democrat. It there any pa triotism in this ? . If there is we should like to know in what it consists. We hope the Whigs of this District will teach Gen. Dockery snch a lea--son that it will be remembered by all future aspi rants. Let a District Convention be held a nom inee be made an then let every Whig unite on him to a man, Charlotte Jour. JOHN KERR, ESQ. Wa announced a few weeks ago, that although a number of newspapers had paraded this gentle man s name before the public as a candidate for Congress, in opposition to Mr. Venable, and allho' ; strongly solicited to become a candidate by a num ber of friends in every section of the District, yet, that he had not been able to decide the matter deft- -nitely, one way nor the other, owing to causes of a private character, ' We now feel authorized to ' speak by the card,' and announce that this gentleman has decided not -ts be a candidate. He duly appreciates the mo. tives of those who hire solicited him to enter tlie contest as their champion, and feels well assured that he could defeat tlie eaemy, but 'affliction in his family, combined with a duty he owes his pro fession, (the neglect of which would be too severe ly felt,) compel him to decline the contest ' AfuVr i Chron. . BLOODY AFFRAY. It is reported that at a place called "The Point," in Panola county ,a bloody scene recently (CcimV, Some men playing cards. ' Two of thrm a doc tor and i young man, names not remr mliered fjll out and concluded to have a fight with their fists, and went out and stripped themselvce,but the young man declined. They then resumed their game. playing awhile the young man said he wa willing "to fight with knives," whereupon the doctor com-, monced on him. After a few mutual stabs the doctor killed him., His brother (lien took It up, fought, and was also killed.; The other brothers of the two, of whom there were in all eight, now attacked the doctor and killed him. This is only one more of the ten thousand multiplied scenes of enormity wnich that fell curse', gambling, has en tailed. Gambling and driuking, convert men from men into bloood-thirsty hyenas, and stain our race with foul mihdeeds lliet would disgrace a fiend. Texas Union.' ' ' '' ' BOOK FARMING WHAT IS JTJ The editor of the Quarterly Journal answers this question ss follows: ,.'-.'- f Book farming, we know, isnot in favor with, many farmers, otherwise we should find admit-, tance into every farmer's library, and every far mer (in Scotland) ha a library. But though we know, and therefore admit, that no man can be made a farmer by book, we cannot admit that the best farmer cannot, may not at time, find useful. l.'nt. In Iuu.1t TU kul f.. . 1 every article of practice that is followed in every part of the country ; and as most practice! are discovered by what is called chance or accident, it isclearthat the discovery cannot generally be made known until it is disseminated abroad, A farmer who travels, appreciates the information, which he recceived in conversation villi furmsrs, and by observation of field labor, Such a farmer possesses advantages over bim who always re-, mains at home,, that is, withiu the circle of bis markets. . Now the object of an agricultural book. ana particularly oi a .agricultural geriouicai worl; is, at stated limes, lo carry hint, suggestions discoveries, important or unimportant, to the home of the farmer, that he who loves to stay at home, may possess the advantages of him who travels abroad, and that he who travel abroad may com pare what be ha seen with what he reads, and decide which practice is best suited to hi particu lar purpose j or perils p whe comparing the hints of other,he may himself discover a practice supe rior to them all. In this manner a good agricuU tural work la the means of disseminating through, the country practices which would be' confined to, the district which gave ihem birth. Its principal aim should be a good work, that Is, replete wtthj suggestions of good souse, and with confirinatio,. of experience. The collection and presentation of theje desiderata, is altondcd with much IrouMo, and expense, and unless the labor Is appreciated! and encouraged, It is impossible to i s the means to c 'llect the most valuable kind of 'information, for presentation. ' '''" " ' ' ' ' The London jounala slto : Among (lie fashion able otiWrKir costumes suiia.uo ror young me csk we may dt scribe the following i Grey silk dress,, the frmt ornamented wlih passementerie.'' Mante let of the, same, trimmed with narrow pinked frnV. A draw n Xonnct of pink or blue silk, Willi a riw rucheof white tulle at the edge. ' Boofs'i.f cashmere, the color of the dress, tlpjied with black. Dark blue pamsof. Dress of glace sitk,h!ue-bliict shaded with silver grey, "Mariielil of black silk, trimmed with pinked trills. ' A straw bohiii't' trim med with white rllilim. I Bl ick eailiiu't rq " bco:.", . tijt -'.'! g .i Ijyierv ''

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