NESDAY AFTERNOON. 1CTNF.R-. mm. . ,. ';n WASHING' k'ft Club or Richmond, Va,. June t.' ? William H. white, prnMnloI the R.. F. and V. railway, today announced the com pel te enccaaa of (ha telephpne dla patching ayaUti Jaat placed In opera Mori between 1 Richmond and Waehlng ton. TeaU ahawad that the allchteai Whlnper can he heard orer the wire "The eyetem la quite diserent Iron the ordinary telephone aerrlco. Six ty-two paaaenger trains and thirty Irtlni irA handled dallv OlM - plect Sailor Suits, made of fine grade of English Reppe. Special at $5.50; this week for $3.98 I ? j ? > ? ?' One-piece Dresses, ot a fine grade Linene. Bul garian embroidery and lace I v yoke; this week $3.98 i A ? . ,?;* ? ! tt lv ?..4 l^BKiHbk&ijsXy Vilteii' SPECIAL. SAU^ OF LADIES' WASH SUITS AND DRESSES THIS WEEK Special lot ot Wflsti Suits, 'J slightly soiled, made o{ best grades, of Linene and $2.98 A tew extra Coats, slight X\ W; soiled, *1.5* vahie for 9?:.; $2.50 value for ] - m . '* H-sajs 1 ME '.VV^. ..- Jt * A .M*V- 1 CA big line' oft Lakes' W??h^ . nSP* deep 1(1 p'ice tQ mi Now ia the time you need tbat ' you can buy them bast "" See window display. . $ ..... j,t, ' /) - 1../5) J, *4 1 SY1VIA j MM left Monday mrfrnlng on the | Norfolk southern excaralon tor WU |?on. for the purpoee of eating th? cum of kail between Hot kj Mount and WItaon and to attend tke opera "Sylvia" presented thva by our local talent at tka Limia theater. Tke train 'left km about 11 o'clock and arrived at Wlkoa about i p. a.. Hop ping at every atalon along Ike Itne ?ad taking eta at each point qvUa 'a large auHtttr of people. kMH tWa cltr and Wilson. Much to the enjoyment of all. the Waehtugton Concert Band rendered .music all along tke roate. After ar riving at WUaoa the band marched down tka principal atreeu aad alar ad. Tfcey made twite a Ant wfcet^' ever tkay ? topped crowde of people voald'gatkar to bane tka One mnetc rendered by |kle well known mualcal orgnnlaatloa. One gentlaaan waa beard 4* remark that It w?a -The beat band that he had are* heard." ; Monday waa ?enaant day In WU aoa. aad tka paaaaat of 1???. woa by tke Wtlana team, waa laag to tke breeie while "Mile" waa re Die rod by our hand. The bandL alno placed eev-1 eral aelectloaa before (Olag to the ?Jalte a large aapaftpr. at our cltl tkeater. ! TCT- : *>jffCT'11 Uf "Betty" mad# . great Ut with the audience, being ipptauM fre quently. i *be pratty "Pamere" Daughter*" Were at their beet. and broeght forth conttmioue ??fcinda of kppkuic from the large an^ apprecia tive aedlenee. "The Cubaoola Ollde" proved to be" the hit of the aeeaoa., , The applauee continued until the en oere was reeponded to aany tlmee. "William" and "Do Lacey" were, ae uanal. equal to. the occaalon. and no better farmer ' oj court gentleman conld be fbond aniwhere. "Arabella" aiC'Mmta,'' lad lee of the court, called "forth pee la of laukhter , "Prince Tobbytum" warn the favorite of all, aad whenever he abowed him self upon the etage hewaa greeted with applauee. All Who attended the ?bow pronounced II the beat amateur performance they had ever wltaeeaed. Wllaon extended, greetlnga of wel come U' all vlgttora aad auatalned their uaual reputation aa on* of tha moat hoepl table towna la North Caro ltaa. All who were bo fortunate aa to be preaent In thTs thriving city lion day are anxiously awaiting the oppor tunity. of rapndhag flaalr vlalt. The train 'left Wlleon at .11. o'clock at Bight and arrived heraat t A-m. Fur aw yeara Mean haa rttsasSssa Ho tner. aor more typical type <* true Sonthern cltizenahlp Is to # be found within the border* of any com munity. Fair and lovely women' and hoapltaffty. dltlaaan of *e J. L5? prfrett type, aad othera, made the hearts 0j Waahlafftoa .m)ln ?!?*, aad It waa with ,the profonndeal gratitude that we can Mw extend tt) them the hearty crip of friendship! Hay they live Ions aad proeper. aad afford ua the opportunity at an earl J time of ahowlng oar gratitude In a more material way. STAVE MILL SOLD. The Atlantic Manufacturing and Stave Company's plant on Runyan'i Creek Wa a aold Monday, by H. C I Carter, receiver. Mr. Frank C. Kugler became the purchaser at 97,31ft. * The property aold Included the mill and all pereonal property. It brought full value and waa well aold. The liabilities will probably exceef the aaeeta by several thousand dol lar!. The News wishes for the new man agement auccess In lta venture. , f The real estate and timber of the concern was sol4 In New Bern ye* frday. ^ v SUPERIOR COURT Criminal M Dispoeed " * iito? .' 