PAGE SIX ■as hostess to ■den dub at night, March Beautiful pot dub presi dent, presided over the meeting and the devotional was given by Mrs. tig*- Carl Lockamy talked on “Booms You'll Love To Live In,” and Mrs. H. C. Warren on “Little Ideas You Can Use." Mrs. Lee served apple pie, ice cream, nuts and coffee to the twen '<ty Jbbree members present. The next meeting will be with Mrs.'Howard Jackson at her home in Brwtri mi April 1, at 8:00 o’clock Committees Named Far Junior-Senior Banquet Monday Committees were named Monday morning at the meeting of the junior class at Dunn High School. Committees were named by Junior class president, Douglas Overman, for the annual Junior-Senior Ban quet .and Dance which is to be held on May 16. The dance will be held in the Dunn Armory and the banquet in the new high school lunchroom. Sepnfete committees have been named for both affairs. Heading the general dance com-, mittefe is Becky Lee. Peggy Ruth Harfjgld is chairman of Decoration and serving on her committee are Sonny Carr, Exum Kirby, Faye God w}i}J3lenua Baas, and Pete Skinner. Sara Frances Thomas is in charge of the invitations with Betty Sue Russell, Velma Blackburn, Betty Caudle, and Florence Dawkins work ingjurith her. Serving on the com for securing hat-check girls are*Bhirley McLamb, Joe Andrews, and Guyton Smith. All of the preceding committees 'were for the dance; the following swefpr the banquet: General Ban ■** «gua£iChairman, Libby Raynor; com- Sylvia Edwards, Jo a nd Pat Lewis; Usher Committee, Betsy Lee and Frank . eambbell; serving Girls Committee, Irrfff T Jewell McLean, workers, Anne Byerly. Peggy Hawley, Betty Jean Barefoot, and Faye Monds. * • SEE GAMES FRIDAY Among those attending the Southern Conference games in Raleigh on Friday night between . State and George Washington and .'-ipiptand West Virginia, were Mr. -*?*Sj6ra. R. O. Ennis. Mr. and Mrs. ***jSZsawson, Mr. and lbs. Jerry '‘Sutter, and Mrs. Virginia Jones. ' VISIT IN LAGRANGE ) __ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dawson' aflkl RETURNS TO ELON ■ Stacy Johnson of Eton College returned to school Monday after- spending his spring l|- U ifiir, * -aSHsrjS’S*-* . • - -■ SL * Tin ■ * ■ " :»• *'. _■ ’ H aarni *«*» blimps B " 'll fc * It N* C, BI I ■' " ■II m m mm m tlOftTV Qfl(jj m m m ft€lltofltff|#*S I I VISITS PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jemlgan and daughter spent the weekend in farboro visiting her parents, ft. and Mrs. Clyde T. Conner. RESIDING IN NEW HOME * Mr. and Mrs- Sdwtn Stewart are now residing in t-ieir new home at 1103 West Broad Street. They moved there from 606 North Ellis Avenue. IN SCOTLAND NECK Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dickey and daughter spent the weekend in Scotland Neck visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Kitchen. VISIT IN PORTSMOUTH Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Stephens and son, Taylor Jr„ and Mrs. V. L. Stephens spent the week end in Porthsmouth, Va. SUFFERS FALL Mrs. W. H. Jernigan is in Dunn Hospital suffering from a fall and breaking her wrist Sunday. She will return to her home today or toworrow. VISITS IN DITTO Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jacksyr, of Durham were in Dunn for the week end visiting Mrs. L. B. Monds f.nd Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Jackson. IN WILMINGTON Mr. and Mrs. Ollen Jernigan and Janet, Mrs. Robert Jernigan and Rebecca Jo Bass were in Wilming ton yesterday visiting Mrs. J. E. Brooks. MRS. TAYLOR BETTER The condition of Mrs. Herbert Tavlor who underwent a major op eration at Duke Hospital is some what improved now. Lewis W. Lee and his mother, Mrs. H. A. Lee, visited Mrs. Thorn ton Cobb in Fayetteville Sunday afternoon. LODGE TO MEET There will be a regular meeting of Neill S. Stewart Masonic Lodge of Erwin, Tuesday evening, March 11, at 7:30 p. m. There will be work In the Master Mason Degree. Visit ing Masters Masons are cordially invited