J . Bond Hiw.nr be called popi}-, tar InrnatmenU. u Uej cannot ftp ima, in North Carolina except by! I?pnlar vote. \ * 'her try ?ny deadlock buelaen* In Ar%jnn ?k,D Buffalo Bill mm for the senate, why Bill <?n pnll Ml tlx-?Koct?t .and Hick the lock. o(f. ?fte urantlM ot 61 pnrdona In f-trr la a fairly food '"'#'nrtlnj for ?, ?.;1v*rvor. That la the Mt ord of Oovarno'r B1 tmn it Booth r.-nilw. Ha wlil ifmbrfpj do bet fh ** Wr.omec rrnnriUmn'. to !t liobaon can come from under the bed, Japan It not coming after us. SUp x. aside Is one of the best! steps that Sheehan has ev?r taken. ~"Mr. Taft haa become one of our] moat frequent explainers. Likewise, friends, a light frame of iplnd Is often followed bj a heavy A little peeping Is a dangerous thing unless you know where you ore peeping: ? Pe careful about dropping thought leua remarks you might bare to pick tip a qnsrrel. LaFollette has taken a big con tract as the InaQrgant candidate for the prealdentlal nomination. Conalderlng that corcumstaaces alter cases, the lawyera should nev, er become victims of cfrcumstancea. A man who wJHv deliberately vio late the prohibition tew will also vio late the prohibition law trill also vio late any other law ft if gets In his wsy. If there la "honor among thieves"] It haa never been demonstrated -in j tha South Carolina dispensary graft caset. 1 The dive-keeper ia one of tbe beat argumenta of the prohibltloniata. them. There will be a fair fruit crop this year If can get It MMfeHj by the fill! moon in April. Mark that. * ' V Maybe Hobaon la busy writing a pong about the braVe soldiers who marched to the bank* of the Rio Grande. -v i S If we hsve reciprocity with Csna ds, why n^t with Mexico? and if with Mexico, why not with other, countries. 1* u? Democratic Voters 01 tbe ' Having been requested by ?ti| or tlw b*.t DtmacrUi of ikla cttjr ? bocom. a rtndfd.te tor th* oltlo* of mayor. I hereby make my u* support. If Dominated sad elected, will lerve all the people to the boat bt or ability. .* 3126c DR. E. M. BROWN. For Alderman. Fourth Ward ^ Feeling that I cannot roalat the regueat of m y friends! announce toy candidacy for ono of the forthcom ing Board of Aldetmeato bo selected by the primary soon to bo called, for Fourth Ward. Tble step la not takon of my own volition, for I do ao against my iffll, yet. when the time comee that 1 cannot respond to the people's call ? I mean by thla not only the citizens of the Fourth Ward bat the entire city of Washington, I cease from that time to bo a raw-abiding citizen. If nominated and elected I Respectfully. W. J. HARDISON. North Carolina, Beaufort County, Superior Court, May Term 1911. C. C. Daniels vs Flossie May Daniels The defendant above named wllf take notice that an action entitled as above has be?n commenced In the Superior Court of Beaufort county to secure an Absolute divorce from the defendant. Thevsald defendant will further take notice that ahe la required to appear at the next term of the SuperKH Court of Beaufort county to be held on the 10th Mon day after the first Monday in March, it being May 15, 1911, at' the court house of said county in Washington, K. C.. and anawer or demur to. the complaint in aald