'SUte T?, June* Tbgmu, unult with deedlr weapon. Pleads guilty. ^amwra*.. Con Coatendro enured. ' Judgment suspended upon payment of COM*. SUM aa. James Uajrnor, col., car rying concealed weapon. .Heads guilty. .'Judgment euapended upon payment Of coats. - ? ? 8 late n Rick Fmmt. aaaault with deadly weapon. Nol proa. i Bute vi. mo eea Woodhouae. coL, larceny and. housebreaking; three aa***,- Sealenceg* to penitentiary tec I yWra for larceny; Judgment sue peadad aa to housebreaking. Bute va. Chaa. Barber, col.. Ur ceny. Plead entity. Sentenced to the penitentiary foe ? yea re. SUU>e. Chaa. Barber, ool.. aa aault with deadly weapon, carrying concealed weapaa. f. and a. and lar ceay. Plead guilty. Jadgment eva Ai^a . v Sut? re. Jaa. Moore. 1 f? eoL, nuis ance Nol pre* with leave. State ra. Katlld* 8heppard. col., disorderly bouae. Not guilty. BUM t*. Allen Grimes. col., lar ceny. Tried, guilty. eentenced to 1 year on ivmtj roada. Bute re. Will Burnett, col., lar eaay. Triad, guilty, aeatenced to ? months oa the ceaatr roada. Bute va. Jim IXgglna and Andrew Breakers, both colored, affray. Trtbd, guilty aa to Plgglas; Breakers not guilty. Dlgglne flaed 110 tad coau. SUte ra. AndnwJBreekers. Hoary Olarh. Wm. Joeee. tjennle Everett, an colored. ' gambling. Triad, all dTnllty. KUHasl Jtaea - peered - tor Judgment continued : defendant rffh ognlxed for hla appearance at October term. Henry Clark sentenced to SB day* on county roada, Andrew Break er* and borate Brerett aenteaeed to ?0 daya on coaaty roada. aule va. Jao. Perry, col., dleorder^ ly bouse. Not guilty. Bute ra, wm. Lee. col.; for murder of Peter Orlat. ' i ueBvencs hi ? - ? ?v.-- ? JXs \*\ Twewy lour now lm. \4* pjS- ' '***? ' ' HOURS (INSATISFAC FORY WiHirt Afim U?? l?-| It Wtishtagton u further from the lM?ge cities of this country today than | In recent years. The change til sche dule of the Norfoth southern makes all mall matter to and from this city twelve to twenty-four- hours later than before. The News Is In receipt of a letter from a nearby station com plaining of ths mall facilities. For Instance, a letter *ls mailed here to | night to be delivered to some person ? 9n a R;P. D. route from Chocowlnlty. 'say 'eight miles from this city. In ' stead of going to Chocowlnlty on1 the I night express It lays In the offlce here nntll tomorrow at 10:65 and reaches Chocowlnlty after nil R. F. D. car- 1 rlers are gone. It then remains In j the Chocowlnlty postoffloe until, next J day. requiring two days to deliver a ; letter eight miles away. Neither qf , the night tratAs carlfjr mall from this city. The ccfiMule should be changed or the trains required to transport the .'mkli: J . -- ' Ho.. June 7.? j*) M^rfeltlni plant, ? operation at the > (or twenty 7 ears, by Government In I. McHugh. Mold., Mia* and paraphe *tad *Hd two prls tfc ConfeMod having dollars, quar ? McHugh aay.. Mtlary for twan |A handed down oner. The man '^?jnaa, a flra knaaa city, and long-term prla prlaonera ware uttk)a*??urtous colna h* -placed a wat jjjytfrtlie suspected men In the hope mt eatehlng them In ;W counterfeit for quartar dollar*, and the other fori l-??nt pfecea. A ttfcall -platter <Jf pari* furnace uadd tpr heaUag the metal waa dug float, under the call Thta furnaos was instructed to re tire a receptacle (our Inches square Charcoal vm omA fw |??t Hidden in the fcoda of the prisoners were round eight 50-ceat, two 25-cent end ;wo 6 -cent pieces. . , . < The *ppmran?4 the furnace ihowftd It had beeo. to operation but t abort wlille. It U the opinion of Inspector McH ujth ilhat the men did aot bars a cl^ca Jj|j?ut any of their :o?ns In circstntto^. ' Jayne and Vail n-eri simply follrakfll out the course * Mm'r tort' tint W. all???d ttai loac-Mw men. and, ttf other. on th? Fourth at (Uly. ,U wa? tor. this Utter holiday that Jpyne tod V?ll wars preoarlnx. , Whpn the carnlyal to bald coacaa ?iona are- granted to the tons (arm Baa. and they