to attend. SGT. DAN BEASLEY HOME Bgt. Dan Beasley of Fort Camp bell, Kent., son of Mr. and Mrs. J„ E. Beasley of Benson is home on a fifteen day leave, Sgt. Beasley Snowfall” which took place at Enowfali” which took' place at Camp Drum. N. Y. Tentative or ders have been slated* for Sgt. Beasley to go to Alaska oh May 14. Linden News Mrs. Stewart Yaudie of Rich mond, Va.. was dinner guest of the d, Jk Sawyers Saturday night. Mra.'A. SET fiijphenson spent Flf day in Durham visiting her moth er.'T ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Claude Ferfeerson of Lemon Springs spent Sunday with the W. H. Bethunes Mrs.' Rachel Baggette of Way cross, Ga., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dawkins of Hickory spent the weekend with Mr. and ’Mrs. A. V. Dawkins. Miss Alice Armfield spent Sat urday in Concord. Mr. and Mrs. Jethro Steel. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Gay. of Zebulon visited the Wayne Colliers Sunday. Mrs. Jesse Byrd, Jeaae .Jr, and Catherine Neal Byrd spent Satur day In Fayetteville. Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Justice of Goldsboro visited the Lester Tuck ers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sawyer visit ed Mrs. Earl Williams Sunday in Angler. Mrs. John F. McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Jamek McLean and daughter. Mary Didrey of Lumberton. apent Sunday with the Jesse Byrds. Mrs. K. C. Raynor was hostess to the Linden Home Demonstration Club Wednesday afternoon. lire. Charles Collier presided. The minutes were read, roll called by Mrs. Edgar Raynor. Secretary. After the business wmina, Mrs. K. C. Raynor gave an interesting report on Health. Mrs. Douglas Haß_oh Milk Diet, Mrs. Robert Lee I A fashion show was conducted by the children showing the latest j spring dresses for^diildren.^Those ENNIS-IUCAS WEDDING HELD SUNDAY AT CHURCH IN ERWIN Oh Sunday afternoon at S o’clock In the Advent Christian Church in Erwin, Miss Shirley Ennis, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Darius Ennis and Raymond Lucas, ’son of Mrs. J. R. Vann and the late J. P. Lucas, were married in an impressive sin gle ring ceremony. The Rev. I. Clyde Shepard, pastor of the bride, was the officiating minister. For the wedding the church was beautifully decorated. SeVen branch ed candelabra were used on each side of the altar with floral bas kets of white gladioli and' greenery forming a background, before which the vows were exchanged. Prior to the ceremony, Miss Dor othy Norris, pianist, and Miss Betty Wren'Stancil and'Miss Katherine Stephenson of Dunn, soloists, pre sented a program of nuptial music Miss Stephenson sang "Through The Years.” and "My Hero,” and Miss Stancil sang “The Lord’s Pray er” as a benediction. The bride, given in rtiarriage by her father, wore a ballerina-length gown of light pink lace and net. The gown featured a brief bolero fashioned with long sleeves ending Chalybeate News By MRS. L. B. SMITH On Friday evening at 6:30 mem bers of the Womans Missionary So cieties of Chalybeate Springs and Neils Creek churches met in the Ladies Parlor at the Chalybeate Springs church for a study course , on Home Missions. Mrs. L. M. Woolweaver, wife of the pastor of 1 Antioch Churcji, taught “Crusades in Home Missions,” by Courts Red ford. Approximately fifty members of the combined societies were pres ent. During Intermission punch and 1 cookies were served. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Smith and Mrs. Ray L. Smith shopped in Ral ’ eigh'Saturday. Mrs. Elmer Puryear and son. Paul were guests Sunday of Mr. and . Mrs. Paul Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Coble of ■ Albermarle visited Mrs. Cobles’ pa : rents. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Smith ; on SundAy. Mrs. E. W. Smith and Mrs. L. B. Smith attended the County Coun cil of Home Demonstration Clubs, held at the Mt. Pisgah Community Building, on Monday afternoon. During th«* past week the mem bers of the Womans Missionary So ciety observed the Week of Prayer for Home Missions. The, meetings were held each evening At 7 .o'clock and an FHday afternoon -at -two o’- . dock.. r , . . On Monday the program was given by the Lottie Moon Circle. On Tuesday by the Gillespie Circle. Wednesday the Marjorie Spence Circle was in charge, on Thursday the-jFOy Fanner Circle. The Inga thering of the offering for Home ' Missions will be on the third Sun day morning in March. > Funeral services for Mrs. Estelle Stephenson were held Thursday In Raleigh and burial followed In Montlawn. Mrs. Stephenson was the farmer Estelle Smith, sister of Mrs. Ada Bradley of Kipling. A Study Course for Sunbeams was held at the Chalybeate Springs Church on Thursday evening. Mrs. L. B. Smith taught “The Farmer Twins” to a group of girls and boys. CHALYBEATE NEWS Bne Mrs. Roy L. Smith and children, Elaine and Buddy, spent the week end with Mrs. Smith’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Chase In LynChburr Virginia. Mr. and Mrs., Bernice Snipes and daughter, of Raleigh, spent . the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Snipes. Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Gregory of Angler, spent Sunday with Mrs. Gregory’s mother and-step-father, Mr. and Mrs. L B. Smith. * The Lottie Moon Circle of the W.M.B. will meet Thursday night, 7:30. at the home of Mrs. C. L. Dean. , The Gillespie Cirtsle of the W.M.B. will meet Thursday evening at 7:30 Marilyn Oainey. Dorothv Hall, Carol Collier and Susann Collier. , to V, > . h /• fs/’ .* liCNN, IV. C. - • - in a point over the hand. She car ried a white prayer book topped with a white prchld and showered with white carnations and satin streamers and fern. Miss Juditli Holmes was maid of honor. She wore an aqua ballerina length gown which featured a brief black bolero and black picture hat. She carried a nosegay of yellow roses, snapdragons and fern. The groom had as his best man Mr. Weldon Bass of Durham. Ush ers were Bobby Shepard and Stacy Wood. For her daughter’s wedding. Mrs. Ennis chose a lavender dress with white accessories. Her corsage was white carnations. The groom’s mo ther wore a navy blue suit with navy accessaries and her corsage was also of white carnations. Mrs. Lucas is attending Erwin High School and is a member of the Junior Class. Mr. Lucas graduated from Erwin High in 1950 and has since been with the U. S. Army. He is present ly stationed in San Diego, Calif. Immediately following the cere mony the couple left for a short wedding trip to unannounced points. with Mrs. Kenneth Smith. The Sunbeams will meet Friday afternoon at 3:30. at the church. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyle Clay were the week end guests of Mrs. Leila Clay. Mrs. J. F. Andrews and son Joe. visited Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Reeves, and Dr. and Mrs. J, Nor man Reeves in Maryland last week. Mrs. Ada Dupree is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. A. Matthews. Mrs. Minnie Smith spent Sunday with Mrs. R. A. Matthews. , The Home Demonstration Club meets with Mrs. Shelton Smith Fri day afternoon at'2:oo. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Albert Caviness are co hostesses. Mrs. Sidney Potter and son, Ro dell are visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Tutor and Mrs. LUlln Mangum. ~ Spring Preview ~ HOLDING A BOUQUET of carna tions, Miss J. P. O’Donnell heralds the coming of spring aad the opening of the 38th International Flower Show In New York City. A highlight planned for the en> hibttion win be A Wy-of-th*. ▼alley garden containing abowg 10,000 blooms. (International) ~ ~ .7 THEY MUST WEAR OR YOU GET A NEW PAIR! • t • ; ' • .. Irontoear )• i . •' ’ . ' Full Fashioned 51 Guaae Sheer NYLONS .* ‘ •-#- ( 1 *.• ■'•• ' , i •! v iNyyKik.'’ INSURED AGAINST RUNS . JH| REGARDLESS OF CAUSE ' M 1.49 pr m 7'- Br: ’ ife 'V -v. ; *I f. 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