-A HALEIGn. II. 0. WEDNESDAYi SEPT: 26. 1033. VOL. X2I2 NO- 7 TOM THOMAS J. lEMATi DITok awp rgormiKTQK. IrMmrrtf-. ' dollars la-anneo-on Ww- live fcate will W ,. ,.r ibo siaouBt of the jwl . :.. tk For very "eT,, . i. - J tvlii "ret M.Mwt"". on dollar i rT Th advertisements of Clerks and Sheriffs Hill be b-Mecl P" '" n Juliioa of i Pr cent, will he made from h l-Miw sdvrtisr r yr- jYters to the KJitor nmsl bo yoBl-paHT. TUE FAK-nEH'S ADVOCATE, ;ifiiinncous Itenorfer. J.rUftllure, Jjittraturi, Science, yf chamt'il drte, Ihe cnntry't t ami the .. T itvy, and 1 1 Wirhfc,n'mmblene rietT of ne. .'' uernwiMl,HWiihd Ihrouglioul th JZnUfrim th diMWHf .pf Uwrtia (i it nbviom to ry ralioul ml r L;,. mind, hl IIib conductort of IhoM !() rftfl. ' " r'h''7 (tuided, Ihote luli7 ipformmnn, lie been Coo generally tt' titA Sj MT moiitn and itml piliitul coiilritl fecn epried to lucli in ilarminiF rxlent, M te(firo"n ,,,e titoliilii)n f nur anble in nil u ,.1! a,d tubjreK rcUlinK to ARi'lraltura, Lil araiarr, Seienw, afl the Mecbanieal Arta; tbnae aalMali iramedijlf l)r eonnc(d with oo beat yurnt, ind which would eeoulljr plaecat ia a independent litualioo, b meaaunbl; re piawd nnnolicol. tutted, therefor by Ihete viewa, the tub iir tr ' publithiat in Jameatuwn, N. i', t acriodieal under, and aom porting with Hie abon tltlei in tbe axceution of which, he detixt itltw6rl place, to ate all laudable eiertiout in aroMrinx and diaaeminiiine praetieal iiifornia lioa, etwnlial to the HilereMt, and calculated to ittrraie the dignity of the farmer. SeaMHily Kdoeaiion, and the literary Inililu tttMof Ihe country, will find in hit columntt etratand Irlendly tuppnrt. ThiHtt." Seiener, nd the Meehenteal Art, will alto be tulijeett of ditcuttion. Bad intaruibly rMcite a liberal thare of attention. Fonrilily. Due attention will be paid to iub jecti ealMlated to promote Ike cause of vinae end religion. Fifthly. A briel notice will alto be taken of pauing event t. of an impirtanC and interfiling nature, both foreign and domettict excluding ill polnieil toa'ettt, and tuhjectt calculated to ere 1 J 7 .... . . 1 HI a sparea, to renner j the Adroeal a valuable and intereatinr viaiter in ftrr taruilf , awl In every virtuooa and intelli gent clan of the community. In order therefore, the more effectually to pedtreute our piirpnae, we reapeetlully tolicit ll.e (rienillv aid of every intelligent farmer, M' ikuiie, literary and acienlifia gentlemen, who mtj have talent and inclination, to communicate to ai tiieh diacoveriet and praetieal hinti, on tnliji-tti within nur province, at mtv enrich our eotamnt, and by a reciprocal interehange of tlioagbtt, become a valuable lource of inlorma lion. Commiinientiont alto on tubjecta either Belig iout or Moral, will be thankfully received. TERMS. The Advocate will be -publiihed in monthly amlirrt, eontiiting of thirty-two oetaeo paget, twoilmtt) neatly primed, on good paper, fold. cAmd Hitched, and promptly mailed to aubecri Verif nwking in a year, a neat volume of SM pa pt, and lurnithed with title page and index, at l ,23 per year, in advance. ' Any pertoa by forwarding $10, free from ttinrge, will be entitled to ten copies. In tnnteqnenee of the difficulties and lottet, hnu-itM) attending the aollection of amall tumi at t ilittaaee, nn order for the paper will be at. t'O'leil to, until the tubtcriplion price la forward ed, nrthe payment secured by some know re tpftmible person. All lettera, cnmmunleationt, he to the publith er, aw it some free from pottage, or .they can not be attended to. t Aa we intend commencing the publication Some time ia the month of Augutt nest, all per mm holding sobseriptiona are requested to lor etrd thenrtt early at ponible. AH eiliiors favorable to our ileiigns, and thnae bt any feel diapnte1,lo exahnnge with us. Will si favor by giving our pnaieeus an inter- ima. j u sttEittnuui'. Jsmetlnwn, N C. June, H.18. 