(Lovit), Nor? h.l*. Cherry Th?t the Jot Beaufort r of May. 1109. . . t Of land which was V. Crawley and taxed for 1908. which it described as l3oun.ded. an ?t by the east proof Of North creek, on the north by another braneh of the said creek, called Bailey credit, on the oast by tha Livermau land, now owned J>y. W A Win field, on the south by t^e Pate 0? Foreman land, now owned by the John L. Roper Lumber Company. The time for redemption - of the said laip d will expire on the SQ day of Jlay. 1910. This 28th day of January, if 10. W. P. BAUGHAM. XOTIC K OK MOUT<lA<JK SAI,K Under an&. by virtue of the power of sale 'contained in a certain mort gage deed, dated March 21, 1907. given by Harvey Q. Hill and wife Ann Elisabeth Hill to P. G- Paul A Bro;, which was tbon a partnership, composed of said F. G. Paul and Hugh Paul; -which said mortgage is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, of Beaufort county in book 1 143. page 351. The undersigned, as 9 surviving partner of the firm of F. G. Paul &. Bro., 08 composed at that time and also as adminitstrator 6f F. G. Paul, deceased, will on Wednesday the id day of March, 1910, at 12 noon at the courthouso door in Beau fort county sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real I estate: Lying and befog in Beau- 1 fort cotinty, Chocowlnlty township,! and described as follows: Beginning, at Joseph. Cobb's and Dave Edwards' j corner, which corner stands on main road leading from the Jack Carrow -place t6 Chocowlnlty bridge, running ! iwards' line to a lightwood stump, which stands about five hun dred yards from said corner and near Bill Branch; thence from said light wood stump a northeasterly course a straight line; to the^Slx Mile Poet on main road leading" from Jack Car brow's place to Chocowlnlty Bridge; thence from said mile post a north easterly course to dividing line be tween Fowle, and said Paramour; thence with said dividing line to the beginning at Cobbs* snd Dave Ed wards' corner, containing fifty (50) scree of land. "" Terms of sale cash. This January 28, 1910. ? HUGH PACL. In his own right, and also as admln istrator of F. G. Paul, deceased. XOTICK OF HALE. North Carolina, Beaufort county. In the Superior court. v Chas. Swan._vs. R. B. Hopkins. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Clerk of the Superior court of Beaufort coun ty In the above entitled action, I, Geo. E. Ricks, sheriff of Beaufort county, will on Monday, the 7th day of March. 1910. at noon at the court house in said county, sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said execution, all the right, title and In terest which the said R. B. Hopkins, the defendant above named, has in the following described real estate, to- wit: First Tract In Richland town ship, Beaufort county, on the east . side, of 8outh Creek adjoining the lands of Henry Emery, and bounded as follows: Beginning In Little Creek at Henry Emery's corner an'd running with Emery's line to the main road leading from Aurora to Oregon; thence with. the main road 70~yarda to a stake, thence the course of the first line reversed to Little Creek, thence down ^Little Creek to the beginning .containing 5 acres In cluding all buildings and improve ments located off* said lands. Second Tract. Adjoining lands of Joseph Smith, Roper Bros, and oth ers, beginning at Burbage's Cross Roads, running with the Yeat4svtlle road to the James Bailey patent line, thence with the said line esatwardly ?to the N. E. corner, thente south* wardly to the North Creek road, thence westwardly with said road to the beginning containing 10 Acres more or less, being the same land conveyed by deed by J.- H. Burbage to R. B. .Hopkinn, recorded in book * 160, page lfrlMn the Register's office of Besufort county, whk!b deed is hereby referred- to as a more com plete description. . This the 27th day of January, 1910. Q BO. E. RICK8, Sheriff. ' Vaugha'n & Thompson, Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF HALF. By virtue of a decree of the 8u ?perlof court of Beaufcnt county this day entered in a special proceeding therein pending entitled T. K. Walk er and wife vs. Frank Cuthrell et al. which is hereby referred to. the ojj dot-signed commissioner] public apctlon. for i m bill il nr. at itie Miiirt,)umi? ilrai to Beaufort county, on Monday. Tth day of Alarch, 1910. at noon, for partition among the several tenants in common those certain tracts or parcel^ofland Cuthrell died seised sferred to. theuj^ ,1 o nwrg wilL-eeTTTat cdshto the high i't forget to get your Fire