action, or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief asked. This March 9th, 1911. GEO. A. PAUL, Clerk Superior Court. On Saturday. March 25th, llfll, at 12 o'clock, M. I will offer for sale, at public auction* In the town of Vance boro. N. C., to the hlghett bidder all the stock of goofcs. wares, mer chandise, atore fixtures, etc. former ly belonging to the Vaneeboro Sup ply Company. This stock of goods will Inventory 91,800.00. Ono 36 H. P. boiler and one 26 H. P. Atlas En gine, one Lummus System Gin Out fit. 2-00 Saw Gins, Steam Prose, Wa gon Scales, Pulleys and Belts, one town lot, 260 feet- front and fronting 250 feet on navigable stream, ala> the standing t5mber on 407 bcres of rfofid. This timber will be sold for periods of 9 and tears, also sdver al notes secured br real estatd mort jgsge, Amounting to $2000.00, If Interested wrlto ^>4 i. B. HARVEY, Receiver. * J 8-22-c K Vaaceboro. M. C. lagttm, county offtomJort, aula of ?vtfrth Carolina or. H. Short betat ut-nt tb.r.o ,1,4 in char* (froreoJ, upon wh*m procaaa ?? be aar.ed), *- , ??*??? ??*&?? r*u??*anta ot chapter It. rotjafl o[ IMS, tlUed "Corporetlona," preliminary U th, laaulal ot HI. mrtlflcato ot ?? ?olutioa : . 'ftBito&ia - . . Now, therefore. 1. J. Bryan Ortaaa aecretary ot >tu> ot tbe'tho atate at North Carotin*, do hereby certify that-the aaid corporation *14. on tha I Oth 4ay of January ytl, Ola In aty oBco a 4uly execnto4 and att<au4 coneent In wrltln* to tha djaaolutlon of aaM corporation, aioentod tor all the atockholdera thereof. . which aald Dawton Dowse, Riley Bdwarda TWa the nth day of February. J?n. ' r. T. PHILLIPS. Mortgagee. By Small, MncLean ft McMnllan. attorney!. ^ ??* * Witt oa ?w j at day ot thl, an you h.ra u. part** ?*. . the let of April. you will ftp adrer t l?ed In the piper. Boat uk tor f ur ther Indulgence. ? I podtlr.lycao pferf iV-N *?# "??? SOtlCB or KLMOCWa , !*oUt? I* hereby Ilm tkat it a| neM meeting of the Board of Alder ma* bald oa March 1Mb, Mil,- aa ?taction for Ua city of Washington *a? ordored to ba bald la Ua rarlout warda ot said city of WaablagtOa on; tka *ad day of May. nil, for th? pnrpooe ot voting tor a mayor and el*ht aldermaa. aa provldad tor In ?W" M?. Biacliaa Law of North j Carolina. Act* of th*?eaeral A?aem-| bly, Rarlaal of 1*01. NOe. t and *, a* amended by public Lava 1H7 and IMP. At tka aame meeting tka fol lowlnf recletrace and poll bolder* war* appointed and tka several fol l?|? I "' Ptret Ward? ft. B Handy., -v'J 8econd Ward? D. r. Slmmoae. ;Wlol Ward? J. *. HIS.' ~ L Fourth fat ?irm*i Mm ?? * r Tt* Mlldir. : ? jnm Ward? K ?. Mi(?k*U, T.'A ? ? >>8 i*"'- 'V-'1 /J Second Ward- ? T. J. Harding. J no. piwi k " 'fi ' Third ward? R/J. Manlw, Cfc*H mm**: rikto wki?? l. a: Dim, A- Mayo. ?1rat Ward ? Cbauncey'a Stablaa. Second .Ward? City Hall. TWrd Ward ? Winfleld's stable.. Vowth Ward ? Byfvester Bdward'aj 8?re. Tkla iiat day of March J til. *- a wmnutT. ' KLSi: 2S2L thousand fly. thereafter. Thla March aitt. Ifll. OF DRAINAGE ' Tka __ Uke lotkt that a immmona a bora anfUlad action waa aj.m.t all defendant on "the nth day of Pebraarr, t?117 for th. iu* of two thousand ltl,IUI dollar., due by d.fendaat to the plalfftf for dana?ee fiowln* oat of