48 Souihern Literary Messenger. AW itrmt for the pmeni Volume only. In anntrqueoee nt repealed spplienticatioas lor tk Miiiswokb for a lu peripd than an cd it year, Ihe ruhlither haa cnucluiled to alter the eonrti'inni, fr tht prtient year nly, so tir s is resrive new suhsuibert for the remainder st thu volume to commence'' with either the ttay or July number : the iioht numbers will on 34 ; th tin numbcrt, or half year, The lieav riMm. which ihe nublieatioa ol lae Metsenger in its-present style renders una- wniuie, ano the with of the rropnetor sun BMlherio improve it, maket it abtolotely neees sarv that he should hereafter receive all subserip tioni mvaiiablv in advance. Appeal afier appeal ht been made to delin- saestt, stid still ninny withhold Iheir just duel. "nj inn it so, cannot be conceived, since it is Btknoelcdged, on all hands, that the Yiit(Qia J rielily onh the amount charged for it t no hnter evidence of which need be mentioned than the but that the subscription price ia known, ae been Ireoucntlv nsiil lor old volumes. hesvy draflt have recently been made on ?' 'Pnaloe, for expenwi incurred in establiih r Mil conducting the MxHtKiQER, it ia hoped, rwnssritiers who are still in arrears, will ; -"""ssawaij hand in or remit the amounts Ihey i"lllllv owe 1 shi.k ll...n.k .m.ll ah.. eodderei separately, yt, taken in the aggregate frefle,rt t,n Bmoont of sontiderable irapoiianse. "et, il'siie An the amount due bins could be "tased, th Proprietor would be enabled todit it? CTrT claim against hit publication at onset IJV0'' b would bring out the next volume w tbe Mrsaenger in a new dress, and improve it r"'"" respects. " of Irsnsmitting tubseriptiovi by msil, Z h .M,e" hy the Proprietor. But every . . "r nws transmitting payment, la request ed 'besides tab in. V..J li .v.. c. J t rsvtwai niiusiv vm '" bsbvb) IT; w "Bailing ,) to retain a memorandum of 7L ou pnrtatnlar marks of the note sent. .ADVERTISEnENT. la impossibility of carrying on the Watch vjm ae aonnuMcq while absent ea Jw'iBg expeditions, and Ihe impossibility of .-. winww tn isrg amotsot due me M years of labor, bsv determined me to entbs establishment at the end of the present 1W- The subscription lis) is about 800, and imYm tbe i- b printing .nd adver. 7 for at least five hundred dollars a lf . lntletnan of talents and a sound whig Mil have ihe nanr . ik. : i . ? I .... "" hhciii avriH- 1 'j mvywmmm rraucaieq. laly.,,,OJONr-8'MkP-- . . COMMITTED o in Jail in Richmond county, N. C. on the M.I . "e,tro m,n " himself Tom. " reel 10 mehes high, tlender built, da. k TTP eimn, and about 4 1 ,Mr, ,,e. ,lui MM s Moo,, to James Hsrper, of Pbm field district. - . ... .nr h reqaested to tnm forward r- property, pnj sJnwees, an I t.ke him away. a. II. ObVUCUKx, Jailor. 38 it Commlni Baslaess AT HEITDEIISO The BMheariber bviog i at ally locate uiimn. iwu nun walk of l.h.lk LaeeL will attend te Ik receiving, forwarding, Odd Betllng 7" f II kind of produe that nsay b eontigaect te""? ..J iu . ro. ik. 1j . . reaoeetfu am, w-t par rar we nroooce that aaav emruateatobiteare, at b offieeat Hendcraon. aa nut at a return eaa be had( or will cnake liberal adaanart oa reaiBM wbea required. He witl alaa-Mtemi to tbe lur anting el metv ahawlrae that maf lat tba Railroad at Ha- ilerann, Kront hit etlrni!e eqnaintanea to both (ho oootry and Northern wrkeu, be Palter bias. aett tlwi hi aatantage m butmeu will net be transcended, ilia particular and andirided at teattoB may he relied oo. D. t. YOUNG, , STttrota Mjob, HilUboro'. ReferetiMC A Hiciia I Smiti, Milton. t,STrni M. Dickiki, Knxboro. llendertoa, Cranvitl Co. N.c.uly 6, IMS, thtt separation of government from ? ' banVl and the eitabliahment of an in Raleigh Reginer till forbid. O . E. Y. dependent Treasurr. and oDosed to t OUR YEAR OLD .OnONOKA. TOBACCO tFor Sale at BROWN k SNOW'S, SO 4w Sept. ia, ms OEIVER4L OKDEItS. Head Quarters, 7 WtaBixTox, N. U. July 18, 1838. J Ofpeera eommanding the different Regiment comprising the 7ili Division N. C. Militia: You are heitbj notified and commanded to have your regiment, formed on the u.UHl ground on ihe fnllowinr riavs and olacet. aamelv! I"ha Jil.! Regiment, in Loui.burg. on S.i.inl.y (he iWn.l September The 35. h and 3tb Krgimenta in lialloh nn MnnH.. thm oiih i