h??e itanda op. which are rprlpn*. aalolea. lor. aale. For twenty rear* the carnlrala hare been IB eatabJUhed cuatom and Invariably aMaf their celebration counterfeit coins kna been loud aismg the priaonera. BMn.prlaon oBrJala. w?t> patronised ' the atnada, wMt*. same uav nue ?icun?. , * +? ? r THREK IUCRL8 AT TIB CflBM TONIGHT. That the. Gem U the old standby for Washington -theater goert wm again proven last night by the food steed crowds that kept the theater filled all evening. The Gem never has to here ?ay special attraction other than pic tures to draw a crowd. The amuse ment loving public* hare long ago learned this house to be the place (or good pictures. The public- aa a whole are looking for this class of amuse? ment which not only entertains, but elevates the minds and morals of the people. Tonight another Biogrsph. Betrayed by a Handprint, will be shown. This means another fine pic ture. The King's Command, a his torical anecdote, by Michael Caret, acted by Mme. M. Oaumont, of the Varltles and other stars of the. Barab Bernhardt theater. This picture la hand colored and rarely doe# one see a historical comedy. The Might ol Waters, a beautiful scenic picture of English- manufacture, one 9f a verj few of this make ever . received in America. An Over Zealous Servant comedy, and The prtn?e and th* Beg gar, a beautiful colored r drama, com plete as fine a show as the Oem hsi had in many a znodir. - v : "" Washington VVln. From Aarorm la Hotly Contested and Well Flayed Game VwtortU/. In one of the prettiest games of ^be mmod the home team defeated Au rora yeeterday to the tune of 4 to 0. !The came throughout wm full of life and snappy plays, Washington mak ing three double blays. while Aurora pulled oft one. * i the feature* of the game were the double play a by Armatorng, Whltten sjtd Tayloe and one by Phillips and. Whltten. T. Wallaoe for Washington pitched a remarkabel game, while Hooker for Aurora was aleo there with the good's. These two teams play again today at S:80. 1 WASHINGTON. 6 0 1 t S 0 10 0 9. r. 4 0 2 4 0 0 4 l; 1 4 0*1 110 Walace. T 4 0 1 AB. R. H. PO. A. E 1 1 Totals.... S3 4 6 AURORA. AB. R. H. Thompson, R. 4 0 0 Hooker. E .... 4 0 0 Thompson, A. 4 0 2 'KXSSJ::: ! i Hooker, j. ... 4 0 0 ftrnm * o i Hooker, W. . . . ? 0 0 t i 0 ( 1 c 3 ( 0 1 1 ( 3 C 16 S Totals S3 0 5 17 8 5 8ttmmsry ? Struck out hy Wallace, 7; hT Hooker. ?. Earned runs, Washington l. Double plays, Wash ington S. Aurora 1. Stolen bases, Wallace. 8., l. Time of game. 1.10: Umpire; Mr. F. C. Kugler. Results Yesterday St. Louis 5. New York 4. Cincinnati 0. Brooklyn 10. Pittsburg lv Boetoa 4. (Called end Of sevaqth Inning, rain.) Chicago 0. Philadelphia 1. American LMfTSr. Washington Detroit 4. New York 4, 8t. LOuls 0. Philadelphia 4. Cleveland 6. Boston 7, Chicago 6. (Thirteen In nings. y American Tobacco Co. " '"S-Cl* | Raleigh, N. C-. June T-^t lo6V? now like all probability of m ?extra session of the Gfeneral Atefikbly to take action ?o relfeve the Nofth Caro lina refunding bond situation passed tbla afternoon and that when the la^ lot of bids are opened 'Friday tjtiere will "be ample bfds to take up alt fhe remainder of the lMue. The ' AaVrf can Tobacco Company It understood to have put In a million dollar bid today and tMs with, the bids to be opened Friday assures the sale, of all the bonds and the revocation by. tft'e Governor of the call for the General Assembly to convene June 14- The conference of the bankers of the State Is expected to morrow to complete the meeting of all the needs of the 8tate In the way of the ssle of the refunding bonds. State treasurer Lacy Issued the fol lowing statement this afternoon rela tive to the situation. "As a great many have inquired what I thought the legislature would i do If convened, I have concluded to ? make this public statement: "First. Let me say that I do not ' expect the legislature to come togeth ' er. North Carolinians can always be ' depended upon In a crisis, and I am i satisfied that on June 10, when 1 , open the bids, the b?nds will be all ? isold. I am especially proud of the ? fact that people w^h small means, as i well as the wealthy, are bidding. Er lery person who haB a single bond be A lot of Suits made of a good Linene. Special at $3.49, to go this week at only $2.98 /Genuine Ramie Linen VJ Coat Suits, white and colors, special at $7.50; to go a t $5.98 - neat grade of Reppe and attractive and smaft IT & * . - ttt i pecial lot of /White Lin l eofe Skirts, slightly soil rii vu- For this week's sale ^fthey-wrtUgo-M'; - ? y*)c. J.' ? :vV ?f!