Insurance today. The third ?Urm may be at your SS door. IWM. BRAG AW & CO., IFlnt laiurmnce AfcVnt* In Washington. N. C. Our Friends ADVERTISE US PRICES HAVE BEEN SMASHED ON OFFICE DESKS We have a la rue assortment of Flat and Roll-Top Desk* on hand that, we are going to sell at great saving to the purchasers. If you contemplate buying a desk of any kind now is yonr chance to qare money. Remember we are the leaders in all kinds of Furniture and Home Supplies. SOUTHERN FURNITURE CO. g?g= If you wan f your full money's worth ?Let me tell you about the Maryland Casualty Company's Accident and Health Policies. . They are leaders. CARL D. PARKER General Insurance? Four Years' Experience. Havens-Small Building. 'Phone 85 We wish to announce that from now we can All your orders for Seed Irish Potatoes and Onion Sets at the lowest possible prices. j n . 4 The price for Onion Sets will be regularly 10c. per quart, while the potatoes will be sold at the lowest market prices.^ r JOS. F. TAYLOE Agent lor "TOWN TALK" FLOUR and Y *"*?? "MAXWELL HOrftK RU5ND" COFFEE. duly recorded In the Register's office of Beaufort county In Book 114, Page 237, which is hereby referred to. . 2. All that tract of land, contain ing 44 1-2 acres, more or less, con veyed by R. O. Caton and wife to said Ale* Cuthrell by deed dated Febru ary 7, 190a, duly recorded in said' Register's office In Book 120, Page| S52, which is hereby referred to, ad joining the lands of J. J. Edwards, Ada Mtchell, Warren and Calvin Tuten and others, and lying on the east aide of Durham's creek. 3. All that tract of land, containing i J. D. PurseV tract, conveyed- by J. D.| Purser to said Alex Cuthrell, adjoin ing the entry first above referred to and the lands of Thomas Caton, WW- 1 ren and Calvin Tuten and others..^ We reserve the right to sell the said lands either as a whole or in parcels, as may be deemed best on ? he date of sale. This January 25. 1910. W. A. THOMPSON. A. D. MACLEAN, Commissioners!. By virtue of the power or sale con tained In a certain deed of trust from J. W. Murry to W. C. Rodman, trus tee.'dat^d the 19th day of September, 1904, and dwly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Beaufort county, in book lSOj at page 232, the' dayof February, 1910, offer f<fc~<5}e at public auction, for caali, all ^Jliat certain tract or parcel of land, situ ate, lying *nd bflng In the county of All persona having claims against the partnership- of F. G. Paul Brother, which were in existence at the time of the death of F. O. Paul, which wa8 on December. 30, 1909, are "hereby notified *^o exhibit the same to Tillman Paul* surviving partner of said F. O. Paul & Brother, within twelve months from this date, or tbiB notice will be pleaded fn bar of their recovery. - All persons In debted to aald Arm are requested to make immediate settlement. This January 4. 1810. TIM, MAN PAUL. Surviving partner of F. O. Paul &| Brother. . NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of a decree of the Su perior court of Beaufort county, in an action entitled J. D-.-Prevatt vs. Mutual Machine Company and W. C. Rodman, the undersigned will on Monday Ujp 7th day of February. 1910, at 1,J o'clock, nOon, offer for ealp at pi&llc auction at the court house *ocir pf Beaufort bounty, a Certain automobile now in possession J ot tfao Mid Mutual pany. Terms of sale cash. This the 18th day of .1 W. C. tHHT to said Mlxon patent line, theoce with said line south 20 3-4 east 14 chains, to the beginning, containing 20 acres more or lees, being the same land described In the aforesaid deed of trust Terms of sale, cash. fhls the 6th day of Jaauary, 1910. W. C. RODMAN. Trustee. NOTICE. ? Personal Mention = Mr. Walter Jones left on tbe Atlan tic Coast Line train this morning on a business trip. S " ? ? Mies Neta Pugh, of Baltimore, was the gueat of Mlsa Mae Ayers last fefaa^if7 ' ? ,? , * m j Mrs. 8. C. Pegram left yesterday for South Creek where she will visit for a few days. ? ? Mr. Andrew Latham returned this morning from a business trip. ? ? Miss Alice Roberts, of Wilson, ar rived in the city this morning, and Is visiting Miss Reba Dumay on West Main street. ? ? Mr. T. Woodley, of Columbia, N. C., is visiting In the city today. ? ? Was Justice Served, Biograph drama; Master Goes Shopping, com edy; Three Celebrated Mountain Climbers, comedy; Fun With a Mani kin, comedy; The Witch and the Fairy, hsndcolored magic. Is the pro gram billed to be presented at the Gem theate^, tonight. I^ast evening thoee attending this theater wore simply carrfed