i,. iw.,i Kegiment in Naahv.lle.nn VV eduetday the 86th. n-. i in mi nefimrm n nnujeri, in r.ngccomiie nty.Oflid.yttSSih. pihitegimeel in the town of TarborouKkTnSaturday the Oih of September next. Tbe u.h Regiment in ihe town of w iiiitmtton, on MomiavKthe ut Oeiober. The Kth Regiment in Jacfcinn. on ISr . -I I .1 . a.. I eiv o t.l .r.L 1 The loth Regiment in JW..n. on it rfJuewT ne aru. i ne iwn mm rjtn neci mem. in .he town oi H.iif.,. on Th.rsd.y th. 4th. And the 83rd Regiment m the town ol Warrenton, onS.lurd.y the Gth ol October neat. The eommittioned offieera and muiiciani of each regiment mutt be drilled on d., . preceding 1... f tm aat.anBlit In lawa anil mililiuw .i c : I : ... l. M " ii"i u w - . aitcipune. Hy order of General M T. HAWKINS. SAM'L K. FHILLU'S, Aid. f July 18, 1838. 31 State of North Carolina, ISash Lountt. Jn Equity March Term, 1838 Charity Uolliut, "I vs I Petition lor divorce and David Collins and Alimony Kennel Collins. J It appearing to Ihe aatisfaetion ol th Court, that the defendant, Davitl Collins, it not an in. habitant ol thu State, It it therefore ordered b by the Court that publication be made in the Raleigh Star and Roanoke Advocate tor three months, with lea to take testimony and U it ordered by the Court that advertisement be lorther made, that notice left at the last residence ol ihe-drlend-snt David Collins, be tufficeot notice as lo him of taking deposition. 3i 3m, JNO. H. DRAKK, Jr. C. MfV.. LUMBER FOB SALEX The Subssriber has now oo hand, st his Mills, (late Blake't) 17 miles East of Raleigh, 100,000 feet of ehoiee Lumber, of every deteriplion. tawed out of Long Leaf Pine, th peculiar ex cellence of which it too well known lo need any pun. rertont desiring to purchase ill please make application to Mr. William Peck, Raleigh, or to Henry Morton, at tlie .Mint ilswii'lbe$iperhundredl15',Jn in joining with you and them 1 he price at the M i hot, if a large quantity be bought, even less than that will be lakea. PETER FOSTER, Wnkeeo., May 31, 1838 Si tf ftjhocco Land for Sale. The subscriher being ahoat tn remove to Mississippi, often hi present resilience lor (ale. It is on the Stage rosd 10 miles from Warrenton, If from Lou Hhurg, and three from th Shocco Springs, and eontaina 800 acres at guod land-.- A a healthy and pleasant residence it has bat few quals. JAMES GORDON, Sept. 8, list 38 4w DAXCIIVO SCIIOOI- 1 Dions. Ponce M. Nitchtern - Resiwetlully inlorms the eitizeos of Raleigh and its vicinity, that he will return in October next, to open schools gain, and return tbe ex. ereise.. Jane SO 88 If K. , COACHES, BAIKOUCIIES A1VD BCGUIES. The Subscriber has oa band an assortment el the above Carriages. Some very richly (nished, which will, be thinks, btinr a comparison with say manufsctured elsewhere. The work is war ranted to be taithfully executed, and wlilbe sold a aa favorable terms as ean be snoriled . T hose wi thing to supply themselves, will please call and iuJg for tbeiasclve. J ' 1 HOS. COBBS. Raleigh, May Si, IS38 If 17JVI0.V HOTEL FOR SALE. llring desirous of removing to lbs West, th subscriber oners lor sale the Valuable Hotel, now occupied by him. It ia aitnated in tbe City of Raleich, on the comer of Morgan street, and sooth east of Ihe public square. The hoes i lerre. and is smply provided wnh rooms and fire places and the other-aeeommodatioiis are quite convenient. 1 ne eoamgan7 w inn notei to in Capitol, its ample aacommodaikms, and tbe ins. prvwmrntl which are progressing mi Raleigb, render it a desirable itahd te those who mar wish to enraee ia suck an enterprise. The hotel was lormerlv owned bT Mr. BUteWord. If the per. chaser desir it, he csa have all tbe stock and for. nkare on band, and immediate poisetston. ALEX. MORI'HIS. . Raleigh, Sept. It, 1838. 