+ y:. \ rvA^^/.V^ l'- :Z '% '* ftjuili* . .Mi SCHOOL ELECTION MmHJT CUM Oa to giteM bbterb mw-No Oac IoJ?r*d. At Yeateevllle on Friday. June 3 an election was held to rote on a graded school to be run v)y specia tax. Charges of Irregularity were mad? sgslnst the registrar and threaU ol bodily harm made by some, sod foi s time It looked as if there might b * trouble of a serloua nature. 8bertff Rlcka was telephoned for but the disturbance was soon quelled and it was not necessary for him ic go. It is to be regretted that a dis turbance of thia character ehould oc cur at a school eelctlon when every one should be working in unison snd harmony. TOMGHT AT THE GAIETY THEATER. "j This program la the beet offering of this season. Our vaudeville bill changes tonight. Mile Tina and Baby Irene produce entirely new acts. Ev ery one Is talking about the high class work of this excellent vaudeville team. Mile. Tina Is undoubtedly one of the beet female quick change art-< ists on the stag* today, snd her songs and specialties are of the class that pleases her audience every time she appears. Baby Irene Is s marvel ? nothing less ,*111 .express it ? for she posseses a voice that Is simply' won derful In a child of her sge. She Is certainly a winning little soubrettq with her songs and dances and we predicts a great future for her. The picture program for tonight embraces some of the best offerings ever made In the city. 'The Twb Brothers" Is a subject undoubtedly? one of the most pretentious ever un dertaken. It tells the ttory of two brother* in the 8panish Dominion? * one a noble, upright fellow, while the other Is a profligate. The disrepu table boy, however. Is reclslmed by the love of a little Spanish girl. The production was made st 8an Juan Csplstrano, California. ''The Pillag ers," an Arab encampment, and "The Bully," drama, are also the best of their kind. Don't forget, the vaude I ville changes tonight. Come early bo 'you can get a good seat. INVITATION. * The News is in receipt of the fol lowing invitation: Mr. and Mrs Lewis Jiolmea Swindell fnrtte you to be present at the marriage of their daughter Pearle Corlnne to Mr. Herbert Meredith 8tllier on Wednesday morning the twenty of June .Ataeteaa huadred and lan i * ? '?! o'clock . Methodist Bptfeopal Church South * ?*am garter, N. C. ?' - - - |comlng ftrff Hbe lst'of July should tal^e advantage of tbta opportunity and exchange It tor a 4 0-year. -non> taxable bond. 1 cannot exchange prjrately, but blda can be made and the bonds enclosed In lieu of the 2 per cent certified check, and I will accept those bonds as cash. "Now, If the legislature should have to come together, It will author ise me to borrow enough to pay' for what bonds are not subscribed for, and also allow me tp sell them pri vately. There Is no probability that the rate of interest will be Increased, and those who lose the opportunity to put In a bid on the 10th will not be able to do so at any future time. In my judgement, the man who waits to purchase a North Carolina & per cent bond will never own a bond, although he may live to be art old as Methu selah, and the suggestion that the State Issue a 6 per cent bond is ab surd. North Carolina can now bor row all the money she needs at less than 5 per cent, but the legislature would have to authorize It. Even If It were p^slnble to have new plates made In time to deliver the bonds on July l It is abBurd to thing the legis lature would issue a 5 per cent bond when the 4 per cent bond will bf above par as soon as the depressior In the bond marlcet is relieved. B. R. LACY. """?"*** "State Treasurer.' HISTORY DF BONOS drr^' J. I ? ?= an authoritative affair ?