away with the per formance. No finer array of films has ever been exhibited at the Gem. The orchestra was highly compli mented on their efforts. Their music I waslitgh class and up to date In every respect. The Gem Is certainly head quarters for those seeking pleasure and amusement in the evening hour. Those who attend are always pleased for ;the management leaves no stone unturned to fully repay those who patronize them. -MTF/AMKR' SHft UH IN PORT. Arrived pant Evening from Tarlioro For Freight, The steamer Shiloh arrived in the city last night from Tarboro. On ac count of the low water In Tar River the Shiloh has only made five tripe between Washington and Tarboro since last June. TO ORGANIZE AN ORCHESTRA All Interested Requested to Meet Friday Night. Tomorrow evening in the annex of the Methodist Church will be organ ised an orchestra for the Sunday school. The orchestra will be under the supervision and direction of Prof. Will E. Smith, so well known In our cttj. The orchestra bids fair to be quite a drawing card In that Sunday school. Efforts will be made to have the members in auoh shape as to be able to aid In the music this coming Sunday. All those interested sre urged to meet Professor Smith Fri day evening In the church annex to devise ways and means. The orches tra will He composed of bass violin, violins, comets, clarinets, trombone and other instruments. HUSBAND WISHING RINCFyWAR; . . ?v FOUND HIM CROPPING WOOD. WatJfeeb, Ind., Feb. 2. ? In a wood chopper at work near her home. Mrs. Albert Holly today recognized her husband, whom ahe had not seen since he marched away hh ^ soldier NEW ANNOUNCEMENT. I XL11 a candidate before the Democratic^ primaries .and the next Democratic District Co^entlon, for the nomination as 8oIVbitor of the fhrst Judicial District of this State. I request the support of all Demo crats. If nominated and elected I promise to discharge the duties of said office, fairly and impartially without. fear or tavev. February l. 1910. NORWOOD L. SIMMONS. PILES CURED AT HOME BY THE| ABSORPTION METHOD. If you sufrer from bleeding. Itch ing, blind, or protruding Plies, send me your address, and 1 will tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment^ and ^vlll also send come of this home treat ment free for trial, with referees from your own locality If requested. Immediate relief and permanent cuH assured. Send no 'money, but tell others of this ofTer. i Write today to Mrs. M. Summers, Box P, Notre Dame, led. Xc ? 1-4- ? I C El Professor J. Becker, of the Majestic Range, says CRYSTAL ICE will ten der your meats. 'Phone 83. Crystal Ice Co. ,126 Water Street. ? Washington, X. C. In the Civil War 47 years ago. She believed he was killed in battle and sold her home and moved away. He could not And her when he returned from the South and became $ wan dering carpenter. Mrs. Holly was married to James Stull a lew years after the war. For forty years they lived happily to gether. Stull was a inotorman here and ten months ago he was thrown from his car and killed. Holly and his wife are to be re marked. just as an evidence of good faith. . , Did you attend the Gaiety last night? If you did not, then the loss is yours. Large crowds were present and everyone left this popular plpce of amusement simply delighted with what they saw. No better program has ever been rendered in Washing ton. Tonight don't fall to witness Uluebeard. This picture is not a re peater, for it has just been made and is a decided improvement over any thing ever exhibited heretofore. There will be special features for the children and little tQlk tonight at the Gaiety. Mr. Brown, one of the proprietors of the Gaiety, is on the ground and is determined to give only the very best films in Washing ton. The Gaiety is a mecca and Its popularity is growing all the while. The performance this ^venlng prom 4#ee-4?-l>e a recard-bre^Jcer. Be aure. atul see it for it will be worth your wNlie. Remember the orchestra plays each night with a change of program. It Is'easy to raise a smile on a dimpled fare. A Dangerous Mistake Washington Mothers Should Not Neg lect Kidney Weuknest* In Children. Moat children have weak kidneys. The earlleet warulng is bed-vetting. Later comes backache, headache, languor. 'Tis a mistake to neglect these troubles. * To blame the child for its own dis tress. Seek to cure the kidneys ? Save the child from deadly kidney llss, Doar.'s Kidney Pills cure sick kid neys. Washington parents recommend them. Mrs. D. H. Whitley. 