39 tf Application will be made to the nest (rneral Assembly for an ael Is emancipate Tom, tote the -property of Mis. Bsrsb Mitchell cf Wakeeouoiy. Seilrmr 11, 1838. J 4tp Earthenware, China and Glass. TXo J, Barm, Tmprtrr, '' 9 3IHLLI,nCW YORK, T - : . . " - , be (old; the country trade, wpen the atott terra a. I a aueatum of Mrcbatcra ia twpeetfully aolkited, with the bop of being able itemim Mwsiacimvi m rrerj parjarurar. te York, July $1, 1131.., JJ Iw na.riecsTo.vs letter. " Columbia. Son. id. lg.lft. Tt CtL B, tU CawoVjra, Cha'n. Ca . t Dear Sir: l atve had tht honor of receiving joar letter, of the 6th alt. in which, u Chairman of a com jiittre of arrangements, joo inform me that the Republican and State Rirhta cit izen! of Richland district, in favor of the eitaoHnhment of a National Bank, and the advancement of the Fetleral partr to power being anxious to be ! further enlighened by a discusssion of j those principles propose giving a bar I becue dinner at this place, on the 8th of next month, in honor of oar two Sen . a tors and immediate Representative in , Congress, whn we may have the ben ! efU o hearing them on those impor tant and agitating subjects. The committee, therefore. on be- liail ll ICUHUIIblll 1 Ci 1VIKIIII citizens of the district resnectlullr ' " .k-. lif V i I k inn tir in hili.va I am ' . f thm . ; w ' . j -...v. am thus unilprl with m V rollrnvu in thn Senate and our imrtiei ale Rimre. - -.j r- Re pre .,.i;., ,., 1 ,u , highly this lionoraole te8timonir, in- fsrach as it is apparent from the tlef- as it is apparent from the . l-l r .i.. : : '""." P-m..., inmon w men jwu pw ol uie pnnci bfvI Aa nf ahe vail ridainvnalo an tl.a DA iita ui nun j uu u-rnttiiiaic as mv j-c- . publican and State Rights Party, that ,l . i;,:..i ki;ffV. ... Jhere H.,t,C' U,Brence on, ome important points between me and those whom you represeut, as I know there " . is between me and those with whom you have done me the honor to asso- ciatetne. Those who offer the testi- ..i k . .i w :. -...i UIUUIV1I, 11IU IIIVOV IW TI IIW1I1 II IV UI1CICU eiir n in vbcii -ai c ui iuc Bailie im I - That I am thus remembered I U T I H 1 1 1 1 thus associated is a source ( the high est gratification tome, for I regard it .i :-i tr br.n citizen of Richland districtof the personal kindness I have ilays re- . i,.,i. . j i. tt,- ceived af their hands -and df their generous disposition, notwithstanding a difference ot political opinion, to bea this public testimony tq the" purity tf i..: i .A i.- mm iiuLiirrr lariiai iirutii irum hit istiiuw . iii y iiiuuvca biiu uicicuy iu icuuae n .f i.. ..a , , i . . e me laiBt? auu niaiiKiiaiii. aiBijvjiBiuiiB Ol lL i - i- t. ... .ii tnoae n..o uo no, anow me .. we. a. "'""V""6 too same jusi auu canuiu juuiriiicni. , . . ., . r , . ur - -L banks, and by the imposition of proper I repeat it, sir, that I receive with penalties. Banking institututions by pride and pleasure, the proof of kind- univer,a consent, are the cheapest, ness implied in your thns associating .afetest. and most convenient agencies me with those to whom your political for the custorfrSnd transfer of the pub sympathies and appropriation are ri- lie mnnnv. Kv.rrmtn who ha. ,n,..,v inacommon iestivai.i snoaia rejoice by his own conduct, in regard to his in sn occasion of showing that, like own afrytrg. jo effect these objects, those you represent, I am incapable of 9 one 0f t)ie purpoael 0f their creation; of making political differences cause of anj t,e- ,ra, therefore organized to ol personal alienation; orthaileould aCcompliah them by the most skilful for a moment consider my principles, adaptation of means. Large resources compromised, by accepting your civiiWg;TC Ahtm a more extended credit than ty. In dectinmgrfherefore, to attend fn general belongs to individuals, i your Barbeeue,I am luQuenced by very anj ,t one ma1cM ,nem mon efficient different considerations, I have already agentl, in the transaction of exchanges, beeiLpresenf at such a meeting, yerj arid ntore-responsIbleTToT the fulfilment Bttmereasly itttdeb an parties in mis oistnct, wnen mail " ur ui Buuinniiii iiij perlect unreserve: and now understan'- ding that our immediate represents- (ve U the only member of Congress likely to be present, I am inclined to allow him the same unchecked communi. cauoa witn nia cniiBiiiueiiiei niiii s iiiaT be permi tied to siy that I acquiesce in 4 t-aa aMH