* This VoIum Will Be Placed is Um Handt of Kr?7 Oovftte o< a Htat* la the I'mkfm, la J^veryWaU library ud la B my lapLJk Pabllc Library. Raleigh, N. C., Jy? 6. ? In view of the continued "misrepresentation of the 7 nhlfud* of ,the' 8Ut* of North Carol} fla toward jtne reconstruction bonds, repudiated by the State at fraudulent, the North Carolina .His torical Commission will publish at an . early date, a complete documen tary history of all the transaotlons of the state of North Carolina relative to the issuance and sale of bonds. This will be one of the moat valu able public documents ever Issued by the 8tste. It will contain ever/ bill introduced Into the General As sembly, every law passed by the as sembly, every report of the commit tees of the assembly, every message of the Oovernora, and all tfce finan cial tranaactlons of the treaaury de partment, relating to bonds, and ev ery other document that can be found that will throw light on the State's attitude toward her obligations. In short; the volume will be a complete history of the bond issue of the State as shown In original documents. These documents will be Collected And edited by a thoroughly competent editor. There will be such explana tory notes as will make all the doc uments plain even to the reader un initiated In financial affairs, and In Introduction giving in succint form a plain, unvarnished history of the 8tate'a bond issues. A copy of this volume will be plac ed in the bands of every Governor of a State 16 the Union, In every State library and in every Important public library. It will thus nuke available In convenient form, for any person who Is Intereated, or may be ?late res ted 4# the bonda of the Bute, complete arfd authoritative informa tion on the Wlbject, and will be the State' a answet* 'to such diBingenoua land misleading statements as that re cently Issued by the committee for the holders of special tax bonda of [North Carolina. and addressed to the secretary of the atock list of the New York atock exchange. The State Historical Commits ion hopes to have Che volume out some time la Up early tcil. The commu nion belier* that thU publication ariii sba a "plainly that north OarsHe* did not violate i he duty aa a member of the1 Union and defy the Constitu tion of the United 8tatee, as Mr. Car lisle and his associates would have the country 'believe. In repudiating the apeclal tax bonds ; and will make It evident that Instead. as the above committee ssys, of making "piteous appeals to the local authorities of the creditor states to- refrain from tak ing Judgment* on the special tax bonds donated to them and thereby bringing sbout a settlement for the benefit of their citizens." the Bute might with perfect safety Invite ths Issue. At the same time In Justice to the other States North Carolina wishes them to understand thorough ly the character of the bonds which the committee of the bondholders are seeking to Impoee upon them and this explanation, completely and plainly, this proposed publication of the State Historical Commission will give. DR. *N|> MRS. RODMAN KNTER TA1.V Dr. snd Mrs. John C. Hodman en tertained the O. F A. H. Bridge Club in/ormally st the Country Club house last night. The guests departed from this city In the splendidly equipped gasboat Pluto owned by Dr. Rodman. All report a pleasant trip down the river. On the return trip a stop was . made at the country club in Wash' Ington Park, where refreshment! were served. Dr. and Mrs. Rodman are among Washington's most popu ( lar hosts and their reputation as such was sustained last night. I Those present were Mr. and Mrs ( N. S. Fulford. Mr. and Mrs. W. C ( Rodman, Miss Annie Plummer Nlch olson, Miss Fannie Satchwell and Mr David Hill. Jr. OFF1CKRS AXn EXECUTIVE COM MITT UK TO MEET. There will be a meeting of the offl cera and executive committee of the Woman's Betterment Association thl? jafternoon at 5:30 o'clock, at the resi dence of Mr*. D. M. Carter, on Bridge street, a full attendance is desired. ? ? # MOVED INTO NEW RESIDENCE. Mr. Chas. M. Little. Jr.. has moved Into his new residence on Harvey street and Mrs. E. S. Simmons and family are occupying the residence formerly occupied by Mr. Little on East Main street. ? NEW AWERTfSEMENTS. ? Gem Theater. ? Gaiety Theater. ? J: K. WOyt? ?Upl>errf. ? '3as. X-'lark {jo. ? Special 8ale. j.*t W. Creole * Co. ? FrUlc Jar?. * ? H yodel. -t v -* j . m ' ;->> i

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