214 E. Fifth 8t.,' Washington. N. C-. says: "Our little 'daughter suffered from weak kidneys for a long lime. After exer cising, she had bul little control over the secretions and this trouble caused me a great deal of annoyance. We gave her many rented ies.- but nothing seemed to reach the seat of the trou ble. At last, reading about Doan'a Kidney Pills and being much Im pressed with what was s&ld about them, I procured a box for her at the Washington Drug Co. They did her more good than any other rem edy she had previously used, strengthening her kidneys, relieving the backaches and improving her health in every way." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name ? Doan's ? and take no other. x The Emergency Remedy 'Vlck's Croup and Pnuemonia Salve will save sickness and suffering nnd dollars. Get Tick's? the old reliable. . 20c. 50c and $1.00. Hello. 8tranger! Do you j live In Washington? Only here trying to buy a house ! and lot? Well I saw signs at Baker's Studio, drop up and get pictures of *ome nice * residences for sale. Costs you nothing; yoar wife may like It. DOGARf ' 'S Drug and Seed Store SPECIAL ATTENTION Is called to our line of MUSLIN UNDERWEAR for LADIES at all (triced. . Spencer Bros. Exclusive agents for Paris Patterns STOP Your Cough iritb SVRt'P WH1TK PINE ami TAR - A coupgh If allowed to run may result lu very serious sickness, so at first sign of hoarseness or tickle { in your throat take White Pine and Tar Couph Syrup. There's noth ing better for Coughs. ' Colds, Bronchial Affections aud Lung Trouble, safe, pleasant. euBy to take. Stops tickle at once. PRICE IMC. Washington Drug Company. THE GAIETY! Prcgrani Changed Daily TH E WO?NI)F;RFUL RLRO TRIC MAGNET. r - ? ? ' Till; M.AHQl KKAOMtK CHARITV. ? ? HEAR HI NT IN Kl'SHI.I. ? ? ni?r ebkard. Handcolored. Follow the Merry Crowd | from 6 to 11 ociocK ~~~ anicr) LIGHT * Burns 5_ Hours (or 1 cent's worth of Gas It takes 3 ?t:n4?ril ea'bon filament lamps to Rive a 50-candle power light. *ATitn electricity n ' 0 cents per thousand^ watts, thev burn 5 bonr*for _ 7H cents. In one month ?'7 'l C the cost it T~_J It takes 2 open flame pas tip* to fcive a 50 candlepnwer light \V?th pns i?t fl.ti>j*r * * thousand feet, they burn 5 > _ _ hours for 6 cents. In one C J QQ f month's time the co*;t is . It takes I Wetsbach Junior to give a ID-candle power livht. With gas at fl.uo i t-r thousand feet, it burna 5 hours for 1 cent. Ia one month's time ine cu?t 30 Cts. Almost unbelievBhl*. isn't it ? Ye* tb- proof of it is easy. Buy one WeNbach Junior Li>?ht mid te>*t every cbtcu made for it. Then equip your entire home. Y?u'll save tre mendously on vour lighting bids, aud have a cheerful,, soft, mellow asa perfect Don't Economize cn Light ? Economize on Lighting Bills The Welabach Junior Light ckq ?m? of burtic. mantle anr? ch nej. taS lnci>n? h<?h ?t??j .an be attached to any iu flxture. Coiuclettiy hidden hom vltw. C r.n L .? u*?1 *Ht , .irvt-ik irlobe ? km* or electric No *4 ne. tr*-nry. Picc, complete, in z be:;, " ccr.ts Manufaclure d tU ^"tisbaC'l t,OmpSTy * orwmjif ??vJ lerrrt t me ?>1nc r* at UkattOrrumi |u .^n i ' * l*? wortd WASHINGTON LIGHT & WATER CO. AN OVERCOAT WITHOUT FIT W LIKE SOUP WITHOUT 8AIJV A fellow feels uncomfortable, loefrj* uncomfortable and is uncomfortable when his outer garment doeen't per fectly fit his form, no matter wbat the rest of his apparel may be. Oor specialty In tailoring for men is flne flt overcoats, dress, walking and busi ness suits. 1 H. B. GOLDSTEIN* Washington's Ijoral Tailor. NEW Canned Tomatoes 3 CANS FQR *"'75c Phon* ?. L. ARCHBELL Speclfttties'Cigars and Tobacco.' Leary Bros.' Old Stand. INSURANCE that protects your life ? not in come only. Gowan's Preparation in the home insures against pneu monia, colds, croup, soreness in lnnga and throat bj destroying inflammation and congestion. p sternal and penetrating. All fl.fo, K)?.,8i*. U t v sure today. In the horaA, nothing like for croup., pneumonia. Price. 25e. HARDY'S DRUG STORE; P. S ? Goose Grease sold here also* Barbecue! Barbecue f. Do you want a nice piece of Barbecue like our fathers used to cook many years ago? If so 'phone 14?? we will have it day and (tight. We have a barbecue pit on Market street, between Eighth and Ninth streets, where you can go by and see it cooked bv one - who knows how to cook it, and hove served the tr?de for aimy yeaw. ? Now if yoa wit goo d barbecue, we have it, and 'E know I will treat you right, wagon passes your door every day loaded with everything good ?t ?

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