a aa 4tiaa mnra ft mi 1 1 1 V 1 III V v, vu t Db l a t IIIUI V 1 V. s v s a w aa wauvn in Order, that I may not seem to be drawn into a , canvass in this district. Which would be inconsistent with toy position, and add to an excitement, which I would much rather allay. . As, however, - yon have intimated that my fellow citizens desire tag hav rrty views, I will briefly set down such as are suggested by the opinions which Sou attribute to the "Republican Sfate .ishts citizens" whom you repre sent i.i mr- ' With many of them I am happy to say I coincide, and will", before Icon elude, point out this coincidence, but I take up at first the less pleasing task of slating tbe points on which we dif- ier. In thj first pi ice,, then, yon say that "the Republican State Rights party" is in favor of an independent Treasury. In this it is utterly out of my power to concur with them I am opposed to ad Independent and in favor ol a Depen ded' treasury: dependent for its or ganization and controul upon the law of the land; dependent for its conduct sml administration upon scents as much removed as possible from exec utive control dependent upon all the circumstances upon whith the general prosperity of the country depends; de pendant lor its health and vigor, upon the health and vigour of the commu nity; operated upon, influenced and controuled by all the great causes which affect the accumulation and distribution of public wealth; deprn- J Jant upon the jiate of the country, and indicating its condition with ai" deli-: cite a sensitiveness as the Thermome-' ter does the state of the atmosphere; de.peadeotiqwjJLibAgr of Commerce and Agriculture; in a word, I would have the Federal Treat- ery identical with and absolutely de- pendant opoq the common destiny; so lemnly believinjr that to put it on a distinct footing, would tend more to consolidate the gen. government and ' seauce 11 it into : uespotism, than annuo not participate. Does the Govern. measure that has ever been propos ed. The Republican State Rights par- ty," is aiso in uvor nt a separation ut ment better than the people r Are Up government from banks. If bv this irfiniercst anl success more to be consul ts meant that the executive ot the u-tted than theirs? Is the Government to ..:-jOi--L.. iii I . i r nii i uiie-u oiates sntmtu ue uepnveu ui an influence or control over these ttutitu- tions which might be abuseJ fur politi cal and purly purposes, I fully concur in such an opinion; for a ssi experi ence has admonished the country that !the part in power at all events is not to bu trusted with the use ot such in nueiices:nor would I be Unwilling to see the money of the government kept a part from the business of the Hunks in such a way is not to be used for Hank ing purposes. If we could promise ourselves that the expenditure of the iriivarnmanr anil Willi it Him rvimi , , . ' ' ' , ' " . ', icouiuoe reuueeu to an economical , ,. 1 f n? ?reat "JurJ CHul J rcsu,t f,:,,m ther of these Sources; lor the few million of government money on hand St Ony one time. Would not be sudi- - Jg - . t- couer mucU cxecuti ve -..-... v patron ...... u l.l ; .i:......u ""u,u R'w exirill llie tiruiinry oailMlIX OIKT4 1 tons. . ' nowef.inePPP'Ytni01 V'"."18 "lo of uolUrs at Ihe last session ot (Jonsress, notwithstan(lmr , . ,Ubl . . . " P;P"i raising me money, warns us that as Ions as our present rulers are ! nower rJul.toa UF ex. !.. J ' . i Pen.!,tiu1re is impossible, it woul.l be l at SI aJ Talaa in f It A n irO m A n Ilia tr"8UrI . 6rd agatnst the mixing ftj6 Pf l,e. fund w.Ul? iU of ,l,er bgriks, thereby authorizing; the use of t. I I . t .Wit mem, at au niutii uaun. taiiuai. t lie Hma. ... . 