breach of iwvatMAt f.. i -n M -.l-l.v contract *or mtticv rvDuaroQ, wdicd aald lunmou U nWUMt at a tarn of th? Superior Court to bp held for aald county oa tha llth Moa day attar the Pint Moaday In March, 1*11, to- wit: the 21nd day of Ha g, Ull. The defendant WU1 alio taka not Ire that a warrant of atuchm.nl -aa Inued by tha <M of tha Bu perlor eoart of Beaufort county oa tha 14th day of February, 1111, a*kwt the property at , aat,' which warrant la rat (or. tha paPerlor Court of Baaafortl eadnty at th. time and Mac. above) am til ad tar the return o( thai TMa a. 1M day ol amo. a. Paul, Clark Superior Court, Beaufort Co, m it < , T&a ?>\ BoblliM th* troops I Ut? ?W| P*l' Tf# : i . IT. ' TAX NOTICE! r ,n L^'r"J5r <"? l*nd. heralnafter described '?. "to*.***#**. WIU be Bold at the courthouse door In Mt^^Taalilngton. N. <3.. to the hl(l>eet bidder at public au tlta trd day of April. 1?1?, (or taxes tor the I thereon, unlw paid before date of sale: v I 7?? 11.40 S4* c- JlUl?oo?. M lot NicholaonrHle Clara FoaUr Batate, l-l lot. No. (1, u. N. T... t"?" I' ,?^T ' 1-1 tot, BrownrUI* John P. Harris, 1-1 lot. Browaville ??J; W. ? Mra.' J?- T ?<**? 1-* "oi, NO. HT. V. N. T-. ltia-il.T?;... ?.7? A. W Styron, 1-2 lot No. <4 B. O. P. . ? . : (.TlJ&i. i' 34 J J Feoner B. Satterthwalte, 8-4, No. 44. M N. T. .. 14 10 <: S 5' I'tot. Brownrllle, Bal. due 1 1 lfcfs i*t ?? ZWV- 1 f* mo-n.. 5- SS'WW. 1-* ">t No. 21. H. T. 1?0?-10 B. H. Whitley, l-? lot. No. II, ltt?-u a *--*<*** l-? tot. ff .... .. .. A. J- Brows, 1-2 101, U. N. T Jno. E. Brown. 1-t lot. PaU .7..... Jao. Brown 1-4 lot. Foote Branch, 1 lot, V. N. T. 5S5L . . BrMsaa. 1-4 IcANo. 17. V, T.. 1-4 lot Sp*rrow bram BUngo. 1-4 lot, Fmte J 0.00 17.tl m ?.S? s s.?? 1J.?J .3.5# I1? IM IS. 70* & Clarence Blanco Henry Bryant's iffo.,1-4 lot. Pate U.1S sngo H lot No. 18. V. N. T. ?.?? Dfs Batato. 1-1 lot No. 4 2. E. T. ........ 10.40 1-1 tot JO. P. T jo. iHoyt OliirVHBfH HHPPWVIVf Pansy Clark's Batata 1-2 lot Cherry Alfred Conway. ?-4 lot Wlswall Oao. W. *d warts, part lot No 00, V " Robt.Foye, 1-4 lot, Bryan John Oorham. 1-4 lot, P. T. Adeline Grady, 1-J lot, Rosetta . . Cltts. 8. Howard. 1-4 1U V. N. T > ? ? ? ??? HWVipPPIMliC] T V " | ? ? 23i 4.4* no w. 1. Heritasd, l-l tot No. ss, R. T. ?&. S.I0 A. W. Jonoa. 1,4 lots OT 8.80 Blliabeth /ones' Estate 1-4 lot, Bosetta 2.20 Bd. Latham, 1-1 acre, realdence 10.10 Harry Mackey, 1-t lot Blount S.?o W. F.*MjWtte Pt. 71 V. N. T.. Pt ??, V.1 N. T , 1-4 No. t* V. mV.' 4 12.54 afc5.*a?sa4#t ?s usala Parkins, .1-4 lot M. N. T 4.40 HI HI ? Wmsbi ? i NICHOLSON I - Atton^THMjur *wcik!e in AD Court Nicholson Hotel ] .'. A D. ?hcL?. SMALL, MACLEAN & f McMULLAN T ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW * W. D. GRIMES | attosney-at-lav. "" '? ffaiMcM f jlfa. c? ? ... RODMAN & RODMAN AttorncyMt'Law -i. Wyhiimon, N. c. # ? ? ? ? : *** ?. Att?rM7^|?ir ? HBHlBww Business Cards =i *'* \p ????????? : - ? washikotos. ?. C. ? ?????? ? ?'? ?????. i'V.-.-V I i U I 1 1 1 I n ? I h?Te Jut Ban in? I ? TINNKSSEE COTTON 8EBD ? *?; n ? rxww i ??T ?? '.*??*? ' ? ? v. v. rmiAips ? -?NEW Onion Sets AND Garden Seed ANY VARIETY rnoNn to, '4' _ j i

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