1 . ..... . M ...... iiiBiuuiccu vit. iuc iircvcuii'Ml ui ri ecutive patronage, may be effected by - " . a law tlenninz what banks shall ue us- . , " ed, either by express designation, or Dr 8ner", "cnPt,onJ ,or am- & ' aS ' ? ,,r,?ed blh! States in their fiscal opera '.inns, or are UBr,ntiej b- ,he p,eje of 8te f,ith. d h ,. , ., r.. K !. n . l,ott f tho Coymnt' W.aT b wbtained by. express Btipula- i - . w. - m. ,i c .if i r r i i tions, the faitnlul performance of which j l ... . r maybe secured by a requisition of - h, ffi . , ,tf;t of le c0 business of the selectee dealings, practically sXahlUlies this. eminently true, is constructed out of them, is no more conclusive against ih - m. tha il,. hi.kinr ot an .no-inn js again.t ,j,e U8e 0f wo01 hn& rou. But, Sif, while I should adopt, as a mattter of exoediencv and convenience. the nse of hank ancr. aelecled -oh agency, 10m. o-.nrral nrincinl.. so as to ex 9 cu,e Exefutive patr natronase, in prefer- .nr. to that nf nftireaat the Prraulrnt'a Wl( anfj ( our nwn jH-,ir experience shows usj down tojvilhge postmasters, devoting themselves to electioneering lor the dispenser or their bread, I do not rearard the tprestioo as to what sort of agency shall be used to keep and transier me puuuc luntis, as or- sum cient magnitude to produce any very intense interest, or at all comparable in it consequences to the proposition that the Government shall exact in all its dues, gold i.nd silver, to the ex clusion of the notes ot specie paying banks. I cannot conceive of anything more preposterous and revolting, than that the Government should have on cur rency and the People another. Uutil the present period of intrepid specula lion, such a notion has never been a vowed, much less been acted upon, in the'whole historry of the world. No Government, barbarous or civilized, has ever pretended to separate its cur rency from that of its citizens or sub jects.. Such a project would have been considered equally preposterous and dangerous,' even in those times when government was regared as some thing self-existent,- independent of Jhe People, belonging to a superior and privileged race, and having rights ami interest in opposition to thoe of the community at large. Whst, then, should be thought of it when Govern ment is understood to be but an .-etna-nation from the people, and the govern ors but their servants? . It is admitted on all iiands, that there cannot be in this xoun try an ex elusive specie circulation. Paper cred it it our currency, and its destruction most Infuriated partisans of the new theories of finance. 'Their declared object is to leave all the vast moneyed transactions of tocietr to be conducted by naner. while the Federal Govern ment is to protect itself by the use of a peculiar medium, in which the citizens ment wit'idraw itself from the curren crof the country because it it not guuu ruiiun tut ur ii ini fttent better than the people? Govern nsve one interest aim the reople an- other? shown bv the last fortv veara' experience of the Uovermneut, during winch tune banks in some form nt other, have been its fiscal airentst Mr Wootlburry himself declaring that the treasury n.is lust less oy ; , tnem iav this long genes ot transaclions, thin by the defalcation of otic -single individu al; and now that the batiks have re resumed specie iiayinctits, and have silr need the unmeaning clamors ol political partisans, it i ascertained that the Govtvrnmviit has lost very lit tle by its connexion with thus insti tutions. The temporary suspension ol specie payments having .ceased, and the lortunate tletcat ol the Independent Treasury" having restarted credit, and renewed the general prosperity, these institutions are anin performing their regular functions, and proving, by a more earlv anil tl-ctstve recovery than ihe most tiTtgrtine hatl -calculated oi, how worthy they are of public con- mience. It is said that the plan of using State banks as the agents of government has failed, and that it is madness to try it azain. If this be true to the uttermost extent, the State bank system ha, in common with every thing else, failed in the hands of the present Adtninistra- ,3. . . I . .1 Every' experiment, rnndm ind non. bv such men, is doomed to inevitable failure. If the ue of the State banks turned out to be injurous, what was TheTresult of the sub-treasury system which succeeded it? Ever increasinj embarrassments and difficulties, till Congress decided that it should, not be continued. The hard money system was fried in in regard to the'public lands. Did it succeed? Was it approved? But how, and to what extent, has the use of State banks failed? Has the Gov eminent or the People lo,.t anything by the suspension of specie payments? un the contrary, that measure was wise and salutary, demanded br nub lie opinion at the lime, and vindicated by the result. Any failure that has taken place, has been the effect rather of mal -administration, than of the na ture of the instruments used, itktase of disaster, it is natural enough for the engineer to attribute the explosion the defects of the machine, rather lhan to his want of skill. There was un questionably, hot ever, erereat errors in the pet bank svstem, which ought to be altogether reformed. Hint the af fairs of the Government can be as well conducted as the alfairs of the people, by a judicious arrangement of the Stale banks, I tlo not at all doubt; and the fuliure of the machine 3hall the Gov ernment prosper while the tVopfeT suf- letT ljiesvjrejuestionswhicn ought to be answered. In my opfiiioS7"lTie' Government and the People should be bound up in the same destiny, for good or for evil; or, if we must discriminate, save the country, and let Ihe Govern ment perish. For my own p i t, I can perceive nothing- in the nature of things, or in our Constitution, which demands or authorizes this separation of the Government from the governed; but on the contrary, the whole spirit of our institutions is hostile to such a policy. Unquestionably the fiscal ar rangement of the General Government should be made to work as a portion of the financial machinery or the country. It is but a part of it, and should always be preserved in harmonious co-operation. - Instead of that, it is proposed it should revolve upon an axis of its own striking occasionally, and at certain points, upon the great complex machin ery which ia conducting all our affairs, in such a way as to isr and discompose it The result would be enternaf dis turbance and confusior, inconsistent with the well being of the country. It is very obvious that the channelsof circula tion being filled with bank bills,answer- ing all the purpose qfsociety .except the. single one of paying government duet, for which alone specie is competent, this article witl be used exclusively for that purpose. It witl cease to be mo ney, and become a : commodity . in which Government taxes are exacted. Its price, therefore, wilt fluctuate ac cording to that demand. Heavy in-, portations will make it dear; with light importations, it will became cheap; and this operation, it has been said by the advocates of the experiment, puts the banks in an antagonist relation to a large revenue. Unquestionably ' it does, by placing them in opposition to CTwmerce. A large commerce a laree commerce win produce a ruin upon them for specie to pay the duties, and thus a direct oppo sition to commerce is engendered. Now, unless commerce be considered an evil, and to cramp and' cripple it be a wise policy, this result is to be depc4texW f am warethatTnanr who regard the late embarrassment as the result of overtrading, are no, unwilling to a system of finance shall be adopted that will curb its excess, I think, sir, that we have struggled too long for an unfettered commerce ,to join now in a restrictive system; and ifjoe large a revenue result from our ""pros- perity, let us not destroy the pros per U ty, but reduce the revenue!,, , y Another obvious consequence which will result from the fluctuations of the value of spec'iB when it is made a tax, paying commodity, will bejhe distur bing influence upon the vafoe of , the paper circulation; for, although specie does not enter into the circulation with paper, yet it is the standard of its val ue, ami the change in . the -standard, vary the relation between it and palter, and thus effect the currency with uiiy tvaiuiig mutations. . . - These checks and difficulties in the way of commerce wi I, ol course, in jure the whole community, ; and wilt bear with a more deleterious energy on the commerce of the agricultural States. With us, it it comparatively feeble; we have just now taken ' it in hand to secure to ourselves a just par ticipaliiin in this iinportant braMch of- national industry: and the spirit to on dertake it, and the means to tecum, plish it, have both resulted ' from the removal of commercial embtrrassinenta by the reduction of the Tariff. 'Tltei embarrassments are oppressive in pro-' prt ion to th1 weakness :of Jh- com merce to which they operate. " I he: fixed rapital, the established habitudes, ,i.. r v . v...t.- ihv viiniui iimiiiuiiiiiis ui iievv svin, can survive a shock or sustain an op pression which would ruin Not folk or Charleston. It has been objected that under the' constitution the government has not the power tn receive lianK bills ,ln . pa ofd tment of its dues, or any thing but gi and silver. This motion has not gain ed much ground; for those who sug gest Wat the same time contended tint the government ha not only the right to receive nper money, but ' U create it.' Mi. McDuffie, In his very emphatic rejection of this novel hypoth. cms, asserts that the government might receive its dues 'in brickbats; ' and surely it would be di fault tt conceive that the receiving of this article , would confer Upon it the qualities of money tnioaao endow tua government with tnp, power ni regal at! ng tHe -aJ w-f , brick bat. To believe in . such a fi nantial transubstaiitiafuin ' would te quire a more devoted faith than has e vrryct been exacted by atiy. politictf papacy in this country. , . ', rr! If the policy of exacting , specie be . just, or any of the arguments used to ' maintain it be true, in regard to the general government, they are equally ppiwsiae-.tP the stale governments, and the experiment cart be most safety tried upon them.: Let the divorcer then, of bank and State, begin in the States, where ihe success and ". pheno mena nf the experiment upon the wealth and property of Uie country ,can be minutely watched. . ".o" " I will not trouble ysu, sir, with any observations on a proposition to create federal government paper,' as a perma nent medium for the . government or the neonle. Such a project will hard' tjrgitn fivera ltmga-trr-ntiiTen-tal paper is re. ..em be red; and having been tried by ", very modern govern ment, in every variety ut form, ; with al Way the same result of aTnost tni chievout deprecation, we mutt be to tally regardless of the lessons of ex perience, if we adopt it. There i tin exception, in the history of a thousand attempts to make paper a circulating medium, to its totul and ruinuuj fail ure. The reasons ia obvious; men will nt take in exchange for their proper ty, any thing but property, or what j represent it. - Government paper li neither the one nor the other; it rep, resents the will of the Legislature, and nothing more. - It has not what u es sential to currrency t-convertibili ty, Uence it destiny ha been uni form. ' 4 It i a characterutici and - to my mind a fearful, circumstance attending the new financial measures, and ' the, arguments brought to sustain them that they avowedly set all experience at defiance. They scorn induction reject facts and, abstracting u en tirely from our concrete existences propose to remodel society by the dei (ructions of and abstrus logic, and ; to subject the real affairs 'of life to the doubtful decision of polemical theses. It is, I think, safer, though a- test brilliant course, tn adhere,, to experi ence, and to take it for granted in pot. itics, as we do in nature. ' that what has happened always, will happen' a pn. i It gives me pleasure, - Sir, to turn from topics on which I apprehend there is a considerable difference of opinion between us, to others, on which. if we do not fully concur, there is at least less discrepancy. ; ';- t .i ; s Yomsy lhat the gentlemen whom, f oe repreariit are oppose'l to the establ ishment of a National ' Bank, 1 con cur with them. Sir. I believe such na Si i t - -- ' ' , u t , ' t f- 5 11 n f V. 4 i 4 -' . ,r-' . 4 : b n1 ' 1 .V- -t " "V- sHt.'-R-Jpr,"1''- --,,

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